Cfa AsbrwttU Gtirttt-NrctJ . I prni-ISHED BY Evening News Publishing Co. ABBEVILLE, If . CL NEW TORK OFFICE III Fifth Ave- nue (Brunswick Bide), Room 404, CHICAGO OFFICE 111 Boye Bids. Charle A. Ment, Muipr, BVBscRirnox rates AaheTllle and Blltmore: Ona Work Three Month Six Month A0 TvcIt Month 8 BT MAHi. W ADVANCE: .. .. W AA manmtna . ........... .Bi.tni fill Month 00 Twelve) Month Entered at the Postofrice In Ahvlll u second-claa natter. t The fJnwtlr-Ncws In a mem- R lrr of The Awtoclalcd Prcwi. 1 1 ttl(milil " I there- R fore complete nml rvllnlile, l it r r R R Friday, December 3, 1909. THE AKIIOPLANE. "Prlvo an aeroplane--our Pnrla cor respondent writes us thnt hundreds of aeroplnnts have hern sold lo private Individual In Kumpc one manufac turer alone linn odd 112. W Invite those Interested to favor us with n onll. A special Inducement wll nin.l.' to th"e ordering now for de li' i rv nfter Jiinunrv 1. 1010 even m-roplnn,' demonstrated In flljjjit le 'rv,. fMlvcrv to tin' purchaser." T'" shove, quoted from a Imnn fll ' -rtlsenicnt In Kti Anieilran new. Tntcr marks nn epoeh In tin- Inventive history of the n cc Aeroplanes id vcrtlri hk laennlrally ux niitomotillt s. Another dernde and the sky aliove in wll' ho pray with luiee Mrd-llkc ma i !'nrs speeding hither or yon through e'du avs of pnce. iltliv iprn In virions pnrt ;.f til. fv have n Loiuiir aeroptnn, r 'en in innfMctiire, and the tir lo ,e turned out by the Wright I' t coinpanv have been alniol' pir-vh.ised by Vornellus VambrbPt Robert J. (-ollb r and Riifse.! A Alif r of lietrolt. Whether these mitlti-mil-IIcmihIics will drive their own ma chines or have professional -iintors has not been reported Even n moderate tixe of flying ma chines will r- iluti"iiix many social fivitiir s. Taney the high class de. fiiulti'i nuking off with the spoils in nn neioplane; or the poor hut titled suitor ' loping with the daughter of a capitalist In her father s swift-winged airship: A few years ago a conun drum was propounded over mid over again in a popular song: "Shall we ever be 'abb, ever be aide to fly? O. nhtt Joy 'tw.iuld be to mount up In the sky. Nn nnr to trouble us there. Joys would multiply. Shall we ever be able, ever be nbl" to ny?" The tuneful conundrum seems to be answered An Ashevllle litt'e Klri taken last summer to a fashionable cmintrv resort was !ntercsteil in the unusual sports, the scenery, the din ner (In ss of the guests, but her curl osllv wns roused to Its utmost by the lighting of the oil lamp". These were the most fascinating novelties seen during her vncation. Reared In the tw-ntleth century, automobiles, elec-trb- cars, electric lights wre tarn accessories of dnllv life but lamps! Her gtaml children may feel the same '' nder and amnte" If they Journey Into remote piac. s and look upon it aurrey and pair, or a pony anil run about. AN ITOI.i:itlll,Y HAD TltVST. The chHlrinnn of the packers' com mittee recently made nn explanation ef the high price of ,ieat, to the effect thnt the packers were obliged to pay a higher price for livestock, and so thy passed on the additional cost to the dealer, who promptly handed l on to the ultimate consumer; this be ing merely a system of transfer of more money front the consumer's pocket t tho stock raiser's. This was offered as the explanation of a rise In prices. Illustrated hy mess beef, whlrh sold for H.r. a barrel In l0 and for tll.SO In 10X. llow does that explanation com. pure, with the statement recwitly la. aued by Armour Co., In connection with the listing on the stock exchange of a 1.10,000,000 bond issue, wherein tha company shows that It made n groa profit of U0.5IJ.000 for the year on a capital stock of 120,000.000 and arned surplus of 7.I!!7.12? Thlrty-flve per cent, per annum may be a legitimate profit for a trust If It were1 shown, for Instance, that lh trust method of handling tha Indus try resulted In any profit at all to th consumer, tha trust may be Justified Id taking any profit It could make. In other words. If an article of common necessity that sold for 11 rent a pound under competition could be. re duced to 10 cents a pound by Intelli gent monopoly, or even any fraction leaa than 1 1 cents, without loss or In Justice to the producer, th operation of uch a trust might b railed In omf senses sound economy, no mat ter how great It profit. But a trust In meat product thai liable ons of It amilated ronoern to make ?S per cent., or the half of that, while the price of the product la steadily riling, la a bad trust an Intolerably bad trust THE DAXXEXBERG CASE. The reason that a high license tax is Imposed upon liquor dealers under the police power of the State, delegat ed to the municipality. Is theoretically that by the nature 'of their business they add to the burden of the cost of policing. The reason thnt liquor sellers are not permitted to do busi ness like grocers and milk dealers Is found In the nature of the effect of! alcohol upon the nervous system. In theory, the licensing of saloons ; has always been perfectly fair and I square, dulling It has not been a case of the Suite's conscience with i money. It has not been the legltt-1 tlon of (m. natIon increased more than matlzing of nn Illegitimate occupa-! 6,0(10.000 gnllons, which I wish to tlon. It has not been a levy of trl- j reply to. bute. It has been a police regulation. The spirits withdrawn for consumo- ' tlon, for every year since and Includ to protect the people from the burdens , ln)C m7 are ,,elow cllotoa fr0m the imposed by a theoretical additional cost of keeping the peace. In the case of the State vs. nnnnen burg. which has been finally decided in favor of the plaintiff, the facts were these: ..lie ,,f llturlolla t,(ia..,f nn ,,r dlnance requiring all dealers in near" r& ';,w'ry cn!"' "f thC 14,11,1 l.eer to pay an annual license tax of ,,!'." f"l,lmV!,: j Withdrawals for all purposes, In- ;ri,.,'.i..f..n,ini . i,ii, i..,i ,..i,.,.n. '"'""B 'Xl-oi't. b-nkaKO, evaporation, vlcted for selling near beer without having obtained a license fiom the city. The defendent contended that the ordinance of the city of Charlotte Is void for that: 1. The city of Charlotte is without authority to pass an ordinance re quiring a license to sell near beer. 2. That the license tax on near beer is discriminative. 3. That the amount of the tax l.i un reasonable and prohibitive. In his brief Attorney (Jeneral Itiek ett presented the following argument: The evidence in this case from l)an nc.iburg himself is that it (near been is a beverage readily salable as a sub stitute for beer. It is made by the people who make beer and drunk by tin- I pie wno urinK beer. it looks will have most like beer, smells like beer, tastes llke.iifi and the carg beer. We submit te dot trin of nos- itur a soiils applies, and when near leer becomes the suhlci t of a polii e' regulation. It ought to be regulated ! like beer. Certainly, the two things approach each other so closely that the court cannot judicially declare ; that a license fee valid as to beer would be Invalid as to near beer. Furthermore, It appears In the rec- : ord that these near-beer saloons were! general headquarters for the vagrant i element: thnt a great majority of the j people who habituate them were Idle I ami immoral: that they require police ! supervision to keep order. and the I chief of police of the city estimates; that It will take two policemen fori each saloon. Surely such n lievi rage should be watched with tealous care, i The decision of the Supreme rnurt, I following this line of argument. seems to bring things out nt a point not so remote from where they started In. tllVXX'S COVE. The tentative ,H n of the Trans continental Hallway company und do not wish lo suggest that It is a prolmhllity. for we do not supMse it is to tunnel through 811 n set moan-1 tain is liitereatlng. In t'hunn's Cove land Is comparatively cheap, and It Is simrscly settled, although a situa tion of great ni.tural beauty. It Is not far from the husim-ss center of the city, and but for the mountain barrier would soon bo filled with homes. We have been wondering how long it would be before someone would build an automobile spocdway In the cove n four or flvo ml lea road with no grade rroHsInc of wagon roads, upon hlch our scorcher might be allowed to scorch to their hearts' content. The cove has room for this, ami a fine, large lake, anil carriage drives, and any number of homes, with gardens and poultry yards, be sides. Wttb the mountain tunneled, that part of tho railway track could 1 electrified, putting the cove within a few minutes of Pack square. TIIK ASPIIAIT IUNnr.ll. Kec.-ntly we directed attention to the fiu't that tho road cnmmlKidnner of Xew Jersey had rendered a deliber ate decision adverse to Macadam roads. The article referred to by us was from the news columns of Hie New York Herald. The New York Sun, having Its attention drawn to the matter recites these facts: "In the science of road building New Jersey may be said to lead the coun try. She could boast for a long time of more miles of Macadam than Mas sachusetts or even New York, and now successful experiments by Hoad Com missioner Frederick Ollkyson with as phalt binder slone promise a surface that will resist the wenr and tear caused by the automobile better thsn the best Macadam, New Jersey al ready ha II mile of th asphalt binder stone or bituminous roads, as they are also rail. and not "nly does Ihe new process cost lesa than the old. but It make a road ad most free from dust. Commissioner Ollkyson says that results justify the announcement that no more Macadam roads will b built In New Jersey." Whll experimenting in the con struction of good roads, would It not be well to try a mil or so of this asphalt bln lerT . Th astute Mrs. Pnkhurst ays: "The right ovef th budget will not result In th dissolution of th house of lords. . There are too many liberal who want to becomu lords," While wo may entertain doubt aa to whether thora are. " any liberal who' want to become lords. It Is an Illuminat ing Idea, that many , w I s h to reach that estate. King Manuel of Portugal and Pres ident Falllere killed 650 head of game In one day In the forest of Ram boulllet Presume they hold Butch ers' union card? Our friend Zelaya should view the future with much lesa alarm, with the Cruiser Prairie and aeven ; hundred marines stuck In the mud. , Figure. Editor of The Gazette-N'ews: Noting In your first column of your lint nase nn article entitled: "Moro whiskey Is .according to official report, being consumed." I feel as though the "im r mis ma.ier snoum oe nan. I ndcr the in-acting "jsot so much Her." vnu state the whlskev consumn- "Annual Reports of Commissioner of Int'Tnal Revenues": Spirits Wltliilraun for Consumption. Yecr. Oallons. Page. 1MI7 136.135,762 20 !?() 121,478.4.13........ 20 j i son u.6ro,iri 7 Nearly 20,000,000 gallon short, and etc.. are as follows: 1908, (go-ernment llguresl 137.4 40.- 009 gallons. Report of 190S, pages f.4 tnd 55. Is09, (liquor figures) 134.901,40.3 gallons. This year's report was Issued July 27, 1909, and Is by some who wish 10 Improve on the go eminent re port, news yet. Yours truly, l.KK ItuV IIKNKY. chairman Western North Carolina I 'roll i bit Ion lomniltlee. Ash"ville. I ice. n, 1909. AWAIT t'OMIXC; OK IIK.II TIDK (Continued from page 1.) Samoset and four lighters started for the I'ea Pal' h island, before daylight. It Is expected that Admiral Kimball f tin- marines taken lightened. The nia- rlnes probably 111 be laiub d at near- by forts With the ship lighted the officers V" tvTv i y 1,.,j' . i.'ii'.,',,, 'a:i'V.'..,'.tV feel sure the trnnsport will flout onjJ11" reluctantly left to attend a meet Hood tide this afternoon. j ' of lnp bank director where the i.. Im. i.., In She event the Prairie cannot be floated soon, probably the Dixie may be preaeed Into service to tranniort Hi., muriiiea filioiiiil the irroti liitett v. . .1 ... 1 , ....., . survey may bo nerpsMry to determine whether tho I'rnlrie Is damaged, but It Is Improbable nhe will he returned to the navy yard. j VrSSP.I, MISTOOK IIATTKHAS toil DIAMOND SHOALS LIGHT This Kxplnint the Wnvk of the tier man Ship Itrt-H-tcr Nhh li Oc curred l.a-1 Week. Norfolk. Yh.. le.r S The Ill-fated Oermun vessel, the Urewster. was wrecked off Cape liattcrns last week beeauiie the benson light at liattcrns was mistaken for Diamond Shoals i It was the R.-nne bill of Are served lightship, the Hrewsfr passing on the on Lincoln's birthday, and the mem Inner side of the lightship. ry of that meal by the old timers In This M cHtubllshed by a etatemetit 1 the Institution carried the day when made by rescued. the members n. the crew ASK SMITH'S DRUG STORE I'arbdati Sage, tlio Hair ; rower. Now Sold In America on Money Im Jin. k PIhii. It's a mighty good thing for the wo men of America thut Parisian Sage can now be obtained In every town of consequence. No preparation for the hair has done so much to stop falling hair and ernnicnte dandruff and make women's hair beautiful as Parisian Sage. Parisian Snge is the only certain de stroyer of the dandruff micro lie which Is the cause of 7 per cent of hair troubles. These pernicious, perslntent and do structlve little devils thrive on tho or dinary hair tonics. Parisian finite Is such an extraordi nary and quick acting rejuvenator that Smith's Irug Htore, who Is the agent in Ashevllle, guarantees It tn cure dandruff, stop falling hair and Itching scalp In two weeks or money back. Parisian Snge Is most daintily per fumed. It la an Ideal preparation, not sticky or greasy It Is a magnificent dressing for wo men who desire luxuriant, lustrous hair that compels ndmlratlon. And a large bottle of Parisian Rage cost only SO cents at Smith's Drug Store and at leading druggists all over America. The girl with the Auburn hair Is on every package. Mnd In America by Glrnux Mfg. Co.. Huffalo, N. Y.. who nil mall orders, all charges prepaid. SALE OF OIL PAINTINGS. Prof. Otis A. Miller, who sold twenty of his paintings here a month ago, ha brought some more from his southern studio, and with several painted recently, will have a Christ mas si.le In' the Peerless. The display will begin tomorrow and continue all next week. As In th former sale, th first ten paintings go at jroor own offer. No gift ran excl a fine oil paint ing and Prof. Miller I a noted land srpe artist. T 601 TO SUPERIOR COURT Defendant Is Charged With the Larceny ; of Musical Instruments from C. N. Webster. ? In the absence of Police Court Judge Cocke. Substitute Judge J. O. Adams presided over a fair alzed court this morning. One of the cases to which Interest attache Is that against O. O. Bertrout. who waa bound over tu Superior court upon the charge of stealing certain musical Instrument from C. N. Webster, band master of the First Regiment band. While the warrant charges theft from Mr. Webster, it la said that, in reality. It Is United State government prop erty that Is alleged to have been stolen. liertrout's defense was that he hnd simply ' borrowed the cornet and other Instruments from the ar mory, which Incidentally were found by the police officers pawned In Fln klesteln's pawn shop. i It seems that Bertrout was at one time a member of the Johnny J. Jones Carnival company, but left the com pany whllo they. Were In Ashevllle last summer and ha remained here since. Hond was fixed at SI 00 but he has been unable to raise that sum. George Murdock was assessed with 5 and costs for posting bill posters on the poles of. the telegraph com pany within tho ctty limits, In viola tion of a city ordinance. PR. WINSTON'S ARTICI.K IX CIIHIHTIA.N WIKXCK PAPKU He Writes Interesting ly on "Industrial Iklucntlon Our I'ronnt (Jrcat Need." A In rue number of Ashevllle people todav have received cqdes of the Thanksgiving edition of the Christian Science Monitor. pub'Hhed In Boston. It Is a very voluminous publication and a great monV have been wonder ing why they should !. receiving it. Search through It reveals the cause of such a wide circulation, however, for upon pnge 11 of th. financial and industrial section Is n c ognized some thing that is familiar to Ashevllle and North Carolina people. It Is a cut of th" Illustrious Dr. urge T. Winston, former president of the North Caro lina A. and M. college, now n resident of Ashevllle. Dr. Wi'i-toti has written bv reouest nn article cut. tied "Indus trial r-alncntlop Our Present (Irent ' .Wed." The article is couched in Dr. j Winston's usual versatile style, anil ibis subject is hand!'! in an Inlerest j ing and highly Intelligent manner. HclU'icri to Be a I'orgcry. New York, IX'c. .! That tho notn Imliciitlng suicidal Intent, piirpurting to have heen wrltt. n und signed by Mrs. . W. M. Sneud whose body wns found In n bntll tub In a house In Kant orange. X. J.. several duys ago, Is a forgery in believed by detectives. Mm. Snmil wnn n rlfltrT" of well known families In YlrginlrtvJfiUTenneKgeo. Truthful JaiiiCD. In one tnstanuc. least, bad spell ing enabled 'an office boy to express the precise 'fact. His employer had Proceedings were sure to be long and prosy. "James." he said to the tow-headed bid. "put up the niKn saying that I am out." Jan..:.- s.-i.glit for It In vain, so he Inscribed and pnstnd the following truthful announcement: "Out fione to a Rored Meeting." Upplncott'. Frankfurters Itrfcat Turkey. St. I.oul dispatch to New York World. Frankfurters and sauerkraut, ac companied by boiled cabbage and po tatoes, defeated turkey and cranberry sauce In a referendum at the St. lull's workhouse Thanksgiving and at dinner time 2'0 pound of sausage took the place of the "American bird." Two frankfurter were appor tioned to each prisoner, with the cab- 1 bage nml potatoes as aide dishes, the keepers asked 1 the prisoner to signify their choice of Thanksgiving viands. Park a Tllford' Candle. C. Sawyer. yN Interesting Ex hibit of Sterling Silver Picture Frames, a nice, fresh Stock for Christmas Gifts, in price, from forty-five cents (45c) to twenty four dollars ($24) is on Exhibition in the Patton: Avenue show window of Arthur M. Field Company fZl A Grip That Won't Slip Doe not grip the nose like a vise, but holds your eyeglasses bo gently you scare know you are wearing glasses and firmly that you cannot possibly ; shake them off, , - v . CHARLES H. HONESS, , Optometrist' ami Optician. Mannfartarer of Spectacles ami Eyc- glasNea, Grinder of Lciihcs. Sole Agent for Ashevllle. Opp. P. O., 64 Patton Avenue. Ileal Estate Agents, J Over Citizen' Bank. Phone 1128 ASHEVILLE HARNESS CO. 43 Patton Ave. Manufacturers and Jobbers of Harness, Saddlery and Horse Collars. PIPES PIPES! PIPES! PIPES! s CHAS E.GAR TORE, All sizes, all prices. The Pipe Store." 6 S. Main St. It Will Pay You To have modern plumbing put In your hom. I Install the "STANDARD," which 1 th best, healthiest and most sanitary. - Prices reasonable. Esti mates cheerfully furnished. A. F. f clthaus 1 1 S7 South Main St' rtion 13. Memorial to Mother Seton. New ; York. Joc. 3.-Tho centenary of thy foundation in the United States of the Sisters of Charity by Mother Elizabeth Seton In 1809 Is being cele brated this week in the various Cath olic churches and schools throughput Greater New York. Mother Hcton was born and received Into the Cath olic church In this city, and her mem ory has always been revered In the faith. She sent the first band of her sisters to New York in 181., and there are now 1.400 of her spiritual followers laboring in the schools and institutions of the metropolis. Big Wrestling Match GRAND OPERA HOUSE Tuesday Night, December 7 BILLIE EDWARDS vs. ALBERT MADINO, The Italian Champion.'. BIG BATTLE ROYAL. MMIMMMMMMMMMM '. Watch TIUs Racc for Bargains T ', For sale Tlie Oak Hotel. X REED A JVSTICE, X o --N J! , t ffacMYialbanfi Trust Company THE BIG BANK Capital and Surplus Deposits ...... .... Assets .... Commercial, Savings, Trust and Insurance Departments T. S. MORRISON, v . Chairman & Vice-Pres. Mil I The American National & Bank Capital $300,000. . Deposits $1,000,000 ' The Largest Bank in Western North Carolina. The Only Bank in Asheville . under U. S. Supervision. ACCOUNTS INVITED, LARGE AND SMALL. JOHN IL CARTER, President C. 3. HARRIS, Vfce-Presldent. M t SCADIN WATER-COLOR PICTURES These daintily-colored photographs of North Carolina with their beautifully mellow tones, make very acceptable Christmas gifts, when framed as we do them. Place your orders now for holiday delivery. . , ',;'. , tS52SlMt '' . .'. . "BROWN BOOK COMPANY, "The Office Outfitter Just opposite the Postofflce, on Patton Ave. ., " r . Phone 2S. BRING YOUR To us and we will make It look like promptly, neatly and reasonably done. harness line. . . ' W.' E. MASSIE Wholesale and Retail. FREE ONE POUND We will give 1 pound of 40c coffee and 1 lb. of 25c coffee with every 70c only (Dee. 4) aa we wish to Introduce THE SIMPSON TEA & COFFEE CO., "The Store of High Quality and low Prices," . 35 East College Street; , BUY AN OVERCOAT, ? A PAIR OF SHOES And two, or three suits of heavy un-derwear,-r-the old weather's coming HARD right away. Tho overcoats 15 to $15; Shoes $2.K0'to $4; Underwear 10a. to a dollar..'. ,. ,. .,., .. , 0. E. STONER CO. 18 South Main Street ; ", M - - . Red Cross Mattresses and Brenlin Win dow Shades Both essential to comfort. We furnish either. . . BURTON & HOLT Try Gazette-News Want Ad glankots. Comforts and Steamer Rug . ' v.. Our showing of these articles is out of tho ordinary. In fact it is tho beat line we have ever had. Cold weath- or demands these warm coverings, and tho Bon' Marche r t 'supplies them. You. mky buy cheaper ones. . But if you want Blan kets, Comforts and Steamer Rugs that you can 'depend upon, this is the place to come. t 'i ' ' ' ' '' . ;' - ' Cotton Blankets at 85c up. v' ,7, North Carolina Wool Blankets at $4, $5 up. Comforts are priced at $1.25 up. . " ' Steamer Rugs at $5.60 and $7.50. the V V ( , Qon March .$ 812,155.0g 4,544,135.00 5,356,291.00 mm mm W. B. WILLIAMSON, ' Cashier. i HENRI REDWOOD, Vlce-Pre. R. M. FITZPATRICK, Caalder. OLD HARNESS ' ' ' ; .' neW at a very little cost. Repairing .We manufacture anything In the HARNESS CO., 30 North Main St OF COFFEE FREE with every $1.00 lb of Ceylon Tea lb. of tea. This o.ffer Is for Saturday our goods. STOP You arc at the right place, if you want; ! ',:, SHOES i Prices will interest you. 0 K GROCERY CO. 362-364 Depot Street, Phone 672. , ; ROASTING PANS Th latest and best at the lowest prices. Bee them at '', The Asheville China Co., ( North Pack Square. Phone 181. STOVES $1.50 UP. ' Heating Stove of all kind for Coal and Wood. Also nice line of Ranges and Cook Stove. Price $1.50 up. Comfort OH Heater. DONALD & DONALD, 14 Bouth Main St- Phone 44t. '. It 7