Thursday; December 50,1: ... ..... m i .-, , r- . ' -J -" t Xii-l-l 1.14.11M1UI1I ...V.'..-- ..- . " ' to electrocu- -. ""' ' -. -- '- 1 " 11 "" 1 W ID L r f r X Y t f 5! X Soiled and damaged Waists! Fascinators, Wool Shawls V Remnants, Dry Goods,. Belts; etc.; worth up to $i oo, f Choice Today, 10c Each. $3.00 Short Sweaters for Women, 75c. X will of course get the best bargains. imale Sale First "comers" ? T T IT'S SHOE TIME NOW. Kindley's stock is very complete with stylish all leather shoes for men, women and children, $1.50 to $4.00 a pain t X T ? J ? X T SURVEY OF STATE FflOM THECAPITAL The Shemwl Matter Seemi to Be a ' Closed Incident, Officially, at Least SUPERINTENDENT JOYNER TALKS OF HIGH SCHOOLS There Are Now 175 of The in the ; Rural District A Mar rlage, Etc., Etc. All Coat Suits, Cloaks, Capes and Dresses reduced to " ' such little prices that you needn't wait any longer. Buy 2 f f T T f T ? ? ? ? J ? T ? now while you have good stocks to select from. ALL FURS ONE-THIRD OFF EMBROIDERY SALE BEGINS MONDAY MORNING 9 O'CLOCK & CO: Asheville, N. C. w.t 15, 17 and 19 Sooth Main Street, KNDLEY J ? f ? T ? ? t ? Y ? ? Y Y THE SLIPPERY STREETS S. P. C. A. Yesterday Afternoon Finding That Sand In the Boxes Was Froz en Secured Cinders. As a result of prompt action on the part of members of the S. P. C. A. yesterday afternoon and through the generosity of Frank Loughran several of the more steep and slippery streets of thd town were given a liberal sprinkling of c'nders and the traveling of the thoroughfares by man and beast was made less dangerous. With the fail of snow Tuesday night fol lowed by falling temperature some of the streets, covered with a thin coating of Ice, became almost impassable and later it was found that the sand-boxes placed along several of the Htrceta during the summer for Just such an emergency, were useless; thnt the sand was frw.eti and could not be dis tributed, Then members of the 8. V. C. A. got busy. Request for cinders whs mmle to Mr. Loughran and h cheerfully responded and through the efforts of Street Superintendent Bostic the cinders were distributed on the more dangerous grades during the afternoon. This morning more cinders were spattered, as many as 25 loads having been placed at the disposal of the 8. P. C. A. If the bitter cold weather" continues and the Ice-coated streets remain slippery all the streets in the city with steep grades will bo treated with the cinder process. It Is stated that the S. P. C. A. has determined to take action relative to the exposing of animals during the bitter cold weather and that the so cltty will seek to compel drivers to take better care of their stock. The society gives notice that It will prose cute any and every case coming to its attention where animals are left to suffer from the cold. E. E. QU1NLAN Died Vctorly Afternoon at Waynes vlllo After rive l)is' IIIiickh . , lrogrn(dvc BusincKs Man, A telephone message from Waynes- ville, received here yesterday after noon, stated that E. E. Qulnlan, pres ident of the Quinlan-Monroe Lumber company, died there at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, of pneumonia. Mr, Qulnlun had been 111 since Christmas. He came to North Carolina ten years ago from Tnwanda, Pa., and locating it Waynesvllle engaged extensively In the lumber business. He was senior member of the Quinlan-Monroe com puny and was one of Waynesvllle' most progressive citizen. The fun eral service will be held at Wayne vtlle tomorrow. - - . Do you know that croup can be pre vented?; Give Chamberlain' Cough Itemedy a soon a the child beeomos hoHrse or even after the croupy cough appear and It will prevent the attack It is also a certain cur for croup and ha never been known to fall. An Extraordinary January Clearance Sale of Tailor-Made Suits, Coats, Dresses for Women and Children A most successful 'suit season brings in its wake the entirely natural result that the best selling lines, as they become depleted, leavo a great many incomplete as sortments. By grouping these, all sizes are found, of course not all sizes m every ' model. As the season is too far advanced to fill in the vacancies expeditiously, we have chosen the only course left to us and have made most radical reductions to effect a prompt clearance. , o j- Our,entire fine line of High-Grado Tailored Suits is gathered m 3 distinct groups, as follows: '.'., LOT 1. Alt values tip to $22.50 for V LOT 2. All values up to $30.00 for;.'. LOT 3. AH values up to $47.50 for . v Ladies' One-Piece Dresses LOT 1. All values up to $12.50 now LOT 2. All values up to $22.50 now . Ladies Long Coats $4.95 ....$11.00 ....$15.50 ....$24.95 ....$6.95 ...$12.95 ,i r. : LOT 1. All values up to $10.00 now LOT 2. All values up to 15.00 now .. LOT 3. All values up to $25.00 now 'f . i ') ....$9.95 ..'..$14.95 16 Patton Ave. FASHION Telephone 520 The Claxette-News Bureau, Chamber of Commerce Room, Hollemon Building. v Raleigh, Dec. 30. Stnte Bank Examiner Kemp Dough- ton I here, and has almost recovered from hi long attuck of typhoid fever. When he left here September SOthth. he had fever, but kept at hi work. and It was not until October 4 that he entered the hospital at Lenoir. Twice he was given up as dead, lie will not' begin hi work In the field until about February 1.. He ha Just Issued a book, 'suggestions to bank directors, the edition being 3500 copies, and this will be sent to them In all part In the state. ' In this book Mr. Doughton makes a statement that bank direc tor need Information and that not a fourth of them are thoroughly In formed about the bank with which they are connected. Secretary Ella Carr of the state department of agriculture ha re turned from his home In Edgecombe county, where he spend the holidays. He say that In hi part of the county the crop were very short Indeed, In Bharp contrast with conditions here In Wake, where crops were so good. Mr. Carr says that In his opinion the mt prosperous section of the state Is the Lumbertnn section, where a he remarked, the people have more money than they know what to do wish. Rural High Schools. Ptnte Superintendent Joyner re cently said thnt ho knew of nothing In which grenter progress had been made than In the rural high schools and that the report for this year would make a wonderful showing. The fact is that there are now 17B of these schools and that they are In all of tho 98 counties except nine, with a total enrollment of 5282 and an aver age dally attendance of 3795. It Is Mr. Joyner' plan to have at least one such school In every county, a dor mitory for boarding students, a build ing for teachers and a school farm, to bo cultivated by', the students, such farms to be olect-lessons to the people of the county. Tho fact that In Wake county, the rural common schools hnve In many cases such farms show what can be done In other directions.,. Here In Wako the furms have proved profitable to the schools, Instructive and useful to the pupils and very valuable object-lessons to the people generally. State Librarian Sherrill finds that there are now In the library 2.414 bound volumes of newspapers; K24S books published , by the government and 29,741 other books. The news paper section of the library has come to be very Important Indeed and a great deal of study and reference work I done there. The Raney public library has had a very successful year. It Is said to be used more than any other library In the stnte. . Severe Weather. The weather ha been quite severe '- the in ,. Kemp Doughton reports that In Alle ghany county the streams have been froxen for some day. People in that section have everything ready for the winter, the hay crop having been very fine. They are very prosperous, having had great success with their cattle, prices being extremely satisfac tory, i Some mow fell here yesterday with quite a sharp change In the weather. There la a general desire for snow, as It Is said that It would be of great value to the crop of (mail grain. Supt. Laughlnghouse of the pen! tcntlary I greatly pleased at the success this season at the state farm on the Roanoke and at the fact that the crop to be sold from It will bring In mora than IH5.000. for there will be over 11 00 bale of cotton. Prac tically all of this has been picked, and the yield wa better than expected The only shortage at the-' farm wa In the corn crop, this being due to the big freshet In midsummer. The Baxter Shemwell matter seem now to be, so far a the official here are concerned, a closed Incident The governor acted In entire good faith, ttaklng the certincates, properly ver ified, of doctor and Shemweu son as the basis of his action. At Fdenton street Methodist church yesterdoy afternoon Chnres U. Har ris, a well known young lawyer here, and a son of J. C I. Harris, esq., ws united In marriage to Miss Saldee Robblns. dsughtor of Mr. and M James II. Robhln. Bishop Edward Rondthaler of the Southern-Moravian chureJi. ime from Wlnaton-Halem to officiate, the bride being a graduate of (he noted Salem Female Academy, New Building Opened. Today the building at the colonies for epileptic at the Central hospital here will be opened and large num bers quartered In these. Some arrived yesterday, but moat of them will come today. Each, group of three build ings provide for 101 person, exclu sive of the attendant, and all are admirably equipped and the last word in construction, being so connected by covered way that the Inmate passing from the wings of the Central build ing are not exposed at all. The dining room and sun parlor are the beat of their kind. Most of the epileptics come from county homes, but a good many from the western' hospital at Morganton. . 1 A charter I granted the Sterling Mica company of Franklin, Macon county, capital stock 1100,000. of which three-fourth la ' paid-up Charles F. Prelhe being the chief stockholder. AIJ. lbs nlpment for the desth. rkinlf at the penitentiary hns now ar rived, to It Ii certain that there will be no further- trouble as ttlon.; ' . A visitor here yesterday was Mr. Hlldebrand of The ,Oaette-New. . The Raleigh bank are going to make a simply wonderful showing a to increase of deposit at the end of the year a compared with that of a year ago. : There are eight banks and aU have prospered exceedingly well. By summer the Wake County Savings bank will be In It new and very beautiful nuartera, next to the CHI- sen ; National Bank. . COOFEIlEfiCElO BE HELD IIERE AGAIN Y. W. C. A. Hat Completed Arrange ment to Meet at Normal and Collegiate Institute. SPECIAL SALE LANKEK ON B & COMFORTS :: Asheville ha secured another con ventlon for 1910. This Is tho annual conference of the Young Women's Christian association' which for sev eral years past has held Its sessions in Asheville. Arrangements have been completed with President Ed ward P. Chllds of the Normal nnd Collegiate Institute for the use of the dormitories and lecture room of the college. The convention met there last year after the destruction of Ken llworth Inn made impossible the hold ing of the meetings there, and the fact that the association ha decided to again use the Normal and Collegiate buildings show that it appreciates the accommodation there. The con vention number about 850 college girls who remain here ten days. The conference will be held about the middle of June, Just after the com mencement at the colleges. The girls come from colleges in all parts of the south to attend the conference. The : Young People's Missionary movement, which held Its conference at Montreat last year on account of the destruction of Kenllworth Inn where previously it had met, has practically decided to accept the prop osition mado by Prof. Chllds for the use of tho college buildings next year. The fact that this convention. numbering over 300 people, desires to come again to Asheville Bpeaks well of this city as a convention cen ter. By offering tho buildings of the Normal and Collegiate institute for convention purposes, especially for conventions of the kind a there, the Normal and Collegiate Institute, in tho opinion of Asheville people, li doing tho city great good. I "THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY is3mM SMeVILLE, N. C WSfi&Z LIKES TO PLUNGE INTO ICY WATER The MARKETS! x The Leading Stock on Kew , yorg fmenange (niun Mar- ket Quotation Chicago J Grata Market. New York. Dec. 30. Prices of stocks rose briskly in opening deal ings today, which were . active and widely distributed. Low priced stock of railroad in the aouthwestern territory were bid up, while stocks of the higher grade were sold and declined to below the last prices yesterday. The market was active but the fluc tuation of active stocks was kept within a narrow range, and showed the effects of realising In spots with a large asortment of minor stocks dealt In at advancing prices. A stiff money market kept trading dull, but single stock made notable advance. - AAMUE1 MAHOKeV V j -v r. 'i fj v..'; - 1 it I :-ary.f t"-? jrr . " ; . - STOCKS. Open. High. Low. Close. Atch. . . 12 122H 122 AmaL Con.. 90 91 H 90 90 61 Vi 60 61 105 104 104 118 117 117 80 80 80 189 181 181 50 60 60 88 88 88 84 33 34 143 143 143 148 148 148 .157 157 1ST 167 . 90 90 90 90 Am. Loco. . 60 Am. Smelt. 104 Balto. A O..H8 Hklyn R. T. 80 Can. Pac. ..182 Col. P. A I.. 60 Ches. &. O.. 88 Erie .... 34 Q. Nor. pfd.143 Ills. Cen. ..148 L. & N. . Nnt Lead Nor. Pac. .145 14 145 145 , Mo. Pac. .. 71 7J 71 71 Mo., K. T. 49 49 49 49 N. Y. Cen.. 126 126 126 125 Nor. A We 99 99 99 99 Peo. Oaa ..116 116 116 115 Penn. . . .137 137 136 187. Reading . .171 1T1 170 170 Rock Is. .. 61 62 60 (24 do pfd .. 80 91 90 91 Sou. Pac. .,134 184 134 184 St. Paul . .161 ib la New York, Dee. HO. While 200 men and women were standing shlveriim along tho flattery wall Samuel Mn honey took off his white tlnnnel suit In the cabin of a tugbont, donned hU bathing suit and dived Into the water. There were many epxresjlnn as the swimmer circled about and the biting wind blew Into the faces of the spec tators. "Why doesn't some one call an am bulance? Thnt mnn will catch pneu monia sure," angrily declared a wom an muffled In a fur coat. But Mr. Mahoney swam like a poi poise fur flvo minutes. Then he came out. put on his white flannel suit, white sc't bat and white shoes and started for Broadway. In explanation of his cold dip he said: "There is nothing strange about a bath In Icy water. I have been doing this sort of thing for ten years and I've gained 95 pounds, weighing 22 now. If people knew the benefits of open air. of salt water bathing, of Icm clothes they wotildn t laugh at m" I've the laugh on them. "Salt water bathing all year round ant! n proper diet cured me of rheu- mnttHm when tho doctors had given me up. I haven't had a sick day In nine years. The Stnte of Massachu setts built a glass tank at Rsver Beach for me, and I know men there who had consumption to get bettor by living In the open air and taking salt wnter baths both summer and winter." While It is often Impossible to pre vent an accident. It la never impossi ble to be prepared It Is not beyond any one's purse. Invest 26 cents In a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and you are prepared for sprains, bruise and like Injuries. ' Miss Gertrude Johnson was recently elected trensurer of Cherry county, Nebraska, She had made a good de puty for several years, but when she wa nominated for treasurer the ques tion whether a woman was eligible was rnlsed. It was referred to Attor ney (lenerni Thompson, Who decided that there was nothing In the constitu tion to prevent a woman from holding the otllce. r.ver Bendy. When It comes to facing the music, nearly all the girls are willing If It is a wedding march. Dallas News. I'nlon- Pac 204 C. S. Steel.. 91 do pfd ..126 Sou. Ry. ... 83 do pfd ..75 Wabash . .17 do pfd .. 61 104 103 12 91 126 126 83 81 76 74 .27 17 61 60 203 91 125 88 74 27 60 NEW YORK COTTON. Jan. . March May . July . Dec. Open. High. Low. Close. , 16.75 16.84 15.69 15.79 . 19.08 16.17 15.99 16.10-12 . 16.80 16.46 16.25 16.89-40 . 16.17 16.46 16.24 16.40-43 15.78 15.84 18.72 15.78-80 f5TO-NICHT I ttNiS'!!1 MV'VU-, 'Jf !8.Tf2'" I tf'-Mv. .eanwW' BARGAINS IS UNREDEEMED PLElMiKS, ftiot Guns, J tiles and I'Utole of all maku and description, tbey are un redm'ined pledges. W rent shot gun and ride by the day or week. Leather Goods and Truck U Our Specialty. 1L I. FIX K KLSTEW'8 pawn us orntit M Knatli Main. Purest and , ' . . . . . Rumford Baking Best Powder Spot 16.15. JO up. Steady. ' ! CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET, i . i ii i ! ' . Open. High. Low. Dose. XTHB AT"" May . . . .111 I" 111H 111 July . . . .108 108 101 102 Dec 118; 111 117 118 - CORN May . . July . . . Dec. . . . OATS May . . . July . . Dec. . . . 66 66 62 it 48 48 67 64 48, 41 48 44 66 66 62 45" 43 48 67 66 62 V 46 43 44 "I give you my word, the next per son who interrupt the proceedings.' said ths Judge sternly, "will be ex pelled from the courtroom and order. d home. "Hooray!" cried the prls. oner. Then the Judge pondered. Judge. Notice to Our Customers Prices of Tungsten Lamps of various sizes to our customers for their own use: Size ' Price 25 Watt Tungsten Lamp... ... ... ..... ...$.50 40 Watt TunkJen Lamp. 00 Watt Tungsflhi Lamp. 100 Watt Tungsten Lamp. 150 Watt Tungsten Lamp, 250 Watt Tungsten Lamp. These prices are below cost to us, but are made to give our customers tho benefit of the free ronev . nl proposition enjoyed by users of carbon lamps. .80 .f)0 1.45 AsfisviH: E!:;

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