PAGE SIX. JL X J AuiiAJ A Canadian Newspaper and lis Editors , lilfiE DISTRESS la r at Hand to Hnndrcda of .. AsheTUI ReBiter.' Don't neglect 4 aching tack. 4 'i liackacne U tlie kldney'a cry & The ,,. . ! J : ...;. .'' . ;i i . i . . . ,'l I I . .. .' I M 1. ' i . . . J c. . ' ff V' ' 77 i i. U . I U LIEUT COt MCM'CN.ri) J.O VTLLIAM' SOUTliAfi , wtcj? or -nit cirizfcjsf n-ei'iiJiijMr tfr rwx. joutham co. , - itrej jwe.t.jjrHe;- or ru ciTrttN; ...i- llrT3"!!! .Pir- r d riNbT x (uircv. M ciT-iarv: Tf WJl... i v' K..M7Mc. LEOB AMUSEMENTS CtNTAl CANADA 1 lMtMM"l i' ! I 1 . 'I, .1 .t.. -lit I ' II' fVi"l" II I'-. !:ir ii .. hi. .i Pi. kill iK nil. K til 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . K I 1 1 til M .1 I ii 1. I . ' I Irrr f ..-a 1-;,: t, , i.'rU "V II i t" " K. . it 25.-". -.11 . J'HIWQAKW. II P' 'till .'. -r.t3 . iii''.ijiitl . pwm i - -..'ill tuJ.jtJ -bv,d j-j -TT'l fcT"wr-' t k iiV 1 s. -.. ... ' .. ' . .v .. . ..'. --- -' I II V ! "'- I'M.. r-7l 'I ill b-- J II " v I v j ' Udb Atv a.v,t V iifii'aj J feffwr.- - V, wjt-r 11 Neglect hurrying to their aid Meana that urinary trouble-follow quickly Dire distress, diabetes, , Erlght'a disease. ' . Profit by an Ashevllle citizen ex- ! perlence. 8. F. Miller, SO Turner-street, Ashe vllle. N. C, says:. "At times I suffer ed so severely from kidney complaint thru I -was InlJ up Xor several days. Thoro was a dull ache aeross my loins, extending Into my souhlders and a scalding sensation frequently attend ed the passages of the kidney secre tions. My eyesight became Impaired I unable to rest and as a result 1 felt tired and worn out during the day and did my work only through an effort. I used a number of remedies and consulted physicians but did not succeed In finding relief until I pro- i cured Ponn's Kldni-y Pills at Pr. T. C. Smith's drug store. They ended the tron We In a short time-and Improved my goenra! health. I publicly recom mended this remedy In 1903 nnd now, after five years have elapsed, I am pleased to reiterate every word I then snlil. as my cure has been perma nent." For snlo by all dealers. Trice BO cents. Foster-MIIburn Co., Buffalo, NVw York, sole agents for tho United Stntes. Ttemember the name Doan's and I tn:e no other. ItAIti: COPY OF POK. I I .M.inu- ril u- Worth TIioiimiimIh llrkiil From Va(f PoKT Itaskrt. HOE 3(Ji rmxo York iMsa 1 J'IJ Iltlilll- I . "I II : l I II- llil r, .1 ii.ini Kl'Mtli lilt II Ii Kt I'll ; lllf i ..n i! tt-r iIh -n:. (-1 their II ' Ill' .! i! Kill. I will I" !. - J Sim. .1 l-Tl.l.'i in I-- i i s Ii. .11 111 l. i 'Iniinl'i i l:il'i's I'nli.-. li' I. rri mnl 1 i Ii." .i Hi -riiedy N (he bent li.'.wn m illelne In line for the relief i'l I il!! i.f ln.i e.ililtilMllttK. It enri h i.-i ilia f i In "ii . ilvm rilerv , .p. I slii.nM l-e;i ii lit the firt un til, filll II S- 1 .it IMIl t.'l l If t I'll. I Hi; I '. i.-h MiiikIii). Iii r. Wliil ii- the . tin 1 omeil i nun h tllitlllH e tlel lill.lllltK I i. ijJJil il 111 II HtlIKe h.'ttilli. It II is ..Ii Ih full ni III tli kl. Ill- . fclwll . . tt 5 .1 . lIlelllM H the riH.l.-H- i 1. 'I letllv K' .11 1: : 111 l , .11 I III i- -" KUK' on il ll'f III. ..I. I II s 5 . 1 in till kiln'.!- ! el' N t,irU ut.iri ii II. I t. - nf ili e mnl MulU , , ll. 1. til. til. I i -;' ..i ',' . -M ui 1. 1 I , 1 1. 1 1 r il 1 l..(i.'U -in fS (.1 the l.llWel.".. 'e.ii:illv fur ehllilren j ielllllH. It llhvuys I'lires. ! mi: .i:i.i i.ww i i:. It Is ; tin Th. .1' 1 1, in tl.. I: .11 I" ' !!' Ill" -i A. Ill T'i ,1, h il ii I- I- -'- .1 . v I II - - i I . 1 1 1 th- I 1 -1 'i i !' i :u!l . i: 11 il i.i I .-.I I I ,;i-.l- .....'t- n .- !- . II .- the I. . II- :ii in-- 1 1 lie I - I f - r .;. II ill il! i-.i.M,.! liiKhi. i r iii.n 1 i.-t-i !.- ii. I hem i III. II Ill Mil, le I- Ii II. .Ill -ei teil. noil ut - i n - lei r. iVMl. t.i tile lit the liirire I II . I I.I I I . r..-t. . .1 ll i-e il i in.i h- . hiir- tne.ried n Independent -mrty or.inr i..ii!::iii . i ; 1 1 1 newsimi' up I liy Sun' i.i. h Mr. Wlllliim I 'I'he netive i i !.. i: in III I he li w,!i! -in mnl n. t. s-- !h. y:.!-nt. '...r in elil.:. ..-iioii, a i in..' Juiirntil: i- ilii-tlm linn .' ..i 1 1 pi In the Silt.- I iili: 111. 'Ill i'llleil In I ...r.l Kuiii rlM nnd nu i th. iii-!in..:iil!iliei Mi. T. i l-'liin in lulu U..r ui the 'l.uly dill ,. ii'ii. Mr. N'...ilii'M In i Mr rreid-ri. ti ll.ivv i' entitriilleil int. I.illlili'l. ..lltlllllll Is;elllenl nf 's of AieMsrii. ri inn i.f : nste Imski Philmlelphlfi TilRpatch to New Times. J. Pierpont Mnrgiin'H purehnpe for J.t.lidO of ii lirnt eilitinn of h 82-piib'e pamphlet rontalning two of Kilitur Al lan I'iie'. priise Rturies. "The Murders In tin- Hue Mm-Riie" nnd "The Man Thnt Was I'seil Fp," bring to mind the fiu t that the iirlginiil ninnnsi ript of one of the Kliirles mentlniieil Is tlie ir the Drexel Instllille H t . - hi. Ii il wiih pri'wnted by i'.i i !". V. ChililM. Mr. Chillis mii fur it about lift years iiico. Muriiers ill the line MerKue" - .... ... '.. A1...r mili. -ireu nrmiiiiiiiy in i ,i iinain ...-,.-iizine. In this elly bark in llv fin tli . A young printer employed in Mr. I''s office at the time a I!;e late J. M. Johnston, a great inlinir r of !'., ami afterward an edi tor on the MalT of the Ijiincnster In telligencer. After the story had been put Into type and the manuscript dls nir.leil Johnston recovered It from the propi r I this the l it piiiil ? -Th. W. I UNO LASTED - tT- IMl SHOB THAT HMD TNI . , BHAN.O WOJtTN CALUIM WOK" I You hare but to examine a pair of Steadfast snoes ana you will detod tfifl superior - features of style and -auality in them that you will not And in other shoes' that sell for fully 20 to 60 per cent, more money. : Steadfaat patterns are modeled alomr lines that cannot be duplicated from the ordinary shoe stock. They have an elegant, graceful appearance not found in any except mau e-to-order shoes oostingfrom $10.00 to $15.00 per pair. The leather in Steadfast shoes gets it testing be fore you wear it The process of hand iiastincf is severe, ana na&ky or . poor. I leather will not stand it. Call and examine them thorottflrhlv . Carried in tans, patent leathexand all toe stylish doll leatoexa. GEO. W.JENKINS, Drj Goods, Notions "Clothing ' ' 1 and Kliora. ui 20 Siuth (Maln St. AglicTllie A o mm . i jfX m a photograph gallery In that -city. In which he operated until the outbreak of thr, civil war, when hn enlisted In the Seventy-ninth Penn sylvania infantry. I Hiring his occu pancy of the gallery the building was twice partly destroyed by lire, nnd, nl thoiiKh nearly everything else was consumed, the Poe manuscript, which had been kept in a portfolio in a clos et, was preserved. Years afterward, at hnusecleaning time, an ancient and apparently worthless manuscript was thrown by h. I- a.. iih l-or munv years the manuscript had , , untenant In .reearlius existence. Mr. Johnston uii.'.wii m'ili. I oft. r his removal to Ijnncnster opened i who served -'h tlie t'ann Vfrlean war. -'.-Itches hy -' il the cross ! it ion a t iitiii.ii: h t I' ll;. . - i . - . ii ii ll. u hi!- (':: I'll; III-1 ulilliri 1.. i ilii-l' oi 111. . . .It.eF ' In.iiiiliiill Hit- the r,-1. '.rial I I'M' f lh. ilila i f till- l.lll.l ,, Hie -l.t. 1. ulii.ii ' .i. al l.'i- y -I - 1 1 1 T 1 : U' ' 'tl.ii ll si. rli'it to 1 fil .el in in ui It i full ill- In th- I- I1 il i- M 1 .1- . IM't 111 il iiiin. I. .. Mm!' In th ' . r .-I b ' I ' III- !' iiu . r Hull. I I'.lll i .Hi. I it h, lie h: lll vl jj... -1 S l Vr.W;'Z' Tl X... r, " Ih. , "I .::i ii-.t lex,- il th. . S: 's"v-?V x.t x..i. ui. a i.i . I in I le! I..- nil! i I r. .il-h -ii-i, h- .. -i - -1 i i I , - 1 .Ir-s r I'.i- I'll' '.i Is -. . - l. r 1 I 1 ' i -lt-,1. bi. ti '"I i.-v 1 1- t!-' s. -Il l t' 11 I' ll." '1 IH ui " 1' -I tin .i iv -l lli i.f i ,.IW H '.tiKl.l. Il .!l'.!l.l'i iii..riil'i-. eiiliil'f ami .ni:-v..T',! .'..'iH.oi an. I ii tl-' 'C Iv in -mil .' ,ilv l-.-t'.v- . II M..'il'- i! : II. 1 Torol.t Til- l'lti?-ll in i-lie "'I the MrliiL' "f "' MI CM .N It HI Its. i. Hieai! (lie 1 li -l iirit t x Xliidf (lie I niliil Miihx t ' 'ill 1 ( aivi la t -leu- il i -. 1 1 1 ' - -11 of i Mr. K. M. Mae' 1 I. f Pa nieiit.'ii he most Mlflltil. in-ii who vit in -'" th.- 1 1. .minimi Inn - ll aim the Cilia ! r..r IIiMltel-'s I '. '' Mr XI - I i T i .lama Iri II,- -, lvhmlan I'.n. I ' i ! i-:t it. tl In :i ti-- i- - Inland ami ha-1 I -1 1 1 piiiil :i tl x t -ii 1 1 : n t. tiling liexvn eil m of tlie flt ilit eilltor, ami iitor of the ogrl- (t-t-ihn, the l ill per. "1. the nthen's writer, Is one of nil iircnmpllnticd - press gallery of if eommniin lie ') rnrreHpnnilctit ft he located In '1 had been at f the old French 1 rprise, had en- - hunt on Cueos n psrt In other tin- CASTOR OIL1" POWDER! tMinliatt TiSTCltSS jdvin m r 3 imBottu OOOSLIIS Cuveotfectl -5 BESV .NO SArEST f U? LAXATIVE KNOWN PU -jg CHIJ The Palace Complete Cliange Thursday. PAUL BAUWENS, Singing, Dancing. HARDY & D'ALMAINE, Talking, Singing and Musical, i f - some' member of Mr." Johnston's fam ily Into a rubbish heap In the back yard of his home, and .would have tieen carted nxvay If a neighbor had not picked It up and returned It to its owner. Mr. Johnston then had the pages bound within leather covers, lie sold the manuscript to Mr. C'hllds for $200. It Is now worth many thous ands. Tho kind of virtue that makes n big noise ox'er Itself can't stand much more of a test. GAYETY An unusually strong bill Including SING FONG LEE A noted Violinist haying played before many of the crowned heads of Europe. BABY ESMOND The Child Actress. New moving pictures, etc. Regular matinee 3:30 p. m. Night as usual 7:46 P.- ITU ' . r .'''!-' V'- Mix-nm-' JaVB8BaVBjHBaVaValBjiHDBBVLHB I Wachovia Loan &Trurf Gompny .. i- t h ill .hilt .l . t II- -11- . .1 1 n- ! i-hll-i r i.iir t. i i . th. I i i pii . hn t ) , . - W't i i ! . r-i 1 i St it. -,r hliip i to ,,'.l ..' I 1 .1 11 M ..ll.H t- iri.-ti-r.i.l. ..l h An Ideal Hair Restorer Wymh. Qiemist end Sclen 1 tist. discovered in Sace and Sulphur the same nuuriah- merit supplied lv nature to thr root cl liciilthy hair. No More Gray, Hair ho florc Danoxuii tic More Balddess iiii We tfiiafimre Wi ETH'S SAGE I nl MI.IIIUR HAIR KEM-' 11Y lo remove dandruff. to9l Hilling of llie walp, present the" hair front falling out. promote! the growth of the hair, and to" restore laded aad gray hair i to nalaral color or refund the I itk. A WeMerfol CaBf Ur w flllnr aull fnrr "m fllin uuf rl'..(lj . ktij I Iroubl-! Hl IMTO.IA Itfhln ef th aealp Ur I (.-1 lull r thtnlmrf I of I (ur tune n-t Sua. urn- rur lh hair. KtK tt bti4Ua bimI UBM It ABft fji- .! ( Ji ft. inrite l.y ll a I fr Mi..llpxi1n rlt-v. lha ltri.ln. ei h-xir lt.Tftr4 fallinv not All-t ATA'IO- llf 1 4m Imi.Ii to lu naturl et.lriJ.. It la I a km dark b-nwa col.-, anft. rVau AM IillAliM. SHU A. IIUAH. ShalXj. Marear Co.. iP. Price 50c and 51.00 a Cf(Jo At Alt Omaisti- It ytmr alrofiaM bmC kai II Max! tn svlea lwmm tajj WYETH CHEMICAL CO. 71 Corllaadl St N.Y.aty aax4ssjWWlllM4valajajaa)ttla , aaprsas sjesswila. j For Sale and Recommended by Smith's Drug Store. , 111 L' h ll- llll-l- I ?t.l II Is I!,. I .1 "Ih- i ui- .'' i-i.iNt tn.ikt- hlie --llliiiht'tl with Hie hlilnri -I tl" ilhe'l it i M.i l.ll-li-.l .iit.l tli lltloll llllll i llli'il It Ilil-i belim John ..k not ii I. ' M r II- x in n.. i i m I i re. t'tlt iilit .1 st-.i or ii I ii- r ..ii- of bi. ii.i.1.. I .!. s . ,i-l 1 r. i.i --fi'.iir . i..n I -f i'k i i, ill. 1. of i. .. .r-liniir 1-r. nil. ! p-rinil -r M,n. I h-r x r - i i.i 1 r - 'r-m ih .r.. !.!.. ,1 i'l th 11- I llolVli, ii l:iri:e. r.i re' i 1,1 h -li. I!' ui !' h i'.i m.n iii' tl.iil xx i n 1 1 " . ll r -Utep lor ii pro- Mr-! rileii th. ii til tin urit-r ; t l!i-rii'li xx. i. I. ui he kni'iv tin- pilniipli illil ,,.. .1 It to i vin I line iilnl he .Hi. I ii.. I XX III -III. r there XXim price, ilellt or not If there lis. nil well mil t'.ioil; If (here :is not, be i nt,ih- NMlieii me pr. ee.tetit X ..ur . h i f tr,. ,,f riiu li. li.. mid it Is on! Iiiwyir" inn give no opinion unhand !,ti.n the fust -ventv xeuti lh:it an preceili nts. hn' ; urei.t xfirlt tv him I., en proiluti il. tx xx' 11 oi'-.. m -it -. l,. r. u hn h ill1' i hii tlx In Mi- i,lli li t ti X' !'-! -. i c . '.inipai't t. x ti,'.' :ii'. tii-iii r p. it'll. i mi l'or i '.'nt tin se Ixx.i xv. r :h. oi,l l; I - known to (he trade xx.-r- loth Hindi- of iinleiivein-1 ; . mix.. 1 mo kiieiulid by ham! : H h eni-hi-r xvris rolle-l out .hi I I -i'iiiit lx t t'.l In itiK 'l iced I 1-111. , oil ;i I-11K lliitliileil Mtli ' l j I i.r pi ninl trnii'ferreil i;i Hie floor of (he oval shape! -n Hun in n-f II V.'H. nut nut.' -nun time 1 iti r nil d-d or f. i j in. iloiii;ti was us. ii ill the mm' - I it i Th, li.m't in. I i IMP" -li- ill lie niust search the preceili nts. ymir gri-nl lawyer applies th" philos ophy of the law to given fait anil be i 1'rof. Iliii.n. i.f hr .Sixiith Dalii'l.i Agi li iilturn! rulleg", who has ma-It-n hew anil Imry r.e-e for tnk"t-i b itiwliig. najs that xxuuien In their Kardens niinlil do a t'' deal of aurh xxverk ihni would liiing kimhI rennlty mnl lit the fetiue linn ftixe tlietn de- flings precedents to the winds If thi x be contrary In his coiii-epllon. Ili-mi from the bench we hsx-e "Iviutlna eases." The late William Lindsay, when on the Supremo bench of Kentucky, ren dered sn opinion about rents for Ih ; iKi,tril emplovniint occupancy of rent -tale, or "tn tliint, ' of that kind for this tmper Ism lay man nnd cannot 1iomi to be verm-1 In the nomem Inture of the professton. Judge 1.1 tul say mljiiilh uti d In revernii! f the priMvilfnts of America since lt "Were xmi sin i i'ul n the first time )ii,i ran fur oHIih-? "Xo." nnwere.l 8 nutor Sorghum. "Jly iKtierience wiis rot an unusual ww I had to keep mi Irving until tin first Settlement by the Ani!h.8a).nn I opposition put up a c.indlilale who nnd In reversal of the precedents of Ktiuliinil for centuries, and today bis decision Is a preceib iit nnd Is cited nr conclusive authority In the court of (.rent llrllaln. Lindsay never attended a law eh"ol i He did not have. to. It was a nnt-urnl-lmrn Innyer. was exi n more iiiiiopuUir than 1 won.' Waelilnaton. Catarrh Cured Had llrcatli. K'll iu king, ningins III (he 1'jir-s tieafncs-. Hacking Cuugh noil Spilling tuli kly Cured. Botanic Blood Balm. Hie Kcmcilv xxhlth Cures l alarrli by Killing the C'a liirihul Pol-en anil rurl l)lng die UIoihI. Yon inn-t not in--lott dli barges of MIM1W MA IT Kit from (be Viw anil Throat. i'AT.i:i;ll IS N 'T ONLY IXAN r.i:i;iU S In this xx ,y, but It causes ulcerations, denth ii'i.l ducay of bones, kills ambition, on. i causes loss of i.n-tite. and h-.u It i to. general de l.lllty, Idiocy ami -aulty. It needs mention nt oner. I'urs It by taking IOiTAMi IlM'i'li HALM (U. It. U It is a quick, noli. il. permanent cure ei iius It rids the istem of the poi son germs that can.,, catarrh. At the mine time I'.I.imHi HALM n. It. B.I j purifies tho blood, does away with! fxcry symptom of .ntarrh. II. It. I!.; I irnns a tingling r nni or warm, rich, j pure blood direct to the paralysed nerxes, and parts affected by catarrhal j poison, giving warmth and strength! lust where It Is needed, and In this y making a pi-rlect, lasting cure of I catarrh In nil lis forms. - . When we any that 11. Tt. P. cures we tnenn a real cure and this w gimrnn-l tee. It. JJ. n, hns cured thousands of j -ntarrh rases even th rot deep- i ented kind after every other treat-1, mi nt had failed. HOTANMC r.LOOI, MALM. (It. H. n.Ms pleasant and safa to take: com posed of pur Itf.tanlo Ingredients. I MAMI'LR BF.NT KI'.KB by writing: 111 nod lialm Co., Atlanta. Oa. BOIJ) I1T nni'DOISTS. or sent by express. I At 1 TEIt LAP. OK POTTLE, with complete dlreelloiia for home cure. Statement at Close of Business November 16, 1909. RESOURCES. Loans and Bonds $4,406,022.01 Ileal Estate, Furn. & Fixt.. 133,492.74 Cash in Vault and Banks... 816,776.42 LIABILITIES. , Capital $ 600,000.00 Undivided Profits . ....... 212,155.36 Deposits , 4,544,135.81 Total $5,356,291.17 Total $5,356,291.17 General Banking, Trust, Savings and Insurance Departments. ' T. S. MORRISON, Vice-Pres.and Chairman. ' " . W. B. WILLIAMSON, Cashier. Board of Managers T. S. Morrison, W. B. Nortlip, Fred Kent, Judge J. 0. Pritchard, W. T. Weaver, Col. R. Bing am, J.M.Westall,S.Lipinsliy, T. F. Davidson, T. W. Raonl, Col. D. M. Hodges. . , 1 " nerlrude K. Curtis, of rrs'lfo'd t'j .'is the rlrt colored womsn dentist. Pli pnase.1 the flnsl ennmlantlnn In Mm foiii ire of rxcntnl 1111?, In Phil siblnliln. xsjlth hlsh hnnoe. and In lend to begin settee practice without delay. The Mithorlllea of the Prsiillsn slate of Kxn f'aulo hsve made arrange ments with lending Japanese provision nerehnnts te dlsMie of T.f.o bag" of colTce duriiiff the next three years. ' THE IDEAL , REMEDY For subduing all Inflamma tions and Congi stlniii, Ctiiups, Colds, Catarrh. Urom hill. I'.urns, Mcabls, Killing rilt. etc., U Vltk's Croup and 1'neumgnl hulvit. It's simply th gri n lest and best. ir,r. fiOc and 11.00, U THE. PRICE. On our "" lnvlslh bifocals Lne will surprise you. An nnu nave been fitted by us are very-much pleased with hm. F. K. Gardner V.J9 PM-la!l4. Manufaxcttirlng OplicUa No. 1-10-11 Drhumor Rldg. Cur Church SL and rat tea Av. t ct, SCOTCH NOVELTIES. You no doubt would like to see the latest vogue in Men 'a wear. Gray tones in soft finish Scotch and English Wonted and Wool Suitings are ex tremely popular. 1 We have then.' . V.. ' LOOAIT r. r sfarchaat Tailor. . 14 North Pack Bq. J

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