3, 1CC1 PAG2 TWO. " TH2 CAZZTTS-ITZTTS. Friday, De MAKES STOMACH TROUBLE VANISH Indigestion, Gas, Heartburn and Dys pepsia go and you will feel (ins in five minutes. Why not 'Ret some now thin mo ment, and forever fid yourself of Htomnch trouble and Indigestion? A dieted stomach get the blues ami grumble, filve It a good eat, then lake Pnpe's IMiir 'psln to start tho itlppstlve Juices working. There wlil be no dyspepsia or belching of dim or eructation of undigested fond; no feeling like n lump of lead In the ftomsoh or heartburn, sick headache nn Dirtiness, nnd vour fond will not ferment and poison your breath with nsnseous odors T'upe s Dlnpcpsln cost only r.O cents for a large . an.- at any drug store here, anil will rcllcv. the most obstl- rate ease of Indigestion nnd IVet Klomach In five minute There Is nothing el. better b take C.n from Stomach and clean, the- stomach and Intestines, and. besides, one slrsl nose win mgci ami prepare : for ni....iilnll.n Into the blood all vour j food the n .nie an a found, healthy I stomach would do It. S. Harvey and A. K. Henderson repre- Wh.ii liini'. psin works, vmir stom-. 'enied Caswell and Mr. Wilson and nrh rem Beta Itneir In order, clean others spoke for Person, till nnd then you feel like eating; lubbl Edward N. Callsch of Rlch wh"D voti e.mie to the table, and what '. mond, who bi to deliver his memorial you eat will do von good. ! address before the Elks here next Absolute relief from all Stomach i Sunday afternoon at the Academy oi i It rolievcg Stomach misery, bout Rtom Misery In waiting for you a noun asj.MiiNki Is regarded as tho leader of j eeh, belching, and cures all stomach dis vom dei lde t' take a little tiiiipepsm the Hebrews in the south und is a ! eoao or mono back. Largo boi of tab Tr',1 your druggist that you want; very powerful speaker and strong ! lets CO cent. Druggists la oil towns. Pape's Diupcpsln, because you want writer. ' to become thoroughly cured thin time ; There is no break In the drought, - nemeniber. If vntir Moninch feel and the sheriff of this county says maker of Durham, tiled a petition In out-of-order nnd on i.nifortable now many wells have gone dry. ! bankruntcv: liabilities 114.000 linnet you can get relief in five minutes. THK I'K'KI HT STOCK CO. IX "KOII A tillllS lAA f." The Piekert Stuck mmpanv pre sented Will K. Culhanc's four-net comedy drnma, "l-'or a HIiTm l.tive." at the Grand I -i t eenlng t' a xmall. but highly appreciative audience. The storv In a well written nin- with a dis tinct thread running tlirniitlnnit and iiortrasK human nature as It really exluts Home persnns with warm and svmimthellc natures and ethers with sympathetic natures and others with cold nnd nlntort deinoii..us spirit pes- esng them. The two coming Into touch with each oilier almost Invarin- My arouses milium interest ami cans, s anxiety for the good nnd trio It If herv where the author has touched the kev-n.'te and made a sue his plnv. In the hands nf the Plckerts the fine-points intended were per.-i pl il.lv brought out nnd the play was mll a societal. Specialties and two Illustrated songs, "t'ndcr the Irish Moon'' and "Take Mo Out for a Joy Hide" w. re Intro duce, 1 .luring th" evening. "The Vengeance f lieii. se," wtll ! lie bill for tonight, after which an ..in.iteur ait will be out on partlci- I t nt' il In b loi ill tab nl. and the muli ng' m nt promises an eening of fun. There will be a ladies' and chil dren's ("ntlnee Satutda afternoon, at which the company will premnt "The Oi.ld of tho Street " I'reo. Ii llr.uid ouo.il I'.Ut-t Olllis'rs. Kren. h I'.road Council No. 7. Jr. . I'. A. M. last night elected the follow ing officers for the ensuing half year: Councillor Itev. J. S. Williams. Vl. e-Couiu lllor K. A Hull. licconling Secretary--! isenr White. Asslsiaut ltecordlng Secretary Clov.l peunell. Financial Secretary II. I-". M.Cor kle. Treasurer J ,M Houald. Conductor C. W. Huberts, Warden -A I!. I'avne. Inside Sentinel it S Iviinnlon Outside Senllnel J. 1. (Ilciiii. Chaplain Guy Weaver Truste. It. M. Grunt, It. 11. Luther, J W. Kldson. Librarian D. E. Penland. Representative to State Council II. 1". McCorkle. Alternate S. G lionul.l. Council IVputy. t'niisusll) Ai tle Holiday Trade. New York. Dec. . Despatches to Dunn' Hex lew Indicate that the la bor troubles are having an adverse effect on business in the northwest. Iteports from oth. : sections are uni formly favorable, with the holiday trade unusually active. Good Food U the secret of many a successful household. Post iToasties -"i I "THE MZM0RY LINGERS" Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich. SURVEY OF STATE FROM THE CAPITA L The Tobacco Growers of a Number ofnK medicines into the stomach nor Counties Are After Test Farms and Have Appeared Before Board. RALEIGH POSTOFFICE RECEIPTS SHOW A HEALTHY INCREASE Stntc oniilabt Deny the Statement Tliat Tliere Are (iralu Distilleries In North Carolina. The Gazette-News Bureau, Chamber of Commerce Booms, ( j Hollemon Building. Raleigh. Dec. S. Yesterday there appeared l.efore Mho stale lioard of ugrieulturc dele- I a lion from the old tobacco growing i counties of (iranvlllo. Person and '"'"'ell, each urging the board to es-, i . . . . . . . . . .. i , .- Urm for tobacco. V. P. Hobgood and j A. II. l'owell came from Uranvlllo. J. The ItNleigli I'oMtoff Ico. ; Postmaster Itrlggs says tho receipts! ..., ,,, ' .,,. ,,r 1 , '"""" eral opinion of Brevard citizens. Last were jX4oO, triis being an lncrea ot , department, becomes treasurer of the . u ... .. ,. , , 11781 over the samo month last year; U1,1(, nr.. Insurance company of l" Mr nal,ey Wa" ln",ructod t0 u gain of 21 per cent. More than n7Z gun ThT ntt"I! ", " "" thr"Kh th'8 CUntT two thouMim. Htoflice. report to this' rk. This Is another case where ! ruHn the grades neceary and ..rricc. xemllng In their funds, and airplane, which the insurance depart- I ""I':'"1 "fhf. "TlZ n, l l,e rural free delivery carriers, more .,, ,,, )lly B m .,,, jthhi route to that of the present in- tl.an l:'ii in ninnher nri. tmlil .fn,m ' ......... i .......... convenient rood leadlim' out from rrotn iiit m n ir Ninmiii in ovi.nioer " ' - i tlil office. There has been a very little InereiiHo of the number of these carriers in the past two years. Am. ng ; them are tnree young women, wni have the ordinary 24 mile route, (mi "f thine goes out from HurllnKton. The N'.i'olk & Southern railway i lie .-.i oik c M.uinern ranwa 111 on Sunday !-glii a through mall service between Ilalelgli and Norfolk, ; Uius covering every day In tho week.j i ne growin or tne country along an; this end of that line is something re niarkuble. Xo GrHln Distilleries. Publlcntioii having been made of the fact that there are a number of .... . ,-. .... .u,," . ... , registered grain distilleries In this .slate. It is denied by officials here that there are any such. There are I some fruit brandy distilleries In this! district, and no doubt some In the western district, these having been registered upon the statement of the men operating them that they were 'nuking brandy only for their own use, and not for sale or proht. Any way, that Is what tho gave out to the officials. The t'nlte.l Ktat.n diss not authorize any one to violate the state law, nor does the government recognize the provision of the state recognize the provision of the state law j but simply goes along In the pres. rib e.l way and allows such people to iimllfy as distillers; advising them at ! Hie time that such qualification is no protection whatever against prosecu tion under the state laws. It is pini lively slated that there are no grain distilleries licensed in this revenue district. Solicitor liunlels has lsen seeking Information us to the fruit distilleries which have lies-n licensed, iv llh the view of prosecuting these for operating. Some say that the statement such people make that they will only distill brandy for their own use is n pretense. Sumo law yers have told such men that the law does not prohibit their making bran dy. If not for prollt. The officials seem to think that monnshinlng is on the Increase, They say they had ex pected thn number of licenses for various things will be as large, if not larger, than In the days when liquor was sold, because this was found to be the case In Maine, a famous pro hibition stnte. It must be remember ed that a number of men are forced to pay tax, some of thera buying stuff fro mNew York. Ttlchmnnd. and Nor folk and other points also which the sellers guarantee to be non-taxable, but the government very often asks nnnlvsls . Yesterday Robert II. Clegg, a brick- la delightful food to keep on the pantry shelf because It Is always ready to serve with cream or fruits. . Also used In numerous ways to make many "good things better." In packages .there la little booklet, "fid-lilts made with Toast lee," that tells how. IYpular k(. 10c. Large family slse 15c, ft TRUTH ABOUT CATARRH Sensible Method Will Cora It Knilth'ft Pro if Store Guarantee Ilyomrt to Cure Catarrh. Catarrh ran never be cured by tak- ' j t "" vi vuut i ten. Intelligent physicians have Ions ago discarded such Ideas and not one of them -would be worth considering were It not for the fact that unscrup ulous persons prey upon the Ignor ance of the people Jn regard to new discoveries. Catarrh is caused by germs and just as long as these germs thrive In the folds, crevices, nooks and corners of the mucous membrane that line the now, throat and chest. Just so long will you have catarrh. . There Is only one way to cure ca tarrh, and that Is to kill the germs. 'ihere Is only one remedy that will kill lite germs when It gets where the germs are, and thai Is llyomel. llyomel is made chiefly from Aus tralian Eucalpytus and Kucalyptol combined with other germ killing antiseptics. Just breathe It in through the hard rubber Inhaler that comes with each outfit nnd relief Is Imme diate. Csed regularly for a few weeks llyomel (pronounced lllgh-o- m) will cure chronic catarrh. Com- p,.(, outllt S 1.00 at Smith Krtig Kioro and Irnillnir ilrniri? 1st ev.rv- WH,r,, Cures Indigestion $10,000. ' George It. Liuuuy. for some time i,,.,.!.!,.......... , v.. -.., -n'm 1 1 ii-ii iiiimui ur rnn niti-i. A ebarter Is granted the Tolston i.,ber and Manufacturing company llf ,N,.wlwrn. cniiltal stock I2S.O00: , . . . . .. another going to the Vranklln Light , and Power company In Macon conn- ,. .... ...... . .... . capital tr.O.AOO, II. O. Cozad and ,hers stockholders; a third going to I ,,. M, peasant Auto. Transfer com- ! puny, capital 2.r,000. TobniVo Kxliihlt. The commissioner of ngrlci.ltur gels iilte a large gift for the museum of that department from Archibald I!. Henderson, a member of the legisla ture fr.nn Caswell, this trfdng a home made twist of sun cured tobacco, the , , , .... , . I" " ''V ' ' year I .10. and some plug tobacco put up In 1X32. This will be shown in the tobacco collection In tho state mu seum, which embraces all the vario lic of leaf grown In this state. The board of agriculture gave a hearing vesterday to representatives of vari ous fertilizer uianiifacturerH, the board luixing made complaint of the , . . ..... . largR iiiimlM-r of different brands un der the same analysis. The represen tatives of the fertilizer companies any that it Is their dcMlrc to reduce I lu ll umber of brands, and a committee "f ,he b"Krd ha he"n "PPolnted to see thnt a reduction Is made. Mention has been mnde of the fact Umt (,"v,,'''ur Kltchln has requisition on the war department for uniform! for thn national gunrd, of olive drab, and for many other supplies. The I w"r "'el'm-'ment gives no hint os to when these wll be furnished. It had been hoped to get the clothing by mid-winter. Instructions to make requisition for It were only recently received and great care hail been tak en as the slse had to 1m given. MiinicliHil Biillillng. The municipal building commission has awarded the contract for thnt building and the auditorium, which will be In the rear of It, to tho John A. Carter company of Philadelphia, which was the lowest of the 11 bid ders. The price as agreed upon Is f!)r..281 U'ltKKTMXt MATCH MtHANGI.It nut NIGHT OF 1)1 :(:.M llr.lt 1 Ktlwanlrt I to Meet Albert Medina, tlir "Italian Champion," at (rand Opera House. The sporting elemont of Ashevllle is taking Interest in the wrestling match which has been arranged to take place at the Orsnd opera house December 7 between Albert Medlno, the "Italian champion," and Billy Kd wards. who wrestled a draw match with Drake here not long ago. The match will be a catch-as-catch can affair, and will he a struggle to the finish ns there will be no time limit. Medlno Is a man of powerful phy sique, and weighs S00 pounds. , He has defeated Io Pardelo, "Big John" Kooney. the Chicago, and Walter Wllloughby and has wrestled with such men as Dr. Holler and Frank Qotch. He Is only it years of age. FltATERXAIi OltDKIl OF F.AGLKM F.LF.CT OFFICERS LAST NIGHT At meeting of the Ashevllle aerie, j Fraternal Order of Eagles, attended I by about UO members last night, the i following officers were elected for the ensuing term: j Worthy President 0. B. Reynolds. I Worthy vice president X. B. iAnge. Worthy secretary Vance L. Wells. Worthy physician Dr. E. B. Mor ris, i , Worthy chaplain M. "wartiherg. Worthy treasurer John H. Lange. Inner guard W. N. Horn, f )uter guard O. W. Davis. Trustees W. II. Bird. Morris Myers and A. F. Felt ha us. Start TtiHr Campaign. London, Deo. . Freed of their leg islative duties, members of the House nf Commons and many peers, began their own political campaigns among their constltuences today. Few mem bers remained In London for the cer emony of proroguing Parliament. , Took Ills Own lire. Columbus, Oa., Dee. I. J. M. Brown, son of a wealthy real estate dealer of Cleveland. O.. committed sulc.'le by swallowing carbolic acid today. ' ' II Number of Lawyers in Western Part of State Interested in Transyl vania County Court tNTEREST BEING TAKEN IN ROAD CONSTRUCTION Tills Is a Movement WIUcli lias En listed the Actlvu Supixirt of lire- , yard CIUicim. The Oaxetta-Ncws Bureau, The Franklin, Brevard, N. C Dec. 2. Correspondence of The Gazette-News. Court, which convened here last Monday with Judge M. II. Adams pre siding, has concluded the criminal docket and taken up the civil cases for the remainder of the week. Many prominent lawyers from various towns in the western part of the state are associated In cases before this court. An Interestlnf fact In reference to tho out-of-town lawyers here this week Is that three known aspirants for the democratic nomination for congress were here. While all three, Hon. J. M. Gudger, Jr., William J. Cocke, nnd Walter K. Moore, huve interests In various cases being tried at this term of court, they are nevertheless tuki Ing the opportunity of renewing old ; acquaintances and making friends with Transylvania voters. Ituck Forent Hood. That a new road from this city to' the Cedar Mountain section through the famous Buck forest territory will ; be built In the near future' is the gen-; Penrose. The remilt of this survey was a very I pleiiHitnt surprise to the citizens 'in ; that the road enn be built at a muxl- ii"" i f roan enn oe tun i ai a max - ,,,,,. f ve ,.,., TunninK . ... . ., ... ... . . i .'"', . ni- ... t-i. i. ..-.. m, i - 1...... ' . . , . ,.,, - . . . """"- "'"""" ""' ' ,,"UftI,ce Rve'' "ver lhnt or the present route would be nearly live miles. . j on account of the fact that this' proposed road must be built by hull-i vliluals before it can he turned over I to tho county to' be kept In repair a ! sulcriptlon list will have to lie pre- ', sealed to the many parties Interested. ; and it Is thought that, with the aid i ... in ii iiui .1 v .1(1 111. il.U f ,.. business men of this town and out-of-town parties who are largely Interested In . this. Immediate section, there will bo no trouble in opening this new country clear to the stnte line. Just over the. mountain where the proposed road H fects3 to con nect with a South Carolina road Is u. ,..,.... .......... ,A...I ' C, . " '"""V . ' ... . Una h only mountain resort hotel. ICv- cry jenr this popular hotel has hun - dreds of visitors and with tho recent xteiislve improvements there Is rea- j son to believe next summer will be I the most successful senwin In the i history of this mountain resort. 1 Tho largest portion of the country , that this road will penetrate is the ! Buck Purest section, recently acquir ed by the r estate In Ashevllle, 1 and will be operated In connection i with the famous Battery Park hotel, : ns a hunting reserve. i Auto Highway. The distance from Ashevllle to Bre- i vard by road is only SI miles over comparatively good roads in fact, j during the past summer many auto-: Ists made the trip with perfect ease. With considerable improvements made ' at various points along this road. It could be made Into one of tho best i automobile highways In western! North Carolina. The extension of this ; road over the lately surveyed route Is ; at a less than five per cent, grade, and j Piuses mostly through the Buck For-, est estate on ridge land, where the j soil Is Arm and a large degree com posed of a soft rock, which calls for very little repair work In keeping It; In a most excellent condition for au-. tnmoblles, as well as other convey- j uneeg. I Citizens Kiithualajrtlc. j That Brevard citizens are enthusi-1 astlo over the npenlnr of this vast . mountain section, allowing a short ! cut to South Carolina, is thoroughly ( demonstrated from the fact that a j ready subscription was given to aid In making the survey. The business men are also ready In doing their part towards building the road, which That Double Chin Ever womsn who Is fat.and es pecially every woman (or man) who has a hog-like double chin, will wel come this news pariagrnph.. Your night masks and sticking-plaster strips and stroklngs are at an end. A method of reducing double chins (also fat abdomens and hips, shoulders, an gles and neck), that really does red no them, has been found. And would you believe It, It Is nothing more than a simple, harmless home receipt that any druggist will fill for you, vis: V, ox. Marmola. Ii og. Fluid Extract Cascara Aromatic, and t os. Peppermint Water, a lea spoonful of which after each meal and at bedtime wll take oft up to a pound of fat a day. Try It it la good for the stomach strengthens that or ganso It turns the food Into energy, bones, muscle, as It should, Instead of Into fat, as yours Is doing now after each meal. Eat what you wish; drop exercising; be lazy even; this mixture will still trim up your figure. And It will do It evenly, too, without caus ing wrinkles; removing the soggy fat. such as double chins and stout abdo mens are made ot. Ant, CIVIL CASES 101' BEiriG COOSIDERED promises to be the source of opening up new trade In this section. This road from Brevard will only be about 15 miles long, while the one leading out of Penrose is some 20 miles long, and at places cannot be traveled when the creeks are the least swollen from heavy rains. Only One "BUOMO QCINIXE" That Is LAXATIVE BROMO QUI NINE. Look for the signature of R W. QslOVR Used the World over to Cure a Cold In One Dav. 15c ; Oh, mowed Wife! Homer 8. Taylor, president of the National Archery association, said at an archers' dinner In Chicago: "An archer must be very skillful and calm and cool to succeed. He must handle his bow as Mrs. Poarck of Michigan avenue handles her hus band. "Mr. Poarck came home very late the other night from an Important political meeting. In the hall he kicked up rather a row. growling and swearing to himself till his wife called to him from upstairs: " What's tho matter, my dear?' ." 'Matter hlc Is. Mr. Poarck roared, 'that there's two hat racks here, and I dunno which one to hang my hat on.' " 'But you've got two hats, haven't you?' said Ms. Poarck, soothingly. 'Hang one on eoch rack and come to bed. You're tired.'.' "Don't waste your money buying plasters when you can get a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment for twenty flve cents. A piece of flannel dampened with this liniment ts superior to any plaster for lame back, pains In the side and chest, and much cheaper. The ifH SATURDAY GREAT BARGAIN DAY 100 Ladies Fine Tailored Suits, bought at a Sacrifice Saturday at One-Third Less Than Real Value. ' $18.00 Suits will be Bold at ... ... '. $25.00 Suits will be sold $10.00 Long CajicB at. . . $12.50 Iong Cajie's, all jMillinery Sale All Winter Hats to be sold at one-third off regular price, Fine Beaver Hats $10.00 Value, at. ... j . . .; .. .$6.75 $8.00 Value at... ... .. .......... ...$5.00 $4.00 Value at ... . i.. . . $298 DRESS GOODS SALE, BIG HOSIERY SALE, WINTER UNDERWEAR SALE, FUR BARGAINS. ' , '' i 200 pieces of Furs, Nock Tieces and Muffs. It w'ill surprise fj-ou o see how cheap you can buy one. . . . , " ; lh PALAIS K.OYAI V 5 South Main Street. ) PEERLESS . Maish Laminated Cotton Down Comforts The best comfort on the market for the money. Made of pure white fleecy Cotton, light and warm. -All prices. AVe are showing a beautiful assortment of Handker chiefs in embroidered and initials. The ladies tell us they are the prettiest they ever paw for the money. The 25c ones are particularly pretty for the price. IE P&l&is Roysil. 5 SOUTH MAIN ST. sTssTtiMCM at. . ... . , . - $6.75 - colors, at ... ... ... ........... ... .. .. ..........$.875 - II I . Sale, all will be, on sale v . ... ... ...$12.50 ............... .$15.00 L