it. : THE ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES LAST EDITION. 4:00 P. M. WeatLer rtvrecasv: Rain tonight or Friday warmer. VOL. XIV. NO. 296! i .... ASHEVILLE, N.'C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 20, 1910. Sc PER COPY MLi&tOF DECENCY SAYS SOUi; ;ROLINA COMMISSION, ARE AL'l: VIOLATED Mrs. Howard Chandler Christy W Sue for Divorce E PEACEFUL WOULD SHEEP . gilEOURDOCS? Carter Pidicules Idea That Mrs. Reed Would Seek to Cor- . rjpt Astute Politicians. THAN EXPECTED Board of Regents of South Car olinia State Hospital for Insane, Draw Stinging5 Arraignment. BODIES OF THE DEAD BURIED ONE ON THE OTHER IS THE OUTLOOK Bio Attendance for Teachers' Assembly Banks' Resources Gained $7, 837,221 in 1909. Wards of White Women Invested With Vermin and the Attendants Are Brutal. Columbia, 8. C, Jan. 20 -Charges of the grossest violations of the ordl n;i iy rules of sanitation and decency, nml a stinging arraignment, of the Hoard of Regents of the state hospital f r the Insane, am ' contained In the majority report of a commission ap pointed to Investigate the hospital. Tlir report made public today, without placing the blame on any particular person, state that the evidence shows: Miiii 11 patients of one ward were bathed In the same water. In a bath tub; that the bodies of the dead pa- timis arc burled one on top of the other in the same lot, and that the wiinN i'irn of the white women nre over run with vermin. Tin report states that many of the alt. mlnnis are llliteate and brutal mum eases of brutality being reported uii'i 1 1 : i tlx? food served the patients imiMy prepared. Government re ports m i' quote to show that In South Cimlinn hospitals the death rate Is hlKlu-st In the lTnltedStates. DECISION ROADS V" i Commerce Commission Reducss the Freight Rates an Shoes from Boston to Atlanta. WasM ".uton, ,Jan" 2u.-nn less tluin , . -ur load of ahlpments of bof .s it nd shoes from Boston and Mow Vnrk. by rail and water route to At limiii, ia.; the Interstate commerce commission decided today, a rate of 1 1.0.1 on a hundred pounds waa ex fpiwive, and ordered that It be made His the hundred pounds, begin ning "ii April 1, i ' ATTENDANCE Services Conducted by Mgr. Falconio President and Many Other Per sonages Attend. ' ' The Gazette-News Bureau, , Chamber of Commerce Hooms, ' . llollcmnn Building, Hnlelgh, Jan. 20. It Is expected that the next annual meeting of the North Carolina Teach ers' UHRcmhlv, which Is to be held ut Asheville June 14 to 17 will be very largely nttenileil. There waa much desire tn have It In the mountain re gion. Last year it was at Moreheail City, where the attendance wns not very large, although the -session was very Interesting Indeed. Ohcrvanco of Lop-Jackson Ony. Yesterday was observed as s holiday here In the federal court; during the exercises at the capltol In honor of the birthdays' of Lee and Jackson, the "various state departments were closed, national ana state nags were displayed on the capltol, and the schools had a full holiday. "Che exercises of the duy were held at the capltol, where crosses of honor were presented by the Daughters of the Confederacy to 35 veterans. The inmates of the Sol diers' Home attended. Uniformed. For two years the state has furnished them uniforms. All of them wear crosses of honor. The only Confederate drum corps gave Dixie, which has now- been declared to be really the national air, so far as popularity is concerned. Gen. Lee's favorite hymn, "How Firm a Foundation," was sung by the choir. A Community Affair. A number of years ago. In the fed eral court here, there was a trial of moonshiners llvlhg near Morrlsvllle, this county, who had what was known as a . neighborhood distillery:, ,Thero were many convictions, . The still was found unon the farm of a revenue offlcer. the place, being rented to. a man In the neighborhood. The officer got a confession from the man and this ed to the .numerous arresta' This still "had been operated for years, In various points in that section.. A somewhat' similar case ended yester day In the federal court In the con viction of four persons who operated a still, although It Is said they did not sell the . whiskey they made,, but only they , and their friends used It. The place got to be a nuisance and the citizens reported It and caused a raid. This case came from a township north or Raleigh. The Flanks In the State. There are now 320 banks In the state, which have resources totalling $55,852,328, this being an Increase of $7,837,221 over the total a year ago, the report covering the period up to November 18. last. The gain is the largest made In one year and Is very gratifying. The Increase In the num ber of banks durlig the year was 17. The Raleigh chapter of the Kappa Alpha fraternity had Its annual, ban- auet last night at Olerach'e and a number of its members from other points were present, the presiding offlcer being Kdwnrd Chambers Smith. 0er B0 attended, all the colleges hnv Ing representatives. f. a-.. 4T Si W -I . ti L vivw If 1U I. i II I PI & ' . hi i KM "I r m -sVW-MBk -i r . '.I- :. 11111 ' i 1 -"-K f III 3 1 a i 1 Joint Caucus Last Night Selected Com mittee to Prosecute the Ballinger Pinchot Inquiry. HOUSE PROGRAM FOLLOWED AND RAINEY KNOCKED OUT Democrats May Decline Entlrolv to Have Representation on Coni-mlttet'. MR. CARTER APPEALS TO SUPREME AUTHORITY HOYtflKD OlfiLaR CHRJS1Y SND MODEX. FHOTOOVSPHElD Hi MR, CHRISTY'S . STUDIO Zanesville, O., Jan. 20. With the last bit, of testimony submitted and the arguments of counsel finished be fore the" adjournment of court yester dny afternoon, the disposition of Natalie Chandler Christy wns left wholly within the hands of JuiIko H. C. Smith, before whom the legal but tle between father and mother J for, THEffiCE'Bl 1 " TAKESTB FLIGHT President Madriz Says Estrada's Reply Has Put an End to Peace Negotiations. the possession of the child has been nuged. Judh-e Smith stut.d tliat the child would continue to remain in the Dur ban home in the custody of Mrs. Dm luiii and each of her parents wtioiilil have the- liclit of visiting her there $ That Mrs. Howl:t''l Chandler Christy Managua, Nicnrugua, Jan. 20. resident Madriz announced today that General Estrada's reply hurt served to end abruptly all peace ne gotiations, and that reinforcements had been ordered to the liont witn he purpose of striking n decisive ilow at the Insurgent army. Washington, Jan. 20. With all 1m presslvenesa the solemnity attending the Joint participation, i)f state mili tary and church funeral of Benor Joa milm Nabuco, the Braillllun minister, wns conducted today, at Hi. Matthews' Iloman Catholic church. The body was conveyed to the churchy escorted by cavalry, artillery and a battalion f engineers ''' The services were conducted by Mgr. Falconio the papal legate. Pres ident Taft, the members of his cabinet, nearly aM the diplomatic corps, mem- lrs of the Supreme court of the 1'nlted Btatea and many senators and representatives, attended. At the con- elusion of the ceremonies the casket was conveyed to Oak Hall cemetery, there to remain In a vault until the middle of February, when It will be trunxported to Klo De Janeiro. ' THE G0ER:;C3S . ' DELIVER liregition, Extradition, Mining and Di vorce Receive Attention at To day's Session. "GOT EM ON THE SAYS INSURGENT LEADER Murdock Says Cannon, Chief Exponent of Legislative Autocracy, Has Lost Power. Washington, Jan. SO. "legislative n.n.wraev Is on the run. IU chief ex ponent, Speaker Cannon, has lost nix power, and every ettort win ne nu to see that his legislative system goes with him." . . Mo said Insurgent Leader MuraocK of Kansas, commenting upon the ac Hon of the house today, naming tne Balllnger-Plnchot Investigating com mittee. Washington, Jan.'. 10. Irrigation, extradition, mining, and divorce wert questions on which four governors spoke at this morning's session of the governor"! conference . Governor Hrdy of Iduho talked on Irrigation, Uovernor Ansel of South Carolina fol lowed with an address on extradition, . Mining was the topic of Oovernor Bloan of Arlsona. The fourth address ws by Uovernor Ca.roll of Iowa on divorce qucKtlonn. The formal d dretwea v,:l (,i.,, .1 bv k,ii,th1 dls- C"" n. 'i h,. p.u i i h.iii sue! I-"1'" i' n it a ... r ut t ,,. V hile i . . HVK PKItSNS. IV PANIC LK.U'EO TO TIIEIIi DEATH Philadelphia, Jan. 20. Search of ho ruins reveals the fact that five iw.ranna. four sirls and one man, lenp ed to their desth In the panic caused hv a fire In the four-story factory hnMdlns- at 108-10 Chancellor street, near Second and Walnut streets and live others received Injuries from which they will probably die, and many more were less seriously hurt Nanrlv all the dead and severely In jured were employed In the shirt-waist ruetnrv of Joseph Chachkin, which occupied part of the fourth floor of the building. Chachkln himself was Iniured. One of his daughters Is dead n. another dvlng. A third daughter probably escaped a like fate by being at home auena in the mother, who Is critically in. Chsehkln's force or opermora w . greatly reduced owing to the shirt-i mI t irlM. .otherwise It Is hi I level II,,. 0,1,1,1,1 r of fatalities Would 1 . , r i v en t; renter. SfflSrlr ABOUT HOOKWORM New Orleans Physician Says It Is Good Deal of a Humbug and Has Hurt the South. will bring suit for divorce as soon as the suit for the possession of her child is llnlshed is the statement made here. "Recent testimony has broken the last bends between Mrs. Christy and her husband," said a friend of the former. ".She will never consent to live with Ii i in after what has been told on the witness stnnd, and will take her ease to the courts at once." ANOTHER SEVERE Oil COTTON Renewal of Excitement, and Temporary Rally and Then a Bad Tumble. HIIOOK ISLAM) WILL KKITItX TIIK NOUTH CAKOL1VX WWlis lloiie of Kepreeiilutivrs t oin urs Willi tin- lloxolulloiw AdopUMI J- the Senate. Provldenoc, Jan. 20. Hluide Island was saved from litigation with North Carolina todny, when the house of representatives concurred with the senute and voted to reject the gift of half a million dollars' worth of Norm Cnrollnn state bonds. The bonds will be returned to me donors, the North Carolina bondhold ers committee New York. i s , TIKI) CIIIKP OF POLICR Til UN HOUHKI) itwnir r H i . Mohawk. N. V.. Jan. 20. Chief of Police llronner was captured by four burglars this morning, wns taken to a room in the postolllce, bound and gag ged. The robbers then blew open the postottlce safe and fled. MlnUler IKM-llne Oill. , New Orleans Jan. 20. Dr. Joseph A. Dunna, house surgeon of the Char ity hospital ai N'ew Orleans, thinks there is a gooil ,leal of humbug about the hookworm. The very fact that Rockefeller gave a million dollars to help stamp oui the Jiook worm has added much t, ihe talk about the dis ease," said In-. Danna, today. "An Italian physli 1 continued Danna, "recently tobl that reports of the prevalence or this disease had had the effect of ' ' ing Europeans away from the south. " FIGHTING BUTTLES O'ER; . STRICKENJT APPDLEXY Aged Veteran, in His Old Uniform, at Lee Day Banquet, Is Suddenly Stricken. Nofolk. Jan. SO. Kev. C. I). Parker of Portsmouth announces his declina tion of a call to East Lake Baptist church, Birmingham. Winchester, Va.. Jan. 20. While relating Interesting war reminiscences, and nttired In Ins old Confederate uni form, B. L. lb 'nie Boyd, one of tin' leading Virginia lawyers, was stricken with apoplexy at Confederate veterans bnmiuet last rvht, In honor of Gen eral bee's blrtlnlay. Mr. Boyd Is 70 year old. Show Missouri Students i How to "Raise" Babies Columbia, Jan. 20. Declaring It as Important that collego women should be taught scientific care of infants as that the college should Btudy agricul tural problems. Dr. Edna D. Day, fro fessor of home eoonomlrs. In th Unl- verslty of Missouri has planned for women students sj. course In the rais ing of babies. Forty womert In Dr. Day's class expressed a desire to be gin the course ut once. Dr. Dny will lecture while a nurse bathes a baby, New York. Jan. 20. The cotton market opened steady at a decline of t uir to the points. In response to dis appointing cables. There wns some Wall street selling early, but no great volume of liii'il.hitlu i from any source. The market had a sharp break later, with .March selling off to 13.75 and May to 13.80 or 117 to 41 points net lower, May had a rally to 14, but the loi.e became unsettled, and prices again eased off under scattering II iiiiilatlon, with active months showing a net loss of ,:u to 3:1 points ut mid day. Market Violently IlHturlKl. New York, Jan. 20. The stock market was still violently disturbed In n ly dealings today, as a sequel to the crash in Hocking coul yesterday, and the financial embarussments which that involved. Arrangements effected over night ufforded hopes of averting further trouble and there was a rush of uncovered bears to cover their shorts, which ran up opening prices in the general list In some leading ac tive stocks between one nnd two points. Another slump in Hocking coal and urgent liquidation In some other slocks recently the center of speculation unsettled the tone almost Immediately and caused a sharp reac tion. Many of opening gains were wiped out and fractional losses established. The recovery of yesterday was fol lowed by a renewal of nervous excite ment In the market this morning, as a result renewed liquidation and ap prehension that further difficulties niluht result In stock exchange circles because of yesterday's developments. Selling for the long account was not as heavy or general as early In the week, but three or four houses with southern connections evidently had a good deal of cotton to liquidate.! After the opening decline of 18 or IS points followed by a rally to within two or three points of last night finals on arbitrary buying, the market naa a severe break, with March selling at 1.1.SS and May 1S.60. or 40 to 47 points net lower. Washington, Jan. 20. While Mrs. Taft looked on from the gallery the republicans toduy mustered their en tire party strength in the house to carry through their caucus program eliminating Mr. Ruiney, democrat, of Illinois, from the Onllinger-Pinchot Investigating committee. The vote was 186 ayes, 145 "nos." 18 voting "present." A caucus of democrats was called immediately after adjourn ment today to determine whether the democrats will decline entirely repre sentation on the committee. Representative Clayton's resolution to substitute Ralney for Lloyd was lost by a vote of 192 nos, to 147 ayes, 11 voting present. The vote against the Clayton amendment showed the full republi can majority of 45. Only one repub lican, Poindexter of Washington, voted with the democrats. The s'leaker an nounced 12 members "present." rrompiiy inter tne nouse was called to order by Speaker Cannon, Chairman Dalzell pre- st .ited a resolution from the committee on rules of the house pro viding for the election of six mem bers to represent the house on the joint committee to Investigate the so called Ballinger-Plnchot controversy. Representative Currier, chairman of the republican caucus, offered the names of McCall, Olmstead, Denby. Madison, James and Lloyd as mem bers. IJoytl Will Xot Serve. Representative Lloyd announced that the choice of the democratic caucus should be respected, James anil Ralney having been selected by the caucus for those places, he declared he should not serve upon the commit tee. Representative Clayton of Ala bama, obtained the flood, and made an impassioned plea for "fairness," In the conduct of the house of represen tatives. "We democrats," said Clay ton, "concede to the Republican party the right to control his house, but we do not concede your right to dic tate to the democratic party how it shall conduct Its affairs." Clayton's declaration brought forth laughter from the Republican side. Senate Members Named. Vice President Sherman today an nounced us the senate members of the committee Senators Nelson, Flint, Sutherland and Root, republicans; Pnlnter and Fletcher, democrats. Last Night's Caucus. The Joint caucus to select the congressional committee that will in vctiK.ito the linllin- ger-Plnchot charges, chose Rep-1 He Takes Biltmore Posloffice Case up With the President and Is Confident He Will Win. Gazette-News Bureau, 46 Post Building, WashingtonJan. 20. President Taft has received no more powerful appeal in behalf of an indi vidual than thut made by Frank Car ter In behalf of Mrs. Reed, whose re instatement he asks. Carter's brief, giving a history of the case, was left with the president. The charge- of conspiracy is featured. The affidavit of Greenwood Is characterized as a "fabrication out of the whole cloih," and the declaration Is made that the case against Mrs. Reed was manufac tured, "in order to enable Grant to pay a political debt." Asserting the innocence of Mrs. Reed of the charge of bribery. Carter suld: "Our people have no more be lief that this widow has endeavored to corrupt these astute politicians than that our sheep have been trying to bite our dogs." Declaring that Mrs. Reed has been cruelly denied her day In court, and that her accusers have been "hiding behind the rules of the postofflce de partment," Carter, In his brief appeals to "the supreme executive authority" to restore her to her former status as postmaster at Biltmore, ' ' The president took the case under consideration. Carter says he la sat isfied with the" hearing and believes, he will win. THE KERNAN 00 IS MADE 2500 Action Taken by Judge Pritchard, but It Is Doubtful Whether Defendant Can Give New (Bond. N egroes Commit Crime; HangedBefore 3000 People Osceola, Ark., Jnn20. Will and Charles Mulllns,' negroes, . wero pub licly h'ltik'eil" yesterday before SoftO people f,,r niuril .fititr A. Ri,l,liiM,,n n,i,l dim:lu,r, ,,,,i.,.m;,t v!li!. The crime wns a gruesome one. ' The n' urnes shot the daughter and burned Vr body In a blnnket saturated with oil Thev stood the fuiher In scalding v, :i,, then shot him. The mo I, . , w .is robbery. OITICITUH OF PAII.HI) BANK Aity ixnicTK.i) for PF.iuvinr (irniul Jury Bet urns Hills Agaliwl lrewiilent ami Secretary of llcrclaml CniMWn. Cleveland. Jan. 20. IT. O. Walker, nresldent. mid W. D. Duncan, aecre tary of the South Cleveland Banking rnmtianv. which recently failed for a million dollars, were Indicted by the grand Jury todny, charged With per jury. ' . J Mor (Inlns for Vnlonlst. l,orJon. Jsn. 20 Unionists gains without single loss marked belated returns from yesterday's elections to Parliament. resentative McCall of Massachu setts. Olmsteud of Pennsylvania, Den by of Michigan and Madison of Kan sas, republicans; James of Kentucky and Lloyd of Missouri, democrats. Representative Cooper of Wiscon sin, led a bolt of disgruntled repub licans. The caucus incidentally rejected Ralney of Illinois, one of the two democrats selected by the democratic caucus last Saturday night as the house minority's representative on the committee. The six men selected in clude three "regular" republicans McCall of Massachusetts, Olmstead of Pennsylvania, and Denby of Michigan; one Insurgent, Madison of Kansas, and two democrats, James and Lloyd, the latter being named Instead of Ralnel. It I insted Three Houn. The caucus lasted three hours, but although characterized by considera ble acrimony and a bolt of six Insur gents, led by Cooper of Wisconsin, was more peaceful than most mem bers thought It would be. The objections urged against Ral ney and Jumes, especially the former. were In no sense personal, but were based upon allegations of extreme par isanshlp, unfitting them for a Judicial Investigation. Those who voiced this objection claimed to be expressing the views of President Taft. 'This I to be a republican house cleaning, said Mr. Fassett, of New York, "and the democrats have noth ing to do with It." The matter will probably come up in the houae tomorrow and !t la now expected that the democrats will vote solidly to repudiate the action of to night's caucus. But the regulars are believed to have enough votes to overcome any possible combination of democrats and Insurgents. Inciden tally there Is the question whether in the circumstances Lloyd will consent to serve. After the vote nominating the four republicans had been tnken, resulting In practically unanimous approval, a separate vote was ordered on the democratic members of the commit tee. At this juncture Mr. Cooper arose and declared that ha was au thorised by a number of his colleagues to say "that they were oposed to naming democratic members of a comtnlttea In the republican caucus. "'It would he harmful to the repub lican party to do so," declared Mr. Cooper. ' Who la afraid 7" he con stantly repeafd.; "Who Is afraid that hevrm will come to ji from Jam, snd Itaincy? With all' '.heir hur (. Oiitlnued vote 4.) i ? The bond of Peter Kernan, the al leged "butterlne" dealer, who. It la charged, sold oleomargarine or butter lne for "Tennessee country butter," wus yesterday afternoon reduced by Judge Pritehurd on habeas corpus hearing from S3000 to $2500. After Kernan had been arrested In Atlanta and brought back here he waa given n hearing before the Putted States commissioner and bond fixed In the Mim of jaoflO. It is alleged by Ker nnn's attorneys that the bond was ex cessive and a writ of habeas corpus was sued out und matter taken before Judge Pritchard In an effort to have the bond reduced. While Judge Pritchard reduced the bond to some extent, he by no meana made It a light bond or one easy to make and It Is doubtful if the $2600 bond can be made by the accused. IS The Head Missing Body Mutilated- Evidenci of Murder After Ter rific Struggle. Chicago, Jan. 30. The decapitated and mutilated body of a woman iden titlad as Anna Furlong was found In a room In a reaort at 60 West Seven teenth afreet today. The head waa missing and the police believe It waa carried away by the murderer In an attempt to conceal the woman's Iden tity. - . The woman had evidently made a terrlfio Struggle for III e. as the room was found in great disorder; chairs, tables and other article being thrown nhmit The body waa covered with a night gown, which waa cut and torn In sev eral places. The police think the wo man had been dead ' several hours when found. The body waa disem boweled, and parte of the hair and scalp were scattered about the room, Tho Iwdy waa Identified by other In mat ea of the place, who said the wo man had lived there several week. Brokerage Firm Falls. New Tork. Jan. 20. The auspen slon of Roberts, Hall A Crlt,s. brokers, on the stock exchange. Is announced. Zr aw statement Immu, ,1 l:"''',:. v il Ami r.TovH. in k'mvvW.' " I . , ,,f tlir. e minbui il,, I ' t , f ill .'I " ' I ' 1 s is 1 1 ' ' ( !