E fi?o Pneumonia i In the home that has M. & W. Indian Coal in their cellar. It is THE perfect fuel sold in Ashe ville. Over 95 per cent carbon. Phone 130. Ctrolina Coal 6 Ice Company iSMiG FIGHT 10 FOF DEAL BLACK Th Failure of the Governor to Pardon Black a Surprise and Diiappolnt ment to Black's Friends. J1 ' ' ' 1 ' FOR flXE M ' 1 ' WATCTI REPAIRING AND i . . Go to . h,m. frost, 60 ration Avenue. SMIHH iiiihimm SPECIAL PRICES -ON-TWO POUND CANS SLICED PINEAPPLE. 15 CENTS EACH. E C. JARRETT FANCY GROCER, Phones 192 and 358. 12 N. Pack Square. It begins to look a though Gov ; ernor Kitchln was not going to grant a pardon to Wiley Black; leastwise not right away. The friends ot Black. who were hopeful that the governor ; would pardon him for Christmas, ' were disappointed that the pardon didn't arrive. Later It waa rumored that the governor would extend exec utive . clemency Immediately after Chrlstmaa and the pardon, since Sat urday, ha been hourly expected. But the governor haa not acted and In formation from Ilalelgh Is to the ef fect that the governor haa not even opened a paper In the case since the last hearing granted counsel over a month ago; and further that the gov ernor has no Idea Just when he will take further action If at all. The governor has been appealed to by strong Influences here to extend executive clemency to Black. letters i recommending a pardon have gone to the Kovernor recently from prominent men In both the democratic and the republican parties. The main tenor of these letters recommending pardon has to do with Black's Illness and the further fact that In the opinion of the petitioners Black was too severely punlnhed for the offense committed. Col. I.usk, one of those petitioning the governor for the pardon, said in plain English that Black fell a victim to a sentiment. Judge Prltchnrd, of the flood Government league, who also recommends Black's pardon, bellevea that Black has been sufficiently pun lnhed and that a pardon for Black Is the humane course. CITY NEWS Mrs. Martha C. Sudderth la ill at her home on Monlford avenue. The holder of No, It won the fine Turkish rocker given away by Walton at McLaln Friday, Christmas eve, Our thanks are extended to W. A. Ward for a pretty calendar, entitled "Opals," a reproduction of a painting by Carle J. Werner. . ( , Mrs. G. W. Ballard, a sister of Major W. W. Rollins, is critically 111 at her home at Inanda. Little hope Is entertained for her recovery. . On account of the Inclement weath er and the absence of the pastor there will bo no prayer meeting service at Central Methodist church this evening. Letter Carrier N. W. Fain, after stepping off R trolley car on South- side avenue this morning shortly after 11 o'clock, slipped and fell to the pavement, sustaining severe bruises. Mr. Fain waa taken to his borne In a carriage and was resting aa well this afternoon as could be expected. News was received here of the death of Mrs. Rose Nltzcr at her home in Evanavllle, Ind., on Monday. Mrs. Nitxer was a aister-ln-law of Mrs. O. D. Revell and had visited in Ashevllle frequently. Surviving are two sons, William Nitxer of Ashevllle, and Ar thur Nitxer, and a daughter, Mrs. Water of Evansvllle. The funeral was held today. The meeting of the sessions of the First Presbyterian church which was to have taken place Thursday has been postponed on account of Dr. Camp bell's continued illness. The commun ion service that was to have taken place Sunday has been postponed for a week. Rev. Clarence O. Reynolds, D. D., of Oakland Helghta Presbyterian church, will occupy Dr. Campbell's pulpit at the morning and evening service on Sunday. BALL LEAGUE SCHEME THAT SEEMS FEASABLE Moffett Plans to Combine Asheville, Knoxville, Bristol and Three Other Towns. FINAL Sl'MMONS TO lilt. Bl HROl'GHS Cin-., ... .i SUBJECT Increase in Price of 1910 HUDSON ROADSTER On and after January 1st, 1910, the price of the Hudson Twenty Roadster will be $1000.00 instead of $900.00. At the new price the car will be equipped with 32x3, 1-2 tires all round and the open space between the step and the frame will be endowed, affording better protection against mud and adding to the appearance of the car. - .,. ASHEVILLE AUTOMOBILE CO. Teiephono 1310. 15 & 17 S.Lexington Ave Get Even With a Book If you have gotten presents from someone you have forgotten, remember them with a BOOK. Standard works, modern fiction, poems serious, humorous, satirical. ROGERS' BOOK STORE 33 Patton Avenue. Phone 254 c 1 Eo'ys' and Children's Coats Greatly Reduced. $5 and $6 Coats ..... .$3.S3 $2.50 and $3.00 Coats. ... .$1.43 GEO. W. JENKINS, . . 29 South Main St. MHMMHHtMmtltn EAT HILL'S MEAT REGULARLY AND BE SATISFIED ALL THE TIME : Phone us your orders for meat or poultry If you desire a good quality of meat at a reasonable price. I W. M. Hill & Co. rhones 4 and ivl). J. E. Carpenter JEWELER 32 Patton Avenne Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. Let us fit you u pa new Chandelier for Christmas. Latest designs, reas onable prices. 1. ' W. A. Ward ANYTHING EMXTRICAI Plione 419. 10 N. Court Square. jAfter Cliri:lui:s ii I , The real cold weather ;" J of winter hits hard and ; often. Then's when M. & : I AV. Coal proves its wortlu i ; ; Phone 40. AsliEvill2Cc:ICo.i F. M. WEAVEli, Mgr. t Phone 4a Try a Choice Star Roast Today Lamb, Veal, Beef, Pork, r ! Quality A No. i. i' THE STAR PHONE 66 style POP CORN BALLS Candy Kitchen HAYWOOD STREET NEAR POSTOFFICE IF YOU'VE NEVER WORN A PAIR Of Cushion Shoes, we earnest ly ndvlaa you to try n pair of ours jiipt as ensy on the fret. Perfectly made in every detail. $3.00. Guarantee Shoe Store No. 4 South Main Street LOGAN . MERCHANT TAILOR. 14 N. Pack Hq. Phone 797. Ashevllle. Should the efforts of certain men of thiw ,.tl- .r,,fA .llnn.Mflll Aahdflll.. win nave u miHcnuii team in a regu larly and duly constituted baseball Icnigiie next season. While several tertatlv schemes have been talked of, the one proposed by Prank A. Moffett of Knoxville In a letter to Judiee O. 8. Reynolds cm the most feasible. Mr. .Moffett li plunnliig a league to he compoceil if Ashevllle, Knoxville, Itnstol, Jtihnnon City, Cleveland. Tenn., Home, Oa.. or Morrlstown, Tenn. (if the two latter. Morrlstown. on account of distance, would tie pre-fer-iblf. Thl would form a close cir cuit and a league composed of cities of about the Mime slr.e. hence each team would be on practically the same footing as the others. It is planned to hold a meeting of representative of the six cities at Knoxville about the middle of Jnnn ary, when the whole plan will be gone Into, and a league probublv launched. Those Interested In securing a place In th league for Ashevllle propose to exert their Influence during the next few days In formulating some plan for the support of the team. There are a ineTiber pf baseball "funs" In Ashe vllle .vho Incline to the belief that Ashevllle eau and will support a team In a good league, such as the one pro posed, and they Intend to till that de mand if possible. MMtMttttMMMMM Edison January Records ALSO THE Etude AND Musician ARE IN. Dunham's Music House IIIIMIMIIIMMllllMUt sot I At. 1'OH JR. O. V. A. M. TOMORROW K VEXING Address lo lie Made b Hon. J. (iiHlgrr. Excellent Program la Arranged. M rench liroad council, Jr. O. r. A. M . haa planned a New Year's social for tomorrow evening at 8:15 o'clock and Indications are that the affair will be one of the most Interesting and plenslng of tho holiday season. The committee In charge of the affair Is composed of H. M. Orant, W. C. Pen- j nell. C. W. Brookshlre. J, 8. Williams. ! (Continued from page 1 ) i A. II. lturroughs of New York, and j two sisters, Mrs. S. A. Field of Mc- j Pherson, Kans., and Mrs, E. It. Den-j nls of Ashevllle, also survive. Prominent TliroiiglMiul the South. Dr. Burroughs was not only one: of the most prominent physicians In i Ashevllle but also in North Carolina, If not in the south. Ills specialty was tuberculosis and In that branch of the medical profession he probably excelled. His patients came from all parts of the south and the north, the east and the west. He was very suc cessful in the practice of his profes sion, worked very hard, and accum ulated considerable wealth. Dr. Bur roughs was not only a physician but he waa a public-spirited man. He j was enthusiastic in every movement j that tended to the betterment of the town In civic and sanitary matters. He was he father of the antl-expec- (oration ordinance In Ashevllle; he wna a member of the Ashevllle board of health for many years and up to the time of his death: he was a mem ber of the state board of health: one of the organisers of the Buncombe County Medical society and twice president of the organixatlon. an honor not shared In by any other memlter. he whs president of the Trl- ptate Medical society of North Caro lina, South Carolina and virglnln; he was prominent In the Mississippi Val ley Medical society; one of the organ isers of the Tuberculosis society of North Carolina and a conspicuous figure at the American Tuberculosis congress. Ir. Burroughs was Interested In everything that pertained to medi cine. His whole life waa wrapped up In hla profession; he labored for the welfare of a suffering public; for the alleviation of huma nills. He was thoroughly versed In medicine; an authority on tuberculosis. I)r. Burroughs waa also closely Identified with the secret orders. He whs high Mason, a member of the Knights of Pythias and of the Elks. He was a man of strong conviction, of high character; a friend to many; a man who shared hla wealth with oth- j era less fortunate. He waa noble and , public-spirited. He was a man on j whom a friend could always call; a man. however, with principles at d j prejudice; one whom few If any could defraud; of fine business ability, a be liever In Ashevllle and the future growth and prosperity of this city and , tlon. i He Was an Organiser. n A HAPPY NEW YEAR ; TO ALL I wish to extend thanks to my friends and patrons for their past favors, and hope to be favored in future as in the past. I again winh you all vn happy and prosperous year of 1910. . Jii'spectfully yours, l:blombe,r:g Blomber s Cigar and Sporting Goods Store, 17 Patton Avenue. HOTEL BERKELEY POOL ROOM The most attractive Pool Boom in the City. : : : A complete line of Import ed and Domestic Cigars. "ITS DOWN STAIRS" Oscar White and I). Harris, 1 tractive program of music, readings I and addresses haa been arrangtd bv j the committee and a large attendance Is expected. The social gathering will ha held In the eouncll hall on South Main street The program follows; ITayer Hev. O. J. Helsebeck. Bending Miss I.eona Young. MusicMale Quartet C. A. Rice. ouv Weaver, A. C Williams. J. H. . Orlce. Duct Myrtle Harris and Virginia Fortune. I New Vear's Resolutions In Rhyme I tluy Weaver. ; Address Hon. J, M. Gudger. Itefreshments. Informal greetings. AU Juniors are cordially InvHed to attend. 3 Get Even With those who remembered you, and whom you forgot, with a handsome piece of china or some silverware. Get 'era here First Quality. L X.lLC:p:ritn:nt Store . H. HICIIALOVE, Sole) Prop, , M PATT03T ATE, . PHOXK 191. PHOFH. BISIINF.R AMI t'OPK WKRE THE SPEAKERS TODAY About 00 lroniliMMtt Educator Are Attending (lie Convention in i , CluM-lotte. . Charlotte, Dee. t. Addresses to 04 prominent educators from leading educational Institutions all over the south, were delivered by Prof. E. F. Bushner of Baltimore and Prof. II. K. Cope of Chicago at today'a session of the Southern Educational association. An at-1 rr. Burroughs In his enthusiasm In' the Interest of science and medicine , exposed himself to discomfort and ex pended time and money In the f ur- j therance of the profession In this1 section of the state. In fact. It was due largely to hla untiring effort and enthusiasm that county societies were organised In western North Carolina and the Trl-Ptnte society placed firm ly on Its feet At one time Dr. Bur roughs In order to organise society In Yancey county drove through the country, during Inclement weather, to Burnsvllle where the society was organised. He waa regular at tendant on the meetings of the medi cal societies to which he belonged and for the past six years had annually tendered the Buncombe county society a banquet at hla splendid home on North Main street. The funeral services will be con ducted tomorrow afternoon at I o'clock from the late residence. The officiating clergyman and pall-bearers have not yet been arranged for. A call meeting of the Buncomh- County Medical society Is called for this evening at ( o'clock in City hall. Norwegian Anchovies Packed in original keirs. Small Keg 40 cents. NOLAND & HcINTYRE Large Keg 60 cents. the SQUARE AGENTS FOR CHASE AND 8ANBORNS TEAS AND COFFEES PHONES 1(1 AND MO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. John C. EvIim la Dead. Atlanta, Dec. It John C. Evlns, a prominent bualneas man and Con federate veteran, died yesterday, aged M years. . . . ; Five Killed by Roller Exphadon. Reading. Pa., Dee. Five men were Instantly killed today by the ex plosion of a holler at the new plant of th Metropolitan Electric company. THE WEATirER: Forecast nntll p. m. Thursday for Ashevllle and vicinity: Fair tonight and Thursday; colder tonight with a minimum temperature of about I de- frees above aero. Wxty Saved by a Dog's Barking. Columbus. O., Dec. Jl Aroused by the harking of a pet dog, 10 gurets of the Davidson i hotel today escaped through windows up to which ladders were placed, when fire broke out. MODEL Q "SPDRTSMAN" '":r1i Has no equal for hill climbing, and for speed is In a class by ItBelf. Du plicates of the "Sportsman" won In the 1909 climb of Gianta' Despair, and furnished the year's surprise at Sunset Hill, Ossinlng, by defeating the entire field of eleven American cars, three of which were of the six-cylinder type, costing three thousand dollars and ( er. . FOl'R-CYLINDER, TWENTY-TWO HORSEPOWER. MOTOR 3 3-4x4 Inches. IGNITION Double, Magneto and Battery. TRANSMISSION Slldlng-gear, three speeds and reverse. WHEELBASE 93 Inches. WHEELS 30 inches. TIRES 30x3 1-2 Inches. PRICE $1,000. Gaa lamps extra. (" . it . - '. Coston Automobile Co, Phone 244. No. 95 and 97 Patton Ave. Citizens Transfer Company JULIAN WOOD COCK, Owner. , 48 PATTON AVENUE. " TELEPHONE 23. FURNITURE MOVING Prompt Baggage Transfer Service Endorsed by V. C. T. and T. P. A. WHEN THE WIND IS WRONG And makes your chimney smoke and you can't get a room warm, theu's when the BARLER OIL HEATER comes in handy. It lights instantly, heats quickly, and has the patent double top wick-tubes which makes it ab solutely odorless. Inexpensive. Asheville Hardware Co. , SOUTH PACE SQUARE and 25 N. MAIN ST.. f ! I THE UTILITY HOT POINT IRON dues three things does them all well: Irons everything except heaviest pieces. Heats curling tongs, bolls a pint of water. The Ladles' Iron. Piedmont Electric Co. 64 Patton Avenne. Phone 478. Onnosite Postofflce. OUR PHOTOGRAPHS ars mora than good photographs. They are trua portraits, bringing out all that'a best In character and Individuality. Make your appointment now and a void the holiday rush. - . G KOOBJCE, Phone 14(. r Paftin and Asheland Ave. W. A. Davis, phone 1700, Groceries nd reed. No. 41 tkratb Main 8t. tf The Smith family la atlll keeping Its end up In Great llrltaln. The regis ter general of Ireland ha been Inves tigating surnames for official purposes, sad has found that Smith Is the com monest name In , Ireland, with Jones a good second. , lirown, which If. often regarded as a trptcal English name, holds sixth place. It la surprising to find that Smith la also the moat frequent surname In Scot land. MacDonatd la second, but the other Macs are nowhere, not appear ing In the first ten. , ' ' The Mlller-Rlee fanl . Locm ptnt Reed Tunes Pianos, t5 Woodfln ftt. Chambers 4 Wejwr, IJrery. phona 1 1 WANTED FOR RENT Bunny, connecting rooms, furnished for llitht houne- keeping; Tleo large verandas on ' Ixith DiKirs. I $ (iradv liwl.,.i'iiw . 13.- ' v ..I , ! I ' ' I 1 I I ; TticAIHfc. ClrttUir FRIDAY, DEO. 31. (New Years Eve.) The Dramatic Event of th Season. Mr. Henry Miller Presents TYRONE POWER ... Bn? tn OrlK'nal N. T. cast In "The Servant in the House A, Guaranteed Attraction PHICKH $1.50, $1.00, lie, 60c, J5c. reserved anils now on sale at Ml. f Stationery ftor. ' 99 JUST RECEIVED THE ETUDE for 'Jan uary at FALK'S MUSIC. HOUSE, SI SOUTH MAIN ST. PHONE tOft. WIRE, PHONE, WRITE OR SEE US. Full value, fresh stock, good smokers. BARBEE'S Full Value Cigar Store. 14 Patton Ave., Phone 1626 GREEN BROS. FURNITURE STORE - II . I Vv,-' ( rurmi,,l -. -V - I ' . ... V 'Kockere for all. Thd most desirable present for all agea. Children'! Rockers 60c and up. ,, Ixrgt full al Rocker i; up to the bent ' "Karpen" ' Genuine leather from $6.C0 and up. You can find . presents at our atorv that will give your friends comfort and pleasure for a Uto time, , '.i . 1

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