PAcn six. ; ) -! f 1 t f V n' . i if' H it : i .,M m 1 : '.If ".ill- ; " , !' r: ; i : . V: i 1 'i r l t'i K:a HqiiqHuo ffcr gEird fib I have preached to mothers for years to be careful what they give their children for bowel trouble. Not everything is fit for the delicate organs of a child. Cathartic pills are too strong even when crushed or broken in half, and salts and purgatives are both too strong and bad-tasting. Then what is the remedy? "It should be a liquid, in which the taste is disguised so as to make it palatable, and it must be mild and not gripe. The remedy that fills these require ments is . ' : Dr. Caldvvoll's Syrup Pepsin and drupgists have sold it for me for a quarter of a cen tury. Mother; ire giving it to their children today who 1 were given it by their parents when they were children, and the grandparents are still using it. There is no better laxa tive obtainable for children, women and old folks, for these especially need a gentle though none the less effective rem edy. It is a guaranteed cure for constipation, liver trouble, sick headache, heartburn, sour stomach, etc. Given to the child before retiring, or in the morniifg on arising, it will be relieved in a few hours, and a brief use of it as directed will prevent a recurrence of the trouble. To prove my claims I will send a free sample bottle to anyone on receipt of name and address. Then, if convinced, buy it as oth ers do of your druggist at fifty cents and one dollar a bottle. Read what users say. DR. CAI.DWK1.L rERAONAM.T WUX BR PLKA(ri TO 1IB TOU ANT MKDIOAL ADVK 10 VOI' MAY DKMKK IOK YOIKNKI.F OK FAMILY PEKTAIMNfl TO TUB STOMACH. I.IVKH OK BOW. KlJt. AIO.OMTtI.Y FKKK OF IIAKtiK. EX PI. AIM VOIR CAMK IS A I.KTTRR ANI II K WTLL RKFI.Y TO VOU 12 DETAIL FOB THE FRER SAMPLE) MMFLV F.M VOI R NAME AMI AJIDHEKN OS A FXTAI. CARD Oil OTIICRHINR. roR EITHER Krtlt'KNT TILE IM1CTOR- AllltKEfta 14 DR. W. B. "-""CALDWELI. BUO, MO.NTI- V&LLUi MIA, FOll HALE BT ALL DRIHiGlSTS. VI' Thl bahy li my grand- on. HI mni McK I a 1 y Dixon and I hLTt wit ness S to prove that Bynip Pap ain has mada thla boy what ha la In haalth. After ba ba iia , using nyrup rea lm ha rain ed from to 2 Is pounds a week. Hla weurht 14 poundi at four montha of ait a; ba had no trou 1.1- a. ... I " . tln .. It hat ten or twelve teeth and In nnlv air old. You may copy any part f my letter you wish, for It Ii true and will aland In the Last Will let yon know what your wonderful remedy did for my little alrl Dorothy. I had had different kinds of medicine and doctors, but have never In my life aeen anything act so quick and without pain as your Syrup Pepsin. It Is certainly the beat medicine and I ahall and will recommend It to all b" MRS. If. JOHNSON. 76a Dayton St.. Kenosha. Wta. I win stnte that I bad atomach trouble of aome kind; 1 was swelled; my breath waa short; I had imlpltatlon of the heart; I hsd no energ-y and I was dixsy. I took one bottle of Syrup Pepsin and now my bloat Is all rone; I have no more heart trouble; I feel aood In every way. I had tried everything; I could hear of and notnlna; did me any (rood until I commenced the use of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. I am very thankful to you for such a medicine, which I can heartily endorse and rec ommend to all who are suffering from stomach troublss.-J. F, DANIELS. Baron, Taxu. , HOI'! THE SHIPPERS AREfiOlVPESTEOED C Sterling 5'ilver rj V Christmas J THIMBLES fa Sterling Silver Christmas THIMBLES for early shoppers Si 1 5ctS Sizes in a nice box. The Stilo of these ThimMes will be (Jisconlinued December 15th. Tin: sky roii you. thr futurr iiky Is the bluest sky, Willi iiivcr n cloud In view, I'.ut the, ky today tho truest sky, And thut ti tho aky for you. Kor the work you hnvo to ilu Kor tho Uvea thut luin on you. Hold or Rray, Tin the aky today. Anil tht is th sky for you. There's a Idrd thut sings to the future sky. Where- the lilomoms drip with dew, Hut the bird today inukta the soim of May. And thut Ih Hip snntf for you. Kor the work you have to do Kor lhc licitrt Ihitt rliiiK to you. 'Tis the sweeleHt tumg Aa It trllln nlonK, And Unit ix the souk for you. I'". U Stiinton In AtluiiU Constitution. The Exception. (( 5Et THEM IN OUR SHOW f& f ARTHUR M. FIELD Their teneher hnd been telllnK the pupils or the r.reut Suit Uik In I'tuh. "The water of which.' she explained, "I so extremely nuilty that no littli enn live in It." Thin statement proving- too much for the credulity of Willie Parkcr.hc.rone a ith this otieatlon: "Ilea; pardon, Mim Smith, but can't mackerel c n It ? " Harper's Weekly. I Afjenti of the Roads Tell Him One Thing, While the Published Rate May Be Entirely Different MUST STAND BY LAW SAY ROAD HEADQUARTERS Is a Kilnntltm Tlmt In RrrrlTln the Allendon of Govcria.r Hufclxn Public rtllltlra Coinmllon. HOTEL BERKELEY POOL ROOM The most attractivo Pool Room in the City. : : : A complete lino of Import ed and Domestic Cigars. "IT'S DOWN STAIRS" Try a Gazette-News Want Ad. Von Will Make No Mlmake If You Follow Thla Arivlr. Never neglect youi kidneys. If you have pain In the back, urin ary disorder, dlxzlnrna and nervous nesa. It's time to act and no tlma to experiment. These arc all symptom of kidney trouble, and you should seek remedy which la known to cure the kidneys. Uoan'a Kidney rills Is the remedy to use. No need to experiment to use. No need to experiment. It has cured many stubborn cases In thla vicinity. Can Asheville residents demand fur ther proof than that contained In the fnllowlna- testimonial? Mrs. c. U llarvin. Weat Railroad street. Hickory, N. C, says: "I used Doan'a Kidney Pills and am well pleased with the results. For same lime I suffered from a weakness of my kidneys and although I used a number of remedies, I waa unsuccess ful In nndlng relief. Doan'a Kidney Mils, have greatly benented ma and In view of my experience I alncerely re commend them to other kidney suffer ers" Kor sal by all dealers. Frlca (0 rents. Foeter-Mllburo Co Buffalo, New Tork. sole agents for the United 8lat. . Remember the nams Doan'a and lake no other. ,, , . We Suggest a High Grade I10BM RiXAELE P!AH Something the Whole Family Can Enjoy All the Time Special Price and Terms for Christmas arts trac mm DM Special to The Oazette-Kews. n'oahlngton, Dec. 3. When a ahlp Per Of frela-ht Aal- tA consignment he goes to the freight ..-pin io icarn wnat It Is going to coat him. He find posted, nccordlng to law, freight rate from everywhere to everywhere else to the total extent of a volume ' unnrmimatim, U'atuia.'d. dlctlonarj', and so he naturally turns to the railroad freight aeent for his Information. The agent srlves It. If ne ID a nOMTB nd Pcguiniih. nvnn and the nhlnner shlr But when the consignment reaches i. o.-riinHiion ine shipper finds he wns misinformed by the agent as to me rate, u is much higher thRn that polite gentleman had Aid Pr)iani It I SO much hls-hcr thnl ho1 Ik,. snipper oeen aware or It, he would not hnvc wnt on the cons.lKnment, since me ireigni rate ate up nil the prof- ne unipper nastenx to the gen eritl nfllces of th i-.iir,,,, tr th uniount Involved la enough to' make it worm wnno. and ho there protests for all ho Is worth. "See here." he uv "l hn.l vn,.r IlKent'H word foe It Ihiif tho rat.t would be a certain- amount, but now you nnve coddled me Into nmking the shipment vou are rh'irelmr ma a ernet deal more. What lire you going in no annul It 7 s , "Nothing," replies the general office. 'Tho law anya we must nost the rate .Hid we hnvc done an 11 ,l,w. nt .a., we must stand by whnt our agent tell hlppers, nnd we do not do so. We ir n Inw-nhldlng rallrond. It waa vour biislneaa to aee' whnt tho rnte would he by rending the posted rate nml adding up these nfTectlng your shipment." "Hut It would hare t nlten me n week to do thnt." ' H'e rnn't heln II Tlmt'a tkn ln ntid vou will have In nnv tho lml i-nt and not tho one qunt d you by our :iiri-ni. This form of eAmnlnlut l throughout the tTnlted Slates. Shlp- ners everywhere have this particular form of ml I road ahnrp practice to eontend with, nnd It cannot be possi ble thnt there la n atate mllrond com mlisloner In the union, who has not become familiar with it. . Yet there la no record horo nf nm- .lal. nn,-, m I. - " , . . .u (lilllllll.- plon trying to cure It except Oov. niignes puuiic utilities commission In N''W York. Pertain!. In n.ttnnol convention of stnte rnllrond commis sioners One WOlllil rluitl Milnn t tkl. Kind to ne the chief topics of dlacua "Ion. nut tho nntional meeting of str.te rnllrond commissioners here this week avoided even-thing of thnt kind with a skill Indicating thnt the mem ber: knew exnetly where the rtnnger line Inv, and did not propose to come anywhere nenr It. A Voluminous It'rKirt. The convention hns a committee on the powers and d-itha of a state rail road commlHsloner. and this commit te hns been "nn entire year tn lng to get the answer. Its report Is tho moM voluminous presentrd to the conven tion, but It reminds one forcibly of the hali of freight rnt.s posted In a freight depot, becmie It seems to have Its nvnltnhle value hidden to auch pur pose thnt none but nn expert enn hope to find It: nnd mnvhe an expert could not. At any rate the whole thing la a compilation of the laws and practices of the several states, with no recom mendation of legislation to cure a sin gle evil. A compilation showing the powers of state railroad commissioners la easy enough to make, but It Is a chestnut It Is In the duties of the state railroad commissioner that the hlpper Is Interested, and one of those duties, every shipper will agree. Is to nnd a way to slop th rallronds from Indulging in sharp practices at tho expense of the shippers. And the convention leaves the subject alone to degree, amounting almost to Its ex clusion. . Hut the powers and duties commit tee doea make one recommendation In Its report. It says "commissioners should take special pains not to In flame the public mind, but ahould use their best endeavors to procure unifor mity In tho laws of the various states nnd uniformity of practice bv the various commissions, which will not onlv curtail the demands on the rail roads, but decrease the work of tha commissioners and the tourta." We Know That Cottolene Is Purc v What Do You Know About Id? :j Cottolene is made from cotton seed oil. Being, the largest producers and distributors of cotton seed oil in the world, we caa select oils from the sec tions producing the best seed. This seed is crushed, and the oil refined liiei'iw nnvMC anrl marJf neutral in taste and odor. Fmm Cnttnn- field to Kitchen human hands never touch the oil from which Cottolene is made, ine result is mat wncn yuu uuv uwh6 "u us-- . fat upon whose purity and cleanliness you can absolutely rely. . No one coula say the same of lard, made from hog fat; there are too many chances tor it to contain germs 01 aisease ana uncleanliness. Cottolene will make food delicious, nutri tious, and healthful. Give it a fair trial and you will never go back to lard. : . . . ' - COTTOLENE is Guaranteed nrd not pleased, alter having given Cottolene a fair test. , ' M. CIJ I DnlL- Ctlttlen is packed in pails with an air-tight top to never OOIQ 111 DUIK keep it eietnt ana Wholeome, and prevent it front catching dust and absorbing disagreeable odors, such as fish, oil, etc. Made only by THE Nv K. FAIRBANK COMPANY "THIS IS 51 Y 51ST niRTUDAY." ... I-Yaiiciil Criatlc. l'"rnncls Albert Christie, professor f church history ftt the Meadvllle Thotilogleai school at Mendvllle, Pa., and one of the most eminent authori ties on theological and historical sub jects, was Wirn at Lowell, Mass., De cember 3, 1858. Ik received his early .education at the public schools of hla home town and then took a coume at Amherst college. After his graduation In 1881 he continued hie studies at other institutions of learn- In?. From 1884 to 1886 he devoted himself to the study of philology at Johns Hopkins and from 1889 to 1893 ho studied theology at the universi ties of Ilerlln. Heldelbera- and Mar burg. From 1881 to 1884 he was teneher nt tho Roxbury Latin school, I lost on. In 1887 ha was mada clas sical master of the Lawrenceville Hchool, which position ho held two years. Later he became instructor at Harvard Divinity school and In Sen- tember, 1893, ho was -appointed to nis present position. : Mr. Christie la an Unitarian layman and for many years has been a frequent contributor mo. various theological and other peri- RHEUMATISM CURED Aclies and Pain la Side, Bark or Bones, Swollen Joints AH Disappear. TEST REMEDY FREE. Have jron any of the symptom of or shooting pains up and down the ItlieuniatlHiu? Bona pains, sciatica leg; aching back or shoulder blades, swollen joints or swollen muscles, dlf llculty In moving around so you have to use crutches; blood thin or skin pale; skin itches and burns; shifting pains; bad breath; sciatica, lumbago, gout Botanic Blood Balm (B.B.B.) will remove every symptom, because B.B.B. send a flood of rich, pure blood direct to the paralysed nerves, bones and Joints, giving warmth and strength just where It la needed, and In this way making a perfect, lasting cure of Rheumatism In all Its forma B. B. B. invigorates tha blood, making It pure and rich and at the same time destroys tha active poison in the blood which causes Rheumatism. B. B. B. has made thousands of cures of rheu matism after all other medicines, lin iments and doctors have failed to help or cure. Weak, Inau-tive Kidneys frequently cause Rheumatism. B. B. n. strengthens weak kidneys and bladder, draining ofT all diseased mat ter and all urlo acid, so the urine dnws freely and naturally. BOTANIC BLOOD BALM (B.B.B.) la pleasant and safe to take; compos ed of pure Botanic ingredients. 8AM PLB SENT FRER by writing Blood Balm Company, Atlanta, Oa. SOLD BT DRUOQISTS or sent by express. At $1 PER LARGE BOTTLE, With directions for home cur. odlcals. Last June his former Alma mater, Amherst college, honored him liy conferring upon him the honorary degree of D. D. DECEMBER 3 IV HISTORY. 1777 New Jersey's first newspaper was Issued at Burllngton 1800 The . Austrian defeated the French at the battle of Hohen linden. 1808 Henry A. Wise, governor of Virginia,- bom. Died September 12, 1876. . : 1816 Illinois admitted to the union. 1839 I'ope Gregory XVI. issued a bull against slavery. .. 1863 Gcn. Longstreet raised the ; - slcgo of Knoxvllle, Tenn. . 1889 Henry M. Stanley reached the eastern coast of Africa at Buga ' - moyo. . 1894 Robert Louis Stevenson, fam ous novelist, died in. Apia, Samoa. Born in Edlnburg, November 13, 1860. . STREET OAR Zillicoa & Return Riverside Park Montford Ave. to Santee Street SCHEDULE IN EFFECT OCT. 17TH, 1900. 6, 6:18 a. m. 6:30 and ever y 15 minutes until 8.00 p. m. then every hour until 11:00 p. m. 10:30 a. m. and every 7 1-3 minutes until 11:00 p. m., except 9:07 and 10:07 which go to Soco street only. Depot via Southside Ave. 6 a. m. and every It minutes until 1:15; then ev ery 7 l- minutes until 3:30; then every 15 min utes till 11:90, last car. Depot via French Broad Av. 6:15, 6:30, 7 a. m. and every 16 minutes until t p. m., then every SO minutes till 11:00. ' Manor 9, 6:16, 9:46, 7, 7:30 a, m., then every 15 minutes till 11 p. m. , . , Charlotte Street Terminus 7 a. m., I a, m., then every 16 mln. till 7:46 p. m. 11:00 o'clock car runs through to Golf club,. Patton Ave. 9 a, m. and every 16 minutes till 11: p. m. East Street 9 a. m. and every 15 minutes till 11:00 p. m. Grace via Merrimon Ave. 6 a. m. and evry 10 minutes till 11:00 last car. 11:30 to 3:00 p. m. and from 5:00 to 7:00 p. m. a It minute schedule will be maintained. Biltmore 6:16 a. m. and every It minutes till 8:30 then every SO minutes till 11:00, last car. p. m. Sunday schedule differs In the following particulars: Cars leave for Depot, both Southside and French Broad, 6:15, 6:30, a. m. Car for Depot via Southside 7:00:, 7:30, 8:00 a. m. Next regular car for Depot leaves Square 8:46 both Southside and French Broad. First car leaves Square for Charlotte street at 8:45. First car leave Square for Riverside 8:30, next 8:46. With the above exceptions, Sunday schedule commence at 9 ft. m. and continues same as week days. On evenings when entertainments are In progress at either Auditorium or Opera House, th last trip on all lines will be from entertainment, leaving Square at regular time and holding over at Auditorium or Opera House. ....... ...... Car leave Squares to meet No. 86. night train, 10 minutes before eSadiiU r announced arrival. , . . SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE, EFFECTIVE NOV. 15. 1B0B. Schedule figure published aa Information aad not riaranteer - I ' ' lTaeUi ii Tlmex .1 ARRIVES FROM DEPARTS FOR No. T. from L. Toxawa. .11.10 a. m. No. 8 for Lake Toxaway -.8.89 p.m. No. 9 from Charleston ,. 1:10 p.m. No. 19 tor Charleston ... 4:19 pja. No. 11 from New York.... 8:46 p.m. No. 11 for Cincinnati.. 8:95 p.m. No. 19 from Cincinnati. . . 1:05 n.m No. II for New Tork. .. 1:16 D.m. No. IS from Charleston. .. 9:16 p.m. No. 14 for Charleston . .. 7:00 am. no. II nromlfurphy. .. .. 9:49 p.m. No. 17 for Murphy ...... No. 19 from Murphy ,. ..1:19 p.m. No. 19 for Murphy No, 11 from Ooldsboro . , . 9:16 p.m. No. II for Golds bo ro , . No. 86 from Washington .. 1:89 a.m. No. tt for Mamohla 8:80 .m. 8:36 p.m. 9:09 a.m. 8:49 a.m No. 88 from Memphis .. 8:59 ft.nv No. 89 for Washington .. 7:19 am. No. 103 from Bristol. .. ..19:35 p-m. No. 191 for Bristol .. ... T:19 a.m. Through sleeping cars to and from New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Jacksonville, Memphis, Chattanooga, Cincinnati. Louisville. Chair cars to and from Ooldsboro. - For further Information apply to J. H. WOOD District Pass. Agt. ' . R. & GRAHAM. CI. T. A. ', The Cat and thv Sparrow. Thla Is a truo story," with "all the neeesanry vouchers, says the Cleve 'and Plain Dealer: An East end family has a cat. a 11 ray Tom, who answer to tha name of Ben. Ben's natural enemlea are the sparrows. When he can creep up on one of them and make Its reether fly he la delighted. Some time age a lot of the little chatterers settled on the limb of a tree in Bens back yard. Ben saw them nnd erept foot by foot to the tree, fp the trunk he cautiously climbed, and j ilnallv reached the llmK. At this nnini I the sparrows saw him and flew to th ground, wnere they rhattered vigor-, ously. Ben In the menmim iihin. , them from the limb with hatred In his: yeiiow eyea. , Then without warning the sparrows suddenly flew up and began a concert-1 ed onslaught on Monster Ben. Thev ' perked him without mercy, until hej dropped hi head aad beat a demornl. ! lied retreat crying meanwhile with pain and rage. I Kven as he descended the trunk of the tree three of the birds followed him with vicious bills. When he reached the ground h ran to his mistress on the porch and sprang Into hr arms the triumphant l.lnls withdrawing their r,. tiling i;n, In g"d order, ' ' Wachovia Lo an& irusiCcinpsny Statement al Close of Business ' November 16, 1909. RESOURCES. . LIABILITIES. ' Loans and Bonds . . .$4,406,022.01 Capital 000,000.00 Ileal Estate, Furn.&Fixt.. 133,492.74 . ' Undivided Profits . 212,155,36 Cash in Vault and Banks. . . 816,776.42 .-.-Deposits 4,544,135-81 SMsaaassasasssB asssssMsssaaas.. Total ... .....$5,356,291.17 v Total ... .....$5,356,29U7 General Banldng Trust, Savings and Insurance Departments. T. n. K0SRIS0N, Vice-.Pres.and Chairman. V7. B. WILUAHCC:i, Cashier. Board of tlinae'enT H TnA -rrr t V-,i.l v , ... . . , . - rrn """"""i oruip, fTca Kent, Judge J. U. rntcnara, p 1 n w n Blnff nm' J M' Westal, S" UV7, T. F. Davidson, T. W. Haoul,