' , . ip- -1 - f , . " "" I "r ', I I ; J LAST EDITION, 4:00 P.M. , Weather rorecast: I -': " .' Fine. VOL. XIV. ASHEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 20, 1900. 3c PER COPY Ti Forty Eager to Sell Their Blood To Pretty Young Invalid Qirl LI COMES Countess Rescues Her Daughter no. 167. .; HAHR1 PATHETIC STORY OF A BILLY GOAT Or at Any Rate, A Goat; Employed by the Contest Man to Point Out . That Nobody KnowaV & From Clutches of Her Husbandi S1L1PLYF0R REST II I. rim i u nil uLinn Hall a Dozen , Good Presidential Ap poinlm:n!s Await Application ' ' ot Qualified Men. . HI6H STANDARD WAS SET FOR TREASURY SECRETARY Ami It Is Apparent that Men to Meet Tliowe Requirements Are Not Easily Found. . ' v:- ' ' """ '-. ''" V ' Beverly, Mass.. Aug. 20. Half dozen of the best temporary appoint ments which President Taft will have to make this year arc waiting the ap plication of qualified experts. They are the places under the appropria tion of $75,000 made by congress for Investigation In connection wltfi the application of the new maximum and minimum tariff rales. Information which has been receiv ed by the president from Franklin MncVeagh, secretary of the treasury, points to a scarcity of men qualified for the appointments. When tho president left Washing ton ho commissioned Secretary Mac Veagh to look around and prepare a list of ellglbles from which the selec tions could be made, and he set a high standard for the secretary of the treasury to meet. President Taft has expressed the belief that the appropriation for the employment of the experts permits their use In other tariff work than that of providing knowledge which will aid the executive In applying the prlnclp'e of the maximum and mini mum t 1 foreign countries. Sou Grounds for Control? Information came to tho president today that customs lawyers In Boston have already discovered a list of 200 rates in the new bill upon which they believe they can maintain contests. Serious question has also been rais ed over the construction of the sec tions creating the customs court, which make Its decisions final In cus toms cases. Eminent customs lawyers hold that this taking away of the right of appeal to the Supreme court of the United States by an act of con gress cannot bo maintained and will be overthrown when the question Is . raised... ...-... .. .. - -' wrarvNGHous electric co. FORCE IS PIT ON WVL TIME Sereral Thousand Employes of Uie Concern at East Pittsburg Are Affected. Pittsburg-, Aug. 20. The entire force of the Westlnghouse Electric and Man ufacturing company at East Pittsburg has been placed upon full time. Several thousand employes are affected. Nomination Ballot I hereby nominate M. ...... ... ... Address... ... ... District... ... ... ... My Name is: M... .. Address.. Profession Date... ... ... ... ..... Hour This nomination ballot, when properly filled out, will count for 1,000 votes. Only one nomination ballot will be credited to a candidate. - Under no circumstances will the name of anyone mak ing a nomination be divulged. Win a $65 Prize $65. COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE NOMINATION PRIZE ThU splendid price win be flvon to the poraon who nominates the winner of the Bulck Touring Car. 1 The Oasette-Newa determined to overlook no one In this big prop osition, has decided to five a valuable prise to the person who nominates tho aucoemful candidate. Clip out the blank published In this Issue. All In properly and Mnd to the Contest Department. Tou may nominate yourself. If you win the first grand prise, you will also be awarded the f( Columbia. JBut you need not nocee arlly be a contestant to win this prise. It you are fortunate enough to have sent In the name of the winner of the BulrU Touring Car. the talking machine will be given you at the close of the contest Make as many Dominations as you like. It costs you nothing .to fill Jut the nomination blank and send It to the Contest Department of he Oasette-News. It you do not send In your own name you may win a prise anyhow. This paper feels that this Is a magnificent offer and ahould result In the selection of sone but the most active and aggressive candidates. Try to name a winner. The Columbia was purchased from and guaranteed by FALE'3 IIUSIO HOUSE. - V 1 i L 1 , wui .- MISS CCLE KAYSEK. Now York, Aug. 20 Forty men blood to Miss Cole Knyscr, a pretty Lukes hospital. Six of tho men hav chosen. This was n result of publication Luke's hospital had refused to draw of Arthur Kayser, tho young woman Hon of transfusion In her behalf had Miss Kayser, who Is 22 years old, suffering from anaemia, and tho medl need of healthy blood. When tho br appointment, tho parents of the you and as each one appeared ho or she w were promptly dismissed on tho susp torlety, but tho two score men were ranks were soon reduced to six. ACCOUNTS WRONG SAYS DICKERSON Overdraft Showing Erroneous, in Light of Strict Accounting He Makes a Good Witness Penland May Testify For Defense Coffin and Burgwyn Here Rebuttal Evidence Rumored. Joseph E. Dickerson, charged Joint ly by tho government of the foiled States with conspiring with MaJ. W. B. Breese and Mr. W. II. Penland to de fraud the old First National Bank of Ashevllle. declared this morning while undergoing cross-examination at Un hands of District Attorney llolton that certain overdrafts of J. JC. Dickerson and J. E. Dickerson & Co., as shown by the books of the banks, for in stance during several months In 189ri and ISfli;, were erroneous In the light of an accurate accounting; that1 the overdrafts shown constituted interest and part principal on notes which Mr. Dickerson testified1 he secured at the request ot MaJ. Breesn and which went either to tho benefit of MaJ. Breese or to. tho bank; that the wit ness was charged up with the interest and part principal and thnt this waa AKTHUK tSAYStK- and six women are eager to sell their m i k girl, who is crltlcolly III In St. o been selerted unci one will bo of the fact that" tho surgeons of Kt any more vltnl fluid from the veins 's brother, because a previous opera weakened his constitution, two years tho senior of her brother. Is car men declare Bhe Is In Imperative other was rejected, much to his iIIb ng woman advertised for Volunteers, as sent to tho hospital. The women iclon that they might be seeking un examined by the surgeons and their wrong; that a settlement was pending between Dickerson and the bank when the failure came. .Mr. Dickerson "aid that Included In this "accommodation" paper which he had secured for MaJ. Breese, or rather at tho request of MaJ. Breese, were notes given hy-J. C. Jones. J. B. IIol II lies worth and the Carolina Wood working company, of which Mr. Dick erson was secretary and treamirer. Overdrawn for Ijirce Amounts, This statement by the witness came after the district attorney had shown by the witness and wilh the aid of the bank books thnt the accounts of both the witness, tho J. K. Dickerson Co., and fho Carolina Woodworking company were from month to month duriiiR 18U5 and 1896 overdrawn at one and the same time and for large amounts. While on the utand this morning testifying as to fruiiHnetlon.i In which ho was Involved In connec tion with tho affairs of the defunct bank Mr. Dickerson In reply to a ques tion from the district attorney said that he took a mortgage on Penland for 110,000 for Mrs. C. B. Alvey, wit ness' slKter-in-law and still further In reply to a question from the district attorney as to why witness did not ook after the bank first, witness said that under the circumstances as he knew them, he thought that he should look' out first for Mrs. Alvey. Mr. Holton with sarcasm remarked: "You saw that Mrs. Alvey was pro tected but you let the bank go." The $10,000 mortgage transaction was just a shore time before the failure of the bank. Made a Rood Wllnew. Mr. Dickerson made a good witness this morning, answering questions promptly and fairly and squarely. In connection with incidents and trans actions on which he was not Just clear he frankly stated that he would not he positive but that he thought such and such was the case; that he was testifying as to tho best of his recol lection. Co fflii ami Burgwyn Here. The hearing opened with Mr. Dick erson on the stand on direct examina tion. When the session opened there were a number of spectators In the court room and shortly several ladles and visitors in iho town from differ ent parts of tho country came in. There were also present with the opening of rourt George M. Coffin deputy comptroller of the currency at the time and beforo tho failure of the bunk, and Col. Burgwyn, national bank examiner when the bank failed. The presence of these two gentlemen gave rise to the rumor that In all protmlilllfy the government would In trodueo evidence In rebut'tal after the dcrenso closed; that CoL Burgwyn and Mr. Coffin were here for that purpose. This rumor, however, could not be verlllcd although it Is under stood 'that tho government Is not yet inrougn. it is also rumored that Mr. Penland, who Is Indicted along with Mr. Dickerson and Major Breese, but whom District Attorney Holton this week declared he was not trying, will be called as a witness for the de fense. Mr. Dickerson testified this morn ing that his Indebtedness to the hank starting from 1B0 and ending August 1891, waa 182,644. He gave a list of I notes on which he had secured money, the first note given In 18(0 being for $1,111.26; the notes In 1811 were !$2627.1, (8000, $4500, 11000; In 181 1)4500, 82500, 11500; In 182, 1500, ! 2400, 12475, 8400; In 184, 11100 i 1416 45 and $2200. The witness tea- I lined that her was snother note In 1892; this, note waa given at $1000, (Continued on page 4) Needi It After Treatment abroad, Say .Alexander Millar,. Who ' Hat Been With Him. HE CANOf FIND COMFORT IN THE HOTELS OF EUROPE Harrliuan's Health by No Means as :i Bin I as Sec"' o lie the Impicx Nion, Miller Declare. New York, Aug. :(). K. II. IIhitI man's return from ills Kuropean trip at this time, cutllcr than was expected, is simply to adjfntt of his obtaining, in his own home, ntulcl.xt comforts and conveniences Impossible to sirure In European hotels, the rest he. needs after his treatment ubriuid, according to Alexander Millar, secretary of tho Union Pacific and Southern Pacific railroads, who has liven abroad wltli llurriman. "Mr. JIarrlman'8 health Is by no means as bad ns .seems to be the Im pression of this side." said Mr. Millar. "I do not think he will take am very prominent part in business for u few weeks after bis aril vol here," he added. Davis, Mrs. Sutton Counsel, Declares Judge Advooata Was Derelict In His Duty. Washington. 'Aug. 20. sharply crit icising the conclusions of the court or Inquiry which recently re-iuvesllga'ted the death of IJeub'iiiiMt Sutton of the Murine corps, Henry K. Davis, coun sel of Mrs. Mutton, mother of the dead officer, in a statement declares that the Judge adoca.te was derelict in his dulv In not eniihrmUiK two legal prop ositions submitted by Mr. Davis. Had he dune so and the cunt heed ed him, Dais continues, "it would have been absolutely .obliged to ex clude the hypothesis of suicide and almost as certainly to exclude the hy pothesis of a wound self-lnllieted ill anv manner as the explanation of the cause ot Lieutenant Sutton's death." WENT OFF TIE Serious Derailment Between Montford and Craggy-Meager Reports Received. Five cars of a freight train were .Wnllori this afternoon betw Mont ford and Craggy stations, on the Southern railway, according to m-ag-r reports received here. No one was re porte das Injured. The freight train was running Just ahead of passenger train No. 12. Wrecking trains have been sent to the scene. The accident oecurred on the Knox- vllle division and reports are not re reived at the offices of the Ashevllle division. Considerable trackage. It Is thought, la torn up. and it will lie sev eral hours before through Iralllc. can be resumed. Train No, 11, from the east, is running an hour late, and the plan is to effect a transfer at the wreck this afternoon. WRIGHTS BEGIN A SUIT CHARGING INFRINGEMENT New York Arronnntlo Society Defend ants CurtlM Machine Is the Alleged Infringement. Nrw York, Aug. JO. Wilbur ami Orvllle Wright, the aeronauts, have entered suit In the United Slnles Cir cuit rourt here against the Aeronaut lc society of this city, charging Infringe ment of patent rights on their aero, plane Inventions. The Wrights complain that the so. clety procured from the Herring-Cur tlss company and from dlenn IL Cur tlas flying msrhlncs alleged to Infringe the Wright patents and secured 'ur tl ts to give nubile ' exhibitions for which an admission was charged. ASHEVILLE HORSE SHOW ASSOCIATION'S STATEMENT That Organisation Not Officially Con-nrx-trd With Midsummer . , Assoclathin. At a meeting of the directors of the Ashevllle Horse Hhow association held today, the secretary was Instructed to make the following statement through the city press: "The Ashevllle Horse Bhow associa tion Is not connected officially with the Midsummer Horse Bhow associa tion, "W. T. RANDOLPH, "flecrstary." GRITICISM OF SUTTON COURT Ml jppw" " a'- ?'- nT 1 I CPUMTCM mtCIA CIZYCgla, AND ... a,.,,,, viik. (nillli1 i-rsiin nf v'hiinKii, arrived lure on the V.iii- V,.l A i .v nn ...... lin. Tile Countess limiiKlit with her a V. . a A. f .. s ' w ( possession of whom she and her reliitlves had fought .sineo her separation from her liiishtiud. Ii was oiilv after the Hussion government had been ap- ooaled to tliat she viim hIiI. to ifi'I l,,.r tlie little girl in seclusion In Kussta. With the rmintess enmc nl.o Mr. and Mr. -Joseph Medill McCormlck. of Chleimo, .Mr. MeCoriiiick Is n cousin of tho Countess and went to Kurnpe especially to ht'lp her to get I, nek her child. STRIKERS TRIED TO START A FIRE Bundles of Excelsior Thrown into the Plant ol the Pressed Steel Car Company. ritlshurg. Aug. - Kaily Indny an ittvmpt wim made by persons un known to stiirl a fire inside th" plant of the rrcHscd Steel cur company. Soy-riil larue bundles of burning ex- celsliir were thrown over the mill fence, but were extinguished by the guard Hearing Iiiai alleged nriue sympathizers hud threatened o dynn- mnte the ferry steamer used to carry emplojes to the works, the crew ol the boat null rather tunu taKe tne rifh of explosion. The hltuntion this forenoon quiet. PITTSBURG IS TERRORIZED BY AN ELECTRICAL STORM Willi High Wind. Heavy H'" anil Hull Windows llrokcn, Cellars Flooded, l-eople Injured. rittshurg, Aug. 20.- Wind, ruin, hall and lightning terrorixod this cily and vicinity today. Windows were broken, cellars numled and u number of persons Injured when frightened horses ran away. Wire communication suffered and traffic was blocked. There were two storms, each lasting half an hour. INTK.H N ATION Wi ASSOCI ATION KIHK KNtilNKKHS' Ol l it I US The Ibaly fast l'vcnlng i:iccied lieorge V. Iloiioii or llulilmore as lis Iteslilciil. Orand Rapids, Mich., Aug. 20 The International assoclstlon of Ore en gineers Inst night elected the follow ing olllcers: President, Oeorge W. Morton of Baltimore; Hrst vleeprenMent, John Thompson of Toronto: second vice president, William trawler of Youngs town, O.j secretary, James MrKnll of Roanoke: treasurer, Daniel C. Ijirkln of Dayton, ,0. High HatSn Long Coats, Have Been Passed Up New Orleans, Aug. JO.Vresldent Taft 'and party will be met at New Orleans upon the termination of their trip down the Mississippi river In Oc . i 1 ..i'. A . 71 ... x ir i- v ill CTXTNTEU IZVCXJ I 1 1 nil I M I II iiiki:hi, I i.l llli'l l.v ,,iir.n I Hl- Kaiser Willielin do Cross,' from Mer ,...,i. ,i:......i.i t ..I.. .. r,... lor four -years old diiuuliter. for tho fhllil rnini tit.e liiisiiHnil who bad keut Gang, Said to Have Headquarters in New York, Had a Million Dol lars in Bad Money. Louisville, K, Aug. 20. In a stule iiient to the press. W. O. Osborne, broker, of J. M. IVtt. r K Co.. who re vealed to the police the million dollar counterfeit enterprise, discovered hi re esti rilay, said Marion Huberts bad told him the lioadiiiinrters of the ang was lit 103 Wall street, New York. Dreams of wealth centered In a brass- hound trunk containing a mill Ion dollars In counterfeit .Mexican pesos were shuttered for John and Marlon liolierts, brothers, when lHputy Cult cd Slates Marshal William lilaydes ar rested John Kol.erts In Shell, county. Willi the money In his possession. Since liolierts' arrest there has been unravelled In the custom house of Ijotilsvillc and In central police sta tion a remarkable tale of attempted liuaiielal biieeaiieerlngs, rivalling some of the holdest exploits III the making of spurious ciirruuey John liolierts. sitting In the offlce of the secret service liiii'eiiil here, cool ly an il that he would plead guilty at tlio (leiulicr term of the Federal court and seemed resigned alsmt spending a majority of bis years in the federal prison at Atlanta. He had only want fd to get rich, he said. It was through Marlon Roberts thai the counterfeiters were aprehended and their plan to defraud Mexico of 1,1100. mill exposed. Marlon liolierts some1 days ago of fered Osborne high commissions to dispose of some Mexlcau money for him. The broker notified the chief of police, who al once enlisted secret ser vice men and the trap to catch Ma rlon Huberts was successfully sprung. Since Marlon Huberts' arrest on Mon day the police obtained from him 'ths Information which led to the descent upon nis l. rot her at Klmpsonville. THK WriATHKn. Forecast until I p. mf Katurday for niMi'-vi-i ami vicinity: f air weather. with moderate temperature, tonight ami isuiuruuy. tober by "plain clothes" cltlsens. It hss been decided that high hats snd frock coats no lonser constitute a ore. requisite for service on the reception committees. BIG COUNTERFEIT SCHEME SPOILED AND NO ONE CM FIND OUT V HOW YOUR VOTE STANDS Do Not Believe llslf You Hear; Just Keep a-Siulliiur and a-',.' , IIiiKtllng. ' J- Now Is a period ot the contest when every contestant begins to get a trifle nervous and wonders If there is any manner in which they can get "double-crossed," to use the slang ex pression. ;-. .st And it Is no more than natural that a candidate who has put in four or llvo weeks, or mote, of hard and con scientious work should be more or less concerned as to what chance there is for some one to "tip off his hand" by giving some other fellow some Inside Information, as to where ha stands and what amount of business he has turned In, or Is likely to turn In at tho lust hour. And then, of course, that croaking friend, whose mental make-up Is of a , caliber that makes him continually suspicious of anything and everybody who is or a positive opinion that 'whatever is" is wrong, will be there with his knowing smile, and his as surance Unit somebody will "get a tip and win out at the last minute." . - Well, fho contest man is Just going put the iiuietus on that "know it ill fellow" and take a little of the poison out of the system. You may lepeiut on It, that under this avstem it is Impossible for any one TO KNOW how tho other fellow stands. The contest in ii a recalls a title Incident which happened not very long ago. Involving an express messenger St a unlry -depot and the old negro por- er, which was something like this: it seems that a goat was crated and shlppedrliut in some manner the way bill was misplaced and the address md been destroyed; and after much searching to Hnd to whom the goat (Continued on page I.) INE FEAT IN AIR B! GLEi CURTIS Thousands Applauded as He Skillfully 5 - Avoided Collision by U ward Shoot. Rhelms. Aug. 30. The American aviator, Oienn II. Curtiss, at sundown yesterday added a dramatic feature , lo the trials nights of the aeroplanes entered for the contests of aviation week by skillfully guiding his ma-' chine above Snother aeroplane and averting a collision In the air that seemed imminent. The feat was accomplished when. for the first time in history, three henvier-than-alr craft were maneu vering at the same time. All were Hying rapidly when suddenly Curtiss saw 1 1. Dumanset, In an Antoinette monoplane, approaching at right angles snd on the same level with him. As quick ss a flash Curtiss realised the danger and, elevating his planes, his machine Instantly shot upward and soared safely over the Krenchtnan. The thousands of spec tators who lined tho serodrome watch ed the maneuver with ha tod breath, hut when they saw It successfully and hrlllinnfly rarrled out they applauded the American wildly. The third ma- hlmi In the air at the limn was that of M. Tissandler. , : . : v. SEVERE ELECTRICAL STORM t HAS BROKEN HEAT WAVE Tho fViiple Killed, Our Paralysed, Two Houlrrc1 I itcotim-tous by lightning. t 1 Alexandria, La., Aug. 20. The heat wave, accompanied by temperatures ranging from 96 to 110 degrees, wss broken today bV the most severe elec trical storm ever experienced In cen tral Ixuilslana, Two people were killed, one wss paralysed snd two were rendered un conscious by lightning. FULLER PROHIBITION BILL PASSES ALABAMA SENATE Setil-Mi as in Advertising liquors, llics ever, Kceum to Have) Had - No Friends. Montgomery, Aug. 10. -The Fuller prohibition bill passed the senate with little opposition. , There waa not a vote against the elimination of that section whi. ti sought to prohibit newspapers e l msgatlnes from sdv-jrtMi.g !! ..., ? - .- k, - 5 ' ' ! ' f