HI H PAGE EIGHT THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE NEWS Requires Less Coal For the kitchen range if the coal is of the best quality. That's why so many people mc M. & Indian Coal it's ALL COAL. Phone 130. M AGREEMENT IS f m Rt Qifnuimn I IU UL UUUISM ! I LU Matter of Right ot Way Over Properly 5 of Whitney Power Company Be fore Judge Pritchard. MMMIIM Carolina Ccal & Company Ice PREVENTION s the idea in keeping sickness from the home. Vick's Croup and Pneu monia Salve is pre emi nently the Prevention Remedy. Have it ready and you will be glad. 25c, 50c and $1.00. Carmichael's Pharmacy. MMMMIM HIHH REAL OLD FASHIONED COUNTRY HAMS, 18c lb. Sweet ami Juicy. G. D. ALLISON, 217-210 Merrlmon Ave. Phone 31. NOTICE OF REMOVAL Robert R. Reynolds has mov ed his law offices from the Har kins building to the second floor. Le?al building, on the Square. ! i: Salt Rising I Bread Per Loaf, 6c E. C. JARRtTT Fancy Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits Store Phones 192 and 358 Market Phone 473. V, Oxfords Hon. C. li. Watson and 11. E. Erics, president of the Winaton-Salem Southbound Railroad company, and! Receivers John S. Henderson and C. W. Smith of the Whitney company, and Burton Cralge of Salisbury, roun-1 sel for the receiver, were befort ; Judge Pritchard of the Cnited States Circuit court in the matter of a rishi of way for th- Southbound Railroad company n cross the hinds pf the Whitney company near tit" power, dam. After two sessions of the court, and several conferences of counsel,! li:.- matter was left open for attorneys! for both attorneys to draw up an agreement and submit to the conn ! for approval. Practically all of the j nil' -linns involved in the matter have been agreed upon with the exception , ; I. ei" tils and damages, if such arise. and as to exactly th" place of cross-, insr ;he Yadkin river. The receivers raised the point yesterday that if the, railroad placed it hridssi at the point surveyed. I would damage some of. th-' st. 'race basins. This w.- answered by the railroad companv that the I'am.i;- iv. mid i. practically nothing. I The receivers' contention in the mat ter is that they doubt the right of the. railroad company's charter to confer the right of eminent domain. They wish Preserve the property in th- CITY NEWS Go Where You May The Chalmers Stands High Mr. and lamina are Mrs. E. B. In the city. There is no ear made that enjoys such universal lie mmroval and the reason is that Chalmers cars "land evervone has made good, because of quality and root design. Let us show you. pub ca.'li cor- Elias Vernor. guilty In police tet. tiling liquor t and Riven a r mom hs. Misj l.ucj Vi for Easley. S. i '., friends, and I'm Spartanburg to . tival. Th ih rner DliWl li .-tie tinguish a s .1 dwelling age was sm colored, was found ourt this morning of ii one Henrietta Davis ..id sentence of six nice leaves Saturday to visit relatives and in th- re will (to to ittetid the music fes- Asheville Auto Company Phone 1310. Nos. 15 and i: S. Leilngtou Arc. called to and M.'- department was of Smith Main e;.- .Ins morniilK to rs small I luxe in the roof of at that point. The dam- 11. Been to the Book Sale? That's what everybody is ashing everybody else. Hundreds of all kinds of literature, from ten cenU: to n dollar. See west window for new lie-1 ion. r volume The Man Who Wants His linens spotless and with no rough edges on the neckbands of his col lars and shirts can have his desires realized by having them done The Nichols Way. It K Asheville Laundry, J. A. NICHOLS. Manager PHONE 95. Thursday, April 7, 19ip. We Make It a Point To deliver coal on time, and promptly. Then, too, we de liver you coal with fuel qual ity to it. coal that once used, always used. Phone 40 j Asheville Coal Co. inter. of th ally own bondholders. the prop or wlv rty. TRANSYLVANIA IS IN E W. E Breesc. Jr . Says That the Voters of Ihe County Favor Bun combe Man. There will be a musical concert at th. I.. M. I. tonight for the benefit of the building fund. Aside from the music, tlo ra will be some acrobatic j wti'U. I three nou of the usmo in t i. .11. Til.- in. cling of tile Charlotte sir. I residents railed for April 11 will he held in I'ity hall tonight at s o'clock.! This is i li.- Meeting to hear reports a the committees appointed to look 1 Into the cost of "tnrvlaizlng" Char-I lotte street, treating it with oil, i preparing the surface for bithulithi A large attendance Is desired. ROGERS' BOOK STORE 39 Patton Avenue. Phone 254 Trv some of our line Crisp Nut Brittle Candy Kitchen HAYWOOD STREET NEAR POSTOFFICE Mountain City Steam Laundry Modern Methods Tel. 426, 30 N. Lexington Ave. J. EL WEAVER, Mgr. MMIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIIIIM SLICED. Break fast Bacon, Smoked Reef, Boiled Ham. We hove an American Slicer, which Bllcea thin and smooth. W. M. Hill & Co. Phones 4 and 359. City Market, J. E. Carpenter JEWELER 32 Patton Avenue. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. Th. Senator V senat a from nr. .r i rans lire AM .rx : city . Hrw ! crat ; steroav s- is now . c executive esc, jr.. former h.tnia county, rd. w .s in the on business. Mr. hairman of th.- d.-nio-committe of Trctisyl- I - Built iiloiiu; jrrntvful nai lino in patent. viei, tan and dull lent In rs, $3.00, $3.50, $4. Guarantee ShoeStore South Main Street. The MUSICIAN'S CHOICE, is the HobartM.Cable Piano Because of its pure tone and Lasting; Qualities. Easy Payments. Dunham's Music House lania county and is ope of the most . nthusfnstic end ardent democrats of the state (in l- ing ipiestloned in re- j . the political s 'inatloti he said: "J:i Iging from observations made, the .b'trocrats of my county are very much interested in electing a dcmo-i era tic solicitor In this judicial district. The rpostion with ns has b.-en In finding a nam who can carry ; t onlv his party strength hut one who ran break into the republican's ranks lb tebv bssenirir thi reprhlicnn ma-j J itlty in one county and bringing up the democntii majority In another. The voters .f Transylvania are verv j htivtily in favor of Robert R. Hey-' session of :' first Preebyte- i in n church will meet In Ihe pastor's study tomorrow utternoon at 4 o'clock. Those who may desire t" come int.. tli, hurch by I. tt. r or by profession of faith are Invited to he present. At this meeting the annual report of the ehuri h t.. th" Presbytery and the fleneral Assembly will he read. Th. production of "The Mascot" at th. i Iran. i opera lions' at both 111. matinee nod night performances was injovrd by those who availed them-s-bes of tlie opportunity to hear on of the tuiinlest operas that the Man hattan i 'p. r. i company has given dur ing it', engagement lore. The (n xetti -N " . arrler boys were II. gucstH the T.-'nr'goment last nidi, 'inl on ! "d th" show very much. Th. muri a' numbers, as always, w.r well rcndeied while the acting was up to tie- higti .-tan. bird .a' the company. The attraction tonight will be "Pina fore," a v.r pleasing L. Blomberg i. i 'nil in Imported, Key Smokers' Art it 17 Patton West and Domestic ('ir;irs. es and Sportim? Goods. Ave. Wlil be i.pera. Clue The Rxtracl to Buy. Ribbon Lemon and 1" liove that in him are the extracts t buy. nobis r.ocat'S' we have fouod a man who can re- 11 MJOKH. line t asp ir .ii ti e district. Mr. Reynolds has . to 'mart flavors perfectly. a gnat mn"v staunch fupporurs in ; mv county and already he has per fected such an organisation that were any other aspirant to enter the (lei 1 at this time Mr Reynolds wousl carry at letist 90 per rent, of the convention I Mr Reynold during his recent trips ' to ..ur county has gained strength In i.'v.iy township. He is ihe man In noimnati because he is en vffetic, am bitious and a tireless workei and I believe that Hum ombe. Madison and Transylvania will unite solid for Mr. Reynolds in the judicial convention." ROBBERS SHOT TO DEATH AFTER LOOTING A BANK Tiic Got 12000: Pose Killed Three., and Ihe Other Two Mauageil lo (i.'t HilV. I 1 Every Oven Full Sweet. Light and Bread bared Ii our bakery fpralcs for itself. It doesn't Just happen so. It's not din- to mere chance. Hut Is the result of finest flour mixed and kneaded with skill by experienced men and baked as only experts kno,v how to manage th" process. We de liver daily to nil parts of the city. Phone No. 622 or 381. Asheville Steam BaKery THEY ARE, HERE! The Car of 1910 JTJL1 lUIlt? II 30 3; N. P. 4 Cyl. Roadster $1100 30 33 II. P. 4 Cyl. Touring Car $1350 50-60 II. P. G Cyl. 7 Passenger Touring Car $2000 This is a lii";li class ear throughout. "We will be glad to show yon these ears. Goston Automobile Co. Phor.e 244. No. 95 and 97 Patton Av. Chicago, April 7 Three I who robbed the Coal t'lty I ; $;n00 were pursued by a post r.hoi today. I- ie men Were colic i robbery. Two escaped, plunder with th.-m. nrnci indlta nk of i e and n th. th- ir The Old Reliable Kurtzman od enough for the most exacting, and with- A piano ; in the reael We alwa of the - make average buyer, terms to suit. FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE, 21 S. Main St. Asheville, N. C. Votes on 'Any Purchase Purchases made hy anyone hardware and small warea of all i:i ls, one vote tu each dollar's worth; ten votes lor dollar's worth .' baseball goods purchased Only a few more days. Hurry boys! Asheville Hardware Co. I0UTH PACK SQUARE and 26 N. MAIN IT. THK DEPUTY 10 Ml, LOSM RfX )i:KI.Ts os brio l Torn solicit your BURN OUE JELLICO COAL O. i the benetit of our life time ex perlen e In mining and preparing coal JELLICO COAL CO. .1. It KIIOFR. Manager, O.N. JC8TICI0, Agt. Phone 510 Office over Cltlxens Bank. Succeeds Mr. Rimsey Sworn in Ye- ttrday Will Make Asheville His Headquarters. Continued from Page line, sued by the M" thodlst church in Italy were adopted by the Tr. y conference of the Methodist Kpisei.pal church to day. The resolutions declare the oc currences of the past few days em phasize the necessity for a Protestant church in Rome. LaiHlreih Sc.il. Cir0!in.-v Pliarnuu y Swannanoa Laundry, phone 70. I o. II- I'l'lll- .-' i I Waldrop of Asheville. wii" Chambers Weaver. Livery. Phone 18 has spent the past live months in j Jacksonville. I'la . and Alabama, re-' turned to North Carolina yesteplay and Koiut: , charlotte was s.,rn in Tlie Miller-Kloe Pint o. as deputy marshal under Marshal : Logan to succeed Deputy Marshal (I. H. Kamaey. reslptne I. Mr. Wal drop was named by Marshal Lo K.m laat Saturday and instructed to report for duty at once. He met Mar- shcl l r in nnil JudK" I'.oyd In Char lotte vesteriluy. was Inducted Into Office and came on to Asheville to as sume the duties of his new office. Deputy Marshal Waldrop will make Asheville headquarters as did Mr. Kcnsey. He will be the deputy mar shal for nine cour.tle. In western Xonh Carolina, including. Hunccunbe. Mr. Waldrop Is well and favorably known In Akhevllle and tils appoint ment as deputy marshal will bring pleasure to his hosts of friends. He la a labor union man and for years has beip MeHtffled with the Plasterers' onion an! Central Labor Union of this place. WANTED WANTED To make men particular about their drese a new suit. A wide assortment Imported and do mestic fabrics. Tailoring perfect. (Juaranteed. Pressing club SI a month. J. C. Wllliar. Phone 1S9. We carry a enmplete stfoek of Electric Fixtures and Lamps. Inside Wiring, Supplies, Metors, Electric Heating Irons, and inquiries. Piedmont Electric Co. Opp. Postoffhe.' ASHEVILLE. Phone 478. WANTED Poeitlon as stenographer, by young man. for experience more than salary. In or out of town. Ad dress M. M., care (iazette-News office. 50-Jt I ' ill SALE A K 1 horse, will drive In single or double harness Seven years old. A'. ply at Hackney Moales printing office, Lexington avenue. 60-3L Don't Use Old rooking vessels, pots, pam and kettles. Throw them awav with the advent of spring and bowers, and buy new enamelware and tinware. First class goods and priced always a little lees. I X L DEPARTMENT STORE i a H. HJCIIALOVK, Sole Prop. H PATTON AVE. PHONE 17 ASHEVILLE PRESBYTERY WILL MEET AT M0NTREAT IX18T Small black ostrich feather neck boa. Reward. Telephone T7. 50-St. Sprliitf Session Will Convene pril lt OpcaMl Sermon Will Be by Hcv. Mr. Id !, i The Asheville Presbytery will hoi I Its spring session this year at Mon treal, beginning Tuesday, April IS, at 8 o'clock and Mill be In sesalon for about two days. The opening sermon will be preached by Rev..L. J. Heiser forme-ly pastor of the Presbyterian church at Montreal. The First Pres byterian church of Asheville srill b represented by Judge J. D. Murphy, while Kev. R. F. Campbell. I) D . pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. Rev. K L Orau. pastor of Ora strctt Presbvterlan church and Rev. R. P. Hmlih, evangelist, will atl. ud from this city. FOR RENT Three room house oa Pearson Drive, :.. ,n per mo. Apply to T. 8. Morrison. CO-St FOR SALE Sound, clean, new, mix ed Clay or Unknown Peas, In sound sacks. Price, nfty bushels or more IJ I" Leu than nrty bushels IMS All price, f. o. b. Bt. Matthews, H, C. Terms, cash with order. Ad dress The Pea Man, Box S4. Bt. Matthews, 8. C. 60-7t PINEAPPLE DAY For Saturday, April 9 AVe are offering the following attractive Bargains in Canned Pineapples: 2 lb Tins, grated 15c each, $1.70 per do. 1 lb Tins, rated 10c each, $1.15 per doz. 1 2 lb 'I'ins, sliced 24c each, $2.75 per doz. 2 lb Tins, sliced 20c each, $2.30 per doz. 2 lb Tins, . hunks 15c each, $1.70 per doz. These ;ii" big reductions as the 2 12 lb. tiiiH retail at 35c, tlie 2 lb. tins -it 25c, the 1 lb. tins at 15c each iiinl the Quality is First Class, so you can not go wrong in buying all that you may nee l lor the summer. Clarence Sawyer 53 PATTON AVI. PHONE 21 or 136. At . one bargain every BatoreSaj, FOR RENT I room house on Col lege street, furnished or unfurnish ed. Forbe A Campbell. St Patton Avenue. Phone Its. FOR SALE All the household fur niture at the "Uleeta," No. S Flint street Illnes. cause of selling. H. M. W IPims. S0-12t Try a Gazette-News Want Ad. HOTEL BERKELEY ROOM The most attractive Pool Room in the City. : : : A complete line of Import ed and Domestic Cigars. "IT'S DOWN STAIRS" You Always Get Pleasing Portraits of Quality from Our Studio. HAGE & KOONCE and A8HELAND AVKM B CORNER PATTON HM men who discard their vesta so readily when warm weather arriv b 9 times out of 10 patrons of this laundry. They like to display their'! shirts for they are beautifully laundered and they know It. SWANNANOA LAUNDRY, We Treat Tour Laundry White. Phone 7 41 P ATI Oil Citizens Transfer Company JTJIAAW WOODCOCK, Owaer. AVENUE. TELEPHONE M FURNITUREj,MOVING Prompt Baggage Transfer Service Garden Tools Hand Plows, Hand Cultivators, Hoes, Bakes, Spading Forks, Trowells, etc. Lawn Mowers, & Rubber Ho Call and see them or phone 53. We try to please ever customer. i j . li tim k ' Ottis Green Hardware Co. Phone 53. 11 Woat Pack So I 0. tt T. T. P. A,

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