"Tfeday, Ecccmfcer "S3',"i801 the Asimmts qazzijziz. Pi y ! WiT S ' I if aaeleaa (or anyone to call at this office la an endeavor to And oat the name of advertisers. Those who B4TeVn ander an Initial or nom de phunfl do not wiah their name to be aoaoe pmbUo and they annot be 01 vwiged a this oatoe. HELP WANTED. MADE $60,000 In live year In the Mall Order Buatneaa and began with only a few dollar. There are usu- ' sual opportunities (or making mon er todav, and It la not dlffloult to begin. If you bare even email cap ital and want to tart email order business o( your' own, aend (or my - (ree booklet It telle bow to make money. Address, Publisher, The Mail Order World, Box 1S0I, Look- port, N. X. :;.-' 1 ,. , ;v tf. WANTED A (tret elaaa lady ollcltor; one who la a good talker and one who can get the business; a perma nent position to the right party. Addreee "Opportunity," care Oa-lette-News. tf RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS, Custom Employee, Wanted Spring exami nation! everywhere. Commence mencement salary $800. Rapid ad vancement to $1400 or $1600. Can didate prepared free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 272 J, Rochester, N. T. ' 270-21 WANTED Bright girl, with good English training, can take complete course at Asheville Business Col " lege and pay (or scholarship In of fice work. Call at once. H. S. Shockley. principal. - 275-8t WANTS RAVENSCROFT Elegantly furnish ed rooms, ' steam heat. . private baths, call bells, one block from post office; positively no consump tives: $8 to $10 per week. W, E. Track, IS Church St. 27$-tf BOARDERS WANTED At No. 2 Swan street Blltmore, select board, large rooms, all modern conven Inces, centrally located. Phone 1424. -tf 72 COLLEGE STREET, excellent ta ' ble, nice sunny rooms, steam heated and all modern conveniences. Phone 1(2. - , V- 152-2t THE BELVTDERE 67 Spruce street Handsomely re-decorated; steam beat; hot and cold batha Mrs. W. r Hyman. " 265-tf TWO BOARDERS WANTED In pri vate suburban home; pleasant loca tion, porches, south room, northern cooking; reasonable. Phone 487. .v s- tf Nicaragua Congre AndDehat ss Convenes e Is Rather Lively Committee Appointed to Cheok Over Accounts of Zelayan Administration Honduras and Costa Rica Recognise Madriz Groce and Cannon Not Tortured Before . v Their Execution. WANTED. WANTED Ladle Oyelng, cleaning and repair work. J. H. McOlnneas, 21 South Main street - lll-tt WANTED Tour notary public work. Phone IS. Jaa. W. Albright 16-tf WANTED Clean cotton rags. Ap ply to Pressman, Gasette-Newa. . tf WANTED To purchase poplar mill culls for cash. Blltmore Box Fac tory, Blltmore, N. C. 287-lm COOK WANTED At avenue. 208 Merrlmon 278-3t WANTED Stenographer ' (man) at $75.00 per month; also woman sten ographer at $40.00 per month; also 30 new pupils at Asheville Business College. . Please call Henry S. Shockley, Prtn. ' 276-5t. WANTED White girl for general housework. Apply 61 Orchard St. ... 276-St WANTED You to see our line of cups and saucers and fancy china The Asheville China Co., N. Pack square. Phone 281. WANTED To send you a gallon of pure Ice cream for your Christmas Dinner; $1.25 a gallon; half gallon 75 cents.' Asheville Pure Milk Co., Phone 654. . . - JOB SALE. FOR SALE New seven-room house, Proximity park. Price and terms reasonable. Forbes and Campbell, ,62 Patton Ave., phone 268. FOR SALE 6 room cottage, price ; $1200. terms $200 down, balance : $15 month. Marstellar St Co. FOR SALE: Desirable lots. Houses ; built; easy payments: plans free; Interest 6 per cent ' Universal Se curity Co. Tleohone 1547. tf WANTED A small cottage In city. State size, location, terms, etc. Art dress Box 148, Asheville. 2S-tf EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER de sires position by Jan, 1. Address Box 271,' Waynesville, N. C. 276-3t WANTED Special accounting work or permanent position by "Ac countant," Phone 28 or 1217, care Gazette News. 276-St FOR SALE A full course scholar . ship In the Emanuel Business Col lege. Enquire at Oaxette-News of fice. ' tf - Iron aAL,fc Rom eomb and single - tomb Rhode Island Red cockerels, . nice color and shape, healthy stock. " Price from $2 to $10. Carl H. Messier, 162 Charlotte street Ashe vllle. N. C tf GRANT'S NO. 24, the best remedy for Cold and La Grippe. He at Grant's Pharmacy. tf FOR SALE First class railroad ticket. Asheville to New Orleans. expires shortly. Address "K," this office. 276-3t WANTED All men to become mem' bers of Asheville Cleaning & Press ing Club during 1910. A perfect pressing service. . All who have them should bring in miniature cards and exchange for handsome calendars, before January 1st. J. C. Wllbar, Phone 389. ' V" " X. ' i t ) x V 0 t i Holds aml'Dcsrdinit llc:!: Eattory Pari! Hotol J-k .-i' ASHEVILLE, N. C , ' OPEN THROCCnoCT THE TEAR. Famouo Evcryvhcrc. THE MANOR Albemarle! Per A " Asheville. N-C An Exclusivt Inn. On Charlotte Street Car Una. THE INN, Waynesville, N. C. Open throughout 'be year. Perma nent and transient boarders will And good accommodations and sen! BVe asonftMe. . ' MRS. 8. OORT. ?rop. A.KEOmtNT OF GENERAL. C5IKADA!5 troops. , ' , i t-'" i m FRANKLIN HOTEL pen all the year. plentiful. Come on. BREVARD, If. O. The hunting season Is In full blast now. Game la ' T. W. WHITMlRE, Prop, , THE SWANNANOA A STRICTLY HIGH GRADE " i Family and Transient Hotel Rates $2,50 a day and upward. Frank Loughran, Owner and Pre?. COMMERCIAL TOURIST The Blue Ridge' Inn Hendersonv ille, N. C. Under new management. The traveling men's mountain home. Rates 12 per day and upwards. American rlan. Private ana connecting baths. C. I IIOYTE. Manager, formerly with The Ruford of Charlotte, N. C. Lloyd Lyles, Clerk, formerly of the gelwyn, Charlotte, in. c Hotel Gates Hendersonville, N. C. CEStXAL. JUAN. JOSr. tTTBADA-. RAMA. -r . a aa t WANTED To supply, you with pure milk and perfect Ice cream, made under most sanitary conditions. Asheville Pure Milk Co., phone 654. MISCELLANEOUS. n or ex. ' ' .1 FOR RENT. LOST Tuesday, December 28th, gold pin. Size of a five cent piece. "H. O. P." 1906" engraved on back. Re ward if returned to this office. 276-3t PROF. O. L. HALL, Asheville Busi ness College, gives special training In common school branches, alge bra, geometry, civil service, etc. , 276-01 jAXVADORf VATX-Ji. TX-CSH T COK1NTO, Jr)f FOR RENT '4 -room cottage, Mont- ford section. $16 per month. Mar- stellar tt Co. FOR RENT 8-room flat, $10.00 mo. Marateller & Co. . 273-tf FORxRENT I unfurnished rooms . for light housekeeping, $7.00 per month. 14 South Spruce street ,l$4-tf FOR RENT Sunny, connecting , rooms, furnished for housekeeping on the first and seoond floors, with '. sink aad gas la kitchen. 1$ Starnes venue 21S-tf. FOR RENT Furnished T room cot tage, modern. 147 Pearson drive. tin. month. H. F. Grant Realty ' r. - - : tf for RENT Furnished rooms; mod ern eonvenleaces; on car line; table board nearby. Address I4 Mem- ' mnn arenua Or 'Dhone 111. 131-tfc FOR RENT Six room cottage, fur nished or unfurnished, with seven uraa of land. 1 1-2 miles from A.hviil. AodIt to Reed ft Justice, Ma S Park Banare. ' tf FOR RENT I -room bouse, furnish. A i rhMtnut street, near Cum berland. 240. Forbes Campbell. " a patton avenue. Phone 211. FOR RENT room house, unfur nished, close in, all modern eonven- . lencea Applr Morris Schas, S. Mala St' : ,4-t' Mauogua, Pec. 30. The Nlcaraguan l congress m.t In extraordinary session ..uriliiv mul nnnnlnted a cominliwloii to consldor tho mcKage of Minister General Hnea, who ho asked the gov ernment to grant him power to exact wnr contributions after the manner and In the amount dlctnted by IiIb discretion. Prexldent Matins issuea n t-cii.-tjolnting an InveHtiKiiting committee of Uve which Is charged with the respon sibility of examining the account of .k.. vivon Bitmlnlstratlon. The fln- RUGS AND CARPETS CLEANED Lllr, minister is made chairman of the MISS MARGARET ATKINS China, water colors, pierced brass and mottos. Arts and Crafts Studio. Phone 1337 231-U 39 EAST COLLEGE STREET. J. A. Cook, cheapest place In town for hoe work; also shoes for sale ana made to order; all work guaran teed. . 260-2U R our cleaning machine In a thor- nmli manner at reasonable cost. Phone 22$. Aeherllle Carpet House. 207-tf. STRADLET WILSON, Tailoring Suits $14.00 to $40.00. BUllS Clean ed and pressed (Oo to $1.00. Three ninth mambershlD. $2.(0. Phone ;.i 141 commltt'-e, whose amies invmu. working out of a new syem ui -ih. revision of the various con- cFfwIons of tho government and tho ,i...rr,!n.itlmi of tne legality i nf the nresltieni in reyoMim nf Blconol. tooaccu int.- Uam mnnnrtdlll'll. The governments or inmuunw w o'clock on the followhiK morning. the way to the scene or execution ine piisned the open graven mm nii-J ucen prepared for them. At one time uroco Htepped out nf tne line ot iimrcu pleudcd with General Medina: 'Do not Bhoot me; I am u urum. MiiBon." Cannon quickly seized his compnn- on and pulling nim ic unu Hid: Brace up. old man. e nave no chance under Zelaya's orders." Standing In the cent.-r or a squnre formed by 600 soldiers, the two men heard their sentence read from the four corners together witn tne usuui warning In such cases." "Anyone dlnplaylng evidence t 41-tf Co-rta Rica miule an acknowledgement ih nreeldency of Madrls expressed NOW Is the Tims to Prepare ror win- conn,,cnce in the staDiiuy u " ter. Have us to Install in v""r ministration ana rennwea boms a steam or hot water nesting tatong or friendship, ror mo i-HU.. plant and beat your Bouse ana sv of Nicaragua. n mnr eoal bills. BalL Thrash College street on your coal bills. Co.. No. T asx Phone 61$. vf.vb Five thousand. Two good inntr.mitha to fit them to your locks. Trunks repaired, repainted and let tered. J. M. Hearn ft co., bhi Park Place. Phone 446. Two President. 7.i.v. who since his arrival In Mex- Ico has announced himself as still tho head of the Nlcaraguan govern....-,. i. .oknlallv rorrect. Me iurreuuci. his ofHce for the remainder of bin term but was permltlea to retain title of president in orar might enjoy the immunity wi i.. otllce provides. When this arrange- ment was made, zeiaya nau in n...... svmpn'liy will be shot In a similar fiiHhlon." The bunds nf the condemned men were hound nnd their ejes blindfolded Tiinnon shook his head attempting to prevent tho lnuidim'e being placed over hlH face, but his protest was unavail ing. They were seated on a low bench lil.. I.v side. The ilrlng sound was made tin of twelve soldiers who nd vnnced In three rows within six feet f ihelr victims. Cnntaln Constan tino S.icnx. was In command and In utructed two soldiers at tho right to rlre upon Grot-e and two soldiers at the left to lire upon Cannon. All four bullets were effective. Grace was hot through the heart and death wss Instantaneous. The bullets intenueu for Cannon tore the breast and ab domen. He survived his wounds a few seconds. When the body of Groce was burled, n blanket hid tho feuturcs but the body of Cannon was buried with out any protecting cover. Opcn Througliout tho Ycnr. Commercial nnd Tourisc Rates $2.50 per day and up. A. A. GATES, Prop. MONTFORD COTTAGE 10S Montford Are. Phone 108H Elegant, home-like and refined. Centrally located. Cuisine the beat Transients and table boarders accommodated. MODERATE RATFB. The Catawba OLD FORT, N. C. L. B. MOORE, Proprietor. Transient and Commercial Patron age Solicited. ST.DENIS4 juROADWAY nnd IITH STREETll ir vuiu cur. WHM Er Awm of Ttht Print of I 5 minui.H- of Khpln l.l.tilct. 'ori:i von : r. m.-b- at cni.if. com- . lev uvl liuarlfkt KnrrvnuUrst. ROOMS SI.G3 PER DAY AKD U? EUROPEAN PLAN. Tablo d'Hoto Crcafost 50c WWl.TAYUCR&SON.Inc. HOTEL MAHTIXTaVn. . Richelieu Hotel. 20 North French Broad Aye. Up-to-dato family hotel. $7 to $15 per week. Excellent table. Hione 1430 8 BsraBin HOTEL ENTELLA BRYSON CITY. Headquarters for traveling men and lumbermen. Rates It per day. Spe cial rates by the month. Bath room. Free sample rooms. Railroad eatlnt house fronting Southern depot Liv ery In connection. W. W. ALMA WIIEEUER. Fmpm I SYSTEM JSM IN USE Wat?r Turned on Last Night, Although Reiervlor Is not Yet Completed. FOR RENT New four room cottage on Grove street. See W. R. Payne, No. St South Grove St I7B-tf. pon RENT Furnished, four room eottase. 121.00: eight room house ISO: two apartmerfta four rooms each, tiS.00; all modern. Room " Ilevell Bldg. K. P. Ingle., Phone no. MISS HATTIE FOX. FORTUNE TELLER, 22 Soutn wain " " " th . rnted States govern- .i.i Truth suaranteed. Prices rumors that tne i nuea s " .... i msni w mi in nuiu imii " - un ini wui i miv... - - a n- from 5c to 50c for , II years. 27S-et THE Asheville Clesnlng and Pressing Club wishes to advise an wno received miniature cards for 1110 calendars will have until January l, i 1 n tn redeem them. J. C. Wllbar. Phone 181. Pack square. FOR RENT Seven room house fur nlshed complete. Three bed-rooms. nlnno. telephone. Lot 100x200. Rent J0 month for three montha In autre 7S South French Broad. ' . I7l-t IF YOU WANT A HOME ATI TOTS. ,21.00 Cash down and 111.00 J.er JJJ month and ws can sea yon "- .. Ihar of th. mom modern cottage, nice ui, rlmon Are. Bee. DONNAHUK m Miwou". n..i VMtmtM A cents. Vhnna 140. DU.iu...,. EOAEDma. ROCK LEDQH. II Haywood street, SI rooms thoroughly renovated, across street from Auditorium, hslf block from -Tattery Park hotel, no con sumptives taken. Mrs. P. J. Cor coran, prop. HON AIR Asheland avenue; sun ny rooms; furnace heat; special rt"- to wlnt"f bordr; no eon inir.lv tnlmn. 1 .. J. L. Rich f t Auu'.m r-'ye, Propra tf WANTED t .ic-hanse s business lot worth 12500 from r.r m. residence worm IS000 to 17000 and pay the difference In cash. Aaaress flanadav Keaityuo., . i.i .a. o n..a TIM. rnono wi 111 l-IU, nillCIIESTER S PILLS fUt M .k-lrr lIMM Tlr.. J Ki-jw n wry II '! ... . ....n ili.NU f I !.!.. S sponsible for the death of the Amer icans, Qroce and Cannon. Thar was a lively UBDUlD grera before the commission to con sldvr the message of Minister Luciano Gomes a notorious seiayai. hooted during the course or a sp.-.. In which he opposed the authorisation f mrther war taxes. Deputy Matus, replying, declared that on the occa sion of two previous forced loans cer tain Intimates of Zeiaya naa not or.. he sUEcesrea inui to pay tneir ..... proper share of the expenses i ... - This coven reiw earlier speaker was met with shout of approval and encouraged one of the members to cry: "Oomei did not pay. him now for a million. Were Not Tortured, txw-ont raDorts that Qroce and Can non, the American recruits In the In surgent army who were put to death th. command of President Zelnya were tortured before oeing snui Groce and Cannon were notMed of the death sentence imposea upon i-.-r... at 10-20 o'clock on the night of No vember II. Thsy were executed at 10 We can soak ff '.-.no.. iU.lol,1.r.KM-l Cheney. Expedormt (jnlck relief r.. -r,.ii n de: lns-Enpyc mi ivr tuu0uu, - iDrogjists iii Special to The Oasctte-Newa Canton, Dec. 20. "Water by Chrlnt- ma" the promise of Contractor M. H Kelly of the waterworks system reality today, when from tne n- riranis In the town were nowinv streams of clear, crystal water from the headwaters of Rough creeit, rour milvs from her. The water was turned on last night, and tests toduy showed the pressure to be satisfactory although the reservoir. under con struction, Is yet Incomplete. The water was turned Into tne pipes as protection against Are, and the supply to the people of the town will not be available, It Is thought, until the reser voir Is ready for use. The sight of water nowing rrom me hv-nranta was a Sight wnicn Will De remembofed by the people here who have longed for the day of better nre nrntertlon. In cases of nre In th past, the town has had to rely upon the water from the Champion Fibre com pany's private supply, but now mis is no longer necessary, as mains have been laid, and hydrant placed practi cally all over the town. TWO WAYNESVILLE MEN ' ANSWER FINAL SUMMONS nml fruit arowers of Haywood county. died nt his home nar here Inst night Mr. Hall ciune hi re for his health sev eral voars auo mid deciding' to locate. Invested Inrgely In apple orchard, liu nnnles have attnlned a wide repu- iniion. Mr. Hall magnificent frultJ farm was about two miles from here, and he and his family lived there. Ilo la survived by a wife and a daugh. ter and son. His remains will be tnken to his former home In Alabama. Nlxcn Davis, proprietor of th Waynesville Grocery compnny, died here thl morning at I o'clock after hort illmss. Mr. Davis came to Wayneiiville some while ago from Wil mington and entered business. Only a short time ago he purchased the business of th Smathers Orocery compnny. Ills remains win oe ianen to Wilmington for Interment. XMAS PRESENTS For the old folks thers la nothing more suitable than a properly ttted pair of Glasses. With twelve year of experience, 1 give you the work of an expert. F. K. Gardner Eye Specialist. Manufacturing Optician. 10 Drhumor Building. After Jan. 1st will be located at No. II N. Main St In terse oiiarter Hotel Woodward! BROADWAY A llth STREET. NEW YORK CITY, Meets every requirement of the most refined clien tele, and eaten only to such patronage, transient and residential. Location particularly ac cessible to shops and the ater. T. . Dt GREEN, Manager. Also Edgemere dab Hotel, Kdgemere, Long Island, Rate ft Booklet on Application. I 1 A Family of Office Holders. "Senator. I understand that your son Is on the government pay roll. "He la. Also his wife and my daughter. What of It? "Don't you think some explanation la due?" GET THE WHEAT-HEART HABIT You will never, regret it Hundreds of families have "Not at all. My grandchildren are ugC(l Wheat Ileart8 daily for too young, and I have already ex- n 't- .1 .li:!n plained to my wife that I have not yeaM. It IS Cheap, dcllClOUS innucn a auunoio jou tur nor . I all CI UUintlOUH. rnuaaeipnia ruunc imager. When a man of 10 takes a squint at th past nothing Impresses him more than the worthlessness of the thing he wanted at the age of 21. K. Hall, Prominent Fruit CJrowcr, nd N. Davis, Moevluint, Have PaniM-d to Host. Hnei.nf"o"ThKl ftuxette.Newa ' ' ., "i WuyfiPSVHle, Dec. 20 J. VS. Hall, on of the mot prominent farmers I THE IDEAL REMEDY For subduing all Inflamnia tions snd Congestions, Croup, Colds, - Catarrh, Bronchitis, Hums, Scalds, Itching Piles, etc., Is Vlrk's Croup and Pneumonia Balve. It' simply the greatest . and ' best ISc, 0o and Jl OO.-w.'. 11 Rooms for Rent -At- y. m. c. l The Satisfactory Hotel The Albany In the very heart of DENVER, Five Magnificent Restaurants The Vineyard Colonial Oafs Orange Room Italian Garde Bohemias Grille lloatcal Attractions of Unusual Merit. . , Very popular with Tourists and Commercial Traveler Where a very popular tariff pre vail. Operated by ' BAM F. DUTTOJI. A. If. EPSTEIN 00 4tl It f I ! 1 1 1 r 1 t l- - 1 ItGUlIfliOlfLii derentli Street and ITidver Place, New Xork tuy. One block West of T'rosu - Tb only absolutely n fire proof transient hotel l 2!nd tr.-t IxK-atlun r, yet quiet; 400 roorv,, : bath, from 11 lr i i Kx.'Mint fPNian' t f attached. I'd- . , . f..-.,.t f..r ? m i. 32 i SA .1

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