J . i.- ! if" Thursday, October 21, 1909. TCH ACIIHVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS. HA MOT ' I re? V Club Women In White Slave Crusade. Kenlhvorth, 111., Oct. 21. Club wo men of Illinois, several hundred in numbers, gathered here today to take part in ho annual meeting of tlu-ir state federation. One of the most Im portant matters to receive the atten tion of the convenlon is the proposed campaign of education to be con ducted by the women's clubs and oth ers to aid In the suppression of the so-called white slave traffic. How I TooR The ,' Hair Off My Face The Same. Sure Remedy Which Cured Me. Will Ito Sent Yon I'KKK. It Will Not Burn , or Injure the Skin. . lon't l'e A Hazor. Yes, there was a time when 1 could hardly bear to look at myself in the glass." said a well known so ciety beauty. "I was hideous and knew It and my friends knew it, even if they said nothing to me. I don't care whether it s Just a few stray hairs or a full Hedged mustache, hair on a woman's face will spoil her beauty. That's nil there Is to thnt. t know. Of course I tried the elec rlc needle and all the other remedies f over heard of. And, of course, the inlr fame hack. It nlwnys will with inch remedies. They don't really kill he hnlr. They Just bum' It off the surface and stimulate tho roots, Jometlmes I Just couldn't hear to "ace anybody with that horrible rrnwth on mv face and arms. I was ib.iut to a-lve ud In despair, when friend sent mo a bottle of Elec ro-ln. I hadn't faith In the remedy Hiforo I used It, but It took Just one reatmcnt to convince me. The way hot hair ennio off was a marvel and io mutter how long I left the rente Iv on It would not burn or smart That's tho secret of Its success. Vou an leavo It on long enough to reach he roots and kill the hair and a cure vlth Elec-tro-ln Is n cure that lasts See, my face Is ns soft and smooth as a little child's and It's been months lnee I cured myself. If you don believe this, Just try Elec-tro-la and see." We want every reader of this pn per who la trouble with superlluous hnlr. to prove this sure remedy Just is thousands of other affecteo wun objectionable hair have done. If u want a permanent, lasting cure, not merely temporary rellof, Elec-tro-la is what you should use. All that la necessary to get a free trial bottle la to Just fill out the cou pon and send to u with a two-eeut stamp to help cover cost of mailing-. The regular aUed bottle Is 11.00 and your money will be refunded If Electro-la does not do all we claim. We don't ask you to take our word for what Elec-tro-la will do. Fill out the Trial Coupon end mall with a two eent stamp today. iHVTTTTTTHTTTTTft x FREE TREATMENT Fill In your name end ad dress on dotted line below and end It to Ko-Rec-Tlv Co., 51 SO State 8t., Chicago, 111,, enclosing a two-cent stamp to help cover mulling, and we will send at once a free trtnl bottle that ' will U7 how you what will da for you. Elec-tro-la 42 t. I.: fa ft If ,4" .'-4- , vA "i Thls k Grows Hair and we can "; PROVE IT! nANDERINEbtothehtirwIuttreahthowfra 11 -I : J L: . : i. ol rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It I goes right to the roots, invigorate and! strengthen them. In exhilarating. stimulating end I life-produciog properties cu.e the hair ,o grow uodtr iongrtrong,d hri,1l. It tn,p.rt...rWingbr.lUancy,dl; ohneas to the hur, and a lew week willc.r newhairto.prout.il over, he acalp. Use it every day lor a short time,ea l Z . . I be sufficient to complete whatever growth I vou Aitue i'""" iuiuunu company mrotigh to I " A Isdy (rota St. Pnl writt is lukilMc, SB foftoWl! "Wbcn I beitsn nulnit Dsndertti. mr b.lr would nut come to my Bhouluen suit now tt la away below uijr tiipi." Anollicr from Nawtrh, N. J. " 1 bare been mine Dundfrine mnltrly. Wbrul Brut luruil to uir HI htd vert lit. tin hair. now I hve the nnmt hMiilKiillolig amltblcktmlr anyoae would wuttobaTa.1 NOW at all druggist tnthr.nl Izen 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle n,.j..i. . i .t Danderlno en,o a gre.ter sal. thm anvother one Drennration retfardlM of kinil k. -I j i l . i ,l o brand, and it ha. a much greater sale than oil of I lie oilier hair preparations in the world combined FREE To ',ow 10w ou,CK'y Daadarla act., we will send a larir .am ple free liy return mail to anyone who senus tni. iree coupon to tne KNOWLTOH DHItDEP.IHE CO., CHICAGO. ILL, with their name and addre.. and 10c In silver or .lamps to pay postage. El He Was Interested in Contested Elec tion Case of Newman vs. Hill Later to Retain Office. lion. J. M Gudgcr, Jr.. has returned from attending Polk Superior court at Columbus. He was one of the attorneys for the contestor, A. U Hill. In tho contested election case of New man vs. Hill, ; At the last general election in Polk courjty, Mr. Hill, the democratic nom inee, received a majority of seven votes for sheriff, over his opponent, Frank Newman. . Suit -was. brought by Mr," Newman .contesting- Hill's nlee. tion. The case was irtea mis ween aSuPMr. Hllrwaa aucceaef ul. .and all) retain the office. 4 The bill of cost Is very large: It will aggregate more than tSW. as each aide had 100 wit nesses. . NOW ALL THE RAGE Party Last Night Went Forth and Cap tured Five Nice Fat Ones. 'Possum hunts In the woods near Ashevllle are becoming quite the rage during these cool October nights, nnd for the pust several weeks scarcely a night has passed that the baying of the 'possum dog on a mountain side hns not been heard or the nash of lan terns seen. 'Possums are said to be plentiful and fnt ond the sport is good. Last night n party composed of Deputy Sheriff Jordan, Ed. Moore Pete Sevier and Claud Jordan were the guests of former Chief of Police N. A. Collin at his place near Oor - man' bridge, where an exciting ana successful 'possum hunt was enjoyed, The party succeeded In treeing a half dozen 'nossum and capturing and brlnglng bnck nve of the six. The 'possum aro in process of fattening and one of these days soon there is going to bo a great feast of 'possum and weet tnter. At This Meeting of the K. of P. Lodge in West Asheville Officers Will Be Installed. The organisation of the lodge of Kniirht of Pythla In wt Anevtiic wlll be completed thi evening with the conferring of the third rank In amplified form by tesjn selected from Pisgah and Aalieville lodge teams and the election and installation of olllcer. All the men attending, from Ashe ville are urged to be at W. A. Webb d son' livery stable before 7:15 p. m.; member of the team should by all mean be on hand promptly. Dlatrlct Deputy FV- O'C. Fletcher ay It I expected the best third degree work ever een hereabouU will be given. There is talk of the organisation of 4 third lodge, K. of P., in Ashevllle, to be located In the Depot section. ; The action of even Georgia con irreesmen In bolting the democratic caucu and upportlng Speaker Can non In the rule fight ha become an Issue in tate politic. Every one ol the even who bolted I being fought for re-election, and from present In dication the coming., Congressional campaign be one of the, liveliest In the history ot th tate. I. FROM POLK CO - . . T . . . 1 1 1 1 ' HMBKUDE. INTO COAL FIELDS C. C. & 0. Will Connect With S. A. L at Spartanburg, October 29 Bin Event I ' T"8 following: special dispatch fromlnna Spartanburg, S. o.. relative to tho Carolina, Cllnchnold and Ohio ra.l . !. road. R railroad that Ashevllle ..eonle. Buncombe county. Yancey and Madl- " .. y . 1 .... ow vltaWy '"torcst- -J- .ivX-avv " reason of the proposed ex-l,,,(a mMk. ....- j ,llMJ. wnB"n or tne Ashevllle ft East Ten. I thing else you could think of. but out t..m . L.i.... . .... , ...i.. Galax and a Junction with the C. C. & O., will be read with keen Interest here: v- ine Carolina. CI Inch field nnH unto railway, the new trunk iin which will give to the southeast and, through Atlanta as a gateway, the southwest, a new road Into the hith erto rich and undeveloped coul Holds or irglnln. Kentucky and Tennessee, will reach Simrtnnhurir. Ortnhnr 9 Commemorative of the innucriirn- tlon of train service, tho city of spar """"" "i Kive nn einnornie tmn- ,.,. nl whil.h lh ,,,,.,, f t, , """ many prominent smitnerners will be pri.g(.nt. W,h ,n(, Soah)ara A,J unit; ns a connecting nnu, tne new road will place the output of the new mines nt the disposal of the south, us ing Atlanta as the gateway for ship ments to the southwest. 'The C, C. and O. has cost be tween $25,000,000 and $30,000,000. and In many respects Is one of the most remarkable railroads In the fulled States. It Is built through the roughest mountain country east of the Itocklcs. anil nt places the road has cost, for a distance of several miles, as much as $200,000 a mile. .More than $5,000,000 has been spent In tunneling mountains, so that the road, though only 223 miles in length, has cost more than an ordinary road 1,000 miles in length." HIE POPULAR AS A PLACE OF RESIDENCE v ur. Jordan, Former Dean of University! of Tennessee, Casts His Lot With Asheville People. There is evidence every day that Ashevllle is becoming more popular as a place of residence, and aim ist dnlly men of culture and wealth, who nave retired from their business or profession are buying property In this city and building homes. ine of the latest additions is Dr. T. V. Jordan, dean of the University of Tennessee for 20 yearn, former president of Kmory and Henry college. Dr. Jor (tan nas purchased the I!. II. Sumner place In Proximity park, and will shortly occupy It with his family. incidentally, this mnkes three ex- presldents of colleges und universitie who have purchased propi rty and are now living here. Dr. c.eorge T. Winston, ex-presldent of the North Carolina Agricultural nnd Mechanical college; the University of North Car olina, and the University of Texas. Is now completing his home near the Charlotte street terminus, and Dr. l nomas ijtwrence. ex-presideut of the Normal and Collegiate institute has built a home In Grove park Pleased With Ashevllle. Dr. Jordan is greatly pleased with Ashevllle and this section; in fa as is evidenced by his purchase or property here, he Is so well pleased thnt he purposes spending his re maining days In this city, and his hosts of friends nnd admirers will nope that these days may be long ami many. Dr. Jordan hns been cor dially welcomed to Ashevflle by a large number of former students nt I both Emory and Henry nnd tho l?nl I verslty of Tennessee, among tho laU lter being Solicitor Murk W. tirnwn of this judicial district, who graduated from the Tennessee university while Dr. Jordan was dean of tho faculty, Dr. Jordan, 1111 interesting and iilens- ling conversationalist and n man still I vigorous and hale, has retired from 1 active work. He Is hnvlng some lin I provements made to his recent pur chase and with hi daughter will oc cupy the property within ISO days or. Jordan has been a visitor In Ashevllle for tho i,ml tu.n ...1 that he ha decided to make thU eltv his permanent home will be pleasing to the people of the town. t SEMINOLE SECURITIES CASE; ORDER IS MADE Certain fersons Permitted by Judge e,ephant' hlrh whBt "I"" . . 1 wvlman hlv hAn eiitillir. Pritchard to Intervene as Par ies Defendant In the matter of the Seminole So. curdles company, by Its receivers. against tho Southern Life Insurance company, et als, which came up today before Judge Prltchnrd In United Stales Circuit court upon the motion of the complainants to restrain Julian 8. Carr. J. O. Patterson and J. W. Hughe from prosecuting certain suit against the Seminole Securities com pany In the Superior court of Durham county, the defendants, through their attorney, filed answer disclaiming any knowledge of the Injunction heretofore granted and asked loive to be per mitted to Intervene a party defend ant; and alio asked leave to file an swers and crow-blll. all of which waa granted. In the meantime the defendants are restrained from further . oro.ecutlna the actions Instituted III tlx Buperlur Instituted in Ow Hnrio. court of Durham county. Gains 30 Pounds In 30 Days kv so off Reniarknhlo Result of I lip New Tissue IJuildcr Protone, In Many Cases of Run-Down Men and v Women. bad the """T'" b. draw,, 8,0wl, out of sight I of course Ik-low for Rtt.. Package, Free. ,, . ... ..... ...,. ... .., like the effects of that now treatment. 1 bo Protone, for tne building up of weight through tho keyhole, "My word. If you and lost nerve force. It acted more don't hrhur thnt kev hnek!" Not during ",st nervo '"ri'c. llko I",racle ,,m" medicine," ""I'' to ,k" " ' .t. 1. ' taken place In hi. condition. "I be- n,ul io tnlnk 'M,,,t hcro w n.thlnK .k , i. i, r... i "" m-vn nim i"i i ny Man or Woman Who Is Thin ( an llocovcr Normal Weight by the Iteiiiiirknble New Trcnt nieiii. rroloue. years, and negaii l" ililnK it was nat ural for me to be tli.it way. l'inall read about the remarkable pine es lirougnt nuoni i.y tne use ol l'ro- tone. so 1-decided to try It mself. UYII when I l'",L at tinsel!' in tin minor now, 1 tinnu it u somebody else. I have put on lust 30 pounds during the last mouth uml never felt stronger or mure in rvy' In my llfi Protone Is u powerful Indueer of nutrition, Increases cell-growth, mil k perfect the asr -lint In t Ion of food. In creases the number of blood-eor Duscles. and as a necesary result builds UP muscles and solid, healthy ik'sh, nnd rounds out the figure. or women who can never appear stylish in anything they wear because of their tliinuvs. this remarkable treatment may prow a revelation. It Is a beaulv'ninker as well ns a form builder and nerve rlrenut liener. It will cost you nothing to prove the remarkable effects of this treat nient. It Is absolutely iion-inliirious to the most delicate system. The Pro- tone Company, 2031 Protone lildg Detroit, Mich., Will send to nnyonr who sends name and address, a fr 50c packaue of Protone. with full in struetlons, to prove that it does tb work. Thev will also send yon their bonk on "Why You Are Thin" fi f charge. giing facts which will prol ably astonish you. Send coupon lie low todas u ith your name ami ad dress. 2 .j, j ! j 4 !. I'KUE PHOTOXK COMMIX. -J- This coupon is good for a free .J. 50c pack: l-c, (all charges pre- paid 1 ol Protone, the rcmarka- J hie s leiii.lie discovery for build- 4 lug uii 1 bin people, togethu- J with our tree book lellim; win 4 tell cov- " you are thin, if sent with cents In silver or tamp to coy Jcr post. 1 -evidence and packing, and as A 1 good faith lc Tho Plot n Co., 2031 Protone 1. Detroit, Mich. Name . Street . t'Hy 4 4M444,4,44,4'4,4,1' Whale ami Klcphant Meat. Lnnilnn (!ll I Thero Is something unpleasant 1 ut no thought of eating whale meat, but I K 'a said that the reality Is xcry pain- table. Japan nn 0,11110 a train- 10 canned nnd suited whale meat, nnd tht-ro I to to- a campaign to educate tho Ktirnpiaii people to like It. Home whaling eonipiinlc have distributed from their headquarters samples of canned whale meat, und those who have eaten it describe It ns tenderer than beef mid much like It in taste. Whale steak seem no ntieerer than Frankfort mi usage made out of nn Uer- have been, eating. An ....... enterprising butcher over there, hear ing that an unruly elephant In the Ghent anologlcal garden wns to Ik killed, engaged -the carcass, He made S800 pound or sausage nut of It, and sold every pound at good prices. Reflection of a Ituclielor. (New York Tree. The men who talk business the most seem to do It the lead. When the average man pay bark a loan he Beta a If a pickpocket had gone through hi clothe. . Thero Is no use going Into a politi cal campaign with any reputation, because you won't have 'any when you come out. H The grandest time a man ha t de scribing to hi wife exactly how an election I coming out, and the busiest explaining why It didn't. Cheiey i Expectortat-a qvlcl relief ' f. -...l. 1J. J avlnna . ill ., jDrulsU 25c. i ne rey unaer n wwr. IT 'It u customary for the back door 'I iA hA nnr hirirwnv mirinr tha HiMtr I A that I can reach It when doming IT duty lato at nlgUt." remnrked an artist to a Londou Tit-Bits writer. X The other mornlug at breakfast toy landlady said to tne, 'Do you loow, 1 IT tin a-wful fright last night. I put I key halfway' under the door. Ilaiinl tthAII in llitf linrmr I AA W it f IllOJUMb ,JM,7 UIOI fcl'V " W iu would unlock the door and como In, I quickly bolted It and Rhouted retire to rest. 1 sat iiuletly listening U- Then 1 pot A table knife nshpd 11 ,he door ,0 ce " ,ho ""d rvall' beou tttk,'u lKll, nwnv and to uw surprise drew the key lmck T ngnln. So'. Twy callUoUs,y. 1 InebMl nml iinluiltml tlin lo..r looked and found not a burBlnr. but our .7. .... own wiCKea cat. who, wmie suuiij on the doorstep and seeing the key pushed under the door, must have drawn the key out of sight with her pnws. think ing I waa playing with her.'" An American Joke From England. The typical American, says a con tributor to the English Illustrated dull. Magazine, nlthougu partial to making jokes, Is often quirk tempered and un tblo to recognize a joke made by au other, with results that are sometimes unpleasant. Thus, a senator wits once nt a fash lonnble dinner party nt Washington when he was asked what llsh he would take. Wan!," ho said. "1 reckon I'll take plaice." A wit who chanced to be present re mnrked, with n twinkle lit his eye, Ah, senator, still a place seeker?" "Ynas." answered the senator, nt the same time whipping out a revolver and shooting the wit dead, "but w hat's that to you, you dcrn'd stranger?'' Afterward, when tho joke wns ex plained to him, tho senator confessed that he had acted rather hastily, and to show that he bore no grudge lit went to the funeral of tho Inopportune wit. A Queen Elizabeth Joke. Queen Elizabeth liked her jokes, and. although her pleasantries were of o less sanguinary turn than her father's, she must have been even more for midable than usual when disposed to be frolicsome. A tale may be found In one of Lord Essex's letters with regard to n new dress belonging to one of her maids of honor, over the pos session of which the owner had been rash enough to exhibit some elation. The young lady. It seems, was several Inches taller tunn her majesty, hardly perhaps quite n nice or loyal thing to be. Having desired that tho dress should bo made over to her custody, the oueen, first carefully selecting an extremely wet day, was pleased to put It ou and trail It for yards behind her In the mud, the owner of the hu initiated garinen t.ivliis to npiwar as delighted with tui !'..; I Zuu uud con desccnslon ns the rest of the lookers- on. -London Taller. And All With Company There "Now. children," said tho mother a a whole roomful of company had come iu. "suppose you run tiff and play by yourselves." "All right, mother," replied Edith. "C1111 we go up nnd play II a rule t and Ophelia?" "Certainly," smiled the mother, while her guest looked 011 nt tho tableau. "Goody." replied Edith. Then, turn ing to her sister, she sold. "Now. Maude, you run up to mamma a room and get nil her false Imlr that you can lind." Indies' Home Journal. Love. rropcrly there Is only ono verb for ove. It 19 not -amo. ;t is nor "aimer." It Is not tho softest Italian verb. No printed language of mnn knows It. Hut the violin knows it, null tho wild bird knows it; even the sea kuows it. The rose is it, ond tho inoou Is H. nml tho look of a man's eyes Into a wotnnn's Is It, and the look of a womnu's eyes bnck again Is it Hut no man or wotnnu can any It In any language that endures. "Love Let ters of the Klug. Wanted No Trimming. Little Olllo wns much frightened nt n thunder shower, nnd her father told her she shouldn't be, ns tho rulu was good for the grass and ber Dowers. Looking up through her tears, Olllo said. "W-well, why c-cant we have j just plain r-ralD?" Exchauije. The Intricaoie of It. "Why don't you study the time ta- bio, and then you wouldn't have miss- ed your tralnr ..... I "That was the trouble, wnnoiwaa trying to translate the time table tho I train puilea oui."-iow lor ucreiu. At Hi Beat. Hlobbs The doctor told Gnzzler drinking was tho very worst thins be could do. Slobba-I gues that doctor didn't know Guzzler or be would baval realized that drinking 1 the beat tblDg ho doe. Philadelphia Record. Strong Proof. "Sued tor a breach of promUo, ehr 'Yep.'' "Any dofenier "Tcuiporary Insanity, and I expect to prove It by the love letters I wrote. -Wnshlnffton Herald. Uttr Contempt.. '1 s'pose you wouldn't marry me It I were the only man on earth r aa . S,. AMMfiAil tft Cam -JLwV5 ' - j ... " ouiy man ai euiuuiw HI Vlt VWHVl Otto T. Ilnnnnrd, fusion nominee for mayor of New York city, doe not favor granting the right of franchise to women at present, although ha be llevea that eventually they- will .be permitted to Vulii in much a they do. ire. . v . ', J v . Pyi IX M g H I W T w I The iMulInc Stocks on New Z xorc n-si-iianga uouon Mar ket Qootatlona Chicago X WWW I I MARKET REFLECTS EUROPEAN NEWS New York, Oct 81. A weak open ing of today's stock market was dm to disturbed conditions abroad. In view of the advance of 1 per cent. In tne nark or England official rate of discount nnd the resignation of the Spanish cabinet. When selling orders, distributed at the opening had been cleared up. the market rallied, and a' number ot stocks recovered to yesterday's tiual prices. There was a fractional rally nt 11 o'clock, and trading became Morket vibrated narrowly. Union Pncltle reacted point from Its lust price and then reiovercd ti yestcr recoverv It l.eg.lll day's cloving. The market held firm at until about 1 o'clock, when to shade. STOCKS. Open. High. Low. Close. Atch. . . .120-1; 121 U'0'4 121 H Amal. Cop. . ,X2U 831, S2 1; S 3 Vi Am. Smelt.. 96 !I7 14 jlij t.M 971; Kalto. (..ll(li nil n 11 fit llfi i; I'.klyn I!. T. "SVj, 7S"S, 7St; 7- Col. 1'. K I.. -Ti 4.1 44i 45 M Ches. - i.. S7"; SH S7N, 89 Erie .... 331, 33 'a 33 ' 33 'i Ot. Nor. pfd.147; IIS 117 147; I. & N. . . 15 3 153 I52'4 153 Nor. Pac. ..150 150 , 1 l!i !5t Mo. Pac. .. 'iS'i 7l-'i fiSi.j 70 Mo.. K. A- T. 17 tx 47', 4S N. Y. Ceil.. .1 35 1 35 134 13 5 Pcnn. . . .117 147 lUi's 117, Heading . .li.l'i 1i'.3'.j nil's Hi3, Hock Is. .. 3'.n 3S 39 Sou. Pac. . . l:'s 1:111 12SN, 130 1st. Paul . .15 81 159-S 15X'. 159 Union Pac .2HI", 20 3 ', 2n1'a 2 11. 'IN U. S. Steel.. 1S, 911 itn do pld ..127', 127', 127', 127', Sou. Ity. . . 31 3 1 3 1 31 ' do pld . . 7u:1i 7u li 1 " Wabash . . 2i"K 21 2 0 ' 21 ' do pld . . 51 5 3 , 5 1 5 3 , NEW YOUK COTTON. Opel). High. Iiw. Close . .13.72 1 3.7S I3.H4 13.75-7 I.111.. . March . May. . . . 1 3.79 1 3. X5 1 3.73 1 3.S3-S4 . .13.83 13. XX 13.75 I3.xr.-Sli net.. . . .15. 117 13.73 I3.I-.7 1 3.7U . .13.73 13. Ml 13.1.7 13. 7S Dec.. , CHICAGO GKA1N MAKKKT. Open. High. Low. Close. WHEAT May . . . . 104 1, .05 lot 'H I'M ; Dec 1II4 lilt, 1113., 1II4N Ci 1 1 IN .May . . . 1, 1 '.j I, I lill-i, 111 Dee 59' j 5 1) '-j !! 59 ' OATS May .... 42 '4 42 'i 41?; 42 Dec 39 39 , 39 39, A Night Hawk Baby. Don't you ever put the baby to bed';" 1111 iisroiiisliotl .- lor at last ex claimed after the better part of the evening 1 1 ; -. 1 1 oi:i away nml the 1 lilli ot six no mills was still slttiu;; tip, coo ing cheerfully. The yoiiu mother laii,''ieil. "Oh. yes." she explained with serene wisdom. "We put baby to bed at 1'.' p. in., and he sleeps utitl! 12 in. Then he hns his hath mid goes out In the gocart nml sleeps most o the afternoon. Haven't you known niany mothers who simply s.icrlilce all their time to the babies while they an Utile'; 1 made up n:y mind hefori1 baby came that he would have to con form Io our wavs, not we coiifot 111 t Ills, lie lias Just as much sleep ns I1.1 blea who ;-o to bed nt tl liuil sleep lllltl 1. and he doesn't interfere with out "veilings. We 1 au take him with u when wo c "lit or we enn go feclln 1I11U lie will be perfectly happy whll we are away, Pennine he won t cry f mother until midnight. We're rcgtilai night hawks, tiud so Is tin by." Tho visitor was speechless. "Don't yuii think Its 11 good sys leniV" Hi' mother continued. " Lhlnk It Is Milcuill.l." 'I think," the visitor answered iu noncommittal tone, "that It would take a New York mother to Invent the sjs teui." New York Press. No Wonder She Swooned. Mrs. Lysnuder John Appleton motner ,m,,M.t divined last evenln thnt her oii, Chnuncey Dovero Apple t wog , troulm, hUo took bltti , hcr room ,, .,,,. ..My ,n , 1 your minr what (rouble you." It turucd out that the young mnn was havlnir a hard time. The girl In lias been "goliis with" bud refuse' him. Mrs. Appleton wits Indignant She think 11 would be 11 11 honor foi ny prl ,, nmrrv r pletmi. "Why did she refuse you she usked her son, with Hue scorn. "Well," tho boy replied between hl sobs, "sho objects to our family. Slu say pa's u loafer, t tint you're too fat and that every ImhI.v laughs nt Daysc Mnyme because she's a fool nml talk 11 1 suit nothing but the greatness of bet fumlly." Chnuncey threw water In his mother's face, but at 3 o'clock t lit: afternoon slip wn still In n swoon with four doctor working u ber. .Uclilson Globe. Th0 ld."' W "me. with I out number, and repeated over and ovcr ,, for Ula nlt 3fl bu It I always a welcome story to those in search ot health There I nothing In the world that cure coughs and cold a quickly as Chamberlain' Cough Remedy. Park A Tllfonl Candle. C (lawyer, . The average man I a poor Judge his own Importance, LaMp-iicnra .! BEST vS TRIAL TO PROVE IT, SENT OX TIM All TO IMIOVK IT. Prooks' Appliance. The wonderful new discovery. The above Illustration plainly shows what a few weeks' wear ing of this new appliance will do. No obnoxious springs or pads. Has Au tomatic Air Cushion. Hinds and draws tin- broken parts together 11s ! would 11 broken limb. N,i suives. N lies. Durable, cheap. Pat. .Srpt. 10, ol. . Sent on 1 rin 1 to prove 11. , I III U. lUOIt.M.TIO COUPON C. Iv Prooks, 1ISS Prooks 4 lildg., Marshall. Mich. 4 Ptenpe rend me by mail In 4 plain wrappir our Hook on Kuptiire, measuring blank 4 and pi Ice li:t! free of charge. J It ii understood thnt in ciiso 4 1 order later you will send on 4 trial. Name "j Address City CHICHESTER S PILLS . TllK IHAMOMI IIRAM. . A 1.4)U)t AW your Orn TflJi.dX lil-vkM-lcr IMatmniid I'lIU in H d ttt l I...U 1 Ititrxi. ciiril with llltie 1 Tata asai nl Nnr lliiv sir HnifTKUt. A k I lll-rin H-TFR g 1M.M4INI tlUANIt 1'll.l.H, ftT t yt k nown b i-t, ''X!. Al wi v Kelll'l . SOLD BY DRUOfilSTS tVLRYWHERE Iiet ns lit op your Office or Storo with tho new Tungsten Light tliat saves two-thirds the current. W. A. WARD, EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Phono 4 19. 10 North lnck Square Rooms for Rent -AT-- Steam Heated Union Plumbing Co. Plumbing Steam nnd 1-ot water beatirig. lie- pair work given prompt attention. l.'stimateH promptly furnished. Wo niploy only flrst-chus union men. south LEXINGTON phom: i:i2. A VEX IT, Job Carpenters We do all kinds of Carpen- lenng. Wo do it AO V at liv ing prices. Ouo trial is all wo iant to prove our ability to please. J. L. DANIELS, No. 5 Willow St NOTHING BUT THE BEST. We carry the best line of Trunks, Hand liags and Hull Casoa, ntted fur all purpose. They are sample, and unredeemed good. A complete lino of Baseball Oood and Fishing Tackle, Ouns and Revolver of all descrip tion. Everything In Sporting Oood at H. L. FINKELSTEIN'S PAWN AND LOAN OFFICE NOTICE. Don't bo deceived. We aro selling COAL. Tho BEST AT LOWEST PRICES. Wo do business in ono namo only and at 48 Patton nvenue only. ; ASHEVILLE COAL AND LUMBER CO. Remember ITamo and The: I m. C. A. . s.?i 1 x r - S. ,j i.ii Li k- ,. I . 4 a rc -X I" V 14. i 1 H-4 ti 3; 2 1 ft I ' l! I ' I.J? w: 4 j 5 ill ;l.t i ! il 1 1 1 1 Jl t'J ;i 1. 1" 1 3. Si '5 !i