- i 4 .1 i tl 5 Ik . .US A . s : .C M ; : 1 3 1 r- 1 cm Statement of Condition of x- - gen s Edsi Asheville, N. C. At Close of Business November 16th, 1909 mi RESOURCES. LIABILITIES ..Loirns l,4!K.2l' Capital Stock .. . $50,000.00 Overdrafts 29.100 Surplus and profits'!;. ..... . 10,285.07 .Furniture ami fixtures 4,0()0.0 Money Wrowed ...... None Cash on hand and in hanks . . . C4.470.5ri Debits 252,977.10 ii::.2;2.77 $.U1,22.77 I, .1 no. A. Ciimphell, Cashier of tlie above named hank, swear the ahove statement true to the liest of my knowledge and helief. .J NO. A. CAMPHFjLIj, Cashier. THIS BANK is fully eniped for the careful and conservative handling of all gen eral haukinir luisiness, and resK'etfully invites attention to its representative directorate. Thev are eareful luisiness men who have successfully managed their own affairs. S. LIPINSKY GEO. S. POWELL W. R. WHITsJON GEO. A. MURRAY DIRECTORS JULIUS C. MARTIN J. R. OATES M. H. KELLY H. TAYLOR ROGERS F. STIKELEATHER H. C. JOHNSON JOHN A. CAMPBELL EDWIN L. RAY Patronize Home Industry Fertilizer SUNDAY AT THE M. E. CONFERENCE Mmle rlulit hire at your ibmr am' eliul l If not superior In unv ! of the kind tin tin- ni;irkit. Wo have reference from those hn have trloil ; our Fertilizer nml nsk jmi In rail ml wo them Purtlo anllrlpatlnR pun base of ft' tlllur In lurite iiiiantitii x will (I lu see u untl k' our prli i. Tilers liikon for smiill imntH ! We want Burnt In every town. I .an. frlu e. "'' Asheville PackingCo. Oflk-c ami I'minr) I'hoiic 7 IS. j t il I'linnc VS anil 333. j (Continued from pas 1.) miiM linvc them. Anil, raid ho, the Inko of tire nnil brimstone, tho nft-rn:il lake. has frighti-nod many, and may it friuhten more Into .1 better life, but If aro holiiK snvnl for fear of that alone It l pm-nle. TakliiK it)1 Oo' liMiiiiiri'lili'nls n.i Ki 11 liy St. John, mid the mention by tin' S.ivlor that In my father's Iumi lire many muri-lons he nave I he lr.r ni tlftien mile cube, unl unable to ho' I tho-ie ho haw- nlrea'tv pone, nml p.ii.l lh.it he thought that (bid's man sion uiih or lf the unlvirw anil all the rnlllioitn ot worlds and the Marti ai. the iii.iiii.iohk. Thi n iHiim hiiiK into an ttoosier Kitchen Cabinets Call and see this wonderful housekeepers' friend. Enroll your name in our club and get in on Ground Floor. Special prices to club members. Burton & Holt THANKSGIVING ISN'T THANKSGIVING Without pMiJ Cakf for vour diuutT. You can gvl tlit-st nt ; . COLLEGE STREET BAKERY, 37 East College St. ' - ' i-xporltlon of tho Mara and the world and Ond'a fl.ct with H he proreed d from one (rrnnd Ktatomont to nn other till nil rnt enrapt as the thmiKht of a irrent tndent of the cpli li nal world unfolded what he hax roneeKi d II!" f;o.l Intent lie took noiy of the power awnv from flod. hut the rather nld that tiod ronhl have made man to live In the wnt.-r n well a. he did n flfih. we do not understand the maa nltii le of fiod'n Klft. Then carrying hi lu ari r throuth the part of orig inal uln. ho averted thnt ho believed that thl earth I tho altar pleeo on whieh the tu.n of flod waa offered a mierifti e, nml tho work will nn on till all liii people ahull be given a world to rule over, and that n the work Koe on ami the njieaker ruled the planet of Mercury nnd some of tho oth'-rr slmPiir worlilr. the time will rom. when by wlrilexn tilernph we run nniinon Caul and tho othi-rx and -It down In a moment and talk about hldtory. wo nil fllttlnir from plnee to pla-o with no Idea a to dlatanro ir time. CI "i. 11 IT with: It will bo worth all the aiifferinii of a thourand year to bo In atioh a (date, an I tho hlKheat phxahal phanuro will hv In Hlght tliroiiRli tho air. It w.ia auhllmo and all wn pralhc n tho Krent crowd paawd out. Iiiniiiiik anil i:iiler tlrdnlned. KoIIowIiik the Hermon the following yoiinit men preBented llieinm hi h at the altar and were nr.lallied ilea eoii.i in the iliiirrh ot (5od: J. I'. Harmon, A C Swuftord, ;. A Stamper. J. K. Htarnoa, It A. Taylor, I.. I. Thompwon. J. O. Krwln and ha. V. I'M.lRi tt Tho Row Pan At kins and W. It. Ware reading tho two leaonr, At Ihr ovonlng proarhiiiR hour thoro wero ordained aa ildem In tho rhurrh of i;d. tho followlnu: V. K. Aborno tln. V. T. AlbriKht. A It Itell. XI. II. t'l ltK, J. II. !rein. V 8. Klrkpatrlek. W. A. IJiliiheth. V. l liudlHlll, I). 1', Waier and joa. A. rty. Thin i lornd a bjiay and a profitable day. All tho i huniuH, white and vol ored, wore filled !) mombom of the conference at ImiUi the moriiing; and i venliiK aervlr Many thliiKi happened at the Moth o.llt mifi reiiee after Saturday report cloned and follow here In abbreviated form: Saturday .Vfli-riKMin Sotwdiai. Tu a larue majority nf the member of n Methoillat conference much time la loat, ai the btahop and the cabinet aet the pace, and have to work alone, no when an afternoon bualnow aea Ion comet It la treatly approojated. Katurday evonlu- inch a aomlon was hold, ot which much work was 4une ami warm argument iru,nic (hat had Ita run with notMIng In the way. r inwon-sak-m ext irar. Tly previous action 1 p. m. had been ot for naming the next place of meeting, and that wna dlapoeed of by electing W'lnaton-Salem over Ilen- derannvtlle. In which tho amaller town found many frlenda, but the child ren' home won for Wlnnton. Would Xoi Aide on Suiulay. ; Floiahlng that the reports of the committees or boards were read as follows: Church extension. Sabbath observance, laymen's meeting, and district conference record. All these were adopted easily' except that on Sabbath observance-, which caused an Interesting debate on the recommen dation of closed drug; store and Sun day riding of trains, "even for going to divine worship,1" .. The drug stoic part went over easy, but as to trains a large number had a my. i, W. Jones, riato Durham, M. H. Hoyle, J. '. Howe and others talking, and that part 'of It was changed to "except when nec-;ary." 1m Ib-we said he refused to walk to appointment on Sunday if a train or car ran 4hat way while Mr. Hoyle declared he would' miss an appointment rather than go, aa his feet had never been on a Sun day train. Plato Durham argued for liberality, but refused to be put down in favor of Sabbath deaecratlon. Kiahop Atkins hit tho wife ground when he said "the Snbbaih was made for mnn, not man for the Subbnth," nnd read Isaiah 18:14-1''. which with Christ's teachings wae his culde. Taking up, question l'1. Asheville, Charlotte and Franklin illstrlcta were culled and reports mmlc. laymen's Baniuct. Ch- rloa II, Iceland, the conference lay reader. Is never at lulled with small things, and as a nault he nnd his helpers prepared nnd served a bamiuet Saturday evening In Music hall, when covers for J were placed. The spread- w as bounteous, and the oratorical part even better. Rev. W It. Ware acted as toantmnmor and in troduced the speakers: "The Business Side of Mlaalons," W. D. Turner; "The Korelgner Within our Hates," Dr. John It. Nelsons "Education nnd Mis aloiia," II. A. Hayes; rivilljtlng Ef fect. of Missions," J. ' Shlnn. Each one of theae scored. It. Nolaon was Introduced as a "mountain white, but turned the tables by calling names of foreign origin present, and Raid the mountain hite was the purest Anitlo-Saxon of nil. Mr. Shlnn touch. ,1 the central ch"rd again, rals inu the "rebel yell," n ho described the transformation of a backwoods man, nnd assorted thai the great In dustrial development of tho sauth may have a higher purpose than com nicrcf the bringing t-mether and anv il, k' the help he knew no better way than the local building and loan, for once In hla own hom- you can leave him nnd aoek another. It was a fine two hours. Miwlonary Ml-IiI. Saturday night was missionary nivht and In charge also of Charles II. Ireland, vice president of the board of missions, who Introduced Kev. w. A. Wilson, n rfturned mis sionary from Japan. , Tor Mlmiona H1,H 10.87. ltefore the speaker Jnan, Rev. J. E. !ray rend the report tt the mis sionary operations 111. the conference the past year, showing that inclmb lug the women and the church OX' tension the conference raised $61,- 840.$". Mr. Wilson In a short but pointed way cmphnalzcil the ' importance 01 missionary work In Japan, pointing nut that she held tha key to me progress In China and Korea and can block the way should she see fit. SMaks nf Korea. The next speaker of the ulttht was Ilev. C. tl. Ilnunchell, a missionary from Korea. In the introduction of whom Mr. Ireland said he csme from a country that was silling In ashes, and whose only hope Is In tho gospel of Christ. Mr. Haunchell is a man or ability and enthused hi audience In the out aot by telllni; them how the business men of this nation America are opening up their fortunes to save those In darkness; and then in lan guage both energetic and eloquent he told of conditions ripe for a great harvest of souls n that country, open country, now bogging for Ihc gospel. Or. John It. Ni-taon Again. The home missionary aecretary, I Mr. John It. Nelson, was again Introduced to atreas the Importance of the homo mission field as well the foreigners, the Indians and tho neglected of our own people. Dr. Nelson asked for and took a colb-ction for home mis sion work In Now Mexlca. 254 CASTOR OIL1" POWDER I Un Im fr TAlTCttM tttvn m Amt BEST A.ND SJkFCST LAXATIVE KNOWN 5 SOUTH MAIN ST. -W mm ai w J- TTTT"!" Women's Cois in a Tim jtmwcnoHmmmm A remarkable assortment bought for the sole purpose of holding an out-bf-the-or-dinary sale. Tliere are handsome coats of seal plush, of broadcloth, of kersey, and tourist coats in mixture's and different kind. In fact, in the big lot the styles and materials are almost too many to specify. I '1 -' Tlure nrp fnll-lenffth models, semi-fittiner1 models, models with storm collars, with isliawl collars or with coat collars. Some are -lined throughout ,some are half line la in fact, there is a coat of almost every style that has any style to it, and tor every puriose, automobiling, walking, driving, evening wear or for wet weather. Many black coats in the lot and all sizes. - liook where you will, you can't find a coat to. equal any of these for less than u.uv. uui iixuiiua uuu x uvnvtctj liiivc. .... ... ... ... .. j, 1 4o7 Dress Goods Sale 2000 yds. Fine 52 in. Broadcloth all colors, for Capes, $1.50 'value, at . . . .. $1.00 yd. 75c Serge, all colors, for Suits, at 50c yd. 300 yards Shepherd Plaids for one piece suits, 75c value, for ... ... .-.', . . . .50c yd. Suit Sale .300 Fine Tailored Suits, all colors, $18.00, $20.00, $25.00 value, will be sold at... ... ........ ............. .$12.95 Millinery Sale The most Beautiful llais in "Asheville at Great Reductions in Price. Big Underwear Sale for Women and Children. The PALAIS ROYAL 5 South Main Street. WANT AD. COLUMNS.- THTRY THE GAZETTE-NEWS 5Y BRING GOOD RESULTS. IE If H4v K AUA A I A Ait. R D H ' V,.; ; ' . .Vn 4 ' , Only two days left and although a great many ladies took advantage of it, by coming, early, I Ktill have Pplendid bargains' left Tomorrow (Tuesday) at 9 aVnvl fiiiali 'piit on ; sale all 'of my beautiful Cluny Ijicc Bureau Scarfs, Table Covens Center Pieces, at CpST PKICKS. Some of them merely cost of the fine lirien. Two dozen Handkerchiefs left. Mexican Drawn 'Vrjrk JJorders 15c 2 for 25o Several njecial bargains in the heaviest Silk Kimonas. Come and see them. No more Shirt Waist Patterns left all sold. A few Egyptian Silver Scarfs at $4.50.0 better gift for "Xms for the moncv. Some Jewelry, too. Too busy to enumerate all. Won't yon come and examine themi Fiach purchase of $2.00 or more gets 'a package of Naki's Pistachio Kuta free. i ' ' ' ' , , I -' ' , i i ' ' ' " . r 1 i I . , MT. GITY STATIONERY GOiIPAMY - h. m. nahikian, Prop; ' v, ..h.'.-;.''.: . ':'..r':i-"::;-":'iL 23 PATTON vvtiue

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