4 Thursday,' January 20, 1910. m m v n 'i-'iinu i. uJiw-i II b Melees for anyone to can at this oBoe in en endeTor to And out tb. name of advertisers. Thoee who advertise wider an initial or nom de njme do bo wish their aamce to be paMIe an UT anno, be dl Igei at thlf oflee. ' HELP WANTED. ; "MADS $0,00 In aw years In the Mail Order BualneM and began with only a few dollar. There are unu-ual-opportunltlea for making mon ey todayf and It la not difficult to betln. If you have even email cap ital and want to start a mail order business of your own, send for tay free booklet. It telle how to make money. Address. Publisher, The Mall Order World, Box 1109. Lock port. N. I. - wanted A first elase lady solicitors one who is a food talker and one who can get the business; a perma nent position to me ngni pany, Akrons "Opportunity," care Qa- -otto. News. tf EOS SALE. vita RALE A full course scholar ship In the Emanuel Business Col Enaulr at Gasette-News of- GRANT'S NO. 14, the best remedy for Cold and La Grippe. Ko at nranfs Pharmacy. tf j.-nlt SALE Four room house, at 61 l'hifer street. Address Mrs. I A. Miller. Waynesville, N. C. 294-6t vi tn SALE Good, sound wood, f feet long or blocked. E. W. Pa; ton, phone J75 or J31.- 288-26t F'tll SALE Five Barred Plymouth I lock Cockerels from Biltmore Es tate Etfgs. 155 Chestnut street, or ;,none 1208. 290-tf KHi'.S- FOR SALE From Ancona li.ns, tho poultry laying while egRS :ui' 4jc a dozen; no better winter bivcrs; when you pet ready to set In ns see me and my Anconas. U;ilh E. Lee, 26 Flint St. 203-6 hi: SALE OR RENT My residence in r' iir of Central Methodist church, i ins, new, modern. B. T. Tiller, N.irth Main street. tf EOS RENT. FOR sunny, connecting rooms, fur nished for housekeeping, call at 18 Gnu!;- street, phone 889. FOit RF.NT Three furnished Vooms fur llKht housekeeping; no sickness; Hunts, bath, sunny. 71 Woodfln street. 291 eod of FOR RENT I unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, 17.00 per month. 14 Bouth Spruoe street. 114-tf FOR RENT Furnished rooms; mod ern conveniences; on car line; table bosra nearby. Address 148 Merrl mon avenue, or 'phone 1111. 131-tf. FUR RENT Furnished, four room cottage, (21.00; eight room house 150: two apartments four rooms each, 25.00; all modern. Boom 9 Revell Bldg. F. P. Ingle. Phone, 240. FOR RENT Furnished cottage, 8 bedrooms, $25 month. Marsteller 4 Co. FOR RENT 13-room house, unfur nished, suitable for boarding house. Water and sewer, located on Main street tn Hendersonville. Address Rox 28, ABhevtlle. 280-26t. FOR RENT Two large connecting rooms, furnished to suit 17 Vance street. 180-tf. FOR RENT Small cottage. Depot wctlon, $14 month. , Marsteller & Co. I''"R RENT Three furnished rooms with gns range and electric lights, on lirst floor at 40 Haywood street. 293-tf. FOR RENT 7-room house, furnish ed. Charlotte street 840.00. Forbes Campbell, U Patton avenue. Phone 268. ,. . tf 1'OR RENT Furnished for house keeping, two first floor, sunny room.- with sink, raa and electrla llehL 26 Starnes avenue. lI-tf im RENT New 7 room house. eastern exposure. Flint street, 26 month. H. F. Grant Realty Co. ; 187-tf FOR RENT Very desirable T room cottage, furnace heat between two r lines, $25 month. H. F. Grant Realty Co. ; -IST-tf 'FOR RENT Unfurnished, first floor. Vance street, modern eonven lences. Apply Fisher's Fruit store. 8. Main. 195-8t EOAEDINQ. """a BELVTDERIB-.it Bpruce street 'uiM7 re-deeorated; steam neat; hot and eold baths. Mrs. W. - nrman, - lll-tf ROCK LEDGE. II Haywood street 15 moroughly renovated, across jweet from Auditorium, half block """V ery park hotel, no con ""Wives taken, lira. p. J. Cor oren. proa. RAVENSCROFT-Elegantly furnish iltv. um Private baths, call bells, one block from Postofflee; posRIyely no 'oonsurop- t:L V.xo Pr W. E - Church Bt . ITl-tf If1 Asheland aTenue; sun r.. J. . i rnrnaoe boat; special .,Yl.. boarders; no eon aid ui- Mr U ,ch mm Annie Boyoa. Pro pre. tf rt . . nt Sid "Eia88Uny. well ll.hV v!fl r.00m "rd or for eanv... "P'. outh porches. 73 ' ,1"Pn out. Phone 20 aayton street . BS3-2Ct. WANTS WANTS: WANTED. WANTED Immediately,, art square nf ttrmt nlB i , . . . .. ... vuus Munmy ln good condl iton and reasonable. Address "M. V.", car this office. ' 295-tf. WANTED Furnished room In West Chestnut stroot ..iaimi... m.i t --. viviuuy, ABiepnuite ' . 293-3t. WANTED Men who strive for neat- personal appearance to phone 889 and ask for membership " Asnevnie Cleaning and rressing club, $1 a month, 12.60 iot inree months. J. c. Wtlbar. WAWTBD-. Ladler dyeing, cleaning "Pr woric. J, H. McGlnness Boutn Main street 182-tf WANTED Tour notary public work. x-uone is. jaa. W. Albright S6-tf WANTED Clean cotton ran An. piy to rressman, Gasette-News. tf wAiNitu to purchase poplar mill culls for cash. Biltmore Box' Fac tory, Biltmore, N. C. 267-lm WANTED A four or five room mod ern cottage, by a desirable tenant; no children. State particulars. Ad dress "Desirable," care Gazette News. 282-tf WANTED A small cottage in city. State size, location, terms, etc. Ad dress Box 646, Ashevllle. 289-tf WANTED Three heated furnished rooms suitable for light housekeep ing. Forbes & Campbell, G2 Pat ton avenue. Phone 268. 286-tf WANTED Oi. Iiarles A. Cyphers Model Colony Coop. The Elk Moun tain Poultry Form. Ashevllle, N. C 294-3t POSITION WANTED Experienced nurse, speaks French and German, for children and chamber work. Good seamstress. Best references. Sleep home. 660, Gazette-News. ' 295-3t . MISCELLANEOUS. UGH GRADE DKE.SS.VIAKINU Mrs Norman, 29 Cherry Street 295-3t BARBERS, BOOT BLACKS. Soft Drink Men, Soda Fountain lien. Porters, Restaurant Men, etc. We have all sizes of Coats for you. Ashevllle Barbers Supply Co., 23 North Main street. Telephone 432. 293-tf MONET TO LOAN I am in a posi tion to secure loans on city real estate In sums of $500 to $2,600. Chas. G. Lee, attorney, Battery Park Bank Building. 287-tf OUR TYPEWRITER REPAIR DE PARTMENT Is now In charge of an expert of many years' experi ence with some of the largest type writer houses In this country. All work In this line will receive the san class of workmanship as giv en by the factory Itself. J. M. Hearn Co., Battery Park Place. Phone 448. RDQB AND CARPETS CLEANS: By our cleaning machine In a thor ough manner at reasonable cost. Phone $18. Ashevllle Carpet House. , i r. MT-tf. STRADLET ft WILSON. Tailoring Suits $14.00 to $40.00. Suits clean ed and pressed (Oo to $1.00. Three months' membership, $1.(0. Phone l4. 141-tf NOTICE TO CHURCHES An exper ienced male pipe organist wishes a position; reasonable salary. Ad dress X T Z, care Qasette-News. 291-tf NOW Is the Time to Prepare for Win ter. Have us to Install In vour home a steam or hot water heating plant and heat your house and save on your coal bllla. Ball, Thrash A Co., No. T Bast College street Phone I9. SOMETHING SPECIAL in Tin and Enamel ware, stew and pans, at The Ashevllle China Co., 6 North Pack Square. Phone J 81. ALLANSTAND COTTAGE- INDUS TRIES removed. .to The Adelaide, rooms 15-17, Haywood street, near Patton avenue. 8t-f . I - FOUND Watch chain Tuesuay morn ing. 'Owner call at this office, de scribe property and pay for this ad vertisement J94-2t. FOR SALE Two of the most choice lots on Hill side for sale. Terms. For sale pn Merrtmon avenue. Lot 100x200 a Bargain. Terms. The Canaday Realty Co., Phone 74. " Oates Bldg. WALTON & McLAIN FURNITURE CO. i - Furniture and House . Furnishlnga. Phone 1515. 19 & Main St IF YOU WANT A HOME READ THIS. $11.00 Cash down and $11.00 per month and we can sell you a nice 8 room modern cottage, nice lot. Mer rlmon Ave. Bee. DONNAHOE A BLEDSOE, Real Estate Agents. dIium 44 Wm4 TnlMln JOHNSON & TREXLER, Sheet Metal Works. "VVe do all kinds of Roofing, Slate, Asbestos Slate, Metal Shingles, Tin and Iron Roofing, Gutter and Conductor Work. Hot Air Furnaces." Steel Ceil ing and Skylight Work a Spe cialty. Shop and office No. 7 South Lexington Ave. 1'hone 6-0. THE SENT OS TRIAL TO PROVE IT. Brooks' Appliance. The wonderful new discovery. JThe above lustration plainly shows what a few weeks' wear ing of this new appliance will do. No obnoxious springs or pads. Has Au tomatic Atr Cushions. Binds and draws the broken pnrtg together as you would u broken limb. No salves. No lies. Durable, cheap. " Pat. Sept. 10, 01. Sent on trial to prove it. FItEK INFORMATION COUPON C. E. Brooks, 2218 Brooks Blclg., Marshall, Mich. Please send me by mall In plain wrapper your Book on Rupture, measuring blank and price list free of charge. It Is understood that In case I order later you will send on .trial. Name 4 Address City State. .T T T..T. ,T.,T.,T,rf -tt..t-.. .9. WATSON'S LADIES' CAFE AND CATERING CO. 11 Church St, Phone 1722. Try the others, then try us and you won't regret it. It's a trifle farther and much better. MMMMIeM00ttl0 The f MARKETS i tThe Leading Stocks on New 7 1. .. v. iwft mviwugu mihmu our l et Quotations. New York.an. 20. The stock mar ket had a feverish opening today, with strong advances in the majority of the list, caused by a rush to buy on the part of uncovered shorts. There was a renewed slump in Rocking and Colorado, The feverish tone of the first hour whs ended when supporting measures checked the reaction. Announcement of the failure of spe eiullsts In Hocking coal caused only a slight tremor in the market. Prices advanced again. afterwards. The tone was strong at noon. Bonds were Irregular. Purchases were renewed on a large scale especially for United States steel. Railroad stocks generally made good Showing. A number of specialties which scored severe losses In the morning also made large advances. STOCKS. United States Steel 82 H Union Pacific 190 Reading 160 Southern Railway 30 84 192 162 30 V, 64 67 130 83 21 44 22 31 60 133 131 118 OS' 116 74 180 44 83 149 147 84 136 87 11 97 111 86 123 68 148 American Locomotive Interliorough pfd 66 Southern Pacific 129 V4 Amalgamated Copper ... S3 V4 Interborough 21 Rock Island 40 Wabash Erie 30 Vi Wabash pfd 48 Pennsylvania 132 Atlantic Coast Line 129 Atchison 117H American Smelting 92 Baltimore & Ohio Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian Pacific ... . . Colorado fuel & Iron . . Chesapeake ft Ohio .... .. i , . 84 ..142 ..147 .. 8SV1 .133 Illinois Centml .,. I,oulsviIle & Nashville.. National Lead ........ Northern Pacific Mo. .Kans. & Tex...... . New York Central i . . . , Norfolk & Western People's Gas .. ... ... Rock Island pfd ... United States Steel pfd. Southern Railway pfd., Ht. Paul ... ..121 '.'.u'' NEW YORK COTTON. 1 Open. Close January . .. ... ... ..".11.90 13.83 March .. r.as.85 14.01 May 1 ... ... ....14.05 14.14 July ... . ...14.10 14.14 October ... ....12.(0 12.69 Spot 14.15. . , ; ... Susan's Way. Rlnce Susan went to cook In town, She vows Ah try to hold her down; She busies 'rouri' . 'bout ' wlmmin's rights En den she stays out late et nights; En when Ah hint det home's her place She frowns en says right to mah face: "Man, yo' know Ah'm organliln'!" Ah cla'h'.det gal she acts surprlsln.' She organise de Suffrage Club Det says we men ahud cook de grub; She organize sum nddeh bosh En hints det man shud labn to wash; She organise de Freedom Lodge, Ea all good husban's ties to dodge De pans en brooms det cunxdeh way Ef dey but hes a word to say. So Ah stay home wld de Jims en de Glnnlea, En all de res' ob de pickaninnies, f.n cook de meals en act de table En scrub de pans out when Ah'm able; . ftweep de flo, en wash dc dishes. While Sam peeps In Wit a ten Inch grin: HI wife she wash en Bam he fishes. Victor A. Herman In New York Sun. Sturt'i Budi ul Jnftt Conponi for ill liter lid klJaty troulln. Relltm ASHE VILLI GAZETTE-NIWf ll C2 it C4li3CUt mUsUMM : SIRES. AND SONS. - Brand Whltlock, twice mayor of To-, ledo, used to .be a Chicago reporter. H. rauleu8 Sanuon, the new mluU ter from Haiti to this country, wears a Vandyke beard. . Twenty years ago 3. P. Morgan, Jr.. began working as a shipping clerk with Drexel, Morgan & Co. Later he became executive bead of his father's London house. '. Otto Belt, brother of the lute South African multimillionaire, Alfred Belt, lias Increased the hitter's bequest of $250,000 to 215,000 ($1,075,000) to pro vide fellowships for medical research lu memory of hU brother. Se'nor Don BIglsmuudo Morety Prcn dergnst, the' new prime minister of Spain, Is part English, his mother hav ing been a Miss Prendergast. He is a very able politician, an extremely cul tured man, speaks English fluently and is an enthusiastic admirer of England and English ideas. Colonel Samuel Eugene Bliss of Chi cago, president of the Sous of the American- Revolution, is president of the Metropolitan Trust aud Savings bank . and is known throughout the country as an enthusiastic hunter and marksman. He was born at Jericho, Vt., sixty-three Jears ago. Edward Louis Neel has been iu charge of the lights nt the French Opera House lnw New Orleans since the theater was opened In 1850. Dur ing the fifty years of his service lie has seen gas give way to electricity and the Installation of a hundred in genious devices In the system, which was very simple at lirst. Sporting Notes. . Cleveland Is taking up quoit pitching. Memphis may revive running horse racing. Cornell has 131 freshman crew can didates. Montreal will have no lee horse rac ing this winter. Yale's new swimming pool holds 100,- iXX) gallons of water. Ottawa may have a professional baseball team next season. Gunner Hewitt, who won the nnny and navy boxing championship lu England recently, is looked on as a good heavyweight. John Lcmm, .the Swiss heavyweight wrestler, who is now in this country, is n man slightly under the average height, but ho Is very stocky. lie strips at 100 pounds and is tremen dously muscled. He has a splendid reputation abroad as a catch-as-catch-can wrestler. Birds In Winter. Sparrows sometimes stand on lumps i of snow till they freeze fast thereto. Ths heron often niisiakes smooth, clear ice for water nnd alights so hard that it is stunned. 1. The snipe, frequenting the marshes, often wakes In (be morning to find Itself frozen In th mud. There is record of a flock of coots sitting on the ice till their tails froze. A farmer approached, aud the coots flew away tailless, while the farmer collected enough coot feathers for n sofa pillow. A group of robins In Gloucester once went to bed wet. They awoke In the morning with their wings frozen over their tails aud tumbled, like scarlet leaves down on the-. bead 'of a startled plowboy. Philadelphia Bulletin. Things Theatrical. Lucy Weston 1ms been replaced In "The Candy Shop'' by May Boley. John Mason is to star under the man agement of the Shuberts and Harrison Grey Flake in a new play. The cast of "The Arcadians" will In clude Frank Moulin, Connie Edlss. Julia Sanderson and Alfred Kappeliu. Thomas Uadduway has made a bit as the silly young son of Nolan, the newspaper proprietor. In "The Fourth Estate." . Eleanor Robso.i has accepted a play .written by a youug Kansas college woman. The ploy is ono of college life and la entitled "The Flirtation Frat." Miss Robson will probably appear in the play at the end of ber present tour In "The Dawn of a Tomorrow." ' v Animal Tales. A family of hairless squirrels have made their borne lu the attic of a house In Bowdolnham. Me. It Is said that there is not a hair on them, and no body seems to know the reason. Nor. 22 an eagle got caught in a No. 3 ateel trap at riymouth, Cal., and carried the trap away with it Two weeks afterward the eagle was killed at Edgewood, 300 miles distant, with the steel trap still clinging to Its leg. Almon J. Rivers of Worcester, Mass., has a cat that wakes him up every morning at S:45 as regularly ns an alarm clock. The cat goes to its mas ter's ' bed and scratches and meows until the bead of the bouse Is awak ened., v ' ' Short Stories. Twenty-seven great reclamation proj ect are sow under way la the United SUtes. 1 There are no paupers In Ben la. There la work there for everybody wbo needs It. Covering an area of 9,450 acres, the largest hydraulic gold mine In tbe world la In Trinity county, Cal. Tbe curvature of the earth la seven Inches per mile. On aucb a curvature man sis feet blgb cannot be seen from a distance of ten mile. ' TRUSTEITB SALE. ' Hy virtue of the power of sale con tained In a certain deed of trust made by U M. Reeves, , Rosa, Reeves and Mollle I. Reeves, to the undersigned trustee, dated July I, lo, and regis tered In the office of the register of deeds for Runcombe county, N. C, In , buufc jOfmriKnes and deeds of trust HOW TO CURE RHEUMATISM It Is An Internal Disease and Re quires au Internal Remedy. The cause of Rheumatism and kind red diseases Is an excess of uric acid In the blood. To cure this terrible disease this acid must be expelled and the system bo regulated that no more acid will be formed in excessive quan tities. Rheumatism is an Internal disease and requires an internal rem edy. Rubbing with Oils and Lini ments will not cure, affords only tem porary relief at best, causes vou to de lay the proper treatment, and allows the malady to get a firmer hold on you. Liniments may ease the pain, but they will no more cure Rheuma tism than paint will change the fibre of rotten wood. Science has at last discovered a per fect and complete cure, which Is cull ed "Rheumaclde." Tested in hundreds of cases, it haB effected the most mar velous cures; we believe It will cure you. Rheumaclde "gets at the Joints from the Inside," sweeps the poisons oue of the system, tones up the stom ach, regulates the liver and kidneys and makes you well all over. Rheu maclde "strikes the root of the dis ease and removes Its cause." This splendid remedy Is sold by druggists and dealers generally at SOc. and $1 a bottle. In tablet form at 25c. and uOc a package, by mall. Get a bottle to day. Booklet free If you write to Bobbltt Chemical Co., Baltimore, Md. For sale by nit drutrelats. " No. T at pae 33"., to which refer ence is hereby made, ami default hav ing been made In the payment of the Indebtedness secured 'by said deed of trust whereby the power of sale there in contained has become operative, the said undersigned trustee, will on .Monday, the 21st ilny of 1'ehrunry. 1010, at 12 o'clock noon, sell at pub lie auction, for rush, at the court house door, In the city of Asheville, county of liuneonibe nnd state of Xorth Carolina, the following describ ed lands and premises, situate, bins? and being on the waters of Hominy creek. In the county of liuncombe, .V. adjoining lands of Vanderbilt, J. A. Reeves. S. I,. Morgan and others, and more particularly described as follows: FIRST TRACT: Containing two hundred and eighty-six acres and be ing lot No. 3, on a plat made by A. II. Ktarnes, survi vor, duly recorded in the office of the clerk of the Superior court for liuncombe county, X. ('., in minute docket of Special Proceedings No. 7 at pages 30S and .109, to vhich reference is hereby made for metes and bounds, and being th.same lands and premises allotted to L. M. Reeves and his live heirs in partition pro ceeding entitled Knoeh J. Morgan nnd others ex parte as described in report of commissioners in said proceeding, which said report and description of land is recorded in said book No. 7 of Special Proceedings at pages 301 and 302, to which reference Is hereby mad. SKCOND TRACT: Containing sev enty acres more or less and being 'the ime land1: and premises conveyed to Mattlc I. Reeves by J. W. Morgan by deed dated March 1, 1892, and dub recorded' in the office of the register of deeds for Hum mbe county, N. '. In deed book No. .v2 c.t page 92 et seo. to which leftri nce is hereby made for metes and bounds. This January 20, 1910. W. M. JACKSON, Trustee. Perfectly Unprejudiced. Here the JifUge took a bund in ex amining the venireman. "You don't seem to understand the tjuestlous uddi'essed to you by the at torneys." he said. "What I hoy want to kuow is whether you have formed or expressed any opinion iu this case. Thut is to say. have you told any body whether or not you believe the defendant (,""' o1' Ue crime charged against him or have you said to uuy body that you believe him Innocent:" "Course not. .indue." answered the venireman. "It al:i't necessary for me to express no opinion about him. I've knowe.l hlui for thirty years, hu' 1 know blame well be stole the cow." "That will do. Mr. SUIIes. Vou may '.stand aside. ' I'hp jio Tribune. inn -era I CASTOR OIL-POWDER I I Stirs Un tr TASTELESS Afm M AT I imBojtu 0 DOB LESS fwvw I BCSV AND SArtST I LAXATIVE KNOWN Rooms for Rent -AT-" Y. M. C. A. Steam Heated 6CHU)5 TM6ATR6 CIRCWT THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, Special Engagement MR. ELLIOTT DEXTER 1 In ' V Edward IVple's Delightful Play THE Prince Chap 1 Year In London. 1 year In New York. PRICES $1.50, 1.00, TVS 50c and 150. . Reserved Reata now on sale at Mt Cl.p8UUeBwy-Btore.. Hotels and Boarding Houses Battery Park Hotel ASUKVILLE, N. O. OPEN THROUGH OCT THE TEAR, Famous Everywhere, THE MANOR Albemarle Park Ashevllle. N C An Eichuiw Iojl Oa Charlotte Street Car Line. THE BON AIR i LEADING COMMERCIAL AND TOURIST HOTEL OF WAYNESV ILLE, N. C. MRS. SALLIE E. CORY, Proprietress. .;,' Open the Year Round. v FRANKLIN HOTEL Open all the year, plentiful. Come on. THE SWANNANOA A STRICTLY HIGH GRADI f Family and Transient Hotel Rates $2.50 a day and upward. Frank Loughran, Owner and Prop. COMMERCIAL TOURIST The New Hotel Majestic Hendersonville, N. C. The traveling men's mountain home. Rates $2 per day and upwards. America plan. Private and connect ing baths. C. L. BOYTE. Manager,,. formerly with The Buford of Charlotte, N. C. Lloyd V). Lylcs, Clerk, for merly or the Selwyn, Charlotte, N. C. FLEMMING HOTEL, C. P. MKACHAM, Manager, Marlon, N. C. Rates $1.50 per day. Recently re painted inside and out, re-arranged, thoroughly renovated, nnd otherwise greatly Improved, makiug it one of the best hotels along the line. l ine Sample Rooms, Hot and Cold Ruths, Electric Lights, and other modern comforts and conveniences. !Kree bus meets all trains. Central Hotel Canton, N. C. D. M. SHOOK, Prop. Rates $2 per day. Special rates by week or month. Pree sample' rooms. GET THE WHEAT-HEART HABIT You will never regret it. Hundreds of families have used Wheat Hearts daily for years. It is cheap, delicious and nutritions. Are You Looking for a Position? We can offer you good Paying Employment that you will enjoy and at home. Write to-day Addrut Tbe Bntterick Publishing Co. Butterlck Building. New York. N. V. WEAVERVTLLE LINE 6C1IEDTJLE Lv. Pack Square A. M. 6.S0 t.00 ll.tO P. M. 1.00 1.00 1.00 Lit Weavervllle A. M. 1.10 10.10 11.10 P. M. S.10 4.10 t.00 Schedules same on Sunday except the 6.80 and .10 a. m. trips are omitted. BATTERY PARK BANK ASUKVILLE, If. C. J. P. BAWTKR. President -' T. C. COXK, 1st Vice President E. SLUDKR, id Vice President J. E. RANKIN. Cashier. Capital ...... 1100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 1130,000.00 TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Special attention given to collec tions, four per cent tntertat peJd oa time deposits. There Is Something About our Glasses that lends comfort to every wearer. Stylish, comfortable, and they cure your eye troubles. F. K. Gardner Eye Specialist. Manufacturing OplMan. r. ., No.,4. Muui bt,, , r PAGE SEVEN BREVA RD, N. O. The hunting season Is In full blast now. Game Is T. W. WHITMIRE, Prop. KCTCi. HUROADWAV and 11TH STREET' a JNfcV YUKX CITY. within r.nsr Access cf cry Tolnt of r. mlmm' walk of shcipplnr Dlmrirt." io 1 ;:r fob : 1: si-Hit. of cmm. Com- lunnuu Al lMuntnii'iuv. Coiirlivja Serf lee urn! Ilon-.tili-e I'-nrrucndlji.-i. RQQUS SI.C3 CVfHD U? TabiJ C'nmo Krea::fs:;i Cc. WRl.TAYLOnSiOOM.Inc. HOTKI, M VltTtrHfK, Richelieu Hotel 20 North irench Broad Ave. ' Up-to-date family hoteL $7 to $15 per week. Excellent table. Phone 1430 HOTEL ENTELLA bryson crrY. Headquarters for traveling men and lumbermen. Rates $2 per day. Bpe-' cial rates by the month. Bath room. Free sample rooms. Railroad eating house fronting Southern depot. Liv ery tn connection. W. W. ALMA WHEELER. Pro pre. MONTFOED COTTAGE I0S Montford Ave. Phone 1081 Elegant, home-like and refined. Centrally located. Cuisine the beat. Transients and table boarders ao commodated. MODERATE RATER. The Catawba OLD FORT, N. O. L. B. MOORE. Proprietor. Transient and Commercial Patron age Solicited. Hotel Gates Hendersonville, N. 0. rt-i. Open Throughout the Year. Commercial and Tourist Rates $2.50 per day and up. A. A. GATES, Prop. flew Hotel Albert Eleventh Street and University Place, New York City. - One block west of Broadway. The only absolutely modern fire proof transient hotel below 12nd street Location central, yet quiet; 400 rooms, 100 with bath, from f 1 per day upwards. Excellent restaurant and cafe attached. Prices moderate. Send for Illustrated Guide and Map of New York City. BARGAINS IV UNREDEEMED - ' PLEDGES. Shot Guns, Rlnes and Pistols of all makes and description, they are un redeemed pledgee. We rent shot funs and rifles by the day or week. - ' Leather Goods and Trunks la Out Specialty, ,, , If. Ii. nNKFT PTT"TVfl TAWN loav ot neu; ' If. !! ff in ;ii'. If .ii". 10 nit