Thursday, January 20,..1910u THE ASHE VILLI! GAZETTE-NEWS. page nvz. Your liair is Worth It Afraid to use hair preparations? Don't know exactly what to do? Then why not consult your doctor? Isn't your hair worth tt? Ask him if he endorses Aver s Hair Vhtor for falllnn hair. Does not Color the Hair Social r Happenings English Ladies "Traders.? While we are confidently Informed through the large metropolitan papers thnt are trying to Rei accurate Infor mation on this Important subject, that th" cost of living in England is Jess, proportionately, than lit our own com panies, even the women of title In EnKland are In these .days earning comfortable Incomes or accumulating fortunes by "going Into trade." Lady .Affleck is Bervlng In the costume de partment of a west end London shop. Lady Duff Gordon Is the famous dressmaker, known as "Luelle." Countess Fabrlcottl set up as a mllll 11. t three years ago In a little shop in Smith Moulton street. She made a lot of money and on her marriage a tvw months ago to Count Allottl sold out the good will of the business for a lari-'o sum. Lady Auckland keeps a furniture store and, attends to her customers in person, though the es taliMshmentl on ' Baker street, ' is known as Morton & Edwards. Lady Hope runs a millinery shop In the un fashionable quarter of Edgware road Duchiss of Abercom has a creamery at llaronscourt; Lady Essex is a part ner is a laundry business; Lady Win borne keeps a book store In Bond street; I-ady Ryng has a needlework shop; Lndy Molesworth has a Jam faetory; iJtdy AHeen ; Wyndham Quiii trades In violets from her farm at Ailare Manor; and Lady Algernon Gordon Iennox has a fruit bottling factory. From these statistics It would seem that 'the women of the English nobility work for their mon i v, while the men of title He In wait for American heiresses and then de pend upon their wives for support. It K Y. W. C A. Not oh. The lilble class of the Y. W. C. A whi.h has been studying "The Gospel i.l si. Mark" under Miss .Sinclair of tin- Normal and Collegiate institute. will have the lust lesson In that course this eening at 7:30 o'clock. This has been a very profitable and Interesting lours.-, anil the members of the class express regret that It is completed. Any :i'ls or women who are interest ed in liible study are Cordially Invited In nine to this closing lesson tonight. The , unking class which meets reg uliiil. I'riilny afternoons will he held Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Vlaus fur ths visit from Miss Annn 1) I'iisl. r. territorial executive secreta ry include & workers' conference at HV.3() Saturday morning, a vesper ser vice Sunday afternoon to be addressed ny JJiss l asler, and an Inrormal re--reptlon In hep honor from 4 to 6 next Tuemlay afternoon. All ladles Inter ested are cordially Invited to all these Ratherlna-s, as well as to he present for the program Friday evening at 8 o'clock at the Y. M. C. A. hall. R Mi. lUce's Recital Tonight. I r Ixitils Rlc will this evening Kiv. a i.-rital at the Y. M. C. A. aud ilorliun, under the auspices of the Haraca class of Haywood Street M. K. church. The program will include several groups of songs by Mr. Rice, " reading by Burnett Jordan, a bari tone s.dii by Mr. Oilman and selections v a male quartette composed of .Messrs Stikeleather, Carr, Curtis and .Meliraver. Mrs. Jean Caesar Rice will he the accompanist. tt t riili'i-OHttiur "Doggie" Exhibit. A most Interesting exhibit in Sea well s windows will tomorrow and Saturday attract the attention of the I'iissith to and fro on Haywood street. The exhibit will be five little Italian crcvhiiunda. These dogs have almost human intelligence and are very rare in this country. This particular quin tet of puppies are thoroughbred, ped- ii;r. . .I iings ani) ara the property of II. . Shaw-nan of Montford avenue. t The dunce given by the Tahkeeostee cliil. last night was a delightful break In ihe social monotony. The guests of the evening were Mine Mary and -Ml si Jessie Stikeleather, Miss La luge teg. Miss Fannie Wheeler, Miss Kleanor Lambertson, Miss Lillian Weaver. Mine Kramer, Miss Alice Has Miss Haynes of Greenville. 8. C, ' It. Baker, Charles Folsom. R. A. furrier. W. M. Beadles. Paul Eve, W. O Home, E. B. Jeffress, Frank Bailey, Harold Johnston, Burt Nichols, Cas. "ins (ludger. Ted Rorlson, Mr. and Mrs W. B. Westlake chaperoned. H Asheville tiuule fiends are sharpen log their wits and their pencils over the telegram contest offered by "Life." A large picture In the recent numbers of the popular weekly, depicts an un 'A Beautiful Design - : -. A Reliable Make ."; A Reliable Guarantee Warranted 10 Years ' 1 , Silver Plated on Nickel 'Silver : - Tea Spoons, per Set ' M 65 cts Dessert Spoons or Forks, per Set 51.10 Table Spoons or Forks, per Set $125 Soup Spoons, peret V . $1-25 . ' , i , --r " ' ARTHUR M. FIELD COMPANY Personal Mention, News of the Societies, Meetings, Etc. usual situation; a telegram has been received that strikes consternation to the heart of the head of the family wnue tne lady and a dachshund are moved to laughter. , S100 will be giv en for the cleverest telegram of ten words explaining the state of affairs. It Beginning tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock a match turney handicap will be held on the alleys of the Albe marle Bowling club. Entries must be made by noon tomorrow at which time draws for matches will be made. The winners of the first night will qualify for the first cup, the losers for the second cup. The tournament will be held for four consecutive Fri days; the winners the best two out of three, except in the. finals jvhen it will be three out of five. Mi. Samuel Tannahlll and Miss Louise Tannahlll entertained at their home on Panola street last evening with an informal chafing dish party In honor of Mr. and Mrs. "Will An drews of Augusta, who 'are In the city, the Kuests of Mrs. Andrews' sis ter, Mrs. Kenneth Baird. It The pupils of the Asheville School of Music and Dramatic Art gave a pleasing recital yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Among those iwho took part were Miss Viola and Miss Bessie Ownbey, Miss Annie Logan, Miss Bet ty Moore, Miss Vance, Miss Annie Lo gan and Mrs. R. B. Stone. - '. -.' '' ,-. Tonight at the Manor there will be a bridge party for the entertainment of the guests. The Manor is unusual ly well filled for this season of the year. It It A box supper will be given nt the First Baptist church ;u 7:45 o'clock this evening for the benefit of the Baraca class of that church. Roger Williams of Decatur is a guest at the Battery Park hotel. UK Mr. and Mrs. Zebulon F. Curtis will occupy their new home on Chestnut street about the first of February. It It George B. Whlttemore of Chicago Is a visitor In Asheville. It It R. J. Hunt of Balsam, N. C Is In the city. i K It . B.i D. Arthur of Cincinnati and E. R. Clements of Richmond, Ind., aro newly arrived guests at the' Battery Park hotel. . ' ' ' W. L. Peace, traveling representa tive of the Greensboro Dally News. s in the city today. It It Mrs. Thomas Rollins has returned from Washington, where she has been the guest of Mrs. John W. Langley. It It Mrs. John Acee will return Saturday from her trip to Cincinnati. Mri.. A. A. Hamlet of Cumberland avenue has returned rrom cnatta nooga where she has been for several weeks the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Raiser. It It Mr. and Mrs. John Smathers are moving Into the Charlotte street cot tage recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Bead les. It It Dr. Arthur Prltchard will return to night from New Orleans where he went to attend the Jackson-Reynolds wedding. It It Miss Tempe Harris left 8unday for Duncdln, Fla. . H .H F. 8. Kennett will return Saturday from a rip to Atlanta. Miss Kate -Durham of Durham Is the guest of her niece, Mrs. J. M. Burns on Orange street. Miss Cora Drummond, who has been Iver-Johnson Bicycle Free. In order to better advertise the Iver Johnson Bicycle In Asheville and vt clnlty we will give away on April sotn one of our 135.09 model Iver-John- son's together with three other prises. See prizes on exhibition In our dis play window. A coupon which entitles the holder to one draw goes r ..n each 25c purchase In our Bicycle Depart ment, either on Bicycle, 8undrle or Repairs. J, IIEARN Battery Park Place. A CO., Phone 448. for a month the guest of Mrs. W. C. Drummond on Blake street has move 1 Into her bungalow, "Pine Logs." It It '-o-Mrs. Marshall Bell of Murphy Is the guest of Miss Alice Morgan on Wood- fin street. Dr. E. R. Russell and family have recently moved to Asheville and are making their home at 23 Flint street. it it Miss Lillian Waid, who was chief nurse In the operating room of the Charlotte. Sanatorium, Is in Asheville, and stopping at the Knickerbocker. Vt S. W. Enloe of Dlllsboro Is here to day. . ' K It ' Sol. Gallert of Rutherfordtonton Is a business visitor In the city today. J. A. Ramsey of Marshall spent the day In the city. It It Judge A. L. Coble, assistant district attorney, returned today to States' ville. - tt 3a M. L. Church of Marshall was here today. H. B. Brunot of Brevard Is at the the Battery Park. General Theodore F. Davidson left this afternoon for Jacksonville, Fla It R Miss Carrie May Brown left today for Savannah, Ga. tv Fred Adlckes left today for Florida, R R Miss E. E. Smith has gone to Klrks- ville, Mo. R R Mrs. Henry L. Wiggins of Hillsboro, O., arrived Thursday and la the guest of her aunt, Mrs. P. McFerren, on Panola street. Mrs. Wiggins Is the wife of Judge Henry L. Wiggins; she will remain in Asheville for about two months. MISS CASLER WILL ARRIVE OX TOMORROW AFTERNOON Is to Give. Principal Talk on Program Following Y. W. C. A. Sup per at Y. M. C. A. Miss Anna D. Casler, who is to give the principal talk on the program Friday evening at the Y. M. C. A. hall, following the supper which the board of directors of the Y. W. C. A. is to give there to the business men of Asheville, will arrive In the city tomorrow afternoon. Miss Casler's talk will be precceded by one given by Dr. George T. Winston. Judge Plitchard, who has consented to pre side over the meeting, will also be on the platform. Mrs. C. R. Craig, president of the board of directors of the Young Wo men's Christian association, will be present In her official capacity. A program of much interest and value Is assured, with an excellent op uortunity for any who may hitherto have questioned what the Young Wo men's Christian association really Is, to be answered adequately. In regard to the views of association work and buildings which will be shown, It may be said hat they are from the. collection which Is In the possession of the national board of Young Wo Men's Christian associations, whose headquarters are In New York. These views were used In connection with a talk given by Miss Casler at Rich mond. Va., last November, and those who saw them at that time pronounce them very clear and interesting. The invitation to the general pub lie to come In at 8 o'clock and enjoy this program Is repeated, ladies being esoec'.ally urged to attend. The pur- dobb of the gathering is entirety mat cated by the program as outlined, and no solicitation for funds is to enter Into the evening. THE J F.I. I. ICO COAL COMPANY OPENS YARDS IN ASHEVILLE The Jelllco Coal company Is the name of a new coal company which has ooened In Asheville. The com pany has obtained from 8. I. Bean gt Co. the right to unload their ears at the marble yard and are now prepared to deliver coal to any part of the city. The company has. opened offices over the Cltlsens' bank, with J. B. Shope, in charge. In a half page advertise ment in today's Gaxette-News the new company Is making an offer of a con siderable reduction per ton on Jelllco Red Ash lump coal for ten dny In order to Introduce tho coal to the trade. IVrfwtly Lovely. They talk all at once with great ardor And nobody listens at all; They start In and talk all the harder When any one else comes to call. - There's never a thought or suggestion In this conversational chime. And yet they have had, beyond ques tion, A perfectly lovely time! They make up a theater party And gaxe on the heroine's grief. Their sympathies, wholesome and hearty, In copious tears find relief. And after the villain, unspalrlng, . Has slaughtered young hope In their prime, They've had, you wlH hear them de claring, A perfectly lovely time! ' Washington Star. It Is Possible To enjoy fresh Spinach this will please you. 15c ran. YATES & 23 Haywood St. Try our Ginger Bread 6ox loaf. ' HESTON'S OLD FRIEND IN TEXAS ". f ; i i- We Get a Letter From an Old Friend Which Makes Us Feel Good. Alba, Tex. -"I was born In Tennes see, writes Mrs. .Alary E. Watson, from Alba, Tex., "and 1 can praise Cardul, for we have used it ever since 1881," twenty-eight years ago. I wish knew how many dollars had spent for It. My daughter-in-law is now taking It. and all my neighbors think it is fine." . I Cardul may be taken year after year. at time when its benefit is needed, anil as a general tonic, without any bad after-effects whatever. Many drugs, like iiuinine, acetanl- llde, iodide of potassium, etc., cannot be so taken, without doing you more harm than they do you good. Be careful what you put into your stomach, as lasting injury frequently results from the regular use of pow erful drugs and medicines. Cardul cannot possible ,do you any thing but good, as it is a mild, gentle tonic, of purely vegetable ingredients, non-mineral, non-Intoxicating, non poisonous harmless to young and old. Thousands of ladies have testified to the beneficial results that come from the'use of Cardul, the woman's tonic. It btrengthensi builds, restores, and relieves or prevents unnecessary pain and suffering. We urge you to try it. N. B. Write to: ladles' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.. for Special In structions, and 84-page book, "(Jnun Treatment for Wonn n," sent in plain wrapper, on request. Tlte Seasons. Spring's a maid that knows no lover, Fearless-eyed and fancy-free, Snowy blossoms droop above her. Flowery grasses kiss her knee Summer wears a crown of roses For the maid become a bride. On her cheeks two glowing posies. In her eyes a world of pride. Autumn Is a good wife .lolly. Mellow as her gathered fruit. Twinkling eyes that laugh at folly. Ruddy cheeks and lips to boot. Winter Is a queen of sorrows Throned aloft, austerely white. Gazing down the loveless morrow To the Inevitable night. Pall Mall Gazette. It looks as If Jim Flynn is the only boxer will '.ng to take on Sam Lang- ford. German Brown-White Lined Fireproof Cooking Ware Casseroles Oval'Bakers Shirred Egg, Bean Pots, Milk Boilers, Coeottes, Jngs, Food cooked to perfection is always best served in same dish it is cooked in. House Furnishing Depart ment. J. H. LAW, 35 PATT0N AVENUE. For Sale Modern b' room Residence Cumberland Ave. $2000 , $500 cash, balance easy monthly payments, for quick sale. . , LaEarta, Koi!s & Chiles, EEAL ESTATE and IN SURANCE, - 27 Patton Avenue. , time of the year, Monarch Spinach McGUlRE, Phone"221. 970. FOR RENT rieantly situated I -room house, near la, R acfrs extra play ground with It, $lt per mohth, prima value, Nfvtt;AtKln;on's Sons ' Com r any, VALUAB LE HORSES KILLED BY TRAIN The Troubled Dreams of Mr. Killet of Greenville, S. C, Came True, and His Loss Was Serious. Two valualile hoises belonging to X. V. Killett of Greenville, S. C., were killed bv a train on the Murphy divis ion, six or right miles from Asheville, yesterday morning. Mr. Killett had been to I lay wood county where be four horses and nturnlng through the country Tuesday found that he could not reach Asheville be fore night and stopped at a place some eight miles from town. It seems that the stable at the place where Mr. Killett stopped was tilled with cattle and he was forced to hitch bis horses under a shed. During the night he dreamed that his horses had broken away and were killed, lie awoke from his troubled slumber but. giving little heed to the dream, dropped off to sleep again. For tile second time he dreamed that his horses had broken away and were killed, and feeling a hit uneasy arose and dressing went to the shed. He found that the horses had broken loose and were gone. Mr. Killett followed the animals' tracks for some distance aiid found two of the horses lying about 100 years apart dead. They had been struck. It Is presumed, by a passing train and i killed. The other two animals found later ncur Emma. were DEALS IH DIRT. Deeds of Transfer Filed for Registra tion In the Register's office. Thn fnllnwinar riAerin nf (.nnvnviiiiM I nllt, Ih. .nndsfallnn namd hair. been filed for registration In the of fice of Register of Deeds Mackey: Lillian S. Willis and others to Chestnut Ridge Park company, prop erty on Hurnsville road, two miles from Asheville; consideration $70(10. John C. Reynolds and wife to W. A. McGlamery and wife, property in West Asheville; consideration $22ne. Gay Green and wife to ('. J. Woody and wife, property on Smith's Mill creek: consideration $1000. John ( Champion and w ife to John Drake and wife, property on 'Heaver dam creek;, consideration $S00. The Hebrew Standard remarks thnt two blazing signs In Broadway coll nt- i tention to n condition. One of these ! bears the words, "The Man Who Owns Broadway," while on the nexj cornw I another sign equally llaflng shows the word, "Israel." The announcement that the ttoyul Cirogrnphlcnl Society of Copenhagen is fitting out nn expedition to explore thn countries around the Persian gulf will surprise many who imagine that there Ix little of the enrth outside the polar regions which now needs ex ploring. Until tlic completion of of fices in the Legal building Dr. E. U. Russell may lie found at the offices of Dr. S. Wostray Rattle, during the hours 9 to 12 a. in. and 3 to 5 p. m. HIGH PRICE LIVING REDUCED If you buy your Shoes where ymi net new goods Just from the factor) . New Spring Oxfords and Pumps ready for your inspection. Boston Shoe Store The CunIi Shoe SI ore. 3(1 l'altou Avenue, Leaders In HUjIi (initio Footwear. CRAB APPLE . CREAifl An elegaut lotion for chapped hands, rough skin and for use after shaving. Its dally use will prevent chapping and keep the skin soft and smooth. Free from oil and dries quickly Price 25c. "Everything In Drugs and Seeds." ' GRANT'S PHARMACY, Agents for Wood's Seeds.- HMH1MIIH1HIMMIII Phone 114. Phone 114. Southern Coal Company t Agents for the best brand of BLUE GEM and Gen I nine Jellico, from Jellico, t Tenn. Try a 2000 lb. ton. Office 14 North Pack Sq.' Every pair guaranteed. One Except Ion. Smart A woman Would rather talk tU,an listen. Wise Tlutt depends. Smart Depends on what? Wise Whether or not a man is making her u propositi. Huston Globe. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. CHIROPRACTIC, TIIK KEY TO HEALTH! If your life force Is free from its origin in the brain to Its relation cell tissue, you have health. In Chiropractic we have an opportunity which no other method affords; it is unquestionably the greatest discovery ot the age. Our doors are wide open for your investigation we are ready to help you. If you lack health, consult Dr. K. L. Whltmore and he will tell you why you arc not well. Brief consultation free. Your case diag nosed without asking you a question. Phone (121. "IvIKOPRACTIC DOCTORS." N.-W. Cor. Pack Sq. MISS CRUISE, 2 Haywood St. Wc have just received a large ship ment of Hair and arc ready to fill all orders for tho newest Coiffures, Cor onet Ilrnids, Roman Coils, Etc., Etc. COFFEE, TEA. Fresh roasted coffee every week at Simpson Tea & Coffee Co. 35 Kant College St. All orders promptly, delivered. Phone 1713. CIIIliDKKVS PICTI RKS arc my specialty. I like childron and like to photograph them have un limited patience and use a special camera for baby pictures use pho tographlc plate three times as fast as those used by other studios. Use fast est lense made and can catch child ren, laughing, etc., in ensy natural poses in 1-1 0th of a second. ItAY'S STI DIO, 29 Pat ton Avenue. Formerly 104 Fifth Avenue. N. Y. THERE'S NEVER ANY DISAPPOINTMENT With your linens when they visit the Asheville I sundry. They arc perfectly clean with pure soap and plenty of water, dried and Ironed In the most perfect manner by experts and returned to you clean, sweet and white. fcSecln's believin'. Try It once. Asheville Laundry, J. A. NICHOLS, Manager PHONE 95. Notice to Our Customers Prices of Tungsten Lamps of various sizes to our customers for their own use: Size Price 25 Watt Tungsten Lamp , $ .50 40 Watt Tungsten Lamp .55 (10 Watt Tungsten Lamp 80 100 Watt Tungsten Lamp .90 150 Watt Tungsten Lamp 1.45 250 Watt Tungsten Lamp 2.25 These prices are below cost to us, but are made to give our customers the benefit of the free renewal proposition enjoyed by users of carbon lamps. a,-" SOUTHERN RAILWAY 8CHEDTTLE, EFFECTIVE NOV. 15, I0. caedule flgorea published as IntormaUoa ml sot guaranteed. ) Eaatera Tim. 1RRITII FROM DEPART FOR-. No, 7. from L. Toiawa. a. m. No. for Lake Toxaway .!.! p.m. No. I from Charleston No. 11 from New Tork.. No. II from Cincinnati. No. II from Charleston. l:ia p.m. 1:41 p.m. 1:01 p.m. t:ll p.m. No. II from Murphy : P 1NO. iv iron Kurpoy No. 11 from Oolasboro .. No. II from Washington ,. 1:11 p.m. 1:11 p.m. 1:1 avm. l:iS a.m. No. I from Memphis No. 101 from Bristol. 11:11 p.m. Through sleeping ear to and from Washington, Jacksonville, Memphis, Chattanooga, Cincinnati, Chair care to and from Ooldsboro. - ' For runner information appiy is MAD AS A WET HEN! Is the man who gets the worst ' of a "fit" from a shoe dealer mean fitting, Kor service, un- comfortable, mismated and late delivery. You avoid all this when you deal here, where it pays to pay cash. We've a store full of good Shoes that will ramble with you without complaint. Let us fit your next pair. ; Nichols Shoe Co. i Cash Shocists. On the Sq. with If you want full valua, see, wire,' phone or write us. BARBEE'S Full Value Cigar Store, 11 Patton Ave. Phono 1026. Asheville Steam Bakery, The Home of Fresh Bread. Our Mother's is excellent. Phone (3122- Mountain City Steam Laundry Modern Methods Tel. 42G, 30 N. Lexington Ave, J. II. WEAVER, Mgr. NEW GAYETY Xow open with Refined Vau deville and Moving Pictures. I Nothing vulgar or suggestive is allowed. .Matinee o:.ii). ISiglits three ' shows 7:43, 8:40, h;S0 p. in. i ; l The Palace 1 ton u In r Mutincc at 3.30 p. in. , II I, MOItD U NT & CO., Ill "(iollifj ; Sonic." t IKA.NK 1) IV ALL, Tramp Comedian. Illlislnitcil Son-s. LITc SUe Motion i i Pictures. mmu rifmlf Aito it i Asheville Electric Co. no, if lor cnarieatoa ... 4:1 p.m. No. 11 for Ctnelanatl.. .. !:tl p.m. No. 11 for New Tork. .. 1:11 p-m. No. 14 for Charleston , .. T:M turn. m. No. IT for Murphy 1:11 No. II for Murphy .... 1:11 p.m. a.m. t:4t a.m. T:lt a-m. Ml a.m. No. II for Ooldsboro . . No, II for Memphis No. II for Washington . No. 11 for Bristol New Tork, Philadelphia, ruitlmnre, i't. i" : K 1 it l,i.' 4 1. Tt. voon i R. 8. U . ', x -

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