... Thursday, January 20, 1910. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS. FAQS TBKSa 1 F. r January Sale Millinery Begins Friday Morning PILES QUICKLY CURED Instant Relief, Permanent CoreTrial , Fackage Mailed Free to All In Plain Wrapper. To "make the sale of every hat in stock, includ ing the fine Beavers, trimmed and uutrimnied, $7 to $13.00 values, quick and sure, you can have choice of any hat in stock for the small amount of.., ... .$2.98 Now, of course there will he a good sized crowd here, so if you want hest choice, come along early. THREE BIG LACE SPECIALS AGAIN FRIDAY. Pure Linen Torchon Laces, Edges and Insertions . to match;; IQcTalues ,at; ..... ;r;u .3c, yd - Fine Piatt Val Laces, Edges and Bands, worth up to 25c, choice . ' . . . 1 . . . 10c yd New Bound Thread and Val. Laces, Edges, In sertions and Ber 'aigs, 8c to 10c values at . .5c yd Fine Tailored Dresses, Coat Suits and Long Coats now on sale at half price and less. The January Sale of White Goods, AVash Goods and Linens continues though the entire week. Buy now and save money. W. E. Kindley & Co. We want every man and woman, suffering from the excruciating tor ture of piles to Just send their name and address to us and get by return mall a free trial package of the most effective and positive cure ever known for this disease. Pyramid Pile Cure. The way to prove what this great remedy will do In your own case, is to just nil out free coupon and send to us and you will get by return mall a free sample of Pyramid Pile Cure, Then after you have proven to yourseu wnat it can do, you will go to the druggist and get a 60 cent box. Don't undergo an. operation. Oper ations are rarely a success and often lead to terrible consequences. :. Pyra mid Tile cure reduces all Inflamma tion, makes congestion, Irritation, .Itching, sores and ulcers disappear and the piles Blmply quit. .For sale at all drug stores at SO cents a box. CARPET BAG S RUN TO MILLIONS Books Show $11,407,000 Issued, But Sonie Say There Were y Sixteen Million. FREE PACKAGE COUPON. 4. 4- 4 Street r 4. 4 City and State 4. Fill out the blank lines be low with' your name and ad dress, cut out coupon and mnll to the PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY. 190 Pyramid Bldg.. Marshall, Mich. A wimple of the great Pyramid Pile Cure will then be sent you nt once by mall, FREE, In plain wrapper. Name. KIDNEYS ACT FINE A few doses clean and regulate the Kidneys ending lame back and Bladder misery. 4.4.A -t-n.t.t. a DEFECTIVE fit CAUSE OF WRECK The Gazette-News Bureau, Chamber of Commerce Rooms, Hollemon Building, Raleigh, Jan. 20. Now that there is so much talk about the schemes of the syndicate of New Yorkers which represents, or claims to represent, holders of the North Carolina special tax bonds is sued during the reconstruction period, it may be interesting to ask who knows how many of these bonds there were. The carpet baggers who issued them may - have printed a lot more than were named or put on the books. The books, for example, show that these carpetbag bonds totalled $11,407,000, yet some persons claim that really there were 18 millions of them. The bonds, on which South Dakota sued some years ago were not in this class, but were Issued before the car petbag period. They were scaled to 25 cents on the dollar by the state, just as under the law debts of private Individuals had been scaled. Two years before the suit was brought the New York man, Schafrer, who had the western North Carolina bonds not exchanged, offered to take $500 apiece for them. Then he gave South Da kota 10 of the bonds, and that state got for each of these face value and Interest from 1879. Schafter got for his bonds $892 each. It is said that he was afraid to give away any more of them to states, for the bringing of suits because he feared North Caro Hna would refuse to pay, which course the state would certainly have tuken. All of these western North Carolina bonds of which there is any record, on the books have been paid off and destroyed. I la AMUSEMENTS I llinil m-xtrr In "The Prtin-e Chap" nl iho (Irniirt Tonight. The rti i.KMitlon of talent Is always gratifying, the advancing of the pop ular young romantic actor. Mr. lliott Ix-xtiT, in tho stellar position In "The l r'.,ve rhup" this season Is moht grat- So Commission Finds, After Full Investigation of the Ready Fork Horror. If you take several doses of Pape's Diuretic, all backache and distress from out-of-order kidneys or bladder trouble will vanish, and you will feel ! fine. , j Lame back, painful stitches, rheu matism, sleeplessness, Inflamed or swollen eyelids, worn-out, sick feeling and other symptoms of sluggish, inac tive kidneys disappear. Uncontrollable, smarting, frequent urination (especially at night) and all bladder misery ends. Feeling miserable and worried is needless, because this unusual prepa ration goes at once to the disordered kidneys, bladder and urinary system and distributes its healing, cleansing and vitalizing influence directly upon the orgnns and glands affected, and completes the cure before you real ize it. The moment you suspect any kid ney or urinary disorder or feel rheu matism pains, begin taking this harm less medicine, with the knowledge that there is no other remedy at any price, made anywhere else in the world, which will effect so thorough and prompt a cure as a fifty-cent treatment of Pape's Diuretic, which any druggist call supply. Your physician, pharmacist, banker or any mercantile agency will tell you that Papo, Thompson & Pnpe of Cin cinnati Is a large and responsible med icine concern, thoroughly worthy of your confidence. Only curative results can come from taking Pape's Diuretic, and a few days' treatment means clean, active, healthy kidneys, bladder and urinary organs and no backache. PRE-INVENTORY SUIT SALE A success No wonder our Suit Sale has proven a success. We are sell ing our best Tailored Suits at less than half their former prices. mntimmifaMtmnir (I1II(NS!- 'THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY"!!!? miSStSiXPtSHi m 1 iiiiimmmiiMiiiiiiMi Causes Sickness Good Health Impossible with a Disordered Stomach. There Is nothing that will create Fiikness or cause more trouble than a disordered stomach, and many people dully contract serious mn In rile, aim ply through disregard or abuse of the! xt'iniHch. I We urge every one" suffering fronrl ny stomach derangement. Indiges tion or dyspepsia, whether acute or ilironlc, to try Rexall Dyspepsia Tab les, with the distinct understand, ng that we will refund their money with out iuestion or formality If after rea tonable use of this medicine they are not satisfied with the results. We 1 'commend thorn to' our customers ' every day, and have yet to hear of any one who ha not been benefited by them. Three sizes, 25c, EOc and Sl.flO a box. Sold in Asheville only t our store The Rexall . Store Kmlth's Drug Store, Pack Square, op posite public, library- , - ifylng to his many admirers ull through the south. He will he seen at tho Grand In this famous romantic comedy tonight. Mr. Dexter's role In this play is that of a young American sculptor, whose career In London is threatened by the antorced adoption of a little orphan girl, the child of a late friend, and the heart interest is represented In his fatherly and motherly protection of his charge, and her development from babyhood to girlhood and to splendid womanhood. These twd characters are surrounded bv many Interesting and some laugh able personalities who serve to thicken the plot and Increase the interest 01 the narrative. Clippings from news paper criticisms in other cities credit Mr. Dexter with having scored a pro nounced hit In this part and praise his management for a thoroughly capable cast uiiu c!ctoiaie produc tion. The advance sale at the Mountain City Stationery store Is unusually large which Is the best proof that Mr. Dexter still retains his popularity among his many friends and admirers and admirers In this city. Tlie Klght Vawwr IGrl. The Eight Vassar Girla presented a trong mu b leaf program, playing vari ous Instruments with Impart'al ease and ability. Tuneful music, pretty girls, andf a varied program charmed the great audience. It la the strong tst combination that -has ever ap peared Sn Minneapolis. Minneapolis journal. At Auditorium Monday night, Jan uary 14. S It Is probable that the population of the earth has doubled since 1100, says thet.Auul Post-Dispatch. The Gazette-News Bureau, Chamber of Commerce Rooms, Hollemon Building, Raleigh, Jan. 20. The corporation commission has given a great deal of care to the in vestigation of the fatal accident on the Southern Railway near Brown Summit. The rail, which had been down one year and which weighed SO pounds to the yard, and which was laid by a Tennessee rolling mill, was detective from end to end, the weld ins being imperfect and extending perpendicularly, although from the outside thero was no sign of this. Practically all tho rail was shown here- before the commission. There la naturally an Interesting question as to the liability of such mills for de fective rails, and the further question of what recourse a railway wouia have upon a mill in such a case. Such accidents as this one carry a fearful cost to railways; not only for prop-, erty destroyed, but In the way of dam ages which have to be paid for the loss of life and Injuries to passengers. Thus one accident In the state cost a railway something like half a million dollars. ' .- ' - The commission s finding is in pan as follows: "The commission is or tne opinion that a latent defect known as 'pipe' in the rail, was the cause of the wreck. This defect was In the man ufacture of the rail, and could not have been discovered by .the railroad company The commission 1 of the opinion that the rail broke first at the point 195 feet north from the trestle, about 18 inches from the point, and Immediately over a small weather beaten but sound oak- tie. From an Inspection of this tie, and the pieces of brokertvrall we are 01 ine opinion thnt the defects, in the rail was the cause of Which the wreck Is attrib "ted." , THE HONEST PROPRIETARY MEDICINE Has saved thousands of dollars to families who could ill afford the ex pense necessary to maintain the ser vices of a physician, and have an swered the purpose equally as well and often succeeded after our best physicians have failed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is one of this kind. Try Gazette-News Want Ads lU-VEMKmr MEETING IF MERCHANTS TONIGHT At This Meeting, First of Year, Matters of Importance Will Be Considered. ELKS LODGE F LIRGEBJIf COURSE At an Interesting Meeting Last Night a Format Resolution on Subject Was Adopted. Fashion TELEPHONE 520. 16 PATTOlf A,VE. We are pleased to see that lire buying public of Ashe vilio and vicinity have full confidence in our, Bales, and if the .roxiMinse will continue daily, our Winter Stock of Keady-to-Wear Apparel won't 1ant very long. ' ... Weak Stomach Test Sample of Mi-o-na Free. At last night's meeting of the Elks lodge favorable expression was given the proposed establishment of an 18 hole golf course here and a formal resolution adopted putting tne r.ias on record as In favor of the extension of the irolf facilities. The members of the Elks lodge, numbering many of the most progressive and substantial himinew and orofesslonal men of the city, are, like other Interests, geenij alive to the need of better golf faclll- ti. and the movement undertaken for an 18-hole course will bear fruit It Is believed. Other resort towns ana Mtim of the south have long since recognized the fact that gen is tne chief attraction to many tourists irom the north and have provided mis source of amusement for their guests. Asheville has now come to realize mai better golf facilities Is imperative anu it la hoped that the wy and means to this end may be round. The reso lution endorsing thevgotf proposition adopted by the Elks follows: "Be- It resolved max tne r.inn i""' bfi Asheville regnrd with favor the present movement looking toward the extension of Ashevllle's 1 golf facili ties." ' 7 The Asheville lodge of EIks is in more flourishing condition now than ever before ami the members nre more enthusiastic. Five applications for membership were received last night Tin' nil-members' meeting of the Asheville Retail Merchants nssoclii tinii, the first all-members gathering of tho new year, will be held thin even- j Ing in the association headquarters in, the iOlei trical building and ull mem-j hers are urged to be present. Matters : of importance, says the president and secretary of the association in calling attention to the meeting, will come up for discussion and "we feel that every j member can offer material assistance In solving the different problems that come before us." , The association has a committee ! appointed to take up with a similar ! committee from the board of trade j the matter of continuing permanent the street lighting and this can be I easily accomplished, say the officers of the association, if It receives the hearty co-operation of the Retail Mer chants association and the board of trade. Another Interesting matter that the Merchants' association has In hand In which the board of trade Is co-operating are train schedules and the addi tion of new trains for Asheville and this vicinity. In this connection the officers of the Retail Merchants asso ciation and the board of trade believe that a good shopping train on the Murphy division coming into Asheville In the morning and returning in the afternoon would prove of great benefit and the transportation committee of the Merchants association Is working actively to this end with the hope that it will be able to get results. President Hoffman and Secretary Iee In calling attention to the meeting this evening say: "Another year has past and gone and we are now entering upon the work of the year 1910. We trust that this will be the greatest year in the history of our association. It Is up to the members to make It so." iJ If you have Indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach, disilneas or biliousness. no matter how long standing, Ml-o-na stomach tablets will cure, or your nwmev back. Thousands" are getting rid of Indi gestion by using Mi'o-na. Here Is u hut nna man writes: "I want to nonk a srood word for Ml-o-na and u.hui it has done for me. I suffered ...mothtmr terrible with dyspepsia and Indigestion. It was almost Impossible for me to eat anything. Day after day 1 would go -without eating any thing. One day I readj your ad. In the Hongor Daily News. I got a box. and before It wns gone I could sit down to the table and eat anything, thanks to Ml-o-na." Herbert I Pat terson, Brewer (Bangor) Me., 1J09. Mi-o-na stomach tubleta are made mm th best Drescrlotlon ever writ- n thev curs to stay cured. They ..iixva distressed stomach In a few minutes. They are sold by druggists In nverv town in American, anu nj Bmlth s Drug Btore. A large nox costs but 60 cents. Test samples free from Booth's Ml-o-na, Buffalo, N.,X THE FIRE ' HAS BUSY LVEI The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made Is Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They the work whenever you require their aid. These tablets change weak ness Into strength, llstlessuess Into energy, gloominess Into Joyousncss. their action Is so gentle one don t realize they have taken a purgative. KKIllrKKKK " Present Jig!" Champion. Suits', Coats, Dresses, , Capes -Now at One-Half the Popular Price' I: World's champions Heavy weight, Jack Johnson; light weight, Battling Nelson. American champions Heavy weight, Jack Johnson; mid dleweight, Stanley Ketchel: . welterweight, undecided: lightweight. Battling Nel son; featherweight, Abe At tell;" bantamweight, unde cided. . English champions Heavy weight, Ian Hague; middle welgi.i. Ton- Thomas; light weight Freddie Welsh; festherwelght, Jim DrUonll; bantamweight, undecided. Horn of W. S. Weddle, 1 5 John Street, Destroyed, but Neighbors Save the Furniture. A Paris Hint vr Inat nia-ht about 1:30 o'clock ruined tha resident at wo. it John at rent and occupied by e.ngineei w a. Wmldle and family. The alarm waa turned In from the depot by those discovering the Are but by reason of the fact that the names had gaineo rreat headway when discovered and the long run from lira headquarters In tha scene the llremen were unable to save the structure and realising this r.on arrival asve Ithelf nest enoris, RiKveaafully to saving nearby build- Inirs. The fire Is supposed to have originated from a defective flue. Mr. Weddle's family was out of the city at the time and ha had vlslt-id the home In the evening and lighted a Are and later went out Neighbors were able to save some of the furniture belong' Ing to Mr, W'eddle. One person while nsaged In an effort to save household enects suffered severe bruises on the hands hv nicking UD a piece Of hot china ware. X second alarm of flra was turned In a few minutes after tha department was called to the depot on account of a blase in a negro house on North Lexington avenue and for a time during tha evening the de partment's entire complement waa In commission. i i .VmuiCi cunwoxfittott Htulurtot, sacxusivt ccrmaMT. mw rasn scsua co Palo'blue velvet gown, with royal blue velvet embroidery. C- 'y r-a "EJtOMO CySNINV that Is ton. .. n . eaaafBspaaBnj The Opportunity of a Life Me This means that you are able to buy between NOW and SATURDAY every piece of Oriental Goods In Mv Store the Regi Price ONE-HALF Remember it's just between NOW and SATURDAY Mi City Stationery Company H. M. NAHIKI AN, Prop. ' 13 Patton Avenue. iCi ,,c ftoltKZs f4ALy

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