Thursday, November 11, 1003. fiHflE KIDNEYS AND BflbKAuHE GDE.S Tnn ashhville gazette-netts. '.i A fe w doses clean and regulate the Kid neys ending lame backand Bladder misery. Out-oorder kldneyjr'act fine and backache or bladder misery Is relieved after a few doses of Pape'a Diuretic. Tains In the back aides or loins, rheumatic twinges, debilitating head ache, nervousness, dizziness, sleepless r.ess. Inflamed or swollen eyelids, worn-out feeling' and many other symptoms of clogged, inactive kidneys (imply vanish. Krequent, painful and uncontrolla ble Irlnntion due to a weuk or irritable Madder Is promptly overcome. The moment you suspect any kid ney, bluuucr or (urimiry disorder, or feel rhcumntlsm coming, begin taking this harmless remedy, with the knowt (Mlge that there is no. other medicine, lit any price, made anywhere else In the world, which will effect so thor nutth- and prompt a cure, as a fifty- cent treatment of Pape'a Diuretic, which any druggist can supply. This unusual preparation goes dl ri-ct to the out-of-order kidneys, blad iirr nnd urinary, system, cleaning, healintf and strengthening these or gans and1 glnnds ,and completes the cure before you realize It. A few days' treatment with Tape's piuretie means cltan, nctive, healthy kidneys, bladder and urinary organs and you feel lino. , . Your physician, pharmacist, banker or any mercantile agency will tell you that Pnpe, Thompson & l'apo of Cin cinnati is a large and responsible medicine concern, thoroughly worthy nf your confidence. Accept only Pope's Diuretic fifty cent treatment from any drug store -anywhere in the world. LAST MONTH'S WORK GF Mrs. Wild, Secretary, Submitted Her Report at. the Recent Monthly ' Meeting of the Association. A young man who wns not particu larly entertaining . was monopolizing the attention of a pretty debutante with a lot of uninteresting conversa tion. ".Vow, my brother," he remarked In th" course of a dessertatlon on his family, "Is just the opposite of me In every respect. Do you know my brother?" "N'o," the debutante replied de murely, "but 1 should like to." I.lp-pincott's. The report of Mrs. F. P. Wild, sec retary of the Flower Mission and As sociated Charities for the month of October, 1909, and submitted to the recent monthly meeting of the asso ciations Is interesting and gives in detail the work accomplished by the charities. : The' report follows: Central office open dally from 9 to 12, In the morning, and Sto 4 In the afternoon. During tho month there were: , Applicants 20 Applicants for clothing 9 Grocery orders in Fuel orders , 1 (Some, amounting to only DO cents.) Transportation for 1 Transportation refused to 2 Visits made 5i Invalid food supplied regularly to. S Taken- to hospital l Chambers & Weaver furnished car riage free of charge. Found employment for 2 Applicants died 2 One of these, a little girl, had been sick so long the doctor advised burn ing the bods. The secretary made nn appeal for mattresses, which were supplied by Miss Maria llrown nnd Mrs. Julia Loe. The neighbors in this case wero exceedingly kind. Mrs. W. H. Wilson, Mrs. Hay, Walton, James, Miss Piper and tho physicians at tho Wlnyah Sanitarium, are due our sin cere thlinks for their aid and help. There have been many responses to our appeal fur clothing, thus enabling the secretary to assist the helpless, es pecially the widows and fatherless. The Salvation army has given room rent free to two sick men; the Red Cross society furnishing milk, the I'ytltlans paying for eggs for one of these men, and this charity with the aid of several of the Lord's dear child ren, have provided for the other. There is no more pitiful case in our town than that of a sick man or wo man unable to work, without menus, helpless, often friendless. A refined, educated young woman was In our of (Ico last week, Just In this condition. The treatment of the unemployed remains an unsolved problem. We urge peoplo very strongly not to give money to those who beg In the streets or from door to door. It-Is jur busi ness to Investigate these cases, and when we refuse help, there Is "hood reason for It A business man 'phoned me some days ago concerning helping a man who was then In his office ask ing the loan of one dollar, saying he had a kick wife whom he could not leave, etc. Wo were well acquainted with these ense, and our knowledge saved this business man from being imposed upon. The man Is now at work under threat of being arrested for agrancy. We take this oppor tunity of saying to the public there is something wrong in every instance of those who come to your door begging money. We are also Indebted to Mr. Mo Mlnn for our drug bill receipted as his donation, and to Mrs. Philip 8. Henry for wood. Respectfully sub mitted. MRS. F. P. WILD. Free Superfluous Hair Cure Positive .Homed jr.. mat Removes Any Hairy Growth anil Docs Xot Burn the Skin. S ARE PI MEMORY OF POET I Germany Yesterday Celebrated 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Schiller. SENT FKKE TO YOV FOK TRIAL. 'M Skill erllng, November 11. Throughout Germany nnd In mnny other coun tries, wherever the Herman tongue Is spoken, the l.r0th anniversary of Schiller's birth Was observed yesterday and In almost every Oermun city or town special celebrations wero held in honor of the great poet whoso mem ory Is dear to every Oermun. In ller- lln, Vienna nnd other large cities mu nicipal celebrations wero held, In which all the schools ami civic socle ties uml Institutions took part. Liter al' y societies und other organizations In all parts of (Sennuny and Austria had made especial preparations for . 1 It is easy now f"r any woman to have a beautiful face, handsome arms and bust, free from all dlsllgurlng superfluous hair. It doesn't matter whether It's only a few hairs or a rrg ular mustache or K"atcc, or how light or heavy the growth Is, It can bo de stroyed In a few minutes with the marvelous new remedy, Klec-tro-ln. mis wonaerrui nnir destroyer can be used on the face, neck, arms, bust or any portion of the body with per fect safety. It Is not like other reme dies. It positively will not Irritate, burn or scar tho must tender skin, no matter how long It is left on. and It never falls toremoxc even the most obstinate growth almost In stantly. If .iou want a permanent. lasting cure, not merely temporary 'relief, Kloc.-tro-la Ik what you should I use, for It goes to the lialr roots and ! kills them. We have 'decided to send a trial 'bottle of Elec-tro-h to nny man or I woman who writes for It. to prove that it does nil 'We say, upon receipt i of a two-cent 8trn to help cover r i Boys' School and Better-Wear Suits WE CAN SUPPLY your every want for that BOY. You will he sur prised when you visit our hoys' department and you'll note how 'much lower everything is prie ed. All the new styles arc here. Come. OUR BOY'S DEPT. is the right place for ev ery father and mother to buy their hoy his Siitf, Overcoat, Shoe, Stock-., ings, ; Shirtsy - Collars, 1 Neckwear, Underwear, I fats and (3 loves. AVc are head to foot outfitters for hovs. AVe picture hero three Suits, regular value. Our $3.48 Special Watch our Windows for One-Day Special Bargains. The Ashcvillc Dry Goods Co. ii,.. ..i..i.,,!i.. ,i .,-,,.. i ,.i,,i,..r. i cost or mailing. me rcumr sro-u nl.. , .,r .he ,..,,.,rl.l ! bottle is 11.00 and your money Will clses. n The Fashion 16 PATTON AVENUE. PHONE 520. ASHEVILLE'S NEWEST STORE Mail Orders Filled Promptly OVTFITTKIIS F.XCMTKIVF.I.V TO LAWKS, MIKKI.S AXI lill,l)lti:. All uncounted showing which will delight tho eye of every woman. There is nothing left to be .desired everything In women's need hns been covered and Is here,'-.t'OMK IX and sew the charming collection of pretty Suits, Coats, Skirts. Dresses, Tapes, Furs. Waists, 811k Underskirts, Underwear, Hosiery, Cloves, Umbrellas. lings. Neckwear,- Handkerchiefs, Kimonas, Corsets, Sweaters, Veils and Veilings, Kelts, Silk Scarfs, Hair Ornaments, and a full line of notions. ' Tho price are most moderate. Friday's sxylil Inducements are: Onrt table full of Hoys' and OIHh' Heavy Mhbed lilack Hose, all sizes. 25c kind, for 17 .2c m. One table full of Flannelettes and Kmbrolderled Floral Underskirts 76c kind, for 37c each. THE FASHION, Inc. 16 PATTON AVENUE. The principal celebration, however, was held at the little town of Marbach, In WurtemberB, where Johann Chris- j toph Frelilrlch von Schiller was born In 1759. The old-fashioned, but Well j preserved house In which the poet hrst saw the liKht of day, was the Mecca of thousands of pilgrims who came from all parts of Ruropo to pay their tribute to the memory of the most popular of the two literary kI auts of tho (icrman nation. Hundreds of municipalities and literary societies. universities and dramatic organisa tions in all parts of l-hiroiic sent rep resentaives to deposit laurel wraths and (lowers in Schiller's birth bouse. Nearly every Oermun city and town of any prominence has at bast one statue of Schiller nnd everywhere these statues were decorated with wreaths and (lowers. Particularly elalsiratc nnd interesting was the cel ebration at Weimar, where Schiller lived for many years of his intimate friendship with floethe. and where he wrote some of his noblest and most ondurlnK works, "YViillniisleln," "Ma ria Stuart." "The Maid of t n lcatis." "The liriile of Messina," anil "William Tell." The celebrutlon at Welmer In cludes the whole week, with special performance of Schiller's greatest dra mas at the Court theater. The general enthusiasm manifested throughout Germany In honoring tho memory of Schiller upon the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth caused a remarkable revi val of the poet's great dramas. Not only did Schiller's plays completely monopolize the stage In ail German speaking countries yesterday, but In many of larger cities, principal the aters have placed some of the most popular plays of the great writer upon the repertory for tho entire week. Im pressive exercises were held In public and private schools throughout Ger many nnd the German speaking parts of Austria. be refunded If Eb-c-tro-la dors not do all we claim. We don't nsk you to take our word for what l-.loe-lro-la will do. Just ("I out trial coupon be low nnd rrtall With a two-cent stamp today. Literal. "Did you take your shoes to that place with the sign 'Shoes Repaired While You Walt ?" "Yes. They repaired six while I waited, and tohj me to call In three days for mine." Judge's Library. FltEE' TIU'.ATMI-.NT. Fill In your name and address on doited lines below and send It to Ko-Uec-Tlv Co.. 51(15 State St.. Chicago, Ills., enclosing a two cent stamp to help cover mailing, nnd we will send at nine a free trial bottle that Hill show you what Kleo-tro-la Mill do for you. A943 "The Store That Saves You Money" In The I MARKETS The leading Stocks on New York F.xcliango Cotton Mar ket Quotation Chicago Grain Market. tIMMMMtmiMMMMMt New York. Nov. 11. Opening prices of stocks were mainly higher, hut a few principal issues showed dri-Hitcs. Low prlred Industrial stocks were conspicuous In the traillim. The market drilled downward, ibrouuh want of sustaining buying. firmness of the call money cat prompted Die free sidling of stocks. Transcontinental Itailroads were not affected. Continued selling of Hill stocks kept the market In check, but the list gen crally ruled a good fraction ahovi low prices. rally ourt this presided morning In city pollc Judge !. O. Cork docket of only three cases. In the course of the morning session, how ever, a rather aeninM iueit.u nnuc It had to do with the trial of a de fendant a deaf and dumb defendant charged with tho larceny of a hut. the property of J. W. liamsoy. The defendant was one Oscar Hamlet and for a time police Captain l.ycrly and Police Judge Cocke In charge of the court Were not Just sure how to pro ceed. In the court room at tin- time, however, was an Interpreter ami with the nid of this Interpreter the trial was gone Into, testimony taken and. Inci dentally, Interpreted to the defendant nnd the after a consumption of much time, ended. The court con tinued prayer for judgment. Kd ftnhlwln. charged with violating the prohibition laws by retailing li quor, was found not guilty. STOCKS. Open. Atch. . . .ll'.iU A null. Cop, . NS Am. Sugar, nil Am. l.oco. . li ig Am. Smell... lis '4 I .alto. ,M 1 1.. I 15 Pklyn li. T. 75 i 'an. I 'uc. . .Is.". Col. '. . I.. 4S'4 I 'lies. i. . HS'a Krle .... 32 li Gt. Nor. pfd.m "You look sweet says the lmprecd enough to kiss." man. "So many gentlemen tell me that." coyly answers the fair girl. "Ah! That should make you happy." "Hut they merely snv that," she repines. "They merely tell me the facts In the case, and never prove their statements." Life. Ills. Cell. . . N or. I Me. . . Mo. par. . . Mo., K. T. N. V. Cell... I'ellli. , . . Heading . . Hock Is. . . Sou. Pac. . . St. Paul . . I'lilon Pac. U. S. Steel.. do pfd . . Sou. Uy, . . Wahash . . 147 u 70' 47 1.11 N 140', , 40 117 :! ' 9's I2 30 K 19 High. 1 1 a 'a S!l, IIP, !' !IS 1 Hi I -t tsr. 4S MS 22 ' 14.1 147 1 4il 70S. 47 1.12 Mtn; 1 2 Si 4(1 12!' 4 157 201 '.4 12B 30 1 I-nw. II!" KSl. 12S 1 97, 1 15 lj 74 ' 1 K I 1.4 4S S7' 32 '.4 141 1 I ; 'a 144 4fi '? 131 13il' llSOT 39 12S 155 N 190S, xtt 12li SOU )' Close. 1 1 II ', X'.l'i. 130 'i li 1 - HS'4 1 Hi -4 ' IS4 4H '. N7 32 1 141 14ii 1444 c.n4 4H'i 131', -40 'i 161 404 128 ir.B 200 K9 it 1211 311 V 194 "urch. May . Inc.. Spot .1.1 .'n : 5.05 . v .15.04 15.0C . . 14.5 14.71 14.95. Sternly. 14.85 t4.Ro-RG 14.90 14.90-91 14.51 14.51-52 CHICAGO GUVIV MARKET. Open. WHEAT High. Low. Close. M:iy . . . .10:1 mm 103 104 v; Dec 1 113 -14 HI5i, 1034 105'4 COKN May . . . . 1111-14 ,;0' SO-S Dec 5S ''9 r,slSi 6i.4 OATS May .... 41 41 '4 41 S, 4 1 4 Dec 39'), 3it 3TH 39 '4 i District Coiimil'"doiicr Ki-lmis. ' Wnsblnglon, Nov. It. Commis sioner Wi'st of the Dlttrlct of Colum bia tenders his resignation to Presi dent Tart. He will return to the newspaper field. . STAR PRODUCTION TONIGHT, ) "FRA DIAVOLA," AT GRAND NEW YOHK 4TOTTON. Jan. , Open. . .14.7 High. 1 14. S9 Low. H.C.,1 Close. 14.K5-I1K The IU-iiiiliriil 0s-ra "Martha" Well Sung by I lie Manhattan 4ihI I hciilng. A largo n.idleiice were In attend ance last night at the Grand opera house to hear the Manhattan com pany give Flotow'a beautiful opera. Martha." "Martha" is an old favor ite, full of melody so sweet that it is always new. The leading parts were well taken and the chorus did excel lent work. Miss Perle was charming In tho title role, and Gus Vaughn sang and acted the, part or "Plunket" iid nilrall . Miss N'ella Drown and Mr. Warner udded their quota to the musical en joyment of an audience tluit was sym pathetic and enthusiastic. Yesterday afternoon a good crowd listened to tho .Mocking llird." To night "Km Dlnvulo," easily the star production of the company, will be given, nnd the seat sale Indicates a full house; tomorrow night "The Ito hemlan Girl;" Saturday afternoon, "Jack and the Mean Stalk." AMUSEMENTS "The Show Girl." that tuneful and rollicking story of the ".Miotic Cap." has sallied forth from the 11. C. Whit ney otth es this season, resplendent In new scenery, new costumes, new- songs and now charms gem rallc. T'urlntf the summer months llhretl'st. com pos, -r, ballet-master and sccni. -artist were set to work upon tills roiiinntii and uproarious Utile musicalizcd tale ami the result this suison Is n produc tion, lrtiiallv new throughout, and more attractive and colorful than ever. The romping story of "The Show Girl." and the tuneful songs und orig inal dances are this season entrusted to n cast remarkably representative of the foremost entertainers and It In cludes such stage-foil: as John Myllc, Itirt Futon, Man- orth as prima donna: Helen Stuart, the leading soii hretle; and Stella l!h the best wooden-shoe ihiticer on the stage to dav. The song bits which have sung an 1 w histli d "The Show Gil l'' into popular favor are nil I here, "Psyche," "1 me that H Loved Pint," and "Moort Ileum." the striking Indian number. In iilildltion there are specialtlis uv Mylle mid nrth. Helen Stuart and, of cause. Stella Ithclnhardt. Never before bus this leading iniisl ca' entertainment, "The Show Girl," opened a season under conditions so auspb loi-s and promising. "The Show Girl" will he seen at the Grand before long. C. Hnwver for Mother's llrcnd Holier! .V IVnls Demi. llalllmore. Nov. II. Mayor Hubert A. I,ewis of Itcllon, S. C, dieil at a sanitarium here today after un llliu si of six weeks. "If you love me, dai'limt, tell me with your eyes," That's the way the old song goes. Cut, we Mud, the darlings, when lin y make replies, Very often answer w ith their "Nos." Catholic Standard. and I were sailing down the stream of life together far away from here','" "How far, George?" "1 ih. far. far a way." "I'll be so terribly homesick for mother!'' And from that night this young man ceased bis visits. Jutlc, How much amused Mrs. I'lnkletop seems to be over her husband's stupid Jokes." "Yes. It's the only way she ran get S new hat out of the brute." Cleve land Plain Denier. mmhm It 0 IB) ANK OCK n - . THE STOCK OF THE AMEMCAN HATI ONAL BANK OF ASHEVILLE in held by 140 different jierHons. These persons elect from among their numbor oneo a year a lloanl of Directors to maii:i?c the hank during tlw year. The officers and directors now on duty are: Jno. II. Carter, President; C. J. Harris, Vice-President.; Henry Rcdwootl, Vice-Pres.; II.' M. Fitej a trick, Cashicrj'Dr. .las. A. P.urroiiRlis, Ii. "NVoodlmry, J. (J. Darker, J. (1. Men'mion, L. li Ilayless, C. T. Kawls, P. 11. Hewitt, Oeo. I. White, L. L Jenkins, Dr. A. W. Callaway, C. II. llohbs, J. F. Hays, Win. 11 Patterson, C. A. Haysor, S. P. Kavenel, Dr. V. V. Keynohls, W. N. Cooper, Col: IloWt' Dlnghani, Frank Lbughrnn, Jos. S. Silverstein. These Directors actually direct. ' ... . Exiorienc; oflicers, capable directors, and government Bnpcrvision afford tho depoRitor tlw highest unfety known to the law. . " , DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS RESPECTFULLY INVITED.' 4 PER CENT XNTEBEST ON CERTIFICATES POR IDLE MONEY. r ; :i; ,. i : v: John H. Carter, Pres. C. J. Harris, Vice Pres. Henry Redwood, Vice Pres. R. M. Fitzpatrick, Cashier. ": 5 t t .. t t r r 7 h ' . 1 1 f It U u ! . "1 1 s I if i ft-! li 1 t 4" i