( ( 4:Co p. ::. Weather x-crtc:.: Fair. J ; dicpatchts ' Li A VOL. XIV. NO. 170. ASHEVILLE, N. 0., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 24, 1909. 3c PES CCrY TELLS 11011 TO "I xi kj vy ivn. jpmKSUJN , FORMERLY MINISTER TO u CE, x LOST A GOO'jj JOB A COIJTESJ PRIZE rl d n a. -v. i . y :'"""! -'' . l " " " ev- . . A Tale, It Seems, Attaches to Prompt Acceptance of Re signation of the Man. from Ashevitle. UPON WHOM IS THE JOKE, SINCE A JOKE THERE IS 7 And "How Coma" Mr. Grant Is Fitter. edWilti a Formidable Poten. tial Opponent in Hla Dittricl? PERIODICALLY, there haa been - considerable (peculation, among . those ; concerned In political iratter hereabouts, aa to the probable cause which led to the resignation of thu Hon. Richmond Pearson, aa min ister to Greece. ' Some have been led to wonder whether there is some hid den cause, which might acount for Mr. Pearson's presence In these moun tains, that' Js not related to President Taft's deslreto give the position to a New Hampshire friend, and his ap pnrant willingness to withdraw from North Carolina the lone positWti of consequence In the consular or diplo matic service. How It Happened. ' A representative of tlita paper lias been given understand that there In deed ataches to Mr. Pearson's resig nation, a tale. The 'fact seems to be that Mr. Pearson lost - his position through what may be described, with a peculiar aptness, as a concat (nation of adverse circumstances. As Is well known to those who move ami have their being In the higher olfl. l.il circles at Washington, it Is the cos torn, whenever a "hew administration assumes control of affairs, for those folding the more Important positions In the consular service to send to the president their formal resignation. This simple device,, which does not nui.HB.n miutn snvthlnff in ; nRrttfi- ular, ! resorted to, to the end that thja. preslaeni mym w mi i una should he conclude to make a charge here and there . . Well, It seems that Mr Pearson, r-.l-..tveya aware of what Is the proper course to nursue under all eireum- s'ances, promptly forwarded his res- . lsrnatlnn to the new President Tart. This n ti a Aaiait that mam n.iHalilv .attended to by Minister Pearson's sec- ratftrv. and wm tiromntlv rilNfnlnsAfl- no doubt, from that gentleman's mind. . Several Astonishments. . . "Very great, then, was Mr. Pearson's astonishment, so the story runs, when he discovered that his resignation had (Continued on page 8.) I1IUHE IS 0! I WAYTOTHEGULF There Is Doubt About Its Destination, However, and Weather Bureau Is Buessing. Washington, Aug. 24. Following closely upon the storm that swept the gulf coast yesterday, and diminished In severity aa it crossed the Texas line going westward, the weather bureau today gave warning of a hurricane in the vicinity of Cuba, and east Jamaica, moving toward the gulf of Mexico. This hurricane, quite different In Its nature from yesterday's storm, and perhaps of much greater severity, waj this morning making Its way toward the gulf with a good deal of uncer tainty as to its destination. This weather disturber is not as yet within the Jurisdiction of the weather- bureau, but Its reported movement In the gulf Is ominous of trouble. ' The forecaster at the weather bu reau today could form no detlnite Idew as to what would become of the hur ricane whether It will exhaust its fury In the gulf, or show up along the southern coast, or whether it will reach the United States at all. HT FOR PRKENT, AT LEAST Any Overt Act, However, Would Pro. bably Precipitate a Street Battle.'. ' Natchea. Miss.;' August 4-Qulet prevails at Meedvllle, Franklin county, today. ..and Sheriff, Jones announced that 'he cari cope 'with any trouble that may arise because of the attemp ted assasinatioh of Ernest Newman, chancery clerk,. Sunday night. , Squads of soldiers are patrollng the little town and have the situation well In hands. Meedville la niled with followers of the Newmans. Few ad herrents of the Prltchard are about and the .are appearantly not seeking trouble. It Is said, however, that many men are well armed and any overt act would preclpat a street battle. Nomination Ballot I hereby noxqinate M. Address... . District... .. My Name is: M... Address, Profession Date. This nomination, ballot, when properly filled out, will count for 1,000 votes. Only one nomination ballot will be credited to a candidate. Under no circumstances will the name of anyone mak ing a nomination be divulged. tt . Hour... Set el Simple Rules, Guaranteed to Produce Results, Is Given by the Contest Man. r; SOME ONE WILL WIN EACH; IT MIGHT AS WELL BE TC'J Thoe Wlio Reallie the Magnitude of - the Opimrluulty Offered WUl Be tbe Winners. New York Herald and The Oasette-News. WELCOME BATTLE'S HIED ' ----m-'m Stronger Fight, buHor Less String. ' ant Measure, Against D. R. ; in Washington, Washington, Aug. i. More deter mlnod and stronger In numbers,' the advocates of further restriction of the liquor business In Washington already are lining up for their next tight, with congress aa the battle ground. The International order of Good Templars haa Just entered the light and allied Itself with numerous other organlza' tions for a vigorous campaign before congress. Rev. E. C. Dinwiddle, national su perintondent of the order. Is engaged In the preparation of a bill, which Is not so radical as the total prohibition measure which the national legists. ture rejected at its last session, but is designed to restrict the sule- of whis key In this city and make the condl tlons under which It la sold more stringent -'. .- ; 1 4 ' J O IS MADE TERLIEDT a $65.C0LOIA GnAPiiOPHONE r::::i:iATio,'i fhize This splendid prlxe will be fivsn to ths person who norainatea ths winner of ths Buick Touring Car. j Ths Oasetts-Naws determined to overlook no one In this big prop osition, haa decided to give valuable prise to ths psrson who nominates ths successful candidate. Clip out ths blank published In this issue, fill In properly and send to ths Contest Department Tou may nominate yourself. If you wm ths first grand prise, you Will also bo awarded ths $61 Columbia. But you need not nsces sarlly bs a contestant to win this prlss. It you aro fortunate enough to have sent In ths name of ths winner of ths Buick Touring Car, ths talking machine will be given yon at ths eloss of ths contest Hake as many nominations as you like. It costs you nothing to fill jut the nomination blank and send It to ths Contest Department of 4he Gaiette-News. If you do not send In your own name you may win a prlia anyhow. T,hls paper feels that this Is a magnificent offer and should result In ths selection of none but ths most active and aggressive candidates. Try to name a winner. The Columbia was purchased from and ri"rnteed by xv..r:'.;:.: :3 nouss. " Weslern Railways Win Point In Well Known Missouri River . Rate Cases.' the Chicago, Aug. 14. The permanent Injunction sought by ths Western Hallways against the interstate com merce commission. In ths famous Mis sourl Hiver rate case, was granted here today by Judges Orosscup, Baker and Kohlsaat. of the United States circuit court The railroads In the Missouri river case ' sought ito have the Interstate commerce commission enjoined from enforcing he order of the commission relating to Joint rates -from tns At lantlc Seaboard to the Missouri river that were a reduction from the sums of local rates. This decision. If sus tained by the Supreme court. It Is said, wllf limit the power, of the In terstate commerce commission to set tlement of cases of rate-discrimina tion. 120 TO 300 LIVES LOST IN THE SEA OUTLOOK'S BRIGHT Steamers in Collision at Mouth of Montevideo Harbor, and One, a German Vessel, Goes Down Quickly-r-Her Cap- tain, One of Few Rescued, Tries to Commit Suicide. Buenos Ayrf. Aug. 24. A collision today between two excursion steamers at the entrance lof Montevideo harbor resulted In the drowning of from ISO to 300 persons, mostly women and children. The vessels were the Argentine steamer Columbia, earning passen gers from Buenos Ayres to a festival at Montevideo and a Orrmnn steamer, also enguge'd In local passenger sit vice, . ' ' l The Inter went down so quickly that all attempts at rescue were prac tically hopeless. It Is said the cap tain of the German steamer and a few of the passengers were saved. The captain had to-be restrained from committing suicide. Negro Shot and Burned A fter Terrorizing Town -Monroe, La., Aug. 14. Half erased either by whiskey or cocaine, Bill Way, a negro, from Plneville, Ark., dashed down the main street of Monr roe today with a double barreled shot gun, flrlntr In every direction. Cltl sens returned ths Are and the negro nnally fell dead, after receiving a score or more of wounds. Twenty one eltlseas were Injured in the fight. When the negro fell his body was dragged Into the street and later tak en to the public square and burned In the presence of several thousand people. 4 Four of the 21 cltisens who were wounded by the negro are In a se rious condition, while the Injuries tf the other 17 are of minor nature. It was feare'd for a time that the mob might wreck vengeance on other members of the race, but the authorl ties took prompt precautions and all la quiet this afternoon.- . ' t4 Gun Play" Maxwell Dead; The Other Man Quicker Price, Utah, Aug. ii.C. I Max well, known as "dun Play" Maxwell, was shot and Instantly kilted by Sher iff Ed. Johnson on a street here last night Maxwell, who had an Inter stats reputation aa a "bad man," came to Price with the avowed Intention of settling an account with Johnson which grew out of his arrest by that officer at Ooldfleld, Nev., a year ago. Johnson was quicker and Maxwell fell, with two bullets In his body, be fore hs could draw his pistol. FUISHBE Pfflfi ' : III VESTEP.n FORESTS JIM BARRY AND JACK BURNS READY FOR TONIGHT'S BATTLE Jack Johnson Promises to Take on the Winner Some Time . Next Month. Los Angeles, Aug. 14. Trim and ready. Jim Barry and Jack Burns are resting today waiting for ths gong which will start them on a 10-round battle which will be a feature at Naud Junction pavilion tonight. , The fact that Jack Johnson, the negro heavyweight ehamplon, haa wired Promoter Tom McCarey that he would take on the winner some time next month makes the fight tonight of supreme Importance to both men. Considerable . Damage Haa Already Been Done In Washington and Idaho. lOEIDEflEGfS IN THE COMMERCE AC Conference to Be Held, Beginning NextMondsy, in the City of . New York. Spokane, Wash., Aug. 24. The for est fire on tbe east side of Pend d'Orellls river, Wash., la still burning. Fires In the vicinity of Port Hill, Idaho, near the Canadian border, art stubborn. Several ranchers and tlm ber owners have had their holdings swept away. Other farm houses are In danger. Little headway has been made In stopping Are In the vicinity of Naples and great areas of timber are burn Ing. The losses In that section Will run Into hundreds of 'thousands of dollars. i'i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m i m m, Bonus Offer on New Sabscrlp--... tlons. Every candidate bringing or serdlng to Ths Q issue News oTlce Ave new yearly subscriptions to Tho Oasette News. $25, to bs delivered by carrier, or six new yearly sub- scrlptlons to Ths Oasette News, 114, to bs delivered by mail, between . Wednesday, August 11, and midnight Wednesday, August SS, will bs awarded a voting ecrtincato for 40,000 votes additional to the regular scale. , One two- year subscription will be counted as two yearly sub scriptions, and each candidate may secure as many of these clubs as possible. What sort of a story Is necessary Ito impress the magnitude of The Ga-tette-Ncwa' great contest offer noon the people? Any story that might be beautifully phrased, any pretty com parison made, any striking lllustra tlon.glven. In fact, anything out of the ordinary In the wsy of a story of this nature could only have one ulti mate DurDose that Is to Imnrm unon I The Oasette-News' roarlora anil M.nH. ! . ---"- tne raot that Tbe Oasette-News ' Is running a contest and a contest that Is worth while. Ths mors Interest ing ths story, ths more vivid the com parison, the more startling the Illus tration, the more enjoyable the read- I Inv of It. nn -dntiht mnA rn. . a . impressive ana proa uc live or results should be. No one need be told that The Oa- Relte-News' prises In this) contest are all worth while; that both the auto mobiles are looking for a master or mistress; that ail the district prises -are musically longing to be tickled; that those elegant beds ere lying In wall fn. asimA .wn.vt IV... ikiu. Tii.V- New York, Aug. 24. Edward H. ,.- ... ., ... 1 guvnsria as. w viuintuis wivii vidm Harrlman. who Is now approaching Ure at the thought of soon comfort- SAYS ill ii e Sonde Message to Associated Press Saying Hie Condition le , Good. Ing some one, and that thoas bank accounts are only waiting to be placed to the credit of some particular one. Further, this being the case, why not take unto yourself one of these prises, give It a berth and have your friends admire it and yourself for ever and eternally for attaining themT And how do you go about getting one of these prises? A very simple ques tion and one that was answered so frequently that we can tell you with very little exertion. First, get yourself nominated, or get some friend to do It for you, or do It yourself. ' Second, call on one of ths contest men for any general Information and get him to give you a subscription book! ' ' ' Third, let your friends know that you are In the contest sad are by no means a dead one. Fourth, use your subscription .book to the advantage commensurate with your ability. r,. . '' Fifth, take down the prise desired. Get busy and win one or more bo nus certificates by Wednesday night. Ths contest has been extended two weeks longer than first Intended. owing to the wishes of a majority of ths osnitlilstiisi This STtsnslon Is the GRANTED MRS. H.K.GOULD I nrst and last, however, and the con lest will positively close uepismoerj 11. There yet remains about three weeks In which to win a prise. Plenty of time for one to map out an ad vantageous campaign and plenty of time for a new contestant to get In and overcome the slight lead gained. so to speak, by the "early birds." Three weeks to attain an alegant prise. What cannot man or woman accomplish In three weeks' time! Think it over. . New York after a several months so Journ In Europe, todsy sent the fol lowing wireless message to ths Asso luted Press: On board the 8. S. Kaiser Wllhelm II., via. wireless to Sagaponack. My condition Is good. I am going hack to Arden for after cure to re gain ten pounds which I left at Gas tein cure. The condition of Amerl run crops makes outlook bright and business conditions for future safe, Althought the steamer Kaiser Wllhelm II., on which E. 11 Harrlman ' Is returning from his trip to Europe In search of health should reach quarantine station about 1:10 p. m. today, probably It will be o'clock before Mr. Harrlman Is able to step ashore at the steamer's dock In lloboken. The Kaiser Wllhelm was 15 miles east of Nantucket lightship at m. today. 1:10 FINAL DIVORCE DECREE No Opposition Fjuh Gets Uk Cldkl- mi Half tlto Year, Gould May Not Betnarrr. New York, Aug. 14. Mrs. Helen Kelly Oould obtained her final decree of divorce from Frank J. Oould today. There wss no opposition today when Mrs. Gould's attorney made formal application to ths Bupreme court for the final papers. . The decree gives custody of the two children, Helen and Dorothy, to eacn parent for six months In each year. Oould Is not , permitted to re-marry In this state until after the death of his wife. The papers do not mention alimony. - . . '1 Washington, Aug. 14. Chairman Knapp and Commissioner Prouty of the Interstate commerce commission are In receipt of Invitations from President Taft toattend a conference which Is to be held, beginning next Monday, In New York city, to con sider proposed changes In ths Inter stats commerce act. Attending ths conference, beside the two commissioners, will be Attor ney Oeneral Wlckersham, Secretary Nagle of the department of commerce and labor. Solicitor Oeneral Bowers of the department of Justice, and Representative Townsend of Jtllchl gan. t ; , 1.1 BLERIOT CUTS El record of E. toanss Bethany Aviation Field, Rhelms. Aug. 14. M. Blerlot covered a lap In his mono plane this afternoon In 1 min utes and 4 1-1 seconds. The distance Is I 1-1 miles. The best record heretofore was that made yestenlny by Curt Iks I minutes 1& 1-1 seconds. DH01D PEIIMI SGQURGE (SCO Almost a Panic in Bu'.lar County A!a five Cead, Three Cytrtj 1C3 Casts la Clark. Montgomery, Ala., Aug. 14. Wlt'i Ave deaths from pellagra In Tut: r county, three persons dying and r cases under observation, there Is i -most a panto In that seetu.n. 1 state department of henlth t Importuned to send help, l.nt Mnson, the only expert In V Is Investlitatlpg In Chirk r more thiin 100 " r County !."! of