t ''.-..-,vt 4 FOUR PAGES I ( , SECTION TWO. TrTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT r VOL. XIV. NO. 237. SURVEY OF STATE FROM THE CAPITAL The Death Chair Not Being in Hand Walter Morrison, the Negro, Gets , Another Reprieve. REPORT ISSUED SHOWING " c&i ce nr i rr mmrrn 8iorlnl IiPttor Itwued by the Stale De partment of Education For the School Teachers. ASHEVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 11, 1909, The Oaiette-Siewg Bureau, . Chamber of Commerce Rooms, Hollemon Building. -s v , Raleigh. Nov. 11. Governor Kltchln has granted t third reprieve to Walter Morrison, the n-t:ro unaer sentence ' from Robeson county for criminal assault, and destined to bo the first victim of tho ilei trlc chair In North Carolina. Euch of the three postponements of the electrocution hRVe ben on aeccount of clelny In completing the electric equip mclit of the doath chamber in the penitentiary. The reprieve this time 1b from November 12 to January 15. Wilmn Leads. .. .. The report of the state department of agriculture showing the sales of loose leaf tobacco ion the 45 North Carolina markets .' during October ' shows 27,009,158 total sales first hand for growers and 2,716,363 grand to tal, Including resales for dealers. Wil ' ion lends' with 11.12 SSI iinnn.l. nrt hnnd, Winston-Salem second with 2, 6.18.048; Klnston, 2,465,797; Green ville, 2,062,569;, Rock Mount, 1.615, 77; Oxford, 1,471,768; Durham, 1,- nenaerson, i.uju.iio. sates on the other markets, all less than one million pounds each, follows! Loulsbur, 910,493; Roxboro, 889,724; ML Airy, 707,396; Reldsvllle, 679,907; Roldsboro, 616,716; Farmville, 696. 797; LaGrange, 552,264; Smlthfleld. (1.1,232; Warrenton, 495,468; Rober aonvllle, 367.578; Apex, 362,190; Burl inKton, 360,811; Creedmore, 360,371; Avilen. 354.944; Snow Hill. 335.611: Orlander, 3.11.272; Warsaw, 330.650; ' Richlanus. 3,2,870; Wlliiamston, 260, 783: Youngsvllle, 229,352; Zebulon, lis, 348; Greensboro, 196,588; Funuay ft)iings, 186,000; Fairmont, 176.895; 'infield. 135.063: Stonevtlle. 126.994; . Uh(1U 12 0.974 ; -Wendell. 1 1 8,8 9 : Atiosklo, 88.078; Clayton. 72,257; Fair Bluff, 70,610; Clinton, 16.734; Dunn, 56,023; Milton, 60.811; Pilot Moun tain, 80,087; Btatesvllle, 19,294; Leaks- vllle, 18,933. ' Charters were granted today for Elk Park Planing Mill company, Mitchell county, capital 15000 by A. P. Barkcly and others. And to the Gllmore-Ran-kin Lumber company, Fayettevllle, capital $60,000 by J. F. Gllmore, C K. Rankin and others, for general lum ber, and milling business. .- , For Si-hool Teachers. ? The state department of education has just gotten out the Initial number of a monthly special letter from the division of teacher-training, that Is designed' to go into the hands of ev ery public school teacher- In North Carolina with a ,view to IncreasInK efficiency, and bringing about uniform ity In teuvhlng methods. Tho Novem ber special just Issued recites the fact that tho rural schools throughout tho state are just opening and urges that active earnest work bo gotten under way at the "earliest possible moment. There are hlntsand references as to best organisation of district schools, systems of recitation, reading courses. The bulletin gives a st IIT boost to North Carolina education, a private enterprise, published by W. F. Mar shall. - Death of Dr. Cotton. Dr. A. T. Cotton, highly esteemed practicing physician of Raleigh, died this morning, of 2:15 o'clock at Rex hospital, after a brief Illness, aged 65 years, lie was a native of Wako county.' having practiced at Morris vllle, this county, for many years. His health failed a number of years ago, ana no went ta Florida, acquir ing tiulte an estate there. Later, when his health improved, he return ed to' Rulelgh and has practiced here for a number of years past. On ac count of the death of Dr. Cotton tho service - that , was to be. held today dedicating tho Rex hospital. Just com pleted at a cost or 350,000, is post poned to a date to be announced later. State House enlargement. As tho outcome of a stirring ad dress delivered by ex-Judge R. W. Winston before the Raleigh chamber of commerce, a committee of 12 citi zens of Raleigh has been appointed to ascertain the dominating sentiment of the people' of, the city on the question of whether the legislature should be urged to enlarge the present state capital building, or provide additional separate office and other state build inifl to- meet the necessity of more room for the ' departments of state. Judge Winston spoke In favor of sen arate buildings, but Insisted that unity of purpose Is necessary and pledged hearty support for the state house en Inrgement In the event It was found that this was wanted by tho majority. Judge Winston, in his address, pre dicted that Raleigh and North Caro lina would come In for the headquar ters of the board having In hand the direction of the million dollar Rocke feller campaign against the hook worm. ' . , - : . '; ftol. Old' Report. ."The 'October' report of Socretary ' A. Olds of the chamber of commoroe, shows that during the month a new theater, the Grand, has been literally built within 30 days and will be open ed for popular vaudeville and moving Executive Committee of Reorganized National Horse Show Association " II 'am n . 1 I A - ., . 1 Wwr HATP.MA1T V '.' - J m v' V I. f - A . A W5L-- . u 'ii-jJwl i:,:-.vvivA-,j ROBK-E-T A.. FAIRBATRN CHA1R.MAH, pictures November 15; that work has been gotten under way on the new Wright hotel; on the uew bunking house of the Wake County Savings mnk, and that the new Conn I tor lea at the A. and M. college and St. Mury.'s school and the warehouses of the Raleigh & Soirthport railway are neur- ing 'completion. These improvement'' are the principal opes of tho month. With hundreds of other building and other Improvements going on In all parts of the city. The chamber of commerce Is pre paring to give a big banquet early In December Jo celebrate the commence ment of work on the new auditorium and municipal building, the plans as now forming are for a spread that will cost something like $r a plate. The Farmer)' Coiigrciw. A special train over tho Norfolk & Southern railroad left here at 7 o'clock this morning for Washington, N. C. and Itelhaven, Hyde county. for the special ( purpose, of showing the delegates to the National. Farm ers' congress. Just adjourneU here, the splendid eastern ' rnrollna. St-etloii or thoT'a'ta'td" ' traversed TV the "Norfolk & Southern, and especially to show the grent things bein " accomplished In draining swamp lands In the llelhaven section. There were about 100 or the delegntes to the congress who remain- ed ivr this trip and :i I !) t loo oliizui.s of HiiIcIkIi,. Ineljidini; n number or the slate officers, were also aboard KCCiTlY FAIRFAX. when the train union station. Milled out from the i VhAVl-rwW. - '"What hiie you been doing ill the country 7" "Oh. jusl lying around and lisbhu; " "You mean 1,'hlnR nnd lying around." HomIoii Transcript. WU.UAM W. MOORE., M. L. AXZT&S. Photo sv ua-x.,kmic New York, Nov. 11. In die reor ganisation of the National Horse show association ouo of the strong points or the new executive committee Is the activity or Its member us horse r'i clers, breeders or exhibitors. Kvcry one or the seven men who constituted the committee Is closely hlcntllleil with tlu work of rejuvenutlng. the tJardi-n front pure love of sport. . Alfred 1. Vandorbllt, the new pres ident of the a.'Voclation, has given most of his rlmi to coiuiiing anil hore shows In tho last ten years, supporting both forms of sport us perhaps no one Jelsi has done. Robert A. I-alrbalrn. the chairman of the-executive commit ter, is one of the men who built up the successful rininllel.l N. J.) horse show. J. W. Ilarrlinan, the vlco chalr inan. Is the owner of a select stable of show horse. M. U Aki rs Is tho lead ing spirit of tho Kentucky Horse Show society, which annuully holds an Im portant exhibition nt l.oui.ivIMe. Henry Fairfax, of Aldle. Vn.. Is n prominent breeder and exhlbiter of hackney car riage horses. William II. Moors" owns the largest stable or show horses in the I'nited States. Reginald C. Van derhllt Is a breeder of hackneys and an exhibitor who has given gmcroua support to horse shows very where. Tuft'H 1 liaiiksglvlug Turkey, Providence, It, I., Nov. II. Horace Vose of Westerly, known all over the country us the Thanksgiving provider for the president who tins rurnlshed the turkey to every president from; (rant to Tart Is on tho alert tor tho best bird reared In this section to KftiCQ the holiday tahlo or President Tan. That hti will got tho very best- bird to ba had Is assured, for every grower throughout tho turkey belt of lihodo Island an-1 Connwtlcut knows Mr. Voso and offers him tho best tur- . keys obtainable. ir- 1- T7 V O ilk TO' BE, SOLD IN 10 B THIS 557 000.00 STOCK IS NOW PLACED IN THE HANDS OF THE A. C. DAVIS SALES COMPANY, THE WORLD'S GREATEST BARGAIN GIVERS, TO BE SOLD FOil WHAT IT WILL BRING. A. 0. Davis, the world's renowned and celebrated cut-price bargain (fiver,, is now here in charge of thi great sale, and for the next ten days will give tho people of Ashevillo ard surrounding counties the most wonderful bargains that were ever before offered in Asheville. Thousands of dollars' worth of high-grade seasonable merchandise to be sold at one-third and one-half less thar its regular value. The KINDLEY & CO. Big Store Is Now Closed Wait for the Big Sale Opening FRIDAY, NOVEMBER. 12TH, 9:00 A. M. ' . - '.. . ' , . -II .. . ... I'.t. 41.:.. 1... .... ....,..! I.. tilt l-imiu nf UO!luilll!l)l1n lllfll OT!llll IIK-1'l'llJllllli -iO. 1(1 k Kdlll nt ft SftOfi fll'O. DON T MISS THIS dA1i iNever bciore, may do never agniu, win mi ujimiuiiu; inu mm m- i'iiwhwh u ;w m . ' - p.--- - . - : - You will 1)0 amazed. Such a stupendous barpain feast and price-ruttin,? does not ot-cur tiftcn. l'ri. f cutting tl.nt r..-s tli....Kl cvt ry iltUirtiiiit, innkiiiff bankrupt pnoos. liar-ni.t prima on every ymo of irooda in this mammoth stock, consisting of $57,000 worth of high-Kmtlo ClothinK, Slioc,' llat. .Ladies' ready tu wear 'Jun.ieiilH and rn.lerwer must be sold, hverytl.mg in tins yreat ftore lias hwn re- This Tremendous Sale Positively Begins Friday, November 12th, for Ten Days As this sale onlv lasts 10 days, everything will go rapidlv. It may be hard for you. to believe Hint a bhf concern like this would have to KaorHioe Mich an immense, stock, but it irf tW (uwpcl truth, and we morelv ask vou to eomo and test our statements, and in order to Trove to you what a tremendous saniliee must be mad.', we mention a few of tho jrrent bargains that will be o(T. red. ' NO UMItIeVERYTHINO MUST GO, YOU GET THESE BARGAINS LONG AS THEY LAST. ' ; ' ' - - . -- V ,- . - TO THE FIRST 25 LADIES Entering the store Friday morning At 9 o'clock," we will sell a 10 yard Dress Pattern of Best Ca: ieofor... 10.' FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12th At 10 o'clock a. m., we will sell 25 Ladies' Ready Made Shirt Waists, worth' 50c, one to a custom- 10c ! ...... ' ' TO THE FIRST 25 MEN ; Entering the storo Friday morning at 9 o'clock, wo will sell 2 pairs of IIoso worth J5c for . . . .5c FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12th At 11 a. ra., wo will st;ll '25 Ladies' White Aprons at... ... . ..... .... . .............. ;....5c TO THE FIRST 25 CHILDREN Under 15 years entering the fctore Fridiiy morn ing, we will sell a puir of tho best 15c Hose for lo , SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13th At 10 a. in., we will sell 25 large bleachetl sheets, one. to a customer nt. .., ... ... ... 10c FREE! FREEH During the entire Ten Hays of this Sale 'wo will give Free Concerts inside the store, including . tho latest popular music. Free amusement. . SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13th At 4 p. in., wo will fell 25 pair of Men's good heavy Union Mndo Uluo Overalls, worth 50o, for. ... ...10c j pr TRADERS that everything has been RE-MARKED and REDUCED in PRICE. Not a few things, but EVERYTHING. - Terms of sale, STRICTLY CASH, and STiUCTLY ONE, PRICE TO ALL. EVERYTHING liAtuucM is f"' w Mark the Dates, and Mark Them Well FRIDAY, NOV .12, TO TUESDAY, NOV. 23. Let nothing keep Vou , awayt The' hour is set, the ' datd you know. Come and avail yourself of .these I'lrrnins. ' ' ' .MiTM RTPWFT ARTTTP.VTT.T.T! N. C. Sale conducted by THE DAVIS SALES COMPANY, the World'i Greatest Bargain Givers. Ilailroad Fare Taid to Ashevillo to Purchasers of $25 or more, Street Car Faru Paid to Purchasers of $10. , ' Asheville's Greatfst Dcrartaett T'crc. l t I w i f v 1 1 4 i ,'t - Ml - ! ' i , ! i ". ' :' -t- i f i i f t. IS - 1 -. i ( . A ! Sit ;, , V ?

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