Thursday, March 17, 1910 THE ASHEVTLLE GAZETTE-NEWS. PAGE 1HRE1 KINDLEY'S The Time for Selecting Your Easter Outfit Ispost Up Kindley's stocks are large and complete from from the finest Silks, White Goods, Wash Goods and Trimmings to the Finest Millinery and Coat Suits in the City. Of course we are having a good husiness on these lines and it will be best for you to make your selections now. The Easter Opening of high class Millinery begins Tuesday morning, March 22, at 10 o'clock. You are cordially invited to attend. A lucky purchase from a manufacturing jeweler of all small lots of cuff buttons, and collar buttons enables us to make this remarkable offer: 50c to $1.50 Cuff Buttons, choice Friday and Saturday, only 25c a pr. When you see the line you'll recognize plenty of the $1.00 to $1.50 buttons. 10c to 25c Collar Buttons, special Friday and Sat urday, only 5c each. Each button is guaranteed by the makers for three years. Best Values in Ribbons We want you to see our fine Eibbons at 10c, 15c, 18c, 25c yd When out shopping don't forget the fact that you can buy it for less at Kindley's Cash Store. W. E. Kindley 4 Co. KIDNEYS ftCT FINE AND BACKACHE GOES A few doses clean and regulate the Kid neys ending lame back and Bladder misery. NUISANCE HEARING NOW IN PROGRESS Numerous Witnesses Testify as to Character of J. E. Boynton's Place. If vmi. tiiUn spvfrjil .loses of Pnoe's Diuretic, all backache and distress from out-of-order kidneys or bladder trouble will vanbh, and you will feel fine. Lame back, painful stitches, rheu matism nurvnu headache, dizziness. irritability, sleeplessness, Inflamed or swollen eyelids, worn-out, sick feeling and other symptoms of sluggish, in active kidneys disappear. uncontrollable, smarting, irequeui urination (especially at night) and all bladder misery ends. FeellnK miserable and worried is needless, because this unusual prepa tn the disordered kidneys, bladder and urinary system and distributes its healing, cleansing and vitalizing influence directly upon the organs and glands affected, and completes tho cure Detore you real ize it. Tho moment vou suspect any kid ney or urinary disorder or feel rheu matism pa'ns, begin taking this harm less medicine, with the knowledge that there Is no other remedy at any price made anywhere else in tne wona, which will effect so thorough and prompt a care as a fifty-cent treat ment of Pape s Diuretic, which any druggist can supply. Your physician, pharmacist, banker or any mercantile agency will tell you that Pape, Thompson & Pape of Cin cinnati is a large and responsible med icine concern, thoroughly worthy of your commence. I nniv ni.rn.tlvo results can come from taking Pape's Diuretic, and a few days' treatment means clean, acuve, healthy kilneys, bladder and urinary organs and no backache. ATTEMPTED TO SWINDLE T Someone Cut Marks Off Cross Ties Sold by J. H. Stephens at Saluda. REVENUE WITH KNIFE FOR LOSS OF HIS L Henry Alston of Asheville Bad ly Carved Alex Gamble Said to Be Assailant. Special to The Caictte-News. Saluda, March", 17. But for the keen eves of the SoWthern railroad's em ployes the comipany would probably have been badly swindled in the croas tie business here. It was found Sev ern! ilnva urn that someone was guilty of cutting the msirks off the ends of ih iie ninreil there after they had been purchased by the company through their local representative. These ties were originally sold to the acent by J. H. 8ttphens, a farmer, mid he Is accused of trying to resell them. He will be charged, at me next term of court, with stealing crosstlea. The mark was cut off sev eral hundred ties. 1 wo Friends Fsll Out. Adam Zawfox They say Rockefel ler's Income Is 124,000,000 a year. Wot'd you do If you had all that money? Job Sturky Gosh, I know wot I'd do with part of It! I'd treat you to a Turkish bath. (TUey fight.) Chicago Tribune. Chaatina Father Time. "So," remarked a gentleman who was calling on a fascinating widow, "you are mamma's little man?" "Not when they's gentlemen call ing," answered the widow's young hopeful. "Then I'm mamma's baby boy." Birmingham Age-Hernld. Certified. Customer Do you keep a good cure for corns? Druggist Yes, sir. Here Is an ex cellent preparation. One of my cus tomers has been uslug it lor tne last fourteen years with very good results. Spokane Spokesman-Review. Hia Source of Wit. "Whenever I try to spring a Joke you anticipate me. You seem to read mv thoughts." "Sure! Read 'em in the same paper you do." Kansas City 'limes. Professional Jealousy. i . 1, I,,, In rtWIfrreRtf All unci eotuiB -. ... i" - trim before Judge 1". C. Cocke in city police court. The hearing has to do with a rharee against J. K. Boynton, familiarly known in Asheville as ino Duke." It is alleged by tho state that Mr Rnvnton In the conduct of a soft drink place on West College street Is m.intiin niv a nuisance and mis al leged nuisance the state is seeking to abate. The case was cancel origmany Mnniiag hut bv consent the hear ing was postponed for today. The ...ov-oni r-hnnrinar Mr. Bovnton with maintaining a nuisance has a number of witnesses, Including hve or six members of the police force. The currant drawn by Corporation Coun sel Bernard, representing the state, contains charges againBt Mr. Boynton of everything almost except capital crimes. It is what might well be termed a "fullsome" bill of indict ment. When the case was called for trial v.i mnmin; that versatile attorney and shrewd criminal lawyer, Judge Thmna A .Tones, appeared for Mr. Knvnton with Corporation Counsel noinnrd rouresentlnt; the state. "The Duke" pleaded not guniy io mc !onthv hill of Indictment and the hearing was on. The state's witnesses testified to the character of tne place, of ihpm told of brawls and dis turbances; of swearing and disorderly conduct in general Unit had occurred; while one witness, a lady, testified to n aneelfic Instance, an instance that had to do with her brother coming "out of the placo drunk. Tnis wn no. wna cross-examined at some length and finally in specifying the "place" paid her' brntner came uui u .Viol "nlneo HZ the corner of South Lexington avenue and West College ot "Thla bit of evidence created some amusement in the court since It Is known that BOynton has nothing whatever to do with the place referred to. Another witness referred io me place as a nuisance and when ques tioned closely gave a specific Instance of "nuisance." This specinc instance i bad to do with a band-organ and a monkey that, in charge of a Dago, has! made Asheville headquarters lor a time. It was to this music ana mis riutnvbanee that the aforementioned witness objected. Incidentally, it was pointed out by counsel for "The Duke" that the defendant bad nothing what-1 ever to do with monkeys and hand- , organs; that anything pertaining to hand-organs and monkeys and their presence on the streets must oe re ferred to the city authorities aim ca- i pecially to the tax collector." m,...,-,lrto. were1 J ne witnesses nor. iuuumuq examined at considerable length and thu.4o who witnessed the hearing ami heard the evidence Tver at least no few oi them, of the opinion that the state had failed tonake out a case. 'rhia afternoon "the defendant is having an inning. ' number of wit- j . I..J!..- AUtaetia .,,, tUV- lieSSCS, II1C1UOIOB i ...., nn the street and in the vicinity have been summoned to testify and n ufhoi thev know, if unvthing, about the maintaining of a nuisance at the Boynton soft-drink place. THERE ARE INTERESTING HAPPENINGS IN THE SUIT DEPARTMENT In the twinkling of an eye the new creations step to the front. k tf The fascinating models, with their simplic ity of designs, shorter coat length have trans formed the new suits into garments most be coming, very smart and graceful. Skirts are of the plaited models in graceful lines of great attractiveness, and a trip to the suit department will reveal many pleasing de signs in the newest materials ami colorings fashioned by the cleverest American designers, Our exhibition affords a practical demon stration of our ability to assemble models to meet the demand of our cosmopolitan clientele. 25 New Sample Suits. This Spring's Newest Designs, regular $18 to $22.50 value, SPECIAL $13.75 if: f "THE STORF- THAT SAVES YOU MONE Y " !inminimnimn llsillllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHIUSi. a c h r W I I F . P I IHIUIHUIIIIHHIUI itlllllHMHWUINIIIUUHf Medicines that aid nature are al ways most successful. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It loosens the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature In restoring the system to a healthy condition. Sold by all dealers. Try Gazette-News Ads Business Bringers. for Special to The Gazette-News. Hvlv.i. March 17. Henry Alston, a nram from Asheville. lies here at the point of death from the effects of a knife wound received by him, it is alleged, from Alex Gamble, a negro of this place, several days ago. The affair Is said to have resulted from the fact that Alston had foreclosed a mortgage which he held on the Gam ble negro'H land and Gamble becoml. ? angry at the sight of Alston, drew his vnife and Inflicted several serious cuts upon the body of Alston. For a while the doctor gave very little nope of Alston's recovery, but later the patient was reported to be doing wen. Gamble was placed in the county Jail In Webster, where he now remains, ikinn la well known and said to be of excellent repute in Asheville, where he owns some property. llallrotul Talk. The talk of u railroad from this town to Tuekaselgee for which a charter was granted several days ago has created considerable interest among the citizens. It Is said that the nrnnnaed route has a good grade and Indications are that the railroad will be started in a short time. However, real estate has not advanced materi ally In the past few days. THIS COUNTY PAYS THE LION'S SHARE Assessment (1908 Figures Just Issued) Nearly a Million Dol lars in Excess of That of Any Other County in the State Only Charlotte ani Wilmington Exceed Ashe ville in Listed Value of Real Estate. THREE SORTS OF NOVELS. Modern Society, Old Fashioned and Real Life Brand. Our modern society novels get away with this sort of tiling: Her You're just like all oilier men you want the earth. 1 1 i m 1 acknowledge it. You're all the world to me. and I want you. Her As a bit of real estate I may come higber than you'd want to go. Bin At iy price joud m din cbeap. MR. TAFT'S NAME FIGURES IN DEBATE 20 PER CENT OFF Spring Opening and Exhibition of Wo men's Easter Apparel Continues the Rest of the Week. our announcement of a 80 per cent prfce rodwettaa Spring opening MM with a ready response ,ro,nJ'H' "'"'C"! from Wile ami a number of high grade garments were i withh. the past couple of days t n" 'SoSlM sured a grrot saving to the rust. r. The h, l " per cent off the regular itce will continue unlll . lo. k Naturus night, March 10th. LESSONS IN ECONOMY Hundred, of Style All Wool Cloth Suits ' " J Silk. Net and Ive Waists L,-,. u ,,5 Hand Qstisroidered linen Waists u!m to ft.' I ilnen Soils and One Piece Dresses tar lo $7 60 lingerie Waists, nice assortment ' Mj 80 Silk Drosses, beautiful designs " M lingerie Dresses. Exquisite Pattern- mm to $22 50 Wool CloUi Hklrls, hand tailored aa i", sxo Fine Voile and Taffeta Skirts . THE, FASHION .na mmnw a tTV Wife of old XI. D.-I understand that Dr. Cureall confines himself strictly to offleo practice. Old M D.-Yes: that's wliy ho suc ceeds. People who are able to w.'lk to an office nre generally strong enough to get well without help. TELEPHONE 520. 16 PATTON AVE. "The Store thai liv" up to it Name. A Resl Star Bosrdsr. "Pa, what's a star boarder?" "A man whose landlady manages to slip him a piece of bacon two or three times a week."-Chlcngo Record-Herald The Aas of Monopoly. "Pop. do 10 mills uuike a cent?" "Tlint depends. Of son. Unless they are In n tract they probably don't." New York Times. Her Experiment. "Tw vnur wife like lo cook?" Well er she's conttminlly misting m(."Sv York World. Virginia Assembly Adjourns. i.i. i...w.n.i Mareh 17 Both houses of the Virginia legislature adjourned after flndlns: that Oovemor Mkfrin had no further eommunica lions to make. People Who don't eat meat can eat and grow plump on Grape-Nuts Fact! Grape-Nuts is a scien tifically correct food. "There's a Reason" Continued from page one. Ing to take them out of it." he reiter ated. "I beg pardon," responded Mr. Aid rich, "but that is not true. The sena tor from Texas is mistaken as to the purpose of the proposed law as is the senator from Iowa." Mr. Cummins would not admit that he could be mistaken. tnninr llklns undertook to refute ki. . .. ,!i,,n hv rend I ne the provis ion regarding the agreements aml ,,, so dnlng broadlv asserted that every moat know the railroads violate challenge by M'veral senators but the West Virginia Mnaitnr nrni i" his position, and asked: "Now why embarrass the railroads?" "True." responded Mr. Cummins, half under his breath. Mr. Elklns eontended that even though agreementsjrere authorized by the pending bill tHr commission still would have control of rates, and even more comprehensive control than .i. a 1,1.1,1, referred to a supposed alliance between ths insurgent repub licans and the democrats nnu men o Kiof mutest from Mr. Cum mins over this metfcod of presenting the matter, the Khode Islnno senium declared It to be hia opinion that no schedule of the roads, whether under agreement or not. could go into eneei without the approval of the commission. i ihci i not made clear in the bill 1 am perfectly willing to have it made so." replied Mr. Aiuricn. The president s name was then brought Into the discussion. Mr. Cummins still was aiacusslns the terms of the allege anti-trust repeal, and referring to soma of the provisions when Mr. Aldrlch stated mat was the purpose of the president uml the attornej general." This stale.,, nt brought Mr. Nelson lo his feet with strenuous protest. "The senator must not hide behind the president." h said excitedly; "that Is small business and it won t do. That is not tne way io ir.m- late." Mr. Aldrlch was also somewhat ex cited when he replied. He disavowed nnr Intention of tak ing refuge behind anyone He declared inai ne iino what the president had wanted but only that the bill had been prepared by the attorney general by the direc tion of the presldogit. He again re Iterated hJs Independence . a senator, of anv outside Interference. Mr Root called attention to the provision of the constitution requiring w.. ..oini lo recommend legislation lo congress and he contended that the president's action on the pendi.'g bill had been In accorasasoe wnn .m- v Mr. Bacon took Issue with Mr as to the effect of the constitutional reoulrement. declaring the dscommen datlon of legislation to be a different thing from undertaking to control the action of congress. The real estate In llnncombe coun ty assessed for taxation exceeds li nearly a million dollars 979,tU. to be exact in valuation to that of any other county In the state, according to Hmnmm . nm oiled b the State tBX commission, for the year 108. This report has just been issued. And this Is more remarkable from the fact that liuncombe is not the largest county, nor has it the largest city within its boundaries. This state of facts leads to two conclusions, either that the people of liuncombe are more honest in making their assess m..nt r,.i- luxation, or else the bind is worth more per square inch than In any oilier county. The fact mat liun combe with its 326.001 acres of furm land, valued at r,,K36,9S0, exiecoo any other county of the state in vni .. .!., i. .,.,! to the belief that the lat ter conclusion is correct, wssna countv. the largest In the state, for example, has 72X.X39 acres of land, valued at f .' fi3.9xfi, exceeds any oth er county of the state In valuation leads to the belief that the latter con clusion is correct. Robeson conn y, the largest in the state, for example, has 728, S39 acres of land, valued nt II Oof.,327, while Mecklenburg county, . ' .. .. fln .,,.,! nil "i .Ollllty. KIIOWO iw , , a ...i.h Ita 314.317 acres, is valued at $3,047,855, and G.dlford, with 401.2J. h. valuation of I,M1.S6 acres of Gaston county has 215.151 land, valued at $5.522,03.. Valuation of t'lly Property. Another Interesting fact Is shown by the valuation of city property. Il'nnenmbe. with Asheville US ItS CC11- lots, valued at lei , n.i.-. ....... .mi 111 ...lille Mec k I'll nil OI .ilk' I'hnrlotte Is the center of at traction, has 13.795 lots, valued ai $8 901.128; more than double tne number of lots in liuncombe, with only $1,009,439 more valuation. New Hanover county, of which Wilmington is the chief city, has $4,500 lots valued at $7 721,648, exceeding the lots of liuncombe In value by $430,01 4. Wnke countv. which centers about Raleigh, has 5253 lots, valued at $7,121.4H. while Guilford, wilh Us has 7.632 lots, valued at $6,258,649. The real estate In towns of Durham, Durham iis Its manufac turing 'center, is valued -it $5,903,890, while that o I' Korsythe, In wnic n.s sit uated Winston-Salem, Is van" o iu . . .vn 'i'Ihih It : ars that only Charlotte and Wilmington exceeo Vshevill- In listed value of real estate, and Charlotte claims about 4u,ooo people, while Asheville has a popula tion of about 30.000. ltut It is In the sum total of real estate values that liuncombe exceeds. Mecklenburg coining next, with Wnke third, and Guilford fourth. Arrang ing the counties In order of total val uation the following table speaks for Itself: And in the old fashioned uovelf they talked this way. Pnruielo-You must pardon my igno ..i,,w... itlr It I iiiiiioar to llllsnonr I tl vnnr expression of regard I can but think, however, flint yon pre-unit too much in thus addressing me at si aarlw n nerlod of our iir illll'.llllatu'e. Leonardo Believe me, dearest mad am. when I say Hint if I seem loo Im petuous it Is only the depth of my feeling that overcomes my natural re gard for I be conventionalities. All. do not turn aside, fair maid! My heart and my fortune are lying at your fret: ltut in real life would not the phi graph reveal something; like Ibis; "Why, Jack Peters, how dare yol "Aw, now, you ain't HOltf t mad about tiiat. arc you? Uuuest. die. I couldn't help It:" "Well. I'll have you understand l I"- "Whnt's I he use? Vou know b feel, and jron're laiowu tne nil al nnd can't 1.1 n IT me. Vou lot e inc. 4 you? Then cut that mils nut and Jerkin' away:"-t'levelatul I.eaecr get Sa- hat w I l "it County. Hiincombe. . Mecklenburg . Wake .... Guilford . . New Hanover Durham . Korsyth . . Rowan . . llnbeson . . . Gaston. . . Acres. Value. . :',26,001 $5,635. . 314.317 3.047, . 502,743 4,258. . 401,279 3.861. . 92,419 Ml. . 161.035 2.612. 234.214 2,041. . 314,076 2,590, 728,839 5.055. . 215,154 6.5--. X 968 855 4::7 895 060 l 553 914 327 037 of ,nU. Value. 6.T.28 7,291.:'.4 8. 901. 128 92 13,795 5, 253 7.6 32 4.500 4.152 7,314 7. 513 2.608 2.782 7.1; f. 21,470 58.649 21.684 5.903.890 4.789.220 4,137.020 1,370.349 1,032.318 Total Value. .8.n0'2 18,98,1 14.417 : i.54i j;:.74l 16,84:; II 11.94 I 1.384 10,19 9,tll ft,i 6.8 6.077 6.392 2.030 Some of the other counties of the state, however, have a greater total aggregate or an prop--...-. - ,.em.nal and real, liuncombe comes fifth on the list. Following shows tne mm " the counties come, i.m-.. e la) valuation of all property: inn ... r-KUaf ntv. VillUHtinll. Mecklenburg-Charlotte. Itl.TIT.I II Durham Durham .... ; '"' ,, finllf(irn Greensboro. . . jMJS.jn Wke Raleigh. . . . JJ Korsythe-Wlnston-Salem. l.84.7Sl DEALS IN DIRT. Vew Hanover Wilmington 14.447.91 7 ,ol,c8..n-l.umberlon. . . 14.096.401 .. KuiiMhiirv-rh.enrcr. 12.4 .0.01 . The grnnd total of al. i -o.erty llst ...i f..r i,.nilon In the state Is $576.- Ii:..n70 for the assessnient 01 ISS, sn i, of $744,857 over I!'".. "' total school tax levy for 1908 was 1,- 866 443.32: the total county tax iron, all sources levied was $2,661,091.50. ... i recording t i.iir.oK -tlgures compiled by County Auditor R. J. Btokeley. the total assessed value of real est'te assessed In liun combe in 1909 was $13 153.101. an Increase of $624,499. Indicating that lluncoml will still heud the list In resl estate values. Grttmg a Rsi:e. A year ago a uuiuulm im't". Iiiied a boy. lor months there was uutlvrtg notlceible Hbout the bov excepl that ho never took his eyci off the luncWpo be was rnniiilig. A few v.eeks ir.v the inat.ufaciiirer looked up from 111; work lo see the boy standing bewsa bis desk. What do you want':" he asked. "Want UK- pay raised." "What are you getting?" T'rec dollars n week." "Weil, how muck do you think you arc worth':" Tour dollars." "You think so, do you?" "Ye, sir. tin" I've been I'inkln so for free weeks, but I've bee:i so blsiiiejl busy I uiu l had time lo speak lo oil about It." The boy got the raise. Success Mi.; nr.lne. 1 As It Is Todsy. "Got any country cousins coming to your reception'.'" "Two of them." "I'll liet you're worried to death " "I certainly nm. Hut then we can't all wear diamonds and come In hSf-' train. We're not all lucky enough to be farmers' wives "--Ml. Louis Star, 1)W(U, of Transfer Piled for -- Hon In U" The following de,s of cveyance ol Register of Deeds Mackey . j p,. Freeman and wile la rv. ,mon r D Merrell and W. Mor freemall. r. . Vorv1ew gan. 150 acres oi i...... B .l im $3600. W M MeMahon to M. F. Hamp.on, U acres in Blltmore township; con- slderstlon $2010. ... - . m.i ir. to Owvn Ed- wards, lot in West Asheville; consid eration $1200- ..,,. T. K. White and wll tn T. T. White, $', and other considerations: property Leicester township. -- wat si (a) Purest Shipped to ns from the factory by fast Express The candies that will please fur moat; that will please everyone who desires nitvoesi. a .e Nunnally's the South's choice for 25 ytars. uh Bavanr'a Dniff Store, 31 Pattoh At. Nunnmtt,',"