t Monday, October 18, 1SC3. PAGE TWO. THE ASHEVTLLE GAZETTE-NEWS. It i V1 'ft -I f 1 AtleLadKs Ooitter Tomorrow ami Xoxt Day. we will offer the women of this city and surround- n country tlie (! rent est Bargains in the following things it has ever been your pleasure to inspect. The most heautit'ul line of Suits and Skirts we have ever of-"' fereil the luyer and customers of our store. . ,. . ... Am m Jf SUITS THAT ALL CLASSES CAN AFFORD TO BUY. A line of Suits and Skirts that gives us much pleasure to offer you. 'in mm Our Silk Department is Complete. Moire Silk in all shades, $1.50 yd; Messaliue Silk, all shades, $1.35 yd;Taffeta Silk, all shades, $1.25 yd, guaranteed; Peu de Soie Hlaek, $l..r0; Heavy Black Satten, .'?( in. wide, $1.50 yd; Suesine Silk, the genuine, Z shades. 47 1 -2c. yd, No matter what you are told and no matter who tells it, there fa no geuuine Suesine Silk unless it hears the Suesino name. . Remember our Millinery Department. The Dr. Cook and Skidoo Hat. t ' , At le LiieY Out iter FREE PILE CURE Sent to Demonstrate the Merits of Pyramid rile Cure. V , Wlint It Has Done for Others, It Can Ho For You. SURVEY OF STATE FROM THE CAPITAL here Were 706 Convicts at the Pen itentiary Yesterday, the Smallest Number in 40 Years. We have testimonials by the hun dreds showing all stages, kinds and degrees of piles which have been cured by Pyramid Pile Cure. If you could read these unsolicited letters you would no doubt go to the nearest drug store and buy a box of Pyramid Pile Cure at once, price fifty cents. , We do not ask you to do this. Send us your name and address and we will send you a trial package by mall free. We know what the trial package will do. In many cases it has cured piks without farther treatment. If It proves Its value to you order more from your druggist, at 50c a box. This Is fair, is It not? Simply All out free coupon below and mail today. MANY IMPROVEMENTS V AT THE STATE FARM FREE PACKACJE COUPON. 4 t' Fill out the blank lines be low with your name and ad dress, cut out coupon and mall to the PYRAMID DRUG CO., 180 Pyramid BUIg.. Marshall, Mich. A trial package of the great Pyramid Pile Cure will then be sent you at once by moil, FREE, in plain wrapper. Name Street City and State Caihvalader-Rocbllng Wedding. Trenton, N. J., Oft. 21. A wedding that united two families of great so rial prominence took place today, when Miss Emily Koebling, daughter of Charles Q. RoehlliiK, became the bride of Kit-hard Met 'all C'adwalader of Philadelphia. The ceremony took plucv shortly after the noon hour In Trinity Episcopal church, the Rev, Hamilton Schuyler officiating. Many guests were In attendance from New York, Philadelphia and other points. The lirlde Is widely known In New ,lerney for her charitable work and for her membership on the committee appointed by Governor Kort to Inquire into the condition of the blind In thin slate. Her father Is president of the' John A. Roebllng Song company, and Is one of the wealthiest men In New Jersey. Mr. I'adwalader. the bridegroom. Is the sun of Richard i'adwalader, for merly of Trenton, ami is a member of a prominent Philadelphia banking firm. He in a popular clubman and well known in society. Good CrowilH Are Attending the 6tat Fair, and Weather Conditions , Could Not Be Better. Whiii to Hold American Trade. Berlin, Oct. 21. A committee headed by Herr Schudekuppe, mana ger of the export department of the Herman potash syndicate, left for, New York today for the purpose of negotiating direct with the American fertilizer companies In the hope that something may lie done to save part of the American market for the syn dicati a phoducts. The syndicate has up to the present time controlled the potash business of the world, in asmuch as Germany has a monopoly of these salts, and it Is now in danger of losing the whole American market, amounting to i;u per cent of the ex port trade, valued at $7,000,000. eith er to the German mines outside the syndicate or to members of the syn dicate h.i contracted heavily with American fertilizing companies, while the syndicate was temporarily dis solved the early part of July. This season Cecil Spooner, the com edienne, is to ho seen In a new play, "The Little Terror," a drama by Amelia Weed Hoi brook. Miss Hol brook first saw the story In a maga zine, and gained the consent of the author and the publishers to Its dramatization. The Gazette-News Bureau, Chamber of Commerce Rooms, Hollemon Building, -Raleigh; Oct. 21. In the penitentiary there were yes terday only 706 convicts, the smallest number in the past 40 years. rew convicts have been sent in during the autumn, the number Is dwindling all the time. The penitentiary authorities will have to expend about $6,000 on the Improvements of the state farm on the Roanoke river, and on new stables there, and will have to sell about 40 mules and buy young ones. This year st the farm there were In culUvatlon about 3000 acres, and about 700 acres of this land was Hooded and the corn on It swept away. Last year a freshet caused the loss of 25,000 bushels of corn, and as much was destroyed this year, so that In the two years there was a direct loss of $50,000, simply because the dyke, which was swept away In 1901 were not rebuilt It will require about three-fourths of a mile of dyke, about thirty feet high and about 30 feet wide at the top, accord' Ing to experts, and the cOBt will bo something like $50,000. A circular was issued from the office of the adjutant general today stating that the war department will this month send out Important studies, in tactics and maps, for field work and officers are urged to study these subjects, so as to be better prepared for active service In the field. lrutectlon of Birds. It Is said that In this county, where the Audubon Bird protection law is In force. It has been admirably kept, the warden saying he has not heard of a killing of any partridges, while in Johnston, where there Is no law, the people have been shooting birds right along, one lawyer having told the warden here a few days ago that he had killed 17 partridges. The crowd yesterday at the state fair was a record brenker for Wednes day. Weather condition were fine and there Is only praise for the exhibits at the fairgrounds, which very far excel those heretofore shown. The White Furniture company shows solid ma hogany furniture, part of an order o $1500 sold to the war department for use In ofllcer's quarters at various posts. The Decrees Piled. The dedVees or Judge Prltcfxnnl for the sale of the Norfolk & South era Air Line and the turning over of the latter to the new organization, were tiled In the district court here. In the Federal court thrre was filed the papers In the voluntary bankrupt cy of J. W. Thurman, merchant of Rocky Mount, the liability $3000, as sets $$00. You ng A ndre ws. MaJ John H. Andrews, son of Col. A. B. Andrews, and for a number of years connected with the Southern Railway is to be married about the middle of November to Miss Mabel Young, daughter of Insurance Com missioner Jumes A. Young. The Southern Textile association met In the I'ullen memorial hall at the Agriculture and Mechanical col lege yesterday with a very large at' tendance, representing mills and varl ous parts or the south. The papers read were by Wm. Nelson, for years In the Textile school at Lowell, Mass., on weaving; Alfred N. Landau, on th spinning frame; G. F. King of King's Mountain, on power economy In milhi W. P. Hazel wood of Atlanta on Hu mldlflers; A. S. Wlnslow of Clinton, S. C, on care of the health of operators. The Central hospital for the Insane and Epileptics here decides to get elec- Post Toasties are pleasing to little folks and grown-ups. , The delicate, fluffy bits made from "White" Corn, with the KjMH'iul "toasty" flavour, browned to a "turn," are good for all the family. . '. ' V: . .- f ..,- "The Memory Lingers" ' Grocers Sell Pkgs. 10c and 15c. - . Po.Mum tOereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich. A) PEERLESS C Beautiful Line of ' Capes This morning's , express brotlght us some of the hand somest Capes you have seen this Fall. They are in Evening and Street Shades, and we wish you to pass your judgment on these beautiful - garments. They are priced at from $16.50 to $27.50. Cheaper ones from $7.50 to $10,00.. See window display. . , - trlclty from the Carolina Light & Pow-1 er company of Raleigh and water from the Raleigh Water company. The mains and wires are ready. 1 In two weeks the colony buildings for epileptics are to be opened for use. Mr. Stokcly (raiiil Dictator. The Grand Lodge of Knights of Honor, in session he're elected R. . J. Stokely of Ashovllle Orand Dictator; R. J. Peele of Wllllamstown vice grand; P. C. Carlton of Slatesvllle, re porter; S. C. Hcoftield of Davidson College, treasurer; G. L. Kirfcpatrick of Klnston, guardian; J. K. Hardison of Jamesvllle fjuide, V. O. Hawley of Charlotte, chaplain. There are 48 subordinate lodges. Tho state board of health says that only 16 cases of pcllaura have been reported to It In North Carolina. The papers have had a lot to say about mysterious rains which fell in some neighborhoods and was found to be due to little Insects, which are thick on the stems of certain trees and drink the Juices, which falls in a spray upon the grounds. These are aphides, plant lice, or some people call them ant cows, because certain ants drink the juice from them; in fact stroke them with their antenne or feelers, in order to make them "give down" the juice which the ants love. The Supreme Court. ' Before the Supreme court yesterday there was argument In a case Involv ing the question of five new bridges over the Cape Fear and Ueep rivers, these having cost about $15,000; the point being what per cent, of the cost should be borne by Chatham county and how much by Lee, the latter coun ty having been largely taken from Chatham. Borne Chatham people have said that Lee was the nest part of the county, but others deny this. In the Hall of History In the State Museum the homeward lbound pen nant flown from the main top of the cruiser Raleigh on her return to the United States after the battle of Ma nila, In 1898, has been draped, with very pleasing affect. Its length Is 660 feet long and it Is a very fine China silk, bought by the soldiers on the vessel. The ship's Hags are also In the Hall of History. The A. and M. Cadets. The A. and M. College cadets are a decided attraction at the fair. Such experts as Gen. Carl Woodruff. Lt J. S. E. Young say they never looked so smart as they do now. There are four large companies, and a very good hand. The battalion has never been out of Raleigh and this is be regretted. It ought to be taken to some of the great celebrations, at such points as Ashevllle, Charlotte. Greensboro, Wil mington, etc., and lt would certainly make a brave show at the Taft cele bration at Wilmington. It Is reallv a credit to North Carolina, and yet It is only on view, to .the public once n year, and once In each four years at the inauguration of the governor. RAILROAD CAUSING TOOLS ASTIR Arrival of i Car Load ol Them Indicates to Hendersonville Something May Be About to Happen. Tha Oaaett-New Bureau, ,' Hotel Oatea, Hendersonville, Oct.' 81. The sight of a solid car load of rail road contractor tooh shipped here, consigned to W. A. Smith, has, created a stir among Hendersonville cltliens. While nothing definite hue been made known, yet It Is rumored In con nection with the abote that T. C. Mo Neely.has been entirely successful In his northern trip In securing necessary funds towards constructing this end of the Appalachian . Interurban rail road. - . Mr., McNeely Is expected here today or tomorrow and until his arrival, the meaning of a car load of railroad tools shipped Into Hendersonville will not be known to the anxious public, Cement CronMimrH puet-d, - The board of aldermen has given tha contract to Henrjr Jordan for the placing of cement proartpK on. all side streets leading Into Walftnd! Ander. on streets. The contracting pTlce amounts to 115S, to bo paid out of the Main street sidewalk bonds. , To'Krect Store llulldlnj. . W M. Orr and It. K. Pace will shortly give the contract for a modern ' ' ' . 'J. store building on their lot near ths Southern depot It Is to be a two story structure ' Declares Dividend, " ' The French Broad Hustler com pany, Incorporated, had declared a 20 per cent, dividend to Its stockholders, of which 5 per cent. Is to be paid In cash, while the remaining surplus will be expended In new1 material. The capital stock of this company Is J 5000. M. L. Shipman is president and T. R, Barrows business manager. Water Question Settled. That Hendersonville shall have pure water In the future la the determined outcome of a recent meeting of the council. It. was ordered by this body that all springs furnishing water to the reservoir shall bo cemented up and all water piped to the reservoir. The lowest estimate of this work is $1000. Oscar Drake was tried before Mag lstrate DcTmld yesterday on a charge of larceny. He was acused of steal ing a shot-gun, for which he wa found 'guilty," and bound over to Superior court under a $50 certified bond. Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Drafts are visit ing In Ashevllle. ' Misses 1 Juno and Brownie Morris have returned from1 a Visit to Ashe. VlITe. " '' :" .-.. . IK. Judge J. r. Pace left yesterday t attend court in Polk county. j Mrs. Lyn Carter of Idaho has ar rived In Hendersonville for an extend ed visit wlth relatives and frlonds. ; The following are among those re- , istered at the Hotel Gates: J. E. Merrill of Jacksonville, R. H. Morrow of Toxaway. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Ray mer of Statesvllle, S. E. Guire of Jonesboro, Tenn.. T. ' A. Lynn North Carolina, John C. Orr of Ashevllle. Mr. Pearson had a talk this fore noon with Judge Ewart and republi cans and left at 10 o'clock for Ashevllle. IF. YOU HAVE CATARRH Let Me Send Tou a Treatment of My Catarrh Cure. It's Free. " llrf I am Willing to Take Any Case of Catarrh. No Blatter How tlironli'. or Wliat Stage It la In, and Prove, ENTIRELY AT MY ' OWN EX PENSE That It Can Be v Cored. Curing Catarrh has oeen my bu"1 neai for years, and during this time over on million people from all over tha land hava come to me for treat ment and advice. My methi4 to orig inal. The treatment to both local and constitutional effecting a cure by first curing the cause. . Thus my combine treatment cures where all else falls. -can demonstrate to you In Just a ' days time that my method to qule sure and complete because It rids system of the poisonous germs nt oause catarrh. . . - -' ' Bend your name and address at ones to C. E. auas..57l Mam 8t. Mar shall. Mich., and ha will aend you l treatment referred to. Blmply tl ln name on dotted Unea below. i