4t ' ..-..."' " 'L .-.ZmmWmv7 .-rrnrr.:.r -V Thuraday, Koveraler 11, 1003. PART". TATTll. - ' "J TTTT! 1TT.T.T! i C.AZZTi-i i. ! A 1 , i 1 4 '5" n l.'l u "5 ? Hi 1 i I Mm lj In I f - .ft' . 1 J I I, .H- - I -I l I ! " 11 1 ' .1. I ; , 1 GROWS HAIR ' ' and w can '' PROVE IT I A latfy from Miiwwaota write: "A a ren!t of tne Im1rnne, aiy hair I clw to tl In lanfUl." Beautiful Hair at Small Cost IR I rouble, lik many other 5i-u-'. IS. bcvn wrong )r dtKDrd ami ftltocHlier m natlrf fttooii. The hair It tell I Dot thethini to b treated. Uf the fiu that it u imfly a ptotucl I tbf acalp and holly drntlrnt y,on it action. The acalp it the vrty v, m hi b the hair i pro duced. notlnitM and grown, itwl It alone ahould receive the attention il result are to he eipected. It would do no tflhty goo to treat the item ol plant with a view ol matin it grow am become store beaut Hoi the toil in which the plant grow mutt be attentlrd to Therefore, tha acalp tn which th hate grew must rc th ttMot f yow at to apc4 it im grow and bacomo mora bwnutifwl. toaa of hair U cauted 19 the aratp dry tog op. Of lowng it a utt'y of moiiure or nutriment; when baMnea occur the Mlp h atmply ot all it Donrithment. leaving nothing fr t he hair to feed opoa ( plant or even a tee would die under aimilal cooditlona J The natural thing to do In either rate. 1 to feed and replroith the toil nr calp aa the cate may be. and your crop will grow and multiply at nature intended H ahould. Know4ton'g Dnndarina hat a moat wondar ftil affact upon tho Hair gland and ttatuoa of tha acaip. II a H onty remody foe tho hair ovor diacovorod that amiiar to the natural hatr fooda or liqwida of tna acalp. It penetrate the pore quietly and the hair 000 show the effect of it wonderfully exhilar ating and life-producing qualities. Doe ?5-cent bottle I enough toeoneinre too o Ha great worth a a hatr growing and htr beautl t)tng remedy-(t and aaa lor youraelf. VOW at all druggists la thro sltss, 25o. 50o and $1.00 per bottle. CPPV To ahow How quickly Itatfrrwf a niaa act, we will aend a large aarn pte free by return mat) to anyone nho aend Ihia free coupon to the UOfflTM DllOUItt CO., CHICAGO, ILL. with their name and addre and !ac Is ilrr or atamp to pay putage Cut Tkt( Out I I J t The Altenburg Case By GEORGE DYEE ELD RIDGE COPYRIGHT. ItOi. BY GEORGE DYRE ELDRIDGE. COVriM'ED. "iKHliir," hv Mhl, with (in iimUB'il I. ink In hl t r lhal I'x-k lln rolllll of hi lunt ri'liuff, "xiini'(liii'n 1 think .vmi'v Kkt u iri tl tfouil li.-iiil on wmr huulilrr. i .'ptliitf thiit ki la H i n ifii'm. Ill ttaK'-r niiM- (inn nkUi'h nitr.'r raiitiliiK Ihm itfTalr t.ul lha, for riiniili', l-ry lum. What rvallv liK k ) tin- fn nlf. of i.n kIvmik yuumrlf uHuy wlit'n vnti iloii't want I.. ' conrw. . 11 1 linn a man waiitx I... and tlu'tt It tal.ii. a will hlitln r l ttr-.-of t nt 1 1 1 1 1 k t" It "t'l "t th kiiiii' Unix aii"iir not to Int.-inl )." Whfii !! rrBiln'il I Jim Imro Tr:it ford ntnp.l In frotit of ' Iriinlil-fhaw IxiBrilliiK lai'r "f uiimi!. h.-re'ii hi-ri' vou want lo r-t oiit," h- fciul. "I'nln" u lih mi" lo o lo H' i l with at otio- to (i ll li t tn iiihI Ki t hif ihlce." Knlol iniiiiTi itiiir ," TrafToril an- wiTvil him. 'Thi ri'n riilh unthlni; lmMirtant 1 hntin't Narm-d alnu-l. no I ilon't n ' il to tronhU you. Ilv the may, thouxli. ymi'ti' n-ally uiko rrcil the mt lmorlant inntlr ultici- mrll. ln- thp ll mot Important onr, I'm K"li. to i low ihn uftair In lh.' ni xt for!- lKht hour I hav.-n t liny oliji tioita l i hai wnni' one lth ln artii, at iait. oire tjot Uk -r rommi'tiilah! vlrt'ii of knowliiK Imw I won't kiiy hn lo hiiht yioic toiiliiic II-. w wonlil oii liKf til k'o Willi m Tht niit!on lame 1.0 tint M rtt-tll tlmt I iriniliU nhaw m irn ly i'omri -hi'iKlnl It ll (itooil ami k-ni. in mi nlmoiM Intl.. rllr way that niaili- Truf foril laiiih nil. wdl." h'- Ralil, "you nti.lti t .1. . t lilr rtRhl off. I nn t . ai- for thri-i hoiirt If in that 1 1 in you Unlilc to -..( in) on, r, lw kt lh- elation tv nilhlim tn tim, hut tak- your tlrk4 for ItrrntwWMl Jtiiirtmn. If )ou'M Rot a turn th.it way you imclil rnjov it. Wo won t Ih- Koiir imr four ila " At thai lii Blurt., I hi I .riMs nnil rjrov down the Mm-t. l-avlnn Oriin bl.ihaw w ith hi ani r uiioki't mi SUFFERING ENDED hmllira Irua Mure S4I Hm ItrtiMtly that CudhI MiHiiai li TruuUr f I'uurtri'ii Ycara. And lrat of all Hmtth'f Drug florr Kuarantrra It to cur )ou or Inunvy li k. Head thl: "I hv ln a ireat aufTrrrr for It Jrara. t rr ihlntf I at g,ia tn hvartburna. I biiv nr l"--n ahlf tu grt an thing thai would glv m an' riluf until a frrind of mln in latrd on my taking Ml-o-na. I took a It rnt Iwi and I liollrv I am rn tlrly wrll." t M. ltrjrant. Ni-wmnn. tin.. June tlh. , JUl-n-na la not nontrum; It la th lrrarrlpllon of a cvh hratrd tihydclan who in a aiiflnllat In atomarh 1 la ta an. On rlvr woman palU Ml-o-na Ih Hunahln Prrarrlpllon Iwi-aua II rhanard hr from a mlarahle, nr' on dyatwptle Into a bright, healthy, happr woman In a fw wVa. Th llltl . Wl-o na lalilMa arc urtjr wond.-r workrra. Thr aiiam lutrly cur Indlgrwtinn whvthtr arut or rhronh. , , Thr atop bi'h hlng. gat In atomarh, and havlna. In a ( mlnutra. Ila- trraa aftrr rating tanlahra a If br magle whn vno or two llltl Ml-o-na tahlrta ara awallowed. Only M rnta a boi at ladlng drug glata r)W hrr. and In Aahcvlll by Vmllh'a I Vug Htor. Tut aampl fr from imoth'a Ml-o-na. ItulTalo, N. T. ft uu vttt) U OBiwa rataxrh or nooar bark. J oat tiifatha It ia. Ooniot oottU, InrJoiUiiff tnliaJerl. txtra UAUm ova. ungguu. bMrru iiuu aioiuc Mi a ' f lili. II pi-. Thr. .- lioiirn! Tin- turn' was hrli f i noiiKh, In nil i onst li'in i'. for nil hla llt!t'l)tH. ollllll li-i kwitli niul i Ju.lltli, Vf. he w.m l.oiinil to " lo r I Mli.il.-wr hnin iK'.l Slio wan cntitl.'il ; to the I'rl ruv of llk'ht thai ha.l hrok.'n through t lt- rloti.l., ninl It Kim uroutnn on hi in that thiH wax nlnioHt a flr'iim of nimlim'. fin k.'.l it drfiw-Hiiit r;i-i.. ti'ifjilioni'il ir Itoyciv iith!1 to i til out Iti'rkwith ani) at lut foim.l tilmx. ir with a full hour on Itla liaii.N. at tin- Alti tihurir, hous.. "I'm ilyliiK to know what all that Ml.'.ltlt ll' til' Hoiiil." toil, I'.. " Jtlililh nr.- t.-.l him ll .miv to him th.it all that wax. :i i rt. tinox .l.-ilm-.l. nnl that ln.utail of a p!lith' hour h- lo-i ili'il at li-ant two; ami then In- hroko Into as loir rliirt a utati-nti nt of f,i. t-. an ha.l .-M-r falli-n from th.- hp of u man who hioln't tinif to I..- hrli f. "Hut." ali. .ilil. whi n li.nl tn- ! lah I, "I ilon I iitiili-rHtaiiil n won! of I u 1 ll n n look i n i! for In II. What w.u. thi' wooda'" "! don't knoiv,'' hi' t'onf.'SiU'il "That la ixaotlv what I waa trying lo find out whi'ti hi- knot kfl uu- down." ' i Mi, I don't In lii vi that i.m mighl to ii away ut.tli you'ri- ri-rtaln mi nri-n't hint! In n ai tmi golna. ani w av " "I don't know " Sh. 1ook.fl at him In aurprl-av "Tliia I do know. Iihhi ut." hi' Mid. "noitii'ho.' urn takrn through t'.m ailn that nliiht from hi-n- hy Htllitm Mr lirllcvra It wita the murdi ror of John Alti-nhurg, ami il,. I That la lug m Ihrn 'a iiothiiiR for mo to do hut lo ham; lo lh- trail until wt'v. run him down." 'Hut TrarTnrdV' nhi- rxrlalmml. "I don't llkr your going nwav with him. Ilv In that room now." In Attvnhiirg'a room: thi room h-rf Altnliiirg wa kllloil?'' lirliu hh'ihiiw uakrd In ,ntrirl. Shi' noihlrd Hlflrmatlon. "I'd kIm- n hundred to know what hi' i doing!" hi ihclarrd. "I'd mr It to know that li lan't piniining aoinnning iik'tunat futhi-r or lliirn. r!" "mi thing a n rtain. It waa nlthir your father nor Horsoe that Billing" took through with him. nnil Trufford'a gi'ltlng ri-ady to follow thai man m It II glvr thfin a rpt and nomi- tlm to think, and w In n I git .j k I'll know Juat what hi' don while bo'a been gone. It aernia to me, then for, that tin rr no oueatlon I ought to go " Uu knew now how .'aii. r h wa for Hie trip, w hhh lie had inl auni. i t.-d brfor. and that he wna reeking e rtiaea thnt would Juatlfy him from other atandMilna than that of lucre lilh ili-alre. Ilv felt. Ion, Ihnt while there waa a -harm In him In the advrntur lUelf, lh strongest fore of nil wna th Im pulae to dn for her. Hire waa th ry rhiinre for which h had been aeeklng com nt th niwupeded mo ment when rvery avenue a.-emnl olied. i "I ni afrnld 1'v gut you Into a lot of trout. le with inv atupldlly anil blunder ing." ha aald. "IVrhnim now I'll havr a rhane to du annu-thlng in atone for II I don't think TrafTord'a a man to lake me jimt from a wlah tn gratify my eurloaiiv. think h' a notion I mUht help." . Trarflrd, ah aald pguln 'Til neri r learn In hear lhal name without a ahudder!" "I hop you will prov fala prophet, young lady." aald a voir, an.l Trufford hlmarlf alood In th doorway. "I ! imntnn." h wrnt on, to her look of Indignation. Tv tint . been plnylng Ih avea.tropper, but my time la abort and you didn't aeem lo hear my knocking, an I Juat had lo blumler In. Your friend haa but twenty min ute for til farewella If h't going lo Join m. a I take II h U, and I'v got to aak to m irt of thai lima. When you cam through th hall that night, aftrr jmir hr other railed you lo help hint tn rarry Mr. Altenburg uinrtaira, did you Botlc whether th paneling under th alalra waa puahej bac k or no! 7" "I didn't even know then that I her waa a gliding panel,' ah replied. . "That ana w era my (juration, aa well aa th next one I wrta going to aak. Another thing, that Tueaday night when your father and brother slep her, why did one of them uae tn rot-bed In th attic Inatead of flreplni In the roomaT Neither of them did," aha aald. li aurprlae. "I bad prepared th roon above eaperlally for father, and h told me that he alrpt there. I'm rr tain he didn't even go to the attic' "Who took car of thla altlc?" "Mother ati1 myaelf. The womai did not come out of the kitchen, extep to aweep once a week, and I'm certa.li ah never went to the attic" "Vhn were you there laat?" "On th. Tuesday that father rain earlier In the day. I went there t get an extra blanket from a chest fearing father would need IL" ' "Did you leav th window open?" "I didn't open It, and I know It wai ahut when I came away, for I went t It und looked out. and thought what r dreary view It waa acroaa th wood now that th treea were frtrlpped o their leavea." "Do you know thla platol?" "I do." aald Horace Calden, atand Inr In the door leading to the entry way. "It'a mine, here'a Ita mate," en he took another from hla hip pocket "Where did you find thla?" "Come and I'll ahow yon." replle. TralTord. a trifle cold In manner a compared with hla attitude toward th' Inter. "I think I mny rotrie. too." aa!1 Heckw-lth, who had accompanied Hor ace to the houae. "I'm glad to have you." enld Traf ford, "it'll Mtvr my telling you what found In the vault and told you ' keep to myaelf for the preeent." Judith did not aeem to catch th algnlficance of the answer, hut Heck with and (Irlmhleahaw exchnngei glnncea thnt ahowed what wna piiaslmi In their mlnda, nnd the fornn-r glnnc. at Horace, hut fnlled to catch hh o. Thev entered the room of the mur der, the windnwa of which were durk encd by eheeta tacked carefully t. keep out prying eyi-elght. On the ajdi of the chimney wna a pile (if hrlck nnd mortnr. where th. chlmncy-fuo had Iwen torn away, hnv'lng n greni hole, thnt gave entrance to the vauli Into which Altenburg hud converted , the flr"place nnd ovena ThrmiRh thh 'opening Trnfford conducted Mian Cnl den. the nthera following and form Inv a group thnt nenrly tilled the nvnilnhh apace. In the fnrther corni r wna :i pile of tin hoxea. nnd on top of one In the din.1 thnt hnd aettl.il on every thir.g nnd r.-mniaeil uii.llHiurli.il. w.i the outline of a .l.tnl "It wna lying there." anid Tr.iffonl poli'ting to the hoxea. riverv one turned and looked toward Horace, who lloiirUli.il red and Ihei loat color under the M-rutinv Me had a ilnti il look that III Ik the popular conception of guilt. Without a word Judith piivai d over to hla aide an. I took ln hand a It hung Innk lienid I him. clu riKhlng It in both of hern ) for a moment Trnfford aeem-d to (In.! a am. ill mnn'a enjoyment in th Herniation he had produced. Then h wave In tni" If a aharp ahnke nnd anid In a In -artier vole than he had ever he fur ueil with vout'.K '"allien: "Some dav I'll link you. Jut out of pure curiowitv, how it could hav- come there. J nut now 1 haven't time t llaten to the nnawi r. 1 did not ahow l tn j on before hnnime I thotight It might prove to have aUatlncnnce Now Inn! I know It ihen't mean anything I c in afford to give It nwny" Are you certain It do.-j.nt began ll.ikwith, only l.i be Interrupted by Trafford with: Doctor, you'xe got tr be nway from here In ten minute. If you've got anv 'good-byi1' to any you'd better get at them. I think now I mint imdat on your going with me. Hack In the Hitting room with the door cloaed behind them. (Irlmhleahaw till!' "I'm certain. Judith, the day In breaking, I haven't been nhle to d much, but I've tried W hen dnvhght come will )nu remember thnt In my behalf?" "Daylight or dark." ahe nnawered. "I can never forget what you have done diirlnt: theae dnya o! darknea nnd trial." "Nor I." he echoed, "Ihnt In theae dnya I've found I loved you. for 1 aeem alwaya to havr done ao, only Juat now l'v. found It out "Oh, Phillip." ahe cried aa th' wa-nlng knock came lo the door, "nviwt you really jo? What doea It mi an Where are you going? ! there danger'." "I'm going to try nnd help a little In the clearing up of Ihe InM tangle, min't aay Trnfford la atrong enough lo do it alone! I know he la. but I want to think, after II la all over, thai I have done womethlng for you Ik.nt think It: know ll. Philip! and ahe put up her ll lo meet hi aa he toocd to give her th greeting klaa of th accepted lover, which alao waa th fun well klaa of their firm rea purling. XXVIII. M Hie RoTtler ol I lie Ktrraiii. When they left the train. In the gray of the early morning, lha aplra.i.f the pariah church at Oegantlc looked down on them, and before them atretched the long atreet of the Village, with ita houaea almoat touching each other, and the long line of fnr, which divide the narrow atrip of farmland, running Into the dlatanrea. (Irlmbleabaw wa thinking of the few worda that Herkwlth had had lime lo exchange with him. Hrlef aa the time waa, tteckwith had found It . auflclent to get th atory or Hilllnga and the knockdown, nnd to give hi linl.iraement of th Judgment . that ! drhnbleahaw had baaed thereon.' Then he had aald: ' Trafford I uaually quite clear-j Important to Mother A record of alxty-flv years eootlnu ous us of "lira, n inalow'a Soothing Syrap" by mother lo all parta of th world. Is Ih highest praise that any r.emdr for "cblklrew teething has ever received. Evry year th young mother follow In tho footstep of hor mother and finds Mr. WtaaJow' Soothing lyrap to be th favorite, and so it . haa goo on for a, period of slaty-Ova yeara. Million of mothers had used It for their children while iMthlng with perfect succm. it sooth Ih child, soften tha gums, allay all pain, diarrhoea, wind colic. Bold by druggist and medicine deal er la all parts of tha know world. 0uaraat4 and th Food and Drug Art of Jane It, 19 St. Ben.' Number Twenty-flv cents battl. li sure and ash for Mr. UIimIow's soothing dyrap mn4 Uk ao other. YourMi usicistnme Edison Phonograph Do you know how much , you are. losing by not owning an Edison Phonograph ? ; : This instrument was made for you by Mr. Edison. It is intended to bring music into your home. It will help you entertain your guests. It will amuse you during your leisure hours. It will help you to bring up your family to love music. This is what Mr. Edison meant when he said that he would like to see a Phonograph in every home. How can you let any consideration of money stand in the way of your owning one of these great enter tainers ? The Phonograph will give you so much more in return for the money than you can get by spending it in any other way. Do not take our word for it Go to a dealer today and hear the Kdison Phonograph play the Amberol Records, and you will know why we are so positive that you cannot afford to do without it. Edltoa rhooogreptu - - f 1Z-90 lo V2S.09 Edltoa Standard Kacmdt - ttc Bit .on Ambarol KarrmN (twice at long) 30a Eaaon Oiand Opera Record - - 74c TTnlliril pfcoaograa Cmaur, T ROGERS' BOOK - EDISON PHONOGRAPH N'o. 39 Patton Ave. Phone 254. ghted for a man who hnnn'l had the id' iiiittiRi a of a full h kMl training, and wn.M aurprlard win ti he aald that platol hnd ccaaed to lim e alKniflcance. ft"r vou left I mad. him ae that It had a very Important pine In thla affair. Thoa boxc? bud held the money and pa per. Th.y were empty. Il' iue, the money i.i.d pniier hnd lo-eti taken out. Hut theae are no- wh-re about Hence, they have been xtolen, The murder and th theft iniiMt he parta of the e.une crime. Now the platol couldn't bin been out there. Inn.-inuch aa it wa," found when the vnult waa broken oi n. until after th th ft hnd occurred. No one had been in there lifter tho niicht of the murder until the vanlt ) broken open. Therefore, t muat li.ne been nut wh-re It waa found whoever robljed tin- vault after the murder waa com mitted. Yet Trafford. claiming to he a detective, iclli ua ihat th nlatol haa ci lined to be algnlli. .nit:" All night long In hia Interview of wnkefulnea theae orda had rung through hla head, and Mil night Iwig he had aeen Horace Calden xtandlna. fluahrd and at.niimerlna. with evea tlvd on tie pini.-i that ho had. on the pur of the tni. hi. A. admitted to be hi own. What did It mean, tuiu whv hnd Heck with, lm.il aa he wn to hla HOW TO CURE RHEUMATISM it la An Internal Dlaewae and He- quire an Internal Remedy. The cauae of ICheumatlam and kind red dlaenaea it an exceoa of uric acid in the blood. To cure ,thg terrible dlaeaae thla acid muat b expelled and the aval em o regulated that no more acid will be formed in axceaaive quan title. IlhfumntUm la an Internal diaeaae and requirea an Internal rem edy. nubblng with Olla and Lini ments will not cure, afford only tem porary relief at beat, causes you to de lay the proper treatment, and allows the malady to get a firmer hold on you, l.lnlmenla mar ease the pain but they will no mora cure Rheuma- tlam than paint will change the fibre of rotten wood. Science has at !ast discovered a per fect and complete euro, which Is call ed "Ilheumacldr." Tested In hundreds of caeca. It haa effected the moat mar velous curea; wo believe It will cur you. Ithrumnrldo "gets at the joints from the Inside," sweeps the poisons oue of th syitem, tone up the stom ach, regulates the liver and kidneys and makea you well all over. . Rheu maclde "strikes tha root of tha dis ease and removes It cause." This splendid remedy Is sold by druggists and dealers generally at (Oc and tl a bottle. In tablet form at 25c and 80c a package, by malt. Get a bottle to day. Booklet free If you writ to Itobbltt Chemical Co.. Baltimore. Md. For aale by all druggists. - A Sewing Machine Motor Is Always Ready m . 12 And Costs Only One-Fifth of One Cent Per Hour to Run Buy One Now and Save Health and Strength Asheville electric co. Phone 69. There are Rdlaon dealer Trywhra. Go to the neereKt and hear th Kdlsoa PhnBocrapri play both Ediina Standard and Amberl Kecoedu. Ost comptatt catalog from your dealer or from tu. Ukaaida ArM Or, N. J. STORE, Agts. ollenta. been at such pnlna to put Trnfford on n track thnt he seemed t have minsed ? At Inst the perplexity of this qiiealton had almost banished the happmeya of thoae lasi brhf mo ment with Judith, and he came p the new day's work wearied and an- prehenalve, anticipating name ne trouble to throw a cloud over the girl who wns triiHtlng him so fully. After breakfnMt, at a tiny but lire mncuhttely clean Inn, aonit w here awnv from the buatle of the railway station. Trnfford left him to his own devices and went nhout the burlncs that had brought them there. Urlmbleehaw had Juat llnlxhed hla first real letter to Judith when Trafford came In and aeating himeelf opposlt him. said: (TO BE CONTINCED.) EXECTTOirS XOTICF, Having qualified as executor under the last will and testament of George Lnaker, deceased, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said ea tnte to present them to the under aignea neiore November 1, 1910. or thisi notice will 1 plead in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to said estate will please make prompt pnyment November 4, 1909. 8. STERNBERG, Executor of George Lasker, deceased. NOTICE. Don't be deceived. We arc selling COAL. The BEST AT LOWEST PRICES. We do business in one name only and at 48 Patton avenue only. . ASHEVILLE COAL AND LUMBER CO. Remember Name and Place. Phones 736 and 935. IIMHi.UNft IS I'X HFIr.K.M Kll PLKIMaKM. Phot Guns, Rifles and Platol of oil makes and description, they are un redeemed pledge. We rent shot guns and rifles by the day or week. Leather Goods and Trunks Is Our 8iclalty. t II. riXKETATElX K PAW.X I)AX OI'FICE, SS South Main. Hotels and Boarding; Houses Battery Parll Hotel ASHEVTIiLE, K. O. , "J OPEX TUROrGHOCT THE TEAR. ( Famouo Everywhere. THE INN, Waynesville, N. C. OPEN under entlra new manage ment, after a tnoroogn remodeling and overhauling and offers best aervira and attenUon to both family and, transient boarders. Rates reasonable. . THE MANOR. Albemarle Park . Asheville. N. C An Exclusive Inn. - On Charlotte Street Car Line. FRANKLIN HOTEL, Will offer for tho month of October tho same ralea aa to tho commercial our hunting season In Transylvania Is county. As to tho commercial men, T. P. A. and U. C T. Free up-to-date business part of town, when you arrive at station iook out ior mo frank lin bus. It will be ther. . T. W. WHTTMIRE, Proprietor. THE SWANNANOA A STRICTLY HIGH GRADE Family and Transient Hotel Bates $2.50 a day and upward. flew Hotel Albert Eleventh Street and University l'lnce. New York City, One block west of Broadway. The only absolutely modern fire proof transient hotel below 2:nd atree,t. "Location central, yet quiet: 400 rooms, 200 with bath, from It per day upwards. Excellent restaurant and cafe attached. Prices moderate. Send for Illustrated Guide and Map of Xew York City. HOTEL ENTELLA liRYSOJf cm Headquarters for traveling men and lumbermen. Rates 2 per day. Spe-, clal rates by the month. Bath room. Free sample rooms. Railroad eating houae fronting Southern depot liv ery In connection. W. W. A ALMA WHEELER, Propra, Richelieu Hotel 20 North French Broad Ave. Up-to-date family, hotel. $7 to $15 per week. Excellent table. Phone 1430 M0NTF0RD COTTAGE 103 Montford Ave. Phone 1082 Elegant, home-like and refined, Centrally located. Cuisine the best Transients and table boarder ac commodated. MODERATE RATES. WEAVERVILLE LINE SCllEDl'LE Lv. rack Square Lv Woavcrvllle A. M A. M. CIO J.00 11.00 P. M 1.00 too too S.10 10.10 ' 11.10 P. M. 2.10 4.10 (.00 Sunday cxci.t Schedule same on the 6.20 A. M. trip is omitted, and In favorable weather an extra car will leave Ashevlll at 4 P. U. GET THE WHEAT-HEART HABIT t You will hover reject j Hundreds of families have uaed "Wheat Hearts daily for years. It is cheap. delieiou3 and nutritious. BATTERY PARK BANK ASHETTLLE, X. C ' P. 8AWTER, President T. C COXB. 1st Vic President B. 8LTJDER, Id Vice President 3. E. RANKIN, Cashier. , Capital ... ... 1100,000.00 Surplus and Profits $130,000.00 TRAX8AOT8 A GEXERAIj BA.f RIQ BCSINESS Special attention given t eolleo tion. Four per oeot. lntervK paid on tlm depoalta. ' RoomsforRent v -AT-v if. HI :G;:A. "team I!r'-1 - , . .- - . , BREVARD, .N. 0. and November to tho hunUng tourists, traveler, xa.&o per day. Remember IS days earlier than , In Buncombe Tha Franklin la headquarters for tha sample room in the center 01 tha Frank Loughran, Owner aod Prop. hot in. ST.DENISit BROADWAY and HTM STREET NEW.Y0RK CITY. cj. Wtfhta Teify'Aeeesaef T.rny Polat of latereat. Half lilnck from Wanamaker'sa 0 mlnuteii wollc of Hbopplna DlKtrlrt. KOTKD yolt i KieeUeac of Cnlnlae. Com fortable Aiinoiatmeiita; Courtenut Scrr . let ana Hianelllia MarmuwIlDO, ROOMS J I. CO PER DAY AND UP EUROPEAN PLAN. - .M Tablo d'Hote Breakfast 50c. WM.TAYLOR&S0N,!nc. - ALSO HOTstl, MAIITIXIQI'K, . mrvmuwuj mm ru oirrti, Hotel Woodward BROADWAY A 85th STREET. NEW YORK CITY. Meets every requirement of the most refined clien teUe, .and caters only to such patronage, transient and residential. Location particularly ac cessible to shops and the aters. " - T. D. GREEN, Manager. Also Edgemera Club HotoL fedgemer. Long Island. Rate Jk Booklet on Application. The Satisfactory Hotel' The Albany In the very heart : of DENVER. ' Five Magnificent Restaurants bt) Vineyard w'1 . V"4 . Colonial Cafe w- , Orange Room - , - Italian Garden ' . Bohemian Grille Waste! Attraction of TJn usual . Merit. . Very popabur witS Tourists , and Commercial Traveler Wbar a vary popular tariff pre vails. Operated by ' SAM P. DTCTTOir. . A. M. EPSTEIN WHEN YOU CHANGE Come to the . . Hotel Gates Hendersonville, N. 0. - Accommodations equal to any in Western North Caro lina. Bates and booklet apply, to A, A. GATE3, : Proprietor. The Catavba OLD rOUT, N, C. I R. MOORi; rn(rior. Tranal.'tit and Conmien !:il patron age guli.-itcd. . . v .:: .. . ' w U 1Y 4 wseQsaWawaaiti

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