Thursday, November 11, 1003. PACE TWO. THE ASHEVILLn GATTTE-NETTS. r 1 1 I; ; i ;! I'. l i' Mr ; i i ill 5 i 1 i ' - t - ! I. j- ... I H Columbia Knit Goods Sweaters for Indies, Misses and Children from 50c up to$.')0. Crochet SliiHTM for .')! pair. (Whet .Shawl at $1.00, 1J5 up. Misses' and Children's J";giiis at r0 Stocking Caps at 2'w and 50c. Also a full line of Columbia Yarns. If you want tlio best then is in Kuit Underwear, buy ' the Munsing Brand. " Wo are agents for it." Xo higher than the ordinary kind. ENT LAN DIRK IS TO BE House, Probably Hendertonville'i Old est, to Be Replaced by Bank Building. Isii-itc-N't'wn l:urtAii, II. it, I Dales. HendcrsonUllc, Nov. II. The recent aulc and promised razing of the Tunm building, better known ly lendcraon ille a oldest i Hums iik the "Old Km k llounr," him brought l some Interest reminiscences ; Mtiilii tfi K t I hlii old I :i ml nin r k In year gone liy. The Itotia- was hulll some time In-tween Hi years IMI and 47 by Jnhti Mills, who nnnri aft rw arils ii It In al. til iik- . mil' i.( 1 1 11 ili-rm f i 1 1 ! a t arllcat settlers llcmlcraont ille In lliiniKlit t" luiM' hern first laid out fur u ullage iilntil thr year lt. Hum making ii more thun likely tluil thin im Hi.' Iirnl building i'f any Importance to be htillt In till luuii It T A Allen, the ill. li nt physician nil. I one of the most .r. milnent .-lilxcna. when asked by Tin- iin.ttc-Ncwa rcprcaeiitath c for some Information l..uit tlii I1 IhiIIiIIi.k. lati( that tin' I.iiIIiIIiik hml tH'rn mamliiiK a Imiir im he rutili! rr m intwr ami that In MM. Ih-ii he ft rut o iii'.l hln i.m.-e. It Han . "liip.u ntlvrl) an nlil I.M.kllia hnuiu. kimnn l.y everyhoilv ai" the H I Itm-k llmme anil ntHK" uliind in the ilayn hin the eta.- Ilm-a were In ruthin Ilile hmiee n. .l by the trayi'lins luilillc n et iai" In ml on Ihe 1. 1.1 lliin. i.inl.i' Turnpike. ruiinltiK (ruin a little villain' In central lP"rKln ti (Sreenvltle, Telin , nt that time ierhn.n the loiin. l Mlaiie ri' .'l In the i.iilli. I in the ci.rner. next In the nlil lli. k htiM, where ni.w ulanila the mamilll rent Btnn ture. I tota l Oaten, waa erect ed a f.inl ulil-fiinhl.ine.l hnnlelrv. lot. K l.y the uMer nl ilent of thin I.. n it the Itlpley holme. It Im-Iiik I 1 1 1 It l.y the aame Val entine Hlpley nientloni'il l.efore. It till here that the KtaRc tiawenaerM. Ihoae who ilmlrei!, ptaye.l over nlaht: hut the at n ae nlwaya iit..iieil at the Hl.'iKe etan.l or what waa known the "ill I:. .ik limine nn.l emhunKei) imnaenaera ami horn, a to conlltuie the trlii to tlreenvllle, Tenn Pertainlna to the old lliinconihe road It might he of tnterent to atnte that for aeven nillea thl aide of Anhe. vine it wan it pinna ronn nn.l nonie Hi tun i.f thin old road are et left The Toina hull. Una will In a ahort time torn down and he replaced bv a handaoiue. Iwo-ntorv. I.rown atone front, hank Lull. line to .e occupied l.y the People National hntik The rentoylnR of Ih In old landmark RAZED " "" nii"lf, t,y u,e immediate resumption of tOfillKeff uiiw liiHHIII "llice Bill! Sllllll Baby Will Sleep Sound If Mother will pour a little warmed milk over two or three teafpoonfula of Grape-Nuts roon Then feed thla milk, laden with the soothing nourishment which II take up from thn Or pe. Nuts, making the milk Itself easily digested. It la quickly and easily di gested, and baby will sleep sound, being well-fed and con tented j "Theer's a I learn mi" Fnsxaat Cereal Oosnpaay, LtdV Eattl Creek. Mich. 'n J. H. Patlerann anil A. M. lvea. with their rnntlllea. who have beautiful homea In thla town and have been iprndlntt the aummor here, returned ycnionlay to Jarkaonvllle. where they will reaume their buatncaa Intereata for the winter, returnlntj to thla city I earlv naxt aprlna;. j Mr and Mra. CharlH H. Hamilton i are apendlna; anme time In Hickory, vlnltliiK relntlvea. Captlan M C. Toma went to c.nlu yealerdny on bualneaa. Or Paul II. ninger and Pr W. I. Imiiiii of Aitahevllle paaaetl tlironnh lo re eaterdav In an Hiitomohlle ell j r..iite for Atlanta. LAYING THE MACAOAILf 1 Work Progressing Well Many New! Stores and Residences Being Built. ' Special to the Marshall. N uiiicniliiinlzlng h progressing of Chairman J tlazette-New a y. 11 -The Main street la .rk of , rapid- j under the aupcrv lalon j It Swain of the atreet ; Improvement committee Koine time tij;o I. onds were voted to the utiioiint , f 130.0(10 for the purpose of com pleting the water aatem, pstlug the Mre.ta and Improving the al.lcwalks ! The Hector house, MnraliiiH'a pop- ( ular hostelry, has a lii.-iit lawyers lure j.inong them la lion number of for court lirom- ; week. : J. M liii.lKer, jr.. ..t Aahevllle. ! The 1'Hpllola Yarn Mill Is now run ning full time, both night and day A of new l.iill.lliiKa. I...h i stores mid residences, are la course of 'erection here, and the merchants are i receiving a fairly good trade. ! Attorney 7m hary of llrevard la In ' the city attending court. Itn-orda llelug Prepared In Company Whitney A. II Price, who was recently ap pointed by Judge Prltchard as spe cial master In the foreclosure pro ceedings of the Whitney company will probably go to New York In a few days to examine the records upon which the decree of sale will I baaed. . says the Salisbury Post. The records lire being prrpsred with all possible! I citiedltlon by th receivers. John 8. ' I Henderson snd Charles W. Smith.' , ,,,; forw arded to New York as com- plet-d. It appears, frem Information com ing from a source that may be regard ed as altogether reliable, that the sale will I made shortly after Mr. Price's r. port to Judge Prltchard Is submit ted This of course would lie follow - u,, n WhlttlC)' is mlcr ami Cnvr are rVlenda. Very ( Umr John A. Voder and family have re turned from IJnvllle to spend the winter In Newton, sava the Newton Knterprlse. Mr. Voder brings with aim a story uf a strange attachment l-etween a mountain cow and a big while gander. The both belong to Tom Morrison 6f fh Table Rock sec tion of Iturk county. Mr. Morrison keep cattle, bng. sheep, goats, mule Jennets, horses, geese, ducks, turkeys and every other kind of farm animal or fowl you can think of. And from this medley on nld gander and a row have paired off. and will not associate with any of the other stock or fowls, and each become disconsolate, sf separated from the other.. The gsn dr roosts In Ih row' stall a( night sod goes with her to th pasture by duv. If on II taken and th other left, both keep up a constant racket mill they are unltett again. Campaign for Missions. Washington. Ko. . Tw thous and delegate from 100 of the leading ch ii re he In th national capital are taking part In th big convention of the favmen'a missionary movement, which held the flrat of It thro day' sessions today. The list nf sneaker I headed by peegMenl Taft, and among other men of not who are to Im heard are Rear Admiral A, T. Mahan. former Secretary of Rial John W. Foster. Robert t Speer. secretary of the Presbyterian hoard nf . foreign mlsallns; John R. Mott, general see. retsry of th World a fttudant Fed era -Hon; Rev. Arthur ft. Lloyd, blshop roadjutor of Virginia, and J. A. Mc Donald, dltor of lb Toronto Otob. Th convention la en of a err' to be held during th coming winter and snrlns la mora thaar 1 or tk 1 leading rltle of h Vnited tat. mark Hemleraonvllte'a new t.uidneaa nrtlvltlca. ,wllh the purpose of ' Inspiring mem 'bers of the different church- to ac tive missionary work. Tha movement la entirely of ao Interdenominational character. XHICAGQ GRAFTERS ABL It J. Martin, Secretary of Alderman Kenna, Want to Make Confei-' ion About Jury Drawings. Chlcato, Nov. II. When the Judge'a committee inveatigatiiiK the Jury com mlaalonera convened here yeatenlay, Ktate'i Attorney Wayman oflereil to Introduce tin allea:ed confoaalon aluneil ly Nlcholaa J. Martin, relative to tnm perlnK with Jury drawlnita In the cum mlaalnner'a ofllce. Martin la the pri vate aerretary of Alderman Mlchnel Kenna of tho flrat ward, and la now under Indictment with Jury Commla aloner John J. Holland and T. J. Ilayhurn for complicity In allcgi-d II leirnl draw In of Rrand ond ietlt Ju rlea. Judlfea Darnea, llonnre and RlnaHer. the InveatlBatlnB committee, decided that the Inveatia-ntlnn wna a Judicial and court procedure, and the expoc tntton la Hint It will henceforth be gov erned bv the uaunl leaal rulea In the I preaentntlnn of evidence. The Jtidifi-a refused to reirard the alleged confoa alon a evldenee and declined to per mit to he read. The proaecutor aaaefta that Martin pdmltted that he had airreed to fur nlah Rayburn with ft Hat of nnmea of men who would be amenable to nut aide Influence (hould they be called aa Jurora In the trial of Police Inapec tor MeCann. who waa recently found i millty nf aeceptinir money from Im- proper peraoni for protection pur- poaea The Judirea itnve Htate'a Attorney Wayman permlaalnn to flle the nlleceit confeaalon. but would not allow him to read It aa evidence. The atatea attorney then withdrew the document and declared hla case cloecd. j When the henrlliK la reaumed next j Wednesday the Judaea will Inspect the ' office of the Jury conimlaalonera nn.l i the com mlaalonera will present rel.ut , tal nf the allegations made by the i atate a attorney. PILES Quickly Cured Instant Itcllef, Permanent Cu Trial Package Mallei t ree to All In Plain VrapMT. We want every man and woman suffering from the excruciating tor ture of pll.-s to lust send their name and address to us and get by return mall a fr.-e trial package of the most effective ami positive cure ever known I for thla disease. Pyramid Pile Cure. The wsy l prove w hut this great i remedy will do In mir own case. Is to j Just till out tree coupon and send to us a nil you will get by return mall a free I trial treatment of Pyramid Pile Cure. Then after you have proven to your self what It can do, you will go to the druggist and get a Do cent box. Pon'l undergo an operation, oper ations are rarely a success and often lend to terrible consequences. Pyr amid Pile Cure reduces all Inflamma tion, makes congestion, Irritation. Itching, sores and ulcers disappear and tbe piles simply quit. For sale at all ib i:g stores at tb cents a box H4"I" "IMI"I"I"1"I,"I,,I H 4 I . FREE PACKAGE tXH'I'OX i JL Kill out the blank line lie low with your name an I ad dress, cut nut coupon and mall to the PYRAMID PRCU COMPANY. 1(4 Pyramid Rllllillng. Marshall, Mich. A trial package of the great Pyramid Pile Cure will then be sent you at one by mall, KRKK, In plain wrapper. J. Name Btreet. I JL City and Htate. He Knew flla Worth. Self-confldene Is on of the moat valuable qualities to one who would rise quickly. No doubt the youngster who fig ores In this story from the Ixmdon Dally Mall la already well on the way up. A gentleman calling on a memlier of parliament on day, while waiting In the reception room, waa attracted by the manner nf the small attendant, and started a random conversation. "And how much do ymj earn a week, me boy?" he Inquired. "Ten pounds," said tha youngster with avidity. Relng shown Into th member pri vate offlc Just then, th Tlaltor's sur prise found vent In word. "Mighty bright youth you have, to be getting 14 pound a week," he re marked, t 1 "Why. said tha mrmbar of parlia ment, "he get only IS shillings." "Rut he told m Just now you werw giving him If pnaml a Week," per sisted th gentleman. "Nonsense!" ld th memlier of parliament aa he touched th ben. ' "Billy," h said, "did you Ml this gentleman I waa paying you l pound a weekT" "No, lr." , "You didn't T tv.ii, wnM dl(1 vou ayr "t as Id t earned H," was tha prompt ml stout rejoinder. Youth's Com panion. , DsmfMtLjOaa)la, Ci y m ) Pn Gems In Verse OLD FAVORITES. HOW DO I LOVE THEE. H OW d I knsa UhmT IM me count tb ways. I lor tbaa to tha dapih aad kraadth aad hwlaht My aout can raacb when feellna out or alfiht For tha enda of being and Ideal m-aca. I lor the to UW level of every daya Moat quiet need, by inn and candle light 1 lov tbee freely, aa men etrlve fo right . .. i - : I love thee poreljt aa they turn from prate. I lov the with the paaeloa put to na In my old grtefa and with my childhood's , faith. I love thee with a love I eeem to loa With my lost aaJnta. I lov the with the breath, Bralles. tears, of allmy life. And, If Ood choose, I shall but lov the better after death. Elisabeth Barrett Browning. THE SIN OF OMISSION. IT Isn't the thing you do, dear. It's the thing you'v left undone. Which give you a bit of heart ach At the setting of the sun. The tender word forgotten, Tbe letter you did not write. The flower you might have sent, dea Are your haunting gbosta tonight THB aton yon might have lined Out of a brother's way. Tha bit of neartaom counsel Tou were hurried too much to Bay, The loving touch of the hand, dear; The gentle and winsome tone. That you had no time nor thought for. With troubles enough of your own. rB little acta of kindness, 8o easily out of mind These ehanoe to be angela t Which every mortal finds They come In night and silence, Barn chill, reproachful wraith. When hope la faint and flagging And a blight baa dropped on faith, i T7OR life la all too short, dear, And sorrow la sll too great To suffer our alow compassion , That tarrtea until too late, ' And It'a not the thing you do, dear. It's the thing you leave undone, .Which glvea you the bit of Iteartach At tbe setting of the sun. Margaret E. Bangster. t THEY MISS ME AT HOMEf ! DO D' 0 they miss ma at home, do they , miss met j 'T would be an assuranc most dear To know that Dili moment some loved one Ware saying I wish ha were here; To feel that the group at thu fireside ra thinking of me ns I roam. Oh. yea, 'twould b Joy teynnd measure To know that they nilsned m at homel ! When twilight approaches, th season That ever Is sacred to song. Does soma one repeat my name over And sigh that I tarry " lung? And Is there a chord In th music That'a missed, when my voice Is away And a chord In each h'art (hat awakath ' Regret at my wearisome stayT Do they set m a chsir near th table i Whtn evening's home pleasures sre nigh. ' When the candles are III In the parlor And th stars In the calm axur skyT ; And when the "good nishis" are repeated ! And all lay them down to their sleep j Do they think of the absent and waft me A whispered "good night" while they weept j Do they nils tn at some, do they mlas me. : At morning, at noon or at night, i And lingers one gloomy shade round them That only my prrannce can light T Are Joys less Invitingly welcome ! And pleasures less hal than before Because on ts missed -from th circle, ' Because 1 am w ith tbem no moref I & M. Urannla. BONNIE DOON. YE banks snd brsea o' bonnle Doon, How can ya bloom sse falrT Bow can ye chant, y little birds. And I saa fu' o' core? THOU'I.L break my heart, thou bonnle ' bird . That slags upon th bough. Thou minds me o' that happy day , When my fause lov waa true. ' mHOU'Ll, break my heart, thou bonnle ' bird That sing beside thy mate. For saa I sat and aa I sang And wist na' o' my fat. AIT ha I roved by bonnt Deoa T see the woodbine twin, And Ilka bird sang o' Its lov. And did I o' nun. TA7T lightsome heart I pu'd a roa ' fra aff Its thorny tra. An my fause lover ataw th rase. But left the thoracal' m. Robert Burnt. VENUS' LOOKING GLASS. MARKED where lovely Venus and her I oourt With eong and laugh went by. dan and marry Weightless, their wtngl feet seem ed, mad t fly. Bound from th ground and In midair ta sport Lft far behind, I heard th dolphins Tracking their gnaasaa with a wistful 1 y. , Around whoee head white dova rose, wheeling high Or low, and cooad after than trader art I AO this I saw tn spring. Through aura. ! mar beat . I saw th lovaly qusaa of lov na more, ! But when flushed aatama through the woodland west I apied wt Venus walk amid th wheat 1 Whom seeing, ever harvester gave o ar HI toU and toughed and hoped and was content , Oirlstlna Bosaettt TO AN ORIOLE. JJOW falU K, art ola, the hast com to la southern splendor through our north ern skyf . ta some blithe mom eat waa It nature's ebote To dower a arap f ausaet with a voleet Or did om orang Uly, Becked wltk black. In a forgotten garden site back, teaming t heaven uatll It wish was board. Dsstre aaspsakaaly t ha a htrdT , Bdgar Fawoott THE ROSE. fTlHOTT staahlnr rosat A Btowa la th ssSratsxc, thoa shaN afaS 4T9 afOMI ' ' What boots a Uf that ta such bast tor sake theet ThoWrt wondrou rrollo belag ta dm as And passing proud a ttttl color raak -lr SUehard ran haw. "I hear your watch waa stolen." "Yes; tha Infernal Idiot took It to tn pawnshop. Thore It was at once recognised, and th man waa locked MTi." IJpplncntt's. $r -1. zu HALVES FAIL TO CCKE ECZEMA They CVvg Hie Porca Only a Uuld Can Uracil the Inner hklii. Since the old-fashioned theory of curlnit ecxema through thu blood has boen given up by scientist-!, many dif ferent anlvca have boen tried for akin dleeaaes. Hut It has been found that thtse salves only clog the pores and can not penetrate to the Inner skin bolnw the epldcrnitx where the ecxema germs are lodged. Thla the quality of penetrating probably r-xplalns the tremendous suc cess of the only standard liquid cexs ma cure, oil of wintergnyen aa com pounded. In I. P. l. Prescription. Af ter ten years nf cure after cure, the world's leading kin spfcinlltn have accepted this aa the true ecrema cur. We ourselvea do not hesitate to re commend P. P. P. Proscription nt $1.00 a bottle, but for the benefit of those who have never tried tho pre scrlptlon, P. 1. P. Laboratories of Chk-awt) have nrmnged for a special large trial bottle ut 25 cent on a special offer now. This tlrst bottle ought to convince every sufferer, and, at any rate, It will surely take away the Itch at once. Ak Smith's drug store. Our of the llenllicii. A missionary enme down to take the Sunday services ut the church of i'.lg-gleawlck-ln-C'raven. tin behulf of the foreign heathen a collection waa taken WHY THE PALAIS is a W ' V ineyre 4 btand Abuse Hi! if Black Cat Hosiery K Black Cat Hosiery ar sues ear mas CaiCMiOIBOkM NOtitsf coaeaar ftaaosaa, Wta. yassa up. One of tha wardens offered the box to a certain member of tha con gregation who did not believe In for c'gn missions. In stuge f whisper, heard alike by congregation and per son this man said in blank vernacular, Tak' It awa', lad, I'm net Rolng to give owl." At that period the collecting boxes were taken direct Into the - Vestry'. Dow n came the preacher from the pul pit, went Into the vestry, brought out one of the boxes, and marched straight toward the gentleman, all the congregation Imagining that the mln iKter was aolnit to shame the unbeliev er unto giving something. Nothing of the kind. The clergyman merely of fered the box to the heretic with the naive remark. "Tak. what thou wantest. lad; It has been gathered for tho heathen!" Church Family Newspaper. A Cowardly Eg?. A campaljyi orator w as delivering a flood of frenzied eloquence the other evening and departed for a moment from the text of hla discourse to tell of an experience he had the night be fore In a meeting held In Kensington. "Yes," he said, "the opposite politi cal party waa out In force and pt ev ery' attempt of the speaker to make himself heard he was met with Jeers, catcalls, hoots and hisses which drowned hla voice. "When I arose to speak someone hurled a base cowardly egg at me, which struck me In tho chest " 5 South Main Street Friday and Saturday SPECIAL DAYS Suits, Skirts, Hosiery, Dress Goods, Corsets, Millinery, Furs and Underwear 1(50 Fine Tailored Suits with lon coats, all colors, value $20, irJo niitl will he on sale at $15.98 .r0 Iiong Coats and Capes, all colors ut great sacrifice trices. illinery Sale The most lleautiful Hats in the city to Bcleet- from. Prices below all competition. Hosiery Safe Large shipment of the famous Black Cat Hose, all kinds, at 15c and 25c, the best on earth for wear. All school children should have them. Every pair .warrant ed to wear longer than other makes. Friday and Sat urday will be Black Cat Hosiery days. Dress Goods Sale - 54 in. Broadcloth, for , , , t ; 50c yd. $i.3r Broadcloth, all colors, for Capes, nt . . . ... .'.$1.00 75c Serges, all colors,' for Suits, at. . . ... ....... .fOc. GreafUnderwear Sale," Corset Sale' Alf sizes and lengths. Follow the crowd and go to the Palais Roval. NO SUBSTITUTE t l .' e. i lias ever oeeu iouna . as i erood as the oriarinal Z Tick's Croup & Pfleumo, X nia Salve. Too much is involved to risk one. See that you get Viek's. 25c, 50c and $1.00. . - s tMmHHHHHIHIIIHH An auditor here interrupted to de. mand what kind of an egg a "base cowardly egg" might be. Why," answered the story-teller, "a cowardly egg la one of that kind of eggs that hlta you and then runs."-. Philadelphia Times. The Scale. ... . -:' . , . A "carte de Jour," you know, la where The prices soar up In tho air. A "menu" la where you may hope To find them. with a telescope. ... A bill of fare la where you get ' Meals without being held for debt. A table d'hote but, then, O pshaw! 'Tia best to live with pa and ma. Chicago Evening post. BARGAIN ROYA

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