Tuesday, March 15, 1910. PAGE TWO THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS. Appetite Gone. Nerves Un- I strung, Sleepless, Thin, Pale, Tired. ; "Last spring my health was completely broken down. Jly ap petite was pone nr ! I was ui strung nervous condition, un . '' to sleep. I became thin, pile and was languid and tir.l all the. time. ' HooJ's Sarsapariila restored me ' ct henlth. It aided th9 ;t miles of my digestive ;( ir duty, and I was e ah... 10 eat and properly y :" i'd. I slept peacefully tit. and now I feel .1 d ilulity course my Julia C. Tison, 501 West tf:., Jacksonville, Fla. "Charms don't pay taxes, Mr. I Vance. 1 suppose,'' she added abrupt- i ly, "that you Intend to marry her. 1 Oh, don't look so astonished, yonnn mini. 1 remember how you admired tier photograph in Anne's house, and you didn't come here for nothing, oh, i deal- me, no." "1 came here to learn all I could j about the ulass eye. so that 1 might trace the assassin of Anne t'alder- j shaw." "Oh, indeed," Miss Destiny's sharp ryes twinkled wickedly, "and you haunt my niece in order to ask her questions?" Why nut'.'" 1 vontuied cautiously. 1 Miss Destiny laughed significantly. . Why nut, indeed." she echoed, "it's my opinion that Gertrude know s I much more about the glass eye than j she dares to tell you. or any one; else." Mv blood ran cold, for a moment. ppnrently this disagreeable old wo- man had seen the eye on mo drawing room table, and thence bad drawn the very worst conclusions. 1 ventur ed on a bold Btroke. "Do you mean to say that .Miss Monk has the glass eye?" "I don't say that. Then she has not thi i . 1 impatiently, and breath of great relief. I don't say that either Then what do you say, tiny . I ".Notning, Lie- to go give up all ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH YOUR STOMACH? Do you want a better one one that wont belch gas, or turn sour, ot feci heavy or make you feel miserable? MIONA Cures indigestion It relieves stomach distress in five minutes. It turns old, unsatisfactory, rebellious stomachs into new ones, evef ready to digest the hearti est mcaL We guarantee Mi-o-na tab lets to cur stomach disease. Money back if they fail. :lass eye." drawing Miss Des- xeept that you will be way from Burwaln and idea of marrying my Hood's Sarsaparilla "Why'.''' 1 asked very nireoiiy. Uecaus. as 1 said liortrndc knows something about the murder." That is a serious thing to say. Miss Destiny. On what grounds do you make such an accusation'.'" She made no direct reply, hut rocked to and tro. "I know. 1 know ." said, with a cunning IOOK ami a she Q Is Peculiar to Itself. It makes p well J keep3 them well. THE DISAPPEARING EYE By FERGUS HUME (Copyright. 1909, By G. Y. Dillingham Co.) .n the ilan- which I was "Have you seen the glass Miss Monk's possession'." never said that Synopsis of Preceding Chapters. was a Mrs. Cahlershuiv, former servant in great the Monk family, is found dead b "f the i yrus Vance, a h; in pit rcing her and h lit art, and her glass eye missing. The : !!.. eve is supp.'Se.l t' contain a el ie t- o r ' Ti missing trtasure. heipo ath.'d t fiertrude Monk l y to r uncle. Van fnlis In 1"'...- with ilerlritde. At the time ho discovered Mrs. I'ablt rshaw s lift less l'ttd . a . i tmi n w eai ing i wbilf 'I..'k "U with his Ini't"" c;.r. ' t h1 ' r I M " !! s !'. .i. stpli Striver, ! : h. ..".!, In n ... .: -. i '., i'.- :.. .. -love for Miss M.n.k. Mis l still .'. li- rtrinb s i' ant. has le v. r Orel v. a In- r- r inhi-riting tie- missing trens iii ". W.i't. r Monk, her father. :i dap per . 1 isii little man. k'-eps her ..n V. ih'O'l : 1 ,'.. . ers the missing eye -:i a table in the Monk drawing mom. A sb-at tiin. lati r it I,:. disappeareil a rain. elbl. miser; Miss Destiny had n .. ,. ti.ir her n 'iv, so tli.. tie I I've would appeal t" her avail i - of making herself disacre. Ai d tit' course, she would kll"' . that hi r imice could si. r without u-'ttihg herself ini ilicious chuckle. i entured still further rous ground upon trt ading ..v,. in "No." she said. and her reply st irtled n.e. lor 1 hail made sure that ' he dared to speak thus freely fern having espied me oojeei uu tut- ....... ing room table. she had the glass eye. ' Then on what grounds "Oh. 1 don't wish t she interrupted. Having said so much, you av more." was my firm reply; have no right t" mak i nsatb.ns without proof." Gertrude herself can supi prool I her to." V,." screeched Miss Destiny lumping t. hi r feet lik say anything." must "you dangerous nc- ii,.' 50 Cento a Large Box SMITH'S DRUG STORE Mootley at live o'clock i polntment. And it was that Ann was stabbed pin That hatpin with head." cried Miss Desti keep the ap fter that lime vith the hal a blue glass triumphsnt- rou It not insult In bv isklng s.'.'U. .1 had Ihi th in 1 win I' ad t" MVS hi ,. p,,S 111. I. Wb id. 'ii entered my I i about and ;"' j lint s loo el. ',t ilb I , i f asking .uestloiiH. lint i n, i . asy to formulate. Il l ! th" eye. she n rt.iir.lv ., .. !,,. theft ; i i might r. .-.ii my mis- I . i i. i.de and thus would .n in Hie little "Id la be vv ..111. I ullitoltht i 'ait in ni hurried walk .i li'.n. i here w as in. lime St II !' !' ! s In ehalll ! d.-u t; d state mi mind I I .p.. I lertrn I" 1 s . dlv I I CHAPTER Will. ani-li. d. 1 intt rnullv lib ss-.1 Mr. Monk anil his i t ii i ! '1 I'.rtmaiiti uu. lie." took my departure, as 1 had entered, by the mitb IP window. As I passed out I could n..t help glancing again ' nt the table wher.on I had n tin ' glass eve. Mb-S Mi nk saw my in-nil: -ing gaze and tame forward. "Ilnv. ' you b.st anj thin z ?" I was m-.r-- nf "No untiling," I "Good-day." and 1 spe.-d. entirely ;it s tin. state "I affairs from tin- evidence presenee .a' Hp- glass l.idge seemed conclui the guilt of i Iertrude. On my way back to the inn 1 won dered if by any chance Miss Destiny hail semi the eye. i in reaching the house it was not impossible that aft. r my capture by Mr. Monk, she might have entered the drawing room; In which case, being as 1 had frequent ly found of an Inquisitive turn of mind, it was certain that she bad caught sight of th" object. It was .ten possible that she had taken no eye in order to find tin- secret hiding place of the fortune. Miss Destiny ,nt., . and nt le W.i Miss 1 i stint i iv h.lsell opened th. lalned that I.ueinda was he i illage. si,,. npI,car i.sn ! mincing self, and n.-asin. 1 vv is invited .!. shabby silting room. - ! ail" a long ' "trtplaim dher-in-law's treatment. very mean." lamented fitting down. "I l.i Hove Joseph coming In work hits engaged Joseph to "". n garden." I reminded a small fury. 1. F.verv man ,.s is a fool. And v..u 1"'"' Heaven "lilv kl!"WS 'that in her." a lovely girl and an nccom- a good daughter and an -utlcwonian." ,.ple rolled into "e." til.- spiteful little croat i r. nlth wrath. "She niav be t 'iir et s I know vt hat n an but good and honor is not." what you say," I cried, lad tr.ated nl. out th.. room, lmt and j.alr.nsy. I rage her still fur- as if she comph'telj lost her .. r she might iiiiexpeetedh e..me with all she knew. 1 was thero- Int, dly ru.ie. i ll" un a is. ly. "I Rave Oertrude three pins like that myself as a Chii-tnias present last year Now, you e. she is guilty." it certainly looked Ilk" it. but I de clined to admit even tl shadow of a suspicion. "I don't see aid 1. tartly, am! controlling myself v ith an effort. ".Miss Monk may ha' di d at live o'clock and not finding u there may have returned to Bur i bv the evening train." "(lb. did she?" mock' I Miss Destine cruelly, "then what about the blue glass-headed hat-pin" What about her presence at Moot!'" about the lady who stole your motor car?" time Anne was killed? W lint about the "Yon can't prove tin !;..Jy was Miss Monk .'" "Y.s I can. That n n Giles said the lady wore a whit. . loak. 1 saw her with the white clou I myself. And Gertrude bad such a white cloak." "Real!,. I said bantering, although these proofs of guilt made me trem hle; "perhaps you recognized Miss Monk when the motor ear nearly col lided with your cart 1 l eg pardon your trap." "No, I didn't recognize her," said Miss Destiny, sitting i!"ivn sullenly. "It was darkish, and Gertrude was the last person I expected to see in a motor car. I saw that the lady had a white cb ak. and knew my niece pos scsed one but It never struck me that Gertrude was the drlv. r until I cam" to Mootl.v and heard fiat Anne had been murdered. Tl Information about the glass-headc I pin made me certain." "All this has to be proved," said 1. aft r a nervous pause for there was no denvlng that Miss Monk's position . used her?" d her win j ments and what I knew about the eye ' and the . loak. it would seem that the 1 proofs of gudt against Gertrude were overwhelming. Prejudiced as 1 was In her favor, and blinded, more or less by love. 1 could not help ncknowledg i ing that the evidence was dead ngalnsl I her. If Miss Destiny spake out and Gertrude w as arrested, she would be i hard put to prove her innocence. Only one thing remained to be done; j to silence Miss Destiny until Gertrude could explain herself. "Of course, you will say notniug, i said sternlv. Miss Destiny looked at me sulkily. Of course." 'she asserted: "I don't love Oertrude: all the same I don't Wish to see her hanged. "Not that word," I rose and put out my hand, wincing. "Hanged' hanged! hanged!" screamed the furious old woman, "you ore so blinded by love, you fool, '.'..at you can't see her wickedness the murderess!" "She is not." "Tin thief!" "She Is not." T turned on my heel and Hung open the door. Miss Destiny leaped to my side "What are you going to do?" "I intend to see Miss Monk, nnd ask her to illspr ve your nccusntions." 'She can't; she daren't." "We shall see." I snapped, and left the house, while Miss Destiny Jeered and made mouths after me like a wicked foul old witch. (TO BR rONTINl'ED.J OlpMill AT THE GAYETY. A Double nnd a Single Team will Tur nisli the Vaudeville Here This Week. d la abb led . rini . ..!- in. 1.1. She "I'rovi Me . .11 1 . emub.us with ot.rmined to . was perilous.' have yo 1 "No. I haven't. I ' she didn't meet me ' she said that she hid ! ''.' A Ii. a lie," cr leaping to her feet n I tier.', and she murder "And stole the eye.! "I can't say that for p. ak of vv hat I know w murdered for the every "lie seems f have no doubt that "Have tioi nen It slon : '"l .ei asked me that before. 1 have n d seen it in her ssessflon. I onlv peak of what I k' " she said again 'and look, d doggr ' 'Ihi 1 e was ii f.a fniting toE.oher M I" Mi D jealous i and h. f your Mootley, .ind decided not to i MissDestlny, iln, "she was i Anne." haps?" . rtaln. I onl: Hut. as Ann" :'." Of til" eye Hunk that I : trade has it." in her posses- minutes' silence Destiny's stato- A full house greeted the opening performance at the Pack square vau deville house last evening and the crowd was reluctant In leaving after the first performance was over. The program opened with a splen didly rendered overture by Mrs. Ernes tine Cochrane and W. H Schmidt, en titled "Poet and Peasant " The In spiration was caught by all and a liberal encore was given at Its eon cluslon. The motion picture was a "A Brother's Wrong." and told the story of how a young man became jealous of 'he love a girl held for his brother and stooped to do him a wrong which banished him from home and the young lady's company, but was Anally righted by a death-bed confession of the brother and the home was made happy again and the loving hearts united. Otto Viola, in an acrobatic act. does stunts that will make you hold your breath, such as jumping into and out of a barrel and turning a somersault in mid air. falling backwards from a chair n top of a barrel on a table, etc. A mcv clever net is put on by Qiugley and Adair. Thee appear In several pleasing songs and dialogue and Mr. Adair creates quite a lot of merriment with his apparent first ap pearance on roller skut. s. II. bad bis lips and down, but closed with a illlitllle roller-skate dunce. Miss Quic he has a very . leasing voice and is enjoyed lioth in her songs ami stage bearing. Blue bloods every one. Made of Car olina and Virginia tobaccos pedigreed leaf blended exquisitely. The acme of southern cultivation. Mild and Satitfying Baseball pictures and a valuable coupon in each package Old Mill Cigarette! are packed in TINFOIL THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. I) tcC""N- .ra.ll' rSC' inded tlrlin ever, said hurriedl; . departed at ton i as regal'. is the And yet. apart ;' the cloak, the .s .ye at Th. ly p. prov. Th l.'lge garden is in good or der." sin- snapped, "whereas mine needs a l"t of attention. Walter might send the man along." "If yon pay Joseph. Miss Desti- "P.iy him." she Interrupted with a shriek, and throwing no h.-r hands. mv dear Mr. Vance, it Is as mneh as I can do to keep bread in my mouth. 1 am re. In 1 to this" she glanced round "which Is by no means . "i abode of a gentlewoman. Hut iertrude and her father would let no- starve sooner than behave as rela- j tivef should." ' h, no. no." I protested. "Miss i Monk is extremely kind." "Have ,.ou found her so?" demand- d the v inflictive aunt. 1 have Poind her charming, was my cautious reply. ptlny, yo niece's beauty. Mi !" she in ivercd. I ll.imed, ' me jealous?" "Via '..-ii are a. so iinnoved beeaiis. your niece has liabriil Monk's mon-j ey." Has she',' If she has. she commit ted murder to get it." "That's a lie." "Yon forget, sir. that you speak to a lady." I do not." I retorted, still carrying .nit my plan. "1 am speaking to a Jeal ous old woman who is trying to barm an Innocent girl." This last speeeh brought about the desired result. "Innocent!" she cried, and stamped her foot, "if she Is Inno cent, what was she doing at Anne i-nldershaws on th" nlcht of the murder "" "She w.-s not there " ' Yes she was: ves she was: yes she was." chattered Miss Destine. thrut ing her angry face clnc up to mine. "I said nothing about it at the In quest, as 1 did not wish to get her Int.. trouble But U"w that you dare to sav I am jealous of that that minx -he brought oat the word with a gasp. "1 started on the previous day tn the i HOW TO CURE RHEUMATISM it PIXES CCRKD IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed tc cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 80c. TRl'STEK'S SAI,I Only One "BROMO QUININE," that is y A LraxaBve BtJ?E3 Quinine fa fsL Jh .feres a CoM In Ono bay , C -ic n 7. Day: '.-Jr &tfjr on UK. trap with I.ueinda, and stopped th night with a friend at Saxhnm. Next I day I went on. but owing to the state , of the road" nnd the slowness of the hors. , I did not reach Anne's house mill after the crime was committed. Hut Gertrude intended to go to Mur ehester. and thence walk to Anne's house on the day when the murder toe k place. Is An Internal litsraNe nnd Re quires an Internal Remedy. The cause of lib. meturm and kind red diseases Is an . xcesa of uric acid in the blood. To cure this terrible disease this acid mast be expelled and the system so regulated that no more acid will be form d in excessive quan tities. Rheumat.ai is an Internal disease and requires an internal rem edy. Rubbing with Oils and Lini ments will not cur. , affords only tem porary relief at best, causes you to de lay the proper treatment, and allows the malady to get a firmer hold on you. Liniments may ease the pain, but they will no more cure Rheuma tism than paint will change the fibre if rotten wood. Science has at last discovered a per fect and complete cur which is call ed "Rheumaclde." Tested In hundreils of cases, It has effected the most mar velous cures: we believe It will cure vou. Rheumaclde "get at the Joints from the inside," sweeps the poisons "ii.- of the system, tone up the stom ach, regulates the llvar and kidneys and makes you well all over. Rheu maclde "strikes the root of the dis ease and removes Hi cause." This splendid remedy Is sold by druggists and dealers generally at 60c. and .11 a bottle. In tablet form at Uc. and 80c a package, by mall. Oet a bottle to day. Rooklet free If you write to Rnbbltt Chemical r,,., Baltimore, Md. I am sure that she was at For sale by all druggists. lforSc Jagg COLUMBIA RECORDS for March and April on sale. Disc and cylinder. Also complete catalogue of the fa mous McKinley Edition New Sheet Music just received 10c a copy. FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE The House of Quality. 21 S. Main St. Ashevillc, N. C. Purest and Best Rumford Baking Powder i.y iriue oi mo power ol sale con tained in a certain deed or trust b Prank P. f-teacham, to the under signed trustee, dated June 1M. l!ts, anil duly reglsti red in the ..ITli e of Hie Register of Iieeds of Buncombe county, North Carolina, in Hook N .4. on page 21a of mortgages nnd deeds of trust, to which reference Is hereby made, and default having been made in the payment of the In debtedness secured by said deed trust whereby the power of sale ci tallied therein has become operative, the said undersigned trustee will on Monday. April II til. UM0.nl IS o'c lock noon, sell nt public unction for cash, to the highest bidder, at the court bouse door in the city of Ashevillc. r.aid county and state, the following described binds nnd premises, sit uate, lying and being In West Ashe illle, N. C... in the f.re. n & Thrash boundary of land, and more particu larly described us follows: Ileginnlng at the southwest Inter section of Main nnd Mill streets, runs thence with the south margin of Mill street north 87 deg. II mln. west 1(30) feet to u stake; thence south ID deg. 15 mln. east (S2S.S) feet to a stake: thence south K7 deg. 4.r, mln. east (368) feet to a stake. A. H. Itrewer's northwest corner; theme north 47 deg. east (29r, i feet to the west margin of Main street; thence with said margin of said street north L'4 deg. 45 min. west (651) feet to the beginning. This March 8. IDin. E. J. RANDOLPH, Trustee. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCIIEDl'LK, EFFECTIVE SiOV. 15. imm. Schedule figures published an Information and not guaranteed. Enstcrii Time. DEPARTS FOR 11:20a. m 2:10 p. m ARRIVES FROM Vo. 7 from L. Toxaway. No. 9 from Charleston . No. 1 1 from New York . . . NO. 12 from Cincinnati .., Vo. 13 from Charleston .. Vo. 1 1 from Murphy Vo. 20 from Murphy .... Vo. 21 from (loldsboro .. Vo. .IT. from Washington Vo. 16 from Memphis ... No. 102 from Bristol No. 41 from Jacksonville No. 8 for L, Toaway 3:2" p.m. N. lOfor Charleston 4:10 p. 2:45p.m. No. 1 1 for Cincinnati 1:05 p. M 2:05 p.m. No. 12 for New York 2 :S5 p. m, 9:15 p.m. No. 14 for Charleston 7:(niii.m. 6:40p.m. No. 17 for Murphy R:3nn.m. 1:10 p.m. No. 19 for Murphy 3:35 p. 8:15 p. m. No. 22 for Ooldshoro 8:ni) a. m. 2:S0.i. m. No. 25 for Memphis 2:40 a.m. 6:5fla. m. No. 36 for Washington T:10a.s 10:35 p.m. No. 101 for Bristol 7:201.0. . 7:00 n. m. No. 42 for Jacksonville 8:50 p.m. Throuch sleeping cars to and from New York, Philadelphia. Ilaliinmre, Washington, Jacksonville. Memphis. Chattanooga, Cincinnati, Louisville. Chair cars to and from OotdsbortV For further Information, apply to .1 If. WOOD. tVcSrlet v HOTEL BERKELEY POOL ROOM The most attractive Pool Room in the City. : : : A complete line of Import ed and Domestic Cigare. "IT'S DOWN STAIRS" Property that Has Bm, Neglected After Usi ing "Tint ed Gloss" 4 4 Protect Your Property, Preserve and Beautify It By the Use of Mimmmm "Tinted Gloss" Mixed Paint. Another car just received at our warehouses, J3 nnd 25 South Main St. 4 Floors of Paint. The Biltmore Estate have used Lucas Pnints for 15 years. The State Hospital have used it 18 years. Dr. t .). Archer, Craigniont Sanitarium, l.lack Mountain, N. C, says: "I never helievcd in mixed paints until I had our Sanitarium painted 12 months ago with Lucas Tinted Gloss and it looks as well today bb it did the day it was finished. The MillerFdc? Paint Co., Distributors . . BBBBBbCT.. -' U SV