Thursday, llovember 11, 1000. Tni AsnEviLLn gazstt2-itew3. f WANTS It Is useless for anyone to U at this office In an endeavor to find out the names of advertisers. Those who advertise under an Initial or nom de plume do not wish their names to be made publlo and they cannot be rtl Tolsd at thla office. , HELP WANTED. I MADE) $50,009 In five years In the Vail Order Business and began with only a few dollars. There are unu sual opportunities for making mon f cy today, and It Is not difficult to i begin. If you have even small cap j Ital and want to start a mall order business of your own, send for my - free booklet. It tells how to make v money. Address, Publisher, 'The Mall Order World, Box ISO, 'Lock port, N. T. v tf. WANTED Several boys to sell The 'Ashevllla Gasette-News. Mast ' be hustler Apply at the Gasette News office. 211-tf WANTED An Industrious boy about 16 years old to make flres, sweep, i and learn a good trade. Must not be t afraid of work and must be "honest, and able to read and write. Ad dress In own handwriting,- "Hust ler." care Gasette-News. . , tf WANTED Two stenos. and - bkprs. (men), $75.00. On lady steno. 160, Three bright girls for tern, office f work, $20.00. One girl, half-day-' office work $3.00 per week. Also wanted, young men and women to enroll next Monday, November 15th f and take a thorough course. Call ' ',n person. Ashevllle Business iCol lege, opp. P. O., Henry 8. Shock ley, principal. , ' 186-8t FOE SALE. FOR SALE: Valuable resident and business property, with two stores always rented, fronting 133 feet, on I Charlotte street, at bargain, terms. Owner none-resident. McKlsslck Real Estate Co., Phone 682. czzzsaiiaii. - FOR SALE Home-builders attention! Two lots at half value. Owner non resident. Universal Security Com pany. Paragon Building. 231-26t ISILTMORE Wood and Lumber Yard Machinery for sale. Yard for rent. Portable Sawmill at Plsgah Forest for sale cheap Two Remington Typewriters for sale. Forest De partment, Blltmore. 232-tf FOR SALE A full . course scholar : ship In the Emanuel Business Col lege. Enquire at Gazette-News of flee. , . tf FOR SALE Rose comb and single V tomb Rhode Island Red cockerels, nice color and shape, healthy stock. I Price from 31 to $10.. Carl H, Messier, 162 Charlotte street, Ashe villeC.: tt GRANTS NO. 24, the best remedy for Cold and La Grippe. 25o at .. Grant's Pharmacy. "tf FOR SALE CHEAP Small fruit and produce business, fine location, Reason for selling, party leaving state. Address P. O. Box 364, , Ashevllle, N. C tf FOR SALE Very attractive new house, good locality, at a "bargain, Investigate at once. ' H. F. Grant Realty Co. , 221-tf, TOR SALE Nice fresh eggs for In vallds 40c a dosen. Grain fed thor oughbred fowls. Crescent Poultry Yards, 161 Charlotte street Phone 1018. 224-tf FOR SALE Improved and unim proved property In Ashevllle, Bllt more and West Ashevllle. Prices and terms to suit. Ingle. Reed and Justice, Real Estate Agents, Revell Bldg.. . phone 240. tf FOR SALE A good horse and bug' By. Owner wishes to change mode of conveyance. Apply "X," Gazette News office. 235-3t FOR SALE One four-room cottage and two room cabin, lot 100x200 Price $1250.00. Terms $200.00 down, balance $15.00 per month, Marsteller ft Co. tf - FOR RENT. FOR RENT Four room house, un furnished, on Hillside street half block from Charlotte street car line. Apply at 363 Hillside street 134-St FOR RENT Storage space. Inquire at The Ashevllle China Co. N. Pack square. Phone 881. FOR RENT NO. Church street leather. 4 Aston Place, Write F. Btlks 223-tf FOR RENT 6-roora house, unfur nlihed Victoria road. $21.60. Forbes Campbell. 13 Patton avenue. ft,- . 132-tf. FOR RENT 8 unfurnished . rooms for light .housekeeping, $7.00 per month. 14 South Spruce street 184-tf FOR RENT Furnished 4 room cot' tags, near ear line. $31 month. U. P. Grant Realty Co. , tf FOR RENT 1. I or t rooms, on first or second floor, furnished for light housekeeping. 18 Orady street, Phone $3. 14$-tf FOR RENT Nice living rooms for young men, over Kress store, 'Pat ton avenue. Apply room $, Harklns Hulldlng. 813-tf FUR ftkMT-. FurnUhad 1 room house rinse In, $31 month., H, F. Grant Realtv Co. tf FOR ' BRNT . Runnv. connecting rooms, furnished for housekeeping on the first and second poors, witn Ink and gas In kitchen. 36 avenue. 326-lt FOR RENT Furnished house of rcnrri. close In, on car line. II. II Llltrrll. Phone 670. 223-tf, r T'r. furnished 6 -room rt. $18.00 y If FOR RENT 10 room home, barn and garden at 1st N. Main. John A. Ouffey, West Pack square, tf FOR RENT 6 -room, modern t- tags on cai line, f IS per month. Marsteller s Co. v s ' I2l-tf FDR RENT Furnished rooms; mod ern conveniences;- on car line; tabid board nearby. Address 348 Merrl mon avenue, or 'phone 1116. s ' - 131-tf. BARBER 8HOP. FOR. RENT Fur nished.' Applr- at Baker's Market, 838 West Haywood street 23G-3t BOARDINO. 72 COLLEGE ?T. Excellent table. nice, large,' sunny rooms, steam heated, centrally located, all mod ern conveniences. Rates reasonable. Special rates to parties. Phone 852. 224-tf. WANTED Table boarders at The Haywood House. 127 Haywood street. Good table at reasonable rates. r 116-iw. FLORIDA HOUSE 41 H South Main street, entirely renovated, newly furnished, new management. Rooms 50o a night. Special rates by the weejt. 159-tf. THE HOLLAND, K block from Pat- ton avenue car; everything first class. . Mrs. F. C. Roach, 40 North French Broad avenue. 185-tf ROCK LEDGE, (8 Haywood street 25 rooms thoroughly renovated, across street from Auditorium, half block from Battery Park hotel, no con sumptives taken. Mrs. P. J. Cor coran, prop. BON AIR 66 Asheland avenue; sun ny rooms; furnace heat; special rates to winter . bparders; no con sumptlvos taken. Mrs., J. L. Rich and Miss Annie Boyce, Proprs. tf WANTED. WANTED Your notary public work. Koom , Revell Bldg. Phone 240. tf WANTED Ladles' dyeing, cleaning and repair work. J. H. McGlnness, 21 South Main street - 132-tr WANTED Your notary pubilo work. Phone (8. Jaa. W. Albright 66-tf STENOGRAPHER Young lady with inree years experience wants po sition. Address "R," care this of fice. : ' 231-61 WANTED Immediately, " 3 unfur nished rooms (no light house keeping) close In. Address E, Box 664, City. 226 tf WANTED Stiff and soft hats to clean, reband and reblock. Your old hat made practically as good as new at less than half the original cost. Men's suits dyed; steam and dry-cleaned; ladles', work a special ty. J. C. Wllbar, on the Square, phone I8V. . POSITION. wanted by French-German for children and chamber work, good sewer. Address B 660, care Gaxette-Newm. ; ; 286-3t MISCELLANEOUS. MISS MARGARET ATKINS Stencil ing, pierced brass lessons, original designs for braiding. Arts and Crafts Studio. Phone 1337. 231-tf WHAT are you paying for Hams? I have the best variety on the market at 17c per pound. Breakfast Bacon 21e per pound. G. D. Allison. Phone 31. 234-6t. BABY CARRIAGE AND GO-CART TIRES All sizes from 35c to 75c esch tire. Also enameling of run ning gear and revarnlahlng wicker work. J. M. Hearn & Co., Battery Park Place. Phone 448. MISS MARGARET ATKINS Scoro and Place Cards to order, Wedding Presents. Arts and Craft Studio, Phone 1837. , 231-tf. RUGS AND CARPETS CLEANED By our cleaning machine In a thor ough manner at reasonable cost Phone 22$. Ashevllle Carpet House. . 207-tf. FOR Dry Cleaning and Pressing Phone 1248.- Eagle Street Pressing Club. Membership $1.00 per month. - 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE In the re pair business. Ws repair trunks, umbrellas, keys fitted. J. Will Kes terson. No. 47 W. College street 163-tt 8TRADLET A WILSON. Tailoring Suits $14.00 to $40.00. Suits clean ed and pressed lOo to $1.00. Three months' membership,' $2.60. Phone (64. 141-tf NOW Is the Time to Prepare for Win ter. Have us to install In rour home a steam or hot water heating plant and heat your house and save on your coal bills. - Ball, Thrash 4k Co., No. 7 East College . street Phone f$6. FOR FRE8H MEATS of all kinds and good ' "old-time" sausage, like your mother used to make, call on Mallard Weaver, 172 Char lotte street , , , tf THERE are always reasons why a vauvn nerson snou a tsxe a course at the Ashevllle Business College there are many reasons why YOU should take a course now. Please call and let us explain the advan Upi of beginning a course NOW CoUese odd. P. O. Henry 8. Shock lev. principal. 233-6t FOR RENT Furnished, T room mod ern cottage with piano, $46.00. FOR RENT Furnished. I room 'cottage, rlose In, modern, 345.00, FOR RENT Furnished, II , room house, modern. blocks of Square. Price rlirnt - The V7. M. Canaday Realty Co, PI m ne 174. Onle Mil. We will guarantee this leather to out-wear any other made. Our work Is 100 per cent superior to all others. Our prtres are ft pr rnt. lower. Our aljliity to turn out motk qui. ker Is 600 p-r rent. DCCTOR ADVISED OPERATION Cured by LydlaE.Pinkhan's Vegetable Compound Paw Paw, Mich. M I goffered terri- Diy from female ills, Including Inflam mation and conges tion, for several years. My doctor said there was no hope (or me but an operation. I began taking Lydia . Pint-ham's Vegeta ble compound, and I can now say I ant a wen woman." kjia Dhaper. Another Operation Avoided. Chicago, 111. "I want women to know what that wonderful medicine. Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, has done for me. Two of the best doctors In Chicago said I would die if I did not have an operation, and I never thought of teeing a well dav again. I had a small tumor and female troubles so that I suffered dav and night A friend recommended Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and it made me a well woman." Mrs. Ax vena ePiBUKQ) 11 Langdon St, unicago, iu. -Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com. pound, made from roots and herbs, has proved to be the most successful remedy foi curing the worst forms of female uis, including displacements, inflammation, fibroid tumors. Irregu larities, periodic pains, backache, bear- ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges. tion, and nervous prostration. It costs but a trifle to try it and the result nas peen wortn minions to man) suuenug women. Getting Information Out of Pa. My pa, he didn't go to town Last evening after tea, liut got a book and settled down As eomf'y as could be. I'll tell you I was offul glad To hnve my pa about To answer all the things I had Been tryln' to find out. And so I asked him why the world Is round, Instend of square. And why the piggies' tails are curled And why fish don't breathe air? And why the moon don't hit a star. And why the dark is black? And Just how many birds there are, And will the wind come back? And why does water stay In wells. And why do June bugs hum. And what's the roar I hear In shells, And when will Christmas come? And why the grass Is always green Iitstiiud-ot somutinuis blue, Anil why a bean will grow a bean, And not an apple, too? And why a horse can't learn to moo. And why a cow can't nelnh? And do the fairies live on dew. And what makes hair grow gray And then my pa got up an', gee. The offul words he said, I hadn't done a thing, but he Jest sent me off tobed. ' Trade Register, The Pocket Nerve Is the most sensitive In the human body. Thla Is one nerve you will for. get you hHV If you buy your optical goods from us. ' Eyes Examined, Frames Fitted Lenses Ground, and a complete line of Optlral Goods. . F. K. Gardner Rye SnerlnllKt. Mniinfactnrliig Optician Nog. 1-10-11 Drhumor Bldg. Cor Church St.-and Patton Ave. The Industrious Hen An excellent monthly Journal de voted to Poultry, and the dally Aslie- vllle Gazette-News, will be sent to one address for the following price: Ashevllle Gasette-News three months by mail, and Industrious Hen, one year, $1.25 Ashevllle Gszette-News, by carrier, three months .and Industrious Hen one year, by mail. $1.50 Ashevllle Semi-Weekly Oasotta-Nows and Industrious Hen one year for $1.35. TRIBUNE FARMER ' One of- the best agricultural week ly papers published. The Tribune Farmer one year and The Ashevllle Gasette-News three months by mall for $1.60, by carrier $1.75. Semi-Weekly Gazette-News and Tribune Farmer one year for $1.60 Cash must accompany the order In every Instance. This offer Is for new subscribers and for old ones paying up. Sample copies Of The Industrious Hen and Tribune' Farmer may be seen at The Oazette-Newa elflee, 4 N. Pack; SQuare, Ashevllle. " ' ' ' - CHICHESTER S PILLS V,. ' i n Bit hums aaAKu.) a I yw k -urn Snl. S-IMt. Alr S.'L0lfCGfil5IStVLRYVlR A G0LDIII C?rOHTUNITY t i ZZZ IT. - ' A new seven-room modern house, good lot, fine view, .well located. Will rent readily at 115.00 per mo. Tries If taken at once 12SC0.00 t(S00 cash, bal. S2S. per mo. Act ir'l'-k. f 4 i I -k.-r llMr hrM A , f,.,..-i. aj. hi m f. rrsf , ll .Ml IIMAMt l.i.lJtk, l I I iite Ag""' A FlGHTuiG EDITOR. By MARTIN V. ANDREWS. Copyright, 190. by American Press Asso- cuUKn.j Abner Church after serving an ap prenticeship at selling a patent clothes wringer to the farmers of New Ens- land was selected to open one, of a number of agencies abroad for the sale of the same article. France was the territory assigned htm, with Parts for his headquarters. ' . He had no sooner opened bis sales room than he was called upon by the representative of a Parts morning pa per for an fad. Aboer told bltu that be was not yet ready. The solicitor, taking his reply for a refusal. Intimat ed that if the paper didn't get the ad. it would be to the disadvantage of the enterprise. Abner replied tbat be came from a laud where in Journalism the advertising and the newspapers' opin ions were kept , separate in other words, where newspaper blackmail was unknown. The journal was wel come to "Ore sway." The next morning an article appear ed in the home columns of the paper in question stating that all clothes wringers, tore the articles wrung In them and the Eureka sold by Abner Church simply reduced them to rib bons. Other such notices appeared at Intervals and were copied by other pa pers. Abner made up bis mind that be most stop the slander ou his ma chine or shut up shop and go home. He called at the office of the Journal that was blackmailing him and pro tested. He was listened to politely by the editor of the eome department and when be had finished was referred to M. Jules Cblcolet, another editor, who he wns assured would take up the case. Abner found M. Chlcolct sitting tu a study furnished a la I.ouls XVI. rend ing a novel and smoking n cigarette. He was fnnltlessly dressed In deep black and wore tho ribbon of the Le gion of Honor in his buttonhole. Abner stated bis esse, to which tue gentleman listened attentively and at the end asked: Do I understand, monsieur, that you accuse our Journal of blackmailing your' "That's what It looks like." "Then as a representative of the pa per I have the honor to refer you to a gentleman who will call upon you this afternoon." - Abner said tbat all be wanted was to be let alone, but while be was talking M. Chlcolct passed out of a rear door and left blm standing alone. The wringing machine agent went back to his store to think the matter over. While there a genteelly dressed French man entered and said he came to ar range an affair between M. Church and M. Chlcolct. ... . "I have no quarrel with M, Chlcolet," said Abner. "Vb the dickens Is M. Chlcolet auji a a yT- ' v' rardon! Monsieur, being an Ameri can, does not understand. M. Cblcolet Is the flehtlng editor of the paper." "Writes up duels, you mean." "No, monsieur; M. Chlcolct writes nothing. It Is bis duty to give satis faction to those who think they have been Insulted by the Journal and to de fend Its honor. 1 understand you hare accused It of blackmailing you. You must retract or flRhr." "You tell the tichtlng editor that my grandfather lost an arm on the south ern side at Gettysburg, and we Church es would rather die than lay down. Tell him I'll fight him with rifles at 600 yards." The visitor protested tbat such weap ons were not used in Paris, to which Abner replied that In America no one fought with anything else, and he would fight with the weapon he could handle and none other. - When the fighting editor received the news that be must stand up against an American rlile it occurred to Mm that for that occasion at least be would earn his salary. lie was a per fect swordsman and a dead shot with a pistol at short range, but bad never fought with rides. Abner. who had all the so called trickery of the Yankee as well as the nguting proclivities of the Georgian, bd sent him word tbat he'd better make a will, since be jiroposcd to aim straight at bis heart attl be bad never missed anything in bis life with a ride. Jost after daylight one morning the fighting editor drove up to a secluded Spot lu the I ml de Uoulogne, slighted with his nttcml.ints and waited for bis antagonist Presently an automobile appeared. On the roof was something of a blsck hue snd oblong shape the nature of which could not in the dim light be detected. Abner slighted, and tho porter of bis store removed the ar i tlcle from the roof and carried It on to the field. M. Cblcolet went up to It for a look and saw a coffin, on the lid of which was a silver plate bearing the name "Jules Chlcolet Died Vtbat very day. M. Chlcolet sbnaaered. This gro tesque Amerlcsn way of fighting threw bins off bis balance, Abner stood near the coffin, leaning on a long rifle and looking at the man be Intended should occupy it with a strange, diabolical stare. One of the attendants, seeing that the fighting editor was losing bis nerve, asked if there was no hope of an arrangement. Abner repnea tnai the Journal most let him aloa. A con ference was held between the seconds, and It was greed tbat Abner should withdraw bis charge of blackmailing and the paper would publish so Item la its home depsrtment especially com mending the Eureka wringing ms cblne. i ... i Then the party drove to a cafe, where they breakfasted together, while the coffin was carried on the automo bile to the undertaker's shop from which It had been borrowed. In the Ktyie. "Kipling says that a womsn Is only a woman, but a good clgsr I smoke." "Writ." woman is traveling In th rU'it ilii pi'tion,'n't you noticed her .r, nt .rt'nlcli:i.i-'.iiie?" Wuh- A Paris Hint f 1 "l!' immm PtMtsl lff'ftgt) STf SBSWtSBBSS" Flowing Silk Dinner Gown. Itnllilliig n Reputation. oung physlrituis In the smaller towns have an 1W that npiienrlng very busy will help them greatly In stnrtlng n prnctlce. The following Is told by n senator. Tr. Ondfrew of Ken tucky. Or. Hunter had a enll the af ternoon following the hanging out of his shingle, and started through town In his biiKKy at terride speed. A po Ihvmnn stopping the enterprising phy sician. "Doctor," ha snlrl, ".It Is ngnlnst the city ordinance to drive nt the speed you nre going. You must aqcompany me to tho juilgo and pay your fine." "What Is tho line?" Inquired the doctor. "Five dollars." The doctor's hiind llcw to his pock et. "Here's $10; I hnve. to come back IJIIBt Ma, Just ns fust as I am going:" Success ukiizIiio. yACuro For Consumption S Dr. .1. liiurrat-e Hill Actually Cur ing t'lUiHuinpllim, Itrtini IiIiIm, t'aturrli, .Ntliinn, anil All Tlirimt and Iiung Troubles. He .lmlly Kemlx A Trial 1acknge .Miti I To lri)VO That K.veii The YYtirMt t'nun of ('inioiiiiip tinn Cun Ik- Villi My Cunil iif Hone. Jnckson, Mich., Specliil A rcmark- iilile annouiicenicnt. Iiaseil on positive proof, has been made by one of the foremost specialists and physicians In this country. Dr. J. Iiwrenco Hill. K.veryone who has wenk lungs, Ca tarrh of the Itronchlnl Tubes or t'a- irrh In any form, Chronic itronchltls, Asthma, Chronic Hacking Cough, loss of flesh, Nluht Bwents, Hemor rhages, soreness or pnln In tho chest or under the shoulder blades, or any ither deadly symptom of Consumption, should semi for a trial package of lr. Hill's New Kntlonnl ltemedy. This treiitment quickly checks further pro gress of the disease and produces new resisting power, appetite, flesh nnn giMid health. All throat and lung suf ferers should fill out eoupon lieluw ami send nt once for a trial pnekage which tho doctor sends by mnll prepaid. M''T1 I "I 'I !" 'I "I z Tltlr. THFATMENT PACK AfJK C'tU'POX. Dr. 4. iJiwn nie lllll. tt27 . X Hill Itnllilliig. Jackson. Mlcti. 4 I am suffering from throat 4 and lung trouble, so please send me your large trial pack- nse In plain, sealed wraper, that I may try It and see for mvs'-lf If It will do whnt you -J. claim It will. I enclose 10c. tu fr 4. help pay for packing, etc., and 4 a an evidence that I am not 4 4. (.ending for the'trlni package 4, out of ime curiosity. Name .... 4, 4 4 Address........ r IS k'r" f t If :Yc-j C:-:3 Veil a 00 G:d C::i c7 j Deformity m Chroak) RheiimsUim. My remedy has actunlly cured m en and women seventy and eighty years of age some were so decrepit that they could not even dress them selves. To Introduce this great reme dy I Intend to give fifty thousand SO cent boxes away, and every suffering reader of this paper IS1 courteously In vited to write for one. No money Is asked for this CO cent box neither now nor later, and If afterwards more Is wanted I will furnish It to suffer ers at a low cost.- I found this reme dy by a fortunate chanee T'hlle an in valid from rheumatism and sinre It .nred me. It has been a blessing to ' thousands of other persons. Don't lie skeptical, remember the first 60 cent box Is absolutely free. This Is an In ternnl remedy which goes after the en use of the trouble, and when the cause of rheumatism Is , removed, have no fear of deformities, ftheuma tlsm In time will affect the heart, so do not trifle with this merciless affile tion. - Address enclosing this adv., JOHN A. SMITH, 5610 Smith nidg., Milwaukee. Wis. . STREET CAR SCHEDULE ZUlicoa & Return 6, 6:15 a. m. Riverside Park Mbntford Ave. to 6:30 and every Santee Street. Tlennt. via 6 a. m. and every 16 minutes until 1:16; then ev- , ; . ery 7 1-J minutes until 3: SO; then every 16 mln- SOUthSlde Ave. utes tilt 11:00, last car. Depot Via. 6:15, 6:9, an1 every 16 minutes until ( French Broad Av. Dvm- tnen very ,0 minyiM tin ii:oo. Jajioj . :16. :46, 7, 7:0 a. m., then every 16 minutes t till 11 p. ra. Charlotte Street 7 m" 8 m -then very " mln-tlu 7:4t p- m- Terminus 11:04 0'c,oc,l car txxn' throuin t0 Qo1' club- Patton Ave. 8 m and every 15 mlnutc tin ii: p- m. East Street $ a. m. and every 16 minutes till 11:00 p. m. ftrnrn via ( a. m. and evry SO minutes till 11:00 last car. Z. , . H:S0 to 8:00 p. m. and from 6:00 to 7:00 p. m. MeiTimOn Ave. - a 15 minute schedule will be maintained. ... ' 6:15 a. m. and every 16 minutes till 8:10 p. m. SUtmOre then every 60 minutes till 11:00, last car. Sunday schedule differs In the following particulars: Cars leave for Depot, both Southslde and French Broad, 1:16, 6:10, a. m. Cur for Depot via Bouthside 7:00:, 7:30, 8:00 a. m. Nest regular car for Depot leaves Square 8:46 both Southslde and French Uroad. First car leaves Square for Charlotte street at 8:46. First car leaves Square for IMverslde 8:30, next 8:46. With the above exceptions, Sunday schedule, commences at 8 a. m, and continues same as week days. On evenings when entertainments are In progrnss at either Auditorium or Opera House, the last trip on all lines will be from entertainment, leaving Square at regular time and holding over at Auditorium or Opera House, Car leaves Squares to meet No. 1 S, night train, 10 minutes before schedule or announced arrival. SOITIIKHX ItAILWAY SCHEDULE, EFFECTIVE OCT. 4th, lOt, ohedule figures published as lnf ormatlon and not guarantee!. Kaetero Time. ARRIVES FROM DEPARTS FOR No. 7. from U Toxawa. .11. SO a. No. I from Charleston ,. No. 11 from New Tork.... No. 11 from Cincinnati.- .. No. 13 from Charleston. No, 18 from Murphy. .. ,. No. 10 from Murphy .. ,. No. II from Ooldsboro . . . No. 86 from Washington .. 8:10 1:46 1:06 ,, t:16 ,. 6:40 ,. 1:10 . 8: IS .. 1:30 .. 6:60 No. 16 from Memphis No. 101 from Bristol. ..10:88 m t .1 m-A Washington. Norfolk. Jacksonville. Charleston, Macon, Atlanta, Nsw Orleans, Memphis, Chattanooga, Cincinnati, Louisville. Chair cars to and from Ooldsboro, Charleston, Lake Toxaway and Wayneavllle, For further information apply to 4. H, WOOD, District Pass. Aft. . . oraham rt. t a HOTEL BERKELEY POOL ROOM SCOTCH NOVELTIES. Yon no donbt would like to Bee the latest vogue in Hen's wear. Gray tones in soft finish Scotch and English Worsted and Wool . Suitings are ex tremely popular. W have them: ' LOQAH Kerobant Tailor. 14 North Pack i.4. L:i D C:.J I Will Mail FREE To Anyone Suf fering From Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago; Sciatica (Who Will Enclose This Advertisement) A 50 Cent Dox of my Rheumatism Remedy Frca. IN EFFECT OCT. 17TII, IsOt, : ' IS minutes until 1.00 P m. then every hour. until 11:00 p. m. 10:30 a. m. and every 7 1-2 minutes until 11:00 p. m.. except 9:07 and 10:07 which go to Boco street only. m.Nn. for Lake Toxaway .3.10 p.m. p.m. No. 10 for Charleston .. p.m. No. 11 for Cincinnati.. . p.m. No. 11 for New Tork. . 4:1 p.m. 8:06 p.m. 1:11 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 8:80 a-m. 3:86 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 1:40 am. 7:11 am. p.m. No. 14 for Charleston . , p.m. No. 17 for Murphy p.m. No. 16 for Murphy .... p.m. No. II for Ooldsboro . a.m. No. 16 for Memphis. ... a.m. No, 86 for Washington . p.m. No. 101 for Bristol f -is . V - Dhll..lnk a n, I mnM Tie most attractive Pool Room in the City. : : : A complete line of Import ed nnj Domestic Cigars. "IT'S DOWN STAIRS" I U' A f '. 1 : At 1 i 1 'j. . . . f