1 . Monday, Novcnlcr f 1" PAGE EIGHT. T THE ASHirVTLLE GAZETTS-NET73. FOR PERSONAL COM FORT ' There's no coal like M. & W. INDIAN Over 9.) per cent carbon free from dust, dirt and tilate, it gives most fuel value for the money. . , Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company SOLO GROCERIES QH THE SABBATH Mrs. Cohen and Her Daughter Sold Butter and Police Say They've Of fended In Similar Manner Before. t 0.e4M ItMMIMMM FOR I INK WATCH KF.l'AIKINW M OITICAL WOKK Un U H. M. FROST, 50 11111011 AveillM. HMIHI I I Gaston's Water Ground Buckwheat Guaranteed Pure 12 lb. Sacks, 50c E. C. JARRETT FANCY GROCER, Phones 192 and 358. 12 N. Pack Square. One of the enlivening case In city police court thi morning had to do r. Ith the mile of "groceries on Sun day" In violation of a city Ordinance, The defendants before the bur were Mm. Cohen and her daughter. Mini Cohen, whose speech was of the brok en Kngllsh type. The mother and dniiKhter were represented by Robert j It. llev nobis, end during the progress of the trial the counsel apparently1 li.i.l gnatcr iltfYkulty in keeping his client iiulet than in presenting the fai ls. Incidentally the cause hinged around u certain half-pound of butter unci the profit or Io.hs of u penny. j The prosecutinir witness alleged; that she hud purchased from Mrs. Cohen yesterday a half-pound of but-j ter: Hint she puld for the suld butter ; 12 ci nts. The daughter and the1 unit her H.ild that the prosecuting wlt nrjis only borrowed tlie bolter, prom Ising t return bntti r of the same Wright tndiiy: further, the daughter; ami the mother said, in effect, why, should we sell u half-pound of butter fur 12 cents? we paid 13 cents for It; the Inference being that such a sale was alumni. The police, however, said that the place was kept open on Sunday and heretofore groceries had l,-i-n sold on tlie Sabbath day. In) reply the defendants said that they had sold lee cr'iini. soft drinks, etc.. on Sunda;. ; that they had a license. The court held that the defendants Mere guilty and Imposed a tine of $Ti and costs with the warning that If there were any more violations of this specific ordinance by these par ticular defendants the court next time would lie more severe. El To the Citizens OF ASIIEVTIXE All first-class druggists, han dle Ollhooley Irish Liniment, and the) back It up with what might be culled a liuvernment bond. In fact a guarantee certificate goes with every bot tle, to the extent that If ail-, hooley'a Irish Liniment doe' not cure Kcxem-v, Itl eumntUm, In any form, - Salt Rlieum, Lumbago or any akin ailment, you are out nothing, aa the druggist you bought It from' will give back your money and take the certlfloalo 'or hi pay. The matter Is entirely In your hands. Gillioolcy Irish liniment Co.' St. Paul, Minn. THE HUDSON CAR CITY NEWS is made ly people w ho have had large experience ami are motor-wise. HukIi Chalmers, who is president of the Clial-niers-Detroit Motor Co., is vice president of the Hudson Co. ; You get great value in the Hudson. , See us about one now. i '. - , ; " . i . .. : . ; . V 'ASIIEVILLE CE AUTOMOBILE CO. Telephone 1310. 15 & 17 S. Lexington Ave. C $3.50 Shoes For Men FIFTY CASES IN THE POLICE COURT: The Moral Code Seems to Have Been Attacked on Every Hand by Asheville Folk Since Saturday. ! Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. linscombe IK. Morgan, 104 Asheland avenue, a ! son. Forbes & Campbell, real estate agents, have sold a half-acre lot at New Ilridge station on the Weavervllle car line for It. K. liowland to J. P. Jarvls; the consideration being (150. The Asheville tire department was called to the rear of Canle N. Ilrown's house on Haywood street late Hatur day afternoon to extinguish a small Maze In an outbuilding. The damage was slight. Of Interest to her many friends In Asheville will lie the news that Mrs. J. H Ilowait, now living in Knoxville. Is steadily recovering from her recent Illness, and is able to sit up for a short while each day. The stnti mcnt of the Citizens' bank, published elsewhere In this paper, shows that the deposits have Increased 3:, 1-3 per ecnl. during the Mist year. This Is a most gratifying showing and the officers are to be congratulated. At a meeting of the creditors of V. II Ijisulcr, bankrupt, today. K. II. Atkinson was appointed trustee In bankruptcy. Mr. Atkinson will take charge of the plant and stock In trade of Mr. Ijixat.r and will probably offer It for sale at a date In the near fu ture. The Simpson Tea and Coffee com pany of No. 3"i Fast College street, a new tea and coffee store, state else where In the advertising columns of tills paper that on next Wednesday they will give away one pound of cof fee free with ivery pound of tea they sell. When in Need of Printing Of the hetter kind have it done by the Rogers Press. All tyjM and presses NKVY, and only experts in the printing line employed. ROGERS PRESS IS Tatton Ave. Phone 254. Asheville, N. C. X.i iiiircil ikim in i. ion i liet'iinsf mi skilfully liiiidi'. Quality leather iimm, and lasts tnif to the human foot form. Guarantee Shoe Store BOCTIl MAIN ST. I' was a d"( ki t of nn mean slue over which Jiidu 1' I" I'ocke presided in city police court tills morning when death mole than a half-century of cases wtc tlinpofti d of When court wa op Med a huge butc h of spectators was crowded Into the small court room win)-.' th" door was jammed, the t or rldor as filled und likewise the pre mier's dock. The offenses charged gain.-t the 51 defendants Included gambling, disorderly conduct, drunk, fighting, selling lliiuor. intimidating witni"i's, elc It was one of the larg Nev. s lias been received here of the in lietrolt Friday of John "hlld. formerly a resident of Asheville and a brother of II. 1. Child of this city. Mr. Child was engaged in a real estate business here eight or ten years ago with A. J. Lyman and had many friends in Asheville. The Interment was at Sprliigllebl, Mints. Itev. Plato I.. Imrham preached nt Central Methodist church yesterday to large congregations. Mr. Inirham IT IS A PLEASURE TO DINE HERE TltA krHa la Ant- . it ti lt tha lsaiet In lha lrv unit nnr tn anil enni all the market afford 0)-4rrs Ilsh am) (;umr a Specially. DR. REED'S CUSHION SHOE ; , For comfort and wear. Price $5.00. v CEO. W. JENKINS. ' 2 South Main St Phone 11 S. t HIM THANKSGIVING . TURKEYS . ' Pisco your order early; In- , , aurlng a choice aelection. ; Wtt. Hill & Co. ii -. City Market, ; v Phones 4 and 359. ': nil neeii f J. E. Carpenter , JEWELER 32 Patton Avenue Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. Candy ? Kitchen HAYWOOD STREET NEAR POSTOFFICE L. Blomberg Leads in Cigars Tobaccos, Smokers Articles and Sporting Goods. 17 Patton Ave. MtMMMttt iMIM t WE WILL BAKE YOUR 1 CAKES and TURKEYS I FOR 25 CENTS EACH. . ASHEVILLE STEAM BAKERY .-ft and withal, one of the most diver- w" assigned to Central church in- irtMtM stead of Kev. Mr. Abornethy and tilled the pulpit nt Isith the morning and evening hours lie Is one of the ablest ministers In the Western North Car olina conference and is now stationed 1 nt Concord. LOGAN ii MKIK II T TAH4)lt. V I'm b M. I'b TUT A-lx-tlllc. sitied I'ourts of tlie )ear Ti n gain Id rs who were interrupted by the police tally Sunday morning while en Joying the little pastime of stud poker, appeared through counsel and pleaded guilty to the charge. The couit In pns.ing sentence said that the . offi nse v as aiigraviitrd by reason uf Hevenue Agent Sams' office this the fact that It was committed on Sun- morning received notice of the de dov and the ten sports were reoulred "ruction by Deputy Collectors Miller to help Ihe school fund along to th.- "' Harklns of a large copper still tune i.f t.'UD, each defendant being 'n Wilkes county, as well as the sell fined $'" und the c.wts; thecosts In " of n large amount of corn meal, addition to the total tines of f-jtiu '' about 600 gallons of beer. The amounting I., something like :i,V raid was made In the dark nnd the A si rap In a bouse of Ill-fame Sutur-' " men, w ho were at the still cs day night in toe "red light" district : caped. resulted ill the keeper of the house I COMPARE our PIANOS and PRICES i with others. We handle the following: Mehlill. Packard Kisrhrr, K merger, liiidwig, Sterling, Miinn, Ilolmrt M.Cahle, l'.ush & I.aiie, Cnhle Xelsttn, Adam Sfhnnf, 11, S. I toward, M. Sehnlz, Solniier Chilian, , y Fnrrand (Veiliau, AjKlllO, Autopiano, . DUNHAM'S MUSIC HOUSE and several inmates being required to appear and answer the charge of keeping a disorderly house and aiding and abetting 1 he keeper of the house drew a tine of I JO and tin alders I ', eai h. Sci ral drunks drew prims of I, i and 110 each. IIIIHMIUHKtlUHUIH K'K C'HKAJ FOR TIIKStil(i niN.M'.It. Chocolate and Vanilla made from pure cream nnd delivered Packed In ice. Hulk cream 11.25 u gallon; In bricks nt !i0 cts, a quart, four quarts 1 1 .75. ASHEVILLE PURE MILK CO. E. Walnut St ' Phone 554. Job Carpenters We do all kinds of Carpen tering. We do it NOW at liv ing prices. One trial is all we want to prove our ability to please. J. L. DANIELS, No. 5 Willow St .; :' I LET IT BLOW And no matter how cold, f -if you have a ton of J M. & W. COAL t in your cellar, you'll keep J warm and comfortable, j Fhone 4( JMUW tor a ton. v. - . . Asheville Coal Co. i F. M. WEAVER Mgr. ; t Phone 40. ' ' '; . , i t , i W. A. Ward ANYTHING ELECTRICAL Not the cheapest, but the beat.( 10 N. Court Square. Phone 449, TURKEYS ; ; DUCKS CHICKENS uT. ' GAME Ti You will fipd here everything needed for the table in the line of meat, poultry and game. First Quality. THE STAR- PHONE 66 Citizens Transfer Company ' JCMAN WOODCOCK, Owner. ' . 48 rATTON AVEM'E. TELEPHONE 25. FURNITURE MOVING Prompt Baggage Transfer Service Endorsed by V. C. T. and T. P. A. Try a Gazette-News Want Ad. 1000 CHRTSTMAS CIGARS, VALUE $100. Barbee's Full Value Cigar Store See us. Participate in this free deal. We give full value. Value and Volume is our motto. BARBEE'S, 14 Patton Ave. HIS ELECTRIC, FIXTURES FROM US The man who builds a new house should buy his electric fixtures from us. WHY! llceause we have the largest selection, neatest de signs nnd most reasonable prices. , ?Tn Piedmont Electric Co. 64 Patton Avenue. Phone 478. Opposite Postofflco., Vague or lanlsnllc Names, For the last two weeks the mem- , liers of the "busy men's" class nt the Vmini Men's Christian association i have lieen playing match volley ball I games twice a week In Ihe gymna-1 'slum. This afternoon teams number i and 4 will play and as these two. ' teams are In the lead a hot contest Is I expected. The men of the city are I Invited to witness the contest. Nanu s gl(en when there Is a gamh-; Chamber A WeaeM, t.tvenr. i ling raid are likely to be vague. If not I Phons 1 fantastic, and that Is why It Is noruted ' I 'irittiriil tluil II 11 t.111,,,11 ta'uH .mnii. i M !....- ....I i.. i.. IKOH H., ,.,., ,,, ? 1,11-1 ,11 MM Mr. I.itirell has never turned his tal jents toward stud poker, and has not I even a theoretical knowledge of the ! itanie. Moreover, he was not among ; those present as It Is hardly neces jsary to tell those who know him. perhaps the rumor grew from a name ! given as II l.itle." or "II. Utile." or I' ll Mini." as It severally appeared ior was talked In police circles. (agaln Nell Scrioiixly Hurt. SHERBET CUPS AND THIN GLASSES. Together with China ami .Sil verware for the Thanksgiving dinner. Prices always less. QUALITY W0I1KK. Phone order filled promptly. L X. i. Department Store LIL MICUALsOVE, Sol Prop. . tl PATTOIf AVE. ritOXB 10T. fapl. ljinl,crt Noll, aed 0 years, one of the oldest and best known cltl ens of Transylvania county, waa knocked off a trestle near Brevard a few days ago, by a backing train, and Is thought tn be fatally Injured. The unfortunate man waa crossing the trestle, which Is near a sharp curvs In the mad, when he was overtaken by the train and Injured. Ilia Injuries ar both external nnd Internal and Utile hop waa entertained yesterday for hla recovery, PAI.K Valuable resident and business property, with two stores always rented, fronting ISS feet, nn Charlotte street, nt Imrgaln, terms Owner non-resident. McKlssIck Ileal Kstnte Co., Phone R2. 144-71 FOR RENT Several well furnished rooms for light housekeeping; gar range, one door from Monlford car line. Apply at ti 8oco afreet. 14-1 Ilcv: Plato Durbam at Cmtral. Rev. P'.io Durham, who preached en able sermon yesterday morning at Central Methodist church, waa th week-end gueat of hi cousins, Misa Kathleen and Mis Margaret Ware, nt the home of A. II. War on Orange street. lr. Durham left thia morning for Hickory, where he la attending the Methodist conference. C Sawyer toe Mnthera Breed The Miller-lib Paint tn. Lwce Pelnt TWO OENTI.EMAN ROARDRR8 WANTKI Well people; suburban; quiet, pleasant place; east and south porchea; near car line. Call phone tell. 141-lt WANTED Tou. to know that If your feet hurt. Dr. Ilayne of Italllmnre, Md., can relieve you Immediately; f year experience. Ileed ' ftiilhb UST Red cow with white hind feet Reward for return to J, A. Darby. Ill Haywood street It I.OHT I-nrgs, old-fashioned breaat pin yesterday afternoon between 28 Cherry elreet nnd It Houth .French llrnad eve. .-Liberal reward for re turn to IS Houth French Hroad. i :-. ,,'' - .v J44-H FERRIS BREAKFASTBACON 25c Per Pound, in Strips NOLAND & MclNTYRE m SQUARE AGENTS FOR CHASE AND 6ANOORN8 TEAS AND COFFEES ' PHONES 131 AND 160. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Bargains in Pianos A few second-hand Pianos in perfect order good pi anosat $100, $125, $150 and $175. FALK'S MUSIC HOUSEs- PHONE 806. SI SOUTH MAIN ST. v Coaster Wagons and Autos for the Boys Stout,' sturdy, strong. Built for rough-1 and-ready rollicking boys. Handsome in : design. Moderately priced. , Asheville Hardware Co. SOUTH PACE SQUARE and 25 N. MAIN ST. Perfectly Simple Simply Perfect Ol'lt niOTot.llAPIIS are more than good photograph. They are true portraits, bringing out all that' beat In character and Individuality. Make your appointment now and avoid the holiday rush. H AGE 6 KOONCE, "hone 14U. for. Patton and Asheland Avee. Purest and Best Rumford Baking Powder FOR RENT Furnished 14-room house, fine locntlon, on ear line 145.00. The II. F, Qrent Realt.v Co, i. WANTED Careful dressers to exam ine the work done by the Aahevlllr (leaning and Pressing Club. ' Ovei fifteen year' experience , In ateiun and dry cleaning, with especial attention Riven ladlea' work. Satis faction guaranteed. J. C. Wllhar. Phone lit. FOR RENT Furnished front rooms r light housekeeping and other bath and delightful porch, aamr floor no children or sickness In house. Ratea IT to III. 171 Flint atreet. ttl-lt LORT Between Mission hospital am' Pmsther A Young' grocery, ar oval old gold pin with Initials, "A O. L,M Return to Mr. Lewi ai Mission hospital ' .Jt UA i NE.W ARRIVALS IV of all kinds of Furniture and Household Goods for the Fall Trade. Always a pleasure to show goods. Beaumont Furniture Co., The Home of Furniture Values, 27 South Main St. phone 1002, Ask to see tho Free Sewing Machine. ' MODEL A-l tMO.OO. 4-CyL, II. P. S- PaMHtnger Roadster. Th model which established the world record for llgM car of I4.S mile per hour at the "Long Island Automobile Derby," - Supplied with rear eat for two, I960; rear aeat for one, $100, or aa standard I passenger runabout, !S0. Wheel baa II in.', Urea IOzIH. Equipped with I oil lamp, horn, too la. Double Inltor, magneto and bat terlea. In each type the year seat la detachable. Coston Automobile Go. Phone 244. , No. 95 and 97 Patton Ave. Green BrotaTumilure Store FOR RENT 14 -room , boarrtlngit I....U VT. - - , , A ut,w, .-.w, ii.jwiNiii axreei large grounda; aplendld location. Ask your Grocer for "COLONIAL BRAND" FLAVORING EXTRACTS 2cauc2 ii est. II j ,'V. ') ill I v Ell t ,s ; VBlaeeU'Vi Circo., Bearing '.Crpet. Sweeper, lt.t ' and up, aave th. rug. Ilghtana th. labor and M . more sanitary. Complete Un. .f Fall Run. Mmt nice pattern. In Eastern effect. Price, lower than we hae. r'' had. Call and exeroln. our line. ; tJ. Ing, down etalr. S44-4I Oeo. 8. Powell. ttl tt f ttttl

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