V'A U T S It la useless for anyone to call at thl ofllce In an endeavor to find out the name of advertisers. Those who advertise under an initial or nom de plume do not wish their name to be made public and they cannot be di vulged at this office. HELP WANTED. I MADE $60,000 in five years In the Mall Order Business and began with only few dollars. There are unu- , aual opportunities for making mon ey today, and It Is hot difficult to begin. If you have even small capr . Ital and want to start a mall order , business of your own, send for my ' free booklet. It tells how to make money, Address,. Publisher, The Mall Order World. Box 160, Lock port, N. Y. tf. WANTED Several boys to sell The Ashevltle Gasette-News. Must be hustlers. Apply at the Gazette News office. - Jll-tf WANTED An Industrious boy about 18 years' old to make fires, sweep, ' and learn a good trade. Must not lie afraid; of work and must be honest, and able to read and write. Ad- dross In own handwriting, "Hust- ler." care Gasette-News. tf WANTED Two stenos. and' bkprs. (men), $75.00. On lady steno. $C0, Three bright girls for tcm. olllcs work, $20.00.. One girl, half-day' office work $S. 00 per week. ' Also wanted," young raen and women to enroll next Monday, November 16th and take a thorough course. Call ' in person. Ashevllle Busings Col lege, opp. P. O., Henry S. Shock ley, prlnclpnl. . ' . 23G-3t WANTE1 At onco, a custom harness maker, ' white man. good Job for right, man. Wllse.W. Martin, Co- . lumhla, 8. C. "' ; 237-21. WANTED -Experienced driver, no other' need apply. E. C. Jam-It Pack Square grocer. 237-3t RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS. CUSTOM EMPLOY EES, WANTKl Spring ' Examinations everywhere. Com- ' mence snlury $800. Iliipld advance. ment to $1400 or $ 1 f.00. Candidates prepared free. . Franklin Institute. Dept. 271 II, Rochester, N. Y. 137 2Ct WANTED 25 salesladies. 10 small cash boys and girls nt W. E. Kitnlley ' & Co.'s store. It TOR SALE. FOR RALE Valuable resident and business property, with two stores always rented, fronting 133 feet, on Charlotte street, at bargain-, terms. , Owner none-resltlent. MrKlssIck Real Estate Co., Phone 082. E3I& ftlt !. 23G-7t FOR SALE Home-builders attention s?Twp lots at half value. Owner noil resident. Universal Security Com pany, Paragon Building. 231-261 HILTMORE Wood and Lumbor Yard . Machinery for sale. Yard tor rent. 1.V fc-iw Portable Sawmill at Pisgah Forest for sale cheap. ' Two Remington . Typewriters for sale. Forest De partment, Blltmore. 232-tf FOR SALE A '"full course scholar ship In the Emanuel Business Col i lege. Enquire at Gaiette-News of fice. . . ' tf FOR BALE Ross come and single comb Rhode Island Red cockerels, nice color and shape, healthy stock. - Pries from $2 to $10. Carl H. Messier, 162 Charlotte street, Ashe vllle, N. C. tf GRANT'S NO. 24, the best remedy for Cold and La Grippe. 25c - at Grant's Pharmacy, i ' tf FOR SALE CHEAP Small fruit and produce business, fin location. . Reason for selling, party leaving stat. Address P. O. Bot HI, AahevllU, N. C tf FOR SALE Nice fresh eggt for In valids 40c a doien. Grain fed thor- " oughbred fowls. Crescent Poultry Yards, ICS Charlotte street Phone mi. r ss-tt FOR 8ALE Improved and unim proved property In Ashevllle, Bllt more and West Ashevllle. ' Prices and terms to suit. Ingle, Reed and Justice, Real Estate Agents, Revell Bldg., phone 240. " 'tf FOR SALE One four-room cottage and two room cabin, lot 100x200. Price $1260.00. Terms $300.00 down, balance $11.00 ' per month. Marsteller a Co. tf FOR BENT, FOR RENT Storage space. Inquire at The Ashevllle China Co. N. rack square. Phone SSL " FOR RENT No. Church street leather. 4 Aston Wrlta F. Place, Btlks- 338-tf FOR RENT I -room house, nnfur nlshed. Victoria road, $23.60. Forbes Campbell. IS Patton avenue. S2J-tf. FOR RENT S unfurnished rooms for tight housekeeping, $7.00 per month. 14 South spruce street 114-tf FOR RENT 1. S or 3 rooms, on first . or second floor, furnished for light housekeeping. IS Grady, street ' Phone !. 14S-tf FOR RENT Nice living rooms for young men, over Kress store, Pat ton avenue. Apply room S, Harklns Building. SIS-tf FOR RENT tunny, " connecting ' rooms, furnished for housekeeping . on ths first and second floors, with ' sink and gas In kitchen. SI tsrnes avsnua. I3-U. FOR, RENT Furnished t room cot tage. Victoria. $76 month. H. F. Grant Realty Co.- S$l-tf FOR RENT Unfurnished 7 room house Chestnut street $S1 month. H. F. Grant Realty Co. . S3I-U FOR RENT Unfurnished comforts bla cntface. Cumberland avenue, llt.&a month. IL F. Grant Really FOR RENT 10 room home, barn and garden at 134 N. Main. John A. Goffer. West Pack square, tf FOR RENT F-room, modern cot tage on car line, $15 per month. Marsteller Co. 129-tf FOR RENT Furnished roomnj mod ern convenience!; on car line; table board nearby. Address 348 Merrl mon avenue, or 'phone 1118. - , ".! JSl-lf. FOR RENT Furnished 7 room cot tage, Cumberland avenue; hot wa ter heat; sun parlor; well furnish ed, $io month. H. F. Grant Realty Co. 138-tf FOR RENT Furnished sU-room cot tage. Delightful location, North French Broad, furnace and open grats South exposure, large plas sa. D. B. Watson, Agent. eod-tf. FOR RENT Vnfurnlrhcd new 7 r6om house Charlotte street, $25 month. II. F. Grant Rculty Co. . ' 238-tf BOARDING. 72" COLLEGE RT. Excellent table nice, large, sunny rooms, steam heated, centrally located, all mod ern conveniences. Rates reasonable Special rates to parties. Phone 833. i , Z2-tt. WANTED Table boarders at The Haywood House, 1J7 Haywood street. Good table at reasonable rates. 215-2 w. FLORIDA HOUSE 41 H South Main street, entirely renovated, newly furnished, now management. Rooms 60c a night. Special rates by the week. ' 169-tf. THE HOLLAND, M block from Pat- ton avenue car; everything first class. Mrs. F. C. Roach, 40 North French Hroad avenue. 185-tf ROCK LEDGE. 8 Haywood street. 25 rooms thoroughly renovated, across street from Auditorium, half block from Uattery Park hotel, no con sumptives taken. Mrs. P. J. Cor coran, prop. P.ON AIR C8 Ashcland avenue: snn ,. By rooms; furnuce beat; special rates to winter boarders; no con sumptives taken. Mrs. J. L. Rich .and Miss Annie Boyee, Troprs. tf WANTED. WANTED By experienced dress maker dressmaking nt 39 South Main street, after December loth. Rose Alston. 237-Sfit WANTED All men to phone 3S9 nnd ; say "Send for my clothea." The messenger will be there In a JlfTy for them. Expert cleaners and pres , sera put them In perfect condition nnd we return them promptly. J. C. Wllbnr, on the Square. WANTED Your notnry public work. Room , Revell Bldg. Phone 240. . tf WANTED Ladles' dyeing, cleaning and repair work. J. H, McGlnness, SI South Main street 131-tr WANTED Your notary public work. Phone 8. Jas. W. Albright 6S-tf WANTED Immediately, 3 unfur nished rooms (no light house keeping) close In. Address E. Box 6 4. City. 228 tf POSITION wanted by French-German for children and chamber work, good sewer. Address B 60, care Gazette-News. 236-3t MISCELLANEOUS. WHAT are you paying for Hums? I have th best variety on the market at 17a per pound. Breakfast Bacon tie per pound. G. D. Allison. Phone SI. 234-61. BABY CARRIAGE AND GO-CART TIRE-AII slses from 35c to 7.1 c each tire. Also enameling of run ning gear and revarnlahlng wicker work. J. M. Hearn Co., Battery Park Place. Phone 448. MISS MARGARET ATKINS Score and Place Cards to order. Wedding Presents. Arts and Craft Studio, Phone 1337. 231-tt RUGS AND CARPETS CLEANED By our cleaning machine In a thor ough manner at reasonable cost Phone SSI. Ashevllle Carpet House. S7-tf. FOR Dry CleAnlng and Pressing Phone 1S4S. Eagle Street Pressing Club Membership $1.00 per month. IS TEARS EXPERIENCE In the re pair business. We repair trunks. umbrellas, keys fitted. J. Will Kes terson, No, 47 W. College street l3-tf. 8TRADLEY WILSON, Tailoring Suits $14.00 to $40.00. Suits clean ed and pressed 10c to $1.00. Three months' membership, $1.60. Phone 14. 141-tf NOW Is the Time to Prepare for WJn ter. Have us to install in vn.r home a steam or hot water heating plant and heat your house and save on your cosl bills. Ball, Thrash Co., No. 7 East College street. Phone tit. FOR FRESH MEATS of all kinds and good "old-time" sausage, like your mother used to make, call on Mallard Weaver, 17S Char lntte street tf - ; WANTED A Neat, furnished house, is to elsht rooms. In good location near car line, give lowest rental Address B. L.. Gasette-News. SSS-St LOST. LOST Gold beaded watch fod with gold cross. Finder will kindly re turn to Gasette-News. Liberal re ward. SSJ-tt LOST At ODera house last night gold ring, set with three stones. Re turn to C. II. lioness, 64 Patton av nua. ami receive reward. l$7-lt THE AIRSHIP U.UKIt, New York Times. He has a neck as stiff as boivv ' There's nothing that can bend It, He started out last week alone . To seek an airship in the xone Where man was soon to send It. , He skyward gaxed from dawn till dark, Trom point to point he shifted; He heard below the auto spark. The small boy shout, a mongrel bark, But kept his face uplifted. The evening came, he still looked high Into the starry heaven; Eight, nine 'o'clock passed slowly by. The moon enme out and lit the sky; ' He stayed till half past 'leven. , t ' - . Next morning ho was up end out :. And every morn succeeding: He never deigned to look about. Although h still heard urchins shou, Hut keep the heavens reading. At hist a' murmur caught his ear. Or some say rustic Jabbed him: He tried at last his sight to clear, Look down on c-urth, but, dear, oh, dear! His neck Just up and stabbed him! Toilny he wears n plnstejr cast Thnt soars above his collar. Ills ears and chin are buckled liut be has seen a xhlo at last An Isn't out a dollar! fast, C, Sawyer for Mothers Bread FOR RENT Furnished, 7 room mod ern cottage with piano, $45.00. FOR RENT Furnished, 7 room cottage, close In, modern, $46.00. FOR RENT Furnished, 15 room house, modern, .2 block's of Square. Price right. The W. M. Canaday Realty Co. Phono 074. Onto lllilsr. i I i . ... .ii '-w .. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY SEE IT. A new sevep-roofn modern house, good lot, flno view, well located , Will rent readily nt $25.00 per mo. Price If taken at once $2850.00 $000 cush, bal. $25 per mo. Act quick. ' .DONNAHOE & BLEDSOE, Real Estate Agents. Phono !!. Renl llklir. ENGLISH BENDS. Wo will guarantee this leather to out-weur any other mndo. Our work is 100 per cent superior to all others. Our prices are 25- per cent, lower. Our ability to turn out work quicker Is 500 per cent. FRF.EMAN ft SON. rrolis.. At tlin Factory. - Opp. Y. M. I. The Pocket Nerve Is the most sensitive In the human ImmI.v. This Is one nerve you will for get you have If you buy your optical goods from us. Eyes Examined, Frames Fitted, Lenses Ground, and a complete line )f Optical Goods. F. K. Gardner Kye SMvIiiIIk Manufacturing Optician Nos. 0-10-11 Drhumor Bid. Cor Church St and Patton Ave. The Industrious Hen An excellent monthly Journal de voted to Poultry, and the dally Ashe vllle Gasette-News, will be sent to one address for the following price: Ashevllle Gasette-News three months by mall, and Industrious Hen, one year, $1.25 Ashevllle Gasette-News, by carrier. three months .and Industrious Hen one year, by mall. $1.50 Ashevllle Semi-Weekly Gazette-News and Industrious Hen one year for $1.S5. TRIBUNE FARMER One of the best agricultural week ly papers published. Ths Tribune Farmer one year and Ths Ashevllle Gatette-News threo months by mall for $1.60, by carrier $1.76. Seml-Weckly Gasette-News and Tribune Farmer one year for $1.60. Cash must accompany the order In every. Instance. This offer Is for new subscribers and for old ones paying tap. Sample copies of The Industrlout Hsn and Tribune Farmer may be seen at Ths Gasette-News office, 4 N. Fact Square. Ashevllle. NOTICE. Don't be deceived. We arc selling COAL. The BEST AT LOWEST PRICEa We do business in one name only nnd at 48 Patton avenue only. ASHEVTLLE COAL AND LUMBER CO. Remember Name and Place. Phones 736 and 935. . COPAfy " in AMUSEMENTS The Show lili-l, Thursday, Nov. IH . Of all the light mimical successes tMs St.-.'nn, r,u offering', has greater vogue than li. C. Whitney's famous Broadway success, "The Show ..Girl," which will be the attraction at the Grand next Thursday. Nov. IS. This Jolly bit uf tonifollery. which made such an excellent impression at Wnl lack's theatre. New York City, and hud a run of over three months, will be presented with lt tasteful costumes, gorgeous scenery, anil erteetive stage business. There Is a est, not a real cat tq be-sure but the most remark able cat ever seen on any stage. The Impersonation Ir dune by a prominent artist who Iwara the reputation of he- t;iiM . V ' V , - Y4 ' v' ' f i 1 1 A . f it M at Tin: Tiiritsiv.. I'l-W t) I MUI lt IH. i n! , ' -' ' ''.; .'' 1 I. joiin MYLii; mhhv Inu Iho'most noted and rLiii.irk.ilih iinpiimator In the country. II in n production of til immsi bk-- tacular sort. TIiIh iiilrm -tn-i- uIm tin.! wllli refined and clevi-r umoni: which aro Sfyrll.- .V inth. Iloilncv & Ilnrtfllc, sti-lln l:hin.li:irt. b-li'ii Stuart.KllNWorlh Kllis, M irry inbr. Clem Johnson, nnd ;i InrRr horiiK uf siriKlntf uinl l-in. ini; Twenty new son IiJIm have lu-. ti es pecially written for the pi -oilm lion; the niore prominent amonM lliem re: I'lmt'H the Wny of n Sailor." "I Don't Want to Ho A Ijuly," "I'm the Mann- S:er," "Isycf1.'' "ChattipaKue nml Terrapin," "IloirBle's l-'attnly Tree," anil many others. 1'rlees 11.60, f I .no, Trie, r.iie and 25c, Ititu rve.l seam nt Ml. i lly Stationery Co., :!:! Patton nv- enne. Tuesday, 9 n. m. rnoiie inn. Tl:t l-'lowcr of tbc Hiincli. Whenever It Is announced that one of lie- Howard mnslcnl comedb-s Is to he irii-nted In a city II always causes much local comment ns the theater irm-r of todny fully realizes Hint It will be a ri al treot from a musical sliiml- noinl. Mr. Howard Is without a doubt boconilnit the greatest musleul writi-r of the nge, tq the past two or three years he has written the music to no less than a dosen of our most success ful llRht operas. Among" those which were the most successful wns "The District Leader." "The Time, The rince nnd The Girl." "The Girl Ques tion." "A Stubfiorn ( 'Inderelln." "A Prince of Tonight 'The Golden Olrl't 'The floddess of Liberty" nnd tho) sensation of thm all. 'The Klowr of j the ranch." This delightful comedy will lc seen In this city soon., The entire production will be seen In this city as It wns produced for Howard two years aro when It ran Tor ISO nights In New York t'lty and six months in Chicago, at tho Onrrlck theater. Aside from Its success In the dramatic and musleol line. It Is a play that holds the entire audience from the rise of "the curtain with Itn Interesting stage setting of ranch life In the Oolden hills of California, Tlie Golden Girl. Eat prunes If you wish to preserve your youthful complexion. JTho au thority for this receipt Is Wlfs Nelll Walters, ths diminutive comedienne. who will be seen here soon In 'The Oolden Girl." Many of Miss Walter's friends have admired her mllk-and-peaches complexion, which looks even better on ths street than It does on (hs stage, and she has finally let the cat out of the bag. She credits her clalr skin and rosy cheeks to her dally dish of prunes, which she never misses. " As long ns she can remem ber this gencrtilly despised fr"lt. Mini "iiu: tilHL." which has been "the butt of every boarding house Joke since 'tlmo Im memorial, has been a part of her dally bill of fare. What convinces this clevei1 little woman of the' poten cy of the prone to prvserv her com plexion Is the fact that some two years ago she spent a few weeks Ir the" hnckwoooV, whore, Tor the firs' time In years, the had' to forego hei favorite dish. She noticed (hat, ir spite of the outdoor exerclsw anO bracing air, her cheeks began to loost somo of their perpetual bloom. When she returned to civilisation -nm" prunes the roses returned to her cheeks, and now she swears eternal ly i her favorite dish, which slu SHOW GIIU," IlKAtTIKS pre! el M for m-ape fruit i. nk fast to the Juicy IiiscIouj melon. llu- I'lrltert StiH-k Compiuiy. The aiiiiounceinent that there will soon he another 10, - nnd 30 cent attraction t the (Irani! mny not 'i-i-ate a bl sensation, but when the I'lckert Stock company, band and or chestra begin their week's engage ment lure the patrons of popular prices w U 1 have a treat. This com pany Is one of the best attractions on ilie r.-id for tho money nnd present royalty plays and Introduce, unusual clever specialties between acts. (Mln r attractions announced liy the maiiaKcment of the (irand, dates not lielni: ulven, are Adelnlde Thurston In "i 'on I in rv Mary;" "The Climax." "IkIc of Spice," and "The Servant In the House." Onefiwiifort. Tlt-llits.. "Iliilloa, lllvcrs! You stem t have :l bad cold " "Worst I ever hail. Hanks." "I'm snrrv fir you, old fellow. Wish 1 knew of something that would cure you, but I don't." "(live -(lie your hand. Hunks" with teftrs In bin eym. "Vou're the only man I've met for three days that hadn't a certain cure." A llright Hoy. "Now, Tommy," said the teacher, "you may give mo an example of coin cidence." "Why er," said Tommy, with some hesitation "why cr why, me rudder and nic nuidder was both mar ried on de same day." 1 lurpor's Weekly. I'T : - Offering Now isn't this sense t A man who advertises that ho wnnt.il, to buy something, is likely to lie nvtty t-ajrer, even if. ho'j; has to pay a fjooil priee. And if the thin 1m wants to ImyJ' is soniethin;' you have, then it really nii-ans that tho edver-.r tisor is OKFKItlXO MOXHY TO VUtT. And if anybody 'a out Avith an offer to jiay money for soinetliin that you nrol willinj; fo part with, surely you want to know about it,' don't you f How will you ever know about it, if you dori't' look through the Market "iIuet of the Munnimakers everv dav f- the live, enterprisiiifr, the little elnssified als in th Dear Mr. Munniinaker, Care The (Jazi-ttiNVws Classified Columns. Thromrh a little Munniinaker Classified Ad. in the (iazette News. I closed out my (Iroeery stock. Yours trulv, .1. D.S. Write Mr. Munniinaker, care of the (Jazette-News, phone him, No. 'JfVj, whenever -vou want anything. - 8TKKKT CAlt KCIiriH I.l-: ZiUicoa. & Return . :is a. m. Riverside Park Montford Ave. to Santce Street. street only. Depot via Southside Ave. Depot via French Broad A v. 6:16, t:S0, p. m then Manor 6, 6:15, (:4S, till 11 p. m. Charlotte Street Terminus 7 a. m , ft a. 11:00 o'clock Patton Ave. ( a. m. and East Street 6 a. m. and Grace via Merrimon Ave. Biltmore 6:15 a. m. and then every 8 0 Sunday schedule differs In the following particulars: Cars leave for Depot, both Southside and French Hroad, 1:15, 0:30, a. m. Car for Depot via Southside 7:00:, 7:30, 8:00 a. m. Next regular car for Depot leaves Square 8:45 both Southside and French Ilroad. First car leaves Square for Charlotte street at 8:45. First car leaves Square for lth'rrslde 8:30, next 8:45. , With ths shove exceptions, Sunday schedule commences at I a. tn, and continues sums as week days. . On evenings when entertainments are In progress at either Auditorium or Opera Houso, ths Inst trip on nil lines will be from ontertalnment, leaving Square at regular time and h oldlng over at Auditorium or Opera House. Car leaves Squares to meet No. t 5, night train, SO minutes before schedule or announced arrival. Try Gazette-News Want Ad SCOTCH NOVELTIES. You no doubt would like to eee the latest vogue in Men'i wear. Gray tones in soft finish Scotch and English Wonted and Wool Suitings are ex tremely popular. . We have then. i LOGAN Ifsrchaat Tailor, 14 North Pack to. i ... "4f. 1 ' H Money snappy o Iters that are mauo in (lazette-Xews? 1 orj' IX I'.rTIHT OCT. I7TII. 1009. ...1 .. v-. it r , i r, -. SO and every 15 minutes until 8.00 p, m. theft every hour, until 11:00 p. m. 10:30 a. m. nnd every 7 1-2 minutes until 11:00 p. m., except 9:07 and 10:07 which go to Boeo 6 a. m. and every 15 minutes until 1:15; then ev ery 7 1-1 minutes until 1:30; then every It min utes till 11:00, last car. 7 a. m. and every IS minutes until every SO minutes till 11:00. 7, 7:30 a. m., then every It minute m., then every 16 mln. till 7:45 p. in. car runs through to Qolf club. every It minutes till 11: p. m. every, li minutes till 11:00 p. m. 6 a. m. and evry 30 mlnutec till 11:00 last car. 11:30 to 2:00 p. m. and from 6:00 to 7:00 p. nw a IS minute schedule will be maintained. every It minutes till 3:10 minutes till 11:00, last car. p. to, 1 5v , it M f , SJ$-

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