4 UiUuiluKullll. It la aeleM for anyone to call mt thia office In aa endeavor to find out the name of Mtcnuen. xauwa I .mmIm nnder an Initial or nom de plume do not wish their name to be jnade public and they cannot be di rtilgcd at Una office. HELP WANTED. j MADE 150,000 in five years In the Mall Order Business and began with . only a few dollars. There are unu sual opportunities for making mon ey today, and It la not difficult to begin. If you have even small cap- Ital and want to start a mall order business of your own, aend.for my free booklet It tells how to make - money. Address, Publisher,' The Mall Order World, Box ISO, Lock port, N. T. tf. WANTED Several boys to sell The Aahevllle Gasette-Newa. Must be hustler. Apply at the Gasette- Newa office. 111-tf niniriV uiir. Kimri) rtTBTflM EMPLOYEES. WANTED Spring Examinations everywhere. Com mence salary $800. Rapid advance ment to (1400 or $1500. Candidates Drenared free. , Franklin Institute, Dent. 271 H. Rochester, N. T. -. : 237 let WANTED Competent and reliable Mine Foreman to take charge of 5 or SO-men. Give references. Ad dress K. Oi care Gaxette-News. . - . 26l-7t MALE HELP WANTED. WANTED At once, two Al' cement finishers. Report to Cummlngs Structural Concrete Company at the National Casket company's plant ; 25S-3t WANTED Men of good character to act as agents. Must oe over 21 years of age. Permanent position with opportunity for rapid advance ment Apply 303 Oates Building. 253-St FOR SALE. FOR SALE! A chicken with three Ii-rks and 13 toes. Apply to Miss Myrtle Lock hart, 24 Phifer street 256-St FOR SALE Desirable lots. ' Houses built; easy payments; plans free; Interest 6 per cent Universal Se curity Co. Tlephone 1547. -tf FOR SALE A full course scholar ship In the Emanuel Business Col- ';ge. Enquire at Gaiette-News of fice. - tf FOR BALE Rose comb and single comb Rhode Island Red cockerels, nice color and shape, healthy stock. Price from $2 to $10. Carl H, Messier, 163 Charlotte street Ashe ville. N..C. :. t i . . tf "GRANTS NO. $4, the best remedy fof ' Cold ml U Grippe. !6o at Grant's Pharmacy. tf FOR SALE One tour-room cottage and two room cabin, lot 100x200 Price $1250.00. .Terms $200.00 down, balance $15.00 per month. Marateller 4 Co. tf TORRENT. FOR RENT Sunny, connecting rooms, furnished for light house. keeping; also large - verandas on both floors. 18 Grady Street Phone m' 2$-tf FOR RENT $ unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, $7.00 per month. 14 South Spruce street 184-tf FOR RENT Sunny. connecting I rooms, furnished for housekeeping on the first and second floors, with I sink and gas la kitchen. 28 Sternest avenue. , 225-tf. FOR RENT Furnished rooms; mod- vIkt. aa wwis v vuicasvWi via Mil 1IIIV WUie I board nearby. Address 348 Merri- mon avenue, or 'phone 1118. ' . , , . 231-tf. FOR RENT 5 -room, modern cot tage On ear line. $11 per month. Marateller A Co. . - !29-tf FOR RENT Two nice, sunny rooms. Private family. Board If desired. No sick people need apply. 102 South French Broad avenue. 263-et FOR RENT Three room cottage on Pearson drive. $5.50 per month. Apply to T. 8. Morrison. !64-3t un RENT Unfurnished I room cottage 'With stable and servants' quarters. Charlotte street. $11.00 month. H. F. Grant Realty Co. . - 854-tf FOR RENT 8-room house, furnish ed. West Chestnnt street near Cum berland, $40. Forbes ft Campbell, 52 Patton avenue. Phone 288. tf FOR RENT In a family of I adults. 2 unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. '" No sick people or children. 40 Arlington St 255-2t FOR RENT room bouse, unfur nished, close In, all modern conven iences. Apply Morris Schaa, 8 8. Main St 149-tf FOR RENT Furnished, six-room pnttase 231.00; four-room eottase 111.00; two four-room apartments 1 : 5.00 each. F. P. Ingle, room 9 Revel! Bldg. Phone 140. tf. FOR RENT Furnished six-room cot tags. Delightful location. North French Broad, furnace and open Kratea. South exposure, large plat s''. D. 8. Watson, Agent eod-tf. FOR RENT 8-room cottsge unfur nished, 8oco street $1 per month. Apply J. L. Wagner at postofflce. 234 -eod-tf. LC"T. '''T-Fni.M-.'n i.-n: Initials F. P. M I'UkI.t v.111 (, I lnTiilly rewarded. !:!;) i , t -, ,;, 257-lf. BOAHDHIQ. BOARDERS WANTED At no. Swan atreet.' Biltmore, eclecl noara, larsre rooms, all modern conven lncea, , centrally - located. Phone Mil. ' -" 72 COLLEGE STREET, excellent ta ble, nice sunny rooms, steam neatea and all modern conveniences. Phone 562. . THE ELTON Select board, rooms with private bath. Hot water neat. Phone 158. . w-zbi. THB BEtlviDERE 67 Spruce street Handsomely re-decorated; steam heat: hot and cold baths. Mrs. w. It Hyman. 5-tf TWO BOARDERS WANTED In rrl vote suburban home, near car line; south . and east porches; . tenni court, and congenial surronr.Jings; good board oheap. Inquire phone 487. ; 165-lt . . ' v". """" rooms thoroughly renovated, across street from Auditorium, half block from Battery Park hotel, no con- . sumpttves taken. Mrs. P. J. Cor coran, prop. ' ' ' i BON AIR ee Asheland avenue; sun ny rooms; furnace heat; special rates to winter boarders; no con sumptives taken. Mrs. J. L. Rich and Miss Annie Boyce, Proprs. tf WANTED. WANTED Cook and chambermaid. Apply with, reference to it High land street ,255-3t WANTED Position by young man experienced as clerk or time-keeper. Best references. Address A. D. 254-3t. WANTED Ladles' dyeing, cleaning and repair work. J. H. McGlnness, 21 South Main street 132-tt WANTED Tour notary public work, Phone 18. Jas. W. Albright - 56-tf WANTED A small cottage In city. State slxe, location, terms, etc. Ad dress Box 040, Asheville. 239-tf WANTED At once, position as book Keeper or stenographer or both; young lady with over a year's experi ence; will work cheap. Address S. R., care Gaxette-News. 266-St WANTED To steam and dry clean that new flannel skirt and long cape that you have soiled. We can take the spots out and make them look HKe new. All Indies work a spe cialty. J. C, Wllbar, phone 389, on the Square. . . . . s i MISCELLANEOUS. LOST PTobably on Biltmore river road, pair of men's block gauntlet jrloves; reward. Telephone 770.- 265-3t LOOK If yott want a first-class range or cook stove, it will pay you to look at what I have. W. L. Moore, No. 11 Pack Square. tf 39 EAST COLLEGE STREET, cheap est place In town for shoe work, also shoes for - sale- and made to order, all work guaranteed. , 254-6t MISS IIATTIE FOX Fortune teller. 234 South Main street upstairs. Work guaranteed. Tell by promise or with cards. 254-81 LOST Large envelope with name, "A. D. T." and picture messenger boy upper left-hand cornex. Valu able papers within. Return to Western Union Telegraph Office . Reward. 2S8-6t . ..... u"Mf,or T" 1 . had at 26a per gallon, delivered, al the Aahevllle Chin Co., 8 N. Pac square. Phone $$1. MISS MARGARET ATKINS 8cor. miss margaret atkins Christ. knl m Id ' A tm A A f e wttiiiiih smin ft- h sb. I u v mitr Studio, Phone 1337. . 231-tf RUGS AND CARPETS CLEANED By our cleaning machine In a thor ough manner at . reasonable cost Phone 22$. Asheville Carpet House. IQT-tf. RTRADLET WILSON, Tailoring Suits $14.00 to $40.00. Suits clean ed and pressed (Oo to $1.00. Three months' membership, $2.50. Phone 984. 141-tf NOW la the Time to Prepare for Win ter. Have ua to Install In voir home a steam or hot water heating plant and heat your house and save on your coal bills. BalL Thrash Co., No. T Bast College street Phone 598. FOR Dry Cleaning and Pressing Phone 1242., Eagle Street Pressing Club. Membership $1.00 per month. A FINE LINE of XMd Mahogany Sideboards, chairs, tables, etc., to be sold at low prices. W. L. Moore, Pack Square. tf LEAKY HOT WATER BOTTLE8 REPAIRED We will patch any leak In your hot water bottle, and guarantee our patch to last aa long aa any other part of the bottle. J M. Hearn 4k Co., Battery Park Place. Phobe 448. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY SEE IT. A new seven-room modern house. good lot fine new. well located Will rent readily at 333.00 per mo. Price If taken at once $1310. 00 8(00 cash. bal. $31 per mo. Act quick. , DOXITAIIOS & BLEDSOE, Real Estate) A cents. Phone 119. Reed Bide, GOOD 5-I!00:i COTTAGE All modern Improvements, splendid location on mr line $3000.00, $300.00 rh, llnr. per month. c.i:abay:.i:.:alt7C0. riit. 9T4. IJT-3CI ! Bldf. A Cald-HzcUed ; r Uomam Shorn of Her Crown of Beauty Mioses in Love and Marriage. Hair la certainly most necessary to woman. Who could love and marry a bald-headed woman? What charms could one array to offset such a dls ngurament? . A woman's goal Is usually love and marriage. Her crowning glory is her hair. The loss of her hair mars her beauty, happiness and success. Yet right here where we live, thousands of women are neglecting or Injuring their hair to such an extent that it Is only a matter of time when it will be utterly ruined. Mwiy women destroy the beautly of their hair through thou)-t!csues or Ignorance of certain facts. They do not sbjupoo their hair , Often eno:iil( or too often. They use soaps or preparations which contain ingredients harmful to the scalp and hair."-. . , , As a result of such treatment dand ruff Is created, the hair loosens, loses color, falls out, and baldness com mences, unless proper and prompt precautions are taken In time. Then again, microbes and certain diseases bring about unhealthy scalp and hair conditions. Most people can rldlthemselves of dandruff and correct diseased scalp and hair conditions If they will use the right remedy. We have that rem edy, and we will positively guarantee that It will eradicate dandruff anil prevent baldness or it will not cost the user anything. - . That's a pretty broad - statement but we will back it and. prove It with our own money. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is the -remedy that . Will grow hair and overcome scalp and hair troubles. : It will grow hair -even on bald heads, unless all life In the hair roots has been extinguished, the fol licles closed, and the scalp Is glased and shiny. It gets Its name from the fact that It grew hair In 93 out of 100 cases, where it received a thor oughly hard. Impartial and practical test. We want you .to try Rexall "93' Hair Tonic at our risk. Tou surely cannot lose anything by doing so, while you have everything to gain. You would better think this over, and then come In and see us about this offer. You will be well repaid for your visit to our store. Two sites, 60 cent and $1.00. Remember you enn obtain Rexall Remedies In Asheville ouly at our store The Rexall Store, Smith's Drug Store. Pack Square, op noslte public library. MMMMtMIMMMMMft The MARKETS t The Leading Slocks on New 7, York Excliange Cotton Mar ket Quotations Chicago Grain Market - New York, Doc. ' 1 The opening movement In prices -of stocks today wan Irregular. None of tho changes In Important Issues were significant. New York, Dec. 8. The Hat woa heavy for a time, largely in sympathy Wim tne weakness or iieauing, anu some western stocks and specialties, A P STOCKS TH REE PJ The market made steady progress upwards, although the demand was very small outside a handful of active railroads and specialties, and few Hawley stocks. The market was spotty, special stocks showing strength while th balunce of the list scarcely moved at all. The specialties made the best showing. STOCKS. Open. High. Low. Close. Atch. . . .1187 119 118 11H Amal. Cop.. 86 37 86 87 Am. Sugar.. 118 119 117 119 60 61 96 .98 114 115 78 80 Am. Loco. . 80 81 Am. Smelt.. 98 98 Bnlto. A O..H6 116 Bklyn R. T. 78 81 Can. Pac. ,.178 179 178 179 50 85 32 Col. F. ft I.. 49 60 49 Chea.A O... 86 .$ 85 33 33 141 140 160 149 88 87 Krle . . . . 33 Ut Nor. pfd.140 141 U 4 N. . .149 Natl Lead. 87 160 88 Nor. Pac ..140 143 140 143 Mo. Pac. .70 71 70 71 Mo., K. at T. 47 47 47 47 N. Y. Cen...l26 127 126 127 Nor. Wee. 93 94 93 94 Penn. . . .138 129 128 129 Reading . .168 170 167 170 Roc. la . . 39 40 39 39 do pfd .. 85 86 86 85 Sou. Pac. ..133 129 127 129 St Paul . .164 165 154 156 Union Pac. 198 199 197 199 U. B. Steel,. 87 89 86 39 do pfd ..123 124 123 124 Sou. Ry. . . 80 81 30 31 do pfd .. 68 68 63 68 Wabash . . 21 21 21 21 do pfd 67 57 66 67 NEW YORK COTTOX. Open. High. Low. Close. Jan.. . . .14.54 14.64 14.60 14.64-66 March. . .14.80 14.93 14.79 14.93-9 May. . . .16.00 16.14 14.98 16.13 July. . . .14.95 15.06 14.91 15.06-06 Dec. . . .14.84 14.43 14.31 14.44-4 Spot 14.75. Very steady. . CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Open. High. LOW. Close WHEAT- May . . July.. . . Dec. . . . CORN May'. . . July , . . Dec . . OATS Msy . . . July ...... Dec. , , . .105 106 103 106 . 97 97 97 97 .106 107 106 106 61 60 68 43 40 40 61 81 66 42 40 40 (1 0 67 42 40 40 61 60 63 42 40 40 Oregon I rrl gallon Association. Ontario, Ore., Dec. I. The Oregon State irrigation association began It annual meeting here today with a good attendance of delegates from many sections of the stste. The ses sions will last two days and will be devoted to the discussion of numerous subjects relating to the progifsa of the Irrigation movement - HE PTOSES TO HOPE HIE LIDOS Buffalo Jones It Going to Africa to Hunt thi King of Beasts With the Lariat New York, Dec 3. "Buffalo" Jones, who Is known throughout the coun try as the man to whom most credit belongs for preventing the total ex tinction of the buffalo, has arrived in New York preparatory to sailing for Africa, where he hopes to gain new laurels by roping lions and other va rieties of wild animals that make tho ungles of the Dark Continent their habitat Mr. Jones believes that for man of his experience It will be as easy to catch the king of beasts with lariat as It Is to rope a Texas steer. This opinion Is shared by "Mike' Loveless of Captain, N. M., and "Jim Owens of Freedonla, Arls., two of the best ropers In the west, whom Mr, Jones has selected to accompany him on the trip and to share In the profits that he expects to reap when he re turns with a shipload of wild animals that have fallen victims to his prow ess with the lasso. As a fitting farewell on the eve of his departure Mr. Jones Is to be ten dered a banquet at Delmonico's to morrow night, at which the menu will Include buffalo steaks, hear meat ami other delicacies that are supposed to tickle tbe palate of tho western ranchman and hunter. Numbered among the hosts at the dinner will be Buffalo Bill," "Pawnee Bill," Charles Russell, the "cowboy artist," Er nest Thompson Setnn, the writer, and William T. Hornaday, director of the Bronx too. OF Major Young Receives Information of Interest to Members of the National Guard. Major L. W, Young hns received official notification Umt Sergt. We dlngton of the United (Utiles Army hits been assigned to tho Asheville. com panies of the North Carolina National Qunrd to conduct several weeks work of Instruction Of the officers anil men. The assignment of Sergt. Wadding- ton Is made possible by the provision of he Dick BIHJ'whlch go Into fffecl January 10, 191W, and he Is expected to arrive here January 11. ' The new 'equipment for the compa nies Is expected to' arrive here and be ready for distribution to the privates and officers by January I. The new uniforms of the National Guard will bo the same as that of the regulars In the U. 8. nrmy. ' ' , The1 work takih bp under direction of Sergt. Waddlngton will be special Inxtructlon to company commanders and non-commlssloncd otllcrrs. A special course of military map reading will bn given, rifle practice, and com pany and tmttalion drill, while closed and extended order will also occupy part of the Instruction. This Is really the beginning of mili tary activity among the members f the North Carolina National guard. The guard Is under the direct super vision of the state officers, but like wise Is at the command and under tho direction and supervision of the United States department of military affairs, and the secretary of war. With the going Into effect of the Dick Bill, a higher rtandard of proficiency will have to be maintained, and tlf special Instructions are designed to bring the companies up to the proper standard. The members of the two Aahevllle companies. F and K, are en thusiastic over the coming new order of things, and their new uniforms and rifles. Company K Is commanded by Cspt. Bard, while Capt. Llndsey has charge of company F. The First Reg iment band is under the supervision of Bandmaster C. N. Websti r, whllo the military post at Asheville Is In charge of Major I W. Young. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained In a certain deed of trust made by Mary Norris to the undersigned trustee, dated April 19, 190T, and duly recorded In the office of the register of deeds fur Buncombe county, N. C. In book of mortgages and deeda of trust (I at page SIS, to which refer' ence Is hereby made, and default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness secured by said deed of trust whereby the power of sale therein contained has become opera tlve, the said undersigned trustee will. on Monday, tlie Sd day of January. 1910, at It o'clock, noon, sell at pub- Ho auction for cash at the court house door In the city of Asheville, N. C, the following described lands and premises, situate, lylnr and being In the county of Buncombe and state of North Carolina, adjoining lands of Z. F. Wilson, William Logan and others and more particularly described as follows: . Beginning at a atake on the road In Z. F. Wllson'a line and runa with said Wilson's line north 10 polea to stake; thence 7H - degrees wi three poles and five links to a stake; thence south It degrees east fifteen polea and ten links to a atake In the road; thence with aald road aouth 71 degrees east seven polea to the beginning., containing one and one' half acre and being the same land conveyed to Geo. Logan by Samuel Logan and wife Mattle Logan by deed dated July 11th. 1197. and duly recorded In the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe county, N. C, In deed book No. 101 at page 110, to which reference la hereby made for more Information and description and being the same land conveyed to Mary Norrla by Geo. Logan und wife, Belle Lovsn. This December Id. 1 09. W. M. JAC. cON, Trustee. 5 TO 0 I AND MEr :ins 30 Pounds lo 30 Days Remarkable Result A the New Tissue Builder Protone, In Many Cases of Run-Down Men and , Women. Prove It Yourself by Sending Coupon Below for a 50c Package, Free. 'By George, I never saw anything like the effects of that new treatment Protone, for the building up of weight and lost nerve force. It acted more i Ilka a miracle than a medicine," said 1 a well known gentleman yesterday In1 speaking of the revolution that had! taken place In his condition. "I be gan to think that there was nothing on earth that could make me fat I tried tonics, digestives, heavy eating, diets, milk, beer and almost every thing else you could think of, but without result. ' I had been thin for Any Man or Woman Who Is Thin Can Un-ovrr Normal Weight by the Itcnmrkable New Treat . . incut, Protone. years, and began to think It was nat ural for me to be that way. Finally I read about the remarkable process es brought about by the use of Pro tone, so I decided to try It myself. Well, when I look at myself In the mirror now, I think it la somebody olse. I have put on JuHt 30 pounds during the lust month and never felt stronger or more 'nervy In my life.' Protone Is a powerful Inducer of nutrition, Increases cell-growth, makes perfect tho assimilation of food, In creases the number of blood-corpuscles, and as a necesnry result builds up muscles and solid, healthy flesh, and rounds out the figure. For women who can never appear stylish in anything they wear because Of their thinness, this remarkable treatment may prove a revelation. It Is a beauty maker as well as a form builder" and nervu strcngthener. It will cost you nothing to provr the remiirkablo effects of this treat ment. It Is absolutely non-Injurious to tho most delicate system. The Pro, tone Company, 2031 Protone Dldg. Detroit, Mich., will send to anyone who sends name, and address, a free 50o package of Protone, with full In structlons, to prove that It does the work. They will also send you their book on "Why You Are Thin" free of rharge. giving facts which will prob ably astonish you. Bend coupon be, low today with your name and ad dress. FREE PROTONE COUPON, This coupon Is good for a tree . EOc package, (all charges pre . paid) of Protone, the remarka- ble scientific discovery for build- .t Ing up thin people, together JU with our free book telling why tyou are thin, If sent with ten cents In silver or stamps to eov- 4. er postage and packing, and aa A evldenoe of good faith to JL The Protone Co., 1031 Protone 4. Bldg, Detroit, Mich. 4. Name 4 4 Street 4. 4 City Stale J. $ "I- J""JX""X""X"a, "I1 "I "I1 r TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of the power of sale con talned In a certain deed of trust made by Katie Below to the undersigned trustee, dated June 16th, 1908, and duly recorded In the office of the reg later of deeds for Buncombe county, N. C. In book of mortgages and deeds of trust, No. 74 at page 171 to which reference la hereby made and default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness secured by said deed of trust whereby the power of sale therein contained has become opera tlve, the ssld undersigned trustee, will on Monday the 10th day of December, 1909, at 11 o'clock, noon, sell at pub lie auction, for cash, at the court house door In the city of Asheville, county of Buncombe and state of North Carolina, the following describ ed lands and premises, situate lying and being In the city of Asheville, county of Buncombe, N. C and beln the same lands and premises conveyed to Kate Below by Hoben Jones and wife by deed dated July lth, 1191 and duly recorded In the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe county N. C, In deed book No. 10S at page 664 et sen., to which reference Is here' by made for more information and description. This November 19th, 1909. W. M. JACKSON, Trustee. BARGAIN'S IX UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. Shot Ouns, Rifles and Pistols of all makes and description, they are tin redeemed pledges. Wo rent shot guns and rifles by the day or week. Leather Goods and Trunks la Our Specialty. 11. 1 nvKTrfrrm- . lwwx a i. w 1 mn, III Hole's enn!. Doiirdinit u.;: Battery P&rli Hdtol ASHEVILLE, W. C - OPEN THROUGH OCT THE TEAR. " : Famous Everywhere. THE MANOR. Albemarle Perk Asheville. II C An Exclusive Inn. ; On Charlotte Street Car Line. THE INN, Waynesville, N.C. Open throughout the year, permanent and transient boarders will find good accommodations and service. Rates reasonable. FRANKLIN HOTEL . BREVARD, N. c. .': ys,: ''';, Open all the year. The hunting season Is In full blast now. Game Is plentiful. Come on. T. W. WHITMIRE, Prop. , THE SW ANN AN OA A STRICTLY HIGH GRADE Family and Transient Hotel Kites S2.50 a day and upward. 5CHU354 THEATRE CIRCUIT Monday, Dec. 6 Matinee and Night Piquant Musical Mixture Isle of Spice The Original Production. 40 Company of People 40 American Beauty Chorus. IIAIMJAIX MATIN KK Prices, Adults, 7.V. Mci children. IS. Night, $1.50, $1.00, 75r, 50c ami 2.V. Reserved 8euta at Mt. City, sta tionery Store. The Palace Comploto Cbnngo Thursday. PAUL BAUWENS, Singing, Dancing. HARDY & D'ALMAINE, Talking, Singing and Musical. . GAYETY An unusually itrong bill Including SING FONG LEE A noted Violinist having played before many of ths crowned heads of Europe. BABY ESMOND The Child Actress. New moving pictures, etc Regular matinee 1:10 p. m. Night as usual 45 p. m. WEAVERVILLE LINE SCHEDULE be. Park Square Iv WeaverTllle A. M. A. M. CIO 1.10 0.00 10.10 11.00 11.10 P. M. ' P. M. 1.00 . 1.10 1.00 4.10 i.oo . ' ; i.oo Schedule same en Sunday eieept the 1.10 A. M. trip la omitted, and In favorable weather an extra car will leave Asheville at 4 P. M. DEED OP TRUST SALE. Ry virtue of the powers contained In a deed of trust executed by Henry Olllnnd to R. R. Reynolds, trustee, to secure the note therein described, said note being for the sum of Fifty-three Dollars (IS!) and given to the South ern Automobile company, dated the 11th day of May, UOt, and duly re corded In the office of the register of deeds of Buncombe county. North Carolina, In Book of Deeda of Trust and Mortgages No. 71. page 111, and default having been made In the pay ment of both the principal and Interest of aald note, at ths request of the payee In said note the undersigned trustee will, on Mondsy, the 11th day of December, A. D. 1101, before the court house door In the city of Ashe ville, county of Buncombe and state of North Carolina, sell at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described lands: Ilng and being In the county of Buncombe and state of North Cro. Una, and being one and one-half OH) acres, lying on Ossh's Creek, located about two (I) miles Kaat of the town of Ulltmoro. on the Hickory Nut Oap road, the said land being bounded on the North side by the roadway of the Southern Railway company and on the West aids by the lane) of Bcott freeman; this m acre (one-third (1-1) Interest In 1 M acre above de rrl bed) being the only property own d by the an Id Henry Otlland In this territory and ths same having been Inherited by him through hta half brother Jacob Ilean. This the 12th dy of November, HOI. n. it. itirvf'-'i im. 4 MRS. 8. CORY, Prop. ', Frank Loughran, Owner and Prop. MOTCl. ST.DEl5!3' BROADWAY end IITH STREET fibW YORK CITY. WttMs ttT Awm ff rwy !VM f n-rTwt. iiru i.inri irwn v, antmtktr KOTKDFOIti l:inllra ,4 Ol.iu.Cosv Xortibtt Aonlnrn.'M. Cocrtcnj Ptrv. I ii liointlik Knrp-ttauln:.'. ROOMS SI. 03 PER DAY O li? EUROPEAN PLAN. Table d'Hota Broa!tast S3c WM.TAYLOR2t80N.lnc. MOTEI, MAIITIVWR. aroaaws? im JM srmt. WHEN YOU CHANGE Como to the Hotel Gates Hendersonville, N. 0. fw . -a se"J. Accommodations equal to any in Western North Caro- ina. ' Rates and booklet apply to A. A. GATES, Proprietor. HOTEL ENTELLA ' ' BHYSOJf CITY. Headquarters for traveling men and lumbermen. Ratea fl per day. Spe cial rates by the month. Bath room. Free sample rooms. Railroad eating house fronting Southern depot Iti ery In connection. W. W. A ALMA WHEELER, Proprs. MONTFORD COTTAGE 10S Montf ord Ave. Fbon 10SS Elegant, home-like and refined. Centrally located. Cuisine th best. Transients and table boarders , ac commodated. MODERATE RATES. Richelieu Hotel 20 North Trench Broad Ave, Up-to-date family hotel, i . $7 to $15 per week. Excellent table. Phone 1430 The Catawba OLD FORT, W. O. L. a MOORE. Proprietor. Transient and Commercial Patron age Solicited. GET THE WHEAT-HEART HABIT You will never rcrjret it Hundreds of families havo used Wheat Hearts daily for years. It is cheap, t deliciom and nutritious. Rooms foif.:::' -AT- 11 0

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