In West Ashevllle, left this afternoon Personal Mention, News of the :t1 Societies, jJ) Happenings Meetings, Etc. Getting Read for Christ man. The oclal dullness, that Is unlver .ally remarked.-to due In a measure to the preparations for Christmas busily going forward among; the rec omhsed hostesses of the city.' Fair titer are knitting neckties, fashion ing sachets, dressing: dolls, embroid ering table linen, and number tongues are discussing the "things we want lor Christmas." ' : : - ' A satirical statement, that has Its foundation In a sly little faot. Is often heard that a woman bestows upon wme member ' of , her " family -the thing she wants most for herself, and then borrows it! Every one will agree that the costliness: of a gift is not so much to be- conBiaerea am lis uppru' prlatenei An amusing story. In one of the recent periodicals, relates how a, new-mother, to coin a word, decides that It will be so altruistic for the children to be satisfied with useful rifts and buy With their Christmas money, for the children of the wash erwoman the things they are longing for with a great, big long. The children consent and the washerwo man i notified to make no prepara tion for Christmas, as everything will be provided. The complication can be Imagined.' The shivering little llina Washerwoman ,1s presented with a blue satin parasol; a lame boy gets a pair of roller skates; the girl that has to help her mother with the wash 1b presented a pink silk kimona and so on to the bottom of the Christmas box. No turkey, no fruit, no warm clothes. The poor laundress rises In her righteous wrath and hustles -the benefactors out of the house, and they return to their home to weep over their own usefully useless gifts. This Is a tale with a moral that even the blind can- te. ;". '&:: nnrara and Phllathea Entertainment. "Mrs. Briggs of the Poultry Yard," doubtless some connection of "Mrs. BrlRgs of the Cabbage Patch," will be riven at the Odd Fellows hall, De cember 29, by the Baraca and Phlla then. classes of the Calvary Baptist church in West Ashevllle, for the benefit of the church library. The cast of characters is as follows: Mr. Briggs. . .... . .Miss Julia Brown Ralph Homer Brown jimmy Richard Duckett Alvina Miss Janie Morgan Melissa Miss Gladys Welch Silas Green Taylor Cochran Mr. Lee John Hollingswortll Virginia Lee Miss Nan Morgan Dairy Thomton...M!ss Bonnie Meadows Mrs. (yConnor..Mrs. Charlie Llneberry Mandy Bate .; : . ,: Mrs. T. Jones '.. The New York papers announce ti.ot wnilnm Gillette will play a fare well season under the management ot Charles Frohman. Twenty perform nnres of "Clarice." playing with Ma rie Dors", will be givem ', Tne otner plays will be Mr. Gillette's own plays, "Secret Service," "Held by the En emy." and "Sherlock Holmes.' Mr. Gniette returned to New York this Week from; Tryort. .where' he has been pending; a' f,ew , quiet ; weeks, at - his winter cottage. . .; K A very pleasant and Informal dnncc was given last evening by the Tahkee- tostee club. The guests were Misses Rebecca Cushman, Bettle Sites. ' Mary and Jessie Stlkeleather, Fannie Wheel er, Alee Drummond, Maud Gudger. and Alice Hazzard; 8. G. Bernard, Bert Nichols, Oassius Gudger, R. D. Millard. W. G. Borne, Ralph Carrier, Perry Cobb, E. B. Jeffress, Vonno Gudger, Albert Mustln, F. R. Baker and Paul Eve. ft fc The last Bingham cadet dance was given yesterday afternoon at the Bat tery Park hotel and was largely at tended and thoroughly enjoyable. Mrs. Eldredge, accompanied by her mother, Mrr. Hogan, will return to her home In Memphis, next Tuesday, coming back to Ashevllle next sum mer to resumo her dancing classes. . The exhibit of the Blltmore Indus trie began yesterday; to perhaps the finest of any of these attractive, yearly displays. - The wood carving shown is especially artistic and the embroid eries and other hand work are very beautiful, and desirable for holiday gifts. ;. - "'- . " ' It The Y.-W. C. A.! cooking class had a well attended session this afternoon at the Henrietta. Mrs. Dlckerman Is the teacher of the class, and the lesson today comprised the preparation of n variety ot salads. . ., : v .,. irnv : Miss Ruby Newton Intertalned in formally last evening at her home, 20 Jefferson drive. Among those present were Misses Grace . Graham, Maud Eaton, Tena Felmet," Rose and Lois Green, Blanche Hawkins, Ada Elmore. Leona Gunter, Bcula FrnnkHn, Ednn Hampton, .and Minnie Lee Newton; Messrs. Bates,'" Erwln, ' Montgomery, Hawkins, Enlow, Clodfelters, Welch, Calvin, Taylor Trlnks, Foster, Koonce and Galloway. -' The bowling tournament, always popular with the younger set, will be resumed at the Albemarle club this evening. " ' Mrs. Harry Martin entertained in formally at dinner lost night at her home on Liberty street. It It Mrs. R. R. Swope entertained with a dinner last night. X It - Dr. Silvio von Ruck has returned from a trip to a number of points In the east. It Mrs. Addle Wills of Ohio and Mrs. May Bishopric of St. Catherine, Can. ada, are guests of Mrs. Carl von Ruck. X It - Mrs. Thomas A. Jones left yester day for Rutherfordton, accompanying Mrs. -Tenche' Coxe-, and, will be Mrs. Coxe's guest for a short visit. : ' 'XX-. ' Miss Lucy Plympton, who spent lost season at Victoria inn, has arrived for the winter, and to staying at Forest Hill. X'X - Mr. and Mrs. George W. Vander- bllt will not go abroad as expected for the winter, but with their daughter. Miss Cornelia, will spend the Christ mas holidays at the Davidson river hunting lodge. X X Mr. and Mrs. Nelson R. Perry and Lockwood Perry, who have spent the greater part of the last two years traveling abroad, have returned to Ashevllle and will open their home In Victoria for the winter. . X X Mrs. H. 8. Harklns left today for Florida, to Join Mr. Harklns and Mrs. Reeves for the winter months. -. X X J. P. Lawrence left today for Co lumbia for a short stay. XX Miss Ella V. Martin left yesterday for Washington, where she will make her home with her nephew, Fred L. Sale, who has recently taken a post tlon with the law department of the publlo lands office. xx- ,! ' Frederick Rutledge will return to morrow from a week's business trip to the east. , , .... X X Mrs. E.t' b; Wells of Starnes avenne returned today f ronv Connecticut, where she has spent the past three or four months. -. h ' X X Mrs. Ella Rldgeley of Washington arrived yesterday to visit her mother, Mrs. Mary Randolph, at Blue Briar, the home of W. F. Randolph In Prox imity Park. , . . - X X' .! Mrs.' Tench Coxe and family left yesterday for Rutherfordton for a two weeks' stay. X X T. Tarpler Jervey of Charleston ar rived today to spend the week end with her aunt. Mrs. Jervey at Forest Hill. ' ! X X A. C Bartlett and Misses Florence and Eleanor Bartlett, who have been for some time at the Bartlett place for Boston. : V x - Mrs. Jane Banks Amiss left for Washington this afternoon, for a pro longed visit. -' X X Miss Rachel Howland has gono to New York. - : X X . Fred W. Thomas has returned from a short business trip to Washington. X X Mrs. Radeker and the Misses Rad eker left this afternoon for West Vir ginia, where they will spend the win ter. X X W. E. Logan leave tomorrow morn ing for Washington. .'. X X Mrs. 8. 73. Buchanan has gone to Washington for ashort stay. Ti TO PYTHIAN WORKERS About 30 Knights Were Guests of the Grand Chancellor Last Evening. IF- IT SHOULD RAIN Have you the shoes for such an unusual change? "We've heavy . i 1 1 is: t a gun meiai unu can Shoes m uns ti.uu ana ih.uu, ior men ana women, ijia us nt your next pair. e can prove it pays to pay cash. The complimentary banquet given by George L. Hackney, grand chan cellor of North Carolina Knights of Pythias at the Candy Kitchen last night was a very enjoyable affair, Some time ago Mr. Hackney made the proposition that he would give a ban quet to all members of Plsgah lodge or Ashevllle lodge who would bring In ono or more applications for member ship within SO days. The time limit closed Tuesday night, when it was found that more than 30 member were entitled to the banquet. All of these, together with Mr. Hackney, the host, and a few Invited members of Ashevllle lodge gathered at the Candy Kitchen for the festival. The banquet was an elaborate affair of Ave courses. There were several speakers, and then a number of Informal talks by the members present. Following the dinner, Mr. Hackney acted as tonstmaster, and the follow Ing tonsts were responded to: "Why I Attend Lodge," D. Harris; "The Or der of Years ago," B. M. Jones; "What we Will Be In Years to Come," F. O'C Fletcher; "Pythian- Ladies," R. U Williams; "History of Ashevllle Lodge," Chas. G. Iee. Following was the menu served: Blue Points on Half Shell Olives Cold Slaw Celery Pickles Bread and Butter. Roast Tennessee Turkey Cranberry Sauce Oyslpr Dressing tYench Peas Mashed Potutoes Banana Fritters Fruit Salad Snltlne Crackers. Marathon Ice Cream Pound Cako Lady Fingers " ' Coffee ' Cigars , j m'j Cigarettes SQUABBLE OVER J, R. EARLY HAS BROKEN OUT AFRESH Nichols Shoe Co. Cash Shoeists. On the Square ADVERTISE CITY Ifl THE NORTH With This End in View a Considerable Sum Has Been Raised by Hotel Men I nd Civic Bodies. H. REDWOOD & CO. PRESENTS FOK HEIt: Tailor-made Sulw, Cais U'"g C'obim (Mack ami also Un). ' garments now SSS, $25 now t. 923.50 now $16.50, $10.50 now $12.50. $13.50 now $10, $10 now $H.50. . . .'.Kklitit' ' and Children's Coat much reduced, . . .Itainionts, Sweaters ami Shawls.. . .Indian Milliliter Kobe. tl:o general styles of Cowhhans, Navajo aiul Tooqimt ....... Porllorn. Couch Covers IIiihIi Holies, Pin Id Blankets Comfortables c, . . .Fine Hearth Rug" anil Kottm Rugs at low prices i lioUcst italtcrnt on the order of Rerapl, ltogliestAii, Bokkara, and IVIm-lilsta. . . .Fine Wool Ores Goods ami Kllks. ... .fine Slioea ami SHiipcrs anil Slipper Sole. . , . .Rrnily-tu-Wrar llms. . . .Novels ami Hooks for girls !, 20c ami 25c..... Dainty Stock Collars Ln 0 Collars Ami KiirliiugH. . . . .Inllliil Handkerchiefs Fine Embroid ered Handkerchiefs, &c real values. ... .Veils and Veilings. Novelty Ribbons ami Dainty tares. .. .KUI ;lovcs Belts Pocket Books, hopping Itags Fur Si nrfs Fur Muffs i'...'. .Ihw Paer, Toilet Soa'p, Perfumery, Bell Pins Hat Plus WnUhcs e Vmbrelliis ami Trunks PRESENTS FOR HIM: Choice Suits ami Ovcnoals mid Triuisers, Imlmllng a lot of Real Bargains In nil e M(I goods. . ...Boys' Suits mid Overcoat Rnliiconu In great variety ... .Vuderwear, Hosiery and Gloves. .. .Dainty Scurfs and C'rnvats. ... .Watches, $1.00, $1.25. $1.50, $15, $2.00, $2.50, $S.O0. ... .Novelties In Fine Hats Caps Shoes and Sllpix-rs Club Still hrls ami Null Cases Hue Col ored Shirts, Night Shirts ami Pyjamas, &v, &v., &r., Ac. Simp curly u iHimlliie; you will be the gainer, so will we. Ity committees of the board of trade. the Retail Merchnnts' association and the hotel men. The plan is to advertise Ashevllle in the north and enst. especially, as a resort center, hut the natural re sources of this section will also re ceive attention. It Is expected by such extensive advertisement to be ulile very materially to Increase the winter and early spring tourist busi ness to Ashevllle. . ARRANGEMENTS ARE MADE FOR MEMORIAL EXERCISES Beginning Sunday, December 12, and for every Sunday thereafter for several weeks, -.Ashevllle will ho ex tensively advertised by means ot large display advertisements In the principal papers of New York, Huston, Philadel phia, Cleveland, Chicago. St. Louis, Cincinnati, und several other cites In the I'nlted States and two In Canada. To carry out this advertising cam paign, a large sum has been gotten together, one-third from the hotel men of Ashevllle, unc-thlrd from the Retail Merchants' association, anil the remaining third from the adver tising fund of the city under the con trol of tho hoard of aldermen, the hoard of trade, and Retail Merchants' association. The fund Is being ex pended under direction of tho pulillc- All arrangements for the memorial exercises of the Asheville lodge of Elks have been completed. The mem orial services will he held next Sun day afternoon In the Grand opera house. Locke Craig will deliver the memorial address and Marcus Krwlu will make the eulogy. A special fea ture of the memorial exercises Is tin excellent program of music which will bo rendered. Tho observance of memorial d hy the Asheville lodge Is In keeping with the custom observed throughout the I'lilted States by every lodge of Klks. on tho first Sunday In Decem ber. The services are open to the public nnd the committee, desires to extend an Invitation, to all to attend. Brass Graft This new branch of art appeals to every one Interested In home decoration. We have boxes, frames, tie racks, i andlcstlcks, etc. Metal can be lacquered or oxldir.ed for antique effects. liras Craft Outtlts, 35e, 50c. J1.00 nnd $l.5fl. Hackney 6 Moale Co. ON THE SQUARE. CHIROPRACTIC THE DRUGLESS METHOD. Removes the CAI'SIC 01 disease. The cause being removed, you have health. A healthful life is one of happiness. I'll 1R H'UACTIC Is not similar to any other method. Come lor I'llKK consultation nnd examination to our Ad.lustory. Lange r.uililing, North-west I'aek Square. I'hnne 621. Ijoly Attendant. Dr. S. I,. Whlt more. "Kl ROI'H At'l'IC DOCTORS" Dr. Clay U IH-nn. A Boy and a Bicycle. It's a natural combination. You hava thej boyv we have the Bicycle. The bicycle Is good for the boy. Why nol give It to him as a Christmas present 8ee our little Iver-Johnson beauties In black frames with Red Heads ,and maroon frames with green heads Bold on easy terms ' - . J. M. HEARN A CO., : Battery Park Place. , . Phohe 44. ' - ujumjiJ iilS'Si i" wes.i. i ,i ii lie Declares He Will Rcalst Ilclug De tainer as n Ix-mt In Washington Washington, Dee. 3. John R. Fnrlv, formerly of North Carolina, alleged leper, recently arrested and now quar antined, declared today that he would tight against detention. A peculiar situation exists, the gov ernment holding that Early is a "sound man," while the health depart, ment maintains he Is a leper. The Mary A. Hall Floated. Wilmington, Dec. I. The three masted schooner Mary A. Hall, which grounded just Inside the Cape Fear bar yesterday, while bound to this rxirt from Jacksonville, was floated and towed Into port today. Only Once, often does your car "How man?" "Only once, guv-ner! chauffeur. Tlt-BIU. kill a replied the C Sawyer for Mother's Bread Leather Goods A splendid new stock just opened up. A most desirable lot. Books, Bags, Flasks, Writing Desks, Gentlemen's Traveling Sets, Etc., Etc. J. H. LAW, 35 PATT0N AVENUE. COT CLASS tATRllta SILVCRWARC We are Specialists in Diamonds Our prices are below the market The mine prices ar constantly increasing. v r.EAs:::ASLE prices AiiTnTTMTiEiii) Co. C0R.FATT0K AVC J-CMURCN . FLOWER BULBS. We can supply Tulip. Narcis sus. Daffodil, Crocus, Dutch nd Roman Hyacinth, Oxalls and Japan Lily Bulbs. Novem ber Is the best month for plant ing bulbs out-door. It Is also a good time to plant Sweet Pass. .Fall plantings give the best blooms. Bow the seed 4 to Inches deep. "Everything In Drugs and Seeds." GRANT'S PHARMACY, Agents for Wood's Seeds. For Sale Desirable residence on Hillside street, near Mer rimon avenue car line, $2,500 less than value. LaBarfcs, L!c:!3 & Chiles, REAL ESTATE and IN SURANCE, 27 Patton Avenne. TFLFIMIONE THE ll.XBV KTVDIO Phone 1704 and make an appoint ment to have the baby's photo made right away to ovoid the ruBh, Abso lute guarantee ot good pictures. Clot pictures llnlshod any time you like. RAY'S KTVDIO, SB Pntton Ave. ' ''i Formerly 164 Fifth Ave.. New Torli. The Etude for December , On Sale, 1 5c, at . FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE,, St SOUTH BIAIX ST. I'HOXE SOS. we are pivuis bint-mi iuh-i-wj on Fur Turbins anywhere from mi. at? staiiom-ry c. a:t i-himii .w. M.50 to iMO.OO each. pDlemlitl! SEE WHO IS HERE! quality, at 00 Patton Ave. Popular Price Store, PIPER & JAMES. Just received over 6U0 volumes of standard imvels t paper cover) also a hit of detective stories which we of fer to the public nt IOjj, llegulurly enld fur 2 Be. t n niiiMjMountain City Steam Laundry rhono iu. Phono 1U. 1 Mnrlorn IWrthflffc I Tel. 42G, 30 N. Lexington Avo. I J. II. WEAVER. Msrr. Southern Coal Company Agents for the best brand of BLUE OEM and Gen uine Jellico, from Jellico, Tenn. Try a 2000 lb. ton. Office 14 North Tack Sq. AXVrilINU AUTISTIC IS DF.SIU AKI.K. That's why antique Jewelry Is pre ferred. There Is artistic handicraft In the old. For sale at VICTOIt KTF.UVS AXTIQI E AUTS AXD f'HAFT KIIOI, Sondley llutlillng. Haywood St. MMm'MHIUHIHMIIIMMMIIIIIHmmiMMHt ; Shelled Black Walnuts Make splendid cakes and candy. Wo Lave nice large ; dry pieces-r40o pound. T, )t .t. YATES & McGUIRE, I 23 Haywood St. Phono 221, 970. : t Hill I ll MM THE. PRICE, On our Invisible bifocals Lenses will surprise you. am nave seen nttoa oy us are very much pleased with them. Fe K. Gardner Eye Specialist. Manufacturing Optician Nos. 9-10-11 Drhumor Bldg. Cor Church St, and Patton Ave. Pattie Shells to Order. HESTON'S TELErnONE its. City Depot Blltmore Dairy. FOR SALE. Two ifontford Avenue Res idences $3200 each. These are prime value. . Nfttt Atkinson's Sons Company, V ' Heal t ..e DcUfi. Every Effort Is mado hero by thor oughly experienced laun dry workers to turn out a class of laundry work ex celled by NONE. That's why Nichols Wny laundry work is in such demand by the people of Asheville and vicinity. Asheville L&undry, J. A. NICHOLS, Manager PHONE 65. , CORNET BRAIDS MADE TO ORDER The latent creations in hair dress. Call today. MISS CRUISE, " nvHx m- A Short Time Before Christmas Our htock of Christmas Novelties has been selected most carefully, t- " -r-r' i O ANDWE!ARE READYIS to show you the prettiest linen to be found iu Ashe ville of the following goods Suitable for Xmas Gifts SMOKING JACKETS BATH ROBES KID GLOVES SILK SUSPENDERS CUFF BUTTON SETS NECKWEAR UMBRELLAS SILK HANDKERCHIEFS LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS SILK HOSIERY FANCY HOSE SETS Do not purchase until yon see ns. Keep your eye on our windows. Moctt Clothing Co. 41 Patton Avenue.

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