Tuesday, March 15, 1910. WANTS ft Is useless for anyone to call at this office In an endeavor to And out the name of advertisers. Those who advertise under an Initial or nom de plume do not wish their names to be made public and they cannot be di vulged at this office. HELP WANTED. I MADE $50,000 in five yean in the Mail Order Business and began with only a few dollars. There are unu sual opportunities for making mon ey today, and It is not difficult to begin. If you have even a small cap ital and want to start a mall order business of your own, send for my free booklet. It tells how to make money. Address, Publisher, The Mall Order World, Box 1509, Lock port, N. T. tf. CIQAR SALESMEN WANTED Ex- nerlence unnecessary. Sell our brands to the retail trade. Big pay. Write for full particulars at once. Globe Cigar Co., Cleveland, O. 15-100t WANTED A complete house girl at once, well recommended. 77 Mont- ford avenue. 27-3t FOR SALE. FOR SALE Good business property on South Main street, 75x200, good building, at a bargain, LaBarbe, Moale ft Chiles. 27-3t FOR SALE: Settings of Rose Comb Rhode Island Red Eggs from first prize pen at Ashevllle Poultry Show. Cockerel's male ancestor took first prize at Madison Square Garden, New Tork, in 1908, and also Shape and Color Special and cup for best male in show. This cockerel took shape and color special at Ashevtlfe" -Show and" is mat ed to Tuttle Stock, which took first, second and third prize and shape and color special. Set tings from above pen $5 for 15. Settings from 2d pen $1.50. Cres cent Poultry yards, 182 Charlotte street. Phone 1019. Settings from let pen will be limited, so better get vour order In at once. tf FOR SALE A fun courae scholar ship in the Emanuel Business Col lege. Enquire at Gazette-News or flee. tf FOR SALE Six room house on Cum berland Ave. Close price. Terms, $500 down, balance $20 per month, Marstellar & Co. tf FOR SALE At 71 South Main street the $20,000 bankrupt stock of car ilages. buggies, wagons, hacks, de livery wagons, etc. Single or dou ble carriage and wagon harness whins, lap robes, horse blankets etc. Agents for Moyer buggies, tf FOR SALE At Patton & Stike leather's stable, saddle and drawing -horse. $12$. J. A. Porter. 17-tf, FOR SALE BUtmore stables, five mules, 2 horses, 2 3-seated surrles, top buggy and runabout 17-tf. KODAK FOR SALE A 2 1-4x4 1-4 Kodak, cost $21.50, in first-class condition. Will sell for $15, or trad for a t 1-4x6 1-2 Kodak, and pay difference.' If you want a good Kodak, come in and look at this one.. Inquire of the Pressman, at this office. tf FOR SALE 12 two-room cottages, 12 vacant lots at a low price. Room 3 Revell building. F. P. Ingle, Phone 240. 21-tf. FOR SALE Two nice feather beds. $7.50 each. Address A. B., care Gazette-News. BAKRED PLYMOUTH ROCK EGGS for hatching Vigorous, well-bred stock, properly cared for. Order now and be ready for the broody hens. Ownbey, SI West - Chestnut St., phone 1111. 16-lmo POR 8ALE OR RENT One seven room huse with 8 1-2 acres, good orchard and barn, fine view in Woulsey, 15 minutes from car line. no agents. For particular address Emll Fritachy, Zenlandla, Ashevllle. N. a U-tt EGGS FOR HATCHING Barred Plymouth Rooks. Healthy, vigorous, Bred-to-Lay stock. $1.00 and $1.60 per fifteen, $6.00 per hundred. B. L. Ownbey, 3b West Chestnut St. Phone 111. 16-lmo. FOB BENT. EOR RENT Fire and six-room house; modern conveniences, $16 to $20 per month; close In. O. D. Revell, Revell building, or J. L Wagner at Postoffice. "OR RENT Furnished rooms; mod era conveniences; on car line; table board nearby Address $41 Merrl mon avenue, or 'phone 1116. Sll-tf FOR RENT A store-room 26x150 connected with the lobby of the Hotel Gates. Hendersonvllle N. C. tt ne proposition for a drug store or soda fountain and les crenm, bil liards and pool or general amuse ment business. Address A. A. Gates Prop. -tf rVR RENT1 9 room house, unfur nished, Woodfln street, 116.00. Forbes Campbell, 62 Pattoa Av enue. Phone 111. U "OR RENT Two dwellings, clean In Apply to r. Stlkeleather. 10-tf FOR R BNT Furnish d for house veeplng, two, three four first noor, sunny rooms, with slrk, gas ana electric light. II Starnos ave nue. 113-tf FOR RENT Office rooms, second floor. Living 'rooms, third floor, 1'lght, heat. Janitor str"1' Includ ed. Baths. Over Kress' Store on Patton avenue. See T. J. Harklris, room l. Harklna Building. tf Two communloatlng offices, opposite post WANTS FOR RENT Good eight room house in wootsev, near ear line. Private water supply, bath and range, sev eral acres of good land can be had with home. Apply to David Kim berly. 29.3t FOR RENT We hav t vnonrrllAra for rent; also a few second hand typewriters for sale at great bar gains; all standard machines. Hack ney & Moale Co., on the Square. ' i7-6t FOR RENT 40 room new boarding nouse, unfurnished, centrally locat ed. LaBarbe, Moale & Chiles. 27-3 FOR BENT New 6 -room houss, 234 Flint street; city water. Goo. A. Murray. Phone 251. tf FOR RENT Four room cottage trident; $14 per month. Marstel- lar &. Co. tf BOARDING. BOARDERS WANTED Virginia Cottage, 208 Patton avenue. Steam heat, select board. Srecial rates for winter, Phone 1138, 13-2fit ROCK LEDGE, 68 Haywood street, 28 rooms thoroughly renovated, across street from Auditorium, half block from Battery Park hotel, no con sumptlves taken. Mrs. P. J. Cor coran, prop. RAVENSCROFT Elegantly furnish ed rooms, steam heat, private baths, call bells, one block from postoffice positively no consumptives; $8 to $10 per week. W. E. Tyack, Church street. 273-tf. BON AIR, 66 Asheland avenue, close to center of city, on car line, ex-, cellent table. Rates $8.00 to $12.00 ped week. No consumptives taken Mrs. J. L Rich and Miss Boyce proprs. 21-tf WANTED. WANTED By April 1st, 2 or 3 un furnished rooms for light house keeping. Address B., care Gazette News. 20-10t WANTED Ladles' dyeing, cleaning and repair work. J. H. McGinness. 21 South Main street. 132-tf WANTED Tour Notary public work. Phone $. Jas. W. Albright. 66-tf WANTED Tour order for wood, block or 8-foot long. E. W. Patton. Phone 275 or $81. 9-tf WANTED People to know that Ba ker's Peanut Butter is sold at No. 14 North Pack square. tf. WANTED To buy a cottage not to cost over twenty-five hundred dol lars, must be in good location. D. 8. Watson, agent, 17 South Main Street. . e. o. d. tf WANTED-l-White kid gloves and kid slippers to be cleaned and made like new. Phone 389 and messenger will call for them. We are specialists In cleaning ladies' silk dresses, cloaks aad other wearing apparel. J. C. Wilbar. I, i ... . MISCELLANEOUS. AUNT MARY'S LICE and Mite Killer Nest Eggs. Paokage of five with handsome medicine cabinet, for 50 cents. All kinds of poultry sup plies. J. M. Campbell, at J. M. Stoner's Cash Store, Grocery De partment 18-tf BARBER SIGNS, boot black footrests, seating chairs, barber chairs, shav ing sticks, ladles' and gentlemen's toilet sets. Get In the habit of call ing at the Ashevllle Barbers Sup ply Co. for your wants. 23 North Main street. Telephone 432. tf NOTICE TO CHURCHES An exper ienced male pipe organist wishes a position; reasonable salary. Ad dress X T Z, care Gasette-News. iii-tr WIRE AND IRON FENCINO Now Is ths time to get your fences built so as to avoid ths spring and sum mer rush. Office in Oates building, first floor. Phone 318. M. A. Creasman & Son. 20-tf. MT BARBED PLTMOUTH ROCKB are money makers; they are equal ed by few, excelled by none; you can win In hot compaction If you buy eggs of me. E. R. Frady, R. F. D. No. I, Ashevllle, N. C. QOOD INVESTMENT An excellent opportunity for shoe man, or to learn the business, $4,000 stock In corporated Co. earning 8 1-1 per oent for past three years. Business growing. Only reason for selling "Leaving City." Act quick. Ad dress "Business," cars Gaiette News. - STOVE REPAIRING Smoky Flue Cleaning, expert man. Phone 303, 10 E. CoUege Bt. 20-26t S. C. Rhode Island Red Eggs for Set ting now ready. For all purposes, utility, winter layers, and mothers the Reds can not be equaled. Five years dealing with them has proved this to roe. ock wan prises in the HOI Poultry Show. Remember the price $1.00 for II. Phone 638. Poultry Yard Na 74 Hill street. W. Jf. Trent. Droprtetor. 30-31 PLUCKY INVESTIGATIONS of Har mon's purs honey will make lucky discoveries to Invsst your monsy innr life assured: freely use honey Dt H. A. Brown. Hilt BOGS FOR HATCHING Rose comb Rhode Island Reds. Settings from first prise pan at Ashevllle Poultry gfhw, f (.00. Bettings from second pen, 11.11. Crescent Poultry Tarda, 111 Charlotte street tf ITTRNI8HBD ROOMS for light housekeeping, large and bright. No children In family and no consump tives taken. On car line, Phone 146. ,4-,t UAVB Free Remedy For Weak Bowels There are two forms of bodily cleanliness, the external and the in ternal. The one is for vour oride in yourself; the other for your life and health. Both are important, but of vdbuy more importance in the long uu is me internal cleanliness. This is one point that all should watch about their body-the cleanliness "of the re . uim ciean ana free from obstructions. To do this you must have one or two movements of the bowels each twentv-fmir Knt,pa It ... does not do this naturally, in the process of eating and drinkln. then vou must obtain aid of some kind. After finding out that cathartics, salts and such things relieve vou for a dav hut Mni ., worse than ever the next day, then try a simpler and more natural remedy like s oyrup repsin. .For the skeptical the best wav to be Sjp is to send your name and address to Dr. Caldwell for a free nmnk hnttlo Use It as directed and it It convinces you that a brief continuance of its use Will relieve VOU nermnnentlv thn, I, Mil train the stomach and bowel muscles to again work naturally at certain hours then buy it of your druggist at fifty cents and one dollar a bottle. Just as so many others are doing. They began with a,nple bottle, then bought a fifty cent bottle, and now. fully convinced of its merits. ..they buy the one dollar family size. All the members of the family can use It down to the very youngest. A brief use of this grand laxative tonic 7m cvt? constllatIon in its worst form. u.uiKcauuu. liver irOUDIfi Qlf'K henrtnehn sour stomach and such ailments and keep you in continuous good health at a very small cost. Such la the exnerienee of many families like that of Mrs. Oscar Fleener. Unlonvllle, Ind., J. P. Daniel Saron. Tex., and hundreds of others that could be named. Dr. Caldwell personally will be pleased to give you any medical advice you may desire for yourself or family pertaining to the stomnch, liver or bowels absolutely free of charge. Explain your case in a letter nnd he will renlv to von In Aatnil For the free sample slmnfy send your name and address on a postal card or otherwise. For either request the doctor's address is Dr. W. B. Caldwell, K.525 Cald well building, Montlcello, HI. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. MONARCH TYPEWRITERS We say there is not a typewriter being made today which gives so much value for the money as the Monarch. Take our word for enough to Investigate this machine you'll agree with us. J. M. Hearn & Co., Battery Park J'lace. Phone 448. STRADLEY A WILSON, Tailoring Suits $14.00 to $40.00. Suits cleaned ana pressed 50c to $1.00. Three months' membership, $2.50. Phone 964. m-tf RUGS AND CARPETS CLEANED By our cleaning machine in a thor ough manner at reasonable cost. Phone 223. Ashevllle Carpet House. 270-tf. NOW Is the Time to Prepare for Win ter. Have us to Install In your home a steam or hot water heating plant and heat your house and save on your coal bills. Ball, Thrash & Co., No. 7 East College street. Phone 596. DO TOU USE GASOLINE ? Can fur nish you gasoline at 26c per gallon, delivered. Phone 381. The Ashe vllle China Co.. 6 N. Pack square. WEAVERVILLE LINE SCHEDULE. Lv. Park Square Lv. Weavcrvllle A. M. A. M. 6:30 8:10 9:00 10:10 11:00 12:10 P. M. P. M. 1:00 2:10 3:00 4:10 5:00 6:00 Schedules same on Sunday except the 6.30 and 8.10 a. m. trips are omitted. The big interurban car will run daily on trips leaving Asheville at 3 and 5 p. m. Saturdays and Sundays this car will run on all trips. Mountain City Steam Laundry Modern Methods Tel. 426, 30 N. Lexington Ave J. H. WEAVER. Mrrr. FOR SALE. One of the hest bargains In a mod ern seven-room house, closi In; own- leaving city $2650. Eisy pay ments. Canaday Realty Co., Oates Building. Phone f74. WALTON & McLAIN Has just re elved a shipment of three piece Iron Beds, which Is up-to-date, also a good felt mattress for $8.00. Call and see them. WALTON McLAIN FURNITURE CO. Phone 1616. 19 S. Main. To the most exacting and critical patrons of cafes: We want you to try our service, ii not right we make it right WATSON'S todies' Cafe and Catering Co. 14 Church. Phone 173 COLD CREAMS Cspnphor Creams, Pomades, Cocoa Birtter, Rnbber Finger Cots, Magnesia, rhterlslng'enclls, Talcum Sprays. Asheville Barbers' Supply Co SIN. Mala St. Telephone 412. Homea Built Anywhere. If you own your lot or have a reas onable amount of money call to see usi VPs will build you any kind 01 home desired and give easy terms. Set DONNAHOE St BLEDSOE, Real Estate Agents. Phone 4f. Reed Bldg LAST CALL FOR RIBS If you are not looking for a bar gain or a home, pass this by. Will bt sold this week to ths highest otter New 4-room houss. modern, close In THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS. OR. FRAZEH TO BUILD HANDSOME RESIDENCE Purchases Two Acres in Kim- berly Tract; Consid , eration $2,000. Dr. Thompson Frazer has purchased rom T. M. Kimberly and wife two acres of the Kimberly tract In the Edgemont park Vicinity and near the Country club golf course, on which it understood Dr. Frazer will erect a handsome $8000 cottage as his per manent home. The price paid for the two acres, according to a deed of con veyance filed for registration in the register's offlee. Was J2000. Dr. and Mrs. Frazer have made their home ttt Crow's Nest cottage in Albemarle park for the past several years, and their friends will be Inter ested in the news that they are to build a home here. AT THE PALACE. 'The Little prince." by Billows. Tern pie and Billows Is n PlenshiR Little Playlet. The unusual cold weather last niRlu lad n tendency to keep the people In loors and at the fireside and cOnse luently the attendance at the Palace A'as not up to the Monday nlittn ftandard, but those who braced the hilly air felt fully repaid and were well pleased with the offerings this week. The moving pictures showed a splendid line of English and American battleships and implements of naval warfare, something which is never without interest to inlanders, and also ?ave a picture Showing something of turkey raising and their preparation for market. This picture makes yon wish ThanksgivlnK was not so far off. The Great Kelter. the European bounding wire marvel, wave a splendid exhibition of Wire walking, but was handicapped on account of the small -ness of the stage1, he not being able to arrange his equipment to the best of advantage . He is a great equilibrist and would walk, lie down and even turn a back somersault on the wire with the greatest of ease. "All That I Ask of You is Love," is the title of a very prettily illustrated love song, which is sung In a pleasing manner by Jesse Clark. Bellows, Temple and Bellows, a trio who come highly recommended by press notice, presented a one-act drama entitled, "The Little Prince," featuring little Albert Bellows, who is a bright chap qf only five years, as the Prince. The first scene Is little Albert sleeping in his little bed and is awakened by the intrusion of burglars a hian and woman. The little fel low, innocent of their Intention to rob, begins talking to them In a divinely child-like manner, telling them of the rights and wrongs of life until their ovli Intentions are aban doned and the child's entreaties to do right are finally taken by both and they go forth resolving to live a better life. The moral of ithe playlet Is good and It will do no" one harm to see it. Polk Miller. Nearly every field of entertainment or of enterprise has! its host of claim ants for the coveted first rank; but when It comes to the delineation of that picturesque and ever-amusing character, the ante-bellum southern negro. Polk Millar of Richmond stands unique nnd Without a rival. Horn and bred in the Old Dominion where 'possums, coons, and "little niggers" abound, Mr. Miller had all the opportunities offered by a typical plantation life to become familiar with every twist and turn of the an cient black man's point of view. It was many years after he had fought his way throuich the civil war before Mr. Miller attempted to put this knowledge to practical use but final ly he found his way to the platform and an ever-Krowlna; audience has kept him there since. The "reason why" w.as once tersely expressed by General Fitshugh Lee. ",ie nas ntu' no predecessor," said General Lee. "has no contemporary, and will have no successor.' "When Polk Miller is none the man w ho can best tell of the old south will have-passed away. With his "iie-tlme comrade-Inarms and llielonfc friend, "Tom" Hooker of AmellsJ county, VfTKinia. Mi. Miller will appear here mi Men day night. March 11, at the Audito rium, in the Two Old Confederates, with banjo, song Aid story will fur nish an evening ff rare entertain ment. To a southern man no more Inviting program could be offered. Not the least attractive feature of the concert Is the merel personality of the two performers Virginia gentlemen of that much-wrlttan-about but stead ily thinning "old school." There Is no doubt about am audience for them !n Ashevllle. Are you frequently hoarse? Do you have that annoying; tickling In your throat? Does vour cough annoy you at right, and do you raiBe mucus in the mornlnc? no you want relier .' If so, take Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy and you will be pleased. Sold by II dealers. DR. E. R. RUSSELL Offices, the New Lege! Building. Practice Limit"! to the Eye, Ear, Nose nTtiroat. Hours t to 1. I to I. Bell Phone ofnae and Residence. MTTERY JMfK BANK ASHEVlkfejalsV N. C. J. P. 8AWYBt, President. T. C. COXE. 1st Vite President. E. SLUDER, Id Vice President. J. E. RANKIN, Cashier. Capital ....$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits $130,000.00 TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Special attention given to collec tions. Four per cent. Interest paid m time deposits. Political Announcement. I hereby announce myself a candl late for sheriff of Buncombe county, tubject to the action of the Democrat- is primary, ana promise u nunuim uty to I tie oent ' M"I"I"M l"H-v 'M-InK-H-H THE HOME PHYSICIAN 4" This Recipe Makes a Splen did Remedy for Coughs. H-M i.i.fr.M.4-M.TM..i..MMf The home-made remedy described below will be found a very handy and effective thing to have in the house ready for use. It is simple, pleasant to take, easy to prepare, and lasts a family a long time. It wipes out a cough quickly. Take a pint of Granulated Sugar, add one-half pint of warm water, and stir about two minutes. Put two and one-half ounces Plnex (50 cents worth) in a pint Dottle and fill up with the Granulated Sugar Syrup. Take a teaspoonful every one. two or ihree hours. Cough preparations, as a rule, are mostly syrup. Granulated Sugar Syr ip is both cheap and excellent. Pi lex is the most valuable concentrated compound of Norway White Pine Ex tract nnd Is rich In all the healing pine elements. None of the weaker pine prepara ilons can compare with the real Pinex itself. If your druggist hasn't it, he can easily get It for you. This recipe Is also splendid for hest pains, whooping cough, hoarse ness, bronchitis, etc. Strained honey can be used Instead of the syrup, and makes a very fine loney nnd pine tar syrup. XOTICF: OF TRUSTEE'S SALE. I'nder and by virtue of the power of sale In a deed In trust executed to the undersigned, as trustee, by The Ashe-ville-niltmore Sanitarium, incorporat ed, a corporation created and existing under the laws or North Carolina, said Deed In Trust being dated November ".. 1909, and duly registered on No vember 4th, 1909, In the office of the Register of Deeds of Buncombe county, In Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 78, at pages 167 et seq, and by virtue of said deed in trust, default having been made In the payment of the moneys secured there by, the undersigned, at the request of the owner of the debt so secured, will sell for cash, at public auction, at the court house door In the city of Ashe vlllc, county of Buncombe and state of North Carolina, to the highest bidder, or. Thursday, March 24, 1910, the property conveyed In said deed In trust, and which is described therein as lollows: "All that piece, parcel or lot of land situated In the county of Buncombe, state of North Carolina, on the east side of the Ashevllle-Blltmore road, upon which is erected the Sani tarium now occupied and used by said Ashevllle-Blltmore Sanitarium, Incor porated, said lands being bounded and more particularly described in a cer tain deed from the Carolina Savings Bank to Mrs. S. E. Duffleld, dated June 25, 1901, and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Bun combe county, in book of deeds No. 120, page 2G6, and being also more particularly described In a certain deed in trust recorded in the said register's office in book of mortgages and deeds of trust No. 70, page 565, et seq., to which reference Is hereby made for a more full and perfect de scription together with all and sing ular the tenements, hereditaments, easements, privileges and appurten ances thereunto belonging, or In any wise appertaining; and also all the personal property of every kind, na ture and description Including furni ture and house furnishings, surgical and other Instruments, medical sup plies and appliances of every descrip tion, now owned and used by said Ashevllle-Blltmore Sanitarium, Incor porated, at Its Sanitarium above men tloned." This February 21, 1910. E. L RAY. Trustee. TRCSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain deed of trust made by Oeorge L. Sudderth and wife. Rose M. Sudderth, to the undersigned trus tee, dated Feb. 1. 1907, duly recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Uuncombe eounly, N. C. in book of mortgages and deeds of trust No. GS at page 438 to which reference Is hereby made, and default having been made In the payment of the Indebted ness secured by said deed of trust, whereby the power of sale therein contained has become operative, the said undersigned trustee, will on Sat urday the 9th day of April, 1910, at 12 o'clock, noon, sell at public auction tor cash, at the court nouse door in thi city of Ashevllle. county of Run- combe and state of North Carolina the following described lands and prem ises, situate, lying and being In the nounty of Buncombe, N. C adjoining lands of Green & Thrash and Effie 1 Joyner and more particularly describ ed as follows: Beginning at a rock In the north margin of French Broad avenue, said rock Is at a point 124 feet In a west wardly direction from Oreen & Thrash's east line, and runs with said north margin of French Broad avenue south 74 deg. 30 mln. west one hun dred and twenty-four feet to a rock; thence north 10 deg. west two hundred and nineteen feet to a rock In the south margin of a street; thence with said street north 7 i deg. 30 mln. east ninety-nine feet to a rock; thence south 16 dog. 30 mln. east passing through a well two hundred and twenty-four feet to the beginning, being lot No. 3, on a plat of three lots in block A. of a plat made for the West Asheville Improvement company and recorded in the office of the register of deeds lor Buncombe county, Nl C and being the same land conveyed to the said Oeorge U Sudderth and Rosa M. Sudderth by Oreen Thrash. This March 7th, 1910. W. B. BHUFORD, Trustee NOTICE. Information haying reached us that certain individuals have been found trespassing on ths Heap and Clapp mining properties in Mitchell and Yancey counties, all persons .are here by warned that any person found prospecting, working, cutting timber, or trespassing in any way on any of the Heap and Clapp property, where ever situated, will be prosecuted to the extent of the law. This notice Is preliminary to filing suits for trespass. VIRGINIA P. C1BOTTI. 2S1 South 13th 8t, Philadelphia, Pa. ELLA CLAPP THOMPSON, I7XS New Hampshire Ave., Washing ton, D. C. (Sole owner if tlx' Haau unil Clnpi peoperty. ) February g, m, Hotels and Boarding Houses Battery Park Hotel ASHEVILLE, N. C. OPBB THROUGH OCT THE TEAR. Famous Everywhere. 'him i THE, MANOR Albemarle Park. AN EXCLUSIVE INN Accommodations equal to the best hotels in the South. Rates, $19.00 per week and upward. Golf links of the Asheville country club offer splendid golfing facilities. Regular schedule of weekly tournaments. A first liass golf course which Is sure to please. For further information address, ALBEMARLE PARK CO., MMIMIHimnilMIMMMIIIMMHtMMIIIintltf? THE BON AIR LEADING COMMERCIAL AND TOURIST HOTEL OF WAYNESV ILLE, N. 0. MRS. SALLIE E. CORY, Proprietren. J Open the Year Round. FRANKLIN HOTEL Open all the year, plentiful. Come on. THE SWANNANOA A STRICTLY HIGH GRADE Family and Transient Hotel Rales $2.50 a day and upward. Frank Loughran, Owner and Prop. Try Gazette-News Want Ads FLEMMING HOTEL, R. T. MADDEN, Manager, Marlon, N. C. Rates $2.00 per day. Recently re painted inside and out. re-arranged, thoroughly renovated, and otherwise greatly Improved, maklug it one of the best hotels along the line. Free Sample Rooms, Hot and Cold Itathx, Electric Lights, and other modern comforts and conveniences Free bus meets all trains. Central Hotel Canton, N. C. I). M. SHOOK. Proprietor. Hot and cold baths, electric lights, telephone. Free sample room. Rates, $2.00 per dav; special by week or month. New Hotel Alberl Eleventh Street and University Place, Now York Oily. One block west of Broadway. The only absolutely modern Ore proof transient hotel below 22nd street. Location central, yet quiet; 400 rooms, 200 with bath, from $1 per day upwards. Excellent restaurant and cafe attached. Prices moderate. Send for Illustrated Guide and Map of New York Ottj. The Catawba OLD FORT, N. O. U 9. MOORE. Proprietor. Transient and Commercial Patroo SPORTING GOODS Baseball Goods, Fishing Tackle, Pistols and Ammuni tion. Trunks and leather goods is our specialty. Money to loan on diamonds, watches, pistols and anything of value. H. L. FINKELSTEIN'S PAWN & LOAN OFFICE, 23 South Main St. Let us give you an estimate on that electric wiring. Our work gives satisfaction, W. A. Ward ANYTHING ELECTRICAL 10 N. Pack Sq. Phone 449. TO LOVERS OF POOL You will find an up-to-date plaoe In he Blomberg Building, cor. Lexington i e und College St IMPERIAL POOL BOOM N. A. BOHANNON. Mar. There Is Something About our Glasses that lends comfort to evsry wearer. Stylish, comfortable, and they cure your eye troubles. F. K. Gardner Era Specialist. Monola. (urliig OtrtMan. PAGE SEVEN miiiniininiiiiiim Asheville, N. 0. ASHEVILLE, N. C. BREVARD. X. C. The hunting season Is in full blast now. Game Is T. W. WH1TMTRE, Prop. HOTElL ST. DENIS- BROADWAY and 11TH STREET! NEW YORK CM Y, Within Eay sicetM of BffVf Point of I I liitcrest. Hair Work irnm anamaner . Sr. nrinut'' walk of Shopping Dtntrict. KOTKD FUR : Excellence of Cnliiliie. Com- lortable Appointment, uoutipoui aerT- ice ana Homelike burroucuinta. ROOMS SI. 00 PER DAY AND UP EUROPEAN PLAN. Table d Hote Breakfast 50c. WM.TAYL.OR6i SON, Inc. HOTEL M ART 1?JI fit' E, Broadwty od : I 33N 1 I Street. Richelieu Hotel 20 North French Broad Av. Up-to-date family hotel. $7 to $15 per week. Excellent table. Phone 1431 HOTEL ENTELLA BUYSON CITY. Headquarters for traveling men mt lumbermen. Rates $1 per day. Spe cial rates by the month. Bath room. Free sample rooms. Railroad eatlnsj house fronting Southern depot. LIT- ery In connection. VV. W. A ALMA WHBETiER. Propra. MONTFORD COTTAGE 103 Monttord Are. Phone IMS Blegant. bome-llke and refined. Centrally located. Cuisine the beat Transients and table boarders ac commodated. , j MODERATE RATES. Hotel Gates Hendersonville, N. 0. Open Throughout the Year. Commercial nd Tourist Bates $2.50 per day and up. A. A. GATES. Prop. NOTICE, of North Carolina, Huninmhe lunty In the Superior Court, isi ;ir Wilson, plaintiff, vs. Lottie Oalta Wilson, defendant. Service by Puo liiiitlon. The defendant above named win take notice that an action entitled SB above has been commenced in the Superior court of Buncombe count. X. ('., to dissolve the bonds ol in.itrl. mony now existing between above named parties; nml the I d On dant will also take notlee that she is required to appear at the term of the Superior court of said county to bSj held on the 7 th Monday after 1st Monday in March, 110, at the colfrt house In said county In Asheville. N. C, and answer or demur to the cony plaint In said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint -j. This March 7th, 110. M Alters ERWIN. Clerk Superior Court. EUGENE WAY, Plaintiff's Attorney. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that derslgned will apply to the G of North Carolina for a par Joe Foster, who was convlctet February term, 1910. of ( "ourt of Buncombe county. rF.VNOI.OS H- i- ' sa i' t BKBV RKSD. eette-News oWo. ft, T. TIU4CR, M N. Main ft. - rs 3. 4 10.