!..,.' . i t.u. ho ahull HER LIFE TO Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Vienna, W. V. " I fwl that I owe the last ten years of mt life to l.rdt I k. mmnam i v fR I " . ... i -,J Ithe:fi6hter BT ALBERT PAYSON TERHUNE , Author of "Caleb Conover, Railroader," "Dr. "On Glory's Trail" etc ; Dale,' Copyright, 1909, by Albert Payson Tcrhune. You'r horrid!" declared the gin. 'i "As If any self-respecting fairy would , lump up with a noUe Ilk ten galling.; guns! 1 Oh, the silver l turning , gray. It's fog! The fog Steve Martin bald we'd have tonight. And Ife com- ; Ing down around us H be, like a Nla-, , gara of of " ' ' -' ', ', Of peo aoup,H supplemented Con-1, , over. "It's thick enough to cut An' i . ten mlnutea ago the sky waa perfectly,; ; clear. Beat get back to the camp, be- , , fore the measly stuff makes ua loae our , wav. Then we would be In a aweet ; CONTI.VCED. Klet'enSear. "aKo! , n,",',pd-" " ''"'."'- c.n..v.-r. was a walking ... . IIU iirti'i nnvn " hvii ... "n. ' ' He'd go I" a party And eat junt b hearty shadow. I had been under the doctor's carebntffotnorelief. I My husband per suaded me to try I.TfMaE. itnkbam't Vtg table Com pound nnd it worked like a charm. It re lieved all my pains and misery, 1 advise all suffering women to take I.ydin E. Jliikliam's Vegetable Compound." Mk. Kmm a Wu caton, Vienna, W. Va. Lydia K. I'inkhaia's Vegetable Com pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harm ful drucs. and to-day holds the record for the lanrest number of actual cures of female diaeasrsof any similar medi cine In the country, and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on (lie in the J "ink ham laboratory at I.vnn, Mass, from women who have been cured from almost every form of female complaints, inflammation, til feration, displacement, tibml.l tumors. Irregularities. periodic pains, Ixickacho, indinstion and nervous prostration. Every such suffering woman owes it to herself to clve Lydia K. I'inkham's Vegetable ( ompoimd a trial. If you would like sHt'inl ndvlre bout your case w rite u confiden tial letter to Mrs. Pink hum, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice lit free, tad always helpful. NOTirK. Slate of North ('iirullnu (.'minty of liuiic'imlic. In the 8upTlr Court Hi -fur.' tin- Clerk. W. CI. Mi Donell nml 10. K. Mi-Iiinvcll. rKvutom nf Hi.- lafl Kill ami tmta tnetlt mi. I riMllrll III. r. In, ..I ..u.ili L. Mi I mill, dreeiined. . Annie K. Mihovtill. Mart '. XI. Imwrll, Arthur i. M. Unwell. John II. M. I1..H. II. I i u. M. -Mary Mi I .m. II, Annie 1. M'lHincll; (iuv WVuer, cuar 1II1111 nf S.ir.ili Mi h II. .Mini.' Mr Imll nil. I M.icki.. ...k.I, n fiinlii mirt.-r llii aite "f - I . arn and leer.- M M, I...II Jr.. an. I II. 1. 11 II. M' l'ii II, ilill.lri 11 a I:. I li-lrum law i.f ll... re. M. M.lx.ueM, il--rr iio .l. II. r. ill. tin Mi I ll. CwrWn I:. Mi I ., ( , Sal.le lit Mi SlrlMiwrll. Willlani W. M'l'.'Wll, John A. W. M.ln.ll. and Marl. .11 1 1. I'. MilN.nrH Ni'TICK. John II. Mi l). v ell. ( harl.s E. Mi -Iirll. II. (iraham Milill. Sadie Ilelle MrtN)ell. William W. M. lx.w ell, John A. W. ' ( I .. ill, Mnrlmi I. T. Mrl'iinill 011. 1 Artliiir (i. M.-I ... .11 defendants eliM tiMio d, mil 1 1. Ii take niilloe that ,1 pr..i- Iiiik ntiili-.l aa aliote him I" n inmitiiti'd I. . f. .ti the clerk f tin- Sup.rt.M i .'iirf for Ihe coiintv nf Hun. iii;il..- In (Ii.- slaii of North 'ari.liti.-i (. Ih. jnii i. i.f n! prnvlni; In ..! mil ..rm and adiini I lim 0 proiMtte a iaM r tritinc inirpiiitlm: to de I he taM uill and . .Linn nl i.l li mil I. Mi'linKill. il.Ti.iHid. and tin eoillrll (Inn 1.1. and fi.r tin- i r of nfTirmine tin- .r....f ami .r..l..ii.- ui aaiil Kill h.-rli(. ire made in UiIk ruiirl In rummnn furm: and wild de fendants Will take tintlee that lln and eneh of them are ri-.-iir-.l to .e and KM-nr hefore the rli-rk nf said eolirt Ml hi office in the county cnurl house In raid rmuil on Tin . lav. the 17lh day of Aunot. A. !., I . nnd HHsnrr or demur M the petition tiled In Mild pr.M ei-dliii.-. And Miid 1I1 leiidiint" will furllier lake notlie that tin y are required o nppenr nt p.iid tinin : nd .;o-e. ntid then nnd tin re to content the .T.i.rili nnd proof of said will nnd codicil Iherclo if elllur of them uliall think proper in In do. and then and there ti nlm. ciium- if any tlo-v can li the pro). ate of raid "ill nil. I codicil thereto hiulil lo t he 1 . - X 1 111 1 lll ii and said nill and indlcll thiTitu proven and nilmltled to prohate in noli-mn form. M Al:TS KP.WIX, Clerk ftuperlor Court Huneomhe Co July SI. 110), Kpertal lUlra In lke Toiaway, X. C. Tor each Tuesday In the months of iyty and August round trip will br sold to Iake Toxaway and return at the fnllowlng rates: From Ashevllte and ttlllmore. , .. 1.0 rnint ftkylanfl J. HI From Arden , Kmm fletchera 1.71 Krom HlllKlrt and llalfour 1.70 tlood for one day only. J. It. WOOD. If District I'nasenger Agent As If he'd Uen- really Invited." "And the moral of Ihls Is Walt till people say 'Please have some before you dlu In. Where ore your manners, Caleb'.' Now, what are you looking at?" 'Say, Put you're pretty today!" re marked Conover, his glanre rovimt appraisliiKly over her trim Haute In Its rouuhlnif costume, nnd nt the tan ned, enifer little face, "as pretty's you can he." "I suppose everyone Is," laiifrhed relree. In eml.nrriiseiiient ; notini: Sirs. Ilawnrd'-n's nlr of pi-.-iniiiK noi line.- heard the bald pralKe. "iih, the beautiful gleen eaterplllnr Hint's come to our pnrtv! And a hole nrmj of nice hungry .- 11 ri 1 ? ! Theri-'ii a . -plder, too. In drive him IT, Jack! Don't Kill him. though. It'n bad lurk. l'or the spider ;iny- wa ." Avnnt. drend monster of Hie wll ernes: . 1 'claimed Jack; brushing tin offi-mb r awav. Dinner ami a long lazy afternoon, rmv of exploration about ihe pond's lire, a vlf.il to the Maud; n ramble ihrough tin- woo.li ami nightfall found the ramie rs eatlnt 11 llr.-llirlit Hupper with the rrn.is hunger of the uriaccii'-toin 'd outdoor sojourn r. Thin 11 nlii.it. vawti-puhi tunled ha. ir..uml tin- cumplire. ami the niKiial or bed. It U ..ne tiling for a man of (ties be 1I1 hghtfillly nl. . py 11 f ti t- his ri i"st long day In the woods It ix oulti- a Itffi n nt matter for him to l.o aide to fall iihIi i o 011 a mam -l.r.iiei loioi .l lieii of lialxaiii. Hliil. a culde niirr raii.-nnsi'ly m one side of him an. I on.! man tossi m in uneasy, mutter ing slumh-r on in other. Altei iinling up to om hiimlnd, and ke. l.lnt; talis on a II. 1. L ..r iu. hepp ii.h they leaped 111! eilllallv lllltll- ull (and hoping In morbid dis- KHst that son f thi III Mould fill and br.-ak their Imaginary neeksi. inner roM- iUi (ly, pull- d 011 such garmetila as lo- had n nioM d. uiooi d al."Ut till In- found his thn k water lroof ,-.,a ami stumble.! out Into ih. I" 11. He kicked tin- lire's smoulder ing logs into a blaze ami looked at his at. h It a barely nlnc-thirty II took out a i-igar and iirenaied in su low II be..i, the lulls all. I stool..- him. If eleepy again Tiien sh,. rani- lie wa.-. not surprised Kirn h. for. lie turned Ins hen. I or noticed the fall I her light f.'.-t on :he mold, he some- how knew she was "draw log mar lie liiokeil around t.i Nti.l l.o .-l..k.. 1...1.0..1 him li r hair was . iiii -i.i m. i.... .1, mil shimim r. d like 1 , ..... I. in lb.- w.uioir i.t, .,i ki... m i.ili r an. I u.iH.nu- vk.rt ..f the ft in. 1. 11 t : 1 t h. 1 i.i.-i. 1 1....1 11 hanged oi mh.i , asms. ' ' "' 'le. 11," .-he whlso. r..l lasplng Hie IiiiiiiIh he h Id out to b. r. all the lores! and the silences s. eoo-.l "lllng to 11,,.. iedin. Mrs llawar. bll Sleeps o SO ail, III, h til ... I felt you Wen out h. re. So 1 line, is It erv lat,.-" No." lie answered In the sum.' key not much mor n half past tune su lown lure and I II .i 1. 1 l... ... rap 'round you ought to ., n,l ,--, bill k. SO. Von Won't ruler. e,.l.l I s Snlnehow It's so ,-,...i ...... ght h.r.' b no This time tomor row tiiirbt I II be glad to r. meiol.er It." "Don't g. t nny wrap." she foiliade sir. t. hit, K out her hands to th- ,az. h- was ni'iiin stlrrlnu in,. 1.1., "i-... warm enough And 011d f,.n ....... nutliltiit and sw.-ar and that w,,ol,l w.ii.r mm. Iiod), Then I d ha bai-k to the stuff trni He. enrb-il up asleep ,,11 the far ! '.f the Pre. lifted hi- head: wak- n.'d by the slblllaiit whispering .See- on iMKine. m h.-tan to smite arm resoundingly with his tall. "'lush!" whispered the girl, raising "r nrger In warning- as the . olio.-. Iu'lo. golden ..y,. blinked more nnd more friendly greeting, d the Llisl.e tail Incr. nsoil the temp,, of its beats Mistaking her gesture, Hex r.... unh iiixv grnc.-, stret.hed himself, nti-l, fore nnd aft. A, SPECIAL Y. M. C. Membership For July and Au gust S2 for 2 mos. Entitles holder to use of every- .1 r w ... tuing in 1. 01, Kj. A. Join today and male oho o Swimming Tool and Shower Baths. - ; ' CHICHESTER S PILLS I W 4 f " ,. . .-I ,- .-"AO) 1 V" .l,IMi,,,4, r Siifi 11 1 Lin i -. t. : 1 - ' J ..VI..NUSJ and picked his way daintily across the cleared space to Desiree's fclde. He lay down ut her feet, thrusting hla cold nose gtTectlonutel) into the hol low of hi-r hand. "What a gorgeous night! murmur ed Desiree looking up at tho black star-slrewn sky, "And we were going to waste it In sleep! The woods are calling. The dryads and fauna want us to come to their enchanled dell nnd dance with them. Shall we? I'nilerstnndina: not a tithe of her words the man nevertheless caught Ihe flickering light of adventure In her eyes. I'm always game for anything you put a name to," he made nnswer, "I'm kind of heavy fur danein'. Hut If It'll he any sort of pleasure for you, I might have a try nt It." Hush!" she warned, "If you speak as loudlv at that von II be sun- to wake them. Isn't this fun?" she went on with n hnppv little laugh, "I feel n.s If we'd run away from school nnd were going to be scolded terribly hnrd when we get back. 1 dare vou oh. I lure you! I double. dare you!" "To what?" he demanded, infected by the sudden rush of mischief to her face nnd olcc. "I II do anything you say. Want me to haul out Steve Mar tin nn' Jack an' lick 'em for you, or act tire to the old lady's ti nt?" Neither, she decreed sternly: add ing with perverse wlstfiilness, Though II would be Interesting to see how Mrs. llnwHi'don's ulry dignity would sustain her In a blazing lent. No, no. What I was going to dan- you to do Is much less spectacular. Nothing more exciting than a walk." A walk?" echoed Conover. "Why. it's near ten o'clock, nn" cold as chnr Ity. Ib-sldes. It'll be all dark an' damp in the thick part of the woods.'' "lint I'm sure we'll run across 11 ring of falrlcB or a satyr, nt the very bast, till, tin- night is throbbing with magic! And the forests are calling. Shan't we answer the call'.'" "Sounds to me more like katydids," he demurred, 'bu. if you like, wo can lake a stroll. We'll be back in half an hour or so, an' that ought to hi early enough, mn for old Mrs. Pro priety in there," with 11 pod toward Mrs. Ilattanlen's tent. "but you'll want sunn- wrap, won't on'." "No. I'm warm as toast This sweater's so wudgy and soft; and It's aa thick as thick can lie. Conn along!" laughing excitedly under Hint breath, after the manner of s, liool hoys making safe escape to truancy. I the two stole away 011 tiptoe from tin radius of tire shine. Hex. waking again at Hn-ir departure, sighed as de votion dragged him Iroiii sb, p and wiiiinth; and trotted along solemnly In the wake ol the two truuntk. Itefore I hem lay a natural v ista winding between ranks of black trees Starlight liltrr.-d through, giving an uni-aiiiiy g-limm-r to Ihe still darkness "It is like drinking into fairyland!" gasped tb. girl, teii-e ami vibrant with Hie hushed w.u.dir of It all. ' vvr ur mortals. We have no riglil in i ibrr .mi iliiin-iiii. Hut In- si-is what verv vri-y nice, harmless mortals w. are. So h. doesn'1 ,hnlige us to bats of lirelhi s lie Just b is us trespass all we want lo. Ami .. rbnns he ll ,-vni ns see u real fairy. An ell', nn). I" K" the wagging Hlter- ct'lllc-fashion: WORSE EVEHY MR I'Untj of Ashe. Ille Header, Have Ute Kaiina Eiperlence. Uon't neglect an aching back. It will get worse every year. Ikaekache to reall kidnev eh. To cure the back vou must ,. Kiuneye. If you don't other kldnav 111. tni low. I'rlnary trouble diabetes, riri.bf. dlseaaa. An Ashevllla eltlien telle vou k in cure is easy. K. U MulL lot Bartlett at real ih- vllla, N. C. aays: "My ktdneva imu. bled mo for two or three yeara and .1 times tho palna In my back were so severe that 1 waa obllred to la mr from work- Added to thla u . weakness of the ktdneyi which caused ma great mlaery especially at night 1 ussa numoer ot remedies but 1 414 not succeed In finding relief until 1 procured Doan's Kidney Pllla at Dr T. C. Bmlth'e drug afore. It only re quired a abort use of thla prepe.ra tlo to absolutely r!4 ma of the trou ble and 1 have, not had as attack etnee," For sale by all dealer Price 10 eenta. roatw-Mllbura Co.. nuffalo. New Tork. sola agents for the United taiaa. Remember the Bame Doaa's and waa so einer, l-t wav Cal b iaugheil, in sheer liappineas 'if lier filirri'ii rigmarole lie grasped little Hut he saw she was in child ishly wild spirits, and the knowledge of tor Joy thrilled him. The cold bit deeper as they struck rising ground and followed the glimmering forest vlsia upward. Hoth Instinctively iUli kem-d their pace to kiep from him -ring cut mere cold could not iU nch Dcslree'e pleasure In tin- sim ple s.-Hpaile. We are runaway slaves!" she cried. her mood shifting from fairyland to n rirwrr fantasy, "we are escaping from fiarsoine Simon l.rgree named Con eiitionalltv ! Conventionality Is n wickcii master who lias whipped us and piled chains on 11s ever since te bum. And now we've Put him to mrep in two tents and we're run ntng away from him. He'd be furious if he woke up. Hut he's snoring verv inuiisirnuisiv. And he surely won't wake In either tent for nt least nn hour. And by that lime we'll do safe back again with our chains nil nicely riveieii on. And ne 11 never, never even gucsa we once ran awnv from mm. No 1 d rather think we're run ning away forever mm ever and ever aim then some more after that. And he II sjiend the rest nf our life In the enchanted woodland, and live on ber- rtea and nuts. And our faithful hound ho'e followed ua from slavery will caun venison lor us. Andand If you ask Ii mi very politely, Caleb, per imps ne 11 catch a tripe sandwich Mimctlin.n fur ou.M Htlll reinemberln' that awful breuk or mine?" chuckled Culeb. as unrea oiialdy excited aa she. "That alnt't fair!" II, wasn t a break!" ahe nronounc- ea judgment. "It waa a amaahlng Mow at our Simon Legree. Conven tionality. You are a hiro. Not a lowly equldge. ;' how silver the light la getting! I'm rare that means we're on the courtyard of the fairy palace. 1 ahouldn't be one atom aur prisesj ir- wnn a utile cry of a larm ahe clutched Caleb. From almost under her feet a partridge whirred uuward hla beating wlnga rattling through the Hinneaa like double caatennla. fir" ' - Backward they turned' upon their tracks. Already th guiding tree via- taa were wiped out. ! The two walkei rapidly, pausing along with no better guide than their sense or peners 01 recllon. For a full half hmir they ..ib...i- folrh helnlmr lx sir. e over a orte nf fallen trees, cullies and boulders that neither had noted dur ing their outward Journey. Then, out of breath, Desiree halted We're not going the right way!" exclaimed. "We're going up-hill. 1 know we are. I can tell by the feel ing And the camp lies down by the pond." They struck on? at anoiner angie. After ten minutes of fast, difficult walking, through the water-mica mist. Desiree came again to a halt. 'This rock," ahe declared, "Is the very' one I leanea agninsi worn stopped before. I'm certain. Weve been going In a circle." Maybe we were going right, in me first place," said Caleb. "On the way out we went up hills an" down 'em, loo. Maybe If we'd kep' on going up ward we'd n come out on the hill ibove the camp." They started once more: going pur posely upward this time: groping their wnv through the blinding mist without speaking. Of a sudden the fog was gone from before them. A step or two rnrtner and they stood on a hilltop, under the stars. Desiree sank wearied on the stump of a twin tree, her back against the trunk of the unfelled half. Caleb glanced tibmit to locate the camp. His exclamation of wonder brought the tlnd girl to h. r feet. It was. no hilltop they stood on. It was a tiny Island Jutting upward out of an immeasurable si a. In the dis tance to either hand rose similar Islets. Above was the cloudless sky. Helow, lay that vast waveless deep. It's the fog!" cried the girl. Uncling her voice as the marvel explained It self, "Don't you see? H lies low, over the water and tho valley. Anil we're above it It has settled down over everything like a white cloud. II lit some of the hilltops pierce the top of it. We're above the clouds!' " she noted, laughing; her spirits coming back W illi In r returning strength. We're above that one, anyhow," iss. iiti-d Conover. "You're right. Hut vv In re v the camp? . "Down there, somewhere," nhe re plied, vaguely. "i'.ut bow can we find it?" be urged. W e don't know which side of this hill it s on. It may be rive inile.s away. If go down, the cliaii. es arc a niitlion to one we won't strike it An' then II have to wander round all night In that slimy w hlt cloud, like we've been .loin' for the past hour. We're up against It. girl." 1 wouldn't spend another hour In thnt mist for a fortune," ahe ahud- lertd. "It st illicit me; and hideous woozzey faces seemed to be peering it us out of it. I could hear Invisible things whispering all around ua. I'gh!" Caleb tilled his lungs and shouted across the sea of mist. Again and igain lie bellow., I forth his long Irawn halloo. To anyone on the nearer hill-top Islands his call might readily have been heard. Hut human voire could us readily have penetrated mountain of cotton-batting as carry sound through that waste of cloud reck. TO UK COTT1NTJED. NO SCAE3 ; will be left from wounds or cuts If Vlek'a Great Antiseptic Lini ment la used. No wound pois oning or Imatterlng possible. No equal In the home and barn yard. 15c Formerly called Turtle Oil. ' ' ' 1 " 10- ewit team? W 4 1 Ll as. W 1,! Eattery Parll Hotel ASHKYlIJiK, N. C ' OPEIT THROUGHOUT TH YEAH.' N- if amous Everywhere.) , ' August in History. tsis First commencement exercises of Harvard College. - 1767 Thomas Tolford. Inventor of one of the beet known methods of road building, born In Scotland. Died In London, (September 2, . 1834. 1813 Uattle of Stonlngton, Conn. . 1S27 John Elliott, IT. 8. senator from Georgia 1819-1825, died. Born October 24. 1776. 1830 Louis Philllppe proclaimed king of France. 1862 Battle of Cedar .Mountain end ed In victory for the Confederates. 1892 James W. Denver, ex-governor ,of Kansas, after whom the city foDenver was named, died in Washington. D. C. 1894 Twelve lives lost In the wreck of a Rock Island train near Lin coln, Neb. Ii0,') Pope Plux X. crowned. THE S W ANN AN OA A STRICTLY HIGH GRADE ,'; . ! , Family and -TraisisietitHotol Rates $2.50 a day md upward. Frank Loughran, Owner and Prop. "THIS IS MY 60TII BIRTHDAY." Clinrlra Xagfl. Charles Nagel, secretary of Com merce and Labor, waa born In Colo rado county, Texas, August 9, 1849. His early education was secured In the publics chools of St. Louis. He took two years' course In the St. Iuls Law school and then went to the Uni versity of Berlin, where he took a spe cial course In law and" political econ omy. Returning to St. Louis In 187S, he was admitted to the bar nnd soon took an active part In municipal af fnlrs. In 1891 he was elected to the Missouri legislature. He served as president of the St. Louis city coun cil from 1813 to 183", and during the last presidential campaign he was in charge of the western headquarters of the republican national campaign committee. FOR HEALTH AND PLEASURE THE BEAUTIFUL HAYWOOD WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS HOTEL The Land of the Sky." - Wayneavllle, N. C. Altitude 9,860 feet.' On the Southern railway, one hour from Ashevllle. Capacity 250. No Consumptives. Hot and Cold Sulphur Baths, Music, Bowling and Tennis. Special attention to Mountain Parties. Special party and family rates. For Information address ' G. C. ROGAN, Manager. ; (Formerly Manager of Kenllworth Inn, Ashevllle.) THE INN, Waynesville, N. C. NOW OPEN under entirely new management,, after a thorough re modeling and overhauling and offers beat service and. attention to both family and transient boarders. Rates reasonable. - - MRS. S. CORY, Prop. .- . . W. M. BUR WELL, Mgr. T1IK Ot'KAX On winga of song round Isles remote 'er oceans of her eyes T float ller dreaming eyes, whose deeps dis close The ambient dawn's first blush of rose. And In the twilight flash and fling lie shadow of dusk's purple wing. ih, other deeps may be more fair, lhit on her dreaming orbits there I drift and dream as one who flees Afar on seas beyond the seas. And drinks the moon and sips the dew That on the honeyed Hybia grew! The ocean of her dreaming eyes uon their placid wave It flies, My bark that bears from ports of sun To where the ports of rest are won, As homeward to the dock we creep Who sail that perilous ocean deef)! Baltimore sun. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT ltB ten to one that the direo 'ions are ignored. Everybody iUe likea Wheat-Hearta. Al' frocera. ! , : c 3 REDUCE GROCERY BILLS I5y using plenty of 'we in your refYitft'rator ami ice Ikxos better for your health, too Phone 72. i - V , . Asheville Ice Co. SCMLOiS TMEATH6 CIRCUIT Till ItsDAY, U'CU bT 12. Opening of Preliminary Heason The Dig, New, Colored Musical Com edy THE SMART SET With the Funniest Ebony-Hues Comedlnn on Earth. B. Tl'TT I1ITNEY and 0 tmilltH 30 Prices Urwrr n,. 60c. 7.c aud 11 Keats at Hosenstvin a. Entire Dalcnny and Gallery f Col omi. iVh-es 25', boo, & and $1. Beats at Hweuaon ft J arret! s. Rex.!8"16 linva places -opens Tuesday, August 10th, at A. M. with one staccato growl deep down In nis throat, gao rhase. Hut aa the klul .. . . I. . a . - mini; rriuaea 10 ny rair. and even reaorieo to unaportmanlike rock etlnga that carried It far up through m irseiops. ins pursuit was quickly over. ne. nia rult a-br stle. strutted back to tha a-trl. walking k. of hla toes and easting baleful glance! ,Wfl do all Kinds of Carpen of warning to left and right at my ..;. rtr,, u'vrrkAV i f other lurking partridge that might be lermKv "0 ltQW at llV .-mpea 10 orave ma Irs. 1 "W'hftt i.-k-a . . . u. . manded Decree, .u riled tar out of Want to. P1? OUr ability to k ' ' aisqr. - .. ;, . ipieaSC, . woa 01 moss fairies er aurrs you waa hopln' would drop In "1 uH"t"9 vawb, unKlndly. Job Carp zhters J. L DANIELS, N9. 9 7iU?w ct, OF HER DREAMING EVES. re1 THE BALSAM One hundred room hotel at Balsam. N. C. 16 miles from Ashe vllle, on the Ashevllle & Murphy division of the Southern railway. ALTITUDE 3551 FEET. Highest Railroad Point East of the Rockies. Fine air, curative mountain spring water, excellent table, plenty of amusement, first-class management. NOTE Old patrons and others, this hotel Is completely furnished and equipped this season making It one of the most desirable re sorts In the mountains of Western North Carolina. Rates, f 11.60 to 111.00 per week. ...Write for beautiful folding postal aouvenlr. . Weekly (one day) excurslona to Balsam svery Saturday; round trip tl.lS. Train leaving Ashevllle (:SS a. m., arriving at Balsam 10:10 . a. m.; leaving Balaam : p. -m., arriving at Ashevllle :io p. m. Special rate for Saturday Dinner, 60 cents. . , THE BALSAM HOTEL CO., (Inc.) JOHN 0. HAYD0CK, Manager. hHHMMMMMMtMMHMmHHHmMMMIMHI CASTOR 0IL' POWDER laSinii .ODOSUS3 1 airCT iND SaVrCST ilH LAXATIVE KNOWN NOTICE. An impression seems to pre vail anions: some people in sheville that they have been getting The Gazette-News three months for one dollar, but this is erroneous, as tho price for three months has been $1.25 or two years past. A number or subscribers have paid , one dollar for ten weeks, and may lave thus become confused in regard to tho time. . A glance at the first column ' on the fourth page will bIiow tlie.sub scription price and from this there is no deviation. 'HOTEL- ST.DENIS Baunai snu inn sigMI . NEW,Y0RK CITY. Wltkta Easr Aeenai sf rim Mill af latrmt. Half lilnrk fmat Wtiiimikn't. t mlaatM walk of gkopplna Dl.lrlrt. KOTKOrcitti KitelWaiTatCaliilae.Coav fMlablt At'twilntim-UIK. CVnsrlrmn kWrV Ira sail Untarllkt SoriwtDilUiia. - t ROOMS $1.00 PER DAY AMD UP EUROPEAN PLAN. f Table 4'Hote BreaUast S0c WM.TAYLORJtSON.Inc. UOTRL alARTtWICjtJB, arM4ay aa Hrt Simt. 1 ' HOTEL GORDON, The Leading HoteL" WAYME8VILUS, N. a Private baths, electric lights, ete Rates ll.lt and - up. Special weekly rates. MIUL . U MORQAN, Pmpr. CLYDE l, Clydt, N. C. Under same management Rates 12 per day. Special rates to families by week or month. An Ideal place for vacatio nor outing. , W A. Hyatt. ' ' R. H. Rhlnohart UVERT. FEKD HH CO., t V aynesvllle, N. C L1VE.RY Drop ua a tard to meet you at the depot. We make a specialty of moun iaia uips. Depot 8t, Near Railroad Station. ih J'rnesvUJef ft. C THE MANOR -Albemarle Park , ; Asheville. N. t AN EXCLUSIVE INN, offering comfortable and T uniqno accommodations for jvisitors making', a long -o i short visit Rates $14.00 per week and upward. .Lo cation ideal. ALBEMARLE PARK CO., Asheville, N. G; ' . . RANKLIN HOTEL BREVARD, ........... N. 0. Elevation. ......... 2250 Feet. This elegant hotel, located at the gateway of the beautiful Sapphire Country, offers first class accommodations at reasonable rates.- Rooms sin gle or en suite with and without private bath, and every one , an outside room. Amusements: . Riding, Driving, Fishing, Tennis, Bowling, Dancing, etc. .For-rates and descriptive booklet, address -.-. v -: ... T. W. WHITMIRIC, Proprietor, - . or : J.J. HKELAN, MaDager. GOLD MONT BLACK MOUNTAIN, N. C. . MRS. S. T. WILLIS, Pfopv. New hotel just completed; new furniture and furnishings; hot and cold water; excellent table; large airy rooms; large spaqlous verandas. Free transportation to and from the depot The best place to spend your va cation. Special rates for week-end parties. Write for particulars, or phone long distance. ' SUYETA HOTEL ' WAYNESVILLE, N. 0. New hotel, modern in every detail. Private baths, For the tourists and commercial trade. Commercial rates, $2.00 and up. beautiful scenery. Large lawn, plenty of shade. . . . R. E. NEWBEGIN, Prop. I Eagles Nest, ALTITUDE BOOO FEET. 1 JTST RIGHT FOR GREATEST BENEFIT. Scenery grand and beautiful beyon d description, simply unequalled, -oil- mate and water unsurpassed. ' Hotel modern, clean and oosy. An ideal spot for rest, comfort and recuperation. Folders at city office Southern Railway, or address ' , t . S. G SATTERTHWAIT, " " "" :"' ' " Bstlei Neat P. 0.-or WayneMVllleti N. i. .: All Hotels of the Beautiful Sapphire Country Now Open. TOXAWAY INN, LAKE TOXAWAY, NORTH CAROLINA. 1 ' The .hotel that affords the Ideal conditions of hotel hospitality, and real comfort. A delightful resort In the region having the ad vantages of altitude, accessibility, fine hotel accommodations; SU PERB IN NATURAL BEAUTY OF LAKE AND MOUNTAIN SCEN ERY; two trains dally to and from Ashevllle; parlor car service. Special rates until August 1st For booklets, rates and all Infor mation address . i W. A. SENNA, Manager. Fairfield Inn, Lake Fairfield, Sapphire, North Carolina. Now open and will be found satisfactory In eeery ' way. For booklets, rates and all Information address If. R. Robertson, Mgr. Sapphire Cottages and Lodge on Summit of Mount Toxaway. Now open under the management of Mrs. Crisp. . For booklets, ratea and all Information address Mrs. Patton Crisp, Sapphire, N. C, ,,., Fishing, boating, bathing, riding, driving, tennis, bowling, etc.. at all the hotels. HOTKL ENTCLLA . BUY SON CITY. Headquarters for traveling men and lumbermen. Rates $1 per dsy. Special rates by the month. Bath room. Free sample rooms. Railroad eating house fronting Southern depot . Livery In connection. .... W. W. A ALMA W HEELER, Proprs. The Southern No. IIH South Main St. . Now under the management of Mra U J. Burnette and' daughter. Tht house has been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished. Rates from fl.00 to tS.00 per week. II0NTF0RD COTTAGE . 10S Montford Ave. - Plione 1083 Elegenat home-llks j and ' refined. Centrally located. Cuisine the beat Transients and' table boarder ac commodated. KOpERATE KATES, Richelieu Hotel 20 North French Broad Ave. . Up-to-date family hotel, r. $7 to $15 per week. Excellent table. . Phono 1430 THE MONTFORD HOTEL. Under New Management. W. E. Barnett, Prop. Free Sample Rooms. Half block weat of depot Aahevllls, N. C Rates, UAO to 91.00 per day. Special ratea by th week. . . DUNHAtlHOU; '' Wayneevtlle, N. C - Pleasantly situated, en Main street, all outside rooms. . . Mrs. D. L. Dunham, Prop. High claas boarding house. Modern in every respect RATES tl.EO to 11.00 per day. fT.Of to flMO per wk,

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