Xlonday, TTovcaifccr Ziyi . THE ASJE7IIL!i .GAZ2TT2-KEV7S.. r -r aJ) Happenings Personal Mention, News of the Societies, " Meetings, Etc ;' , . THE SOCIAL OCTLOOK. : I THE "week opena with but llttlo prospect of a break In the so cial calm that marks the In terim between. eeasone, In Ashevllle. The largo reception to be klven Tues day evening by Mr. and Mrs. Reuben j Rawls for MK and Mrs. Charles T. Rawls and the notaDie nign noon wed ding at the First Baptist church V eOneadliy, win"" niH jjciua mani.iin Whittlngton, and William Turner But trick 'will ite united In marriage, will be the. social events of Interest. A 'few luncheons and very - Informal at! r homes with perhaps small pre-miptlal i affairs given In honor of the bride to tbe by Intimate friends, will make up lihA nt'iAta nf' iAilBl entertainment.' A number 01 out-or-iown TnanKdgiwng rS r-"" T"T"" 1 'family reunions have been called off ' because of the unexpected school ses vaion Friday, following the Thanksgiv ing holiday. ; The children are grlev i Ing over the loss of their long-looked- foward-to outings, although of course in some instances the parties will go v on as planned and the children miss 1 the day in school. . The Thanksgiving ball at the Battery Park hotel, with ,-' the Mooney-Blngham football game and Thanksgiving ' matinee, . will 'brighten the latter part of the week " for the younger set ft Y. W. C. A. Notes. ' The excellent talk given by Miss .Elizabeth Sinclairyesterday afternoon ' at the vesper service of the Y. W. C. v A. made a fitting close to the obser 5 vance of the world's week of prayer. '-There was a good attendance and all listened with much Interest to what ' the association throughout, the world has accomplished during the past ( year. The Embroidery class, which was . Interrupted last week, ' will be resum ed tonight at 7:40 with Miss Georgia Dennis teaching. The regular meeting of the board of directors will be held tomorrow morn ing at 10:80. ft ft Missionary Society Meeting. The Anna Aston Missionary society will hold the prayer meeting at Cen tral church Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The following is the program: Devotional exercises. Mrs. E. C. Chambers, leaflet, "The World Our Parish." "Our Work In Brazil." Mrs. Frank Smith. ' ' Review of the book, "The Days of June." Mrs. W. J. Cocke. , All the young women of the Ashe vllle Methodist churches are urged to attend; visitors cordially welcomed. ft ft Dinner to Factory ClUldren. The senior Phllatheas of the en '. tral Methodist church will serve a Thanksgiving dinner Thursday to 60 , of the' factory children at the Metho dist chapel near the mills. The Sal- I vii Una army rr providing a Thanks giving feast for the poor uptown, but these children have no Thanksgiving holiday and If they are to taste of the good things of the season It must be during their short nooning. For this the Phllatheas are making generous provision. ' ft ft Central Plillatltea Officers. The Phllathea class of the Central Methodist church held thier annual election of officers yesterday. The fol lowing officers were elected for the coming year: Miss Kathleen Ware, president; Mrs. Howell, vice-presi dent; Miss Minnie McElrath, secretal rjr and treasurer. ft ft The pupils of Mrs. Julia Burdlck gave an Interesting recital in the pres ence of their parents and friends Sat urday afternoon. . The demonstration of "Miss Keyboard's School" by the Burrow's class was unique and snowed Plainly how thorough, and yet how at tractive, this kindergarten method is, to the beginner In musical study. The motion songs Introducing the numer ous steps, in accomplishing the theory, as well as technique, of piano playing, were sung by the little ones with en ergy and precision. Most of the piano pieces were "played from memory, AfUr the following program delightful refreshments were served by Mrs. Burdlck: 1. Jack and Jill, .'. . . . . .Spauldlng Martha Chambers. 2. Merry Trifles Polka Lindsay - Pauline Smathers. 3. 3 Mother Goose Rhymes, musical setting by- Katherlne Burrowes. Dorothy Atkinson. 4. Dance of the Dryads Carl Wolf Leona Lambertson. 8. Class Demonstration I. of Burrows Method. . Marguerite Valse ... . . .Kern Mary Francis Shuford. 7. a) Etude Cserny (b) Tranmerel and Romans. . , . , , Schumann (c) WlaWla-Intermesso. - Englemann Dorothea Weaver. I. Essay on "Josef Maydn" Dorothy Atkinson. (a) The Mill Wheel. .Gexa Horvath lb) Wild Horseman Schumann Edmund Burdlck. 10. In Maytlme, Old English Dance , ... Blschoff Adalena Weaver. II. Class Demonstration II. of the Burrowes ' Method, ft ft The tea room at the Woman's ex change will be open Thanksgiving day ind the serving of an appetising tur key dinner will be the feature of the day. This Is . the revival of an old feuatnm -. i l i m . . - cAi'uniigp mat ni isjien Into disuse for the past year or two and the announcement of Us revival win be welcomed by many lovers of a good home dinner, well cooked and attractively served. Several families have expressed a determination to dine en famlle In' the pretty tea room on Thursday. x The room wljl be attrac tively decorated with the foliage and flowers of autumn. Special dinner may be ordered, but the regular Thanksgiving' menu of "turkey and flxln's" will be toothsome enough to satisfy the most epicurean taste. ' ' ' ' ft ft . 4 Paul' and Hobart Canaday enter ta'ned : their ' neighborhood friends with an old-fashioned candy pull Sat urday evening at their home on Mer rimon, avenue., Julius Mtrrtlu won the prize for pulling the whitest' candy In IS minutes, the time limit. The guests who .took part in the froUe were BruCe and Stanford Webb, Julius and Norman Martin, Reuben Rawls, Roy Donnahoe, Daniel Hodgtw and Horace Robertson. . j ft ft "The Wranglers" will hold their regular meeting this evening at the Manor. The subject for discussion is "Our ' Methods of Punishing Crimi nals." J. E. Swain will be the essay ist, and Allen Morrison the respond ent. . ; - ft ft The bridal party of the Whltting-ton-Buttrlck wedding will be enter tained Tuesday evening at the home of the Misses Whlttington on Vance street A buffet luncheon will be served. ft ft "The Strollers" will meet tomorrow night at the home of Mrs. Charles M. Piatt on North French Broad avenue. Burnett Jordan will read Ibsen's "The Doll House." p - ,.- ,., 'j ' ' ft 'ft " ' ' , Miss Helen Murphy will entertain tomorrow with a luncheon at her home In West Ashevllle, Mrs. E. H. Dysart of Marlon is in Ashevllle for a few days. ft ft W. W. Neal and W. K. M.GIlkey of Marlon are Ashevllle visitors to day. ft ft R. L. Qroome of Knoxvllle Is a bus iness visitor today. ft ft J. M. Burns spent the week-end In Shelby with Mrs. Burns and Mrs. A. B. .Ware, who are visiting in that city with relatives. ft ft All of the grades of the Orange street school won the Friday half hoi lday granted for a high average of at tendance, with the exception of the Fifth B grade. AH of the teachers celebrated the notable occasion by taking part In a bountiful luncheon served In the building after the dis missal of the pupils at noon. Mrs. E. R. Randall, who has been 111 with rheumatism for the past ten weeks, Is slowly Improving, but Is una ble ter wsflV yets--" i , ft ft Editor Barrows of the Hustler, Hen dersonville, Is in the- oity today, ft ft A. A. Buehrer leaves today for his home In Ohio to spend Thanksgiving with his parents and other relatives at Toledo, O. - ' ft ft Miss Marie Oruver, who has been staying at The Elm, on Walnut street, left this morning for Johnson City Tenn., where she will spend a month. 4 ' ' Mrs. Elsie Dunn, who has been vis iting friends In the city, left today for Augusta. ft ft f Captain and Mrs. J. A. Tennent left for Oakland, Fla., this afternoon. ft ft . - Miss .Sadie McDowell of Seattle, who has been the guest of relatives In the city, left today for Charleston, ft ft Miss Rose Batterham, a graduate of the Ashevllle High' school January, '08, was sent from the Greensboro Normal college as a delegate to the recent T. W. C. A. conference at Richmond, Va. Miss Arney Robinson of the class of June, '08, Is one of three delegates chosen to represent the College for Women In Columbia at the Y. W. C. A. conference to be held in Rochester, N. T, during the Christmas holidays. - Miss McCllntock, president of the college, will chaper onu the young ladles to Rochester; they will be gone about a week, leav ing December 29. I ft ft Mr. and Mrs. Alf. S. Barnard re turned yesterday from a visit of sev eral weeks In New York. ft ft Mrs. Julius C. Martin has returned from Washington, where she spent several weeks. ft ft Professor Reuben Mitchell of Mar shall spent the week-end In the city. ft ft Mr. and Mrs. Jellard of St Louis, who are in Ashevllle in the Interests of the American Woman's league, have taken the Mitchell cottage om West Chestnut street for the winter. ft ft Frederick Rutledge left today for a business trip to the east ft ft Mrs. Gay Williams of Stocksvllle arrived In the city today and will be the guest of her nieces, the. Misses Whlttington. until after the Whlttlng.- ton-Buttrlck wedding. ft ft Dr. B. R. Fakes returned Friday from a three weeks' stay in New York. ft ft Mrs. M. D. Long left yesterday for a week's visit with relatives In Greenville. ft ft " Miss Ethel Reeves hs returned from a visit of several months in Chi cago and in eastern cities. ft ft E. W. Carter of Brevard spent yes terday In Ashevllle. ft ft D. M. Mcintosh of Old Fort Is here for a day or so. ft ft Col. J. L. Ludlow of Winston, snnl tary engineer of the state bonrd of No Reason for Doubt WORKS OF ART. Among the recent importations of art novelties and embroideries made by Mrs. A. S. Denoon, whose art store is situated in the Sondley Building, opposite the Ashevllle Club on Hay wood street are a number of beautl fully embroidered and hand made handkerchiefs direct from Switzerland, and Armenia. Many of the designs are exquisite In their dainty effects and have elicited the enthusiasm of some of Ashevllle's society ladles. "PJ A I NT I NESS in - candies depends on freshness. No matter how good they may have been, they are not good now unless they are delicately fresh. NUNNALLY'S come by fast express from the makers straight to this town. They seem always fresher than candies tht come by slow freight and they are. A fresh supply always kept by C A, KAYSOR, SI Pattoii Avenue. 'None like Nannally's. SUEDE BOOTS FOR , THANKSGIVING e've a new shipment of black or tan Suede button shoes just in. If you want a jneiiy uress snoe, inese are the most popular. Let us fit your next pair. Price $4.00 and $5.00. health, Is In Ashevllle for a brief atuy. ,--'V. ft ft Jordan S. Thomas and T. C. Guth rie of Charlotte ure here today. , ft ft H. A. London, jr., of Louisville Is In the city. Shoe Co. Cash Shoeists. On the Square PHOTOS OF MEN . Alcolm's Businetts Mngazlne had Mr. Ray make photos of prominent New York Business Men. bocauso his pho tos had lota of style, showing manly looking men in easy natural poses. showing lots of character. ' RAY'S STUDIO, - M Patton Avenue. Formerly 1 Fifth Ave.. New York. ANYTHING AUTISTIC ABLE. IS DF.SIK- Thnt's why antique Jewelry Is pre ferred. There Is urtlstlc hundlcraft In the old. For sale at VICTOR, STERN'S AXTIQI E ARTS AND CRAFT SHOP. Sondley Building. Hnywond St. WORK THAT PLEASES Hair Drcwdng. shampooing. Scalp Treatment, MasMigp, MunU'iirliig, Chi ropody, etc. MISS CRUISE, 87 Ifnywoml St. on, seen AJ mxuiors tastes Yum, yum! .Have you ever tasted Pistachio Nuts? For sole all leading grocers and druggists. 10c n package. Samples free at MOUNTAIN CITY STATIONERY CO. II. M. NAIIIKIAN. Prop. SS patton Ave. OUR FRENCH DRY CLEANING DEPARTMENT Is kept busy with work from ladies and gentlemen who are satisfied ONLY with the best of every thing. Men's suits dyed, cleaned and pressed. La dies' white gloves, kid slippers, opera cloaks and silk and woolen suits thoroughly cleaned and renovated. Asheville Laundry, J. A. NICHOLS, Manager PHONE 95. They Can Be Had Now, But A arrnt line of rtoukH. 1 JOo, 2.V. Novels, Rooks for Imys. girls' and I'hililrrn (Alger. Ilenty. Mayno Relil. Greenwood. Mrade. IJttlo ITiuly. Trowbridge), Carey, and oilier good 'mix), I'ocm, Ac. lick tlii'in early, for thry linger not. . Styllxli (Jurmciitx for Indlcx ami iiiIhmpm reiluml far helutr rr- , trill prlieM. Our Suits, CoaIm. and Capes are made hy . good lallors whit know the dolus to bny and who make well lilting goods In the styles approved by wearers of line apparel. As to Men's nml Hoys' SulM anil Overcoats you will travel far ' very fnr lo Hurt the equal of our amorlnteiit. All Hie new effect In stin k, nearly ii i to tlie) grade ol custom work. Yv show good Wool Suits at $7.50 to SO (Speclnl nargalns In lei y niiide) nml in the runse 'twist $15 and $25 a mi peril line. Stylish new thing jusl opened In line Shoes. Novelty Fnr lint. Fur Scarfx, MnlTs, nml C'liililren's Fur Set. Steamer lings and Indian similiter Holies, Flue Wool Itrcwi (JimkIk, Cor net. Ribbons, F.tiibroiderleia, Neckwear, Mufflers. Kid Gloves, ttolf Gloves, t'nliin SiiIih, Vndcrweiir of all kinds, Aprons, IngerNoll Watches. Ac.. c. &c. Ac. We respectfully ak nn early rnll on the men liamllxe for Clirlstinim IrcscntH. While we hIiiiII make a strong effort to keep the Hue up there are ninny choice dninly things of for elun manufacture of which wo now have a stock but of which we can get no more. Tlie N. Y. Importer are nearly bare now of the very best things. H. Redwood & Co. Thanksgiving Post Cards AVe have a nice line of Thanksgiving Tost Cards. "We invite your inspection. HacKney 6 Moale Co. ON THE SQTJARE. A Statement ot Facts Backed by a Strong Guarantee. We guarantee Immediate and posi tively relief to all sufferers from from constipation. In every case where our remedy, fails to do this we will supply it free. That's a frank state ment of facts, and we want you to substantiate them at our risk. Recall Orderlies are a gentle, ef fective, dependable and safe 1 bowel regulator,' strengthens and tonic, that are eaten like candy. They re-establish nature's functions In a o.ulet easy way. - They do not cause any Incon venience, griping or nausea. They are so pleasant to take, and work so easi ly, mat uiey may, be taken by any one at any time.. They thoroughly tone up the whole system to healthy activity. . They have a most beneficial action upon the liver. Rexall Orderlies are unsurpassable and ideal for the use of children, old folks and delicate persons. We can not too highly recommend them to all sufferers rom any form of constipa tion and Its attendant evils. That's why we back our faith In them with our promise of money back If they do not give entire satisfaction. Two slses: II tablets 10 cents and 8$ tab lets IS cents. Remember you can ob tain Rexall Remedies In Ashevllle only at our store, The Rexall Store. Smith's Drug 8tore, Pack 8quare, opp. Public Library. V t r T J ? fcA jA.fca.ssW..aSwSw.jss.a..s.ja.. ja. a. j&a. 6a. j6s. j6s. A t 'Wtr 'Wr 'fm 'Wr Wr Wr r T Prices on Oil Heaters The Three Best LARGE BANNER .$4.75 SMALL BANNER .$3.50 LARGE ECLIPSE .... .$2.55 V This last is all right in every way, but we there is nothing equal to the first two. claim I J. Ii. LAW, 35 Palton Ave. . jfc is sW sifc sass WdfiirAjfc Afclfc saifc Ajfc AA slsiAifc JtA Ak AsVslfc ssA A aa. as. as. T J ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t ? ? f Of more than passing interest to ladles hereabouts Is the knowledge that Ashevllle possesses a tailoring establishment that produces man-tailored suits the equal of those made In New York and ParlB. The efforts of Mr. Logan, the Pack Square tailor. In this direction last season met with sucn a accmea measure or success that this season he has brought from the east a number of high class man tailors that do ladles' tailoring exclu sieiy, ineir work Dcing equal to any produced abroad. tf CHIROPRACTIC, THE KEY TO HEALTH! What will you give to lie Well, to hnve Good Figure, Vibrant Hcnlth, Hested Nerves? Do you "Fear Old W Inter's coming on liecuuae of your Rheumutlsm';" Then Investigate for yourself a Sclenre us I'orrect bj Mathematics and learn how wo can Relieve you. t'onnultatinn and Exam ination Free! Office hours 10 to 12 A. M. and 2 to 5 P. M. 1 July At tendant. Phone 621. Ijinge ttutldln g. N. W. Pnck 8cimre. Dr. S. Ij. Whltniore. "KIKOPHACTI V. DOCTOHS." Dr. t'luy I Ihmiu. MILLINERY Speclnl reductions will lie given In all Fall and. Winter Millinery f'-r the remainder of this week. PIPER AND JAMES, Popular lrlce Store, DO I'litton Ave. ARTIIl'Il P. HEEVEM. M. I. Announces the opening of his ottiue. Rooms 10 and 11, New Sondley llldg. Cor. West College and Haywood Sla. Aslievllle, N. O. Office Phone 90. Res. Phone H23. Otllce Hours: 10 to 12 a. m. 6 to 7:80 p. m. and by appointment. 1 For Clean, Ifcaltry Recreation. Kt a vehicle of convenience and a saver of car fares for the worklngman there Is nothing that gives so much return for a moderate Investment as the bicycle.. Call and let us demon strata to you In figures where It saves you money. . We have the I ver-Johnson agency. 4. M. IIF.AKX A CO., Battery Park Place. . Phone 44. FLOWER BULBS. We can supply Tulip, Narcis sus, Daffodil, Crocus, Dutch and Roman Hyacinth, Oxalls and Japan Lily Bulbs. Novem ber is the best month for plant ing bulbs out-door. It Is also a good time to plant Sweet Peas. Fall plantings give the best blooms. Sow the seed 4 to i Inches deep. "Everything In Drugs and Seeds." ' GRANT'S PHARMACY, Agents for Wood's Seeds. For Sale i Desirable residence on HUlsido street, near Mer rimon avenue . car line, $2,500 less than value. LaBart!, Hfcsla & Chiles, REAL ESTATE and IN SURANCZ, 27 Patton Avenue. MtlMMMIHMOMMMMMMHMHniMMIMMt X f The hih price of Turkeys is equally balanced by the low prices and superior quality of our CARVING SETS ' . . . ' A standard moke that has 'iven our customers pleasure ( .. ..... usin3 for many years. , , ARTHUR M. FIELD CO. ; THANKSGIVING SPECIALS We have all you will need to have for a good dinner. Raisins, Nuts, Grapes, Mince Meat, Plum Pudding, Figs, Dates, Fruit and also Romeo Coffee. YATES & McGUIRE; 23 HaywoodiSt. . ; Pbone 221. 970. 1ADY BALTIMORE CAKES' 1 ' 5 Cents. Fresh daily. HESTON'S TELEPHONIC 184. City Depot Biltmore Dalryl FOR SALE. Two Montford Avenuo Res idences $.1200 each. These are prime value. ( , Natt AtKinson's Sons Company, ' Real C Dealcn. i Something to Give Thanks For Our Special Thanksgiving Sale Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday Only We will offer all Suits and Overcoats at prices that you'll tliank us for. Hetneniber this sale is only for three days and will contain sonic rare bargains: Suit Department All $."0.00 Suits for Men. Thanksgiving Price .$25.00 All $28.')0 Suits for Men. Thanksgiving Price. $23.50 All $'25.00 Suits for Men. Thanksgiving Price .$21.00 All $22.50 Suits for Men. Thanksgiving Price $19.50 All $20.00 Suits for Men. Thanksgiving Price. $17.50 Also special prices on Boys' Suits and Overcoats. Overcoat Department All $.10.00 Overcoats for Men. Thanksgiving Price $26.50 AH 28.50 Overcoats for Men. Thanksgiving Price . .". . . .$24.50 All $25.00 Overcoats for Men. Thanksgiving Price .$22.00 All $22.50 Overcoats for Men, Thanksgiving Price $20.00 All $20.00 Overcoats for Men. Thanksgiving Price. $18.00 These goods will positively be sold at above prices for CASH ONLY. You should certainly gee these new, up-to-dato Stein-Plock and Suits and Overcoats. 233 Schloss Dros.' 1'MlOCR Clothing' to 41 PATTON AVENUE