.1 Hu 3 - It U k" ji for aayone. to can ai this oCoe In aa endeavor to And out the) names of ndverttoers. TUom who edvertbe coder an Initial or aom dr plume do not wltth thetr names to be made pnUlo and they aaanot be di Tsigei at (Ida oaloe. , HZ LP WANTED. MAD31 150,001 in fly years in th Ifsil Order Business and btfu with ( only a few dollar, Thar are Mu tual opportunities for making mon ey today, and It la not difficult to be tin. If you hava even small cap ital and want to start a mall order bualneaa of your own. send for tn I free booklet It tolls how to makt I money. Address, Publisher, The Mail Order World, Box 1101, Lock- -- port, w. x. , tf. WANTED A flrat olaa lady solicitor: one who is a good talker and one who can get the business; a perma Bent potltlon to the right party. Address "Opportunity," care Ga sette-News. t l tf RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS, Custom Employes, Wanted Spring examl nations , everywhere. Commence : mencement salary $800. Rapid ad vancement to $1400 or $1500. Can didates " prepared free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 72 J, Rochester, N. T. : 270-11 WANTED Bright girl, with good -'English training, can take complete course at Asheville Business Col . lege and pay for scholarship in of -. nee work. Call at once. H. 8. Shockley, principal. . 27S-3t COOK WANTED At 5 J Haywood street .,. Must be well recommended. ? ' " 275-3t. jn a piano, telephone. Lot 100x200. Root 30 month for three month In quire 275 South French Broad. I70-St BOARDING. ROCK LEDOE, (S Haywood street 25 mom uorougmy renovated, across street from Auditorium, half block from Battery Park hotel, no eon sumptlYM taken, lira, P. J. Cor eoran, prop. RAVENSCROFT Elegantly furnish eu rooms, v steam heat, private baths, call bells, Mne block from postoffice; , positively no consump tives: $8 to $10 per week. W. E. Track. 5 Church St. 278-tf MIMIIMHIHMWW The I t MARKETS I ' 1 . i ! The Leading stocks on New ', -York Exchange Cotton Mar- ' ' ket QuoUUons Chicago ' , . Grain Market. BON AIR (S Asheland avenue; sun ny rooms; rurnace heat; special rates to winter boarders; no con sumptives taken. Mrs. J. L Rich and Miss Annie Boyce, Proprs. tf MMIIMHI mmmi New York. Dec 29. Prices of stocks moved briskly upwards at the opening today, on a large volume of business. Gains were quite uniform and widely distributed. The undertone of the market was Arm, but the only display of Interest was In a few metal stocks and a num ber of specialties. Stocks of leaser importance kept coming forward but the general lint was little affected. Stocks were affected by nroflt taklnir sales, but the market was otherwise strong. High prices for the day's buying were made by some of the market leaders. ; S-.,. ...... lL E-SliilL t, - LOT SUCH SUCCESS Doctor Point Out Many Objections to Use of the New Anei- v Miotic. CM CELAY Kidney DIhcows Are Too Dangerous for Aslievllle People to . , , Neglect. BOARDERS WANTED At No. 1 Swan street, Blltmore, select board, large rooms, all .modern conven Inoes, centrally located. Phone " 858-tf 71 COLLEGE STREET, excellent ta ble, nice sunny rooms, steam heated and all modern conveniences. Phone !51-2t THE BELVTDERB 57 Bprucs street xianasomeiy re-decorated; steam heat; hot and cold baths, Mrs. W. K. Hyman. 255-tf TWO BOARDERS WANTED In prl vate suburban home; pleasant loca tion, porches, south room, northern .cooking; ... reasonable. Phone ,. 487, : ..; - . - tf COOK WANTED At avenue. ,, 206 Merrlmon 276-St WANTED Stenographer (man) at $76.00 per month; also woman sten ographer at $40.00 per month; also 30 new pupils at Asheville Business . College. - Please call Henry .. 8. ; Shockley, Prln. 27-5t. WANTED Ladier dyeing, cleaning and repair work. J. H. McGlnness 11 Bouth Main street 111-tt WANTED White girl for general 4 housework. Apply 61 Orchard St. 176-3t FOR SALK. FOR BALE New seven-room house, Proximity park. Price and terms reasonable. Forbes and Campbell, - 63. Patton Ave., phone 268. FOR SALE 5 room cottage, price $1200, terms $200 down, balance $15 month. Marstellar & Co. FOR SALE Desirable lota. Houses built; easy payments; plana free; Interest ( per cent Universal Se curity Co. Tlephone 1647. . tf FOR SALE A full course scholar ship In the Emanuel Business Col lege. Enquire at Oasette-News of : Boe. , ; . .:- ,tf FOR BALE Rose comb and single comb Rhode Island Red cockerels, nice oolor and shape, healthy stock. Price from St to $10. Carl H. Messier, 162 Charlotte street Ashe ville, N. C tf GRANTS NO. 24, the best remedy for Cold and La Grippe. 26o st Grant's Pharmacy. tf WANTED. WANTED Your notary publlo work, Phone IS. J as. W Albright 66-tf WANTED Clean , cotton rag Ap ply to Pressman, Gasette-News. tf WANTED To purchase poplar mill culls for cash. Biltmore Box Fnc tory, Blltmore, N. C. 267-lm WANTED You to see our line of cups and saucers and fancy china The Asheville China Co., 6 N. pack square, rnone 881. STOCKS. Open. High. Low. Close. Atch. . . .12111 122 121 122M Amal. Cop.. 8H . 90H Am. Loco, . 60 60 H Am. Smelt.. 104 : 104 Ralto. O.. 117 117 Bklyn R. T, 79 Can. Pnc, Col. F. & I.. 60 Chee. & O.. 86 Erie . . . . 83 O. Nor. pfd.148 Ills. Cen. ,.148 Nat Lead ..89 Nor. Pac. ..144 Mo. Pac. .. 71 Mo., K. & T. 48 80 180 181 60 87 34 143 148 90 146 73 49 89 90 59 60 103 104 117 117 79 80 180 181 60 60 86 87 33 33 143 143 148 148 89 90 144 145 71 71 48 49 N. Y. Cen... 125 126 126 125 Nor. & Wei 99 99 99 89 Ont & Wes. 48 49 48 49 Peo. O as ,.116 116 115 116 .137 137 186 137 .170 171 170 170 . 60 60 49 50 . , 89 90 86 90 ..134 135 133 134 .157 168 167 168 Union Pac. 201 204 . U. B. Steel . 91 91 125 126 31 82 26 : 26 60 60 Penn. . . Reading . Rock Is. . do pfd Sou. Pac. St. Paul . do pfd Sou. .Ry. , Wabash . do pfd 201 203 90 VI 125 125 31 32 25 60 26 60 NEW YORK COTTON. WANTED To send you a gallon of pure Ice cream for your Christmas Dinner; $1.25 a pnllon; half gallon 76 cents. Asheville Pure Milk Co., Phone 654. . ; POSITION WANTED Young wo- man, French, German, as nurse and chambermaid; good seamstress: good references;, sleep home. Ad dress .280, Gazette-News. 275-3t WANTED A small cottage In.; city. State slse, location, terms, etc. Ad dress Box 646, Asheville. 239-tf Jan. . March May . July . Doc . Spot, Open. High. Low. Close. . . 16.56 15.67 15.60 16.66-67 . . 15.86 15.98 15.80 15.97-98 . . 16.13 16.23 16.05 16.24-20 . . 16.13 16.26 16.04 16.22-2 . . 16.49 16.63 15.49 15.63-64 15. 95. Steady. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET, .118 Open, WHEAT May . . . .111 July . . . .103 Dec. . . . CORN M.iy . . . July , . . Dec. . . . OATS May , . . . July . . . Doc. , . . High. Low. Close. Ill 102 118 110 101 116 111 101 117 f tory PaiCl ZIotol . 66 66 66 66 ". 66 66 66 66 . 62 62 62 62 . 45 45 , 45 45 . 43 43 43 43 . 43 44 43 44 EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER de- . sires position by Jan. 1. AddresB Box 271, Waynesvllle, N. C. 276-St FOR SALE First class railroad ticket, Asheville to New Orleans, expires shortly. Address "K," this office. 276-St WANTED Special accounting work or permanent position by "Ac countant," Phone 26 or 1217, rare Gazette News. 276-5t MISCELLANEOUS. ! FOR KENT. FOR RENT 4 -room cottage, Mont ford section, $15 per month. Mar stellar ft Co. LOST Tuesday, December 28th, gold pin. Size of a five cent piece. "11. O. P." 1906" engraved on back. Re ward If returned to this office. 276-3t. FOR RENT S-room flat, $10.00 mo. Marsteller & Co. 273-tf PROF. O. L. HALL, Asheville Busi ness College, gives special training In common school branches, alge. bra, geometry, civil service, eto. 276-61 FOR RENT S unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, $7.00 . per month. 14 Bouth Spruce street . l$4-tf FOR RENT Bunny, connecting rooms, furnished for housekeeping on the first and second floors, with sink aad gas la kitchen. It Btarnes ' avenue. 336-tf FOR RENT Furnished T room cot- .tage, modern, 147 Pearson drive, $46 month. H. F. Grant Realty Co. tf LOST Sunday night, ladies' gold watch and guard, between First Presbyterian church and 178 Hay wood street . Reward If returned to J. a Huntington, Y, M. C. A. 275-3t FOR RENT Furnished rooms; mod ern conveniences; on car line; tabic hoard nearby., Address 141 Merrl mon avenue, or 'phone 111$. 131-tf, FOR RENT Six room cottage, fur nlshed or unfurnished, with seven acres of land, 1 1-2 miles from Asheville. Apply to Reed ft Justice, No. S Pack Square. , tf 'FOR RENT 4 -room house, furnish. ed. West Chestnut street near Cum berland. $40. Forbes Campbell, 62 Patton avenue. Phone S6S. tf FOR RENT room house, unfur nlshed, close in, all modern oonven iences. Annly Morris Senas, Main St S49-U FOR RENT New four room cottage on Grove street. See W. R. Payne, ' No. 89 South Grove 8t 275-tf. THEN KILLED HIMSELF Put His Arm Around Her, as She Bent to Take Dinner, Drew Pistol and Fired. MISS MARGARET ATKINS China water colors, pierced brass and mottos. Arts and Crafts Studio. Phone 1337 . 231-tl 39 EAST COLLEGE STREET, J. A, Cook, cheapest place In town for shoe work; also sb"". for sale and made to order; all work guaran teed. S60-3H RUGS AND CARPETS CLEANED Br our cleaning machine In a tnor ough manner at reasonable cost. Phone 228. Asheville Carpet House S07-tf. Peru. Ind.. Dec. 29. A man regis tered ns U B. Lenhart of Chicago shot and killed Dora Chappell, then kllleu himself. In the dining room of a hotel here today. The man was 23 years old, me woman 18. The woman, who was a waitress in the hotel, bent over Lenhart to take his order for dinner. Lenhart put an arm around her as if in affection, and drew her close to him. With the other hand he drew a revolver, shot her In the left breast and let her body slip to the noor. Lenhart shot himself In the heart and fell from his chair, still clinging to the revolver. The waitresses ran from the build ing in a panic. Dora Choppol waa a graduate of the Peru High school. It Mas a Love Tragedy. Indianapolis, Ind., Dec 29. Tho man who shot Dora Chapell at Peru, Ind., today was Roy McKlnney of this city. McKlnney a father said he an l the Chapell girl became acquainted snd fell In love when he was em plnyed here. Her father separated them. McKlnney had declared he would kill her and himself. STRADLEY WILSON. Tailoring Suits 214.00 to 340.00. . suits ciean ed and pressed 60o to $1.00. Three months' membershiD. $2.60. Phone i4. m-tf L OF F NOW Is the Time to Prepare for Win tr. Have us to Install in von home a steam or hot water heating lEWTihVM ol an Oklahoma Concern r-o.. No. I East - College street Phone I9S. FOR RENT Furnished, four room cottage, $21.00; eight room housr ISO; two apartments four room each, $25.00; all modern. Room Rvell Bldg. V. P. Ingle, Phone 240. FOR RENT Unfurnished, S room cottage, French Broad avenue. Bath room, electric light etc. $15.00 per ' month. D. 8. Watson, agent 12 B. Main stret eod-tf FOR RENT -room cottage unfur nlshed, Soco street $26 per month. Apply J. L. Wagner at postoffice. 134-eod-tf. keys Five thousand. Two good inxkumlths to fit them to your locks. Trunks repaired, repainted and let tered. J. M. Hearn ft Co., Battery Park Place. Phone 44$. Which Pumps Sand from Bed ol River. FOR UKNT 7 room house, 128 Char lotte street, with bath, pantry, base nt C. C Willis. Phone 23 - 111. S61-eod-tf Mt.ta HAITI E FOX, FORTUNE TM.I.F.R. 23 South Main street up. from 25c to 60c." Been at the wor Loughr.n o, A.hev.llo is head of the The Loughran Band ft Gravel com pany is ins sxyie oi a compnjr m Muskosee, Okla., which has been or ganized to pump sand out nf the river bed for use for Duuamg purpose l.j,nk Louithran. Jr., son of Frank for 18 years. 276-6t. THE Asheville Cleaning and Pressing dub wishes to advise alt who have received miniature cards for 1910 calendars will have until January 1, iimin rdeem them. J. C. Wllbar. Phone 389. Pack square. cnmDnnv, Asheville gentlemen wno nave re centlv returned from Muskogee say that Mr. Loughran is doing well, and that the patented machinery wnicn the company is using to pump oui k. mnnA is worklns successfully, in thai tinn nf Oklahoma. It Is said .nod sand for building purposes warp, and to ODiain sano, u nti ary to take It from the river beds. The machinery pumps out the wste IF YOU WANT A HOME . rm k r iptTTCi rh down and '$21.00 per and sand, and dumps It Into cars, the $26.00 Cash down ana ' nit-rine out. giving a clean s.md s.nh ami va can sen jou m -- - i . , ,. whl.-h soon flries. m mn.v ii - FOf; n ! N'T Peven room houiie fur- rip. ii ct.ijii u-ta. Three bed-rooms, .nK anil va can sell you room modern cottage, nice lot Mer rlmon Ave. Bee. IMNNAIIOE BLEDSOE. U..I K-atata AcenW, Phone 649. 'V Building nf Mr Lmlzhran will De greauy m tercited In his surcrss In the youngest state, where he lies cnosen 10 ram hi home, New York dispatch, 21st. ' Vr. Jonnesco's recent demonstration of the. effect of spinal anesthesia as produced by stovalne and strychnine has left the surgeons of the Post- Graduate hospital, where he perform ed four operations. In a good deal of doubt as to its value and advisability. They admit that four operations arc far too few on which to found any lentlflc conclusions, but as In one case the patient nearly lost his life and In another the single Injection given was not sufficient to maintain anal gesia during the entire operations, they think great caution should be exercised In using this form of anes thetlc. . The first case was operated on by Dr. Jonnesco himself. The patient was a German suffering from hernia. He was of the Intellectual type, and expected to feel pain In spite of tho assurances of tho sugeons. The injec tion was made into the . spinal cord just below the last dorsal vertebra, and for 25 minutes anesthesia was satis- factor! ly produced. But the operation lasted 45 minutes, and there could be no doubt that during the second half of this period feeling returned, There were the twitching of the mus cles and tho rigidity which could not have been simulated if the pain had been merely In the Imagination of th patient Second Injection Dllhi-ult, In such cases Dr. Jonnesco, who as serts he Is nblo to produce complete anesthesia for only 35 minutes, de clarea that a second Injection can be made without dnnger. But It Is point ed out that this means the suspension of the operation, the raining of the patient to a sitting position, and th exposure Of tho wound to the risk of Infection, Consequently no Burgeon would resort to It unless it was abso lutely essential, The second patient was nn Italian of a phlegmatic type. Ho was suffering from appendicitis and was attended by Dr. Robert T. Morris and Dr. As plnwall Judd. The case was a simple one. Involving an Incision of only 1 '4 Inches, and hut little pulling on th tisKiies. . The slnvnlne nn. strychnine produced the nni'sthesla required, but It was realized that in this case sim ple local aneKthetlcs would have been equally effectual. Third Ptilirnt CoIIhiimc. The third man to take his place nn the table gave Dr. Jonnesco an oppor tunity to show his method of Injecting his anesthetic In thu upper part of th'-1 body. The man had a bone tumor on his forehead, nnd the needle was In serted between the first and the sec ond v.-rtebrne . Dr. Morris and Dr. Judd were the operntors. The pntlent wns a Oerninn of nn lntellectunl tyic, who had been sub ject to epllcps',.and Rt. Vitus' dance. Three minutes after Vie drug , hnd been administered he lost nil consci ousness, as completely s though he was under the Influence of ether oi chloroform. Tn twelve minutes ho was suffering from alisolnte collapse and failure of respiration. He wns rushed from the operating table to a ride room, and there Dr. Judd applied th most heroic measure? to bring hack his respiration. He In troduced nnior.vgen tube Into his threat, applied hypodermic 'njectlons, and kept up artificial respiration. Py Int of haid work his lungs were re stored to their normal functions, but for 21 hours after the operation the patient was subject to intermittent tit of delirium and had to be placed in a straight-jacket. Since then he has recovered. Made Patient Mcrrj. In the fourth case, which was also operated by Dr. Morris and Dr. Judd, an Italian of a phlegmatic type had a hernia reduced. It was a simple case, and the surgeons believed that really no anesthetic of any sort was essentlnl. n this cam the stovalne and strych- nino produced the effects Dr. Jonnesco claims for them. The patient ate a big dinner after, the operation, and is now described as probably the mer riest man In the ward. After returning to their wards all tho patients suffered fullv as great discomfort and shock as they would have done If ether or chloroform hnd born used. They were. It Is true, free from nausea, but their temperatures went up to 101 or 102. and their res piration was also accelerated. In ad dition they complained of pains In various parts of tho body. On analysing these rases tho opinion of the I'ost-Oraduate hospital staff is that annntheala waa undoubtedly produced, but that It had been brought on by a method that was dangerous. In two instances a local anesthetic or nnno at all was all that was really essential. From the third case II seems that stovalne may Involve an Immediate danger to the respiratory system, which would call for remedies of the promptest and most heroic character. There is also a secondary risk. The spinal cord Is a most deli cate organ, and In the hands of an unskillful surgeon It might be so In Jured by the puncture given to It that Inflammation would be set up which might lead to the most serious conse qucoces, even four or five years after the operation. ' Two Per Cent of rases Fatal, In this connection ft Is pointed out that there are certain statistics relat ing to spinal anesthesia produced by cocaine, of which Dr. Jonnesco s method Is merely a development, which may well give pause to the general adoption of any spinal system of causing analgesia. For ten years after Dr. Corning -discovered spina) anesthesia It dropped out of sight, but since then about 40,000 operations have been performed with Its aid The rate of fatality In connection with them has boen about 2 per cent The average mortality from ether and ehlo roform Is 1 case In from 6,000 to 25, 000 The doctors also doubt the expedl ency of using stovalne In many cases for psychical reasons, especially oper allng on patients who hive their in telllgence awake. They hold that would be at least doubtful whether woman of nervous tempersment wouli not sufTeiNt severe mental shock If sh resllcei what an operation to hersolf really mennt If she Is etherized, o The great danger of kidney troubles Is that they get a firm hold before the sufferer recognizes them. Health is gradually undermined. Backache, headache, nervousness, lameness, sore ness, lumbago, . urinary troubles, dropsy, diabetes and Brlght'a disease follow tn merciless succession. Don't neglect your kidneys Cure th.e kid neys with the certain nnd safe remedy, Doan's Kidney Pills, which has cured people right here In Asheville, S. F. Miller, SO Turner street Ashe ville. N .C. rays: "At times I suffered so severelv from kidney complaint that waa laid up for several days. There was a dull ache across my loins, ex tending Into my shoulders nnd a scald ing sensation attended the passages of the kidney secretions. I tried a num ber of remedies and consulted physi cians, but did not succeed In finding relief until I procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Dr. T. C. Smith's drug store. They disposed of my trouble in fl short tlmo and Improved my health. I publicly recommend this remedy In 1903 nnd now, after Ave years have elapsed, I nm plensed to reiterate every word I then said, as my cure has been permanent." For aalo by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Koster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. ASHEVILLE IT. O. OPE5 THROUGH OUT THIS YEAR. Famous Every vhcrc. THE MANOR. Albemarle, Par A Asheville. N C An Exclusive Inn. On Charlotte Street Car Line. THE INN, WayneaviUe, N. C. Open throughout 'he year. Permanent snd transient boarders will find good accommodations and sento. R V asonMe. 7 ' MRS. B. CORY. Prop. FRANKLIN HOTEL, BREVARD. N. O. . . ,"'-jii , - Open all the year, plentiful. Come on. The hunting season Is In full blast now. : Game Is - T. W. WIIITMIRE, Prop. details of what goes on, and Is not shocked by the memory of It Consequently the feeling at the Post-Graduate hospital Is that If con clusions may be drawn from the few operations which have been performed here, Dr. Jonnesco's method of anes thetizing many be justified in certain sclectod cases In the lower pnrt of the body. But If it is right to draw any kind of a generalisation on the one operation on the upper portion of the body which has been performed here, In such cases, stovalne nnd strych nlno injections Into the spinal column are. according to tho surgeons, not justifiable. THE SWANNANOA A STRICTLY HIGH GRADE Family and Transient rHotel Bites $150 a day and upward. Franfc Loughran, Owner and Prep. A few minutes delay In treating somo cases of croup, even tho length of time it takes to go for a doctor often proves dangerous. The safest way Is to keep Chnmberlnln's Cough Remedy in the house, and at the ilrst Indication of croup give tho child a dose. Pleasant to take and always cures. COMMERCIAL r ? :ir: TOURIST The Blue Ridge Inn Hendersonv ille, N. C. Under now management . The traveling men's mountain home. Rates $2 per day nnd upwards. America n Plan. Private and connecting baths. C. L HOYTE, Manager, formerly with The Uufnrd of Charlotte, N. C. Lloyd Lyie8. Clerk, formerly of the Helwyn. Charlotte. N. C Hotel Gates Hendersonville, N. 0. T" T v - rt . ra." mtmm E t POLITICS AND IHJLITICIANS. H s st ititititstitieititititititititttkistis Labor organisations In Pennsylva nia have started a guherniittonnl boom for Congressman William 1!. Wilson, who Is well known as a labor leader. Indications point to the re-election of U. 8. Jucksun us chulrmnn of the deinocrutle cential committee of In diums, when IhJ commute? 'meets In January. It is reported that Congressman Joseph ithinock of the Sixth Ken. lucky district will quit politics at the end of his present term In order to devote his entire attention to his ex. tensive theatrical interests. The state of Maine mny purchase the old James CJ. lilulne mansion in Augusta to be ust-d as a residence for the governor during the sessions of .the legislature. The old place is one of the historic landmarks of the Maine capital. Congressmon E. J. Hill, who is said to be slated as the candidate of the "insurgents" for speaker of the next congress sgnlnst -"Uncle Joo" Cannon, has represented the Fourth Connecticut district In the lower house for the past 15 years. political rumor has entered an other candidate in the race for the seat of the late Senator Johnson of North Dakota. The new entry Is Kdward Engerud of Fargo, a former ludee of the Supreme court of North Dakota. Senators Cummms of Iown, Clapp of Minnesota, Ilrlstow of Kansas, Nel son of Minnesota and other "Insur gent" leaders have offered tn take tho stump In aid of Senator LaKol- lette In tho Wisconsin s senators com ing campaign for re-election. The Lincoln League of Indlnna hns decided to hold Its biennial meeting In Columbus on February 1 Lin coln's birthday. The principal ad dress st the meeting will be deliv ered by Senator Albert J. Uoverldge. Ex-Conaressmnn James Pi wntson will also be one of the sneakers. James P. Goodrich, republican state chairman in Indiana, has resigned his iMM'tlon. and the state committee will meet early in January to -elect his successor. AS wonaior iicvoriuao m In control of the patronage In his state. It Is expected he will have the chnlna of the new chairman. Nn aovernor is to be elected in Indiana next year, but legislative tickets are to be put up In every county. License generally made considera ble gains in the recent municipal elec tions In Mossachusetts, the most noie- -si! ST. DENIS-, (UKUAUWAY and in n atKbbT NENY YORK CITY. ttttMn T.r Affpr if Twy Point f Interest, J id If ,lY. frtt Wniumakor'i. t rilnut"' Witlk of liui:tlni DlMrlct. furtftbl? Appoint mHitn. IVcrtivu. 6trT Irt athl Uoovttkv Hirnmftilirffa r$I.Q3 PEH DAY A3 UP EUROPEAN PLAN. Tsblo 4'Hoio BresU-'ast SOe. WM.TAYLOR&SONnc. Kismivi ! ffisni nun . mm Open Throughout the Year. Commercial vvS. Tourist Rates $2.50 per day and up. . A. A. GATES, Prop. MONTFORD COTTAGE 10S Montforrt Ave. Plione ION; Elegant home-like and reflnud Centrally located. Cuisine the best I Transients and table boarders so commodated. MOnmATT RATr The Catawba OLD FORT, N. C. L. n. MOORE. Proprietor. Transient and Commercial Patron age Solicited. HOTEL ENTELLA DRYSON CITY. Headquarters for traveling men and lumbermen. Rates It per day. Spe clal rates by the month. Bath room Free sample rooms. Railroad eatlni house fronting Southern depot Liv ery In connection. W. W. ALMA WIIEKLKK. I"roir Richelieu Hotel. 20 North French Broad Ave. 1 Up-to-date family hotel $7 to $15 per week. Excellent table. Phone 1430 XMAS . PRESENTS For the old folks there la nothing more suitable than a properly fitted pair of Glasses. With tweit au of experience, I give you the work of an expert. F. K. Gardner Eye Specialist.' Manufacturing Optician. 10 Orbumor Itulldlng. After Jan. 1st will be located at No. II N. Main St. In Isra dinner. Hotel Alabama; (Near FIFTH AVENUE) 13-19 East 11th Street, NEW YORK THE MOST HANDY Best Facilities, Ev ery Room Uas Bath With 81 lower. Excellent American Plan Table In New York. To All Theatres and Points of Interest. European Tlan $1.00 per day up. American Plan $2.50 per day up. Send for Booklet GET THE WHEAT-HEART HABIT , - " You will never regret it. Hundreds of families have worthy being the shift of Worcester U8e(j -reheat Hearts daily for from 109 majority for "No" last year , J t . i7!o mr license this year. Loweii Tears. It is cheap, delicious went "wet" again by nearly moo more &n(j untritlOUS. votes tnan in iv, anu huij" more than 00 additional. Ralem furnished the most notable shift on the other side of the slate, going from ttronan malorltv of 171 to a no. license majority of tit. CASTOR 01L' POWDER lAtffMjMsk TAVrrLtis Amimlur, U But Til ODOSLXIS ufn BtSY AND ssrrsT 14 "'l 1 AX ATfVC KNOWN Mn the other hand, she never know the WANTED To exchange a business lot worth 11500 for a residence worth from tSOAv to 7000 and pay the difference In each. Address Canaday Realty Co., 107-101 Oates Eldg. rhone 7t Rooms for Rent -AT" Y: F.I. C. A Steam Healed BATTERY PARK BANK AS II KV ILLE, N. C 3. P. BAWTER, President T. C. COXE. 1st Vice President. . E. SLUDER, Id Vice President. J. B. RANKIN. Cashier. Capital . ... . . $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits $130,000.03 TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BCSINKK8 Special attention given to collec tions. Four per cent. Intsrut paid on time deposits. WEAVERVILLE LINE 6CIIF.DCT.K Lv. rack Square A. M. A M. .I0 110 .0 It 1 11.10 111 P. M. P. M. . l.tO 1.10 1.00 .io 1.00 t.dt Schedule same on Buaday Lv WeaverrlUe exrri t the 1.10 A. M. trip la omltte-t. and In favorable weathsr an extra car wi.i leave Asheville at 4 P. M NOTICE OF SALE. Ity virtue of a mechanic's lln r repairs and storage due the un ! signed by W. A. RKXFOrtD, notl. . hereby given that on the I hty J in nary, A. I)., 1110, before t Court House door In the rlt Asheville, the undernlKned will i for sale to hlgheat bidder, for c automobile, of the Ito ninUo. i ty horse-power touring rnr, five poiwenKers, now in the I of the tindpmlirnert. ' T'rmn of siile rh . This reeemlM-r 1 I . '. . .