Thursday, November 11, 1CCX pagstwo. r THE ASHEVULE GAZETTE-ITEW3. A MAD REVENGE zn. Ai ore Opera Singers A rrive J Mjr name la Morgan Grenoble, and today I bare reached ibe turning point of inj I bin let U year. People any (bat I look odd with alinoat anow bite balr and wonder how It came to be thua to one no young. Eight j ears a so uu the 2!wti of this rerjr month I Mood at tbe altnr with Laura Oomtock. I waa telegraph operator and waa stationed' nt Wayhurr, a atntUm twon tj mllra from Htwktnn. ' Returning from our honeymoon. 1 left my wife at Stockton and proceeded to Wayburgv The endue; t on the "up" train waa Mark Moore, a rather hnnd aome young fellow, who hud tieen my rival. AYbcn the train alopr. at More ! lami a I alighted from the paengrr i coach and walked, forward to the ctt- t fine. M.itk waa huHy riigtigcd oIMiik the. machinery. 'l!or are you- Morrnnr' lie ald a be cplcd nie and hold cut lil hand, j lll tllsappuliiliiH-nt ecci-icd to have : left hint. "Doing to Wavlmrcy" i "Ye." j "JuM Kit In with me, llien." he aald. I rrjitli'd that I wuuM di an. and ' whta tin- train moved nwny I wn , omijijlni; a In the citrine. One- hardly notice tin- am-tit, Imt ; the ili-nul la an entirely different t thine. " iwld Mark. "I wa thinking, i Morrxn, what n terrible thins It would i be If sin engine with full power on were t.t tecoiue nuir.nnnp-nHe nt tin ton of the (jrnde and duali wajr. Tlie following night nun dark and teniKs!uoiin, and I alone occupied the station. That day a new pnelne had arrived, Hitd Mark Moore had Im-ii t l:i (ha.-fe of It. lrom '.' ,,: ,mV: In the tifteriioon to I caw him mov ing niiont the ensliMV t'ntll ;o I watched. Then M.irU otH'tird the door and rtei Into (lie Miinli :ipnr: ici-it. "Ay- von rrnvh Ins u dNpnteh, M.r Sl;" he nkiil. .Vo. M;irk. Why ! .-u akr "llei-nnae If ymt are not I wish joii would leave the ilM.em n hit and come and ! k nt my Itird by tan tern light. I nm going to run down praijo to t'hnlmcr, reverse Hie niglm and run lim . The train will nm In due here for nn hour, and I ran c to Chalmera and rrtuni within twenty minium " We walked Into the ureal temporary abed where the now engine Mood. "I dare not In- no long nliscnt from niy pot at hour. Mark." lie (ml hlx lantern on the ground find tbn Kprnu' eni't. "You hnll. Morn tirennhle!" heerlel, ad U'f'.re I roiilil aiiMNor him he dabrd me to the earth and planted his knee on my Im-aM. "Not a word out of you. Morg," he aald (len-ely. pinioning my arm and leg with n roM-. i ll tell jou what I'm sa ins to do. You know hp were dlM'tlts-Ing the roUM'ilioiioeM nlteiKllns, the riirh , f a maddened engine ihn the crude. I rvkon I won't go to i'baltuera, hut will m-inl you rlcnr to the U'tfotu of the grade." "Mark Moore, you are mad," I said. "Wmdil you murder iim In mid lilo-wl nd other who are coining up ou the, 1! in pamn-nger?" "Ye,- he ai ooldly. "Tlii'rer Im- nald at lat a he rlo.-d the fnrna. e ihN.r. " Kverj thing I ready for Jour ride. V.u ll g. rlht through 8ti ktoii. hut I re kou you won't have time to utop to kK-nk In loving l-utira. tiMKlhy, M4irg." Tlie eugliiH waa moving, and be IraH-d t.ff. 'May In a i n have merry on your ml. Mark Moore r I ahoiitrd after him. Tlie grade ielwii-n Wayhurg and Chalmers wu ipilie alei, and U-fore rearln-d the little town the vd of the Hed Ihrd and ila lender M-emed to rl Tal that of the telegraph. The manner iu whku I wan bound permitted nie t look out of the win dow. I did n, and Stockton, the home of nJ wife, greeted me with lta many lignt. Ahead I aaw many eoplo walling lor the 11. hi paM-iiger. Tbe neit moment 1 wa carried pat Uieui. There waa one hoie for me -Just one. Terhapa the oprntor nt ttn ktou bad telegraplM-d down the grade, aud, thua .warned, tbe coming traiu would w itch nd aave lta paaaeugera from death. Ix'klug mil, 1 mw far uhead the glaring headlight of the aouthern train To me It looked aa though It atood o my track. KvUleiitly the train bad Hot been warned. PuiJd-nly I heard man about. "Stand lckr atM thru cnmb-all waa dark! "I be tnjure.1 rourbln aomebudy ftaked. ' (tympathlzlnir fare bent over me, Mod Burgeon waa examining my wound. The Ilea Mopped tbe eng Int." Mid tbe aurgeoo. "We recelred tele gram from Utorkton Informing na that , tbe new engine waa ruahlng down tbe grade. The aoutlierti train waa wltrbed off uhiU lta arrival here, aud we art to work to pile Innumerable tie on tbe tra k, Whl-' thank bear n. rberked your nuid . -er." j "Telegraph t.i Kto. kt.nv" I aakl, "to ijny wne. , It ewined aa though- very lone In ltny body waa broken, and I ran not .tell bow I ever aurvlved ihmngn Ibe (iroatratlon that followed. i But t did, to lnd my Kair Hvaliag the pot leu purity of tbe enow and ;crow'i feet OB niy yootbnil fore bead ( My rlral waa neTer tried, for tbe 4blrd day following bla arreet be waa eooveyed to an aaylom bopekM Bia lilac. , - i m II : VV .- .1 i ill 7jl l-v Ki I..1 1 tte.-k! He- p Utile Johnny Say, m later, Mlater Well? , IJitle Johnny Wb4 crnaeag year eyea Inatead of dotting them? Puck. t'ltnrt-Ul' -7 ? " t. :"-ti r: : f ".r:i ,' 1 1 1. . 4 4. VUWS AMI 1'I.AYMIS. j Whom the io!,'' ly Paul ArtimlroiiK. Vill hiivc 1111 earl produc tion In New York. Mr. 'art r recently made the Mate nient in um.ih.i. that ahe would noon h.iw- .1 ihenter or her own In New York. "The Machine'' l the title of a new pohti.-iii play ! Wtlllnm C. IvMtlle. whi'h l Mn to he produced hy Im- til (..troln Wi ll ha tried tier hand at playwritlng, having reled "Th Uettirn of y.w" for the ue of I'.i ith.i liiill.ind this e;iH-n. Mir Kdna Hruna. who if I ran-in il.-'il l.a.lHiK upport In liie low rom.'dy. "The I'.io hi lor ltt." I tlo comedian' niece. f.iiillne Krcdrrlik tui wrmni 11 10 --a play.cHll.d "-iiinpad..iir. which 1 11 oll to tie- l.i 1 (or curly proilm tlon tlili ' -,1011. 1 "liarl rrohman u III prodin "Tlie I'.ntii rfty." 11 l'arli.n "ii'o'f"1 .in l.mi- iloo. ami later in I t .- count r. ".!. i-vril In tli. ! a.llin: rol. I Miu Jennie Mllln-ird h.i I" -ti rn- gav-.d a li-iiilltiE ..iiiin f'.r Xriiold Pali, who will hh..itli appear in New j Yelk In 11 new pin la Paul ll lM.ol j '-milled ' Know TM - It i Willi I'. Swriitn.ini has l 11 rn- K-1B- d t'V la w la I IcI.Ih and lh Slm j tori for ' Sweet Kit ti, ' 11 pla'. with liiinlc l.y Victor tlirhirt and loorgc ; v. Itolmrt. to iirodiiird coon In "The ia.tler.' the in-w ron!'-d l;t JoIiiikoIi. wliiili llo- Mm Upei I Ijl prod 11 1 111 a (1 .latin H'-n lo l'iniic will pl.i rl of n New York in pa.i r ri-iiorti-r hi In I JolniM-n. lion- npp. -iiriiig In Tlie I lid Town.'' In n 1 hi- i.i ariel. having l--en lirn on the North Side lw. tit v -three a am UK". Her fiitle r tth ;i cuplitlli 011 tlo- lake f-.r forty-hM eiir-i. Next Mm11l.1v t icmne The Cim mnndlng uitlcrr." a n w lay of Atiierh in mllltar) III.- I- Tlu-mlnr--Hint Kiire, will open ill tin- Hiudel kir Tin aler. hn ..o I'lii e M i'i i. n.l Imila-l Irving will pla tin- leniiine role. I'harlr liann Kciuo ih ' "The Ser vant in the Mom..-.' ,li nam to cin -cecl "The lin-at Inmli ' in U-mloti. and hi Icelandic tr,m-ed. Tin- Win ter i-Vat, " in ntiiioiiiocd for per form -nce ttil winter at the l-lng thea ter In ivrllu. CeorK- Arli I aiipearlng thl .-non In a ilramatlxatlon of KM win J. Lir kl' I IKiVrl. "rteptllllll.'' riUldo t'V rhllllp l.ltirrll. The ator I an Id t" nnd the role unlike miwl of tne l:i which he hud hitherto appeared, hut dlHtnttty aereentde. ieorge Itarnuin, who I now )diuln inm t'ocn In "Such a l-ltth Quern," wn nt one time n prominent IlKiire In I'm llh- ciihI baarti.ilt affiilr, an I a prominent candidate for the proldeti. y of the National league oiTie )car ago. Alfred Hutro, the noted KngHsb pltivrlht and nothor of "The Wall of Jerli hri"nnd oilier pl,i. wa o tniich tnlien with the work of lioe Htrhl In "The t'horti IjuIv." when ahe w fdaylnrr in limlon lat (M-on. that he wrote ,1 one-net piece for her. Hir Arthur 1'nnnn lioyle'a lateat play. "The Ktrea of I "Hie," to lie produced !v I'harlca Krohman In New Y'ork In Decent ler. ha been phiced In r-her-ciil Mr Krobman alo plan oon to lieKln reh'-nrBl of "The Uram I'.ot He." the new comedy by F. Anatey. ,'s- -CiSi V-'A' 4 it See Our Goods, Get Our Prices and ; You Will Be Delighted - WRl -iiURWllU.RL BEA CO. 99 "The Home of Furniture Values 27 S. MAIN STRE.ET. ASHEVILLE, N. C. ko. txjfcAcjero.cruaj-ticwT New York. Nov. II. When the tu luted Sitvole, of the French line, 'ai raivl nt Harxe ho brought in thu alnet ra neccsxiiry to fill the Matihuttan ip, r. compai.y. together w ith n cho ; rn- of ."id oc which will he heard in the prei-entatlon of opera comlqiie 'which HnniiiieriUi In Im pnnuliu-d for the, There were aliout ;4 pri-i. Ipali- lin Iiidiug neveral new one. 1 Tin 11 tlore na a -.mgt-r for the Met ! ropolitan 1 ip,-ra eo-npany. Kdmond ; lc-io el, 11 tenor, who for 19 year? ha I - n - Inirlni; In 1 1 upciii Comlipir in ; 1'a 1 i. ' .Mr, t't.i'oiit. who w jo accompanied t.i Mi- iM-oo'iil. will make Inn Anor ip I ut in the New Tloat-r en - . ,-i n. t week :i tlo- revival of Mr M.tKuriM-t'K 1 rther." in w hlch h; ' ml! -mi; tin- till.- ro- He mild that. Ilk, en other itr ,-irllsl lore, hi ll p.-I 'i, noiiid piia,- i,i Atn-rlcan .iii'ii ih . k, an-l d'Hiitc hti year 011 Ih- -1 nn- he fell ;i little nervou aliiiul ; II. - tl I ol.lca!. I Mine. fiirttien-Mi tlx, nn llalian jdr.iiiiallc Mpr.nii, who ha sun In (Hi op'-l.i in NhuIc. Vcaice, ) l;.iiin . '.ic-a ind 1 iilersa for live Mai - led tin Hew WollO . 1 who Will he -..I Hi till- M'tllh.llt.'ltl. Ill r repertoire 1 uu I11I ' ten h," . "I.ikl-I. .' She s ! It ll a llO 1 i.f hii Wit 'I j' t l.lai k hail i . . aiirond. BED ROOM FURNITURE. In huitoH or 01M iiow nitulv in plain oak, iiarterttl oak, nalio";any, n1i. birds oyt tiiaiIo, C'ircaH-ian walnut, etc. No trouble to jret suitetl here. . EVERYONE WANTS A GOOD BED Wo handle tlie celebrated san itarj, iron beds, National Sprinfjs, Stearns and Foster felt "niatresses, etc. NotliiD?; better. The quality will please you, likewise the price. PARLOR FURNITURE. Five and three piece suites, couches, and davenports, and foldinir lounges, Morris chairs, etc. tlood values. These are all, well made goods that are artistic in design and built for looks as well as wear. KITCHEN FURNITURE. Kitchen cabinets, safes, ta bles aud dishes. Always a pleasure to show you our goods for we handle the right kind and buy them in such a manner that we can sell them at unu sually low prices and still make a fair living profit. RUGS, MATTINGS, ART SQUARES IVautiful patterns ami pleasing as-ortment Also wool blankets comforts, ior tiers, shades and lace curtains in great variety.. If you are in need of anything of the kind we can save mmi money. SEWING MACHINES. We can suit any lady with the Free, Standard, New Home or White let us show you where you can. save money on any of these high grade ma chines, by purchasing through us. Our sales plan is nn at tractive one and we invite a call. ROCKING CHAIRS. . The prettiest line Wv. have ever had, made in golden oak, ' weathered oak, mahogany and reed. Don't fail to see them. We are offering some special values this week in this class of furniture and we' want you to call and look them over. E; THE PROGRESS LINE. Cook stoves, ranges, and heating stoves, money back if they don't tlo the work. We have handled this line for a long time and we have yet to find anything in this line to prove unsatisfacto ry, this is saying a great deal but nevertheless, is plain facts. , DINING ROOM SETS. , Made in natural' or golden oiik. Side boards, China clos cts.dining tables and chairs all at tempting prices. You will have no trouble in finding just what you want at this estab lishment. We are showing some new arrivals in this line , ami we: invite your inspection. "Travlata." mid oiiii'ir. Iian.-.nie, lime Italian lp-. and ha loo! Hlle- The Doctor's Question Viine dylcr g li-t Hie I l!ni-,li lliruiitltc nml I'hfli. of Mll MHI K II IX IIISTOHV. 1. l'llk'Hm elected Johj) Carver uovrrnor of the new colony. ITS! Maniun de Ijifayitte rn-aped from prUon at ulniiitt m harlr Wheeler trnlaon, au thor, born In New U.ndon, tt. lard there, Nov. II, lll. I I William Y. Atklnaon. thirty- rvmlh governor of Georgia, l-.rn. inert Auk. I. ll. B,. Waahluaton territory admitted to Ulrhood by proclamation of tt president. l'tS John A. ln, Jr.. killed In ! tile In tha Phlllpplnei. lfa fit IteV. ThollmH V, lhlVle, rroteatnnt rplaeopul Idnhofi of , Michigan, died in lietmlt. I tor a at Kulrtleld, Conn., AuRUit II. 1131. I JOS Heli;naHon of the Drakla mln itry in Auntnttla. The tlianne. Iji t year aha deftly made the tea And drove lb I -all with aklll and uraee: A eplePdld maid and lithe waa ahe. With pretty aunhorned arma and fare. Thla year ahe at 111 la waking tea With eatnl, thumb, Innteaj of She trtea tt drta tha bawl. but. aee. Tla JiK a rattle In her band. , New Trk Time. A doct, r firsi iii....,n whi n con- Hlllt d l.v a plillelll In, "Are iimr how- rls r ifiilat V He known that Js per c-M of iUne'i- if ntteuded with inac t've howeld ind lorpl.l ller. Tula eon. dltion piiisonii tin- cv-t, 111 with wa'e itieitcr ell. I caiim in-i iiniulation ia.-, which riiudt P.- rtuiocd throiiKh tli howrln lefoif health can be re-to-.d. Hil'. ordlnnrv pllln nnd cathartics may l.e tmh likened to dynamite. Throush their haich, Irritatina an-tlon they Tore a pa'Miae llironch the bowel, caulni: pain ami damage to Hie delicnii- liitcslltinl mrui lure which wen),! ut the whole ev-lem, and nt bei only piod'iciH temporary r.ln-r. The repeated nix- of uch trviilmeiitii cnuae chronic Initdtlon of the otomach anj iMittrlx, 1I1I1 a und hard.-lw ihir tlmuea, dealen, nirvia, ntlffena their ii.iia and a nernllv brings attout an tbiiri'iua which h.. no timet haa almtwt. If not fatal r.-uultx. '..We haxc a pleanunt and ante for coniliom and bowrl dleordert in prnrrnl. We ore an certain tif It gr, at curiitive alue that we promluc to lelurn the e.iri-hacr money in cv. ry cuae where it fall to produce t nt r.- iwtl.faclli.ii. Thia r. invily ix t-ai'til llevall Orderllea. We urge )tm to trv them at our entire rink. I:'ta iir l. rlle. re eaten like ran dy, they aiH iiiiet)y nnd have a eooth ln, airengthenlng. heullug. regulative Htiliience on the entire inteettnal tract Tin y do not purge, gripe, can.- niu ea. Iliilulenee, cfciaUe looeeneoa, diurrhoea or ntln r annoying effect and they may be taken at any time without Inconvenience. Kenan ur li rllm overcome the drug gint, habit and aafely remedy conMl lat.on anil anciHie allmenta, whether acme or chronic, except in aurglrnl cr a .They are repreially good for children, wmk M-raona or old folka. I'rlce, 3 tulilt u ;h cenla, and 11 tab bia ! mil, lit member you ran ob tain ltel Itemwllea in Anhevllle at our More, the Jtexgii atore, Sinllh'n drtur alore. on l ack aquare. oppualta I'ut.ttc Uhrary. THE EVENING PAPER Is universally tegarded the Great Home Newspa per, and in consequence the ONE BEST Advertising Medium. The above applies to Asheville just the same as it does to New York where the New York Evening Journal carries the large bulk of the local advertis ing. It applies to Asheville just the same as it does in Chicago where the Chicago Evening News car ries the large bulk of the local advertising. In Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Washington, Cleve land and in fact, all of the large cities the condi tions are just the same, the Evening Paper is recog nized as the one best advertising medium because it is issued at a time when every member of the fam ily has the opportunity of reading and at that time of the day the mind is in its most receptive state. As a result the advertising is more carfully read and makes the impression on the mind of the reader intended for it Tomorrow's issue of The Gazette-News will carry attractive announcements of the large majority of this city's leading mer chants.. It will pay all consumers of merchandise to read these money saving offerings in Friday's Gazette-News. . ) your advrrtiartnent are uaed to draw j ira ile. lloth arc neceaaary to your ' aurceaa. Of the two your advertlne j ment la the. moet Important btt-auae lta Influence la greater. It remhea the people not when they are hur rlng pnat your alore on the oppoaltc aide of the atreet, nut la their lclur momenta, when they ara given to good aola-r thought, and It la your unit fault If you cannot at auch a time pre arnt your bualneaa In auch a man ner aa to make a U.tlng Imprraalnn on them. Yet, very few man ara con vlnced by tha flrat appeal. It la like the goapel of grace . a tnuat be "pre cept upon precept, line upon Una. hert a little and there a llllle. It la In thia way buyera are won. -Rxchang. . About Adiertb4ng In three day 1 of progreaa tha man who Would auceeed muat advertlae. Thia la an eatahllahrd fact, and It la altt a well known fact that the moat, ut erf ul bmlneea men not only In thla town but throughout the coun try are largo adreniaera. Now ' oe raainnally wa find merchant who. doea not believe In advertlalng at all. Me tried a amall ad for a month per b and thro alnped It. Thought It did not nay. I Hd ha take down that lag aign oter hla tore front at the earn lime? Oh. no. Now, then, what I the I'lTci-ence? I'.oth your alien and THIH IS MY 47T11 BIRTH lf.Y. lUtdwip ItraUn. Rt- Kev. Theodore Du floae. Ilrat ton, Troteatant Kplaiopal biahop of Mlwlaalppl. waa born at Wlnnaborn, K ('., November II, Hit, and waa educated at tha t'nlverelty of the eouth. Ila waa ordained a prleat of tha Kplaroiial church - In latl by Uiahop Capera. After II yeara of ac tive work In tha mlnletry he became rector of ft. klurj'a ar htnd at KMelgh. rontlnuing there until ll when Hi became biahop of MiaalMlppk He : . t-7 , - . . . . ! Wkj - iTTiU'iuui 1 aa ronaecrated by lllahopa Weed, LHidley. Nelann, H"ckwlth. tlallor and Johnaton. HI nee hla conaeeratlnn Itlahop Itratton haa rralded In the city or Jarkeon. where he haa taken an active In tercet In educational and public afTalra In addition to hla work aa a churchman. Ila la the author of at-veral txtoka dealing with rellgloua and educational prohlcma. Tlie ewiapcr. The putillher of a newapaper haa one thing to aril and one to rent He haa the newapaper to aell and . the apare In hla columna to rent Con anyone tell ua why ha ahould be ex pected to give away either tha one or tha other? Ile ran If he chonaea, and doea aa matter of fact, furniah a great deal ef apace rent free. Hut W doea not follow, that he ought to be expected to i ec u ought Id be recognlaed aa would ba tha giving of ingnr or coffe by tha grocer. Hut atarnga to Bay, It la not looked upon In that light at all. and yet everybody knowa that tha aglatenca of a pewa paper depend! udob tha eent r.t n. taca and tha aale of paper. J6t me earn aa a nterrhanfa aucreat de. Denda on arlllne hla rwula i.. giving them away. Kxchanga. - -op!" . "Tea. my eon." "Wnnt la an ultimate conaumer?" "Oh. the ultimata conaumer, my y. la the ona that geta tha hanh." Tonkera Ittateaman. "he Thafg the Mlaa Hrown whom Sargent haa Juat painted. He Really Tou know. I wal )ut wondering If her beautiful color In could . natural, Ufa, jLK jijl Offering Money Xow isn't this sense T A m. a,.t:. ii t to buy something, isJikely to le pretty r;ager, even if he has to .ay a guod price.. And if tlie thing he wants to buy is nictlimg you have, then it really means that the edver tisor . OI FKRIXO XIOXKY TO YOU. - And if anybody is out with an offer to pay money for something that you ore willing to jmrt with, surely you want to - know about it, don t youf How will yon ever know about it, if you don't Jook through the Market-place of the Munniniakcrs every iViy;Vl0,hvVnter,)risinR BnaPPy offers that are made in the little olassified ads in the Gazette-News! , .... . 1 . : ; Dear Mr. Munnimaker, - , Care The Gazette-News Classifietl Columns. ' Through a little Munnimaker Classified Ad. . , in the Gazette-News, I closed out my Grocery . block. , . Yours truly, , '. . il - . . . . . J. P. S. w rite Mr. Munnimaker, oaro of the Gazette News, V'rone him,-No. 202, whenever you want anything. '' or The Carls-Bath, "ZJ? m.ouM JBra. TtKOkUwt U AWttvUl. . MASSAGE BATHS ' Electrle Vlbratlnc Miuamga. Karr alio and Oalvanlo Treatment. - Thura I rand Munii for dleenr. of women. Elactrlo Uiht andElectrio , Water ?H!!f Tnb B,,- . 8 bower and Needle Hatha. IUta Ho Air nnd Menaa (Ulieamatic) llatlia. In. F1)V1 P. ;itt',N Kit Try Garcttc-Ncvn Vp.nt A il

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