Monday, February 21, 1910. PAGE EIGHT THE ASHEYILLE r GAZETTE NEWS. J 'i BUY M.& W. COAL And see how much easier It la to be satisfied than coal indis criminately selected. " M. & AV. Indian Is selected with the ireateet care and known to be SUPERIOR. Phone ISO. K Carolina Coal 4 Ice Company MIIIHIIIIMIMIIHHHM FOR FIXE i f WATCH REPAIRING AND J X OPTICAL WORK Go to H. M. FROST, M Patton Avenue. AN APPEAL TAKEN IN POLICE COURT The Young Case, Involving Constitution ality of Three-Quarter Mile Limit, Taken up Today. FACT OF MEAT DELIVERY ADMITTED BY DEFENDANT The Case, It Is Now Thought, Will Go to the Supreme Court for Adjudication. IMIIII1IIIIIIIIIMMMMI WANTED 50,000 FAMILIES to know this wonderful home protector and saver of suffering and sickness, Vick's Croup & Pneumo nia Salve. "Without a doubt it is the most use ful discovery of the age. 25c, 50c and $1.00. Far Sale at Carnilcliael's Pliarmacy. 4 CITY NEWS All the banks of the city will be closed tomorrow, Washington's birth day anniversary. Fancy Evaporat ed Apples I lb. Cartons 15 Cents L C. JARRETT FANCY GROCER, Phones 192 and 358. 12 N. Pack Square. The constitutionality' of the three quarter mile limit ordinance, in force in Ashevllle, prohibiting the delivery of meats Inside the limit by dealers .. wii nit- uuisiur, i iij u mir way iu Dt? tested before the highest court In the state. The test case in which Kelce Young, an "outside" meat dealer is the defendant, was started this morning before Judge Cocke when after hearing the evidence the court held the ordinance valid and the case was appealed to Superior court. It Is expected that the case in Superior Born to Mr. and Mrs. William L. Freeman of Ashelund avenue, twins, a boy and a girl. Zeb F. Curtis was the speaker at M. I. men's meeting yesterday afternoon, delivering an interesting address to the colored people on "The Law of Service." court will be taken up Wednesday, and j The "Musical Art" of the Y. M. 1. after several months rehearsal has planned to give its first recital at the Y. M. I. hall tomorrow night The proceeds of this entertainment will be given to the building fund. in the event the city police court de cision is sustained, w hich, in all prob- ability will be the result, notice of appeal to the Supreme court will be I given and a final test of the law made probably In May. The hearing this morning before Judge Cocke was short. Mr. Young was charged with a violation of the ordinance and pleaded guilty to a de livery of meuts from the outside limit . into the inside limit but not guilty, for the purpose of the test case, to a violation of the law. The first wit ness was B. F. Shook, foreman of The i Gazette-News office. Mr. Shook said that he lived on Spruce street; that j last Friday afternoon he purchased i steak from Mr. Young and that Mr ! I Young delivered the meat to his home: ! : that Mr. Young's prices were 2 V4 ' cents cheaper per pnund on roast and ! I 5 cents per pouiffl cheaper on pork ! steak than prices in Central market.1 ami that he purchased from Mr. Young. Patrolman Blnckstock made 1 the arrest when the meat was deliv-; I ered. No evidence was put on by the ; defendant and the court held Mr. GUARANTEE SHOES Mean comfortable feet, and the "wheels in your head" working smoothly, for Where's the man that can do work well with tired aching feet. A great special at $3. 50 and $4.00. Guarantee Shoe Store No. 4 South Main Street w v The funeral services over the re mains of Miss Marlon Champion, whose death occurred Friday after noon, will be conducted this after noon at 3:30 o'clock from the late residence on Chestnut Btreet. I. It. Ford has purchased the In terest of it. F. Longhottum in the i tonsorlul business of Iongbottum & i Kord. at Xo. 1 Patton avenue; anil the place will hereafter be known as i "Ford's Barber Shop." Mr. Long bottom will remain with Mr. Ford. I The latter has been engaged In the j barber business in Asheville for a long time and is well and favorably i known. John Boyd and Frank Matthews, two negroes, who engaged in a knife duel Sunday afternoon, were given a hearing before Judge Cocke in city police court this morning and each lined $2j and costs. Both defendants were cut several times but not seri ously. Another person, Annie Bell London, was also cut and likewise an- Young guilty and for the purposes of "lh'r peace-maker. Aone o. me anne the heal ing fined the defendant $1 and ! wounds were serious, costs. An appeal was taken and an- " 1 pea bond fixed at ?25. i The triennial convention for the I ; superintendents, assistants and iravei- ! ing agents of the Metropolitan Life I insurance company will be held in i Charleston this week. Sunt. J. V. I Martin. Assistants Gray of Asheville, F.mbler of Marion and Faulkner of Canton left yesterday for Charleston. B. II Taylor and T. E. Ithyne won the honor of being the leading agents and left with the party to attend the convention. The Postal Telegraph-Cable com pany has made arrangements to open a temporary office in the building for merly occupied by Dr. James Sawyer and now leased by the Asheville Printing and Engraving company on Church street. The company will re main there until It can get a place on Patton avenue. The office will prob ably be ready for business March 1. The company will have two wires con necting at Knoxville and Spartanburg with the other lines of the company. affirming Judge Boyd's decision. This A manager and one or two operators means that the appellate court has will he placed here at the opening and held that Judge Boyd was correct j the force will be lncrensed as business when he granted Mr. Lowenbelng his demands. discharge in bankruptcy at the same ' ' time he refused to grant a discharge! The Secret of to J. L. Owens. Your success is assured In making Messrs. Owens ond Lowenbeln. it I desserts If you use Blue r.ibbon a- Ilugh Chalmers-writes ihe following letter to Chalmers agents: ' ;.' . "I went to the Detroit Show and looked over all of the cars there with the utmost care. And I came away convinced that if we could 'only; teach people that they should examine our ears carefully point by point in comparison with the other cars, that it would be an easy thing for us to make sales. . "There is absolutely no doubt that we are offering, by a large margin, the very best automobile value, dollar for dol lar, that is being offered in this country today. Our cars are away ahead of other cars which sell near the same price. jot only do we lead in the lundamentai tilings, such as design, materials construction, motor, endurance and all that, but in all of the little things that mean comfort and satisfaction to the owner, we are even further ahead. "We offer absolutely reliable and beautifully finished cars real automobiles for medium prices." Suppose you investigate. . J. E. Carpenter JEWELER 32 Patton Avenue Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. WE ALWAYS TRY TO PLEASE Ol'R CrSTOMERS X Everyone who has ever favored T us with an order of , MEAT X T OR POULTRY has been the f X means of building up and ad- I vertising our business. Quality T meat foods holds the trade. fW. M.Hii!&,Co. ; Phones 4 and 359. ; ; City Market, v )-.. ASHEVILLE Phone 1310. ' CYCLE AND AUTOMOBILE CO. 15-17 S. Lexington Avenue. 3 Globe-Wernicke Book Cases The Clobe-Wernicke is the pioneer In sectional book-cases, and the best. With a top and base you have a complete book-ease, whether you have one or half a dozen units. Each unit has a drop glass door. ROGERS' BOOK STORE Phone 254 39 Patton Avenue. 4 kuuwiM.iun s swwpi .ipsss5nmi if ! i lit 'i mmX-fnmm i lnliiiiiiii SjsmiiiMHHumi ins) MM Remember You Were a Child Once Yourself. Take a package of our pure home made candles home with you for the youngsters today. 'Taffy. Kisses, Curamels, Fudge, etc.. etc. Candy., Kitchen HAYWOOD STREET NEAR POSTOFFICE BLOMBERG'S CIGAR AND SPORTING GOODS STORE, On tl?e Avenue. The most inviting store o,' the kind In the state. Everybody is invited. Plenty of room to make my store you r headquarters. Telephone to the pub lic. I am always ready tn give you any information about our city. BLOMBERG, on the Avenue. IS IN LOIU CASE! Appeals Court Holds That the Bankruptcy Discharge Was Legal. Let us give you an estimate on that electric wiring. Our work gives satisfaction. W.A.Ward ANYTHING ELECTRICAL 10 N. Tack Sq. Phone 449. MINING COAL And the marketing of It has been our special study for the past nineteen years. We KNOW the product of 'every mine in the Jelllco district, some are cood and some are rto . F jood. there are a great many gruucB. ax. ol y , tuai is me re tilt of our 19 vear PinpHonM f In getting the BEST. Phone I in I Asheville Coal Co. 1 JOHNSON A TREXLER, ; Sheet Metal Works. We do all kinds of Roofing, Slate, Asbestos ' Slate, Metal Shingles, Tin and Iron Roofing, Gutter ancLConductor Work. Hot Air Furnaces. Steel Ceil ing and Skylight Work a Spe- cialty. 1 Shop and office No. 7 South J Lexington Ave Phone 325. "; $1,500.00 The "Great Economy" Car This is a "Big Car" the wealthiest man will be proud to own.... and the man of moderate means can afford to maintain. , Economy in upkeep is a great point In Maxwell" cart. . We will be pleased to have you call to see thla car. f i1 Coston Automobile Go. Phone 244. No. 95 and 97 Patton Ave. MMMHHMMtHMMMMtmMMMHIIHMHH A city private message received in the this afternoon from Clerk Mero- 1 ney of the I'nlted States Circuit court of Appeals, now sitting at Richmond, announced that the court today hand ed down a decision In the case of V. S. Peck & Co. against Julius Lowenhein, r r- t VICTORS are the best. Easy Terms - at the Lowest Cash Prices i at i Dunham's i Music House JELLICO LUMP COAL $5.00 Ton Jelllco Blue Gem SS-23 Ton. JELLICO COAL CO. i. n. SHOPE, Manager. Office 'over Cltlaena I lank. Phones 1128 and 10. Get Married Now Don't let the question of house furnishing worry you. The I X L with Its splendid stock or tin and en amelware, class and chlnawar. and silverware at smaller prices makes "foln" to bousekplnf 'easy. L X. LD:p:rtmentSiere Vt ft. EL MICUALOVE, Sol. Prop. 11 fiTTJr ATE. rilONE I7, wl!I be recalled, conducted the Maison Illanche, a, dry goods store, in the j intes building about two years ago. ' mil after beine in hnsinMa for a fpa- months, the comnanv was nluppil In the bankruptcy courts. In rendering his decision granting a ischarae to .Mr. Lowenhelnir .Tnrii Iloyd held that under meent ripilnna of the Supreme court, the fraud of one partner should not prohibit the other one from being granted a discharge in oankrupicy. If that one acted with no fraudulent Intent. W. H. Perk Co., one of C;p creditors, alleged that the firm haa mei'e to them a state ment to obtain Tedlt, which statement was f.tlso. Judge Poyd found as a tact that while th. attaement false. Judge Boyd found as a fact i mat wnue tne statement was made. that Mr. Lowenbein. who had v-rv little capital In the business, he fur nishing the exnerienr m-hll u Owens furnished the capital, the state ment was furnished at th. Instance of Mr. Owens, and that Mr. Lowenbein had no fraudulent Intent in maklnr th. statement, he not knowing that It was a misrepresentation, w a twb & Co. appealed from this decision and the matter was argued In December nerore tne circuit court of Appeals. Jones Williams represented Mr. Lowenbein and Mark YV Rrn.n k. creditors. This Is an Important decis ion an Bankruptcy matters. Pastor Accused ol Heresy. Kansas City, Mo.. Feb. l. A lively interest la manifested In Universalis! hurch circles In the inquiry to be conducted here this week Into th. heresy charges brought against th. Rev. Paul Jordan Smith, pastor of the First Unlversalist church of this city. and th. Rev. Dr. O. E. Cunningham. secretary of th. Missouri Unlversalist hurches. Th. charges against the wo ministers grow out of their alleg ed liberal Ideaa as expressed In ad- ir esses which they delivered at the Unlversalist convention In Detroit last fall. In which they advocated a anion of th. Unlversalist and Unitarian -hurches and also, it Is said, declared themselves In opposition to revival services as a means of Increasing th. membership of tb. church. nllln and Lemon Extracts. THE WEATHER. Focesast until 8 p. m Tuesday, for Asheville and vicinity: Unsettled weather with rain tonight or Tuesday, followed by colder Tuesday. Vnr North Carolina: Rain tonight or Tuesday; colder Tuesday; moderate variable winds. A GOOD SIGN That you have a fastidious palate and appreciate the health of yourself and family is when one sees our delicious and wholesome Bread, Rolls, Buns, Pastry, Cakes and Pies it your table. Our high grade of goods is made from choice material. We use Helm Mince Ment In our Mince Pies. I'lione 022. Asheville Steam Bakery A Hint Electric Heating Pads Piedmont Electric Co. 64 Patton Avenue. Phone 478. Opposite Postofflce. Purest and Best Rumford Baking Powder Parliament Oiiened by King anil Queen. London. Feb. 21. Parliament was opened formally this afternoon by King Edward, who was accompanied by Queen Alexandria. The state opening was marked by pomp and peasantry. WANTED WHEN IN HEXDERSONVILLE stop at th. Hotel Majestic; remodelled throughout; all outside rooms; pri vate and connecting baths; special rate for February and March by week or month; only It miles from Ashevllle; Western Union and long distance telephone In hotel. Ad dress C. I Doyte, Mgr -tt MRS. U D. TILLER has moved her dressmaking over Asheville Barber Supply Co.'s store, II North Main street, wher. sh. will be pleased to serve her old customers as well as th. new ones. Prices reasonable. 11-tf. WANTED People to know that Ha . ker's Peanut Butter Is sold at' No. 14 North Pack square. McKISSICK REAL. ESTATE CO., Fire Insurance. Special facilities for placing large line. American Nat. Bank, (second floor.) Phone ll-7t IRISH POTATOES 20c Per Peck One lot not strictly first class at this price. Clarence Sawyer Ask your Grocer for "COLONIAL BRAND" FLAVORING EXTRACTS Because Best. A New Photographic Creation, ' Specimens on display in our street show cases and at our Studio, corner Patton & Asheland Avea. IfMtjP-" HAGE & KOONCE Makers of Portrait a That Please. - $25.00 Worth Baseball j Goods Given Away Poys and Captains of Teams Invited to call between 4 and 5 this at X ternoon and get particular. j Asheville Hardware Co. I SOUTH PACE SQUARE and 25 N. MAIN ST. I Citizens Transfer Company JULIAN WOOD COCK, Ownnr. PATTOS AVENUE. TELETHON E K. FURNITURE MOVING Prompt Baggage. Transfer Service Endorsed by V. C. T. and T. P. A. S. STERNBERG & CO. FOR SALE For Immediate delivery, nit kinds of second hand machinery In first das. condition. STEAM BOILERS, ENGINES OF ALL KINDS. Pulleys, Hangers, Bearings, Box.., Sh.ftlng, Band Saw Mill com plet.; Steam Engine, and Boilers, of aU sites and makes; Laundry Outfit complete; new and second hand Piping, all sixes; on. 4-ton Chain Hoist CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Cigarette Igullea Dynamite; Ten Hart, Threa Fatally. Pittsburg, Feb. 11. Ten men and a -oy were Injured, thiee fatally, when parks from a cigarette Ignited two cans of dynamite. Clumbers A Wearer. IJverv. Phon. 1 r ! IV.Int Co. I m V ! IMMEDIATE SAL. . 7-room dwell ing, rlos. In, bath lights, all time rented 821.00. Owner leaving city February 1st, will sell at bargain. Cash 1400, balance terms to ault McKlssIck Real Estate Co., Amerl en !t. Bank, (second floor). Phon. (II. ll-7t' WANTED Man familiar with stock to feed and attend to stable rooms at stable for family apply with reference. Citizen's Transfer Co., 48 Patton Ave. h-sj WANTED Soiled whit, gloves and kid slippers to clean and make whit, and smooth sgaln. Also Ilk whIbis snd rklrtu J. p. Wllhar. tin the H.iinre, phone 189. I i " M t A TTfYW ATT tTTnW1 01 109 I I ! - t At least one bargain every Saturday. it ,ii'as-.w iii in Hi ' in !, t "ii i i urn in. mil , j m- t i . - n i - i.i m i. mir I HOTEL BERKELEY 1 I I II I R I 1 I! I rrVA MAa a.4fwArA Trwvl I I I 1 I J If P Boom at7' J ' ' I 1 " " A complete line of Import- I 'I ed and Domestio Cigars. I i BTflmn : 1 ium.. F(D)Ij? Sale Wo have one Sfoster Safe, over four feet liigli, with double doors. This is a real safe. Cost $138.00 cash. We want $100 for it, or would exchange for small one. If you need a Bate this saves you the difference. Cah or time. i iT'S no'.,';! STATS'" r Green Bro.'a Furniture Store A " V rtrv- r. . wr jaav i