Friday, December 3, 1CC0. i t T f f T f J f ? X X T T t f T f f f f f tVr- f T X ? ? ? ? Great Sale Millinery Starts Saturday Morning $5.00 nhdOO Hats.... i.. .;.,.v... .v ......... ...... ... ... . $1.97 $6.00 ana $7.00 Hats. : $2.98 $10.00 and $12.00 Hats. ..... , .................. . ; ... .$4.98 '-.We bought'ten cases new, stylish shapes, gold bands, ;gold roses, wings', and feathers from a large importer at 25 to 40 cents on the dollar and our milliners have been busy day and night making up these stylish new hats and the lot will be ready for your inspection Saturday morning. : ALL COAT SUITS AND DRESSES RE-MARKED FOR QUICK SELLING. $23.00 Coat Suits for Women and Misses. . ............. ... . . . . . . '.. . . . . .$15.00 $12.50 and $15.00 Stylish New Dresses. . .$8.50 $5.00 Voile Skirts . . ..-: . .. . $3.48 Hosiery Specials Again Saturday 25c Guaranteed IToso for Women in seconds. .. ...... ...... ... ...10c a pair. Misses and Boys Ileavy Four Thread Hose, 25c in first quality, Saturday . . .10c pr. Men's 10c Fast Black Sox. ..... ... ... ... 6c a pair. The sale of Fine Silks continues from day to day with increasing interest on all sides. , ,. . : -. : 50c Fancy Silks for evening dresses .................. ..... ....... .33c yd. 39c Oyama Silks for evening dresses 25c yd. $1.00 grade Foulards and Fancy Messalines '...'. . ... ....59c yd. Kindley 's Ideal Guaranteed Kid Gloves for Women. . . .... . . ... ... ... .$1.00 a pair. Every shade 'and every size. Fully guaranteed.? n 10 to 11 a. m. Saturday Children's Hemstitched Handkerchiefs . .4c each. Extra Values in Table Linens 75c All Linen Table Damask. ... .49c yard. 35c Cotton Table Damask... ........... ....... ......... .23c yd. Turkev Red Table Damask ... ...19c yd. V $1.00 Fine Satin Damask, all linen. . .69c yd. Yard wide Linen Cambric, worth 50c, at..." 25c yd. Cotton Napkins ..48c doz. All Linen Napkins . . .89c doz. W. E. KINDLEY 15, 17 and 19 South Main Street, & CO. Asheville, N. C. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. ? Y T r ? ? t t ? f t .? -? T ?i Y ! ?! f i T T T Y f f T ? ? Y pecial old -Weatlieir S Saturday Selling We invite you to take advantage of our SPECIAL VALUES for we are more than anxious to convince you that we can save you money in every department. Everything as advertised. As usual we are always looking out for our customers' interest. So, for Saturday's selling we offer the following exceptionally good values: ? , AMUSEMENTS v f "The Vengeance of Denlse" tonight. r Monday, Dec. 6.-Isle of Sptce, matinee and night 4 - A Tonight the Plckert Stock company will present what they claim to bo the but play In their repertoire, "The Vengeance of Denis." New special ties will be introduced between acts. After tho regular performance the nmaleur contest takes place, which promises to be very amusing, as there are live or six contestants who are anxious to show their friends' their dramatic ability. Five dollars In gold will be given to the winner. Isle of Spier. Matinee and Xlglil. It doesn't take, much power of de duction to figure out that if it costs several thousand dollars to produce an ordinary musical comedy. It must cost a small fortune to lalinch an ex traordinary ; extra vaanu like the "Isle of Spice," D. C. Whitney's pi quant musical mixture. . It's all ex traordinary acencrv. -. electrical ef" feota. FoMiimm. Mil and chorus. It Is the object of the press of the coun try 'to tell the thenter-golng public Just what is good and bad in the the atrical world. Read the splendid en comiums which have been written about tho greatest of all musical com edies, the "lule of Spice. It's true, every word of It. This attraction will he on view at the Grand, Monday, December 6. matinee and night. At the rise of the curtain there Is a soft and dainty blending of color, music that Is ravishing sweet, and a lnlnn of young and beautiful femi ninity grouped about the stage In plc tiires.iue attitudes. Then the come- dlnns come and make you laugh with their funny sayings and doings. Then there will be dancing numbers ren dered with a sprlghtllness that mukes the pulse insensibly quicken. Then follows more girls, ana tne very mr soems full of a swirling, gyrating rh.ioa of color In silks. It's the "Isle of Solce." with its popular songs of the whistling sort. Its enst oi pnnei pals with a world-wide reputation, us i a i'.n nd efficient chorus, and Its ta-nuUful electric and scenic effects. There will lie a bargain mniinm i 1 o'clock. Trices, adults, 78-ana du .... . - . X' I .,1. cents;, children, sa ceiu v.,,, i.rlces. 21 cents to 11.50. ueservca .i now on an la at the Mountain City Stationery store. Sure Sign of Winter. Ths-lamps are. lighted early, The air is raw and chill. The trees are almost lealless. The wind blows with a will. But the sign which tells me surely The year Is growing old Is that my dally morning bath Is getting beastly coldl Is. Touch Hancock In New York Sun. 254 CASTOR OIL-POWDER Aura Lnsm fr .TASTCICM AmmmAirr mBorriM osoaisss Uuhm rv Lkin SAFEST 4-1 LAXATIVE KNOWN Loot Forever. "I want something to go with lips.' " said the beauty who was trying to write a verse In prise contest. "I have exactly what you want, re plied the bold young man at the other side of the table. "Tou horrid thing," she said after he had completed the rhyme, "you have made me forget the Idea I had --Chicago Record-Herald. Flannelette for Kimo nas 500 yards in neat patterns in Persian de signs, 18c and 22c k ind, Special tomorrow 12 1-2& Regular $1.00 C. B. Cor sets 69c 200 of those latest stylo long hip cor sets just received. Spe cial tomorrow only . .69c. Regular $5.00 Silk Pet ticoats $2.89 Just receiv ed another lot of these crisp new petticoats, reg ular $5 value $2.89 $2.00 Pure Linen Waists $1.25 These are strictly tailored waists, neatly tucked with linen collar and cuffs. Special to morrow $1.25 $2.00 Flannel Waists $1.25 These are in me dium and dark colors, strictly tailored and made of flannel. Special to morrow . . . . . . . . . $1.25 $6 Extra Long Sweaters $3.98 This is a lot of those very popular ladies' sweaters, 3(i in. long, tliis season's newest style. Tomorrow ... $3.98 $1.25 Black Cotton Pet ticoats 89c Made of ex cellent quality imitation heatherhloom with deep embroidered flounce. To morrow ..89c. Bleached Union Suits 50c r0 doz. run of the mills Ladies' Pure White Union Suits, regu lar $1.00 value. Tomor row ..50c. Choice of 50 Trimmed Hats $3.98 Worth up to $7.50 each. A big money saving opportunity. To morrow . .... ... . .$3.98 $5.00 Children's Coats $2.48150 Sample Coats iri all colors. Sizes (-14 years. Special tomor row ... ... .......$2.48 15c Ladies' Black Hoso 3 pr. 25(5 75 doz. of these heavy black Cotton llosc, regular 15c value. To morrow .1 pair. ..... .25c. 25c Baby Caps 10c 15 do? Wool Knitted Pa!y Caps in pinkH blue and white, regular 25c val ue... ... 10c. 20c Turkish Towels 2 for 25c 40 doz. Full Size extra ' heavy Bleeched Hath Towels, regular 20c value. Tomorrow 2 for 25c 50c Outing Petticoats 39c 15 doz. heavy quali ty Outing Petticoat), cut very full, regular'50c val ue. Tomorrow ..... .39c 50c Ladies' Bleached Vest and Pants 25c GO doz. pure white fleeced Vest and Pants, nil sizes; regular 50c quality. To morrow ...... .... .25c. $1.50 and $2.00 Walking Hats 98c All colors, with turn up side. The very latest styles. Special to morrow 98c, All Suits, Coats and Dresses at One-Third to One-Fourth Off The Asheville Dry Goods Co. I "The Store That Saves You Money" Atrip down town is not complete un less you bring home a box of NUNNALLY'S. Somebody at home is expecting it. If not some body will be delightfully surprised. . NUNNAL LY'S is always appre ciated, because it is al ways pure, fresh, and delicious. The finest of all candies. THE Qnf SMS ARE THE DRIER Another Phase of the Campaign Against ; ' Liquor Will Soon Come to the Fore. nnm ot tho connlgneo, the nature of tho contents of the reepptnele and thu quantity contained therein. It l a notorious fiict. io ay persona who have had experience In attempting to drive out "Mind tlttem." that practi cally all the liquor now shipped Into prohibition territory Ih labeled at eome other or not labeled at all, and fre quently adilrewsed to persona other than the coimlirnee. The federal authorities alrendy have sent out ni'tioo to all manufacturer of Intoxicant that their warea muat be labelled on the outside of the pnekug.) on and after, the Brat of the new year, Ni tilnn forth the nature of tho con. i i i tent and the exact amount In each I pne Knge. It I believed that If the WnnhlnKtim, leo. 3 AnuUu-r phase j ,iw.t, m,,!,,,,!,.,, eo-operote with tho In the iin at mnipatKn RKnlnM I. qur ! federal government In the enforce- THE PRESIDENT LOOKS HIM OVER A treeh aupply always kept by , c a. nATson, at ration Avenue. "None Like Nunnally will eomo to Che fore the llrst ir next month, when the revised penal code of the United Stiitcs la to become ef fective. Many of Ihe changes mnile In the penal laws by the Hlxtleth con gres were of minor Intercut, but the section relating to the shipment of IntoxlentinR liquors Into "dry" tern tor contained new legislation, the re sult of which will be to mnke the United tUntes a fuctor In prosecuting violators of the act. In thickly srtlled communltler the local authorities, as a rule, are able to deal effectively with offenders, hut In certain sections of the Houth and Went, where eUlcmcnt Is rparse, tho task la not so easy, and the members of congress rom those aeetlona insisted that the federal gov ernment should come to the aid of tho loeal authorities. Three sections of the new eodlltcn tlon relate to the liquor tralllc. The most Important provision Is that on the aid of the local authorities, and after January 1 every shlpnv nt of Intoxicating liquor shall bear tho "It" ONLY 18 MORE BUSINESS DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Christmas giving is in greater vogue than ever. . Fanlnon ih like love, one does not explain it, one submits to it. However, the market may vary, hap piness is purchased at the same old price; the great est happiness in life has been in seeing the happiness "we give to others; without that incentive, the world would be like a watch robbed of its mainspring. , We are ready for you with tne greatest line of : Beautiful Christmas Gifts, suitable for Ladies, Misses and Children. KKSl'I.TH OP XK)I. Health ami Natural Condition Conic . lYtmi Ulght Fowling. ! 4 i i f, r i. 1 3 16 PATTON AVENUE PHONE 520 Man., physically, should be like a perfoetiy regulated machine, each port working easily In Its appropriate place. A' alluht derangement causes undue friction and wear, and frequently ruins the entire system. A well-known educator of lloston found a way to keep the brain and the body In that harmonious co-operation which mnk.'S a toy of living. "Two year ago," ihe writes, "being In a condition of nervoua exnnusiion, I resigned my position as teacher, which I had held for over 40 yeara. Hlnce then the entire rest haa. of course, been a benefit, but the use of Grape-Nuta haa removed one great cause of Illness In the past, namely, constipation, and Ita attendant evils. "I generally mnke my entire preen fast on a raw egg beaten Into four spoonfuls of OrapeNuU. with little hot milk or hot water added. I like It extremely, my food assimilates, and mv howela take care of themselves. I find mr brain power and physical endurance much greater and I know that the use of the drape-Nut haa contributed largely to thla result. "It la with fellnis of grstltude that t write thla testimonial, and trust It msy be the means of aiding other In their search for health." !ok In pkgs for the Utile book The Ttoad to Wellvllle." "There's Hesson." Ever reed the above letter? new One appears from time In tlm Titer nrc reniilne, true and full of human ment of the law It will be a conipnrit lively easy matter to suppress tho "blind tigers." It Is pointed out thut from now on they cunnot exist without violating the federal statute, und the nssinnptlon of the department of Jus tlco Is that would-be violators will not care to tnke the chiinco of falling Into th chillies of the federal courts. It has been alleged from tlmo to time that In some of the stutea where the rale of Intoxlcutlng liquor hns been prohibited In one way or another the railroads and express companies as sistvd the violators of tho law by act Ing as buying or selling agents, or bin h. Congress, with the idea of put ting a stop to this practice, provided as follows: "Any rallroud company, express company, or other common carrier, or any other person who. In connection with the transportation of any spirituous, vinous, malted, fer merited, or other Intoxicating liquor of any kind, from one state, territory, or district of the United Htates, Into any state, territory or district of tho Unltei! States, or from any foreign county Into any state, territory, or dlstrle of the United Htates, shall collect th purchase price or any part thereof, before, on, or after delivery, or shall In any manner act as the agent of tho buyer or seller of any such liquor, for tho purposo of buying or wiling or completing the sale thereof, saving onlv In tho actual transportation mid delivery of the same, ahull bo lined not more than $5,000." Gov. MiafroUi on) Suffrage. (Continued from page 1.) It Is conceded that since the passage of that act Judge burton has been punctilious In observing It, yet there frank expression of tho opinion that the use of private cars by Judges If- if YV''W;''JVa saying that It Judge Lurton made use of private enrs furnished him by tho nil I mil (U, he would make it his per gonal business to have an effective tight organised against the confirma tion of the nomination. The senate la more particular about the confirma tion of nomlneea to the Supreme Court of the United States than in any other matter that cornea bef ..e It, and It Is safe to predict that the Lurton nomi nation will be acrutlnlxed carefully. Croup la most prevalent during the dry cold weather of the early winter months. Parenta of young children should tie prepared for It All that la needed Is u bottle of Chamberlain a ('oiiiOt I'.einedy. Many mothers are never without It In their homes and It bus never disappointed them. at the least raises tho question of propriety sulllcient to merit an In qulry. One prominent republican senator from the west Is quoted as Counting the Mere Piilch. Uncial prldo Is a kind of iiatrlotlsm that Insts ns lung as any sentiment. The story Is told of a stranger In Mil waukee who. seeing an Irishman at work In the street, asked him what wns the population of the town. "oh, about forty thousand waa the reply. "Korty thousand! It must certainly have more than that." said the visitor. "Well." said the Irishman, "it wud be about two hundred and seventy-five thousand If ye were to count tho Uiiich." Youth'e Companion. ' Your complexion aa well aa your temper la rendered miserable by disordered liver. Uy taking Chamber. Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablota you can Improve both. Speaking of rtes. "Is she good at pyrograpby?" "You bet. specially her apple plea." -Unit I more American.' New York, Iec. I. At tho first of tho aeries of public meetings arrang ed by tho Knunl Franchise society. which waa held at the Harden theater this afternoon, Qov. John F. Bhafroth of Colorado waa the principal speak er. He waa Introduced by the presi dent, Mrs. Clarence II. Mackey, and waa received with applause by tne large audience of women'a suffrage enthusiasts. He apoke nterestlngly upon tha subject, "Should Women Have the Right to vote," ana. arier the conclusion of hla addresa anawer ed many pertinent questions In re sard to tho practical worklnga ot wo men'a suffrage in coioraao ana oiner states where the experiment haa been tried. The courso of meetings will extend through tho winter and among the speakers who will addresa these meetings will be the Hey. nenry n. Nssh of Cambridge. Mass.: Everett Colhv, the Kev. Anna II. 8hew. Mar tin W. Uttleton, Mayor Brand Whit lock of Toledo: CoL George Harvey, and Mlsa Jane Addama. Among the box-holdere for tho entire course are Mrs. Mackev. Mrs. Everett roit.y, Mrs. J. n. Prince. Mlsa May Ward Mrs. J. XV. Rrannan and many other society women Interested In the move menu ... A Sewing Machine Motor Is Always Ready And Costs Only One-Fifth of One Cent Per Hour to Run Buy One Now and Save Health and Strength ASHEVILLE ELEOTilC CO. Phone 69. .V- .Interest,.