.A- . ... ft. THERE IS NO COAL More satisfactory to con sumers than M. & W. INDIAN COAL Contains more than 95 per cent carbon, and hums long ami well. Carolina Coal & Ice Company H .A. MILLER Manager. Phone 130. OLD OlSPEfJir IfJ COURT AGAIN Pclltioa of Attorneys for Commlitontu Argued Bfort Judge I. C 2 Pr'tchtrd. CITY NEWS Th? drum corps will meet In Army this evening at 8 o'clock. the Nineteen caaea were tried before. Judge Cocke in city police court thla morning, and out of the 19 defendant nve were charged with being drunk. MMMMMM MM fob nf WATCH IlK.rAIIUXO AND OPTICAL ttdllK (jO tO fH. M. FROST, f ?MMMlHMMM We are selling some cooked Tongue which is very fine at 50c lb. L C. JARRETT FANCY GROCER, Phones 192 and 358. 12 N. Pack Square. The aummer tourlat season la now. at ita flood tide In Aaheville. Many of the hotels and boarr.lng house report bunlne ahead of thla time laxt year. ... f 1 - . . .. II. .. t. L- ... -1 V. AAA II lln ia unj e N iiuivi luta u iiuui tun ' - ". . . . . ..a ' ill v. . . Judge Prlt.hard began the hearing he thla .....rnlng of the petition of allur- n ney. for W. J. Murray. John Mi8c..n I ,ho, al, rutally lnJured at and Avery I'atton. ihe eommlMlon bp- ,,. mTnlnf( imlnleil by the court to wind up the ... afTalr. or the South Carolina diaper.- t VMt,.rda.( wrs ,,,,, , Wilmlngl..n wry. ..-king that the court dlamlaa the u, f()r ,,,.,.., Many ,,. runt ironi me i niivu rw- murl court IntC furlhr Unit a upeWu! imiMtT i I9iOCiiaImers-Detroii30?l500fe i sinur? run mm -r mik "Tf putct'll nil under a inandaie of the Mupreme h)f cnHk,., b,.fore ,,.ft ,ne cyi of the I'nited .State, und ak- c lik. why nun in cv THE INSIDE Of (iiKirantfi- Sinn's an' tln OUTSIDE Of your font. that's (imtruntro Mines are so fortnhle ami witi-l'aetorv ery rrMet. !f-..'i to .'.(Hi. Guarantee Shoe Store t SO ITU MAIN ST. iMawUm in . The World Renowned SuLraolJ!ighralMtrK., be aiilutri to anw'iw daimiKc ngaliiHl the bonding companies, lu furnlMhed Ihe riMt-lver'a Ixmd. pfiidlng I he titiul ihil.-niilMiilh.M of the injunction. The ooiliiiilmtloiii rx Were reprewnted by It. I. Ahiu-y mid V. I. Slepheiiaoii. while couiiK.-l for IIki dlntllling conipauli-a present Included Alf. S. Jiiirnard of AkIiimII.-. Mr. Tr.ncrw and Mr. Mor- llfl ill. who oldiM lt d to thn nppiilnliiiK .! a H't-lnl inaler. There an oiiHidrralile iiriiiinii'Iit iih to MlietlKT liarntt A. Co. were a party ! the matter. a they had only 'came in i luterveimrH, and were not j mimed on the record Mr Ahncy ' Muled that In- had notilied only tlnme j wlin were riamed In the rerord to be irenenl at thin henrini;. Mr. Monb'i ul sliili.l that In-, lindlng that Mr. Al ' ney had failed to do it. bad Kent 110 tlren to all the eomialllen, und that be wan here ri prenent IllK thelll. There jwere only two ijuextlomi befom the emirt in thin matter: llrnl, who are lia ble, it o 'I who. I lnter entloii, are lia. idi. Aftir limliiiK that all the roin paiiie were reprenenied the motion wan taken up. Mr Abiiey reviewed the rane, nhow- illg that it had been l urried to the Supreme ourt by writ of ertlorarl and 'there the Supreme i unit ordered a : mandate that the Hint be dlHinlysed f"r want id juriftdii'tliin, and further that 'it ordcl'"d that the eioe be dlstlliHMed i with i imtH (nun the I'lr. lnl Court of 'Appeals and from the Clreuit i-onrt; and Natd tlie were iimw ankliiK that tile t ase ! dihllkiNMed 11 H per the lllllll- ilute uf Hi.- Supr-mi' i iiiirt and that 'the eourt appoint a hpe lal niiiHter to J lOOteHU ilamaiteM UKalll-t vthe Amerieau 1 l'"ii'line eotnpaiiy whiih furniHlieil the iiijuintii.il Ih.ikI for the WiIki m IiiKtlllnif; rumpaii), J.o k CratiHt.ui li 1 1 .. 1 1 . H.iIImkIi'T H I : i i i i i i ii . An- hiiiiner IIioh li hrewlug noiipaiiy and oitoTs. 'I'liTiM bund auiiiiinti'd to ST.- r.im and the line ,y Hi,. 1 I, ih Inn. inn IllpIMV III T fiHIl Mr Murilei-al obji'i ted I.. Hie ap- piilntmeiit of tin npei lal m.n-ti r upon the Kronnilii that the emirt had no jiirlfulii tmii to attneitii i iiHtH; that If the Mtl't ban the power to aNJO'HH I'OHtK it w.ik a matter for the rourt to de- ile the iimniint; and tU.it If the In- illlli lloll liolld WaH ei.. In K 1 lailll. the Supreme i .iurt ihlld it could not ami m ilaiiiaKi x on an injunction bond. Mr I in i hi ul arKiied that after the Supreme court bud ordered the ilmtniHMetl lor want of JurlKillc lloll. then the court had no Imli if to ippolnt a ttpci iu) mimtcr to aKneioi laiuagen Mr. Aluies redliiK "taled thiil the cuiirl conlil appoint a Hpecial in.iHler to i;,ke cnilcnic mill ih. n llic ourt could determine from the re- port the amount uf dainai;. that should he awiewieil. He m i l.l that It w.m a ulrange din trine that w hen the mandate of the Supreme court mild hsmlHKod with eoata" thai the court had no power to axuiiw the comii. He then riled n tiumlMT of opinion bear- Iiik on thin matter, ami the way thcue win mid damiigeH are iimieiuied. At Ihe coin luxloti of Mr. Abtiey argu ment, the hearing wan further ponl- piineii until tomorrow afternoon, an JinlKP I'rlti bard Ik Koinewhat IiiiUh- liiwed today The hearing wan held thlK inornliig at Judge I'rlli hard'n. reit- tiletn e, he ti lt (,. iii,.i,. i(l ,..., Iiiwn to bin olllce Sam l'lnisteln mid wife today Hold tbrough the real eatnte agency of J. M. CamplH II and i nmpany a piece of properly on South Main street between I'nck wiuare und Kagle street, for a coiiKldcration named In the deed of C.1O0. The property wan Kold to Thomas Wren of McDowell county. i . " 1 ... ... , Clearance Sale ' aU my Low Shoes; ono-fourth to one-third oft regular . price. Kow a your chance to get a bargain. Avail yourself of thla exceptional opportu nity at once. f GEO. W. JEXKIXS, 29 Soath Main. Ptione 125, LIQUOR SELLING CASES E The Chalmers for 1910 has no mechanical changes over last season's ear, none heinff found necessary; hut the wheel hase has hcen increastnl to 115 inches, five inches larger than last season's, ami the wheels increased to 34x3 1-2, which means still greater lire economy over last year's Chalmers and last season's expense was remarkahly small. Investigate the Chal mers hefore you make up you r mind.. Do it now. ASHEVILLE cZSdk AUTOMOBILE CO. Telephone 1310. 15 & 17 S. Lexington Ave. T John Hermann Fined $200 and Coitt Two Larceny Catei Dii. pried of. Superior court begun Its m-cond week this nioiulm; and several cawa of miiiiir importance were taken up and dlspoKed of. The tirxt ciKe called wax that of John Hermann, charged with violation of the prohibition I.-ih. The Hlale all. mil that he had Hold whlnkey. Mr. Hermann wim hind t2ao and coKtK. John I'nldvvi ll of color was tried on the charge of larceny of flu from an ther neero, and was found cuilty and sentenced to three carN on the county ad. '.kkIc Cooper, a neuro eirl, wan found gtillly by the jury of larceny of Nhirl wiiH, and other cloiliing, ami upon the recoinnieiiilaliou of the Jury thai the court have mercy upon her. Judge AilaniK seiileiK i d lo r to serve four in i n I Iik In the county Jail. At the noon n o hk, court was en gaged In the trial of John Ward, who Ik alleged to have ylolated the prohi bition lawn. IW0 EXCELLENT SERMONS AT CENTRAL METHODIST l:liMiicnl lYcidcnt (lf Trinity Itelighl- etl Tun Ijirge AiiiIIi'IIcik Yi"tTilny. c 1 PRINTING NEATLY DONE. All johs of the smaller kinds done in tho most artistic manner by a prize winning printer. We give you what you want' when you want it. at fair prices. Let us make estimate on your stationery needs. The Rogers Press 39 Patton Avenue. Phone 254 1 Lady Shoppers Will find our refreshment parlorg an Ideal rest room during; the heated hours of the day, where a light luncheon or other rcfrenhinetits can be had at mnall cost. Candy Kitchen HAYWOOD STREET NKAK P. O. L. Blomberg Leads in Cigars Tobaccos, Smokers Articles and Sporting Goods. 17 Patton Ave. MISSION FURNITURE. The latest and best made to order in artistic designs at reasonable prices. JOHN CATHEY, S East College St. Thone 303. E!a3I RNTl-TUBERCULOSIS at DUNHAM'S MUSIC HOUSE LEAGUE, FOR NEGROES Plan Meets With Quick Response-A Number ol State Associations Organized. The alien imice on the morning and evening Kirvliix at Central church Sunday, were more than delighted with the mUKic and KcriuotiK. Key. r. John r Kilgo, president of Trin ity college, Hiirham. preached an line inTinmii iik were ever dcllercd from thai pulpit. Tin Is strung language, when it In remembered that many of the mux! i I..., in nl and abb divines from bishops down the list, have preached to iiudloncf from Central pulpit during the long yearn of Its history Stenographic reports would be gladlx read and preset veil by tin unusually large audiences that taxed the rapacity of the church at each Kt rvleo. lr. Kilgo Is too well known to the Southern Metlii.diKtK to reouire any praise iih a pulpit orator or lassie iK-liolar. Ills manner is pleasant. hl diction perfect, and he held Ills Us teiierK xpclihiuiiid from the reading of his text to the llnlsh. All regretted thai he dl.l not lengthen hlK set oioiis Ills tribute tu den It. K. I e at the ioim- in me mi, ruing sermon was beautiful, and happily rect ived, by tin large nuillciiK pome of the ladles saying II was with ditllculty they could repr.w u hnnd-cliip the church only rcKtrulnlng them. An attempt ut n s nopsls would be unfair to thin distinguished divine. I he line choir wa greatly augmented ny the nolo Ringing of Mm. Jam.- Wallace ltcan, who him been often heard with much pleasure at Central Mr, m-nn in visiting her husband's pn rents on AMiclund avenue, and hope is rxpresKcu mat Kile may be heard often during her tay In the city. Why not let us put in an electric fan for , you this hot weather. " ') , W. A. WARD, Anything Electrical, Phone 449. 10 N. Pack Sq DON'T ENDANGER The lives of the little ones by giving them raw and impure milk. . You avoid all. danger by us ing"PASTEUKIZETrMliX It's pure and clean. Asheville Pure Milk Co. E. Wklnnt St. ITtone KM. A New Line of Electric Fixtures and Art Glass Domes Just in Piedmont Electric Co. 64 Patton Avenue. ' Phone 478. Opposite Postoffico. For the Beat Lit cry in the City which Include tha Aneat lock, moat up-to-date rig and thoroughly eipe rienreo drtvara. a W. A. WEBB & SON, Cwllega M. rtKMia I Ml KODAKS TO LOAN FREE Films for Rale, printing and developing at reasonable prices J. M. McCANLESS, Studio 7 and 9 Patton Ave. WAWTKH. w AMhli Tin ahnn foreman. None but good. Btcndy man ni-ed apply AUilreaa Itox 912. flly. 167-Jt MISS MAUOAUET ATKINS. Aria and irafta Studio, will give lemon. Washington, Aug A plan for p-hnmlieri & W eaver . Uvery, Ihe otganiration of a negro nnll-tiil.i r- ulosi. lengne In yarlous staten, tiro. poe, recently hy flip Cnlted Stat imbllc health and marine hospital M-r vice, nun met wim oiiick response. Already live date organlxallona have been formed and Ihe movement has received endorsement of tate and Irrrltnrlul board, of health. State kagura have been formed In ieorgia. ixiul.lnnu. Mlmljwlppl, North i aroiina and Virginia. One of the principal feature of the plan la the isunc of a brg rertlfirate of mem nemntp to each supporter of the movement lirunchea of tha leaauea ra tu be established In varioua nearo J I churchm and memberahlp rertlllcatea lhave tirlnted on thm (nrnrtn.n..n -i alive to the cauae, prevention and cute of tuherculoaU. I'hone 1 1 Stenciling, Tueaduya and In Fridays lS0-26t If You're Putting up Preserves Anl Jellies, you'll nwd pre avuiut, jeny glasses Wa.hlngtoB. Aug. I.-Th. ennduinn and jars. Get them IIKUE! m-SVm. Jelly (Mass, with cover-, 2c ca. IZ&l " "UmM " ti t't tot All others at cmia'llv ttmni LJ"1" r,rmrt r . -iricunurai aepartment Inlay. iii ii ii-vn. a.iki Vlalllng ladlea In Ashe viua to Know aliout my perfect cleaning and dry-dyeing proceaa t teana everything no matter how delicate, and dyea any light rnlora a anada or mora darker than orlgl nai. j. u. willMir, I'hona tha Square. WHEAT AND CORN CROPS iiepurt or rotMlltkMt of Im Cereals miied by llu Krwrtiimit ot Agricwllur. Live Right DIXE PItOl'KKIA' ANI KXJOY IIKAWII In hot weather it la eaaentlul to the health of your household that fruit le served ;m frequently aa the family purae will permit: Hence this reminder. ' VK 1IAXKI.K. Ornnge, I'enchea. Iemona, Grni', Mananui, Ap ple. I'lintelniipcK, Water Melon, etc., and a full line of canned and Dried Kulta N0LAND & MclNTYRE tbne SQUARE AtiKXTs roil niAsn axi smuuns tkas ad 'oi fkrs niOXS IM AND 300. "Ql'ALITY HOCKIU ES." The Bath DrparUuent of Dr. CarroU's Sanita rium la Open to tha Public. : Trained attendanta are preaent at all tlmea, prepared to intelligently ad minister Turkish, Russian,. Cabinet. Electric Light and Medicated Baths, Salt Glow, Alcohol Rub, General and Special Massage. , s . J Ladies will And the accommodations and . attendanta. unusually pleasing, and may make special apolntments by phone. Sunday treatments only by appointment Phone 431-R Tender Steaks .-'v.... ' - ' ,. ..; ,- . " Sirloin, Tenderloin, Porter house, Hamburger, etc. Native and Western Meats. THE STAR Phone 66 Ill SPECIAL PRIC23 ON M. & W. COAL DURING AUGUST Buy your coal now for j next winter. iAsheville Coal Co. J F. M. WEAVER, Mgr. Phone 40. IMPRESSIONS COUNT Tou always look better with clean, perfectly laundered linens. ' We do our-. part Mountain City Laundry, ' '.':::,', rhona 428. ' T S Quench Your Thirst With A Bottle Of TTT a"'. " Wherever Soft Drinks Are Solo. bottled by :'' H. S. HASkEXL, '.; S17 Haywood St ' Phone 17. Prompt delivery. : 1 2,000 POUNDS OF COAL Guaranteed to each ton. Dry Stove Wood.. ProniDt Delivery. Blue Ridge Coal iS Wood Co Farultore Store. ' TELEPHONE 61 '. Office In Green Bros PATTON AKNCE. BRICK OR BULK PHILADELPHIA ICE CREAM in all flavors. Glasses and spoons sterilized. ROGERS & STOUT, 78 Patton Avenue, Opposite Postoffice. Phone 510. The artistic case design and the magnificent tone of the Becker Bros. Pianos will appeal to the most critical .buyer. It will be worth your while to see these beautiful pianos at - ' , , . FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE,, "The House of Quality!" No. 21 South Main Street Purest and Rumford Baking Best Powder Citizens Transfer Company JTJLXAJt WOODCOCK, Owaef. 48 PATTON AVENUR TELEPHONE tS. FURNITURE MOVING Prompt Baggage Transfer Service Endorsed by TT. O. T. and T. P. A. Quality in all things counts. Why not in Photographs? HAGE G KOONCE, V30Mtex Successors to N. BROCK & CO. Studio corner Patton and Asheland Aves. 1000 Feet Above City OVERLOOK PARK Overlooking Asheville and ., Western North Carolina Finer View than Pikes Peak. Take Charlotte Street CarQ !"'"' iahik IlKAD TAKE NO, TICK THEN ACT QUICK Meat oai on, izfta per Kallon; Quaker Oole. 10c per nackaae: Kellnvn'. Cork Flake. 10e per packaae, I for ISr; Quaker's Wheat llcrrtea. 10c lr package. 1 for lie; Quaker' Wheat Klukea, 10c pr aekaae, s tor iSc; poet Toatl.. 10c tackaite. for tie; Orapa Nuta. I fr lUc; neai iteoru, 1 for JSc; puffe.l. ,, a uon uaauiine 11.00 u. u. Aiueon, i-nona Jl. WANTED Klrat cla neat It a week. L X. L Department Store I. II. MIOTALQVn Prop. MAnniACB. IJCEJISR. 117-11 cook. Must be I Oak street Ill-It TX K ludef and Mlaa Hester IV. K Ftttoa At, Phone 107 c,u', ""'v snd Mia vioia Mon. liooin or llunromba. while. WANTKD flood eiperlenced conk Address with particulars llo. 177 UT-tf n A RG A1N Purnlched room for rent Spring Felt Mattress Ventilated, Sanitary, Durable, Restful. Trice $12.50 and $15.00. llettcrthana Box Spring with mattress. Let us show you. BEAUMONT FURNITURE CO. 27 South Main St. Phone 1002. BATTERY PARK -BANK AIHKVIU.C k. a J. r. BAWTER. Prwldent T. C. COXB. 1st Vlee-PraldanC R. BLUDKR, tnd VteaPrwldvnt J. K. RANKIN, Caahlar. CapiUl ..J100.000.00 Surplus and Pronts.S130,000.00 TRANKACrS A GENKRAXi BANaUMO BVtU.KESH tpectal Attantlna alyan to Colltctkmt The Winn School for Boys. JAMKS A. WINN, A. Head Master. BUtmore, N. C Individual attention to Individual need. Eighth eeealoa opana Thura- aay. eapt ttn. Number limited to Any local pople and twenty boarding pupua. ror catalotue containing full iniormauoa aaaraes Head Master, na til Sept uf Estra Furniture Hotels and Boarding Houses pan find all the Beds, Mattress !es, Blankets, Cots, etc., at GREEN BROS. We have on hand all furniture needed to handle the large crowds corning to the mountains. Tou .take tho people; we will supply the furni ture. -.Cots, $1.75; Blankets, $4.00 and up. . .? ; 5 L . . . J I The UllW IIIk rii r t. i-i.- Masweiiun nuua ma. 1 Addnw -tl roar per cant in)roet paid ea taa 8poalta, Phone 75 45 Pnttnn Z.," this office. ant r. u. uo iTi, Aaheville N. C ruone mi s i, :