1 fa tiaetnea fne HnmiM fn null at this office in an endeavor to And out the namca of advertisers. Those who advertise under an Initial or nom de plume do not wish their names to be inude public and they cannot be di vulged at this office. , HELP WANTED. I MADE $50,000 In flte years In the Mall Order Business and began with only a few dollars. There are unu sual opportunities for making mon ey today, and it is not difficult to begin. If you have even a small cap- ' ital and want to start a mail order business of your own, send for my free booklet. It tells how to make money.- Address, Publisher, The Mall Order World, Box 1509, Lock port, N. T. tf. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn good Income corresponding foY "." newspapers. ;,, Experience ' un necessary. Address Press Corres pondence Bureau, Washington, D. C. . 8-St WANTED Traveling salesman for staple line. Good proposition for sober. Industrious man. See me this evening from 7 to 10 o'clock. J. L. Grady, room 31, Hotel Berkeley. 11-lt. FOR SALE. FOR SALE 84 acre farm near Crag gy station $1800.00. F. " P. Ingle, room 8 Revell Bldg. Phone 240. FOR SALE Setting of Rose Comb Rhode Island Red Eggs from first prize pen at Ashevllle Poultry Show. Cockerel's male ancestor took first nrlre, at Madison Sauare Garden. New York, In 1908, and also Shape and Color Special and cup for best male In show. This cockerel is mated to Tuttle Stock which, took first, second and third prize. Set' tings from' above pen $S for IS. Settings from 2d pen $1.60. Cres cent Poultry yards, 1(2 Charlotte street. Phone 1019.. Settings from 1st pen will be limited, so better get your order In at once. , : , U EGGS' FOR SALE From prise win nig S. C. . Brown Leghorns. Six splendid hens, each of which scored 93 or more under Judges Marshall, Brown and Drevenstedt, . (some as high as 94 1-1 as pullets). Mated to an extra line pullet, line bred cock of correct color and superb shape. Bound to produce prize pul lets. Eggs $3 for 15, straight. Luke Dixon, Ashevllle, N. C. tf FOR SALE Small cottage on large lot, price $1400, terms; small pay ment down, balance $12.00 month, Marsteller & Co. 809-tf FOR SALE A full course scholar ship In the Emanuel Business Col lege. Enquire at Gaiette-News of fice, tf FOR SALE New 1 room house, close In; modern improvements; $2500. on ,eaoy terms.',. See Forties A Campbell,' 82, Patton Ave, Phone 268. ' ' '.' tf FOR SALE: English poplar trees, fine . srowth and fine shade. Apply to 1 it. Sams. 94 Avery street, .. 9-3t. FOR SALE Merrimon avenue, vacant lot close In, on car line, $800 and terms. McKlssick Real Estate Co. Phone (82. 2-7t FOR RENT. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping; no sickness; . lights, bath, sunny, 71 Wood fin street 291 eod of FOR RENT Five and six-room house; modern conveniences, $16 to $20 per month; close In. O. p. Revell, . Revell building, or J. L. Wagner at Postofflce. FOR RENT 8 room house on Cum bertand Ave., furnace heat, stable and good grounds. Unfurnished $42.00. The H. F. Grant Realty Co. 48 Patton Ave. tf. FOR RENT Furnished rooms; rood ern conveniences; on car line; table board nearby. Address 148 Merrl mon avenue, or 'phone 1116, ' '...-.-. . .-,.' ' 121-tf FOR RENT Furnished for house leaping, two, three four first floor, sunny rooms, with sink, gas and electric light 16 Starnes ave- ' nue. . 291-tf .FOR RENT Twe large eonnectlns rooms, furnished to suit, 27 Vance street 180-tf FOR RENT Two connecting offices, opposite postofflce. Will rent one . or both. LaBarbe, Moale Chiles. FOR RENT Boarding house, 14 rooms, on street ear line, "The Caro ' Una," II Charlotte street; garden and stable. Price only $37.00 per month. D. 8. Watson. Agent e. o. d. tl FOR RENT A store-room 16x150 ' connected with the lobby of the Hotel Gates. Hendersonville. N. C. 'a fine proposition for a drug store oi so1a fountain and ice cream, bll liards and pool or general amuse ment business. Address A. A. Gates Prop. (-tf FOR RENT Five "oom cottage nea In, $11 month, Marsteller A Co. FOR RRNT Tft,'..nl.h..t flr.t flnnr new building, near In, electric lights hot and cold water. 19 Vanoe. - l-3t BOARDING. TliU UKI.Vmt. Hki L7 Ki.rnn. atraal . Handsomely i re-deeorated; ' steam , neai: not ana coia baths. Mrs. w H. Hyman. , 155-tf ROCK LEDGE, 1$ Haywood street 1$ rooms thoroushlv renovated auroat street from Auditorium, half block irom Hattery Par': hotel, no eon lives ialuwt.rMrs. P. J. Cor roiuii, jrp. RAVENSCROFT Elegantly furnish ed rooms,, steam heat, private baths, calj bells, one block from postofflce; positively ho consumptives; $8 to $10 per week. W. E. Tyack, 95 Church street. 273-tf. BON AIR 66 Asheland avenue; sun ny .rooms; furnace .. heat; special rates to winter boarders; no con sumptives taken. Mrs. J. L. Rich and Miss Annie Boyce. Proprs. ,, tf. WANTED. POSITION WANTED By a young man who can keep books and Is willing to do any kind of work, no matter whether in factory, store or office, at a reasonable salary; good health; best of references furnish ed. Address P. O. Box S06. 7-tf WANTED Dressmaking by experi enced lady. Dress skirts a specialty. Mrs. J. M. Pressley, 15 Depot street. - l-26t WANTED TO RENT Five or six room new (unfurnished) cottage, on or very near Charlotte. Merrimon or Montford car line. Must have large lot Prefer suburban. Address L. D., care Gazette-News. Ashevllle. tf WANTED Ladles' dyeing, cleaning and repair work. J. H. McGlnness, 21 South Main street. . 132-tf. WANTED Tour Notary public work. Phone 93. J as. W. Albright. 68-tf WANTED -Your order for wood block or 8-foot long. E. W. Patton. Phone 276 or 931. 9-tf WANTED Your oldest typewriter oiled 'with our Crystal Typewriter Oil. ' Stops the rattle, makes every action point smooth and sure. Cleans and polishes all the rods and bearings, and being gumless keeps your machine In good condition all the time. One-half ounce bottle 20c. J. M. Hearn & Co., Battery SPark Place- Phone 448. WANTED Five more new students for class starting in shorthand and type this week. Ashevllle Business College. 10-3t MISCELLANEOUS. HATTE FOX, Fortune Teller, 61 N. Main street, upstairs. Can change your luck.. Tells the truth always. 7-8t MY BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS are money makers; they are equal ed by few, excelled by none; you can win in hot competition if you buy eggs of me. E. R. Frady, R. F. D. No, 2, Ashevllle, N. C. EGGS FOR HATCHING Rose comb Rhode Island Reds. Settings from first prize pen at Ashevllle Poultry Show, $5.00. Settings from second pen, $1.50. Crescent Poultry Yards. ' 162 Charlotte street ,'. tf STOVB i REPAIRING Smoky Flue Cleaning, expert man. Phone 303 10 E. College St. 109-261 MONEY TO LOAN I am in a posi tion to secure loans on city real estate In sums of $500 to $2,600 Chas. G. Lee, attorney. Battery Park Bank Building. 117-tf RUGS AND CARPETS CLEANED By our cleaning machine In a thor ough manner at reasonable cost. Phone 223. Ashevllle Carpet House 270-tf. STRADLEY WILSON, Tailoring Suits $14.00 to $40.00. Suits cleaned and pressed 50c to $1.00. Three months' membership, $2.60. Phone 964. , " 141-tf. NOTICE TO CHURCHES An exper lenced male pipe organist wishes a position; reasonable salary. Ad dress X Y Z, eare Gaiette-News. , " T-'r. - ' - . 291-tf NOW Is the Time to- Prepare for Win ter. Have us to install In your home a steam or hot water heating plant and heat your house and save on your coal bills. Ban, Thrash Co., Ko. 7 ' East College street. Phone 598. LOST Large Fur Muff black tipped with white. On Starnes, Cumber' land, Bearden or Montford. Finder please .return to Gazette-News on and receive reward. - 9-1 DO YOU USE GASOLINE T Can fur nlsh you gasoline at 25c per gallon, delivered. Phone 181. The Ashe vllle China Co., N. Pack square. FOR SALE Two of the most choice lots on Hill side for sale. Terms. .. . For sale on Merrimon avenue. Lot 100x10$ a Bargain. Terms. ' The Canada? Realty Co., Phone (74. . Oates Bldg WALTON & McLAIN ' , FURNITURE CO Has just received a nice assortment of Velvet, Brussels and Ores Rugs in 9x11, slse, also small rugs of all sizes and kinds. Give us a tall. -' Walton McLaln Furniture Co. Phone 1515. 19 8. Main St HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. ' A choice new seven room Modern House, paved street, hardwood floor, nice lot Price $3260.00, with terms. S00 D0NNAH0E & BLEDSOE Real Estate, Phone (41. BM TO LOVERS OF POOL You will find an up-to-date place la the Blomborg nulldlng, cor. Lexington Ave. end College St. IMPERIAL POOL R00U N, A. BOIIANNON, Mgr. THE DISAPPEARING EYE By FERGUS HUME . (Copyright, 1909, By G. y. Dillingham Co.) Synopsis of Preceding Chapters.' Cyrus Vance, a London playwright. while motoring for rest and pleasure, enters an Isolated shop on a lonely country road In search of petrol. In back room he finds the body of a woman. He hears the buzz of his motor departing and discovers that he has been locked in. Calling for help, he is released by a man named Giles who, seeing that the woman's left eye has been seemingly gouged out .accuses Vance of murdering her. CHAPTER IV. The Beginning of a' Mystery. "There's no blood," said another man wisely. "If the eye had been torn out " It was a glass eye," breathed a stout, dark woman with a heavy face. Anne told me as much when we had tea, together. She didn't like It to be known, poor soul, being proud like. and took great pains to get the best eye Bhe could. But It's gone, sure enough," She peered into the dead face and then at me, "Perhaps this gentleman will tell us why he took It." By-this t4me, Blnce apparently Anne Caldershaw had not been murdered and the eye was merely glass, the cur rent of popular feeling was running more In my favor. I might be a thief, with the eye in my pocket, but I was not a murderer, so the villagers gave me time for explanation. I quite understand that things look black against me," I said hastily. but I know nothing about the mat ter. I arlved In front of this shop in my motor car and stopped to get petrol. After I filled up and left the money you will find It on the coun ter. If you look I heard a moan ana stepped Into this room to see what wns wrong. While looking at the body, after lighting a match, someone locked me in and run off with my motor car." The villagers looked at one another, and apparently thought that my ex planation was a lame one. But Giles, who had treated me ; so roughly, grudgingly admitted that he had seen the motor car." I came round the corner to get a pound of bacon for supper," said Giles reflectively, ' "and I saw the en gine" so he phrased it "before the door. A lady was stepping i,n "A lady!" I Interrupted. "Are you certain?" Yes sir," he said, giving me the polite address doubtfully. "I saw her plain enough In the light of them bright lamps. She had on a long white sort of gown on, and a cap with a veil flying behind on ner neaa. i Just, caught a glimpse of her, when she went off as hard as she could." "In what direction?" , "Murchester way, If you want a good big town tb go by," said Giles. Then send for the police and tell them to telegraph to Murchester to stop that car. It's a Rlppler, No. 14539 Z, and belongs to me. The woman has stolen it, I tell you. Where are the police?" There's no policeman until we get one from Arkteigh, and the telegraph ofTice Is there also. Now you. sir, must wait until the police come." "Of course," I assented readily. "I quite understand that you look upon me as a doubtful character. Lock up this house until the police arrive and take me to your Inn If you have one. I want something to eat and drink." "But the eye," said the heavy dark woman; "give back the eye." I baven't got the eye," I snapped. for with hunger and thirst and excite ment, and the unpleasantness of be ing unjustly suspected, I was not In the best of tempers. "You can search me If you like." The dark woman would have done o readily, being evidently of a med dlesome nature. But Giles Interpos ed. "Let the gentleman alone, Mrs. Faith," he said . gruffly; " I caught him, and I'll keep him till Werehaw comes. I daresay It's a mistake on my part, and I'm sorry If" "Oh, I don't blame you. Mr. Giles," I Intorposed easily, and lighted a ci garette to show my nonchalance. "I should have acted In the same way myself. So come along and take me to gaol." A relieved smile made the man's rugged face quite pleasant to look at, as my exculpation of himself, and my ready offer to be searched, evidently reassured him greatly.- In his eyes, at all events, -1 was not the desperate criminal he had taken me to be. But his fellow villagers still looked dubi ous. "Mrs. Caldershaw had heaps of money hidden away," " Ventured k6ne little rat of a man with a squaky voice,. "Search my pockets, then," I said again, with one Impatience. - "All I have told you la correct My name la Cyrus Vance, and tf you send to the Artillery Barracks at Murchester, my friend Lord Cannlngton will have no difficulty In Identifying me." As I thought It would, the title acted like a charm, and the tension some what slackened. Giles, who appeared to be the most Seniltfle of the lot beckoned me Into the dark shop, leav ing hi friends to guard the house and look after the corpse of the unfortun ate woman. I walked beside him round the corner, and sure enough as I expected came upon the twink ling lights of quite a dozen houses. The late MrS. Caldershaw had cus tomers, after all, It would seem. 'What's the name of this place?" I asked abruptly. "Mootley," replied Giles, now less suspicious and more human. "It ain't a very large village, but we've more cottages than these .here scattered along the road up yonder," and he Jerked his thumb to the left where a lane ran front the high-road towards a woodland.' "It's too dark to sea anything," I said Idly, "but tomorrow you can show me round. I darjeay I shall have to pan ths night at your house, Mr. Giles, unless you think that I may rise In the night to kill you. By the way," I added with a bantering air, "you dnn't hold my arm. Aren't you afraid I II bolt?" 'Nil, sir," suld the man, now per fectly polite, "I see that I have made a mistake. I know your name. If you're the Mr. Vance who writes plays." "I am; but that Is odd knowleilgt for a villager In these out-of-the-waj pnr. to possess." "Oh, I haven't lived at Mootley all my life, sir, although I was born here forty years ago. I went to London and stopped In Southwark for years. I'd a green-grocer's shop there, and did fairly well. But London didn't suit my wife's health, sir, so I sold up some time back, and bought a cottagi and an acre of land here with my sav ings. I know your name, sir, becaust I've seen one or two plays of yours at The .Elephant and Castle Theater. And very good plays they were, sir, too." "Humph! It seems to me, Mr Giles, that I am now the wrongly sus pected hero of a much more mysteri ous and lurid melodrama than any 1 have written." "It Is strange," admitted Giles, wltr a side glance. I saw the glance bj the light which gleamed from a cot tage window. "My murdering Mrs. Caldershaw?' I inquired coolly. "We don't know yet that she liar been murdered," he replied quickly, -men my stealing that glass eyt of hers?" ' ' "No, sir. But your being locked uj In the dark with the corpse." "She wasn't a corpse when I en tered, Mr. Giles. Her moans attracted me into the room. While I was seelm by match-light what was the matter someone locked the door, and bolte with my motor." "The lady f saw, sir." "No doubt,' since I did not bring t lady with me." "I wonder If she got the ey," mut tered Giles half to himself. "She must have got something thn wasn't hers, else she would not hnvi made use of my car to escape." "Then she must have taken th eye," Giles muttered again. "What the deuce are you talklm about? Why should she steal a gins: eye?" . , "That's what I'd like to know, sir It's an odd thing to steal. And I nev er knew that Mrs. Caldershaw's lof eye was a glass one, though she toll Mrs. Faith about it. Well, It's gum "And the laay who stole my motoi car took it At leu at It seems so. ISu. I tell you what, Mr. Giles, I'm to hungry to discuss the matter Jus now. The whole business is a mys tery to me, and Destiny has draggec me Into it In a most unpleasant way.' Giles nodded. "It's easy to be seel you're Innocent, sir," he said with in air of relief. VYou wouldn't talk si If you weren'ij "I don't know so much about that Guilt an WeaJiW-masRof brazen In nocence If necessary. How no yoi know I havenlt ; murdered Mrs. Cal dershaw, und at this moment may no have the celebrated glass eye in m U'ouser pocket?" T" "We don't krtow yet that she's beei murdered, Mr. Vance. There wa no wound " "Pooh! She might have been pol soned." "Why do you think so, sir?" aske Giles quickly. "Because I write melodramas, am always look oh the , most dramuti . Oh, this la your --tnr. Is it Quite a stage cottage, with plenty o greenery about the porch." Giles did not know what to mak of my chatter. "You're a funny gent, sir." "A hungry one,' at all events. friend. Is this your wife? How an you, Mrs. Giles? I am your hus band's prisoner, and for the time be' tng your cottage is a gaol. Mrs. Cal dershaw's dead, and I've stolen her glass eye." "Mrs. Caldershaw dead!" gasped Mrs. Giles, a rosy-faced little woman who turned pale at the sudden an nouncement. "What does the gentle man mean, Sum ?" .. "Sit down, air," said Giles, pushin forward a chair, then turned towar" his astonished and somewhat terrl fled wife to explain. In a few mln utes Mrs. Giles was in full possession of the facts which had led me to her abode. She listened In silence, her face now quitr . while and drawn "What does It all mean, Sam?" she asked under her breath. "That's what we've got to And out, Sarah. Warshaw has been sent for from Arklelgh. and when he A STEADY DRAIN Sick Kidneys Weaken Oms Whole Itody Make Yon IlL Languid and Depressed. Sick kidneys weaken - the body through ths continual drainage life-giving albumen from the blood into the urine, and the substitution of poisonous uric acid that goes broad cast through the system, sowing the seeds of disease. Loss ef albumen causes weakness, languar, depression Uric poisoning causes rheumatlo pain, nervousness, nausea, cricks In the back, gravel and kidney stones. Th proper treatment Is a kidney treat' ment and the best remedy Is Doan Kidney Pills. Here Is good proof 1: the following testimonial: ' J. P. May, Falrgound Road, Mor ganton, N, C, says;- "About three years ago I began . to suffer from severe pains through the small of my back, often accompanied by head aches and dhtsy spells. My kidneys were disordered and the ' secretions from thsse organs were unnatural also felt tired and languid nearly all the time and came to the conclusion that my kidney needed a tonic. I at last began using Doan's Kidney Pill and my kidneys have since given me no trouble. Doan's Kliney Pills cured me and I am pleased to recommend them." i For sale by all deals'. Price It cents. . Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, New York, sola agents for the United Statea remember the name Doan's and tBlie ue otnsr. . - - , AFTER SUFFERING ONE YEAR Cured by Lydia E. Pink- bam sYegetable Compound Milwaukee. Wis, "Lydla B. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound has made me a well woman, and I would like to tell the whole world of it. I suffered fromfemaletrouble and fearful pains in my back. I had the best doctors and thef all decided that I had a tumor in addition to my female trouble, and advised an opera tion. Lydia E. rinkhain s Vegetable Compound made me a well woman and I have no more backache. I hope I can helpothers by telling them what Lydia E. Pinkham's vegetable compound, has aone tor me." Mrs. EmmaLmse, 833TirstSt., Hilwaukee. Wis. The above is oniv one oi the tnou- jands of grateful letters which are constantly being received by the Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn. Ma8s.,wldch prove beyond a doubt that Lyaia a. rinkhanvs vegetable com pound, made from roots ana herbs, ictrallv does cure these obstinate dis eases of women after all other means have failed, and that every such suf- erlng woman owes it to herself to at least iriveLvdia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound a trial before submit ting to an operation, or giving up hope of recovery. Mrs. Pinkham. of Lvnn. Mass. Invite) all sick women to write her for advice. Sue has guided thousands to health ana her ulTice s free. comes, we'll see what is to be done.' 'Warshaw ami Coldershaw," 1 mur- mered; "rather f mllar names. 1 lope your polUemiin friend will wire to Murchester about iny car." 'There's no tolcKruiih otTlce here- ibout, sir. I eiiect he'll ser i In a .lessengcr to Murchester for lue In spector, and for your friend, sir." "L."rd Cannlngton? Oh, yes. He an identify me as Cyrus Vance." "What!" said Mrs. Oiles, who was recovering her color, "the gentleman .vho wrote them lovely plays?" "The same," I assented, "and the ;entlemuu's very hungry." "You shall have supper in a few ninutes," cried Mrs. Giles, much Im iressed with the aim'cl she had hlth rto entertained unawares. "Sam, did ,ou bring back that bacon?" "No, I didn't, my dear, 'cos there wastn't anyone to sell the bacon, Mrs. laldershaw being dead. "ITgh!" shuddered the little woman I'll never lie able to eat another 'hlng nut of that shop. A murder- "We don t know that it s a mnr ler." Interposed her husband hastily The man looked sheepish. "I made i mistake and thought you was -i robber, until I saw you were a gent. Well, a gent can be a robber, you tnow. Many gents are." "They steal something more valua 'ile than glass eyes, sir." (TO BE CONTINUED.) A UOOn COMPLEXION. You will ;et rid of all skin blemishes and plm pies If you thoroughly purify the bloo iv taking Rheumaclde. Rheumaclde s put In liquid and tablet form, and if old1 In 2!ic and 60c bottles by you Iruggist. Or, we will mall you a 2 Be jottle of tablets on receipt of price. 35c. '(Coin or stamps). Booklet free Bobbitt Chemical Co., Baltimore, Md A man is cross with his family breakfast, so as to strike a fair aver ige on how amiable he was with hi friends at supper the night before. ipiiis THEATRE CIRCUIT ONE MERRY WEEK Itesl lining Monday, February 21. The, Itanium of Repertoire, THE HUTTON-BAILEY STOCK CO. 1J PEOPLE..' 12 A Car Load of Scenery and Effects, Opening Dill "TWIXT LOVE AND HONOR." A four act sensational comedy drama. Three Il Vaudeville Arts. Illustrated Songa and Motion lectures. People's Pouulur Prices 10c Sue and SOc . . The opening night will be ladles free night. One lOo ticket will admit two ladles, or one lady and gentleman IT tickets are purchased before o'clock p. m. Monday, February tl Seats on sale Saturday, February It at Mountain City Stationery Store. AT The Gayety , '.TIIELATEIXKH nlllie Latelle offers $ 100.00 for any word or subject within reason that he can't compose a complete song in tw minutes' time. I'.U'LINE WELCH The Popular Soubrette, Hinging and Dance Artist. Imported Moving Picture. IlliiMtrated Hongs. Matinee 1:10 o'clock. Night 7:45 p. AT '.,, The Palace MELROSE AND INGLE SinjonK, Talking Act, THE INGRAMS, in a very clover jujrpling act ,. JACK ASIIER, Illustrated Songs. Motion Pictures change Monda Wfitr osrtiiy and Krlday. Mutlms 1:30 o'clock. Hotels and Boarding Houses Battery Parlt 'Hotel SU'a, tJ A8HEVI LLE, IT. O. ts ' ' ' OPKK THKOTJGH OCT THE TEAR, Famous Everywhere. THE MANOR Albemarle ParR - Asheviile. H. C An Ixduto In. Oi Charlotte Street Car Lla THE BON AIR LEADING COMMERCIAL WAYNESV ILLE, N. C. MRS. SALLIE E. CORY, Proprietress. v Open the Year Round. FRANKLIN HOTEL Open all the year. plentiful. Come on. THE SWANNANOA A STRICTLY Family and Transient Hotel Sates $2.50 a day end upward. WINDSOR HOTEL W. T. BRUBAKER, Manager. -European, ll.te per day and op American, tl-St pet day and op. Midway between Broad Street Station and Reading Terminal on Filbert Street Tha only moderate priead hotel oi repatation and consequence in PHILADELPHIA NOTICE. Pursuant to power vested In It by law and the note thereby secured the undersigned will on the 21st day of February at the county court house door at 12 o'clock noon sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following described personal prop erty of said C. W. Klbler tc-wlt: Cer tttlcatea No. It and No 6 for twenty- Tour and twenty-eigt. shares respec tively, par value $100.0u per Bhure, of the Uig Ivy Timber company. Said property having been deposited as collateral security with the under signed to secure a certain Indebtedness of said Kibler-Brownell Lumber com pany and C. W. Klbler, and default having been made In the payment uf said debt thereby secured. This the !8th day of January, A. D., 1910. BATTEHY PARK BANK, J. E. Rankin, Cashier. 804-20t NOTICK. I will offer for sale, at public auc tion, on the premises lately occupied by W. II. Lasater, the entire stock of goods, wares and merchandise, con sisting of carriages, harness, wagons, etc., and the book accounts, notes, and all evidences of Indebtedness to the said Lasater, and also two cer tain parcels of real estate, one on South Main atreet, known as the Ray Uvery Stable, and the other a small lot on French Broad avenue, 60x130 feet. This sale is made by me as trustee in bankruptcy, pursuant to order of the Referee In Bankruptcy, dated January 29, 1910. It-will be held on the 21st day of February, 1910, and begin at 11 o'clock. For full information and particu lars apply to me, at my office, In the city of Ashevllle. This February 1, 1910. E. B. ATKINSON, Trustee In Bankruptcy of W. H. Las ater. J08-20t TRCSTEK'8 SALE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by D, F. Davis and wife, N. I Davis, on 3d day of Feb ruary, 1908, to the undersigned trus tee, which deed of trust was duly reg istered In the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe county, N. C, in book of mortgages and deeds of trust No. 74 of deeds on page 565, etc ,to which reference ts hereby made tor purposes of further description, and eta, and default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness se cured by the said deed of trust, and the holder -of the said indebtedness having made liom-nd on the ' aald trustee that said trustee sell, the lands described and conveyed In said deed of trust, the said trustee will on Turwlay, the 8th day. of Marc h, 1910 from 12 o'clock, noon, to 1 p. m., sell to the highest bidder for cash the land conveyed in and by said deed of trust, and which la bounded and mure particularly described ns fol lows: Adjoining the lands of Alford Walker and Robert Johnson heirs. also the ' Wolf property, being 1 scree more or less and being In West Ashevllle, beyond Emma postofflce, a part of the Alexander Harris estate, This sale la made at the request of the owner and holder of the Indebt edness secured by said deed of tr'ist, and such title will be made to the purchaser as la vested in the said trustee . ; This the Vli day of February. 1110 C. V. HALL. Trustee. DR. I.L J. COSTELLO Recently of Philadelphia, Pa., has removed to Asherllla to resume the practice of madl.'lne. Offlc4 nt res idence 74 College street Office hours Irom lla. m., to n. m., and from I t I p. m. i Thone lilt. tf 'Hk isssi ' i AND TOURIST HOTEL OF BREVARD, X. O. The hunting season la In full blast now. Game Is T. W. WU1TMIRE, Prop. HIGH GRADE Frank Loughran, Owner and Prop. HOTEl. sST;DEN!S- BROADWAY and I ITU si KtfcT Within EaT"Arcof Ewv Point of lotoreflt. Half lllnck from Wapatnaker'a. 5 mlmitea' walk of Khoppln Dlitrlct. " KOTKDKOK: Kxeellcnc ot CuIkIh. Com fortable Appolntmenta. Courteoui garr , - ice and ilomelike Uorrouadtosa. ai ROOMS SI. 00 PER DAY AND UP ' EUROPEAN 'PLAN.' 4i Table d'ilote Breakfast 50c WM.TAYLOR&SON,lnc ALSO " , HOTEL ttARTtWIQUE, j Diuauna aim vuni aunt. Richelieu Hotel: 20 North French Broad Av7 Up-to-date fattiily hotel. 57 to $15 per week. Excellent table. Phone 1430 HOTEL ENTELLA "f ' BRYSOIY CITY. . V . Headquarters lor trawling men and lumbermen. Rates i per day. Spe cial rates by the month. Barn: room. Free sample rooms. Railroad eating house fronting Southern depot. Uv ery in connection. v- " W. W. m ALMA WHIErTXEK. PmBnL MONTFORD COfTAGI 103 Montford Ave. Phone 1081 Elegant, home-like and , nflned. Centrally located. Cuisine the beat. Transients and table boarders ac commodated. t , MODERATB RATER.!; The Catawba OLD FORT, W, O." , L. B. MOORE. Proprietor. Transient and Commercial Patron- age Solicited. . Hotel Gates Hendersonville, N. C. , rl. eal tHirrnr'Ti!wJiWT''rt-Bi Open Throughout the Year. Commercial and Tourist Rates $2.50 per day and up. A. A. GATES, Prop. FLEMMING HOTEL R. T. MADDEN, Manager, ; ' Marlon, N. C. ' Ratea $2.00 per day. Recently ro- palnted Inside and out, re-arranged, thoroughly renovated, and otherwise greatly Improved, anaklug It one of the beet hotels along the line. - Free Sample Roomn, Hot and Cold Batlis, Klectrlo Lights., and other modern comforts and conveniences. Free bus meets all trains. ; , Central Hotel Canton, N. C I. M. SHOOK. Prop. . Rates tl per da v. fpeclal rates by week or mouth. I-Yee anmple m-mt. Rooms for Rent -at- Y. Steam KLC

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