Li U i i t t to c01 at U.i ode la aa enuixiTur to lad oat Ui tumei of advert' -m. Those who adrertlse wider an Ultial ot noa de plains do not wish their names to bo made pnbUo and they cannot bo 4U valced at thla nfficaw HELP WANTED. iiniN tt am winntli Introducing 10-plece Combination Dipped; perlenoe nnneoeenary; Thomas C. Desk 411. Daytoa. O. I MADE) 110,001 In Ba yoara In the Mall Order Business and began with ' only a few dollars. Tbara ara unu aual opportunltlea for making mon- , oy today, and It to not difficult to begin. If you hare ovan amall cap ital and want to atart a mall order business of your own, nana rot my froo booklet It telle bow to make money. . Address. ; PuWtobar, The Mall Ordar World, Bo 1101, Lock port, N. T. ' tt UP-TO-DATE MILLINER and salea lady wants position. AddreM ."Mil liner," care GaaeUe-Newa. - t 14t-7t a 0 a OFFICE SITUATIONS The following situations secured since August 1: .CO. Gllllkln, bkpr, city; MiM Eml lle Swank, bkpr, city; Miss May Pat- . i i-i ..It... .Ian tli nl lna.' I n tr alf. - uatlons on flla for Au trust : Bkpr. city, lady preferred; bkpg and steno. city, lady; also bkp and stcno man, city; also three or four out-of-town places. Pleaae call at the Aahe ',. vllle Business College. Also twenty new pupils should enter this month. ,ia,n hi v. . . .. . .... or four months. Can also furnish office work to a bright young man to pay tuition while taking a double course to pay tuition. Our out-of-town pupils get good board at $3.00 a week. REMEMBER WE WANT TWENTT NEW PUPILS TO EN TER NOW. College third floor Par- " . agon, opposite r. v. enry b. ' Shockley, principal. 154-M. WANTED Bookkeeper, lady over SO preferred; also for department store " out-of-town, lady bkpr; also for city lady steno and bkpr and two young men steno and bkp.j also WANTED twenty new pupils to enter The Aahevllle Business College now ami complete a four months' course, can place all graduates readily. Call 'phone, write or wire. Can secure good board for out-of-town pupils for 13.00 a week. 164-6t. WANTED At once, 6 cooks. 10 maids . . and, one general house woman. Acme Emp. Co., 20 Reed Bldg. Phone 1600. No money In advance. WANTED Competent white girl or housework. Address J. M. C, Ga-rette-News afllce. 155 St WANTED By a Baltimore wholesale crockery house, mun to work trade in western North Carolina, etc. ' Prefer one with experience. Ad dress with reference, J. L. & Co.. care of this oltlce. 157-2t. WANTED A good real estate man. Call 11-12 a. m. Universal Security Company, Paragon Building. wanted White gin, about ie years old, to, take care of child from S a. m. to 4:80 p. m. Sundays off. Address L. S. P., Gazette-News of- flee. ; . ',':- . TOR BALI. FOR SALE Twe electric celling fans and one Underwood Typewriter, In good condition. Call at 16 PAtton Avenue. 106-St FOR SALE Ten or more shares 1 per cent preferred stock in good local Industry, Address for partic ulars, "Preferred," this office. 156-St FOR SALE Most beautiful spot in West Ashevllle, cheap. New build ings and about 1 acres. Going to California. C. E. Ward, Owner. 156-St FOR SALE Valuable resident and business property, No. 170 Char lotte street, fronting 133 feet Char lotte and westward to . Crescent strut, 171 feet, - with two stores. Will aell as whole or separate. Price reasonable and terms. Opporunlty for safe and growing Investment McKisIck Real Estate Co., American National bank building, phono 182. 151-7t FOR SALE 11 two-room cottages; two vacant lots; will pay 20 per cent for 13,000. F. P. Ingle, room , Revell bldg. , 142-tf FOR SALE Dryinan Heights, 4 1-1 mllea from Ashevllle, 71 acres, two dwelling houses, two barns, fruits, etc. Terms reasonable. Address, lira. H. C. Bleppy, R. F. D. No. 4, Ashevllle, N. C . 101-tf FOR BALE Fine Jersey Heifer, I months old. Call at this office. . Ill tf FOR SALE Several Roue Comb and Single Comb Rhode Island Red Cockerels and Cocks, from tl in II each. Carl Meaner, 1(1 Charlotte street tf FOR SALE 10 registered Shropshire rams. Address E. W. Patton, Ashe Vllle, N. C 152-41 FOR EXCHANGE Modern eltv res Idenca, car line. Exchange tor lots or suburban property. Universal Security Company, Paragon build Ing. FOR SALE Business. 12,000.00 stock of dry goods and groceries in Ashe lite. Good paying business, good reason or selling. Address O. G care , Qaiette-Newa, 154-tt. FOR SALE Four room cottage or paved street. Price 11150. Terms 1100 cash, balance til a month. Marsteller Co. tf FOR S ALB Lot 10x171 feet, located on Flint street Price 1540. Terms I 160 cash, balance flO per month. Marsteller at Co. tf FOR BALE 4 room cottage, within 440 yarda of postofflce. Will be worth double present price In few , years, p. a. Watson. , sod FOR RENT Furn ahed rooms,, close to square; no sick people. Apply i vance, . : 141-tf WANTED Ladles dyeing, cleaning. ana repair work. 1, fL McQlnneas, II South Main street ' lti-tf FOR RENT Large airy sleeping room, jsvery convenience. New house, newly furnished. Reason able. 168 Charlotte street 139-tf FOR RENT New five-room cottage with range and plumbing; Just fin ished. ;Apply to No. 10 Highland street. . r , . . 154-tf FOR RENT An apartment on Pat- ion avenue, all light rooms, bath and rahga. A 11 -room apartment on Haywood street, new. A 7-roora apartment on Haywood atreet, new. A house on Central avenue, tit. Phone 411. O. D. Revell, II Char lotte atreet . . eod-tf FOR RENT New 8-room house, un- lurnisnoa, Montford avenue, 135.00. Forbes & Campbell, 62 Patton ave nue, . . . , i54-tr FOR RENT Three well furnished rooms for light housekeeping, gas range, "phone and bath, one door from Montford car line. Apply !4 Soco atreet , 156-tf. FOR RENT Cottage, I Cumberland avenue, in month. . Marsteller A Co., 20 Haywood atreet tf FOR RENT One excellent front room, "Hogan's Alley." Apply to Mark W. Brown, 17 Temple Court. . i' . 153-tf. FOR RENT Furnished rooms In email family; suburban home; all modern conveniences; on car line; good table board nearby. Address No. 148 Merrlmon avenue; telephone 1116.,.,' ; ,k " , . l5S-tf FOR RENT 1, 2 or 1 rooms, on first or second floor, furnished for light housekeeping. It Grady street. Phone 139. 146-tf FOR RENT One desirable front bed room, recently vacated, "Hogan's Alley." , Apply to Mark W. Brown', 17 Temple Court " 143-tf. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms over 14 Pack Square. Apply to C. S. Cooper. 146-tf MLSCZLLANXOUS. WANTEDr-Posltlon as bookkeeper and office man. Good typewriter. Low salary to begin, deferences. A. E. C. 166-tf. MAKE WALKING A PLEASURE Wear rubber heels put on by ailmer Bowden, 21 East College street THE BEST and CHEAPEST Pressing Club in the city la at 7 Eagle St Phone 1141. 111-tf NOW IS TUB TIMS to buy Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses and Jar Rub bers at The Aahevllle China Co., I N. Pack Iwtare, Phone 881. CRBASMAN OWNBBT, contractor! ana Duiiaers. . Repair work a spec ialty. Alao all kinds of wire and Iron fencing.. Office In Oatea build ing aubway. Phono 111. tf PHONE 411 Clothes cleaned and pressed, straws, Panamaa and La dles' Gloves mads new. Member ahlp, gentlemen, 1.00 month; la dles, 11.11 month. Ideal Pressing Club, 28 1-2 South Main St 82-tf NOTICE HOUSEKEEPERS We have jusi received a line of the newest Carpet samples, so that you can have a large lot to select from, and get a carpet that is different from the rest Prompt service. Ashevllle Carpet House, 11 and 20 Church atreet Phone 221. WE carry a full stock of Wrought iron ripe, both black and galvan ised. Get our prices before buy ing elsewhere. Ball, Thrash & Co., No. 7 East College Street. Phone l. tf STRADLEY , WILSON, Tailoring suit ii.0Q to $40.00. Suits clean ed and pressed 50c to $1.00. Three months' membership, $2.60, Phone ... 141-tf. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY and Press. mg uiub. Market and Eagle street Phone 803. . 141-tf. WANTED Your notary publlo work. rnone jaa. w. Albright 54-tf JUST RECEIVED Another shipment ot Factory Rebuilt Underwood. Smith Premier and Remington Typewriter All have new type, new speed escapements, platens, re- nlckelcd and re-enameled. Just as good as new at one-half to two thirds the price of new machines. See them. J. M. Hrarn Co., Bat tery Park Place. Phone 448. LOST. LOST Friday, "near Merrlmon and Chestnut, child's sliver cup, with" name engraved on It. Reward for return to Oaxette-News. 167-St LOST Bottom of automoblla limn Reward for return to Dr. Williams, 61 Haywood atreet 156-St L08T Between postofflce and Audi torlum a hand-embroidered sofa cushion worked In white daisies. Finder please leave at this office. 185-St LOST Friday, on the Merrlman ave- nue 4:45 car, a black velvet elastic belt, silver buckle attached with four-leaf clover, engraved with a Verse. ! Finder please return to Gaaette-News office. 164-tf BOARDING. WANTED A few boarders, I minutes' walk from Blltmore, 10 minutes to car line; fine elevation; beau tiful view; rural surroundings; mod em conveniences. Phone 1183, or write Box 407, Blltmore. Ulj-tf BON AIR, It Aaheland avenue; clean airy rooms, excellent table, reason able rates, central location. Phone it. Mrs. J. L. Rich, Miss Annie Boyco, proprietor!. tt IF TOU WANT good private board, away from business noise of town, rates reasonable, ' address Jas. W. Bynum. Waynesvllle, N. C ' tf THE KENWOOD 112 Haywood St; excellent table; large, cool and airy rooms; telephone; electric lights; hot and cold water) home surround ings. Mrs. 8. T. Willis, Prop. Phone 41. - 111-tf 72 COLLEGE ST. Excellent table, nice large cool airy roftms, shady veranda, centrally located, all mod ern conveniences. Rates reasonable. Special ratea to parti ea phone 161. 117-tf. BOARDERS WANTED For 'first class board at reasonable rates try the Catawba, 18 Woodfin street Phone 1048, , 143-tf. BOARDERS WANTKD Ravenecroft, 86 Church atreet one block from - postofflce. Two acres of lawn; fine . table. .. 61 ROCK LEDGE, It Haywood atreet 21 . rooms thoroughly renovated, across street from Auditorium, half block from Battery Park hotel, no con sumptives taken, Mrs. P. J. Cor coran, prop. BOARDERS WANTED "Pagebrook" . Ill Chestnut one block from Char lotto car line. ' Nice lawn and porches. Table excellent Phone 112. 101-tf WANTED Table boarders, new house, new furnishings; table best the market affords. Apply 41 Vance street 1 154-6t. THE HOLLAND Everything new; ' large cool airy rooms, shady veran das unsurpassed table; centrally lo cated; all conveniences. Mrs. Roach, 40 North French Broad Ave. Phone 1410. 111-tf FOR SALE. 5 - room cottage,' modern, large lota, splendid view, Charlotte neighborhood, $2100, 1300 down, 125.00 per mo. 6 - room Cottage, modern, on Merrl mon avenue, lot 10x150, 12100, $3.00 down, balance $16.00 per month. The Canaday Realty Co., Phone 074. - Oatea Bldg. ENGLISH BENDS. '. We will guarantee thla leather to out-wear any other made. Our work Is 100 per cent, superior to all others. Our prices are 25 per cent, lower. Our ability to turn out work quicker la 600 per cent FRKEMAN SOX, Proprs. At the Factory. Opp. Y. M. I. BIO BARGAINS See Them. Six room modern house, nice lot near In,. $3300.00. Nice four room cottage $1350.00 $250 cash, balance $20 per mo. Choice K room modern cottage, large lot, well located, $1650. $200 cash, balance $20 per mo. For bargains and homes see DONNAHOE & BLEDSOE. Phone 64!), Iteiil Extute. Reed lildg. GET ACQUAINTED, with us and we will prove to you thnt we can save you 20 per cent, on all kinds of Furniture and Ilnusefurnlsh- Ing Goods. Give us a trial. WATTON Jk McLAIN f v FURNITURE CO Hi South Main. Phone IRIS. RE-OPENED! RE-OPENED! Medd's Auction Room, Excliange and Hart Seoond-hand books, bought soia ana exchanged. 41 South Main St., " Ashevllle. N. C. INSURANCE. THE C1IKAPK8T AND BUST. A lodge of the Columbian Woodmen is now being organized In this city Pay at death, pay In old aue. In 'case of total disability, In case of nartlul otsabiiuy. pay If you break n limb. organisers wanted, RIO PAY. O. K. FLOURNOY. Phono 1083. JT Vance Street. Queen Zenora i . . i , , . one is me prophet and adviser of the hour, acknowledged to havi no eoual. The benefnc tor of humanity, giving Instunt relief to those have trouble In love domestic, law or hual. ness; all can find Instant relief and permanent help by consulting her. Ye olden prophets In old en times, whence did this woman come? Pro sessional men and wo. men are awe-struck, the publlo In general are dumfounded, speechless; aome say miraculous. Had she been born In the time of superstition her work would hnve been, classed little less than miracles, if you are In doubt retarding: any affair of lira aak her and at once. If you are separated irom me one you love, or In trouble from any cause, CON8ULT HER NOW. Would you like to MAnnv nave you trouble over any affair of life? Do you content pints any change? Do you wish to be more successful? If so, you need ner aavice. No auestluns mkml v are Immediately told of Your iron- blea and how to overcome them. Ron. arated are quickly reunited and made nappy. . i ' TEST READINGS, SS CENTS, 12 Ashland Avenue. Patronize Homo Industry Fertiliser Made rlcht here at Tour Hon anil equal to if not auperlor to any goads of the kind on the market Wa have references from those who ham trta our Fertilisers and ask yon to call ana see tnem. Parties anticipating purchase of fer- uuser in large quantities will ao well to see us ana get our prices. Ordera taken for small quantities. We want agents In every town. AshEVillsPccIiiniiCo. ; Utile And Factory Fhon 741. Qt rfconN IIS and til. MARKETS The Leading Stocks on New . York Eichan go Cot ton Mar : ' ket Quotations Chicago ' Grain Market, . 'IMIMMI IMH1HM ! E5 li' RAN G E A Modtratily Active Market, With no Striding Changes- Some. ' ' Cains. New York. Auar. a Th nrnin nr the stock market was moderately ac tive, with no very striking changes In prices. The majority of the Hat showed gains, but there were slight iraciiunai aecunes in the railroad list. Fractional tluctimtlmia rttu aW urn tr were frequent, with a tendency down ward for a time In llurrlman stnrku United States Steel, Amalimmute.l Copper and Reading. Offsetting these wna a demand for seveml rniln.u.i. and specialties. Toward 11 o'clock the entire market In-gun to advance. Keadlnga rise tnrmiKh 165 hud a stalnina- effect. Imt ih nri..i,...i stocks moved narrowly, bonds Irreg- inr. '- , ' Both Union Pacific mil TTni.i States Steel Increased their earlier ad vances before the market became quiet and reactionary. Utxeea did not amount to much, ((peculation eomhiK most to a standstill, while awaillnir the Kovernment report. MOCKS Of railroailH i.erntlmr In ft, south wer strong and United States Steel achieved a new record price of is. otherwise speculation was list less and confined to at.w.k. Louisville & Nashville milnoil u. ,n,i Atlantic Coast Line 2 points. STOCKS. Open. HUfh. 120 864 134 6R 1211 Kl ' 47 Sl :is 157 152 ' 76 n i "4 142 if. 5 40 135 K.2 205 "H '127 4 Low. 119 84 132 67 119 80 46 80 37 156 148 75 139 95 141 163 39 135 161 203 76 126 32 72 75 Close 120 85 133 C7 119 "46 81 37 156 151 7 140 5 141 164 40 135 16 204 77 124 32 73 75 Atch. . . .120 Amul. Cop..' 86 K Am. Sugar.. tSi Am. Loco. . 68 tt llalto. & O..Hl I'.klyn It. T.. 81 Col. P. & I.. 46 livs. & O. 80 Krlo . . . . 88 ..157 .149 II In. Cen. U N. . Mo. I'iip. 71 N. Y. Ten... 140 Nor. & Wes. 96 i'enn 141 KenclliiK . .163 Itock In. . . 40 Vi Sim. I'iic. . .135 Pt. I'ntil . 161 Union I'iic. ,204 . 77 .124 V. R. Steel. dolpfd . Sou. Ity. . . 32' . 72 . 75 32 73 75 do pfd . West, Un. NEW YORK COTTON. Open. High. Low. Clone. Jnn 11.83 It. 90 11.79 11.84-X5 March. . .11.87 11.92 11. S5 11.85-86 Aug ;. 11.88-90 Nov.. . . . 11.85 11.87 1 1.74 11.80-81 Dec 11.85 11.92 11.811 11.85-86 Spots 20 points lower. Middling 12.411. . Futures cloned steady. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Open. High. Low. 'Close. . WHEAT May. . .100 101. 99 ! Kept. . . 99 100 9H 118 Dec. . . 97 98 96 96 CORN , v May. . . 64 54 53 54 Se,t. . . 84 64 63 64 - Doc... . 63 51 62 53- OATS Mny. . . 39 39 38 39 Sept. . . 36 86 86 36 Deo.. . . ! 3. 36 36 KPHCIAb MASTKR'g KKItlllT AH TO NOIU OLK WH TIIHtN KxlilltltM Include Complete Hlntory uf Hie lniM'rl)' and lis l"ran (IiInf llokllng, Norfolk, Auk. I. Special M .inter Stephenson has Died his report r Judge Waildlll's recent decre of special reference In the Norfolk & Southern .railway receivership fine rlosur proceedings, exhibits lxlii u complete history of the Norfolk A Southern property: and Its franchise holding,' together With all bonded in debtedness, their priorities nnd all In formation upon which the proposed decree for foreclosure . and sale Is to be based. -V-' '" Xaval Knglnecr Kvmernlcd. Washington, Aug. I. Civil Knuln eer A. J. Meno Ml,U. 8. N has been exonerated by the court of Inquiry which recently met to Investigate crit icism of his administration while ax alaned to duty at Penaacola, Ma., navy yard. , . NOTICE. ' Ily virtue and authority of ttye power of sale ' contained In a mortageg executed on the 30th day of March, 1409. by the West ern Carolina Lumber A Itox company to the undersigned, which said mort gage la registered In Honk 30 at page 160 In the ofllre of, Register of lnd of Buncombe county, default having been made In the payment of the debt secured by said mortgage, tho under signed will on Wetlnewlay, KcplemlMf lot at 13 o'clock, noon, In front of the Coiinty Court House dorr In Ashevllle, N. C. sell at public Ruction to the highest bidder for cash the following described personal property, to-wit: One 10 II. P. Westlnghouse Induc tion Motor, Volts ISO, type C. C U. Serial No. 440.J4f, together with the entrance switch and fuses and start ing box used In connection therewith; all located on March 30th, 1909, In plant of said Western Carolina Lum ber ft Dox company at Ulltmoro, N. C. ': This August llh. U0I. . IULTMORR ESTATE. Mortgagee. STOCKS PMC Electrical Department a 1 V L li J li P L li th L u HffiE "ATlltACno ' I. Auxetaphone Concerts every Mon day, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 4 to 6 and 8 to 10 p. m., and Sundays $ 7:30 to 9:30 p. m. Rendering all of the latest and most popular band selections. No Dull Moments at Riverside Park Everything FREE as Advertised . ,, , m ' AMI'KKMKNT NOTICES. 4, rrclliiiliinry Kvmmiii of llic (iruml 0m-iih Tliurwlu', AugiiHt 12. The prellmlniiry tlieulricul seniion In the city will lm ln.iUKiirnt. il at the (Sriind on next Thursday niKht, Au gust 12. 'The Siimrt Set," one of the best colored organizations on the roud his miiHon, will be the nttrnctlon. This yeur, this Inconipnrahle com pany Hirers sountlilnK out of tho or dinary In an amusement way. It Is ii comt'ily-.lninm wedded to sweet mu sic of the infectious, JIiikIIiik kind and is railed "(leorKO WiihIiIiikIoii 1 in I Uon." H. Tutt Whitney, a colored com edian above, the a Venice uliillty. Is the star, and he la ably assisted by a corn puny of 30, all talented unit clever. The show Is one of riot of fun and luiiKhter and Is of the caliber that Is certain to enhunce the reputation of this well-known band of mlrlh-pro-Vokera, Throuxh the comedy thuro Is a succession of Jingling songs, humor ous hits, surprises and noveltlus. Those In search of something In an entertaining way will II nil endless pleasure In this wonderful company. There Is not a dull moment and the audience Is not allowed to suffer from ennui. Hint sale opens at Ilosenstelns, Tuesday, August 10, nt 9 a. in. Trices 60c, 7Do and SI.- The entire balcony and gallery will lie reserved for col ored people. These tickets will be on sale' at gwepsnn A Jurretts on the same dale. Prices 1, 7Bc, 50o and 25c. Recure your tickets early and avoid the crush and confusion at the box office. The Mighty Hnag Railroad shows have the youngest living baby camel In captivity today, having been born In wlter quarters at Hhreveport prior to the shows leaving there. The Imby without doubt Is the finest specimen of Blberlnn camel that can he found In America today. The camel has been named after General Lee . nnd bids fair to have as tender a spot In the amusement-going people as did Its nametnke In the American public. When visiting the Mighty Haag Rail road shows, which exhibit at Ashe vllle August II, don't miss seeing the baby ramel. One Package Wheat-Hearts . Makes about nine pounds of food when strved. Cheap, wmt nT All gro cers, ,r iiin ' 11 1 1 1 i',ar')a 4J Special Tonight I etaZ HOTEL POOL ROOM ... . . - . ii.eaaiiiisnaniMi SOUTHKRN RAILWAY KCIIKDULK. EFFECTIVE JUNE 1th, 10. ' Schedule figures published as Inf ormstlon and not guarantee''. Eastern Time. , , ARRIVES FROM DEPARTS FOn No. I from Lake Toxaway 9:05 a.m. No. a tnr r k. .... No. No. No. No. t , ... - .... . I from Waynesvllle... 7:31 I from Charleston .. 1:10 H from New York.... 1:411 No. 11 from Cincinnati !:os 1:11 7:14 No. is from Charleston. ., No. 17 from Terrelht . , , No. II from Murphy No. 20 from Murphy .. ,, 4:40 1:10 1:11 No. 1 1 from Goldsbnro No. II from Washington .. 1:10 No. II from Memnhls . . 1:14 No. 41 from Jacksonville i.oe cio. 1 vt irom iiriaioi. .. Through sleeping ears to and from New York. PhlladelVhlV Raltlmor-,' Washington., Norfolk. Jacksonville, Charleston. Macon, Atlanta, New Orleans. Memphis, Chattanooga, Clnclnnntl, Louisville. Chair cars to and from rjoldsboro, Charleston, Lake Toxaway and Waynesvllle. For further Information apply to S. II. WOOD, District laam, Aft. IL S. GRAHAM. U T. A , CAROLINA, CLXNCHFIEU) AND OHIO RAILWAY "ClinchJleld Route" . ;., . ; In Effect July IMIi, BOUTIinOUND No. S. 1:11 p.m. 1:11 p.m. No. I. 1:37 am. l!:l p.m. No. 1. 1:10 a.m. 11:41 p.m. 1:01 p.m. 1:11 p.m. 1:19 p.m. 1:10 p.m. 11:14 a.m. Dep.. . . Bt Paul . . .Ar. Ar.' . .Johnson City , ,Dep, Dep. , .Johnson City . . Ar. Ar.. ... Marlon ... Dep. Ar.. . . , Roatle . , . Dep. Hos board Air Una Railway. Ar.. . . .Charlotte . . .Dep. Ar.. ... Monroe . . . Dep. Ar.. . . . liamlet . . . Dep. Ar.. , Wilmington , . Dep. ?.'hrough coacht and baggage and Charlotte and Wilmington, N. north, east, west and south. . : , .. BERKELEY The most attractive Pool Room in the City. : -:-A complete line of Import ed and Domestic Cigars. "IPS DOWN STAIRS" - - " '' ii.m. no, 7 ror waynesvllle ., a.m. No. I for Lake Toxaway p.m. No. 10 for Charleston ... p.m. No. 11 for Cincinnati.. 1:34 p.m. s:s a.m. 4:11 p.m. 1:01 p.m. 2:21 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 1:10 am. 7:00 p.m. 1:11 p.m. 1:00 a.rru 1:40 a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. No. 12 for New York. . No. 14 for Charleston . , No. 17 for Murnhv pm. No. II forTerrells .. 4. p.m. No. II for Murphy .... p.m. No. 21 for Qoldsboro . . a.m. No. II for Memphis a.m. No. 14 for Washington a.m. no. 42 for Jacksonville ., 1:10 p.m. - . . . w n.., n.m. nk iei i..-i - .. 1101 .Eastern Ktandard Time. DAILY. NORTH ROUND. No. . 1:41 p.m. 4:41 p.m. No, S. 1:01 p.m. 1:31 p.m. 2:01 p.m. 10:40 am. 1:11 a.m. 7:13 a.m. 1:00 a.m. ear dally, between Johnson City, Tih C making connection for alt t J. J. CAMlToV. imc t 1.. . JOHNSON 4.1 1 i , ;

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