rri'av. "'Dz'zs&.zt 17. 1Z11 ga: I V Ussi SAOTASIS LOADED DOWN WITH SLIPPERS for every member of the family Our slippers are nothing short of a beauty show. We 've pret ty evening; footwear, a5 well as all the popular colors in fur top Romeo slippers. It's a pleasure to show the new cre ations v Nichols Shoe Co. SUPPER SHOERS. ON THE SQUARE. i3 Happenings Personal Mention, News of the Societies, Meetings, Etc . ' Dvla King. Special to The Gazette-News. Hendersonvllle, Dec. 17. One of the moat Important events in Hender sonvllle society this week was the marriage yesterday afternoon of Miss Roxle. Davis and Mr. Henry Mitchell King of Brevard. The ceremony took place at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davis, In West Hendersonvllle. Owing' to the recent illness of the bride the affair was a rather quiet one, and only a few Intimate friends were present Elaborate decorations In green and white were carried out In the rooms used for the ceremony,. Rev. John Hughes, pastor of the First Baptist church of this city, officiated and the ring ceremony was most impressively performed. Delicious refreshments were served the guests Immediately after the ceremony, and It was dur ing this, enjoyable period that the bride and groom successfully eluded their friends who, Incidentally, had planned many characteristic pranks to play upon the happy couple by leaving the house and taking a car riage for Flat Rock. Here they caught the -6:15 train for Spartan burg, where they started for a north ern trip of several weeks. - The bride Is a daughter of W. J. Davis, president of the First National bank, and ' is one of Hendersonvllie's most charming young society mem bers. Her many friends regret very much that she will no longer reside here, but will make her new home In Virginia. . Mr. King is a native of Brevard but for the past several years has been traveling. His territory em braces a large part of Virginia, at t Dental Society's Banquet. The annual banquet of the Ashe vllle Dental society was held Inst evening In the tea room of the Wo man's Evchange. The table was laid to ail appearances. In a country barn Corn, tier upon tier and ear above ear, concealed the walls and celling lanterns were hung from above and a haystack in a corner of the room completed the verisimilitude of the scene. ' The bill of fare was of a harvest-home nature, containing the country good cheer that even dental surgeons may enjoy sharpening their teeth upon. Credit Is due Dr. 1. Mitchell Mann Dr. B. F. Hall and Dr. B. J. Durham, committee on arrangements, ' for a cleverly and effectively planned banquet. H MeXelll Collins. The engagement Is announced of Miss Mary McNeill of Fayettevllle and Paul Cameron Collins of Hlllsboro. Mr. Collins Is a cousin of Mrs. W. L. Cushman of Ashevllle; the young people both have friends In the city who extend congratulations. On the coming Sabbath evening the teachers and pupils of the Home In dustrial school will meet In the as sembly rooms at 7:30 o'clock for a service of Christmas hymns and Scripture. Tuesday evening the Christmas celebration, with the Christmas tree and Its gifts as the feature of Interest, will take place, Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock, the little people of the Model school, un der the direction of the pupil teach era of the Normal, will present the little play, "Santa Claus' Mission.1 'Richard II." is the Shakespeare play selected by the sisters of trie HIllBlde Convent for presentation by the pupils next Tuesday afternoon at the Rattery Park hotel. The mem bers of the cast are hard at work and as they are having thorough drill an Interesting performance Is expected, Hubbard Shawhan, who Is a stu dent at the University of Kentucky In Lexington, went today to Cynthlana Ky., to spend his two weeks' vacation with hut grandmother, Mrs. MusBel man. Rev. T. J. Ogburn, pastor of Grace M. P. church, Greensboro, N. C. has arrived in the city and will remain until next Tuesday. He will preach In the V. M. r. . auditorium Sun dny at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. He will also preach at the new Clark'i Chapel church near Weavervllle Sun day afternoon at S o'clock. He Is stopping at the ttleeta with H. ' H. wiuiams. : . -; ' - v MM " . John S. Oliver, representing the Chattanooga office of Nelson Ches man & Co., advertising agents, was In the city today on business for his house. ' : - . , - Miss Cameron Drummond, who Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Wood ward, In Atlanta, will spend the holi days with MIm Anna Veal, formerly of Ashevllle, at her home In Rome, Oa. Later Miss Drummond will go to Greenville, Miss., for the remainder of the winter. ft ft Mrs. S. T. Warren of No. 10 Brook street, Ulltmore, Is spending ten days with friends and relatives in Ten nessee. . ' . ., v.,"----" '' ft.;ft ' Miss K. B. HaVen has returned from a three months' visit to Ver mont, New Hampshire, New Tork and Washington, where she has beon vis Itlng friends and relatives. ' ft ft , Mrs. C. 'R. Scbuessler will, .Imme d lately after Christmas, gu to Mont gomery. Ala., to spend a month with hor utuightor, Mrs. Henry Cardiff. ft ft Miss Bonnie Adlckes Is at home from a visit with friend in North Carolina. ft ft Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Bryant and Mrs, Bryant's mother, Mrs. Morehead, left today for New York. ft Harrlll Wood, Albert Wood and James H. Wood,' jr., will leave on Monday for Philadelphia, for a holi day trip, to be gone about ten days. ft ft Mrs. Thomas A. Jones has returned from her visit to Mrs. Tench Coxe in Rutherfordton. Charles Jones will arrive Saturday from his school In Charleston and be at home for the holiday season. ft ft Misses Laura and Byrd Henderson Rxum M fares, Gladys Rod wood and Hortcnse Jones return today from St. Mary's In Raleigh. Miss Sarah Jones, who has been visiting in Raleigh, will also be of the party. ft ft Mrs. Thomas Settle will leave next week for Rutherfordton, to spend Christmas as the guest of Mrs. Tench Coxe. . . ft ft Mrs. L. M. Dodnmead will arrive In the city tomorrow from High Point to visit Mrs. J. M. Gudger, jr. ft ft Miss Hazel Shanklln will leave to morrow for her home In West r- glnia, after a visit of several week with Miss Lillian Weaver. Ml Shanklln lias been widely entertained by the members of the younger set during her stay in Ashevllle. ft ft Ruffner Campbell will return to morrow from Davidson College, where he is a member of the senior class, and spend the holiday weekB In the city. ft ft Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Eagan and Miss Evelyn Engan will arrive within a few days to spend the Christmas season Bicycle Velocipede With Three - Wheels Hides Easy. Large solid rubber tires, with ball bearings throughout; made for a child from two to eight years old. See our window display. J. M. IIEARX A CO., Battery Park Place. Plume 448, cot class ATP. Ed SILVCRWAKC ry v MANY people of refined,taste have expressed their appre ciation and admiration of the many beautiful pieces of Jewelry designed by ourselves and made by hand in our own shops. . s You can have them made ; . to order 'or select from our , present stock of exclusive Jewelry. STORE OPEN E.VLRY NIGHT r rrAcc:n:LC prices K AnrinjRM.rrciii Co. eOHPATTOM AVT J-CHUROH fa Get very busy, before the evil days come when your preferred salesman can't be had, when many tip-top things now in plentiful supply will have taken wings, and when some choice things will have become sidetracked in the dreadful hurly-' burly. V.'-;-;r y lv. Men's High Art Fine Suits, all the good effect, superb In fit $12.50 to $30. Prime Oven-oats $10 to $29. Boyrf Knits and Overcoat nearly up to the High Art standard. Neglige' Slilrw, Night Shirts, Vmlerslilrl and Drawers, fiilon Suits, Ac. . . - - - A grand array of Scarfs and Mufflers, Kid and Dogskin Glove, CSolf Glove, Suspenders, JiUllul Handkerchief. Cuff Button. Sleeve Button, 0. , ' , .J , . Handsome Band Embroidered Itnndkerclilcf In pure linen, from ISc up to 5o unusual values. Novelty Scarf and Veil, P ket Books, Shop, ping Bags, Club Satchels, Dainty Vmbrella, c Ladle' and MIHe' Tullor-Mnde Suits at Song hrund new mer-i-luiiidlHe. $35 Stilt now $19.50.... Ti now $18J0. .$17 now $12.50 ... .$10 now $8.lo. lrfMig t'outM In high grade, great vnlue. $25 good now $0....$ll good now $6. Reduced pricf on Cope, Skirts, and Children' Coat. t Fine Wool lire Good. Flannel. Outing and Kimono PIuhIich, Gala ten, PenalcN, DciiIiiim. 1i-cmh Gingham, Cretonne, &v. jMvn Curtain. Portiere, Couch Cover, F.lcgiint I ml Inn Slumber Holies and Steamer ling. Bulnty Bluuket and Comfortable. Flogs lit Bug from miiiiII size on up to room nIxv. fine lied (JiiIIih, Towel, Tray Cover. Napkins, Centre Piece, Dresner Scarf. Ac. Books in Attractive Bindings, Novels, Boys' Books, Girls' Books, Poems, &c, 19c, 20c, 25c. .Box Paper Zephyr Shawls. . ..Slippers . .. .Pillows. .. .Toilet Soaps. . . .Fine Furs in great variety.. A Hearty Christmas Greeting to all and good wishes for health, happiness and prosperity. . ; ' H. REDWOOD GO. with Mrs. Eagan s Mrs. H. T. Collins. parentx, Mr. and MR XAIIIKIAN TO Bt'Y GOODS FOR HIS STATIONKRY STORE H. M. Nahlklan. proprietor of thr Mountain City Stationery company, left this afternoon for New York to purchase a large supply of ChrbUrmis Noveltv Goods and Oriental rutts. etc., which he will have on dlplay at his store by the first of next week. Among the things that he expects to purchuse are Japanese Silk Klmonas, Jnpnnese fan. Egyptian silver scarfs, center pieces, etc. He hits found the Christ mas demand for such articles so large that he is going to New York to make a personal selection. Mountain City Steam Laundry Modern Methods Tel. 42G, 30 N. Lexington Ave. J. II. WEAVER. Mrr. When you have u Kod Impulse, busy and act. , v. get DO you KNOW We rent Silver, Sheffield, Oundlela brums, &c for "weddings and recep tions. Also we have the most gor- m Antloue Jewelry In existence fur rhrlHtmns sifts. At VICTOR STERN'S ANTIQUE SHOP. Haywood St. Sondley Blilg. J. H. LAW, 35 P&ttorv Avenue , hp. . Great Sale of FRAMED PICTURES A splendid assortment. ;. AH Desirable Subjects ALL in Suitable Frames and the prices are right. Included in the above are' about eighty Richly Pictures. We are selling at Bargain Prices. s Call and look over this and other linos. Framed Oo You llear.Well? Tk Stols EUiUopliom A Nw,Sdnttflc ud rracticu InTMtioa tor Toom Who An Df or PvtiaUy Df-May Now B Tttd Fm at Our Store DMf or Mrtuitr dMf people mmj now mak FrW inti or uib Dton &ievu-opnon. Thli la nnamttilv Bporf,nt nw for the deal, lor by thlf plan tb Mnall " ieloetion Of th om complete ptMv(H-ivrv nrnrfno aia m kwhm taJI and inrim$vt for imrnM, Tbl nwlnTMitlon(U .S.huQt No. Wfiio) rnfir nnnacNaarr neb oiumtr, uosiirmij ud rraqnenwi It bannful auTlrao truuDU.i born, tube, r drama. Caoa, oio. nor loctrio toto pbon thftt AM on Ui ar, nd which, tbo liiaunt It la ftppliod, liiaofiOtVa tho sound vitn q uoh manner aatoaauaa an nafim Uhina incren in tli elraniMi or all aotiiida. It OTaroomM tha baulnK and roarlna; aar nolaaa, at4 aiao ao constant Iw and le- Ifruwiy wrnn ins xrnai part ofth6mrthattiuuall)i.thnalMmt, i i ff M vk .nr: bkabv For Ohrlstmas Shoppers. HACKNEY & M0ALE CO. On Ilie Square. aUiTtomU Prominent IuIihm Man's Ophlasw tTOLMKLlCUTHOrHtSICca.,VMelnio.-limplrtutd ro ta m thai I. Kfetniton la rrry kilo rnrlor. ittina fdMiJl In ait and artat 1n kmritta aualtttta auiJc.. ft fHICFERA HLS TO ANY1RA VIC THIRD, mi 1 btlltn ImnraODMHifntf it to all prr kmrima. M. W. tlOYT. UiaL. ml Urwwr, JHok(allHiM JMrSIUUM. I kavt tritttallofthnm. nmfUDHMd it toall fmm va Nov dMflM Mrmf, jr. w. UOYT. n A Ft) TrUl of th.StokEUetrophafMatsarSlan rill esarioc rau o it frMt merit. Call todwr GRANT'S PHARMACY Ashevllle, X. C. J. H. LAW, 35 Patton Avenue O. Sawyer for Mother's Bread A useful and appreciated Christmas gift would be a shar. In tha Public Library. Only $2 a year. J5-tf GIFTS THAT 'SHE" WILL APPRECIATE XMAS Space will not permit us to men tion the many attractive and useful things we have In stock. Call and see for yourself. - MISS CRUISE, Haywood Kt. TKLKPHOXK THE BAIIY BTUMO Phone 1704 and make an appoint ment to have the baby's photo mad right away to avoid the rush. Abso lute guarantee of good pictures. Oet pictures finished any time you like. RAT'S STVniO, 29 Patton Ave. Formerly 1M Fifth Avt., New Tork. for Rent flood 7-roora house, all conveniences, near center of city. $18.00 Per Month. LaBart!, L!:!!3 & Chllss, REAL ESTATE and IN. 8URANCI, 27 Patton Avenue. 365 HAPPY DAYS Ahead of the man or wo man who is a patron of the Asheville Laundry BIGGEST, BUSIEST, BEST, Put il $.').()() book at $-!.')() Christinas stockin aundry till! in Asheville Laundry. J. A. NICHOLS, Manager PHONE 95. CHIROPRACTIC!!! CHIROPRACTIC!!! THAT OLD ltODY, Cheated by Nature, Deformed, rnflnishrd, SUIT with Rheumatism, Lumlmgn, &c; Helpless with Paralysis, Ixieomotor-Atnxla, Sciatica and a score of UIh that OKIGINATK IX T1IK SPINK! You will he the loser If you do not Investigate what Chiropractic Adjustments will do for you! Uriel consultation Free! Indy Attendant. "KIltOIMl.MTI C DOCTORS" Drs. Ulillmor e & Dciiii. Prione 621. Ijimt Hlilg.. N.-W. Cnr. Pack Riinr.. Ask your Grocer for "COLONIAL BRAND" FLAVORING jEXTRACTS Because Best. 'HMMIM HtMMIMI MIIWIMIIUfH Phone 114. Phono 114. 1 Southern Coal Company Agents for the best brand of BLUE OEM and Gen uine Jellico, from Jcllico, : Tenn. Try a 2000 lb. ton. ; Oflieo 14 North Tack Sq. COFFEE TEA Fresh roasted Coffee every week, nt Simpson Tea and Coffee Co. S5 Kast College St. All orders promptly delivered. Phone 17 IS. XMAS GIFTS FOR YOUR SWEETHEART.' Why not give her a Harri son Fisher Pook or a Christy (lirl ! We have some beautiful Holiday Hooks with colored il lustrations leather binding. Mountan City Stationery Co., Patton Ave. H. M. Xaliikian, Prop. Fresh Pineapples t Make a most delicious dessert. We have fine ones. t zoc eacn. YATES & McGUIRE, t 23 Haywood St. , Phone 221, 970. 1 I a GENUINE JOINTED HANOWERCK'S DOLLS Large Assortment HESTON'S TIXEPUONK IU. FOR SALE 1000 acres good hard-wood, timber land, near Southern and C. C. & O. rail roads. Attractive for oper ators or investment Natt Atkinson's Sons Company, " ' 1 - -1 I I Gifts Fog0 Mean Xow-a-days everybody acknowledges that the appropriate Christmas present is the useful, practical one. This, then, being a man's utore, is the ideal place to buy man's gifts. "When he finds the name Whitlock on the label he will feel just as you do when you discover the word "Steeling" stamped on your Christinas (lift. AND HERE'S A DANDY LIST TO BUY MEN'S GIFTS BY: Silk Neckwear Onyx Silk Hosiery Silk Mufflers Silk and Linen Handker i chiefs Collars Jewelry Hats Shirts Pajamas Night Shirts Underwear Garters Kid Gloves Fur Lined Gloves Umbrellas "Walking Sticks Silk Suspenders COME NOW. A CHEERFUL GREETING AWAITS YOU. 4 tUKi VhitlocIt Clothing Company 41 PATTON AVENUE.? ASHEVILLn, IT. C,