i'; r : . 4 3 . it ;j r 1 4 4 It: H i t : : vcnlag-Hewi Poblighlaf Co. ASHKVIILB, K. 0. EASTERN OFTICB JII Httfc A no. (Brunswick Bids.) Boon N York. Charla A. Mn. Mf. subscription rates. AahrrUle ud Bllunowt Om. Wee... ....... .....i..... Jf Three MonltM... ' Ml Month - Twelt Month. I!Y MAIU E ADVANCE: -hrr Month ...... ..... Month TweJt Month 00 " rk AasocUtio o Am.ea I In .itii.ri Lm umattH orli ml Is cn J, d atcvLboa ol trot pJctio "liw rul NfMI l sock nuailKit a tw al tK Hem York oica ol th Amiai. No del ivra el dmlxiaa fiuruami. 28 4 iecnurf Xntfi mt tb Potofflc In Asheville M Moond-chus matter. ... ..... .............. ill 1 I I 4 4 I 1 1 I '. I i" The GaarUe-Xew U a mtm- her of Tb Associated Pre. Iu lelecraphlo hi U there- for compute Bud reliable. ,t .t ..... .t..t . 1 111 I I 4 I 4 1 1 I 11 1 1 .14 Monday, August 9, 1909. A M'KH II I IHI MIC. TUT. There llpprRrcd In the last ! Collier's un editorial whh h r iM rus.il1 with minghd Int. -rent unit j..-ii.ur-. ! Tile same hba has struck i.s .r forcibly lit linns, but f hue not SUCCCCd"d 111 MMItll! it "II So happily, alhnugh we tun.- made the it ; 1 m i I . The editorial Is In the form nf .1 sug gistlon, if curst ri i i tf ull s ub ' milled, to prrshh lit Ta!l "President Tuft l about In up. nd ill weeks at llcwih, Mass. I ti ll pleasant stneoast town is noun-thin? kM Ihnn to miles (rum th snuthtrn boundary i( , w Hampshire. Two nt three hours ot unr.fci:it'li: ,iut"iii"'tiil rllit imiM tiirrv t ti rrml'l'nt t.i I'l.rlKmouiti. tu M.iiii l.i uti't. N;inhiui. nr iiii ii! tl. At iiii thi j-- pi.t. .ft. liirliK St. ml i . tlnTi' Hill l :.ir. or iitli. r iniiili'- ru nt nt lui ii i .-. . -J.I. Kulliir Wc tlh tli.it i. in- i.i tlu lli-r of ih.'nc iiri wiiiil'l n rmiiiili-thi- rrml'li'M t" t.i th. ir K'i. n nn on tluit iiiiiitiiiufi m t .iHi'in i ih IIm" I'rifiliU nt miKlit iIiIimt th: Inh. V- Rill' im;I tin i. lili.l point of it, tin- l'ri uli nt hi.i :r rmilHl It Ix-Kililillif :ilnl Jin i-i;.I ilh thw nit i vir !-.iiih nl a i-. in.Hn lv t'hnrnilntt iiiTmninhtv li!i-M nmk' (r!i n In of n.r i-r.m.l tli.it In- mi dr. Mil. "'I mil uritiitm tli.it tin I i.tii"' r.it j-' purl)' In Nm lliii!tiin ulionlil if tri'liKth.iii'il. 'I'lilltUal thiol"!! in thin St,iti-. In I'l'lilmv h .iiu.i. ami m nthei i.i rtli.rn f l.lti hmr i nl'tliiuiil III ii ll u w.is a at tliiu tu . m tu tiiiiti- tin linn hli'h Hi-ri' mn.li' nt tin' nun ..( thf r, but rM-n th.-w lin-n urt- rni I'lly ill.i.MiirlliK ami ll l Hh- ilnt of all of u, with n-"il tu ihilinl wrtlj)iilili, lit uw mil tlmar lllli- ii fur a wr i an ami t kt mi lur n HP niair lluil In i-ai Ii Male IIm- IuIit-aili-r of oiIiiIihi ulinll ifiiitlniin tin I i I tlH-m alinll lir rrMiialil' wrilf on Iditll ll., ImaMM It la laoilllnl In liar a ftiaal ottitliill In liatr a kimhI tiiM Tnniriil.' " '1M In a BikiiI fin-n il. Th. . ti!i menta rr (n.uml. Wi'h N'. ll,un. alilr. ' aulntliuti it In pI.u r of N"..nti Carolina,' ami 'lrniH tiCn ' in I'.. -ImiIiIIihii,' nml tli ii'lilitlnii nf nliic orila to main-, tin,. tr.4ii.tfltl"ti t l. ur . llil la rtai III I lie aaliH- aMia h u, In-wil4-m Tall iMItoni! at linrlolic. N. i, on I hi' tHrntl.-lli iliv nt May. Thai aM-rrh. rutn.rtiiiii tlic n.nith tn )... I a iinifnrmlv li.m.x ralir. Ju.tly at Irai Ird wlilo iitt. ntinn Thin ui".. Illi'.iui it- h, urwltik' N ll.niip. ahlrr. Wrmont. Mulno. I'mi l aula ati'l arlniia otln r tin! tin rn Stati t ln b aa hl'li-Uninil In th'ir l!i ini!lraii. ..lam, wniilil atliitil run mnr- ittt.-n-tlnn. Jimtlic tn the a.. nth r'-iulriK thai It 1- tli'lliprnl In il.ior would a KiiHr.nl." of tin- n. I faith of vhnl Mr. Tift l..i. ml. I tn tin aonth. rurtliatiahti it"iu. too far I. no nmr to he .1. ...t, .1 in Ninth Car olina than In Nw Hamiwhlrr." While no fault mti l-i- found ltli Ihla aiKKratlon It la iin ikily that It will ai'lnl ui.on. Hhmil.l tin. I'ria lilfnl do o. hmr,r, M wixil.l .a ln Irrratlni to nlaa rvr hta Ma. I i Man... Kor rvtmiilr, mmM ho t.ll the s.h1 pooia ,f rtr llalnpaluni that thir. ahnuhl t fimnd In that ami othii Now Kiiatntid Hiatca a "r.nii-i tiii." minority? Ilia care on that - nrraalon In Iho rhnlin o( worda would v thr rrmlilrntlal annmlar-mont of thr g,n ral worth of li tat putty In tho aouth rrn Htalra. A I.Mtl UVI. (t;itlMi. Manlfmil), thero la to l,a no do an- ward rovUlon In (lovornmont f Iponaea, The Now York World ilnoa not tom- plain, but II think It la a Moral con roa which lirovhloa tt.eO aulnmo. blloa for ta tirralilln oHwk Tha Ihr World thua Inloraatlncly atatoa raae: "A Vlra-Prmidont In a motor car I do doubt In kwpln with tho ro. quiramonla of ofhrial uto undor a lion dollar lovrrnmrnL Hut hi bll- wlll Danvllia think of T-nti Jo: in a li cyllndor llmou.lnoT "Only Vratrrrlav It.. ooakor waa doorantlni on the pl.a. uroa i in. annul in and tha ura of tho almnU In. n.i lhaill thrill nf a rooatrr'a crow in tha o. tf th nwtniii. it am lnotr a wroni'li of the irpr!ctloa to aoo thai apoallo of old-fa.-Oiionrd atutoamanahip travrlMni: about In a luxurious car like any plu tocrat At thl rale the aptaker 60- crnt undirwoar will aoon lve; way to ailk, with pink pajamaa in Jue courae. "Time wa. and hot long apo, whon a Mini rarriatt1 and lr auRlced for ihr nrraldontial office. Fut the moo orn demands of luxury In ofllclal life ar fnl alterinit tho atandwrd or ..conomy In efflclnl life. Every municipal dfpnrtmcnt hd now haa hta biar motor 'r and Weshlnton I merely falling In line. In tlmw ah'tri chief rlerkf beln to clnlm atitomohllea aa a prorequlalle of .irtlee there may be eclal iralna lor the hlKher otth Jali'. -Hut why be ca'.rtloua? An addi tional duty on n few hundred thmi- an.l oalrf of ir'lvea or atm-klnita would pay for both car". The trntt 1 V i with the iniiltlpllcation of aitch miliar extraMiUMnvos to a point where the re.iilr.il uddltlnnal ppnlirlatlim iiitike n acrlotia draft on icoycrmiient ineonif." OirM'MIS AM HfcVOl.VKHS. (n.r morning cnntempnrarv , d pnr- Ine the tracrdy at illnrk Mountain, Ins the opinion that: "The State of North Carolina, us It should, pun- lnhea the carrying of concealed weap ons by the public at larue, but lh" freed.-m with which Ullage policemen nml deputy sheriffs employ their 'shnntiiiK irmis' calls iiloiid for their llsarmam.'iit." We are not an certain that the pn ..ral (lls.irinainent of village onVera would make for pea. e. i.r best con serve the public Interests. e do Hot hold brn-f for lite Ulack .Mount.'iln ittln r; contrariwise we fear that he ,c ted with poor Judgmeiil. if we may sn with propriety while the i ase Is in tin- limits. Nevertheless, we are persuaded that lh. re are two sides to this, as well as most iuesti..iis. We l..li.e Ii Is more Import. mt for the Mb ers In Milages to tiao means of nror.-itii; their .mthonty. than in the l irK'-r ient-i' ol population hat W.Cild be the result, fur example. If the fait became iiimciMilly known Ilia! tin- "th' i is ill the smaller towns ire unarmed, and any number "f n.ii, latg- or small, should start what is usually termed. In street parlance, i rough house ' Nut only wmihl the me or two "111. els, but the entire pop il.itlon of these sni ilb r towns be ren leri d help'., a.-, and Iim s would be In jeopardy. ml, niter all is said. it must be borne in mind that it Is the seller, il public that luu-t roeiNe tirst isi.b i .itlon. Hen it) stn;-!!. dr .lis, where it ,s Ulld. t stoo.l 111 n of- lU. IS all- .itm.'d, trouble Will bleak ,'Ut "in ill aw bib ; so it Is tmt ditlb ult lo ImaKine what w.odd happen in tlo M'lll it should be announced tli.it. In the future, tb" 1... al ..Me ets would be le lpbss, It Is certain that such lm(is wouli! bee '.v is lt ! -a. Manilci-tlv , (lie ul sale iiiul pra. ti ble lo'.irse is to see to It that only men of known k . 1 liiilginent arc olnttilssioti. d as "Mb els. The III' ; , t... !il:, ,.f t 1, e Uo e i.Ti. l.t.i! i. tl,,,t ma. !, Mountain ef t..il s. ems. Nun- " it siiou!, Ii.se liuppem .1. In it.- !. !;. aspt . t. it i to e ,. pi,,,'. ,. Tariff bills uiiu i om.' and go. !mt tin '1 haw i use runs on foreir. GOVERNMENT SIDE (Continued from page 1) ti. ne,;.. r i.: the . bun h in 1 .!i ami . r. i.in of the board ol deacons; I thai III- total In. b btedll. s ol tb, l.,l. h III 1'.'4 ami 1VI-, Has between i ml J in. i. mi; that this Inib bt-1 .leiss mi h Id b lh. 1 1, lioiniidon lluibliiiit and l.o.m ussm Sat um. Mrs. I'op" of lialtunore. nnd what ,r.' iiii-wn n tin lilckersuii and I'urcfny tiot.s Me tetiii.,i about the :;,. linn tu t-s Mliich were ml Issued and wt,i. li w.r. brousbt Into the trial last wi.-k. Sitii; that at one lline the b ir. Ii d.-sired to lump lis In.h btcii tuM. and had a deal mi fin, I ,, Issue !.'' foul In notes; the .1, i did n- t nm-t-riiln. ,nd the notes Were not is s n i. I mi. was n.,t iToss-examin-. .1 I ut liter was r.'calb .l and asked by tin det.-nse of it was not true that .ickers.,nj endorsement was on all Ibis churih p. r. Witness replied "V.- " -I ii! Ins c. Martin una called rein the to tho hurh Indebledni'iui, He tes- ni. ii a ii to the mites and other In dcbi, dm as and in gllng IMekerson a be. k t'r Mrs. limnett In I: also paid off note to lllekerson for 12n in ll. that as three or four years sfter bank failed. Wllnru testified thi 1 total nmaunl paid tn lllekerson Mas Sotuelhlng over f'0110, J. i. Merrlmoii teslinrd that Iu ret r . nt"d Mrs. pone In her suit ngutnst the llaptist church for some thing over ooo and got Judgment. Ir. . W. I'urefoy was recalleil and ssked If he had ashed firmest on a certain ISOfiO note of the church. The defense objected and Mr. Ilolton stat ing to the court be Just wished to ho that th protest was not waived with Ir. Puri-foys consent withdrew lh question. Mr. Ilolton tendered the witness to the defens hut defense did not want lir. I'urefoy a It wit. nrss. fission Hinder whs callsd. lis la an eld man and lived in the Ilceater section of lh county In ll7 and prior thereto: waa In business for 11 rears prior tn failure nf bank tinder firm name of Penland a Hinder' wit. nesa didn't hav any money In th hiisineaa; slgnsd note for W. II. Pen land; held a 11500 note of Penland' hsd about 1100 worth of other hu. ly; didn't owe bank an)1hln; didn't owe remand ary'funit: signed note as an accommodation to Miss pen land. Wltnea waa s.Vrd ir h..i ever told Preeae that he eould nut pay more than ftot on a note; witness saw in never had. It hst ... In ildenea lfore that Kreea had written letter to thl effect ; After theae wltneaae -ha leen called with the defenae objectine; to all tho traUmony relative to the nrat Ifctptiat church Indebtedneim Plstrlct Attorney Helton aald thai before cloa ln the case he deatred to offer the record of ded of trual and then to call for a question or two several wit nesses who were not then In court. The witnesses were ent for nnd In the meantime the record Wns Intro duced show-Ins; deeds of trtit nnd mortaRKes placed on ' property of Pen land, IMekerson and Ailiimn. Mr. llol ton Mild that ho put the record In for the purpose of ahowInK that they .ut the mortK"Kes on Ihelr property; that thov drew money out of the bunk and to show their Insolvency. !N A GENERAL FIGHT ll Plata Yung's Condition Such That Alleged Assailant Is not Alliwed Bsil. I'lato Young, it young white man. Is lying at his home In llcnverdum tow n ship In u somen hat serious condition In in the cfiects of a row about 1 i, clock Sunday morning "t Newbridge, while Monroe llensb-v is In the county jail, and is held without bond ulilll there is a change for the better in the condition of Mr. Young. Saturday night n plcnb. nnd Ice en- ni supper was given near New bridge, and it Is iillegt-d that follow ing the supper smile of -th" young men got druiia and engaged in a row. ll n iiM.i;ed that Young was knocked down by a man named Edwards, and that Monroe llcnsley f.-ll upon Mm and ba.ll batter, d up Ymit.g's f ice with a stone. Warrants were sworn out for Ed wards and Hi nslcy, nnd y. st.-r.l.iy (bout no. in l.- uty Sh" rifTs Williams till Mitchell, while looking lor them, sin. d tin- n.eti on a street ar n.-ar (Iraie. The ofneers only recu-'iil.. .1 th. m as tlu .irrlM d nt '. r . t . . and alter liiuli'ii: that the dnputb Sv. re .itt.r lie in b"th jumiied Iroin tin car and ran. Il.nsby was captured Ic the deputies but Kdwanls succeeded In .s aliil".'. Ib-tisby was br-'liKhl t-i Ash"Uilc, and upon the np"tt frmn Young's home that he was worse, was ld.ic.-d in I'd without ! inu' allowed belli!, to att a It dc b nil 'li t s. oiing was r.p-.rtcd s"iti'what bit ter today. IN GREECE'S BEHALF Air.Han Ambassador et Cnrstanti nple Very Active in Cretan Affairs. Vi.'im.i. Aug "J -'I'b" A usi I Ian an b... l-b-r at t ',,!.? !.t !. t i !! pb 1. loin- Iv I " 1 . lilt ", to ).!' '. . lit I be I (.1 ,i 1 I . I . . ! r ' 1 1 !' ... Ic m; ni,.i . a, at.- pha T.'ie lil.'i. ;.C, . Iim.. lit .'1pp. ..1-1 to ll.i,' , r. ' tin g I "III.-, ., o! A:.-- tn,, and th- litter has : n t ru.-ted her ai"l-a" ...lor at 'on-'a nt . t'.".. to r. p t. at I . the p..t to that un action tin. at. mug di.-turbani e of th" pi a.-.-v. ill result iu alienating the s nipa Hue of tin- four protecting powers CAPT. W. H. KELLY DEAD Popular Southern ItailMay Conductor Sin climb-, to siroke of Apoplexy. dpt. W. H. K.lly. f.,r many jears in the . tnpl y ol tin- Southern r.nl w.iv nml on. of Hi. best known and most popular olidu- tots on the ss- tem. died cst.rda iiioining abnut 1 o i ... k It, .ni a stroke of apopb xv. The nevs nf Ciipt. K. ll s death will come us a shock to hosts ..! 1 1 lends In west ern North Carolina. While he had be.ii iu ruling hialth for sonic nun he was on duly Friday and was not seriously III until shortly bclore death nsued Capt K.lly had the run out the Murphy way; he was affable to patrons of the road; ever courteous ml obliging He was a member ol s.-Mriil fraternal orders and was about T, ears of age. SurvhniK are a widow nml two laughters, the daughters being Mrs. I.. Winsbiw Htul .Mrs .1. i;. Halliii ;! of old Port. DEALS IN DIRT. lee.ls nf Transfer Tiled for Iteclst ra ti m In Heebder' Office. Tb following deed of eonvevune. with the consideration named have been filed for registration In the Of llce of Rt ulster of lice Is Mackey: J. II. l-'rady to John M Jenkins r. u. acres In Limestone township; consid ers! Ion mi. tl. II. Kohcrison to John M .1,.,.. kins, I acres In Limestone tounalili.- cnnslderntton IHO. I.. I. Hicks to Irene IlleV. .1. tracks of land In l.imraionn i,....i.,.. consideration 10 and other valuable consldrratlona. J. W. Itoone to Clnra 1 . rt.. i iaa acres on He Tree, const, b ration 1100. Mftvenwnu In Arrka. Nalvaahn, Ilrltlsh Kast Afrb-. a... f .Col. Thendora ll Kermlt. accompanied hv Kdmumt if ..i' ler. io-ologlst of the Itooaevelt expedl Hon; E. 4. Cunningham. British Held nauiraiisi. and iall A. Tarlton of Nairobi, today left here for Xmh-i . (nvernment station In th tiorthwoat oi n.enia province. For Sale Second hand harness and buir- Sie. uig targami s for cash. ASUI.VILLE IIARNES3 CO. SPOT GASH FOR CHESTNUT LUMBER We will nnv SPOT CASH for 44 and 6-4 CIJESTNUT Lurulcr. Auyono having same fnr Rnlo now or in the future apply in jiorson or l7 letter to vr.,i:.,.,l foolfn "Vimnnnv. fJoora 5, 'Electrical Building, Asheville, North Carolina. rrcwldriit .-t;olllng. Iteverly, Mass.. Aug. 9. President Tuft, following out the fixed routine of his Mieatb'n dne. went enrlv tills morning to the folk links of the Es sex County tilth nnd plnyid It holes with W. J. Ib.ardmiin of 'Washington Tobacco ('nlitlHia The report shows the toluic. o condi tion S3 I iigalnM Si. 8 a year nsn and a ten M-jir av. rat.- f H2.J. The condi tion on August 1 In Important tobacco states was. Kentucky ; ..nil Caro lina 7.'.; Virginia 76. T"i n. .-' e ... ( ihio 91. Wisconsin 77. C. tiu lvnnla v:i, Connecticut '.", South Cimliiia (..). I.o. led sluili in Hotiwe of Coiiimons. Westminster C.-iz.tte. The prod- essor of the d' pi --d shah of Persia, w p made n stat- visit to Kiicl ind in InTS. hnd n cm bma ex perience In th- distlngtiish. .1 strnttg- ers' gallery of the house r-f commons. lie noon g-. tuid of v, i',', ng our I, gls'iilors at v. ;k. but. wl en he made a move to l-o be WHS t"l I h" Collhl t-.ot b'i" M,.- cillery. It bipp-ncil hi tin, I n.niii. nt H ut a division was call ed, an I in ;u , "I'dnnco with the pr.in- w !,' h lb. u i.ri'vaiu-ii ail tn" uonrs ,f tie- !,o'i-. wi re lock ! until the i,,e n.is t .i., ii. Mr. flin.i.-t no made in inten stini: comment on the inci dent. "If is." In wrote In hi" journal, "prola.l.lv. .r possibly, th. titst time for no r - than '" years tb.-t a foreign soM-r.-li.-n Ims l . cn under personal re straint of any kind In Enb-.ul." Hlltmore Klrgwood. rhone 700. rtltmor Flrarooft. Phc n t It Wilf Pay You to Live! Our Policy that Insures n man's In romn and Insurance. Ibcikbt about It may be had for the asking. Tin: i-iiuarrv. un L mih INSl llAXCK CO.. I'hlladelphla. J. T. ERWIN, Agent, Ofllce III KliH'trlcnl nullillii?, opposlt Post o fllce. 1 DISEASE . in nine cae jout of ten arises from o!! fiisliioiii'd plunil,iii";: fixtures. I instill! t lie "St;unl ; aril" plumbing fixtures known the world over as the best They'll keep your home sarii j tary and your family healthy ; Prices reasonable. A. F. Felthaus, 37 South Main. Phono in. SUMMER OXFORDS AND ; FALL SUITS At tlt-eply cut iiii-es. Save nj lullar on ijootl stylish oxfords. Save t ifS.OH 'mi Full Suits 0. E. Stoner Co. 18 South .Main SU THE COAL COMPANY ON THE SQUARE, NO. 14, and get prices on five tons JeUico from Jelhco, Tenn., Red Ash and other grades. Southern Coal! Co. A ? Please! Aro you tliiiikinc of build- ing or buyinjr a liomeT If you aro we can give you valuable assistance. It will cost V0U Wtbinrr to i,, ... ' taiic witn ns about it. Asheville! Real Estate Co.' Phone 114 VIC. IV- 1 "aiTZ SPECTACLE5.& EYEGLASSES Tlie newest,-' latest aiul Lest in' the invisible Bifocal Lenses. C'onio in and soe llicm. CHAS. H. E0NESS, OITOM ETIUST, SI Pattim Ave. 0x. lHrntoflh-c. TESTIMONIAL FROM A ' WOMAN. ; I had a pain In my back in the re gion of my kidneys, could not Bleep, and food 1 oat fiuve me no, strength, and I felt ull run-down. I took a .course of treatments from C. II. Miller. M. T. P., tho first treat men was convincing, the dyspeptic symptoms and the pain in my back have disappeared, In fact 1 am feeling line. A fair trial of Ills treatment will convince any one of the virtue for good that Is In it. Name withheld by re iiiet. t an be seen at my olliee, 14 X. Spruce street. CI..U WIS II. MII.l.KH, 51. T. 1. Our Whooping Cough Syrup, Diarrhoea Mixture, Neuralgia Specific, Rheumatism Remedy, Poison Oak Lotion are boons to sufferers. The Carolina Pharmacy Cor. Market and College Sti, Phone 82. The Double Store Keeps a general line of nier cliiintlisc, such ns Shoes, Hats, Overalls, Notions, etc. ,.so an up to tlate line of (iroerries. . . OK GROCERY CO. S62-364 Depot Street. Phone 672. fall Suits and Mrts on display at the $on Marche Almost every day we receive ship ments of new goods in our readyto wear Department. Our Mr. Weinber ger has returned from the east and states that he has purchased the most attractive fall stock of ready-to-wear garments ever shown in this city. We extend a cordial invitation to all of our patrons to come in some day this week and view the latest arrivals. the summer will find it to their advantage to see these goods and compare them with the ones they have seen in other cities. Asheville has the reputation, whether merited or not, of being high priced, that is, charging more for goods, than other cities. We wish to disprove this . allegation and we feel sure that if you price our garments you will find them much more reasonable than you had any idea they were. Fall Suits are priced at $20.00 on up to $55.00 asuit. The new skirts are marked at $5.50 on up to $12.50. Hardly a day passes that we Ho not receive large ship ments of new goods. Silks, Dress Goods and Neckwear are arriving in the choicest of collections. You must stop In some time and see them. " " '' ' Very Special prices on M 'Summer goods " Statement' at the Close of ';., -V..f'.;rar'.-. , RESOURCES: " Loans.. I. .. .." 1 .$1,168,172.88 Real Estate, Furniture & . . Fixture,,". .. .. ... . 13310.09 Cash la Banks & Vaults, . , 655,015.27 $5,157,298.24 T. S. MORRIS ON, Chairman. . W. B. WILLIAMSON, Cashier GENERAL BANKING, TEUST AND ' ; i :"' ' V SAVINGS BUSINESS. North Carolina's Oldest. Trust Company and Strongest Bank MMHMHIIMMMMmMHHIIimMMHIimmilH The American Capital $300,000, ' , The Largest Bank in The Only Bank in Asheville under U. S. Supervision. J ACCOUNTS DNVITED, JOHN a C-UlTER. rrcsldent. C. 3. UAKIUS; A lce-Proddcnt. flMMMMIMIMtJMHIMMMMIMMMIMHlUm Tennis Brown Phone 29. NEW DELICATESSEN ; You can save from 25 to 30 per cent by buying your Boiled 1 f am, Chipped Beef, Ox. Tongue, Bologna Saus age and Breakfast Bacon from me and having it sliced fresh by my new Sterling Automatic Slicer. The only one in Asheville.' M. HYAMS, Grocer COR. NORTH MAIN STREET and MERRIFON AVE PHONE NO. 49. SACRIFICE SALE On nefrlgcrators nnd Ice Cream Freezers. 20 per cent, oft regular prices. Now is your chance to get a big b.'trgain. DONALD & DONALD, 11 South Main. Phono 411 mi mm mm panv Business June 23rd,- 1909. ABILITIES: Capital Stock ....... $ 600,000.00 Undivided Profits.. .. ... 213,705.43 DeptNlU.'.'.'..';'!'.. . 4,313,592.81 $5,157,298.21 : National Bank i Deposits, $1,000,000 Western North Carolina. LARGE AND SMALL. HENRY REDWOOD, Vlce-Prea. Z R. M. FITZPATRICK, Cuslilcr. Z Supplies Book Co. Jnt Opp. PoatofBca on Patton Ave. LOGAN MERCHANT TAILOR, UN. Pack Si. Phone 797, Asheville. Visitors here for Os tb Square. rimn lit, '