CRISIS IX IirXGARY. Condition More Thretenltur TImmi Brfiire Adoption of Com promise In 18T. Nor York Tribune. The resignation of Mr. Kossuth from the leadership of the Hunxarlnn Independence party U ominous to rlumrary and to the relatione be tween that kingdom and the Austrian empire. When he was Aral received In friendly conference by the kins, agnlnst whom hl father had rebelled and who had sought to destroy that father as a traitor. was hoped th;it the differences of the past hnil bo-n Irrevocably burled and that a new bond of concord and union hail I n established between the two renin;. There, is reason to believe that both the king and Mr. Kossuth .1 -sir.-.l that to be the case. Hut that .! come dream has vanished In a ru ! awakening to a state of more Intens.-. If not more open, hostility than h.ia be"n known before since the adoption of leak's compromise In 176. The present trouble tiegnn a Utile more than a month ago, when Mr. Kossuth aKHln went to the kliiR with what was practically an ultimatum. The Magyar demands which he made were three In number. Due was the use of the Magyar language and l!ag In the Huiik-arlan army, a demand which hiut for years been one of the most serious objects of contention I" the dutil realm. The second wits the oncanlxatlon of a separate llunuarlan hanking system in place of the pres ent Joint system. The third was the Immediate enactment of a so-called universal suffrage law, which, it whs HOTEL BERKELEY POOL "IT'S ROOM A Sewing Machine Motor Is Always Ready $12 And Costs Only One-Fifth of One Cent Per Hour to Run Buy One Now and Save Health and Strength ASHEVILLE ELECTRICiCO. Phone 69. tax stimir.ux UAHAVAY kchfju i. Schedule flguraa published as Inf Eastern ARRIVES FROM No. 7. from U Tmawa . . 1 1 !0 a. m. No. from Charleston ,. 1:10 p.m. No. 11 from New York.... 1:4S p m. Nu. 1) from Cincinnati. .. 1:01 p m No. II from Charleston. .. I: It p.m. No, II from Murphy t:40 p m. No 20 from Murphy .. .. 1:10 p.m. No. 11 from Qoldsboro .. , I IS p.m. No. II from Washington .. 1:10 a.m. No. II from Memphis .... 10 a.m. No. 101 from Hrlstol 10:IS p.m. Through sleeping cars to and from Washington. Jacksonville, Memphis ('hair cars to and from Ooldshoro. For further Information apply to KTHFKT CAK Zillicoa & Return Riverside Park Montford Ave. to Santee Street. Depot via Southaide Ave. Depot via French Broad Av. Manor Charlotte Street Terminus , :1S, 0:41, till 11 p. m. 7 a. m , I a. 11:00 o'clock Patton Ave. I a. to. and East Street I a. m. and Grace via Merrimon Ave. Biltmore 0:11 a. m. and then every 10 Sunday schedule differ la th following particular: Car leave for Depot, both Kouthsld and French Broad. MS. :10, a. m. Car for Depot via Southsld 7:00:, 7:10, 1:00 a. m. Neit regular car for Depot leave Square 1:41 both Southsld and French Broad. First car leave By u are for Charlotte street at 1:41. First car leave Square for Klverelde 1:10, next 1:41. With th abov eiceptlon. Sunday schedule commence at I a, m. nd continues same a week days. On evenings when sntortalnmenls ar In progress at lthr Auditorium or Opera House, th last trip on all line will be from entertainment, leaving Square at regular time and holding over at Auditorium or Opera House. Car leave Hquaree to meet No. IS,, night train. 10 minute Ufor schedule- or aoncunced arrival. , ' ' . suspected by many, was calculated to confirm e.nd perpetuate the political dominance of the Magyars In Hun gary. If these were granted, com plete reconciliation between the Mag yar and their kin- would be assured. If not, the Independence movement in Hungary would be revived, and ef forts would be directed toward dis solution of the dynastic union. The result was that while the ven erable king might have been Inclined to grant the Hungarian demands, the heir presumptive, the Austrian Arch duke Francis Ferdinand, set his face like a flint against them, and In (lie inc so was backed by Count Aehren thal. and so the negotiations failed. Trhele John's Ofllce. When I rrst decided to allow the people of Tum lo to use mah name us a candidate f r congress I went out to a might). ii ii'g parish to speak." aald Pr'vute Join Allen to some friends at the old Metropolitan hotel In Waah InKton. "An old darky came to greet me after the meeting. Allen.' he said. I powerful giau 10 see jou. I'se known ob you sliue you was a imbbv. Knew you pappv long befo' you-ull vu. bohn. too. He used ter hold ie Milne otllce you got now. I no mbers how be held dnt same oltice fo' vr'trs an" ytnrs.' What otllce do you mean, unch-7" I inked, ni I never knew pop held v otllce. 'Why de office of candidate. Mars- John; you pappy was candidate fo' many ywir ' " National Monthly. Tlie most attractive Pool IJooin in the City. : : : A complete line of Import ed ami Domestic Cigars. DOWN STAIRS'1 k, i:ru:cTivi: xov. is. no. ormatlun and not guarantee'. Time. DEPARTS FOR No. I for Liike Toxaway .1.50 p.m No. 10 for Charleston ... 4:10 p.m No. II for Cincinnati. . .. 1:01 pm No. 11 for New Tork, .. 1:21 p. in No. 14 for Charleston . .. 7:00 No. 17 for Murphy 1:10 a-rn No. It for Murphy I ll p.m No. 11 for Qoldsboro . ., 1:00 a.m No. IS for Memphis. .... 1:40 am No. K for Washington .. 7:10 a.m No. 101 for Hrlstol 7:10 a.m New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore Chattanooga, Cincinnati, luilsvtlk. J. II. tVM District I'asa. Agt. R. K. t.HMI M, C. T. A. M'Htr ll I.K IN KfrTF-CT OCT. I7TU, 10. 0. C IS a. m. I 10 and every IS minutes until 1.00 p. m. then every hour Until 11:00 p. m. 10 10 a. m. and every 7 1-1 minutes until 11:00 p. m.. eicept :0T and 10:07 which go to 8oco street only. ( a. m. and every II minutes until 1:11; then ev ery 7 1-1 minutes until 1:10; then every II min utes till 11:00. last car. 1:11, 0:10, 7 a. m. and every IS minutes until p. m., then very 10 minute till 11:00. 7, 7:10 a. m., then every II minutes m., then every IS mln. till 7:4ft p. m. car runs through to Oolf club. every it minute tin li: p. m. every II minute till 11:00 p. m. a. m. and evry II minute till 11:00 last car. 11:10 to 1:00 p. m. and from 1:00 to 7:00 p. nv a II minute schedule will be maintained. every II minute till 1:1 minute till 11:00, last car. p. m. TIIET1IANKSG1VING BASKET BO placed the big basket be tween his feet on the floor and looked out of the window of tu train. Jn Bob' basket was a big Thanks giving turkey, a surprise for the folks at home. There was no turkey lo the basket which a man who sat next to Uob placed on tho floor between his feet. Wont this In It Bob discovered, when be undertook to surprise the folks nt home. lie surprised them all right enough, but he surprised himself also, for he found that he and the ma u lind somehow changed baskets and Hint lustead of a turkey be bad brought home a bottle attached to a fine boy bnby. Dire was Hob's disappointment, for the turkey his mother In his absence had provided wns far Inferior to tho one he bad unwittingly exchanged for the baby. Bob's mother took the bnhy to her nrtns and her heart, nnd, to ber credit be It said, she did so before xhe ascertained that the cloth ing and orna ments of the lit tle stranger In dicated that it wn a bnby of distinction. "One of the Four Ilundred," she snld to ber husband. "No doubt the four hundred j nnd first," he Intighed, in spite j of having Just lost bis Job. Next morning, li o w e v e r Thanksgiving morning his ONE or THE FOtll II I'M UU !). face wore a dif ferent expres sion. Grave tietertnlniitloii shone from his eyes. "I must l.o of! nt once." he snld to his wife, "to look for li not her Job." "On n holiday!" she exclaimed. "The sooner the better." snhl he, nnd lie scarcely more thnu skimmed his ticvsinier except the columns of "Help Wiuited-Males." s "Nothing there," he observed, with a sigh. "NVver mind, mother; there's something somew here, nnd I'll find It." Scarcely had he gone when Hob pick ed up the paper and In n moment more gave n shout. "There! You've waked the new baby," snUl his mother, hurrying to the rescue. "Listen to this! It's tho very baby, I do believe." ' It was a short dispatch from May vllle. sent out late tho previous ntgbt, to the effect flint Mr. ltny's son and heir was missing with his nurse, and great foam were entertained that the child bsd been stolen and was being ! held for ransom. i Then came a knock on the hall door which chocked Bob in a war dance. 1 lie opened It and was almost brushed down by tho mnn of the railway cars, who was standing there with a big ' basket on bis arm and who dashed , Into tho room like a wild man, j "Here's your wretched turkey! he cried. "Oh, you're the boy who chang ed baskets with me, are yout Lucky your address was on that basket. And here's the Infant, the beloved baby, I If you've not trented It well I'll prose- cute you for kidnaping!" "I ssy." cried Hob. at last finding ! bis wits, "leave that basket and the j baby too! I know all about you, It'a i you that's the kldn.tper! Ilelp! Po- lice! Po-ol-a-URb-gr-r!" j Ho hardly got out on yell before the man wns upon him with a furious ! bound, almost choking the I l,r. Ik nnl kin. Tnthatacaln." he growled, "aud ! I'll kill your And ; ba threw the boy ' Into a corner snd j darted out of the house with tho ! baby, locking the 1 door from the out I Bide. Itob picked him I self op from the floor and tried the I duor. It yielded nothing. Then he tot a chair and palled himself up to th transom, lo a second he was through It, ha tie, dusty, choked and pant- aoa stkako atteb log, bat thirsting mx. for revenge. Down th gtalrt bo leap ed, tbm tt a time.. . ;','.. . . Up the otreet, unmindful of other boys, be darted. Ualt a block down the arena be saw a street car plung ing along, and on th rear platform atooa the kidnaper with the wrapped op baby in his arm. Bob had .not a cent for car fare, but be dashed after the car aa If be owned the Otreet. The car gained on blm In spit of ail effort, but the man did not seem to bar observed him. At last It shot out of sight, but Bob did not falter. U waa not far from the ferry, where the car stopped. The boy got there, almoat exhausted, bat determined still. A ferryboat waa Just going out Regardless of a big po liceman and a ticket aeller, be darted past them on to the pier and down CHICHESTER S PILLS ?LCV ,TIUHWMl,( x" v ' ..-at planks like a bullet. wlMi the police man behind hint on un el-plntnllne charge, ami cnughi ij-e iwi Jiii na It was beginning to iimve from the Klp. Now,' Who fcholtld lie oil the I null but Mr. Ray himself, luyr tolng home aft er a hurried visit fo Milb-e hendquar-1 tcrs. Bobs uesier.t:e spring Tor the deck had made lilm un object of gen eral atteutlon. and his cry of "That man's a kldimimr!" din ned It to the man with the Isiby In his arms. Seeing blinxvif uVtccu-U. the man, still holding the clii'd. sprang from the roar of the Imnt Info Hip water. Bob utiliesituilngly sprang nf(er him. Ou the deck everjthii';.; was In confu sion on the Instant, nnd Mi i. .... voice In tone of strong emotion, don Inntlng the babel, had sm li a . :fi the wheels were stopped, tl: bnby and Bob rescued mid the l.: naper hauled on board the poll, . boat, whlcb appeared among a crov. of others. Bob Is now ne nf Mi Itay's most trusted nut! best p.ili salesmen, nnd the whole family li.:v. nr. Indefinite prvspect of turkey riln ners on every TlianUglvIng day t eoiue. Philadelphia Inquirer. A "TURKEY DRUNK." An Old Tim Thanksgiving Custorr Which Is Happily Now Obsolete. "I remember when 1 was a boy th i one of the great features of Thank giving time wns wlmt we called th 'turkey drank.' " says a untlve of wesi em New York. "Kolks didn't seem i. kill their Thanksgiving turkey In tho .. days until tbe forenoon of the day I was to be esten, ami it was the cu tout to get tbe bird most rfloi ioti..! drunk and kill It while It w ns In I h i condition. They used to say I: made tho turkey's last moments earth happy and made Its iippnutei, Ing death a matter of uin vru i the bird. More than that. It was be lieved that the br.iuh they tilled the turkey up with pu the meat a llavor that no bird flint diod oH-r could over have. I don't know uhcther that was so, but I do know Hint I can't get any turkey nowadays that lias the pecul iarly delicious fliivor those brandy soaked birds of my lu-loved boyhood had. The turkey drunk was a grout occasion. It was witnessed by the whole family and nil thv Invited guesls. If there were any. Two hours Is-fore killing tho turkey the head of the fniiiily would fi ! a teacup or n tin cup or sometimes i s M gourd with brandy. This he uoiii i take out to the poultry yard where tho furkoy which wns to provide the Thanksgiv ing dinner would he cooped up by It self In one corner nnd plnce It ou the ground In front of the turkey. Those fowls appeared to he fond of hrntidy, aud tho doomed hird would gobble up the Intoxicating liquor with the relish of a confirmed old toper. Sometimes a particularly ia aud fat turkey would drink the entire contents of the cup. . J "As soon as the bird was through drinking It would be let out of Its coop, and In less than throe minutes It would be stnggerlng about the yard with aa elegant a Jag on as any round er ever enjoyed If the victim was a gobbler tils efforts to maintain his dig nity under the Influence of bis load were as funny as a circus clown's. Stesdylng li!ine!f by an effort, be would throw his bead up. thrust his chest out, lower bis wings till they dragged on the ground ami then try to strut ninong his hens with the donil neerhig pomposity of his sober days. Ills strut Invariably ended In his fall ing Igiiotnliilously ou his nose, and his struggles to regain his equilibrium were equal to the drunken gymnastics of ToodU'K. "The exhibition the Intoxicated gob bler miide of himself created Uliuiis taknhle surprise. If not disgust. In his harem, and Hie liens would draw apart In groups and uiitch the antics of their lord In shocked pllence. The turkey never fulled to get drunker aud drunk er nnd at last would totter and fall and give up to the influence of (he liquor. Then wns, tho time to all! the bird, and i:s head waa cut off while the turkey was In Its stupor. That custom Is fortunately obsolete uow. 1 don't think It nould be a very Inspir ing sight for one to wltnesu nowadays, but in the old time tbe stlfTest teeto taler didn't seem t see anything wrong lu making the Thanksgiving turkey drunk. 1 suppose that would come under the head of cruelty to aui nuts uow. At any rale. It should." I'-. , Thanksgiving Conundrums. Here la a collection of conuudrnms which may be served op wbll the tur key la being served on' Thanksgiving day: What part of the turkey assist my lady In making btr toilet? Comb. What part of the turkey open the front door) Lait part key. What part of th turkey will appear on Wednesday. Dec. IT Bill. What part of a turkey la part of a sen tones? Claws (clause). ., What part of a turkey is used foi cteanlug purposes ..Wlnga (for dust ersi. , What part of a turkey does the farm er watch with auxlety? The crop. Why la the man who eata too fast like a turkey Both ar gobbler. What part of tbe turkey la a a orien tal? The first part-Turk. Why ought tbe turkey to be ashamed when be I being served? Because w th turkey dressing. What color get Ita name from tbe turkey? Turkey red. When the turkey la klng, In what country I be? In Qimo. Turkey and People. ' rd hat t b a turkey Wouldn't youf ' Osttln rosstd or ls bolng In a stswi But, thouch si iv feat hers, w ar enllsrst and we're ruffed. Ant Ttnkrtvtn rtf ' I )-y r t. ,. ttlloa t . : I. - . t- - VXTtl CPX:t S2W wm ix you only Look for our name A POSITIVE GUARANTEE ON EVERY MATTRESS. By thause of, a special Webbing Process," used EXCLUSIVELY, in all Stearns & Foster Mattresses, the tiny Cotton fibres are woven and interwoven into , thin, gauzy sheets delicate as the most priceless lace; 860 of these gauzy sheets are required to make the NINE LAYERS of Cotton. ' ? - These "layers," when ready, stand TWO AND A HALF FEET HIGH. They are then compressed to a thickness of FIVE INCHES making the mattress soft, yet firm, so that, while it sustains the body COMFORTABLY at every point of contact, it is soft without yielding, .; '- Vr. The Laced Opening " shown here is on every Stearns & Foster Mattress, It shows you the quality of the cotton the VERY MATTRESS YOU BUY. You want to be sure that the mattress you buy is PURE, not filled with "Mill Sweepings," foul "Shoddy" or other impure materials that would INJURE your HEALTH YOU ARE SURE IT IS PURE if it's a " STEARNS & FOSTER." Come in and let us show you these mattresses INSIDE AND OUTSIDE. They are the most comfortable most durable and the handsomest mattresses made. Several styles to choose from , prices the lowest, consistent with quality. - We are sure we can suit you both in quality and price, for better mattresses cannot be made or sold for less money. BEAUMONT FURNITURE Hsr Thanksgiving. Oh. have sou 6"t the turkey picked, . Ami i.s the tn n hot And reaily fet ttn pumpkin pies? I'll have- to l:iko h lot. And cur,;uil cakos uml Kirtger snaps, Of each a henpliiK truy. Our boys uml Kirls are coming horns To siifinl TlituikfiKlvliig iluy. I'll make soma siikht rookies too. They unoi! lo like them so When they vere little toddling thlnjs. It setms so Ion? ugo! And apple tarts for daUKhter June With eyes of tender gray. She's brlnxinR both her babies horns To spend Thanksgiving day. I rose hi-toi'1 tho poop of dmvn, 1 had ao r u h to do, But never hats 1 felt so spry, ThouRh I am slxty-tno. To cook and bake snd boll and brew Seenn only tut like play With all tlie dear ones coming hoins To spend Thunksglvlng day. 1 thank the I .on! who Klves to us The sunshlnt) and the ruin That here In one unbroken band I see them once attain Our children and uwli children, too, All haatenini; to oley The voice of love Unit t alls them home To spend Trmnkiifivlt' day -Minna Irving. On th Minicsn Ccrdcr. A Ion 3 the koutlK-rii IxinliT of Mejt CO the li:itUcs sli!l iiriMKirc tlit-lr Tbank-slvlng fei'st with tlu primitive j tools of undent ' times. Ilcapi ami j corn are croinnl Into tnrni ,v the la borious aborlKinr.l nielliiKl to bread nntl frijoles fur the ThauUsslv lug dlnuer. PntlfnceThey y she got all her furniture on the Installment plan? ' PtrliM She did. Khe tins had four husbands and she got a little furnltur" with each e-e. Yonkcra Btatesmnn. tf agS av ' -m. ' . r- v ; .s . 1 fn . fp$ aaaaa i i . mmmmmmmm So CJomtortable W Knew now Lu.ut uAirtoij - you wouia ueve oe content wnuoui Oprn ' This device on every Mattress NO. 27 SOITII MAIX STItKET. Guns and Revolvers Can Be Had at li. L. FINKELSTEIN S Pawn and Lawn Office : ) : y . ' '.-', We.also rent Shot Guns and Rifles by the day or week. Trunks and Leather Goods are our Specialty. 23 SOUTH MAIN ST. Try Gazette-News . I, Vox. SCOTCH NOVILTTXS. You no-doubt -would, like to see the latest vogue In Men's wear. Gray to'ues In soft finish Scotch and English Worsted and Wool Suitings are ex tremely popular. We have then. LOOAH , MarokMt Tailor, 14 North Pick mmm uniu.viiiv 5V'ii ( on every i Mattress COMPANY .C'i I! Want Ad v.