PAGE EIGHT TZ3 ASnSTOLB GAZETTE-nSTO" Wednesday,. October 27. 1SC3. , , . . 1 7 i THE RAGE FOR BUY ING M. & W. INDIAN I COAL CONTINUES A ail hows no sijrns of abatement. It is the per fect fuel for stove, ?rate and ratine. 1'lione L'JO. Carolina Coal & Ice Company rnoxi: i.n. FOR I INK watch KKinnN; am OPTICAL WOltK Go to H. M. FROST, 50 I'atton Avenue. saeasseeMe..l Fancy Preserving I Pears and Quinces E. C. JARRETT FANCY GROCER, Phones 192 and 358. 12 N. Pack Square. Ace High It's tin- iualitv nf our $1.01) Patent I .ratlin- Shoe fur men a dollar saved, too. Guarantee Shoe Store . BOCTH MAIN BT. LOGAN MKHCIIANT TAIUR. 14 N. I'at l- 1'Imiim JUT. Aslievtlle. This High Grade iiobart M. Cable Piano "Will please you. , JiOwest Cash IVices.' Eapy terms.' OUNHAM'S MUSIC iiOUSF t LOTS FOR LITTE. That'n what you get here it ' glasH, fhina and silverware and tin and enamchvare foi t your money. Larger dishes anc vessels and better quality foi ' prices pared to." finish." Set the new imported china dishes L X.lL Department Stort I. H. IflCHAIOVX, Sol Proy, UPittcaATi, Ptcnl07. 1 RELIGIOUS CENSUS i TO BE TAKEN HERE This Course Decided upon at Meeting of Executive Committee of Sun day School Association. The executive committee of the ttuncoijnbo County Sunday School as sociation held Its first quarterly! ,,., . ,. v ,, . ., meeting In the Y. M. O. A. Building . at a p. in. yestenlcy. There were present: Rev. I.ewls oIIIi,h. president. Itev. J. S. Williams. ' Wcc-prea.. V. ('. MeConnell. secreta- ij, i.iynrooK Janii'H. r. Weaver, aim i-.'icnr collier. In planning for InMltutos In the early future and fur the local conven tlnim of 1 1 0. It was thought best to dlvlibi the territory Into districts, nx fallows: Iilslrlet No 1 Acheville. No. 2. Avery's Creek. Limestone and l-'airvlew townships. No. ?. Lower and I'pper Hominy. No. i Ili.-ster ami Sandv Musii. No. r. Klal Creek. and Iteem's Creek. No. i, Ivy Township, No. 7 Swannanon Mountain Trench road i and niaek It title for.' is hoped that at least one Instl--an he held in each distric-t be .laniiary 1. nsinij this program: 1. liow our l:ihli. came to us. 2. Hum om be Co. S. S. Association. Its purpose and methods. 3. Itnsiness: completing roll of schools in the district. Naming "the day of the week and the month for holding a convention. 4 Live men wanted In S. S. to hoid the hoys and win other men. Tit" treasurer was directed to send i 2.1. (Mi to North Carolina Sunday School acsoeiatuin. Letters heads for correspondence wire authorized. The organizing of an elementary or graded union for teachers of begin ners. primaries, juniors and interme diates, and pf a union teacher train-' lug class, were considered and action postponed. A house-to-house canvass, or re ligious census, was ordered for the last week in November or first in Ie cetuher. Kai h Sunday school in the city will furnish a corps of visitors, v.lio will go In pairs repn settling two denominations, and complete tin cen sus in a single day or half day. i Invitations for early Institutes should be addressed to Key. T,cw1r Collins. 12 Chiinn street. Ban Is Lifted from the Hunters After Nov. 1 5. and Hardware Dealers Are Laying in Supplies. The "open season" for quail shoot lil: in liuuconibe county will lie on now within a little I. us t In n three weeks, mill the .sportsmen In Ashe llle are fast miikinn ready- for the itiit. The game laws as amended liy the last legislature permit the HhootluK of ipiiiil in ISuiicomlie county lictween Novcmhcr 15 and Kehruary 1. I. lit prohibit iilinoliitely the sale. It is contended hy sportsmen that this Is a wise law; that while It tlocs not stop nltoKi iht r the sport, at the name time it docs put an end to what Is commonly termed "pot huntlnif" hunting and trapping of hirds for the innrket and thus lends to protect to ' a greater extent the (fame. '; In anticipation of the opening of ! the bird seuson the hardware dealers In town are replinlshiHK their stocks ! of hIii IIi and other necessaries and ev i erylliitiK is about ready for the mi ' slailKllt oil the 1 1 111 1 1. I The Aaheville Hardware company . has a "sportsmen's w indow" on its South Muln street front that is at tractiitK the attention of hunters. It Is a window Hint has been artistically arranged; it ciuitiiln.t nil those Inci dentals necessary to outfit a hunter for tile Held and to whet his appetite for the open scauon and likewise a "hot hlrd and a cold Ixittle." In the window are shown the latest and hest make of slmtKiins and Titles, and the Pent shells said to he on the market the 1'. M. C There are also cartrldne hells and lnititltiK jackets of every pattern and liber; pistol holsters. len Klns; caps nnd hunting breeches. Ir. fuel the window Is replete with all that tends to the dellKht and comfort of the sportsman RoinK a-lleld. Thure nisi i nre shown handsome Illustrations of xiime: pheasant, quail, etc., with a demonstration of the accuracy of the Kims sold by the company. IT IS HACK TO THE 107 11ASIS Continued From Pae One. eiin of tannic acid, and coarse m-rap. plnK puper. it wus learnpd from nrficiui sources today that durlnit some months, the freight receipts nt the Canton office by receipts belnn meant the busi ness received and originating at a station almost equalled the receipts st the freight oilier of Asheville. This means that located just 1$ miles west if Asheville Is a town with a fretaht itimineM comparable to that of Ashe- Die, and shows what an important mint Canton, within so short a time, has become, by the location of a great manufacturing plant MIb-hlNiiaii Wlliton'a Condition. Annapolis. Oct $7. The condition if Midshipman Karl D. Wilson, nuar eibock of the Naval academy foot ball team, who was Injured In a game about ten days ago, again took .turn for the worse today. Hoard ot Mctlmril rUxltops In Bnvdon illnghamtnn, N. T., Oct IT. -The mi-annual meeting of the board of blahnpa of the Methodist Episcopal church of the world convened, here for five days' business session. Kindling Wood. Phong Tl. Green Rrna. , , !$-i OPEN SEASON FOR QUAIL SHOOTING PITY NEWS There will be a meeting of ' the board of managers of the Woman' exchange In the tea room al 10:30 to morrow. , : , The Retail clerks will meet thla evening at 8:15 In C. L. V. halt All members of the union are urged to be present The meeting of the passenger rale mn of the territory south of the Po tomac and taut of the Mississippi rivers, which was to have begun yes terday afternoon at the Battery Park hotel, has been postponed until No vember 4. ' " Judge Prltchard today made an or- der continulnK ,ne ru for E. n. Kreeman to show cause before1 him October 2 why his lid for the plant o( the Kanawha Lumber ' company . holl(1 not ,. cnrmed. The mat- ter will be heard before Judge Prltch ard at Richmond, November 6. In police court this morning, Judge Cooke found :ud Barwood "not guil ty" of selling whiskey to Hud Wilson. Columbus James, did not fare so well, as he received 10 days on the county chain gang for procuring whiskey for Harper Styles. lda Hill was lined 2i for an assault upon her husband , with a pistol. Superintendent Tighe of the city schools has completed the work of grading papers in the last spelling; contest in the different grades ln( school buildings and finds that Miss Smith's class at the Park avenue school has the highest per cent., 94.7, with Principal Malney's class at the1 Montford school second with 93.6.' The prize decided upon for the best j average per cent, for Ave months is ; a framed picture, to be donated by! the superintendent. i ARE FURNISHING It Is Hoped the Work Will Be Done Be fore the Opening of Next Ses sion of Court Workmen ere very busy these days in a neffort to complete the furnlshlm.' of the I nited Stilted crSftrt room in the government bnlldlni; before the open inn of the I'nltcd Sta(es District court next Tuesday. When completely fur nished, the court room will be one of the handsomest In the state; the Whole is beltiK lilted out with (Uar tered oak furniture. The court room, Inside the bar. Is covered with a heavy nioss-Kreen carpet, nnd fur nished with nice oak chairs, matchlmt In color the Judm-'H dcHk and clerk's desk. Outside the bar. the floor will be covered with linoleum, and oak seats installed. clerk Ilyiims' office, too, is nnder Koini; a reat chiinne. In this office is hcltiK installed a counter, some thing similar to a counter In a bank. In this counter are many drawers and book shelves, the latter having roller lops, so the court books can he kept In place during the day. The clerk's office will be furnished with quarter ed oak desks and the floor covered with a pretty moon-green carpet. He sides this, Mr. llyiimo will have a gate to keep people from coming behind the counter, f Jlohe-Wcrnicko hook cases are being placed In all the of fices. These changes will, if nothing prevents, be completed by Tuesday. PUN FOR BEAUTIFYING Ways and Meant Wilt Be Discussed at Meeting of the Principals Today. A meeting of all the principals of the city schools has been called this afternoon for the iiurpime of discuss ing how the propoaed plan of Inter estlng the city school children In beautifying the school grounds can be accomplished. The meeting will be held in Superintendent Tlghe's of nce In City hall. The school buildings and grounds have been Inspected and plans and maps made showing the rt ntemplated Improvements; this lielng done by C. D. Headle of the landscape depart ment of the lllltmore estate. The school committee are of the opinion that the children should lie Interest ed In this work, especially as It would awRken an Interest In the children for grester beauty In the grounds. The children will probably he asked to raise money In various ways for the work. Ci Sawyer for Mothers Bread. Chambers Wea vet. Livery. Phone 1$ Ttie MIIIcr-Rlce Paint tm. Lucas Paint WAirrci. FOR RENT In Hendersonville, N. C, Ave rooms completely furnish ed; electric lights, water and all conveniences; terms moderate. Ad dress Dot 111, Hendersonville, N. C. i Hi-It FOR BALE -Feather bed In excellent condition. Apply at this office. It4-lt FOR SALE Nice fresh eggs for In valids 40c a dotcn. Oraln fed thor oughbred fowls. Crescent Poultry Yards, lit Chsrlotte street Phone 101$. II4-tf WANTED To borrow $500 for one year. Address X. Y. Z.. Osteite News office. - f $4-t Tl 1 COLLROB ST.T-Rscellent table, nice large cool airy rooms, shaily veranda, centrally located, all mod ern conveniences. Rates reasonable Hpecial rates to parties, phone 801. ., . ,. L , . S24-U. U.S. GQURT ROQM Look for the Triangle This' ear has 100-inch wheel base, 32 inch wheels, four cylinder, .3 3-4x-fll-2 motor. Four speed selective transmis sion. From 5 to 50 miles on high gear. A quiet' powerful car thai pulls lulls like the wind. One bf the most accessi ble ears to get at the various parts that we know of. Roadster $900.4 Roadster with Double Rumble, gas tank, top, magneto, $1050. ! - Come in and see this car. It 'a a' good looker, too. ASHEVILLE cde Telephone 13 10. 15 & A Window Full of Pencils The Rogers' Book Store Special No. 2 is the most perfect Load Pencil in existence FIV K CENTS. ROGERS1 BOOK STORE 39 Pattou Avenue.. ' Phone 254 Hallowe'en Candies Old Fashioned Taffy, t'aramels, Nut Candles. Pop Corn Balls, Fudge, Bon lions. Kisses, Gum Drops, Flavors, etc. Candy Kitchen L, Blomberg Leads in Cigars Tobaccos, Smokers Articles and Sporting VALUE. La Pila a great value. A 10 "cent Cigar for 5 cents. Try tliem. BARBEE, Wells1 Smok Shop. For the Best Livery in the City which Includes tha finest stock, most up-to-date rigs and thoroughly expe rienced drivers, aee W. A. WEBB & SON, I OnUege Rt. Phone HS. "Without a doubt, we have the largest and most complete line of Electric Light Fixtures and Art Glass Domes in the State. We solicit' your inspe it ion. Piedmont Electric Co. 64 Patton Avenue. Phon e 478. Opposite Postoffico. Dove Hams Frosh shipment just received. Large ones 18c, small ones 19c. I t NOLAND & MclNTYRE m -SQUARE AGENTS FOB CflASE AND 8ANIK)RNS TEAS AND COFFEES PHONES 151 AND S60. MHM$MMMMIMMIMMMMMMttf MMIM O, YOU POSSUM , . . : Vncle Harney cotched a possum. That ain't nothln' strange. Now he's got hln. In the oven On the Great Ubijestlc Range. He's nice and fat. you're getting thinner, Come and eat htm, saint and sinner, At the Thursday possum dinner! BROWN, NORTHUPtS CO. ' . 33 Patton Ave. tMHMmmMHHUMHlMMUMMHHHMHKMtM Citizens Transfer Company : nTIlAN WOODCOCK, Owaar. ' PATTON AVKNtJB -. - 1 TELEPHONE S&. FURNITURE MOVING Prompt Baggage Transfer Seryice ) Badorscd by V. a T. and T. P. A. A GIFT TILT ,ONLY YOC CAN GIVE What would be better than aV living portrait of yourself? , THK KIND WE MAKE Come now, before the Xmis rush. We are ' prepared to give yon the Best Your Money Can Buy. , , HAGE 6 KOONCa ; Stndlo corner Patton and Aalieland Avenoea, Progress Stoves and Ranges You cap 't beat them no matter where you go. Money back if they don't do the work. , Beaumont Furniture Co., Tha Home of 27 EontVK: - Zl on the Radiator. AUTOMOBILE CO. 17 S.Lexington Xve HAYWOOD STREET NEAR POSTOFFICE Goods. 17 Patton Ave. 1 MILK FOR THE SICE Should le the best that is, rich in vitality and pure. Our milk possesses these char acteristics. All milk pateur lzed. : Asheville Pure Milk Co. E. Walnut St. Phone 554. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. a .in" Furniture Values, Phcre 1CC1 For Cold or Rainy Weather Try one of Dr. A. Reed's Cush ion Shoe. Warmest and best shoe on earth. GEO. W. JENKINS, 29 South Main St. Phone 125. MMMMIIIMMMIMMMM t TURKEYS, DUCKS, J CHICKENS, , t all kinds of first-class - t Meats.. I W. M. Hill & Co. I City Market, Phones 4. and 359. : " J. E. Carpenter Jeweler, 32 Patton Avenue Fine watch repairing a specialty. f You can make your ice cream and sherbets at home at smaller cost. Let ns deliver your ICE Phone 72. .... '. - Asheville Ice Co. PHONE 72. 1 Purest arid Best Rumford Baking Powder Try a Gazette-News Received, a Columbia Come and FALrK'S MUSIC HOUSEf- il SOCTII IAIN ST. OaBssaaan Hunting Coats, Breeches, Vests Wo. have thorn in all iIecs, stoutly made of high grade canvas. Coats fur 1 1.75, S3.00 and $6.00; Itreeches $1.75 and $2.25:' vests at $1.00. Canvas shell belts 25 and 35 cents; leather, 78 , cents and $1.00. Corduroy and Canvas hunting Caps, 7G cents; hats 60 cents. Get fitted out NOW for the hunting season. . Asheville Hardware Co. SOUTH PACK SQUARE and 25 N. MAIN ST. - Perfectly Simple m Art . - .a PHICE $000.00. 4 , 1fU4 The perfect simplicity and sclentl no design of Maxwell ears save ex pensive complications and give most endurance and most "go" for the least cost In fuel and wear on tires. All th eae considerations make Maxwell cars moat economical to run as well as to Lookout for the new 1(10 cars to Coston Automobile Co. Phone 244. Green Brothers' Furniture Store 45Patton Ave. ; GREEN Dr.o"T:''-5 :: VTood Heaters $1.75. Wibcn Air 1!,U C ! I' ,:r- QUALITY I Is the principal factor to I consider in buying coal. ' M. & W. COAL ; Possesses the quality that .when "once used, always ; used." r , - . ' Asheville Coal Co. 1'. Al. WEAVE It, Mgr. f Phone 40. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT It's ten to one that the direc tions are ignored. Everybody else likes Wheat-Hearts. All grocers. ; Fine Roasting Fowls Best quality, native and west, era meats. '.Excellent ' variety of the choice grades, THE STAR- -PHONE 66 Want Ad. new lot of r Records hear them rnoNE sos. t Simply 25 Perfect buy. arrive soon. No. 95 and 97 Patton Ave. "Burrow. Feather-walf Card tables In M lesion, Gol den Oak and Birds- Eyo Maple. Table, with "wm. clasa to them" from and -up. .Table, and chair, to rant