Thsrsy, ITavcinler 11, 1203. One Doctor J( moat doctor about Aver t Uttrry Mrc- tool fat throat anj lunr tnatUt. Dodort loot oracrlhtj ilor70ytan. CT"." T octal J) Happenings ; ; Social Diversions. The theater this week seems to be tBklni? the place of all the usual little card parties, bridge luncheons and minor gayetles that mark the lull be tween the seasons. Many, of the host uses express their appreciation of a short rest from functions, and their satisfaction In the offered opportunity to give some supervision to the win tor wardrobe. ' Bven with the ready-to-wear garments, tailor-made suits and the help of competent seamstress es for the simpler gowns, there re mains the Individual touch that every woman of taste prefers to give to her apparel. Therefore there are flying needles this week, and muoh confer ring together about the latest frills and furbelows. This Is the explana tion, given by some, for the social pause. Other hostesses say that bridge is at last losing Its charm. The very useful, from the entertainer's standpoint, and popular game Is said, like all things In a changing world, to have had Its day. A group of the lead ing youthful matrons of the city have been considering every possible Idea offered for something different to give to their friends The tea-musical has received the most pronounced ap nrovnl. A few musical numbers, more or less as the formality and size of the function demands, followed by simple but delicate refreshment This form of entertainment Is dignified and enjoyable. There Is a great deal of nlent. latent In Ashevllle, that could be utilized for such occasions, and the prophecy is made that this will be the popular social luncuon 01 me cum ing season. T. Y. C A. Notes. The Stmlv club met Tuesday ev n Ing and spent a very profitable hour oor.Hldorlng the Artherion legends. Tim nld form of the legends was pre sented by Miss Martha Goodwin, while papers upon I.auncclot and blame ana "The Passing of Arthur." from Ten nvsnn's Idylls, with selections from both poems, were read by Miss Clem and Miss Ada Goodwin. A tentative organization of, the club was effected and the following officers elected for three months: Miss Ioulso M. Ineersoll. president; Miss Wllhel- mlnn Krhartlo. vice-president, and MIhm Pearl K. Morrow, secretary The club now numbers thiiteen. and promises to be an In- terfstlnir and useful organization. The Bible class which Is studying the aonpel of Mark under Miss Eliza beth Sinclair will meet tnis evening at seven-thirty. . Xhsuamklng-closs will be organized tomorrow at 3 o'clock when the first lesson will be given on the pre paration of aoup. There is room for two or three more registrations In the class; the fee Is $1.50 for the course of ten lessons. In addition to the regular membership fee. Members of the as sociation who wish to visit the class for special lessons may do so at 21 cents a lesson. Miss Alice Marsh, general secretary or the city association, Miss Maude Gentry and Miss Mabel Robinson, del egates to the biennial conference at Klchmond, Va., left for that city to day. Mrs. J. C. Prltchard and Mrs. J. p. Dlckerson, representing the board of directors, will Join the other dele gates In Klchmond. The stag rupper given last evening, In honor of Henry Westall, who will soon desert the ranks of the bachelors and become a peaceful benedick, was a thoroughly enjoyable affair. There were about 25 present. The theater parties planned by the Tahkeeostee boys for tonight have been abandon ed, because so many of the young ladies, who would naturally be of the party, are out of town. The club will lie represented In the audience but no distinctive party given. Mrs. Theodore F. Davidson enter tained with ft dinner lost evening at her home on Liberty street. Covers were laid for 12. ' Dr. and Mrs. James A. Sinclair are spending a few days In Atlnnta at tending the automobile races. Mi IT. W. Dysart of Marlon Is vis Itlng relatives In the city. Mlsa Nell Smith of Canton passed through the city yesterday en route to Klixabethton and Memphis, and Illrmingham, where she will visit friends and relatives for a month. Miss Mary Lite, who for the past year has. made her home In Ashevllle, with her slstor, Mrs. Thompson, will return to1 Mocksvllle, N. C, next week. Otho Budd returned today from At lanta where he has been attending the automobile races. Frank R. Hewitt was Called yester day to Hewitt s In cannectton with an accident In the Hewitt mines. ' President Kdward P. Chllds of the Nortnalsnd Collegiate Institute left this afternoon for a northern trip. Judge Boyd left todsy for dreens soro. W. A.'Iteford has goive to Wash ington and New York. Mr. and Mrs. Harvy B. Lee of Louis ville. Ky., Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Cos ter of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. If. J. 4 . ; . -1 -.. ... ' IN OUR Patton vA venue Show Window you will see a tray of Sterling Silver Frames that werei $1.25, they are now 1.00. v ( ;o ARTHUR M FIELD CCX Have only one doctor lust one 1 No sense in running from one doctor to aotberl Select the best one. then StSnd hr him. No ten lit frln thU ining, mar ming, for your cough. Care fully, deliberately select the best couth medicine, then use it. Stick to it. Personal Mention, v , News of the Societies, Meetings, Etc. Sessions of Bristol, Conn., Philip a. Smythe of New York and Miss Julia Stalnford of Buffalo, N. Y., are among wio recent arrivals at ae Manor. W. C. Thompson left today for Washington. John W. Norwood of Waynesvlllo la In the city today. ' Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Bryson of Dlllsboro are Ashevllle visitors today. II. 8. Anderson of Hendersonvlllo Is here today on buesinesa. ' Mrs. C. M. Beadle Is making a short visit at Forest Hill. ... ' Mrs. H. H. Briggs has, as her guest, Miss Davis of Jacksonville, Fla. Miss Fannie Carroll of Norfolk, Va.. Is the guest of Miss. Williams o Montford avenue. " Jack Carroll left this afternoon for New York. Mrs. H. B. Weaver Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Derne at Panola, Miss Sara Jones and Miss Lillian Weaver will leave in about ten days for a visit to Chapel Hill to attend the Thanksgiving dances. 8 Mrs. M. Phlfer of, Morgan ton Is vis iting Mrs. Walter V. Hayes of 186 Asheland avenue. 0 Klndall Northup will leave tomor row for the east. Wlllard Northup, of Winston-Salem will Join him nt Greensboro and together they will spend some time In PM'adrlphia uml New York. Word was received from Frank Howland and family of Akron, o., wh were expected In tho city yesterday that their arrival will b delnyed until the latter part of next week. Dr. and Mrs. M. 1. Stevens left to day for China Grove, going In an automobile. Dr. W. L. Dunn Is In Atlanta at tending the Automobile races. R. K. Osborne of Waynesvllle, clerk of the Superior court of Haywood county. Is in Ashevllle today. M OPENING TONIGHT OF THE CELEBRATION Friends of the Y. M. C. A., Without Re ference to Membership, Are Invited to Attend Meeting Tonight Tonight marks the opening of the ceVbratlon of the twentieth annlver sary of the Young Men's Christian association In this city. This celehra tlon will last for four days, closlnit Sunday afternoon with a mass meet ing, probably at the Auditorium, which will be led by Dr. Poteat, pres ident of Wake Forest college. To night at 8 o'clock the doors of the local association will be thrown open to the friends of the association In the' city and the men and ladles are cordially Invited to come and enjoy a social hour whether they are' mem bers of the association or not The Ladles' Auxiliary will have the pro gram In charge and will receive the guests at the door and give them a hearty welcome. They have prepared delightful refreshments for this occa sion and have tastefully decorated the building with autumn leaves so that It presents a very pretty appearance, W. E. Collins'1 orchestra will furnish mu sic during the social hour and, while the visitors are gathering. George L. Hackney, historian of the local association, will during the eveiS. Ing read a paper giving a resume of the work done by the Y. M. C, A. In this city during the last SO years from ISSt to 1909. Immediately fol lowing the reading of this paper the different games of the Institution will be put In operation for the amuse ment of tho guests. Three pool tour naments will be played by aix of the good ahota of the association. A hard fought duck-pin tuornamcnt will be bowled by men wM are numberedJ among ine dcbi in ine city, wniie in the gymnasium a volley-hall game will be played by the business men of the city who are members of the buslnesa men's class. Volley-ball has proven the most popular game In the "gym." this year and tonight the guests will have the opportunity of witnessing a game which while new here la nevertheless highly Interesting. After thise games are finished the every will be brought to close by the aervlng of refresh ments by the Ladlea Auxiliary. KEYS. A stock of Ave thousand keys, and two good locksmiths to fit them to your locks.' Trunk repairing, etc J. M. HEARX CO.. Battery Park Place. Phone 441. - i : - BUB 10 OF PAMPHLETS ISSUED To Be Sent to Voters in Counties That the Transcontinental Railway Will Traverse. ' Special to The Gazette-News. aynesvllle, Nov. 11. The South Atlantic Transcontinental Railway company Is sending out from Us Way nesvlllo omce'nearly & carload of lit erature to voters. Col. S. A. Jones, the president, re cently visited eleven counties on the proposed line from Brunswick to Rutherford.- In all those elections are to be held on the question of Issuing bon is In aid of the road, and the other four countlea on the line. It Is said, will call elections at tho December meetings of the commissioners. ' There are more than 60,000 voters in the eleven counties, and the com pany is sending a 42-page pamphlet to each voter. The Hackney & Moalo company of Ashevllle are the printers, and 13,000 opies of tho pamphlet have already been mailed. At a recent meeting of the directors of the com pany attorneys were named, one for each county Interested, to uid in tho election work. ' MORSE APPEALS TO E T Counsel for "Ice King" Declares His Client Did Nothing Irregular, in His Banking Operations. Washington, Nov. 11. A petition for a writof certiorari to have the Su premo court review tho judgment of the Circuit Court of Appeals In New York in thVrnse of Charles W. Morse, tho "Ice King" convicted of Misappli cation of the funds of the National liiink of North America, has been Hind In the higher trlliunul by Martin W. I.ittlejohn, counsel for Mr. Morse. Formal presentation of the motion will bo made by Mr: Llttlejohn next Monday. Mr. Morse Is under sentence of llfteen years Imprisonment in tho federal prison at Atlanta. "The Supreme court will search the records of criminal cases In vain to discover a parallel to this case." declared Mr. I.ittlejohn In his peti tion. He charged that the nuked facts In the case were "overdressed in the Indictment of i Morse," that when properly understood and clenrly stated they "show that the petitioner did no more than procure others to make loans at the hank, supported by am ple collateral, which loans he Inform ed the hank were his In fact, and pledged his then sufficient fortune to thiir puyment; that these loans were from time to time paid off. and the bank allowed to take the profit In the rise of the collateral which took place from time to time." The freedom allowed to Insert In the Indictment several counts, he iirKeil. had been perverted Into n per fect debauchery of pleading." Mr. Littleton claimed that the sen tence was void, because Morse had been sentenced to Imprisonment for fifteen years on the count, when under the statute he could only be sen tenced not to exceed ten yenrs. "THE PLACE OF DELIVERY IS THE PLACE OF SALE' So Suvs ;.une Warden McF.lrov, In Referenc to tlo County (irtme Ijiw. The people of Ashevllle, It now seems, will have to do without "hot bird and a cold bottle" this season. Unless they hetnke themselves to the field and hedges and by their prowess and skill bring back the bird and order from a sister state the bottle. This is the construction pluced upon the Rtincombe county gi.nie law this morning -by John W. McElrny, game warden under the auspices of the North Carolina Audubon society. The stall-keepers of Central market this morning asked Mr. McElrny If they would be allowed to ship birdi Into Ashevllle from Haywood and ad joining counties and offer 'them for sal here. This It seems would fee contrary to the law, which specially provides that no birds shall be sold In Buncombe county. Mr. McElroy this morning told the enquirers that he would, under the state law, hold thnt the place of delivery was the place of sale, and therefore' the sale of birds In Ashevllle, even though they might be killed In other counties, would be a violation of the law. For this reason It Is likely that a larger number of Ashevllle gentlemen will try their fortune In the fields this year than usual. The open season In Buncombe goes Into effect Monday. Fresh Itollancf Herring These are all .Milchers and just imjiorted. SMALL KEGS, (LOO. YATES & . ....... . , .... 23 Haywood St. '. MtMMMUMIMHIIMHMMtMHMtMMHt ROUGH EIDER, COW BOY AND INDIAN SUITS HESTON'S Will please the boy. nxcraoxa its. on. ozai is RE-ElrM PRESIDENT Officers Elected and Talks Made at the Last Session of Sabbath Observ ance Association Last Night The fourth annual convention of the Sabbath Observance association of North Carolina, closed Its session last night at Central Methodist church, fol lowing; tho address of Rev. George V. Robertson, D. D.. of Charlotte on "Evangelism and the Sabbath." He declared that the Evangelism of the world depended In a large measure upon tho observance or the Subbath. He made a very forceful address. 1 At the business session late yester day afternoon, Raleigh was selected as tho next place of holding the con vention. It was voted to change the name of the organlntlon to the "Lord's Day Alliance of North Carolina," In keeping with the Lord's Day Alliance of the United States of which this is a branch. Rev. R. F. Campbell, D. D., of Ashevllle, was re-elected president; Rev. R. C. Holland of Charlotte was elected Vice president nnd the follow ing were re-elected: Rev. Charles E. Ireland of Oreenslniro, treasurer; Rev. W. II. McMnster of Ashevllle. 'field secretary; Rev. J. o. Helsnbeck of Ashevllle. recording secretary. The following were choRen ns mem bers of the executive committee: Rev. 8. B. Turrentlne, n. lx, of Salis bury, Rev. R. C. Holland of Charlotte. Rev. Byron Clnrk of Salisbury. Rev. R. K. McLarty of Orcenshoro, Rev. J. W. Goodman of Greensboro, J. Rlwnod Cox of High Point, Itev. R. L. Motley of Salisbury, Rev. Mr. Myrlck of Greensboro, Rev, A. E. Osborne of Charlotte. There has. been great Interest shown by those present In the work of the association, and the association be gins another year with renewed en renewed energy. The committee on resolutions sub mitted tho following report, which wan ndo4cd: Resolved. First That the Sab Imth Is of Divine origin and authority and Is still binding as a part of God's decalogue, and as enforced by precept and example of our Ixird nnd Ills dis ciples. Second That we appeal to the var ious churches to cooperate with this alliance in carrying Into effect the purpose to properly observe and pre serve the Christian Snbbnth. Third That we urge nil Ohrlslinn to avoid all work anil travel on the Sahhalb, except In cases of absolute necessity nnd mercy. Fourth That the lord's Day alli ance of North. Carolina request the church papers of all denominations to puhllsh nt such times ns seem to them most opportune, n special number on various phases of Subbath observ ance, etc. Fifth That we recommend to the various churches In each community the holding of union meetings at least once a year or oftener If practicable NICKEL PLATED WARES A new nnd excellent assort mcnt on hand now. . Alcohol Stoves, etc., Coflco and Tea Pots, Chafing Dishes, Bath Room Fixtures and the prices are right on all. J. H. LAW 35 Patton Ave. For Sale Desirable resideneo on Hillside street, near Mer rinton aveuuo car line, $2,500 los than value. REAL ESTATE and IN SURAlfo'i, 27 Patton Avenue. JEM Mc ... PhonV221,970. i. FOR SALE CTIOICE LOTS four Lota, IliltO. each U0 lor the (our. Ons beautiful lot In French Broad Ave. country M. Terms. '"i.. : '; "i. " . , v " 'i Natt Atkinson's Sons Company. Beat Eetiitt Poalert. In the Interest of Sabbath observance and that they organise local alliances. Sixth That we heartily thank Dr. McMaster for his faithful services In this work, and commend him to all of the churches of this state, and Invite (heir co-operation with him In our Work. 8eventh That the thanks of this convention be tendered to the local newspapers for their courtesy ' and kldnesa in publishing In their columns the program and In giving so much space to the proceedings of the con vention. ; Eighth That we hereby tender our thanks to the Ministerial association of this city for the cordial co-operation in behalf of our common cause; to the Central Methodist church for their cordial invitation to ' occupy their church home on this occasion; and to tho people of Ashevllle for their Interest and support In behalf of this work, 5 Ninth That we express our high apprcrt-Ulon of tho visit of Dr. O. W. Grnnnls and of the very valuuble ser vice thnt he hns rendered the Sab bath cause at this convention; that we express tho hope that we may enjoy his presence and assistance on aome future occasion. Tenth That this Lord's Day alli ance, through Rev. W. H, McMaster, overture the next congress of the United States to enact such laws as will afford a continuous rest of 24 hours once every seven days to all government employes, and other mat ters of such Import which are the subject of present and lengthy peti tion to he sent to this congress. DR. S. 11. TIMl RENTIER. Chmn. DR. G. W. GRANNIS, HEW DR. GEO. F. ROBERTSON. REV. LEWIS COLLINS. Committee. -SUIT TAKEN IN BROCKENBQROUGH CASE Judge Boyd Announces That Evidence Is not Sufficient to Allow Case to Go to the Jury. After Judge lloyd announced yester day afternoon thnt there was not suf ficient evidence for him to allow the suit of Kdwurd H. l'.i m kenborough iigainst the Champion Fibre company to ko to the Jury, and consequently directed u non-suit; attorneys for the plaintiff sued out a writ of error to thu Circuit Court of Appeals, which writ nun signed by Judge lioyd. This means that attorneys Intend to carry the ense up on appeal. Mr. Procken borough was asking for 1.000 dnm acn on account of un alleged breach of contract for the delivery of 3000 to S000 cords of chestnut wood per year from points within a radius of 100 miles of Canton. Judge !uyd held thai the placing of a temporary era hnrgn hy the Fibre company on ship ments of chestnut wood wilk not a sufficient renunciation of the contract to allow recovery. A TAIIkKKOSTI-.K LAMENT. All the leaves are falling, Crimson, gold and brown; All the flowers sre fading In November's crown; Am! the girls are gone, or going lining out of town. What's the (un of walking I'p the street nnd down? What's the good of smiling. Why not wear n frown? What's the use of living. When the girls are out of town? Park A TUford's Caniltes. C. Sawyer. BIRD FOODS We ean supply IJish op's, Ely and Wood' Bird Seeds. Bishop's Bird Dainties, Health Re storer, Parrott Seed nnd Cuttlefish Hone. " Ev erything in Drugs and Se'eds." GRANT'S PHARMACY, Agentt for Wood's Seeds. PHOTOS OF MEN Alcolm's fluslness Mngaslne had Mr. Hay make photos of prominent New York Business Men, because his pho tos hud lots of style, showing manly looking men in easy natural poses, showing lots of character. RAY'S STUDIO, St Patton Avenue. Formerly 14 Fifth Ave., New York. BRING US YOUR HEAVY SUITS ' AND WRAPS TO BE CLEANED AND DYED BY OUR FAMOUS FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND DYEING PROCESS. AshiviHi L&nfry, . A. NICHOLS, Hanger PHON3S85. HER LIFE A BURDEN Now Lady Says She Would Not Be Placed Back where She Was For Whole World. Ratcllff, Tex. "Two years ago, my health was very bad," writes Mrs. M uttle Campbell of this place. "I suffered untold misery every month. It Is useless to say where my worst aches were, for I ached all over every month. "At times I wished for death to end my suffering, for llfo was a burden to me. .. , - 1 "Finally I decided to take Cnrdul. First I tried ono bottle and It helped me so much I ordered 15.00 worth. I took the six bottles, which kept mo In fine health for one year and saved n large doctor' bill. "I took six more bottles and enn now any that 12 bottles of Cnrdul have stopped my sul'ering, made life worth living a'nd filled Piy home with Joy and happiness, "I would not be pluced back, like I was two years ago, not for this whole world rolled at my feet. "Your "wonderful medicine, Cnrdul, hns my praise for all Its great works and I do wish that every suffering wo man In tho world would only try this grand medicine.' If you suffer as Mrs. Campbell did, be sure thnt Cnrdul will help you, ns It did her. Why not try It? Your druggist sells It. Ask him. N. B. Write to: Ladles' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special In structions, and 64-page book, "Home Treatment for Women," sent In plain wrapper, on request. N1IS Park A TUford's Canutes. C. Sawyer, Of more than passing interest to ladles hereabouts la the knowledgo that Ashevlllo possesses a tullot!ng establishment that produces man-to M orcd suits the equal of thoso mado In New York and l'urls. Tho efforts of Mr. Ixigan, tho Pack Squire tailor. In this direction, last season met with such n decided measure of success that this season he has brought from the east a number of , high class man tailors thnt do Indies' tailoring exclu sively, their work being equal to any produced abroad. tf Private Xmas Cards We have Just received samples of a very lieautiful line of private or Individual Christmas cards. The llrst time ever shown In Ashevllle. orders placed this week will be delivered about Dec. 1st. Call and see samples. Prices reasonable. Hackney 6 Moale Co. ON THE SQUARE. CHIROPRACTIC, THE KEY TO HEALTH! If the nerve force pnsslng between the brain and the various bodily or gans Is obstructed. It will leave insufficient power for the proper operation of tho parts of the body affected. If the life stimuli be cut off entirely, any organ dependent upon these nerves will be paralysed. If several cartil ages are weakened upon the same side, the settling of the vertebrae will cause n curvature of the spine. KriaJWaX,tVK'Vait SWi ' ClIlltOPHACTlC ADJl'KTM ENT8 repines displaced vertebrae, forcibly stretching the eartllnge, giving natureand opportunity of expanding, build- ! Ing and thickening these cushions to their normal conditions thus per . mnnently removing the chronic pressure of the channels of life. No matter I what your disease, there Is a CAI'SE. nnmember! AVe locate this cause : without asking a question and remove It without the use of drugs or the surgeon's knife. Father! Mother! Pee that your boy, your girl Is mstur j Ing right. Come for free consultation and examination to our Adjuetory. I 101-107 Lange Ilulldlng, N.-W. corner Pack Square. Lady attendant Phone 621. Yours for II KA1.TH, "KIROPRACTIC DOCTORS." We have a lot of standard II. SO Novels which we offer for 50 Cent8. MOUNTAIN CITY STATIONERY CO. II. M. XAHIKIW. Prop. 33 Patton Ave. Call and see our new stock of BELT BUCKLES AND PINS. MISS CRUISE, i "sjhi m. Office Phone 111 Yard Phones 662 & 117 Southern Coal Company . SUCCESSORS OF Blue Ridge Coal Company Our Genuine Blue Gem and Jellico from Jellico, Tenn.t cdnnof be excelled; Try a ton 2060 In every ten. Prompt Delivery, Offico No. 14 N. Pacll Cqxzr v. Men's Shoes That make friends with every inuvlinser, they are shoes that ; arc slioes all through, look handsome, leather all through. Bad weather will come. Aro you (supplied f Let us shoo you. Nichols Shoe Co. Cash Shoeists. On the Square MMMmMICMMIMt THE HEALTH OF THE t FAMILY Depends on the kind of X bread von use. SNOWFLAKE, MOTHER'S BREAD Are best. Ask your gro- X cer, or phone 622. ASHEVILLE STEAM I BAKERY MOliliiMMIMMIMMM MILLINERY AVe aro showing the latest, newest stylos in ready-to-wear-lints. We invite you to see our stock. PIPER AND JAMES, Popular Price Store, SO Patton Ave. MODISTE. MMR M'-SMIC CRACG, 101 llaywiHMl St. Ijidles' Tailoring. Trousseaus and Rvenl.ig Gowns a specialty. Shopping done free, licet of referencca. Class In dresa making. ANYTHING AUTISTIC IS DESIR AMiK. That's why antique Jewelry la pre ferred. There la artistic handicraft In the old. For sale at VICTOIl STKHX'H AXTIQI'E ARTS ANI CllAIT SHOP. Hondley Ilulldlng. . Haywood St. I'M 1i I M 5 i' I i u t I I-. o . c :;. . H I i k ; I j s ft if.'-; I J! f s ; Iff J 'V v. J 't It y ' I J f i ! . i " f -