Friday, December 3. 1ZZX PAGE EIGHT. THE ASHEVTLLE GAZETTE-NEWS. Mi- M i J - n Lit. 4 ..! It is imjiossible to find a coal that U more perfect for all ftu'l purposes than M. S W. Indian Contains over 1." per cent rarhoii. 1,'hono KiO. Carolina Coal & Ice Company 0 There Has Been an Impression That I Dirt May Soon Fly, but Insiders Are Still at Sea. ! APPALACHIAN INTERURBAN FOLK ARE READY TO HELP COL JONES MMMOMMMMMMM PREVENTION is the idea in keeping sickness from the - home; Vk'ks Croup and Pneu monia Salve is pre-eminently the Prevention IJciiifdy. Have it ready and you will he jrlad. 23o, 50e and $1.00. All Drug- X gists. HtHiitttmiiMmttHH hilt Mit IVoplo Willi I Is H Compel- KiukI Mini Tlicy Art' Not l'ur- lli iilar About Who IliilltU It. Ins CITY-NEWS A Hudson Car V I'oit iim; WATl'll HIJ'AIKIVi; AM) OITU Al. Wdltlv (all IO JH. M. FROST, iw I ill H'li uruur, Beech Nut Breakfast Bacon 27c lr Jar E. C. JARRETT FANCY GROCER, Phones 192 and 358. 12 N. Pack Square. X.nv leal; Buy Shoes ,il liir I.iii'l thai v. t .i! t I'm- -).IM Kan.n'ai'tMt Shi.i- lill- tli,. hill ;illl lit-V' to it. tun. .MthoiiKh there la considerable talk ul ill- .-'oiith Atlantic Traiuicontlncn- tai railroad hcionniiiK operations with-1 in u sh"il tune, ami ills" to the effect j that Hi" Transi i. ntn. ciilal proposes to : Im.iI'I a 1 1 n!i Ihincomhc conn- I ty le, with the Sen hoard Air lain .it 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 ' -n . thus.- on the itiM.h- . in t-i he somewhat at sen as t.. J list - lit ilolle. While ;i ptr.ii! iiei;.! i.iiiH h.-tween the : I h-.i'l. r.t : the South Atlantic I'., us. ..ul in' l. I.i 1 ami tin' Appalachian Ihi. r i.i '' in, l'..'kiiti; to the i onsniiila- : I th.- I. .iter mail with the for- iii. r. In.' I.i i-n l.roken (T, mill a r . 1 ! 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 I'lis.-o il at a ni'ilini: ot the iiMikh'i Mors nf the Appalachian In tiri.rl. in at I leiiilersoti ilie Monday .I.i- s i.'.i I ur out mii'h a conclusion. 'I he 1 i s'lllt I ' - I pOSHeil il II t lllll' IZI'H t lie ''lti.e O'lllllllttee, COIIlpOHeil lifi s. :i ne ii. to ! ! the contract at anj f r -1 . i..r the construction of the Ap pal . I;iati liiiei-iii hnn railroiiil, to any l" rs . 1 1 1 w ho i a n .show that I hey are tn o ; :i'! hi ot i iHiI.iK railroal liin h, i.i i ! i II" can nhio they tie i.ipital anil the inni.'iry e.uit i.e i t to Inn!.! the I.i ore lie A i-p.i i n h ion 1 urn huil'l the lo.e! Ii. 'i ii is in the n ail which is l i...ow i 1 1 1 i.e ci. instruct. i l.etwe. n v -io-. ill,-, ,ia 1 .-n.. rsoin llle to lluth- It. n .in.l Ash. . Hie ., Turnpike. What lit volution Meant. i!;i r ot the Appalachian In- I. i in i hi l too.... Stat. .1 t h it I In l . -.out M .11 l ie ml that lie- App.ilai hi. Ill . ,.-i;.'li wioihl Hot slalnl III tin- w.c ol .n, i.lh-r in.lepi nil. lit .ii'ltipa.l.v !, i h i oi.,.i pi .. , Hi. i' II coiilil on-.-t: -a t I he I ".ul ; lh..l it '"I. Join s. I ; -el'iit ..I Hi. South Atlantic Tlans . oiiiu,. i ouiil show that In- hail . ;i U . I it lot WlllllIK to .1,1.- nwr the r. Khls o! the Appa ll Han I nt. -rut han ioii.1, then the The Hiini-iinnual election of of ficers of Ashi'Vlilf lodge. No. 100, K. of 1'., will occur this evcnliiK. Itev. J. C. Waller will jironch ul the coloitil Viral l!aitlst church Sunilay at 11 ii. in., .1 p .m. anil S p. in. The of nhlermun will meet in rcKiilnr weekly nension In the coun cil chnnihcr of city hall tonight at 7 : .10 o i lock. The funeral services of Octuvrt I'owan. aneil four years, will he he-Id tomorrow afternoon at the reiilence of her I'r'iher. Mrs. T. I., fowiin South Main troin the I '.en M iila in i hari h. Ia the ideal car for service. Large enough to he comfovtahle with a capable motor, hut small enough to make the upkeep expense down low. Let us show you this car. DR. REED'S CUSHION SHOE For comfort and wear, Price $5.00. GEO. W. JENKINS. 19 South Main St . Phone 1J6. I i IMMM I MUTTON, VEAL, BEEF 1 AND PORK We offer daily something I choice In qiinllty meats. . T i W. M. Hill & Co. i ASHEVILLE AUTOMOBILE CO. Telephone 1310. 15 & 17 S. Lexington Ave. 3 l.utx MeMahan, of color, was la.-'t ' nlu'ht arresteil hy oft leers iiioii the j charite of sleallni.' hohlint; hack strapB Iroin the wagons of the Asheville j Steam launilrv WeilncHilay niuht. lie; will he irk .11 a hearinn in police court' tomorrow 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 k . I Globe-WernicKe B00K Cases A complete book case in units one shelf with top and base, making a 1S4 complete hook case, or two, four, or a half dozen helves ns you desire. al 111 hi They may I.e used In a lee.oratlvo way, their worth fh this fetiture helnB .M'-thoilist eipial to their usefulness. Klne for (TirlstmiiH giving. ROGERS' BOOK STORE 39 Patton Avcnne. Phone 254 C 3 pi l ii-hls I'irii. il over t a i oinpi lini, iii. ilk of an o va. etc.. wollhl he i him. " A m th inn to ii' t I a III nail," was the le AshiUllc l.nsiniss man I Ii et inoriilii'.:. I oi t a coiiip. tmw !H I' i illllir. Mil. ;o.i. ! e H ..II I ' w hile we w ant to nail. We lie not o stake esciythlmc uit one en iioi II we ,-ee that a roa I Is i.e l.ullt. We want to keep pi "I'ohlt ions alive, until It I. I. i iiilii. il a line w ill he ha- i.'iiitv ul Guarantee Shoe Store II- I.- 1; li 'I I." '' Asll.Aille t ' 1 . 1 I I - 1 1 KOCTII MAIN ST. " ' ' " ' 1 .1!'..'. Sllll Wtlil.J l ol. w III p.-isil'ly T A Tkv T I It ua shall, mi Mntv Will 1 1 h it W'.'lt'l I e I" I f" CHRISTMAS th; n ' ' 3 VICTOR i . !1 n,l I .1...:. lie j , lllll I'. .l"Wll an. I ,l per i ID'ilith. DUNHAM'S MUSIC ? HOUSE (m 1L . . I . .11 1 'Jl I 1 I .' We v ill not slum) iii the way Jotos if In call show us that i: t.. 1 . 1 1 1 1 , 1 his line." i lit i i- colnlnllt' e of I he i ml of the Appahn hum In i, according to a r that committee this morn I lial I In w i r ready and i aid i 'ol. Jones to secure i i! aid that he seeks. ! Jones III New ork. s now in New York an. 1 1 . tin n w it bin a few ila s. . I that ill case l'o. Joins consolidate with the Appa I ni l in I nn l allroad. he pro pose', to I ii i 1.1 his line (rem the Hay-, a I coiiiitv hue throuijh to Kiitlnr- mi to connect with the Seahoaid. All l.iln . As to where the load Would Tlie hoard of directorx of the Wachovia I. "an anil Trust company hit", e selected S. M. II . IM S teller of the lunik to succeed Wallace I-,. Iimls. who imves wiihin a short lime to accept a position with the riorhla Xatnnal lank at Jacksonville. Mr. Manes has l.een hook keeper for th. hank for some time and has shown hi'-in proiii ieiu y. Notices are In inn sent out hy l-'n il W Th. .hum, nd n-" in hanki iiptcv, in the 111. itf r ol J. II. Wells, lei Ilk I'll lit . statu, k. that a nie. ii:. of the criilitors W III I.e held ill the I ' U f ' S olllee I e - 1 Ci'llll'i'l' '1. I'Oi'.l. for I he purpose of hi lari'iir a final .In i.h ml. proot and allowalo f d. l Is. alnt tlans actilnr such otlnr I'.'is-ii'ess aw nia pi"perl' i ! I" fore th" in. etliiu. Tin- work of Kiailitor Sprint: street. I ireinrator to layitii; the piuemeiit. is pro. i eihiii; rapidly. Water mains, are also la iia. laid mid the people of ' that si i lion I n served with notice to put in water and sewer con-i iieclioii at once. Th- l-'retich Itroinl j ijiinrrv i i 'in pa n e. which has the coll- tract lor the work, espects to ln-in ! the M.icail.imizlim' shortly. The I will he treated with anj asphalt hinder. The compnny was! desirous of ss urini: the services of; liny and lies Hustle, now with the Atlantic Ihtul l hie . "iiipnin at Win-tt'in-Salem. hat their compnny lias secured a larue contract In I'harles loli that will keep them from com ink' to Asheville. It's time for anotlii r OYSTER S U 1 :er- Whv not this evening? Candy Kitchen HAYWOOD STREET NEAR POSTOFFICE L. Blomberg Leads in Cigars 'Tobaccos, Smokers Articles and Sporting Goods. 17 Patton Ave. POUND CAKES Made from the p a. t ItiKredl enus. and thu of that which mother mak s. t'lieaper lure than maklm; at hoim I'hotie (,22. ASHEVILLE STEAM BAKERY , MMMMMIHHMMMMM I T WL TO ASHEVILLE Negro Under Charqe of Highway Rob bery Is Now in Custody ol Asheville Officers. PURE ICE CREAM ASHEVILLE PURE MILK CO. E. Walnut fit Phone 554. s-TCity Market, - ; Phones 4 and 359. BATTERY PARK BANK ASHEVUXiE, N. 0. J. P. SAWYER, 'President T. C COXE, lit Vice Prealdent E, SLTTDER, Id Vice President J. E. RANKIN, Cashier. Capital ... . . . $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits $130,000.00 TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Special attention given to collec tions. Four per cent Interest paid on Urns deposits. Whether' , you ,, order !Lump or Domestic Nut size, be sure and specify M.& W.COAL It's the popular and most satisfactory coal in X Asheville. : n- , .... Asheville Coal Co. I F. M. WEAVEtt, Mgr. Phone 40. W. A. Ward ANYTHING .ELECTRICAL Not the cheapest, but the best ION. Court Square. Phone 449. LET US SEND YOU Some Choice J. E. Carpenter JEWELER 32 Patton Avenue , Fine Watch Repairing . -a Specialty. Veal Cutlets A NICE CHICKEN THE STAR -1 PHONE 66 Perfectly Simple Simply Perfect 1000 Cigars Free, Value $100 Are you from Missouri? I nm open. Arc you on7 I'.csln nor, save your coupons, uml itet your (.'lirlslnms Citrars free. , At Barbee's Full Value Cigar Store HIS ELECTRIC FIXTURES FROM US The man who' luiiUls a now Louse should buy his electric fixtures from us.' WHY? Bt'oniiso vre have the largest selection, neatest de signs and most reasonable prices. Piedmont Electric Co. 64 Patton Avenue. Phone 473. Opposite Postofflco. Patrolman K. c. Met "iinnctl returned csterday nfternoon afternoon from o:h .Asheville. and how it ,M K' t out. Is all nH'itHUoik at th s. i.t urllnift, that It would puss ...'ih I'lilivo w t'lwiiship and take lliikon Nut ilau rmite la certain. el no uri js lii'M- hcen m.iile .IoIiiihoii City, hilnninK lth him Tom II, u lout" I'V Mm Tr.lliseontlliell- ; luooo'. a iieuro no in aioeo urn Iii case i "l. dechlen to for highway rohhery ' l lilli ollll.e county lllih'pelldellt- "f tne Ai' road n roinl i Inch the count) has already v It Is nlleiced that a year nun last l letols r. Kiddle ' rohhed Wilson Wehh. white, of T, ,,i,.4i and made his escape to Tennessee. I" inh to alii in coiistt iictlon then 'ol. Joins wold ut-k tor hoiids at tin I. ill' ot $:'IIUU per mile to lie Voted tin" n ail upon the same proposition and . ..i iliti. ns as granted the Appalach ian. Taklnn the. lonm st distance of th. count e, 4 0 milef, n Isuid issue of fl I'll. 1 w ould ho l enuired. Sliould this l decided Upon It Is ponsihle that these liillds would he Voted Upon lit Ho Millie lime th proponed holld Is sue in i he Vslii Mile Kast Toiinowiec railroad for ilk extension i;alm, Is Voted upon. LORD'S DAY ALLIANCE TAKES OFFICIAL NOTICE The rohhery Is alL-frcd to have l.een committed In a warehouse near the AsheMlle Telephone A- Tch'irraph company! ixcluinire. Ahout nix niontlm ana Hiddle was locHted at loh ns, m I'ity. and I'litrolman Mci'oii nell went litter him then. When ar rested, a plmol was found upon him, and while Hip sherllT HKrecd not to prosecute .the pistol carrvlni: charce. if he would return to Nort hCiirollim without reiiilsiilon papers. Tom chose to remain nix months on Tennessee soil, workltiK on the chain nann mid to pay a tine. At the end of his sen tence Inst week. 1'ntrolmiin MePnn- nell, armed with n-iniislllon (inpers. went after Tom, and now he Is In Jail heer nwiiltliiR the result of trial In police court which Is set for next Monday. fw ret.irj'x t 'iiimr.iliiliitlon t miii the Xlutiidoniiicnl of Motor ( lull's K ii in In) Hun. the ii:sn(;e cy)t.ixs HlXTKKX TIHU RAMI WORDS .; I X L CHRISTMAS GIFTS Cost lens and posecss iire.iter values than equnl iiniounts spent ilscwhern. A slnijle visit and Inspection of our hnndsomn China and Silverware and Toilet Articles, lHdls. etc.. lll prove this statement true. L X I. Department Store Itev, (I. V. (irunnls, I), H . of New York, i neral secretary of the lord's Hay Alliance of th I'nlted rltules. writes to Kev. It. K. CamplMdl, 1, I)., president of the North Carolina al liance, as follows: "I most sincerely congratulate you n the stund taken In relation t the auto run uml the retard paid to your protest. With the hope of enroursf inif other liK-ntltles In stand Strains! luilliir and other desecrations of the Sitihath, I Incorporate the response In your letter In my annunl report." This refers to the action of the Mo. tor cluh In abandoning an sutomohlle run to llenderaonvllle, which had iM-en planed l.y the cluh for last riumlny. partlnlly as a (ood roads demonstration. g. IL MICH AI-OVi; Role Prop. 13 PATTO.f ATE. rilOXK 107. tiPFTItl, niHIl IlEINO MDE I'DILV'HK OK THE PRESIDENT W mm m Oranil Unplds, Iiec. I. President Taft is aiMin to have a mad-to-order chair. The chair Is bclim made from koa Iota, secured bir members of Mr. Taft's party on ths trip to Japan and the rhlllpplnea. Itmt Tnipm riano, M Wood II n M Park Tlirorrt's Candle C. Rawjrrr ilcbamoers A Whim, Uvry. Phone V WaahinKton, Pec, S. Sixteen hnn- driHl copies of President Taft's first annual rnesMiun was delivered to the White House this mornltiK and turned over to the press associations for dis tribution to dally newspapers In the County. It was stated today that the mi'snngc contain fifteen to sixteen thousand words. Richelieu Pure Foods New Goods Arriving Daily NOLAND & McINTYRE the SQUARE AGENTS I'OR CILVSE AND SAXHORN8 TEAS AND XFFEES PHONES lil AND MO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, MODEL A-I $000.00. jljiJI323 4-CyL, 23 II. P. 3- PuHsenger Roadster. " . , The model which established the world's record for light cars of S4.S miles per hour at the "Long: Island Automobile Derby." Supplied with rear seat for two, : $950; rear seat for one, $900, or u standard S passenger runabout, $850. Wheel base 93 in., tires 30x3 Equipped with t oil lamps, horn, too Is. Double lnitor, magneto and bat terles. In each type the rear seat is detachable. . Coston Automobile Co. Phone 244. No. 95 and 97 Patton Ave. OCR XI'IIS nro more than good photographs. They are true portraits, hrpiKing out all that best In character and Individuality. Make your appointment now and avoid ths holiday rush. HAGE 3 KOONCE, Phone IMS. Cor. Patton and Asheland Aves. Stevens 22 Rifles and Coaster 'Wagons and J Autos ror me tsoys . Gives them lots of pleasure and keeps them in the open air that means good health. Asheville Hardware Co. SOUTH PACK SQUARE and 25 N. MAIN ST. Citizens Transfer Company -JULIAN WOODCOCK. Owner. 48 PATTON AVENUE. TELEPHONE 15. FURNITURE MOVING Prompt Baggage Transfer Service Endorsed by V. O. T. and T. 1. A. Purest and Best Rumford Baking Powder llruimwlck IJue to lie Discontinued. rtrunswlck. 0a Pec. I. With the announcement of the Clyde steamship i line that It would establish freight I service between Host on and naives- ton. It was stated that the Clyde will discontinue the line to this port, al though ships may touch here to and from Jacksonville on the Poston Una. The last ship will visit this port Oecember tt. NEW ARRIVALS 0 of all kindn of Furniture and Household Goods for the Fall Trade. Always a pleasure to show goods. Beaumont Furniture Co., The Home of Furniture Values, 27 South Main St. Phone 1002. Ask to see the Free Sewing Machine. Pa advertisement on fourth page of The Flmpson Tea and Coffee com psny one pound of coffee free. .11 C Bawyer for Mother's Bread Th MIUor-RIi Paint . Lvicas Pslnf H)R IlKNT Furnished T room cot tsge, modern, 147 Pearson drive $41 month. II. P. a rant Realty Co. tf "So warnj""'' so light" J$ Green Brothers' Furniture Stcre, Agents for these celebrated Comforts and the best AIX When you sleep every muscle of your body should be relaxed. Heavy covers arc a strain that makes ir W00L blankets made. If jmDOsiDie to trtt tne m i I -- o - . yuu are going w Ask your Grocer for "COLONIAL BRAND" J FLAVORING EXTRACTS Because Best tttMt4m I S St ! U ! 1 1 1 1 1 mHmHrfmM44HW benefit of your rest. Maish Laminated Cotton-Dotan Comorts are . very light and luxuriously warm, , Bee the "Maish" at our store. New and attractive patterns in ill sizes crib to extra large. extra bedding look at ours. "We have the quality and price right White bed spreads, 75c and up. ' s ' Green - mJ i

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