'Thuraday, November il, FACE SIX THE ASHSVILLB GAZETTE-NEWS. M I J ' ; ; $ : . . - ; ( t , IT" i VI 1 v 14 I ii! 4S I v; i if ALL COAL IS BLACK Put all coal is not satis factory from a fuel stand-' point. M. & W. INDIAN COAL Is over 1)5 jkt cent carhon, .burns readily and lasts loiter than any other coal, Phone KM. Carolina Coal & Ice Company Great Methodist Body Will Gather at tbeiiuieaokiier-coi Hickory Next Wednesday Morning. Tho Fight Is On ! ltnry merTMnt of your I If, whn you arc at item or abroad, awaka or asloap- Between the poison genu that are In air, food and water, everywhere in fact, ana uie billion oi ycrar invisible fnenda. urn mm: W.Vnil KKI'AIKIXi OPTICAL WOltk Al H. M. FROST, J SO Pntton Avenue. Fickled Lambs Tongues 25c Pcund. PicKIed Pigs' Feet 5c Each. The twentieth annual meeting of 'hp Western North Carolina confer ence of the M. K. church, iiouth, will t! held ut Mlclef.ry nell week, the opening Session being held Wedm-s-day morning. Illshop jnmM Atkins will preside over the sessions uf the con ferehce ami It Is cxpeeed llnil there will he a large attendance of ministers and lay deli irate All the Ashcvllle pastors of Methodist chun li es will attend, while also there will ! a go.l attendant i- from here uf lay i"'n. Thr orif.rciH Hint mnli In Hick ory next wk will send to Central Metro. diet chun h of Ashcvllle a now pastor to su. i col K'-v. Iir Gllhcrt T ' l!o for four jwi tlx- lilowd pas tor of tin- hur.h Ir. It. Ave has scrv isl hi full tini' tit ('cnlral. and to the keen rpr-t f minv wnrm personal friends and liur h rnrtiN-rH w III 1 jwnt r.i tiiic o!h- r i-larr In th rm f. r. il . J.;l h.. Hill 1 1. lit t.. .lilr.il ..f ir.ir- IS ll"l kllou'll Kill.'!, (hi- 'ri-ll- Int; l.is!i.'(i li.o Ihi- .i .i.iliii no ni of nilM -l.f l! I. HTI.I. rM....il tllHl Whi- .t'-n S li in i noikii.i; .i .(.. ii( l i.l for llo- I'M" onf.Tf :i. . .i in I it ii .ruli:il.i thiit t!;.i ..n . ill ,t- n.-l.-i t, ,1. rpnaclet in ronr bkxxL II theae little oldipr are kepi strong ! and healthy bjr taking Hood 8ara- parilla, you need have no fear of dis ' ease. Begin using it at once if yon are i at all nnder the weather, or have 1 trouble of the blood, atomarh, liver j and kidney. Get it of your druggist. CITYNEWS I The rr;ulnr convocation of Ahf IIIc fhaptir. No. il. II. A. II.. will l hill In Mimonii' Tcmpli at 7:39 o'cIim k toMicht. The illrii t'im of the Imard of trail will mpi'-t In r'Kuliir monthly m-sjilon thm afti rn.ion at I. irilot k in the hoard of trnrte room. Swiinnnnon Ki-hi Kah 1h!kc, No. 37. I. i ) K.. will meet tonight at o'clock In the (Mil Ki Uowi hall, on Church ntrit. All mcmbom nrc urC'l to lc in in-lit. -a, u TwTty iW'V 1'. v . MEN'S AND BOYS' Cravanette Overcoats For cold aod rainy day one of our cravanette rain coata is Just the thlna;. Keeps you warm, wears well and looks well. GEO. W. JENKINS. - t9 South Main St. Phone 125. Mill IMMIIIMMM The Hudson' oar madf th fastest lap in the Vandorhilt races in lt.s olass eon.-nleriiniy over miles per i;ou. . x re(,(,jve daily rwt r . .1 ft... ..v. '' . ond of the Hudson the time for which was riven out as 11 J IlirKCVS, tulCMnS, X miniites, 10 seeomls, which iiKjan.s an average. of (u )-0 t prtrlfc fppf F'C I -.: ' fri : :.. 1..1.1.. .-i.;i.:o.., ,.f B.uwl rr fulfl, limit uiiitrn 'cr iiuur. 1 u-iiiuiii' i nn"'""" . . .... a $900.00 oar, Conic in and see thin car. We will be pleased to 1. w you. " ASIIEVILLE cISfeE AUTOMOBILE CO. Telephone 1310. 15 & 17 S. Lexington Ave .They're good, too. 1W.M. Hill & Co. ; City Market, ; rhones 4 and 359. That Spot on the Wall Tin ground lien th" old St. l.-i.nnnn cr-idi-d ;uid ini'n In pliinliil und inuili' formerly stood church in to he ' irria with tn-cn i pleiislni; mir- i POLICE COURT CLERK El. SALE HAS RESIGNED E. C. JARRETT FANCY GROCER, Phones 192 and 358. 12 N. Pack Square. I; . 1 1. i.iti.i Mr li li.ijli'il late ttli.i iifliriOM.ii that l-'reil S.iiiK. for the pa.-il Several la. .1 Hi- l. rk ot the t tt poln-e .mirl h.nl haii. Ii.l In liis r. sik'iiatioii. Mr. Si'. I. .is .i . n . li.lered and has II. .1 .. In. lativ i p.isiliioi in Wnli 'i III th. lau il.-partllulil .i! Ho .ft. mall r the I l il s.r I. -. , Sal.- IS II ollllif lattv. r t'f II..' a in. in w I'll 1 1 1 :i ii v frl.-n.ls -a h--i.-arn wiih i..-.i in . f h.s sip - . lie has h" 11 . lerk ..1 the p"l. ' O'l.rt s.llee tile e.i lli.Il ill May of the .r. S"lit till aillll 111 1st r a t l-.n. Mr. Sail- will haie I'.ni'.rr.-u f..r S .ish.ni.-t.iii r.uin.lliH: for the new chun h ediflc". The AslllAllle division Of tile S'l'ltll- . rn his hull then six new and hand-i some cars ihirlnu the past few days. The i om his wi re made hy th;- I'ull-j man conipimv and are the latest type ..f each. j llwilllt to tin ','ner.ae In hllsill.y . and t.i Kie more prongd ari l l-etler . m rvie. i; 1 1 Aill-M-n. fancy ijrorer -1 I ', ntid M.iliiiii.n ai.nile, ha ul-1 pill I III., s run two low .I'llM 1 1 , waKoloi Vlthln the past f.-w d.n 111 tniH . ii. li . t .r w..i Widk iii.d. r S: . . in I Am nt I;. It Smii" Inn. he, ri sui-ei -i:l i.'i . -at-'urniK and d- iroirc s, .III. il iln 1 1 1 ries Thr f Hi. -.- , re l.r.in 1 in N'.tUi Carolina, two u. T.-lilo an.i nr.. li. 'ir.'inin Can he covered over w lar ked away III a druw . of oiir own selection id.itlnums that Will lir ii pretty picture. IVrhaps yu have tho picture . hiiitK It lu re and let us frime it with inouhliin; We have pretty pi. lur. s. too. In oil and water color ; lorlh ex. la illations of "iH-aiitlful." J. E. Carpenter JEWELER 32 Patton Avenue Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. -f-ay-a al a DON'T BLAME ' THE STOVE If vou don't have a good X rann fire, ToV no matter r how good the stove, if von X have poor ooal , you will have a ioor nre. Moral: I se - v M. & W. COAL It is lKst, Asheville Coal Co. i F iM WEAVER, Mgr. - rhone 40. tlMMttlM0M(iaMIM ROGERS' BOOK STORE 39 Patton Avenue. Phone 254 iamaafrVWaiai Salted Armenian Nuts and Fresh Salted Almonds Candy Kitchen HAYWOOD STKEKTj MiAIt 11STOKnOK Job Carpenters We do all kinds of Carpen ?ring. We do it NOW at liv j ing prices. One trial is all we jwaut to rovc our ability to ! please. i J. L. DANIELS, No. 5 Willow St W. A. Ward ANYTHING ELECTRICAL Not the cheupest. but the best . 10 N. Court Square. l'hone 443. TURKEYS I toasting Chickens, Broilers, Western and Native Beef and Lamb. All Pork Sausage. THE STAR- PHONE CG Th- r.-lllallil who di-d li.-rt p. d tins attil wh. r-- the I tv 1 last William H.rr.l! ii.i.-hl. ii. t ship- n. ii I.. Vnn. Ark., rin. in will I..- mad. L. Blomberg Leads in Cigars Tobaccos, Smokers Articles and Sporting Goods. 17 Patton Ave. ii- I hi to thi ll! h llilV a O'lllll' lll.lll a ml i a in.- here se . Ins In alih. it nr. ra! mnn!h Ul. Hi Plant Your Feet TWO MEN ARE JAILED Morr.s 't!. .- ho i..' tin- d .1 I'uckw urth. for f..i I'r S W liioriili.i; a'l. r I 'a. kw .e -. i ra I '.lat -tra;. Haiti an iihl.-s- I -rlh was a mlii Y M the r.ln.l w oi K I an. I llistltal r In (!n interest of th pla cl . aart. r-h.o k o foolhall t- H in Th I ,- lalo-n to Mor.-anlo hi a pair of tuir si Kangarno slllM'v. V.'l'lt!l'lll'll. illl'l Vllll'll have ciiinl'iii't and Un wear tluit !'iiifii' iiiakc mi a iuaraiitcc Shuc I !u cr. r in i l'l. Union Plumbing Co Plumbing Si'.im and hot wat-r li.atlnir. lie pair work Klven pron 1 1 attention. KMimates promptly f unlshcd. Wa employ only hrst-clas. ua.on tr.cn. Citizens Transfer Company .UMAX WOOIICOCK, Owner. 18 1'ATTOX AVKXt 1.. TELEMIOXE 2S. FURNITURE MOVING Prompt Baggage Transfer Service Endorsed by V. C. T. ami T. P. A. -1 n 1 1 - :i- or... N C N..v 1 1 .hi. , a f:n in. r. found lo re w ,th a. I rushed, has do -.1 Ills fath- ' -! I 'ohle. a'ld lis hi--'1 hi r - ill la W . I.:.. HI Kllo-tl II I' I.e. Il j.ill. il, . IlKtSt- .1 w llh lh . nine hi- to r, I I i:r. . ii ep.il I 1 1 ' (.111. f.-w the ted til. . twee II Il 11 lid). p..t..ff ici t the ral' As)le. ilh .1 ly two Guarantee Shoe Store sorrn maix st. AND SUFFERED BROKEN LEG .hi. l-alnfnl BT for a lire, I 1 I LOG AN 1 MIIKIIWT TMIdll. I i, M,.i B iin. r.i. i. si rhone I i ,, U Aslievtllc. I uamomxcmmmmtMammmMmmmml HeatYourBathRoom v.ilh a l l.reii.e ml , I it(o. in oh ..r tie inon- fol C 1 III -lll Mil e ,-. c o k .- ,n ,i. the I 111 last f, ill Vslili-iH Hi fall. T. Muloil vjilcinnn fur Prv (.inmIs II II1M-. Irio I' .g .th sun. n lin !r ii..,..! ,-i.r- i. Iloi tin- morlimi? of ruha na. ill w ha h lo - h. I.. ' w th. I r. ,. I- fl lin aid null tilt- ' l I'll lih l . I" Jilt i m rca. h Ins n ro.i.l near Iti- railroa I s In l..w lir- ar.l. a came stiddi nlv hi . h.ir.s They ran Mai. oi. and Hie . oi. i. with corisi..ii,. t ins ph.. ii-v ra 1 . mint r si nai r-tw trlo of r- tra k. t. n ii-1 wr -i kitiic train fni;ht.-iiliif th a ii-1 thr. w Mr ..r-. I di.x.r o f..i.. li ii found I'.i o w i on i. r- In . Th-- li id ! .1.1-. 'I'll. Ml has dir. V. a , Ilia d s. r I. e and I'liarl. s'.oti I .- i l. instead of one us heretofore. The cr. ws will rim h. tw.-. n A-h.-illh . l,d i '. .Ion: Ola and I'olull.hia l:.l .'hirlisioit han ii.- l.i in; mad.- al i 'olninhla. This .!i l.lll.i; ! llo- Aln - HI. -i 'liar .sioh run will no-an th . mploMii. nt of tw.. additional n.al'. th rks. 1 iM-puii Slo rifT I'. M. Jordan, nctins ' in.l.r authority of the hoard f ."iir.- t commissi. Tiers, hnssiimmon.il J. V. t , Kerr J. C Ii.t-.el h and l. S. Ililde-' '.rai d as a . oiiimlss.on "r jur to ap- ! I rais.- the vain. ..( land at the t.-rini- . rial of Do- proposed nw l.ridue across the I'reii. h Itri'-til ra. r. The thr.e ii. nil. m. n are dire, led to me. t to i morrow niorninit al la r.'il'Mk, view 'the properties n.nl' d and submit I their Uridines to the hoard of com I missioc.crs. sorrn i lAixr.iox IMIONR 132. AVE XV E. BABY'S HEALTH AND LIFE Depends on the purity nnd (juality of the milk you feed it. We supply 'pas teurized milk that is pure and wholesome. ASHEVILLE PURE MILK CO. E. Walnut iSt. Phone ro4. Try a Gazette-News Want Ad. 1000 CHRISTMAS CI GARS, VALUE $100. Barbee's Full Value Cigar Store See us. Participate in this free deal. We' give full value. Value and Volume is our motto. BARBEE'S. 14 Patton Ave. HIS ELECTRIC FIXTURES FROM US The man who huilds a new house should I my his electric fixtures from us. WHY! IiccatiM- we have the largest selection, neatest de signs and !ii.--t reasonable prices. Piedmont Electric Co. 64 Patton Avenue. Phone 478. Opposite Postofflce. We have the largest stock of Edison Records The largest stock of Victor Records The latest Sheet Music 0U.iH.WS MUSIC HOUSE ii- -i.-hl.or- Mr Ma- I - I. lit .ut. r mi; M - . w ii- (.nils. .1 i .oi ii..i iiinir pa--. -ne. i ir .ifi from T"iu i -..j.j.... a f. h 1 1 : .1 r- 1 ar.l le low the station al lMi.idor. r i it and took Mr, .Xtaloni on. liririK-nit him to Adieville Medl cil atli ritloll w ! lilli-n ut the (il. n It"! k hotel. I"r T M.rlw.ther rvat the trail at th-- .1- ...a mid alt. tided the oiinj nmn s iiipnv. laist t. ports w.-rc licit Mr Maioii. was . ttinir idoiii: ni. clv All who sr. Interested In Hilde study are ak' iiii remind, d of lin- short s-rl. s of . otiBKc Itll.le r idlhl-s to hi c n- dn. I. .1 to i: . al K- Msl CoIm rt V Millir. Th- first if tie si r.i. will h.M ti.nll.-ht at Mi I" th.- parlors of Mrs. M i: Milliard. !''. South Mam stri-t. A lordlal Cn.latloli Is int.ndid t' all who i. el an inter, st In suhj.its of tin t charm . r Mr Milh r nn. i fails to interest' his iiudlence. and Ins In formal .slid attractive milliner anil methods are ahvais ple.i.-inj- and Instructive In the matt. V M ar th I di r-on, has Id. arid would Wiii li, III. aid.- hoi to he le. In a moved In few da. - A SERIES OF ACCIDENTS TO FREIGHT TRAIN NO. 79 'relEht tram No. from Like jToxawa) to Ashdllh. has heen run j niiiic In hard lin k lately, jtim, len 1 Ins V'.i.iii.n last Moiidav mortilns the irain l.ss evperlen.-ed ttiree mishap ilietviciri TonaSav and Hhmtvre. All jltitee were i ause.l ty I'Mihil luinla-. ir. heliig top heavy and therefore e isv to overturn Ijtst nlfht just f luw Itlantyre in curred the third of these ac. Id. nls. ami the most Serious It resulted In iioiH.dy S' ttinu hurt, hut It U. cars Here thrown off the track, tearing up a small trestle and 100 feet of track ! ge. The dami k' was this morning- satfU-tentlr repaired to allow the uiseriKrr train lo get h r of the assignment .-f u-siiin, . John I! An I with the clerk uf tin i report and m .mm.-tulatioii. has l.een conlirmed- Tile y-r,-H.ts that he has a cpte 1 Rare Bargains in Pianos We still have a few second hand Pianos, in first class condition, which we will sell very cheap on unu sual low terms. FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE-!- rilONE 200. 21 SOVTII M UX ST. New Shipment Stevens Rifles Beechnut Baked Beans In rich Tomato Sauce. Nothing better. Small Size, 10c, Medium, 15c. Large Cans, 25c. NOLAND & McINTYRE ft SQUARE AGF.XTS FOR CHASE AI SAXHORNS TEAS A XI) COFFEES THOXES 131 AND 0. WHOLESALE AND KETAIL. ( mr sales on these rllles have been enormous, dim to the hl?h qual ity of the gun and our very dure price $1.90 to 7.00, the latter a mii)ia.'lne e,ini. Asheville Hardware Co. SOUTH PACK SQUARE and 25 N. MAIN ST. f i coon w l.i, I siunei til' hid of IT00 of (i A Mears for tin I sIik k 'n trade of S. I' Mears, and for the hook sc.-oiints The assignee fur- .nn ther reports that several Idris of C ' t certs on th" dollar were made. Put tha' he co,.l,,-r. d the Idd of I Tea ot : A M ars the lust hid. and r. i-omnieide,l that It In- accepted oi H rilo'lot.It WW are mor than gooil photographs They un true portraits. I inking out all that's best In character and oullvlduallty. Make uur appointmrnt now nnd a void the holiday rush. HAGE 6 KOONCE, Cor. 1'iiiion and Asheland Aves. THE DINING TABLE ' Is looming uu to great tin porta i.-. now that the Thanksgiving and I'hi letnis-s seasons sppr.so h Huy , our lUTY C IIIX . MIA Ell KMI . milhs, MIMtNn, And Cut CIIiim st the 1 X I, wher (lualilf Is higher anil prices lowr. The dollar you sate Is liefter to you than to the other fellow Hint , hargea more for he same artk le. Try II and L X L Department Store I. II. MICTIALOVF, Hole rron. rATnx avk. i'iioxe i: M. I 14.11 Wil l, KT.WM IIV lAH U. (Continued from pass 1.) "Had K rules Hch leen a supporter of yours up to the time uf bis appoint ment ?" "lie had, although the Bun Intimates that he had not. He rams Into hit leadership In the primary fight In eteptemler. Iioi. when the parson force Ul Odell and Uuigg. And Krulewllrh led the Parsons forces In his ills' rlct. If (he charge against me la thai I have tried lo secure positions for men who hove been active sup porters of ths party and of me. plead guilty gladly. If, on ths other hand, the charge la that I have h) advice or innuendo or silence even an much as suggested any connivance at fraud on ths part of any official, thr charge la an absolute falsehood." Th Mlllrrnh faint w last Palm Chamber Wears. Livery. Phone li Mantcu. WANTKH At once, a custom harn.ns maker, white man, good job for right in ii. Wllse W. Martin. C.- lumbia. . c. :j:-:t. Purest and Best Rumford Baking Powder WANTKP Kvpi rleticeil driver, ho other need apply. K. C. Jarrelt Tuck Hiiusre grocer. il'-Zl 1iST Oohl he id. . I w atch fml with gold cros I'lnder will kindly re turn to Oaiette-News. Liberal re. wnrd. J37-:t. lAWT At tiera houw last BikIiI, a gold ring, set with three stones. He turn lo l'. II. lioness. $4 Patton av enue, and tecelve reward. IJT-Jt WANTED Pv experienced dress maker dressmaking at 3 poutb Main olreet, after December loth. Iioes Alston. 137-111 NE.W ARRIVALS of all kinds tif Furniture and Household OtHtds for the Fall Trade. 'Always n pleasure to sdiow goods, Beaumont Furniture Co., The Home of Furniture Values, 27 South Main St Phone 1002. Ask to Sep the Free Sewing Machine. Perfectly Simply Simple MaXfF&ir Perfect MoDI. I, A-1 fiHKl.tHl. l-OI.. ti II. V. S-PaswngtT UiMulHtcr. The model whi.-h estal liahed the world s record for light cars of C4.S miles per hour at the "Iong Island Automobile Derby." Supplied with rear seat for two, S0; rear seat for ene. $00, or aa standard 2 passenger runabout. $8io. M'heel laae st In., Urea JOgSli. Kquipped wiih 1 oil lamps, horn, tools. Double Inltor, magneto und bat teries. In eac h type the rear aeat la detachable. ' . Coston Automobile Co. Phone 244. ' No. 93 and 97 Patton Ave. Ml' Imi WHAT WK AOVF.R TIKE Your linens are from the Hwannanoa the day promised and they're right. It us prove It. SWANNAN0A LAUNDRY. - 14 We treat your laundry white." returned laundered Phone 70. rtAU.WAT MAIL PLKIIKH, rfftTOM KMPIIYKEH. WAXTKIe Spring 1 Kxamlnatlons everywhere. Com lieme aalsry f toe. Ilapld advance ment In f HOD or IIS. Csndldatep prearel free. Franklin Institute. Kept t71 II. It.H hesler. X. Y. H7 :t VCAXTED All men to phone lit and ay "Pend for my clothes." The messenger will he there In a Jiffy for them. Fxpert cleaners and pres aera put Ihem In perfect condition r and we return, them promptly, J. C. WUtier. on th. Buare. Avoid Pellagra n Use Meal ground fresh every day from Buncombe county -Corn.( Orders can be left at the office of The Vesverville Electric Company ' No. 7 North Hain Street. ZO-Zt AtlUn's Hand and , Gross-Cut Saws None tattor. Priced low, oonsidoring quality. Ottis Green Hardware Co. TIN SHOP IN CONNECTION Phor.j53 o.llV.Pc!'.5.i t

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