O OCIAL HAPPENINGS 0- Personal Mention. News of the Societies. Meetings, Etc. At Tlie Balsam. Tlie Primrose Path." A great deal of Interest center In the new play. -"The Primrose Path," a two act comedy. The play Is to be given for the benefit ot the Confeder ate choir, and will be put on at the Auditorium on or about August 20. It will bo a great night for stag thes ter parties, as the play has an all-glr! c:uit, Including about SO Of the attrac tive and talented girls of the city. It will lo preceded by a brilliant and musically bewitching chorus of young ladles In'messallne evening dresses. The Primrose Path" Is a romantic comedy, mediaeval In motive, setting and costuming. Rehearsals are going splendidly, ' Among those In the cast are Misses Kathleen and Margaret i Ware, Miss Mary Thayer, Miss Kate Nichols, Miss Rebecca Cushman, Miss Frances Hartsell, Miss Arney Robin son, Miss ' Marguerite Canaday, Miss Hortense Jones, Miss Elisabeth Mur phy, Miss Marion Gherkin, Miss Isa bel Haxzard, little Misses Cuthbert Du- four and Martha Chambers, Lulu and Elsie Alexander, Mrs. Robert Stevens and others. C. T. Carr has charge of the chorus work. ' The Younger Set's Clay Whirl. The younger set are going to be the center of the gay whirl this week. There are a number of charming out of town guests, and varied entertain ments are planned for them by their hostesses and friends. The gayety will begin , with Miss Byrd Henderson's tea this afternoon for Miss Overman and Mis Holt. To morrow Miss Lulu Moore will enter tain with a luncheon for Miss Annie Barnard and Miss Lois Broyles. Wed nesday the Misses Hastings give a card party and Mrs. Thomas S. Rol-lir.-i will entertain with a luncheon for the guests of her sister the Misses Rollins, Miss Wood, Miss Lane and Miss Holt Thursday Mrs. R. J. Tlghe will give Phi Mu luncheon in honor of the house guests of Misses Badle and Myr tle Rollins, and Miss Dorothy Long will entertain with a card party for her visiting friend. Miss Marx of Lou isiana. A number of smaller card mrtles, and Informal outings, for the tors are planned, imilcatln busy social week. An Improptu Musical. There was an Impromptu neighbor hood musical Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. Theodore F. Davidson, on Liberty street. Miss Annie Lee McNfell of Florence S. C, a gifted young violinist, who U the guit of Miss Arney Robinson, wat heard for the first time In Ashevllle Miss McNeil has brilliancy of tech nique, and depth of tone, and playr with a feeling and expression unusual in so young a musician. Miss Kate Nichols accompanied Miss McNeil There will be an Informal dance at Victoria Inn this evening. The dances I :t the Inn are popular among the younger set; the Italian orchestra fur nishing delightful dance music. Wed nesday evening there will be a mid week Herman at the Manor. The ger man Is always a fascinating dance. ind several new figures as well as many of the beautiful old ones will he carried out by the leatters on Wednesday night. CVN- Mrs. Julian Woodcock gave a bridge party Friday afternoon, In honor of Mrs. John Woodcock of Muskogee, Okta. Mrs. Oraham Webb won the first prise, a brass Jardiniere, and Mrs. r . I. Hunt the consolation prize, a brass candlestick. The guest price, a brass Jardiniere, was presented to Mrs. Woodcock. There were four tables. 1 Ruffner Campbell and Cedrlc Rob Inson will leave tomorrow for Ban ner's Klk. Taking the train to Black Mountain they, will walk from there about 120 miles, via- Mount Mitchell, Spruce Pino, Lin vllle river, and Grand father mountain. They expect to make the trip and arrive at Banner's Elk within a week. : . Mrs. Hardin Burnley will give a re cital Thursday at the Battery Park hotel at 8:30 p. m. Tomorrow Mrs Brumley will give a recital at Toxa- way Inn, Lake Toxaway. Miss Dorothy Long will entertain with a card party Thursday afternoon in honor of her guest, . Mlsa Helen Marx of Lake Charles, La, Miss Byrd Henderson entertained with an Informal tea this afternoon In honor of her house guests, Miss Overman and Miss Holt. Misses 'Olive and Virginia Hastlngt will entertain Wednesday afternoon with a card party at their home or Magnolia street Mrs. L. B. McBrayer and children have returned from Blue Mont, wherr they have spent the past six weeks at their cottage, "Camp-O-Brayer, Mrs. B. J. Roth, who has spent the past ten weeks In Ashevllle visiting mends and relatives, leave today foi New Tork. , Miss Gladys Lindsey returned yes terday from Old Fort where she har been visiting friends for a few weeks H. v. Bhook of Washington. D. C. I Is spending hi vacation In Ashevillr and Clyde. - Hon. James J. Brltt, attorney for the postofflce department at Washing ton, Is at his home In Ashevllle for the balance of the month. ... !' -;', a H. Hardwlck, passenger traffic manager, and J. H. Wood, district pas senger agent of the Southern Railway compauy, left this morning for a day's outing at Lake Toxaway. .... - Mrs. Grace Gudger Rica and Miss Grace Fanning will leave Wednesday for New York and other eastern points, to purchase the fall line of millinery for the Webb Millinery company. . .;, ' a. ''''' .': ' D.( Q. Devenlsh left today for a business ' trip to New York, to be gone several weeks. Mr.' and Mrs. Oscar James Camp bell of wautauga sereet spent the week end at Lake Toxaway, Mlsa Byrd Henderson will leave In about a fortnight for a visit In South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. James Mortimer, jr., returned from Nantahala Saturday t Dr. Louise Merrimon left yesterday for ten days stay In New York. Miss Dorothy O'Brien and Miss Frances Dufour have returned from a stay at Buabce hall, Busboe, when they were the guests of Mrs. C. W, Piatt. Kenneth H. Gr lever of London, Eng land, Mr. and Mrs. Miller Hammett 6f Tulsa, Okla., and J. H. Lyons of Mobile are among the recent arrivals at the Battery Park hotel. 'T Mr. and Mrs. Wiggins of Albany, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. Gelger of Waycross, On., and Mrs. James Tate of Moun itfiu Island, N. C, are the guests of Mrs. Brewster Phillips, on Chestnut street. - Mrs. Vardln Burnley will leave on Friday for Newport, where she has engagements for the remainder of the season. Jack Shnpe has gone to Atlanta where he has accepted a position with an electric company. Correspondence of The Gaxette-News. Balsam, Aug. 7. Arrivals at The Balsam: .- J. H. Hutchinson, Sanford, IFIa.; Mrs. Allen Shoen, Miss Sarah Shoen, Edmond Shoen, Atlanta; Miss Campbell Gray, Deland, Fla.; D. L. Whittle, Knoxvllle: Miss C. M. Thur mon, Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland, J. T. Hattemer, Mrs. J. A. Whlttington. South Carolina; T. N. Lake and wife. Mrs. Albert Afeel. W. T. Watt, Hollo way Smith and wife, Waco, Tex.; Mrs. Devenlsh, Miss Devenlsh, Ashevllle; Miss R. Leith, Birmingham; Miss Lll- lie E. Jackson, " Mrs. M. Jackson, Greensboro; B. W. Jones, Jr., Lake City, 8. C; Arthur L. Jones, Ashe- 111; J. M. Ragsdale, Columbia. Subject ol Dr. 6iebeletn,s Last Bible Study Addreii Saturday Morning. RERGHING OF JUDE Dr. Clay L. Dean of this city and Dr. E. E. Riihardson of Knoxvllle were entertained yesterday at the Coxe at Knoxvllle, said to be the finest nuim in east xviiuensrv, Miss Annie Barnard, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Barnard, on Chestnut street, will return to Baltimore Wednesday. Miss Barnard Is taking the course for nurses at the Johns Hopkins hospital, Mrs, Steinhammer of Atlanta has irrlved In the city and la visiting her mother, Mrs. George Scott, on Hay wood street - Miss Maud Q, Dunham has returned from a visit of two months spent with friends and relatives In different cities In New Yor and Pennsylvania. H. S. Burrows Bpent Sunday at Lake Toxaway Misses Annie and Clara Bernecker spent the week-end at Toxaway Inn Lake Toxaway. Finishing his series ot Bible, studies at the Y. M. C. A. Saturday morning with an exposition of the book of Jude Rev. Dr. Gaebolcln held hut lost ser ies yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock This was an evangelistic meeting. Judge, said Dr. Gaebelcln, was writ ten about 60 A. D., as were nearly all the second of the Pauline epistles That yearaecms to have marked a de- tiaA A nn.lnn In t Vta .nlltvH Th apostles were fast passing away, and! they left these warnings against the apostacy of the last days, a striking thing In the Introduction, as In other of the "second epistles," Is the divine multiplication. "Mercy, peace, love, be multiplied unto you." This was needful in a declining church. Another theory la Jude's statement that when he "gave all diligence to write of the common salvation," the Holy Spirit diverted his pen to exhort against apostacy. This Is a notable Illustra tion of verbal Inspiration. He also exhorted to earnest con tending for "the faith once for all de livered to the saints." "When peoplo ask me what church I belong to 1 say. "All Saints' church and my creed is the whole Bible." Judo goea back and reviews the progress of apostacy In the past. He does not take things In chronological order but the order of apostacy as It progresses. First going Into Egypt, worldllness; second, angels who fell. being disobedient In refusing to keep their own estate; third, Sodom and Gomorrah, Immorality; fourth, speak ing evil of dignities going over to utter lawlessness. This Is the order ot all apostacy; departure from the faith, worldllness, immorality, law lessness. : . , The false teachers ot the apostate times then as now were "sensual." (vs. II) or rather "soulical" or "soul- Ish," I. e.p not -spiritual. They are not born again.".. God forbid that I should make a preacher of my boy. We have enough of man-made preach ers," said the speaker. "They are swayed by every wind of doctrine. They are caught In the drift of the times. They are clouds without water. They are wandering stars to whom Is reserved tho blackness of darkness. It remained for the modern telescope to reveal the stars that break away from the solar system and go out Into the blackness of space. "They go In the way of Cain they preach a bloodless gospel; they run greedily after the error of Balaam anything tor money; they perish In the gainsaying of core rebellion n gainst God Himself. Enoch is Introduced Into the book in a parenthesis because he lived In a time of apostacy similar to ours and Jude'i day. Ho testified of Christ coming to Judge a wicked world, and that Is the testimony for today. "Jude closes with exhortations about service, and the service Is large ly that of saving others from the apos tacy, "others save, pulling them out of fire such errors as millennial dawn. Christian Science and the like, The Lord Jesus Christ is at the door of Loadlcea, knocking to get in, ind we can afford to stand whcrevei He does." r The comforting thing that Christ Is able to keep Hia children even In the midst of apostacy. "Unto Him that Is able to keep you from stumbling." FATALLY BURNED MAN FLEES THROUGH STREETS Screaming In HI Agony, ami Fnlllug at Hospital Door, Where He Soon Dies. Cincinnati, Aug. 9. A man half- clothed, with his flesh burned to crisp In places, and screnmlng with pain .when he ran through tho streets, aroused the neighborhood following tenement house fire here early today He fell, unconscious, at the door o the city hospital, and died soon after wards. Women and children were rescued from the house by poller and firemen who carried many down ladders. The Reliable Ice Cream Freezer Freeser of H E CREAM ICES and PUDDINGS The fiuveta, Waynesvllle. Correspondence of The Gasette-News. Waynesvllle, iAug. 9. Recent ar rivals at the Suyeta hotel Include J. M. Ragsdale, Florence, 8. C; J. C. Ilambrick, Kansas City; Miss Ella Hambrlck, Mrs. B. C. Cevatt, DeLand. Fla.; K. P. Rose and two sons, Valdos- ta, Ga.; Mr. Mock, Baltimore; D. A. Denmark and wife, Valdoata, Ga.; John Threadglll and wife, Oklahoma City. There was a musical given In the parlors Saturday night by some of the young ladies, which was greatly en- loyed by all the guests. A dance will be - given Thursday night by the management to the Wests, which promises to be a very enjoyable affair. Iced watermelon will be served on the lawn after the hop. The Suyeta, Waynesvllle'! new hotel. Is enjoying quite a successful season under the personal management-of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Newbegtn. The following was Sunday's dinner menu: Sandwiches a la Portugalse Cream of Salmon Bullion en Tasae Timblcs of Kidneys Demi Glace. Florentine a la Claret Orange Ice Stuffed Young Chicken and Jelly Roast Ribs of Prime Beef Spring Lamb Caprre Hauc Iced Claret. Green Corn on Cob New Potatoes a la Cream Summer Snuash Mashed Potatoes New Blood Beets. Lemon Mrrangue Pie .Chocolate Custard Pistachio lee Cream -North Carolina Watermelon Nuts and Raisins. Uced Tea Cocoa Milk Butter Milk Cafe Nolr Sunday, August I, 1909. VISITOR LISTEN t Have your Umbrella and Parasol re covered while In Ashevllle. Sewed on fxactly like the factory does It All colon and sixes In Twill Silk, Taffetas 311k and Linen, Silk and Wool and combinations of color silk end linen, Prices from 40c to M 00. 1. M. HEAItN CO., Battery Park Place. Phone 441 I CZj" In Perfect Order. ( Br ICco Them In Our Patton Ave. Window. ) ' " ARTHUR M. FIELD CO. 8 Patton Ave and Church 51 IT IS THE CLEANEST . IT IS THE QUICKEST IT IS THE CHEAPEST IT IS THE MOST SANITAKY ' IT IS THE MOST COMPACT IT IS NEAT IN APPEARANCE IT IS SMALL IN SIZE IT IS NOT A TOY IT CAN BK OPERATED BY A CHILD IT IS ABSOLUTELY A SATISFACTORY ICE CREAM FREEZER 2 qt. size only, $1.00 J. H. Law, 35 Patton Ave. m niEii TO TIIEI1ED BIRDS trip Grinder Shut the Toxawayi Out Hendenonvilla Again Miuls thg Ltaders. CGw;;nGiTiu5 REPORTED AS FAVORABLE T Standing of Clubs. , Won. Lost. P.C. Waynesvllle . .14 7 .667 Ilendersonvillo. 12 10 .545 Ashevllle. . . 10 12 .465 Canton .. . . 8 IS .148 y .t ,t . .t ....... T. . t .... 1 t t . t l"l I I I I i l l1. 4 4 4 4 The Pulp Grinders from Canton took the last (tame of the week's se ries from the Red Birds here Satur day, and not only that but they shut the locals : out whitewashed 'em. The gnme was w 'I played with Ashe- llle tailing after the sixth Inning when Canton made one run. Canton made a couple more runs In the ninth and the tea me ended 3 to 0 in favor of the visitors. Lemon pitched for anton and gave up but one hit dur- ng the entire game. Stafford In the box for Ashevllle worked well but al lowed eight hits while three errors lie hind him were chalked up. The score by innings: Canton .. .. ..000 001 1022 8 0 Ashevllle... . .000 000 000 0 1 I Batteries: Lemon and Phillips Stafford and Setfert. llendmonvUle 1, Wayneftvllle 0. The Hendersonvlile Planets made another grab for the league pennant at Hendersonvlile Saturday afternoon when they again defeated "Dusty' Sherrlll's top-notchers by a score of to 0. Both Wood for Henderson vlile and Clarke for Waynesvllle pitched great ball, the score board showing four hits off each; Waynes vllle made three errors and Hender sonvlile one. Paul Cameron Collins, tho cashier of tho Bank of Hillsboro, who was shot at tho Hotel Gladstone at Black Mountain Saturday morning at the me John Hill Bunting of Wilmington received his death wound, was. re ported this afternoon as resting well, with strong hope of recovery. Mr. Collins was shot through und through nd his favorable, condition Is some thing of a puxxle to attending physi cians. Necessarily It was thought from the co.irse from the entrance of the; bullet to. Its passage out of the man's body, a portion of the lung must have been struck, but the condi tion of Mr. Collins does not so" Indicate anil It 'i now believed that unless com plications set In, such as pneumonU of blood poisoning, the patient will shortly be safely on the road to re cover'. The shooting of Mr. Collins and Mr. Bunting by Township Constablo Watklns and the Incidents connected therewith and the prominence of the ictims has created much comment and aroused Interest throughout the state and especially In eastern North Carolina. A number of Mr. Collins' relatives Including former Adjutant General Bennehan Cameron have come to Ashevllle, white many other relatives and friends have kept the wires hot with messages concerning Mr. Collins condition. We can supply help for the follow ing positions. We secure the refer ences. No publicity. No cost to em ployers: Bookkeepers, stenographers, shipping clerks, cooks, maids, labor ers, etc., etc. Acme. Employment Co., Phono 100. Ofllcr-, 20 llccd Building BILTMORE SHOPS, D. B. Lipe, Prop. General Blacksmith, Practical Horse shoeing, Buggy and Carriage Painting a specialty. All work guaranteed Blltniore, N. C. Plione 1088 r MODISTE. MME. LESLIE GRAGO, 101 Hajrwowl St Ladles' Tailoring. 'Trousseaus and Evening Gowns a specialty. Shopping don free. Beat ot references. Class In dress making. REAL OLD, OLD JEWELRY Careful IIij?h Orado Collection at Victor Stern's Antique Shop, 6 North Pack Square. REMEMBER WE DO Manicuring, Halrdresslng, Chirop ody, Farlal Massage, Shampooing. Hair Dyeing, and give seslp treatment. MISS CRUISE. luywood st. J, E. Carpenter Jeweler 32 Patton Avenue Fine watch repairing a specialty. For Sale $1,000 less than valuo, nine roo lulionso on Ben nett street. LaBart3,Moa!3&Cbl!8$, REAL ESTATE and IN SURANCE, 27 Patton Avenue. WOMAN'S EXCHANGE Tea and Grill Room. Hours, 8 a, m to 7 p. m. mHtMMtMMMIMMMMHMMMMIHIIIimiMt Toilet Soap We have something extra nice in Buttermilk Soap, X Violet scented, 3 cakes in a box. ' r ' 25 CENTS BOX. YATES & McGUIRE, . t 23 Haywood SK Phone 221, 970. Try our VIENNA CHEAD 19 South llaia St. Phone 183 FOR QUICK SALE. $1800 wUl bay, UUs week only, rerjr attractive country home, eight acres, nice six room cottage; One wa ter; convenient to car. - For Rent Unfurnished 11 room house, five minutes' walk from Square. Desirable locality, ftiO.OO. 7 room new house on Moutford car line, $35.00. II. F. GRAIIT REALTY GO. 48 PATTON AVENUE. PHONE 479. x V Don't Forget Our Reduction on Low Shoes. Small sizes of odd lota of black and tan oxfords priced at one- third off; white canvas ties -one-third off. Many regular lines at summer clearing The best timo to get prices. them is now. Blltmore Firewood. Phone TOO. BUtmore Firewood, phone TOO. Nichols Shoe Co. Cash Shoeists. On the Sq. Developing and Printing We keep an expert who does our Prlntlng nnd Developing. lie gets just a little more out of the fllm than other so-called "experts" who are to bo found In every town of any slxe, All we ask Is a trial order. Just leave us ONE VI LM and If you are not satlsllcd we will not ask for any more of your business. , HACKNEY 6 MO ALE CO. ON THE SQUARE. C 3 System ASHEV1LLE LAUNDRY In a first class laundry is abso lutely necessary. There's sys tem down to the smallest detail in tho "Oldest, Biggest, Busiest, Pc it J. A. NICHOLS, Manager, v 1 KANTLEEK FOUNTAIN SYRINGES. We can supply these In one, two, three and four quart sixes. Freshness In stock Is a very Important consideration, a .id as we buy direct from the factory and only In salable quantities purchasers may rest assured of getting strictly fresh goods. Remember all Kantleek Rub ber Goods are guaranteed for two years. "Everything In DRUGS." GRANT'S PHARMACY. Agency for Wood'i Seedi. NOTICE SO days' notice la hereby given to anyone holding pawn ticket to the number of 11,200 against the Ashe vllle Pawn and Loan office, that all unredeemed pledgee accumulated dur ing the past 13 months will be put on sale at public auction, which begins Saturday, August 14. 1001, until all unredeemed pledges are sold. THE ASHEVILLE PAWN AND LOAN OFFICE, II. Tj. Flnkelsteln, Prop., 23 South Main St. Natt Atkinson's Sons Company! Real Estate Dealers, 'finished. SPECIAL For a Short Time Only. The Willis Photo Co., II Patton ave nue, will make their regular f 8.00 per dosen photos at 11.00 per doxen. Oth er work In proportion. Amateur work Ashevllle Electric Co. Leave Square for Zllllcoa street at 6:00. I:1S. Return arrive at Bquare 6:15 tS0 Leave Square for Riverside :I0, 1:45 and every II mlnutea until 1:41 a. m. Then every TVs minutes until 11:00 p. m. Then every 10 minutes un til 11: to, last car. , Leave Square for Depot via Southslde avenue 1:00 a. m., and every II mlnutea until l:il p. m. Then every 7H minutes unUI 1:10. Then even It minutes until ll:t0 p. m., last car. " Leave Square for Charlotte street, running to Manor, 1:00, 1 11 141 ' T:00 and T:t0 and every II mlnutea until 1:00 a. m. Then to Golf club ev ery It minutes until 11:00 p. m. Cars leaving Square 11:10 end 11-41 p. m. for Manor. Car leaving Square T:00 a. m. runs through to aolf Club. Leave Square for Depot via French Rroad avenue 1:15. 1:10, T'OO and every II mlnutea until 1:00 p. m. Then every 10 minute until 11:10 last car. Leave Square for Blltmore 1:11 a. m. and every II minute until It'll p. m. Then every II minutes until 11:10, last ear. Leave Square for Patton avenue 1:00 a. m. and every II mlnutee unUI 11:41 p. m., last car. Leave Square for East etreet 1:00 a. m. and every II mlnutee until 11:41 p. m., last car. Leave Square for Grace, via Merrimon avenue 1:00 a. m. and every U minutes until 1:00 a. m. Then every It minute until 1:00 d. m. Then a. ery 10 minutes until 11:10, last car. SUNDAY SCHEDULE differs In the following particulars: Car leave for Depot both 8outhsld and French Broad I'll, I t ta. Car for depot via Bouthild T:00. T:I0. 1:00 a. m. Next regular es for Depot leave Square 1:41 both Southslde and French Broad. First car leave Square for Charlotte street at 1:41. First ear leaves Square for Riverside 1:11, next 1:41. " With the above exceptions, Sunday schedule commence at 100 a, m. and conUnue sam as week days. ;; tr i j e ,i On evening when entertainment are In progress at either Audltoroum or Opera House, the last trip on all Ilaes will be from entertainment. leav ing Square at regular time end holding over at Auditorium or Opera House. Car leave Square to meet No, II, night train, 19 mlnutea before ached, ule or announced arrival. WEAVERVILLE LINE. TAKE MERRIMON AVENUE CARS FROM PACK SQUARE Dally Except Humlay. LEAVE PACK SQUARE. A. M. 7:00 1:00 11:00 P.M. 1:00 1.00 1:00 T:00 LEAVE WEAVERVILLE A. M. 1:00 1:00 10:00 11:00 1:00 4:00 1:00 1:00 P. M. Humlay. LEAVE PACK OQUARE. A. M. 10:00 11:00 1:00 1:00 4:00 1:00 1:00 P. M. LBAVk; WEAVERVILLE A. M. 1:45 P. M. 10:45 11:45 1:45 1:45 4:41 1:41 1:41 For further parUoular Inquire at office. No. It American' Bank build. Ing. Telephone Tit. Excursion to Niagara Falls AND TO RONTO AUGUST 17th non 7C - pays V- J40 EVERYTHING Transportation, Pullman, All Meals Enroute. Lodging and Meals Cataract Hotel, Niagara On day In Cincinnati, one day In Cleveland, one riv in nir.i ,k day In Niagara t the famous Cataract Hotel, one day In Toronto Can Full particulars, tickets, reservations, etc., secured from !: K M''ARlAiIt' e"kn Hotel, Kperlal Agent, Telephone 10X. or O. E. BTONEIU II S. Mala Street, Plmne , A-lievllle. North Carolina THE NORMAL & COLLEGlATl: IfliTITUTE:f, C LS Under the care of the PresbrVjUn ehurch, offer to young women ex cellent opportunities for thorough eductitlon. A faculty of II trained teacher give facilities for thorouch Instruct' n In four course of study. Board nd tuition only till Per year.'" Tuition .inn. ,. j ,. , i only ll. For catalogue, eddree i.: v. v. t - s

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