Monday, April 18, 1910 THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS M A I K I M K W. ft WARRANT ISSUED id Hmam HI I IMP Mil IMS III FOR CAPT. AAIILl Patent-Tipped Silk Gloves mm r ttm ' m a With "Kayser" in the Hem We sell the genuine Kaysers the standard for 25 years. The gloves that go through fifty operations to attain their perfection in finish and fit. And we sell them in any shade or style or length at the price of the poorest gloves. A guarantee in every pair. Price, 50c up. Controversy Between the Agricultural Department and the Millers Reaches an Acute Stage. Vt have a complete new stock of these famous Silk Gloves, in black, white and colors 50c and 75c pair. Kayser's Hi Button Silk Gloves, black, white and colors 98c pair Kayser's Chamois Gloves 50c pair Housekeepers should sec the sp'endid values on sale here this week. 1.0(1 hue Irish Linen Table Damask, again Tuesday 58c yd Napkins to match above $1.87 doz. ,'tOe Sheets 37c liac Sheets 50c -1 Sheets 69c m I'illow Cases 10c Kearless" Pillow Cases ikc Fine assortment Curtain Nets at 15c and 19c yd DRY SPECIALS. I Jean I i I'ul Colored Lawns, sheer and line patterns, Hie grade, Kindley's leader, 5c yd 'ev Style Dutch Collars, new stock just received 15c and 25c W inner's Rust Proof and Thompson's Glove Fitting Corsets. The new models ;i dollar should interest you. A shape for every liyure. 'v in' also showing a very complete line of Thompson's and Warner's Corsets ai $1.50 and $2.00 Millinery and Coat Suit Department, ea-h showing Hie newest and best in their line. New shipment small I lilts just received. I'rHh new Dresses and Coal Suits were received yestenlny. Take a look lluoicjli our big show rooms. You'll not he asked to buv. W. E. KINDLEY & CO. fJazPtte-N. wv Bureau. Chamber of Comm. n . Booms, Hollemon lain, line, Raleigh. April is Saturday afternoon tin- A. and M track team won from Wake I 'm est in n closely contested mm l,y the s v of (17 tu til points. The best work In the meet was done by Coughennur,, Wake Forest's apecdv man. The Farmers showed their superiority in the throwing eontests and Jumping, while tin' Baptists were stronger In running. The Raleigh Country Huh has been Inenpornted and a commits e has been appointed to receive lilils fur tin' handsome new club house. The (round have been pal in excellent shape, and when the h oldings are erected Hnleigh will have one of the handsomest country chilis in the Whole south. The controversy betui.n the Mil lers' association and tin- commissioner of agriculture has reached an acute stage. The millers made certain de mands of the department relative tu "bleached Hour," tax mi feedstuff anil the weight law. The matter haa been referred to the attorney general for an opinion and he will render a decis ion in the matter in a dav or two. I Saturday the commission, r had a vvar I rant issued for Capt. J li. McNeill of j Fayettevllle, president the Millers' Association, for violating the feed law, this placing the matter in the courts. Tlie outcome will he watched with considerable Interest. A white man by tin name of Ar rington (or Anderson I was captured in this county charged with desertion from the Putted States army. He had in his possession a hois, s'olen from a person at Enfield. He was return ed lo Norfolk and the horse was ship ped to its owner at Eulli Id. Considerable Interest has been aroused by the call for a mass-meet -ing of tlie Wake eountv democrats to all be held here Saturday. April Tin that it Is issing men like a light anil "nuts." In illg directed tin meeting purpose of " , am 1 I measures." It loot s mi between the "Ins Tlii new movement is by .1 W. Bailey. Adjutant rScnanri uiMiuecs that rompany rantry nt Lumber Bri, tin highest record fi target si t, and awar afield an Second In had made tlie indoor it the I u il.liery until this lobbcrs After Gclting Nine Pouches ol Mail Cut Off and Sent Away Engine. trail IT II lor the 1. ll til, It III I- I'll I. 'I let ,' April IS. The Cliina- hlch left San Friin Southern Pnclllc rnll- ist at It o'clock Satur hehl up by two mask i-. two miles east of i day and rubbed of registered mall. The ii i x press matter. I lies have been re- i Hi' robbers rltled tlie now are hiding In the hills iirtlnez and Oakland. Shcr from two counties, on ilotnidiiles, are engng iniii hunt. The robbers are and a battle Is anticipul tigers on the train were 1 d mil several of them did not learn of tin morning. A 1 1 er getting tlio mail sacks the robbers cut the engine ofT the train ami sent it down the main track, with the throttle open, to the cast. In the direct path of the engine was a sec tion of a passenger train No, heav ily loaded, and but tor the presence of inlntl of n telegraph operator at Sui siin a collision would have taken place. The engine was thrown into a ditch in the nick of time. Tlie train robbery Is the lirst in California for several years. II was plotted nnd executed in spectacular fashion. After the mall car had been robbed th- engine crew was forced to carry the nine mail sacks to the engine. The inline and mall car were uncoupled tr the coaches tilled with sleeping passengers, and run down the track two miles. Here the mall pouches were thrown out. the engine llll touplcd and its throttle pushed wide open. Tin l imine dashed forward on Its wild journey toward a passenger train coming westward to Tolenas, Hi miles cast, passing the lirst section on a siding at t'ygnus. As the engine passed the station at Snlsnn the op erator noticed it was running wild. He immediately reported to the dis patcher's office at Oakland and re- ill Tolenas and the oncoming Purest and Best Rumford Baking Powder ci 'veil Instriu lions to ci Instruct them to derail engine. Second section of train No. 5, west bound, had just arrived at Tolenas and ordererl fo wait there for the ( li ilia-Ja panese mail. The sw itch was thrown and tlie runaway engine, by this time pretty will relieved of steam, ran on a siding and smashed Into a string of box cars. The train lay engim less for some lime while an engine was secured from Sacramento, arriving at 1 o'clock this morning. A gimd description of the bandits was furnished by an American on the felry boat, who had observed them as tin y hung about Port Costa, waiting for the train. Their trail has been followed to the rough hill county between Martinez and Oakland nnd it Is believed that they are headed toward Snn Francis co and have a good chance to escape. CiiiiiiiMiiiih Alter I lost on Marathon. pout trophy. This company made a scorn or J.1S out of a possible :I50. The tropin, which Is a massive silver cup. Will be competed tor an illy by the companies of tin North Caro lina National fiunrd Commissioner of Agriculture lim it m has com back I)r(oiii Edgecombe county, where, he adilr. ised the Far mers' alliance of that county, which is extremely well organized, this be ing 111 f the lew counties in which the alliance haa maintained Its strength. In a few Counties it has been kept up, hut iii a large number the Farmers union lias, so In speak, replaced It. Tlie Fdgecomhe alliance meeting was held at Spee. There was by i -snip Craham barbecue. He found ihe very line spirits there, in linest farming sections in I'pon tlie commissioners he found very handsome Moston, April 18. Canada is to me lie a great effort to carry off first honors in the annual Marathon race of the Hoston Athletic Association to morrow, a number of the best run ners from across the border having entered for the contest. Included among them are John Roe of Toronto. Charles Cook of Hamilton, Fred Cam eron of Amherst. N. S.. and Cordon Woir of Dartmouth, N. 8. The race as usual will be held over the famous 2."-mlle course from the little village or Ashland Into the B. A. A. clubhouse in this city. Ever since the first B. A A Maruthon nearlv 20 years ago the event has grown steadily in importance until it has as sumi d not only a national greatness but an international one as well. CtllLDRENS' K DRESSES, $1.00 to $4.98 III I ess nnd a big farmers in one of Ihe 'he south, return here resolutions adopted by the Farmers union in Franklin i "iinty, these set-' ting out that the state department of agriculture Is doing a great 'work and that not a little of the success ol ihisj is to In' attributed t" his own zeal and ability. No state agricultural depart ment In the count ii does so gnat a ' variety of work as does that of this' state, and its reputation Is verv great. Very particular InqUlry was made of the agricultural department as to! whether any damage was done In tin 1 state by frost last ,.' point has news com From the chief fru learned that though cool It was cloud and other fruits esi For Your Hair . Here Are Facts We Want You to Prove at Our Risk. Marvelous as it may seem, Kexall i "!3'' Hair Tonic lias grown hair on' heads that wen- once bald, of course it is underal I that in none of these ; cases were ti. hair louts dead nor bad the scalp taken on a glazed, shi ny appearance. When the roots of th.. hair are ct.-j llrely dead and the pi, res of the scalp ' an- glared over, we tlo not believe that' anything can restore hair growth When Itcxall "93'' Hair Tonic will do as above stated, it is not strange that vve have Buch great faith in It' and that we claim it will prevent J baldness wln n used in lime. it a, ts scientitically. destroying the genus1 which nr.- usually ' responsible i ir I Mildness. It penetrates to the roots' d tlie hair, stimulating and limn i.-k-ing them. It is a met pleasant t.,i-! lid necessity, is delicately oerfuined and w ill nut gum nor permanctly stain the hair. We want you to get a bottle of Ilex till "93" I lair Tonic and use it as iii- . reeled. If It does not relieve scalp irritation, remove dandruff, prevent! the hair from falling out and promote an Increased growth of hair and in every way give entire satisfaction, simply come back and tell ns and without question or formality we will hand back to you every penny you paid ns for it. We n nd our endorsement .to liexall 93" Hair Tonic nun sell it mi tills guarantee, because vve believe it is the best hair tonic ever discovered. It conies In two sizes, prices 511 cents and ll.iui. Hi member you cull ob tain it only at our stun The itcxall Store. Smith s Drug Store. Pack Sip, opp. Public Library. BLOOD POISON Cured bf the Marvel ot the Century, B. B. B. Tested for 30 Years. SAMPLE i'."KK: For years Botanic Blood Balm (I!. 1'.. il l. has been curing yearly1 thousands of sufferers from Primary. I Secondary or Tertiary Blood Poison.' and all forms of Blood and Skin Dis eases. Cancer, Itheumtitlsm and Ke xemu. We solicit tlie most obstinate cases, because It. I:. 1 1, cures where all els., fails. If vou have aches and pains in Bones, Back or Joints, Ma i us Patches in mouth, Sol e Throat, Pimples. Copper-Colored Spots. II- ts on anv part of Hie Imily, Hair on Kyobtows falling out. Itching, watery blisters or open humors, Bisings or Pimples of F.czcma, Boils. Swellings. Bating Sons, take B. B It. It kills the poison, makes the blood pure and rich, completely .hanging tlie entire body into a clean, healthy condition, healing every sore or pimple and stopping all aches, pains and itching, earing the w orst ease uf Blood Poison, Itheumatism or Eczema. BOTANIC 1llOOI BliAM (It. II. It,), is pleasant and safe to take; com posed of pure Botanic Ingredients. It purities and enriches the blood. D-RCGCHSTS, $1 PER LARGE BOTTLE, with directions for home 'lire. FRKE BLOOD (THE CO I PON. This coupon cut from Aaheville Onxette-News is good for one sample if B. B. P.. mailed free in plain pack ages. Simply fill In your name and address on dotted lines below and mail to Bl.OOf) BALM Co.. Atlanta, (la. k. and from no of any trouble. t section it is the weather was iad so the apples aped anv Injury. the outlook for a gn at crop being re markably line. There was frost In this section, as was I ready stated, but it was found to hav. done no damage. State name of trouble, if you know. WHEAT-HEARTS GRIDDLE CAKES (Superior to Buckwheat.) And Infinitely More Digestible. To one cup of WHEAT-HEARTS add one cup or flour, one teaspoon or salt, two teaspoons of baking pow der .one tnblespoonriil of brown su gar, one well beaten egg, and sufTI clent S'veet milk to make a thin hat ter. Bake on hot, well greased grid dle, and serve with syrup. TEH BEGINS APRIL 25 Wash Dresses for Chil dren and Misses Sizes 6 to 14. These prettv little garments are made in White Ijiwn, ding hum. Percale and (ialateas In solid colors, checks, stripes and pbilds V"ii will he agreeably surprised with tlie duality of material vi lis) the nice way In vvlili li they grc finish, d. They'll retain their color, too. Beautiful Silk Dresses for Street Wear and Party Gowns. ir you contemplate the pur chase of a silk dress he sure and view our assembly for you will undoubtedly find lu re just what you want In this vast and vnrlcd assortment of silk dress es. Foulards, Pongees. Crepe de Chine. Shan-tiiiig. Taffeta, Mcssallnc Dresses, etc $10 to nr.. Girls' and Boys' Rompers, 50c and 75c THE, FASHION TELEPHONE 520. 16 PATTON AVE. "The Store that lives np to its Name." State vs. Watkins, for the Kill ing of Bunting, Most Im portant Case. The April term 'd Superior court for the trial of ci itnn il cuses will mi vene here next M iay. April 2.",, for a two weeks' sessl "with Judge M II. Justice presliln i There are now about Hii new cast trial, the mnjnrltv peals from city poll interesting case set that or State vs. F -d with the killing lug at the Oasdstot Mountain, one night last aummcr. aMcltor Brown said today In an swer to a iiitestlon ttiai tin witnesses III the case bail been subpoenaed and that the case would oe called the c -ind Monday of court. It la not yet 11 tie j docket for f which are ap- court. The most down for trial is Watkins. ehiirg .lohn Hill Bunt hotel. Black Br Come In TODAY Special Sale $1.25 and $1.50 Waists Lingerie & Tailored Effects 98c ii?jii3!Hl!IIHHH i r store that saves vou mom v KIIIHIIIIIIIIII1 i8ii3uiiiiiuimiuiii!S!i..;....M.;,v,JSHiHimiiiiiiiiiiHii Hoosier Cabinet Club Antillicr dull is liciii'v IVhiikmI. DonM nvl loft, cluli inem- Imts n c :;..)ii mi eai'li eiiliiiH't. Kiitris rlosc April The five ciiliiiM'1 will In' iriv'cn away April 151 M li. Von may get a I Inosit'i without its ostiii!r yon ;i fviit. Burton & Holt HOTEL BERKELEY POOL ROOM The most attractive Pool Room in the City. : : : A complete line of Import ed and Domestic Cigari. "IT'S DOWN STAIRS" SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE. EFFECTIVE NOV. 15, 1900. Schedule figures published as Information and nut guaranteed. Eastern Time. ARRIVES FROM No. 7 from L. Toxaway. No. 9 from Charleston . No. 11 from New York . . No. 12 from Cincinnati .. No. 13 from Charleston . No. 18 from Murphy .... No. 20 from Murphy .... No. 21 from Cohlshoro .. So. 35 from AVushlnKtJn .11:20 a. m . 2:10 p. m . 2:45 p. m DEPARTS FOR No. 8 for L. Toxaway 3:20p.m. certain, however, whether or not the trial will he had, since It Is uinlor- st I that the prosecution Is in ilotiht as o whether or not it can have all ilH witnesses here lu the event that tic witnesses for both the slate anil .I, tense can l,c IuoiikIi lien- the trial will he gone Into. Tlie trial of the i case the lirst time resulted in a mis-j trial anil at the next term of court a I continuance was hail hecaiise the de fense was unable to have here on ac count of illness Its most Important witness. It was at tlmt time that the prosecution lodged t niollon for a re movel of the trial to another count.,. I lint later withdrew this motion. Kill RHEUMATISM. The way I" ore rheumatism is to remove lis uuse. rtbSumacide removes tic cause allil Slops llle . Ill ipuchiv. Itheiimacide is put u, in liquid and tablet form. In He and r,oo nnttlns, and is sold by drugKisi generally. Taldets mailed on receipt of price. Unoklet free. Bobbltl Chemical Co.. Ilaltlmnre, Md. No. 10 for Charleston 4:10 p.m. No. 11 for Cincinnati 3:05 p.m. 2:05 p.m. No. 12 for New York 2:25 p.m. 9:15p.m. No. 14 for Charleston 7:00a.m. No. 17 for Murphy R:30a. m. No. 19 for Murphy 3:35 p.m. Ko. 22 for Ooldsboro 8:00 a.m. No. 25 for Memphis 2:40 a.m. . 7:10 a. rn. . 7:20 a. m. fi:40 p. m. 1 :20 p. m 8:15 p. m 2 : 3 0 a. m No. 3f, from Memphis 6:50 a.m. No. 3 S lor Washington No. 102 from Bristol 10:35 p.m. No. 101 for Itristnl . . No. 41 from Jacksonville .. 7:00 a. m No. 42 for Jacksonville .... 8:50p.m. Through sleeping cars to and from New Turk, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington. Jacksonville. Memphis, Chattanooga, Cincinnati, Louisville. rhalr cars to and from Ooldsboro. Kor further Information, apply t o .i ti uoim trt. ' i"-iv in- Dlt. WINSTON IORUEMKED liAKUE AUMI NCK AT Y. M I i he Booth, He lars, i Rest Marc Revelop the MMtf Of the Colored llai t: Minds On Works Clear POSTUM 1 Tk...n U9 O D a MMVU Read 'The Road to Well VlHe." In packages. If nutrlluiti il I The address or Dr. S ge T. Winston at the Y. M I. yesterday was well received hy the large nudlen.r that came out to hear him. In hi III way he took up the question of the opportunities ot the race In the soutrt. and presented ninny data to prove that the south, for many reas ons. Is the heat place to . develop whatever ability there is in the race. Several times he was roundly ap plauded as he forcefully presented the truth of the whole nltuatlon. The entire audience was very much helped. These meetings are primarily held to get at the real truth so that a better conditio! may prevail. Such a dl.itlngulahed personage as Dr. Wlfiston. who has the deep Interest of the southland and the good of all the people nt heart. Is helping to approach the question of race ad justment from a Chrlstlsn standpoint. STREET CAR SCHEDULE IN EFFECT OCT. 17TH, 1909. ZILLICOA AND RETURN r--n m DnrVOQinf PARK" U:3V and every I r, minutes until p! RIViKblUt jAKJS. m th(jn i v( ry huu. unt ,, on p m MnNT1nRTi AVENUE 10:30 u m- and ev,!ry 7 13 mtnuta I m omixlnr until 11:00 p.m.. except 907 TO SANTEE STREET anil in:07 which go to So. street only DEPOT VIA S0UTHS1DE ; fr "K"'1 uvir; "n ZT.aZll tim 1:15; then every 7 1-2 minutes lint 11 AVENUE J:30; then every 15 minutes till 11.00 last ear DEPOT VIA FRENCH 11:1 b- (i;30' 7 tt- m- nml ov,ry ml"' . ulcs until 8 p. m,, then every 30 mln- BROAD AVENUE tes tin ii:oo. MANOR 6' 6:16' 6;46' 7- 7:80 n- Uun every 5 minutes till 11 p. m. CHATLOTlrESTREET .7.a,m, 8 a- m,n .70,Ly 15 n,,n Tfe till 7:45 p. m. 11:00 o clock ear runs T E R M I N US through to Oolf cluh. PATTON AVENUE t a. m. apd every 16 minutes till II p. m. EAST STREET r' a m- n(1 ev,ry t& minutes tin n-.oo p. m. GRACE VIA a. ni. and every 30 minutes till 11:00 MI-DBTMON IVIMni ,Mt Car 11:S0 t0 2 P' m ' nU frf'm mEKKimUlN AVfiPIUS 5 to 7 p. m, a 15 minute schedule will be maintained. B1LTM0RE ' ' ' '" ,w',v lf' """"" 8:30 p. in. then every 30 minute till 1 1 00, last car. Sunday schedule differs In the following particulars: Cara leave for Depot, both Southaide and French Broad, (5:15, t; 30 a m. Car for Depot via Southslde 7:00, 7:30, 8:00 a. m. Next regular car for Depot leave Square 8:45 both Snuthslde and French Rrosd. First car leave Square for Charlotte street at 8:46. First car leaves Square for Riverside 8:10, next 8:45. With the above exceptlona, Sunday schedule commence at 9 a. m. and continue same aa weak day. On evening when entertainment are In progress at either Auditorium or Opera Hons, the last trip on all luvs will ba from entertainment, leaving Square at regular time and holding over at Auditorium or Opert House. Car leave Square to meet No. II, night train. It minute before arhed iil or announced arrival. "