I Ok U4 W - ? . JS-' O UIFk "TyE WANT to thank our customers and friends most heartily for their support and pat . ronage of the past year. It's been rather a remarkable year in the history of this store. A year of rapid strides of sure and steady . progress. We've gone ahead by putting difficulties j out of the way by giving in value always a little more than the purchaser expected. We're thankful to our friends for the friends they have made for us for their kindly interest. We're : thankful that our efforts have been appreciated. They've been hard, earnest efforts that have shown results in our ability to offer Merchandise of the topmost quality at money-saving prices. Our present big stock of Clothing and Furnishings is the very best example as to that. Suits and overcoats of the very newest, snappiest style all pure virgin wool many silk-lined and at $i8,-$2o, $25 and $30. They are values, a real buying opportunity that ought to awak en in you a little Thanksgiving on; your own account. Your suit, your overcoat is here. May we help you select it. j "-L J ft a - mm 1 jm e E "Just a Whisper 9 Off the Square." IMMItllHMM HHIMHMMMMHM Ml AMUSEMENTS W W ThanksKiving matinee and H H nlKlit"Fower of the Ranch." H H Mutinee at 4 p. m. t Friday, Nov. 2 "The Gold- t en QlrU" ' H k W . UK It It Kit 'Tlio Flower of Uie Ranch." At the Grand next Thursday (ThanksKiving), matinee and night, thtre will be a stirring story of the rugged west set to music, "The Flower of the Ranch." ' This offering la by Joseph E. Howard, composer of "A Htiihhorn Cinderella," "The Girl Qui stliin," "The Dlstrlck Leader," and a number of 'others, but "The Flower f the Ranch'! Is easily the best thing Hownrd has ever put before the pub lic, and that Is saying a lot when sev eral of these have had phenomenal rung. The story -of the play Is laid In uiurornla during the days of "4, Muring the rendition of "The Days of '49." a stage coach of the frontier day type Is Introduced and makes one of the prettiest Of stage pictures. "The Flower of the Ranch" Is not a shotgun opera, for there la only one lltol shot fired and that Is back be hind the scenes. It Is a good, clean, wholesome entertainment and a de cidedly novel character. The company consists of Jess Har ris, a comedian entitled to star; j. M. Clayton, John E. Frank, Charles T. Mast, Walter E. Long, Alva D. Slmma, Mark Reed, Mlsa Nellie Waiters and Miss Ellen James, together with a singing and dancing chorus of 30. The scenic, electrical and costume production Is adequate In every re spect So as not to conflict with the Blng-bam-Mooney football game, which will start promptly at I o'clock, the matinee will not begin till 4 p. m., giving everyone ample time to at tend the game at Riverside park and still be In plenty of time for the per formance. The entire Bingham school accompanied by both teams, will at tend the matinee In a body. The stage, theater and boxes will be hand somely decorated in the colors of Bingham and Mooney. Reserved seats for both matinee and night opened at the Mountain City Stationery store, and indications ure that there will be two capacity houses, 'TM GoWen Girl," Friday, Novem- - - bee M. " Hough, Adams and Howard have carvednother notoh In the ladder of fame with their latest musical come, ly success, "The Golden Girl," which comes to the Grand for one perform a nee Friday. November 16. ' These- authors have never vet known what It is to write a failure. and In the production of "The Golden Girl" they are said to have outdone all previous efforts, and made a dis tinct departure from all former suc cesses. The plot contains a pretty love story, with scenes laid at West Point military academy, and shows Messrs. Hough and Adams In their merriest mood, while Joe Howard's music is pronounced the best he has ever composed. Forgetting the jingle, song and mirth of the lighter side of the musi cal comedy, there is always a scene that remains firmly implanted In the memory of the auditor. 'Tls the story of the devotion shown by old General Carroll, who served under Moberly and who worshipped the "Stars and Bars" better than anything else In all the world. His story of how he gave up his sweetheart to fight for whnt he thought was right, brings tears to ev ery eye, and his beautiful character stands out like a beacon light through kaleldescoplc changes In this whirling spectacle of .song and munlc. To say that, the piece was staged by Ned Wnynurn is an assurance that it con tains many novel and unique fea tures. ." ' - The principal parts are in the hands of Jimmy, Lucas and ' Marie Flynn, who are ably assisted by a score of well-known players, and a beauty chorus of 10, such as only the LaSalle school turns out. The big musical features are "The Indian Love Song," which gives am pie scope for beautiful stage settings and picturesque cnstumliis; and 'Wine, Woman, and Song," which contains many novel features; while the song hlls include "I Think I Hoar a Woodpeeki-r Knocking on My Fam ily Tree," "I Can't Love Everybody, "Let's Go Down and Take In the Shows,'" "Vive la Nult" and "KIkk Me." t, Reserved si sale opens at the Mountain City Stationery store Wed nesday at 9 a. m. 1IOMF. OF MRS. HYATT DESTROYED BY FlltK Rinse at WayiirMVllte Ill Considerable DuiiuiiK The ForvntH Ilumlng on Vlah Mountain. Correspondence of The Gasette-News. Waynesvllle. N. C, Nov. 21. The residence of Mrs. j. B. Hyntt, out near the railroad crossing, on the way to White Sulpnur Spring, was burned last Friday night. Fire was dlnoov ered on the roof about 11 o'clock and Is thought to have originated from a flying spark from one of the neigh bore' chimneys. The local volunteer" made good time, considering the dix tance and were able to extinguish the tire after the greater portion had been burned, Mrs. Hyatt's loss Is estimated at $!, OOP with nnlv a' small amount of In surance. . Tho strcoVs of fire seen from here-Inst Saturday night on tnp of Utah mountain was a grand spectacle, In rplte of thoughts of the thousand of dollnrs damage being done to thtt valuable timbers. If.ltstRsTlfHHUHHItRsiBlHstH st CALENDAR OF SPORTS t FOR THE WEEK. . KltltitaltllKltl(ltltltltltltK Monday. Tournament for 18.2 balkllne bil liard championship begins in New York. Start of automobile endurance con test from Denver to the City of Mexico. Abe Attell vs. Jimmy Moran, S rounds, at Memphis, Tcnn. Til ow lay. Jim Barry vs. Ralph Calloway, 12 rounds, at Boston. Annual meeting of American Asso ciation of Trotting Horse Rreeders at New York. Thurxlay. noti'h-Zyhseo world's championship wrestling mutch nt Buffalo. Opening of winter race meeting of ilii Turn; in Jockey clu'i tt Tnmpa. Flu. Opening of annual TrnnkRglvIng golf tonrnai.ient at Uikewood, N. J. Opening of annual autumn golf tournament at lMnehurst, N. C. Corhell-IVnnsylvanla football game at Philadelphia. Missouri-Kansas football game at Kansas City. Carlisle lndinns-St. Louis University football game at St. Louis. Alabamn-Lnulslana football game at Birmingham. Friday. Iimbnrd-Knox football game at aalosburg, HI. Oklahoma Unlvcrslty-Epworth Uni versity football game at Oklahoma City. Sjitiiriluy. Chai leston-Cltadel football game at Charleston, S. C. Richmond College-Randolph -Mnoon football game at Itlchmoml. Va. "Don't waste your money buying plasters when you can get a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment for twenty five cents. A piece of flannel dampened with this liniment ts superior to any plaster for lame back, pains In the side and chest, and much cheaper. Matron Mrs. Faulkner Is so fond of poetry. Visitor Indeed? I have some sim ple books of poetry nt home shall I gelid you some, Mrs. Faulkner? Mrs. Faulkner No, thank you, mum; when I wants poetry, I make it. Bunch. IMfHUIHHHMHIIHtH BE WISE TODAY, PHONE NOW. Get a Jar ready for Croup, Colds, Fheumonla, Vlck's Remedy works on outside and Inside at same time and nips these troubles In the bud every time. No equal. Take no sub stitute and regret It. 25c, 60c and $1.00 jars. All Druggists. MMIIIIIMMMMIHMIIM HARC.AINS IN rNRF.DF.KMED PLEDGER. Shot Guns, Rifles and ristols of all makes and description, they are un redeemed pledges. We rent shot guns and rifles by the dny or week. Leather Goods and Trunks is Our Specialty. H. L. FIXKELSTEIN'S FAWN A LOAN OFFICE, S3 South Main. THEATRE CIRCUIT Thanksgiving Vny. .Matinee anil Night, Thursday, Noxeinls-r i.Mli. A Musical Story of "The Girl of tho Golden West." "THE FLOWER OF THE RANCH" 40- -I'EOH.E- -10 Excellent Company. See the Plnghnm-Muoncy Foot-hall game, then attend Special Mntlneo at I p. m. Bingham school and both teams will lie there. Reserved Seats for both matinee nnd night at Mountain City Stationery, Co., 23 Button Avenue, Phone 1 G 1 7. PRICES SI.D0, $1.00, 7.V. SlK-. ttiJ222& t Clever irafe . i - 4 Caii Malce'a Thanksgiving jiir- 1 ! ; key Last a Week. i Will Last a Life Time. Easy Terms at the Lowest Cash Price at DdhtThin!iOnIyofThntisgiving Think of all the other (days to come after. Get a HIGH GRADE PIANO and stay thankful for many years to come. See the line we handle : MEHLIN - ' ' I PACKARD -- - FISCIIBJIi ' ; KROERGER, LUDWIO MUNN II0BART M. CABLE ' BUSH & LANE ADAM SCIIAAF CABLE-NELSON STORY & CLARK R. S. HOWARD SOHMER-CECILLIAN PLAYER PIANO FARRAND CECILLIAN PLAYER PIANO APOLLO PLAYER PIANO AUTOPIANO PLAYER PIANO Easy ; terms at tho lowest cash price. ; Tlie Turkey on Thanksgiving Day r ; Will Taste Twice as Good to the Accompaniment of a Km f t t V it I . I . V Call and See the New Ones. Easy Terms at Lowest Cash Price at L.itiL. .111 iJi'Lv..ssjuuOv .i- !7V f? -5 mm mm in-"

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