THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE -NEWS You Can Get the Goods at Kindley's One of the ninny strong points of this store is tho fat'l that you can get just what you are looking for ji.rht liere under this one roof and rest assured dial you will get the right prices, too, on every item. 1 MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Our stock of the newest shapes, flowers, foliage, r&bons, velvets and ornaments were never more com icu Your order will receive our most care ful attention and we can please you. That we are turning out more than twice tho number of hats of jhiv former season is proof that Kindley's prices and styles are correct. Oome in today. New Models Warner V and Thompson Glove Fitting Corsets The new models pictured here are two of our big gest sellers at $1.00. The materials used are all the best and the styles of course are very latest. Royal Society Packages, pretty line of waists, underwear, centerpieces, etc., 25c to $1.25 pack age. Come, look the line over. W. E Kindley & Co. Pi'es Quickly Cured At Home Instant Relief, Permanent Cure Trial Package Mailed Free to All in Main Wrapper. Many r:scn of Piles have been cur fcfl I'.v ii (rial package of Pyramid Pile Cure Without further treatment. When it proves its value to you, order more from your drugRlst at 50 cents a box. Snniily fill out free coupon below and mail today. Save yourself from the euFgedh'a knife and its torture, the doctor and his bills. , m:i: package coupon. H m M M n to to H ft K K K K , V. it t at k It K PYIIAMID DRUG COMPANY, 2H1 Pyramid Gldg., Marshall, Mich. Kindly send me a cample or Pyramid Pile Cure, at once by mail, FREE, In plain wrapper. Name. Street . City state. IlTH ill (THOMSON'S I W If v! tFLovtnrnNC' Ask your Grocer for "COLONIAL BRAND" FLAVORING EXTRACTS Because Best. S WITH WINSTON-SALEM pntests Will Occur Tomorrow Night, Scores Being Reported by Wire. The V. M c i k,ii a i- . wunniig UUI1I is Mtill,; on 111,. f,,,.hl,. uuk- h '" with the Winston - which begins tomorrow it .11 . o'clock. Hlnco the duck 1 ' M last week ho. K... Ch lllterret .,,!. ..'..j . i. "ni'Bini ii, mf iuiii - rles and the local association i are expecting to reverse the re- I hint 11, r-1 Kmh te.iin uin i 1 mwwi uii nn iwii ""d. r rules already agreed 1 1 1 i and will communicate by wlr ' the rektilt of each game as played. The teams will be composed of ten men each, and four substitutes. Ash vllles team will be composed of the following men: Hoffman, McCanless, Sullivan, (iudger, Jones, Sawyer, Hall, .lumen. I- .patrick. Williams, Cole man. Taylor, Redwood and Sugg. Tonight the alleys will be open for the men to use in their tlnal practice lor opening game. Ladies will be welcome to witness tile game tomorrow night. Pennsylvania democrats wilj hold their stale convention In Allentown June IS. We Keep Everything That Fash ionable Women Will Wear This Season Nprmg Suits and (towns with many new style feature. Attractive Lingerie and Silk Dresses for the Summer Season. Modish Garments for Misses, Replicas of Grown up riinJiionH. Srin Kashions m odd skirts, Linen and Silk Coats. N'uw nlens in Neckwear are shown here in great pro , fusion. 'air Goods and Requisites Essentinl to Women who aopt the new mode in Coiffures. Hosiery, Corsets, Gloves, Underwear, Kimonos, Ete Wc, Ete. THE, FASHION TELEPHONE S20. 16 PATTOH AV12. "The Store that lives trp to it Name." DECIDING UPON ROUTE Part of Spaitanburg-Tryon Highway Has Already Been Decided Upon. There was a meeting Friday, says the Spartanburg Herald,, Of the good toads committee appointed at Tryon some time ago to locate the Spartan-burg-Tryon highway. The meeting was held in the office of President Arch P.. Calvert, chairman of the committee. The route from the North Carolina line as far as Gramling was decided upon. There will he another meeting of the committee at Inman Tuesday, April 22, at noon, to decide upon the route from Gramling to Spartanburg. The route from the North '"nrolina line to Gramling fol lows pretty much the old road. There OTt a few changes of the route, but these few changes do not vary much from the present road. The meeting was full, and the mem bers of the committee were enthusias tic over the building of the road. Among tltose present were: From Try- on, I!. I. Hallenger and George H. Holmes; from Landrum, R. T. linone i n il J. C. Page; from Campoliello, J. M. Jackson and J. II. Caldwell; from Inman, Dr. J. H. Gibson and 01. Gos-nell. Anotlier OcU'ctlve Story. Tho experiment of publishing in weofcq instalments the best detective and mystery stories, which was be gun by the New York Sunday World six months ago, has proved a great .-mi-cess. That newspaper now an nounces that on Sunday, May I, It will begin publication of "That Malnwnr Ing Affair,"' the exciting realistic ro muni'c written by Italph Henry Bar-hour. JACKSON COI XTY MATTKKS. DiasattsAM lion boiit Census Job Kailroad Humors Continue lo lie Heard. Correspondence of The Gazette -News. Sylva, April IS. The Inner work ings of the census organization as it affects Jackson county is slowly hut surely leaking out. and the program nlbged to have followed Is 'S follows: Theie wns an 'examination of npnli s ants by the postmnster nt Webster I'. biuai v 2T., in which very few appli cants arc reported to hnxe successful ly passed. A hnrry-up call wsis sound ed from Waynesville nnd the chair man of the republican county execu tive committee Immediately had bus in Waynesville. After a space of several days the chairman trans mitted letters to the "successful" ap plicants udvlsing them that they had passed the examination nil O. K. and would he appointed. No word came from the supervisor until the blanks and commissions were sent out. As a colncblence the chairman in Jack son appointed himself one of the .numerators, turning down a poor, but worthy, lady applicant in his own township, a In Luther. There Is much dissatisfaction being expressed on all sides and It Is .lust possible this dlssat isliii tion lll ! relie.ted In Novem ber unless the unexpected happens. The fact that Supervisor Norwood submitted the Jackson appointments to a prominent democrat of this county, under the impression that that gentleman was a republican, gave the little game deal away. Railroad rumors continue to be hsard hereabouts. The fact that Hon. I'. J. Harris has become Interested II the scheme gives a certain degree of confidence to the proposition. Col. Harris has a reputation of doing things In this burg. TIM healing plant nt Cull .whee Normal and Industrial Institute works admirably and at murh less oxp nse than anticipated. The one plant will heat the new dormitory, the present school building nnd the new building th oa erected this year, as cheaply -a the present school building has here tofore been heab d. Important to Mothers A reoord of sixty ne roars continu ous use of "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup" by mothers In all parts of the world, is ths hlghsst prsts that any remedy for "children teething" has star rscelved. Every year ths young mother follows la the footsteps of her mother snd finds Jn. Wlnskiws' Soothing Syrup to ba ths favorite, and so It has tons on for a period of slxty-flre years. Millions of mothers had used It for their children whlls teethlna with perfect success. It snothas the child, softens ths gums, Hilars sll pain, diarrhoea, wind colic. Hold hy druggists and medicine deal rs in all parts of tha known world. Ouaranteed andst the Food and Drug act af June I. 1M. aerta' Number I ass. Twenty-flv rente a bottle. iie snre una e rormm. " WATERS ARE HIGH IN EASTSEC1N Floods Along the Roanoke, Cape Fear and Tar Rivers Very Heavy Rains. Gazette-News liurcau, Chamber of Commerce Rooms, Hollemon Building, Raleigh, April 19. The French Broad Quarry, Uuild ing and Material company of Ashe ville, has tiled an amendment to its charter increasing its capital stock to 820,000. The following concerns were chartered: The Ivey & Hlce company of Hickory, to manufacture picker sticks, lug straps, loom sup plies, etc., with a capital stock of $60,000, the incorporators being George F. Ivey, J. W. Hlce and A. L. Shuford; the Allright Seat company of Greensboro, to manufacture and deal In all kinds of seats, the author ized capital stock being i.10,000; the Polkton Hrick company of Polkton, to manufacture brick and other clay products, the capital stock being $100, 000; The East Lake Telephone com pany of Huffalo City, with a capital stock of $10,000. A small Fire. What came near being a serious (ire was discovered In the basement of the Woodard Iluildlng under Lewis' pool room yesterday about 1 o'clock, but it was extinguished with si damage of only a few hundred dollars, covered by Insurance. Had the lire got more headway, It It likely that the whole block from Martin to Davie street, which includes Johnson's drug store, the Western Union office. Woolcott's store and the Yarborosigh house, would have been destroyed. The ori gin of the fire is unknown. Train Stalled by Water. The morning train leaving, here over the Norfolk & Southern at 4:30, was unable to get far out of the city yes terday on account of the Hooded con dition of the tracks mar Crabtree creek, and was forced to return and wait until after 9 o'clock tor the wa ter to subside. The trace was covered for some distance to a depth of from one to two feet. Reports from the eastern section of the stsite along the Roanoke, Capt Fear and Tar rivers tell of Hoods. The Roanoke at Wei don yesterday was 31- feet high and rapidly rising. The Indications were that water at that place would reach a height of 42 feet by today. Flood warnings have been sent sill over the eastern section of the stsite by the local weather bureau. The total pre cipitation here from Saturday night wns 2.6.1 inches, and il reached 4.50 Inches at Weldon. Miss Merkle Roberts of Alexander, Buncombe county, who has been teaching in this county, left yesterday for her home. J. 0. RUHR IS IN S Takes Position with Asheville Dry Goods Co. Will Go North to Purchase Goods. J. O. Blnlr, who for the past 20 years has been connected with the re tall dry goods business of Asheville. having formerly been connected with H. Redwood & Co., the Bon Man lie and up to the time of his resignation, a few months ago, had charge of the Peerless Dry Goods company, has con nected himself with the Asheville Dry Goods company, where he will have entire charge of the dry goods department. Mr. lllulr Is well known to the Asheville public as a conscientious and upright business man with un questionable Integrity and a long and var'ed experience, hsiving started from the bottom of the mercantile ladder suul climbing rung hy rung until to day he is considered in the very front ranks of the dry goods world. He is thoroughly acquainted with the wants of the people and will cater to them, as In the past, by selling first class merchandise nt prices that arc right. Mr. Blair will leave for New York In a short time to purchase an en tirely new and up-to-date line of lr goods, and will welcome any nnd all of his friends nnd customers at the Asheville Dry Goods company. It is a well known fact that since its reorganization, u year ago. the Asheville Dry Goods company has un dergone a complete change both as to the npp, arance of the store, and more particularly the clns of merchandise carried. They are extensive advertis ers and the policy of t tie present man agement is to fuliil to the letter every Item advertised, and u square deal to all. WHY SALVES FAIL TO CURE ECZEMA Since the old-fashioned theory of curing eczema through the blood has been given up by scientists, many dif ferent salves have been tried for Skin diseases. Hut it bus been found that these salves only clog the pores and can not penetrate to the inner skin below the epidermis where the eczema germs are lodged. This tho Quality Of penetrating probably explains the tremendous success of the only standard liquid eczema cure, oil of wintcrgreen, thy mol, glycerine, etc., as compounded in D. D. D. Prescription. After ten years of cure after cure, we ourselves do not hesitate to rec ommend D. D. D. Prescription at $1.00 a bottle, but for the benefit of those who have never tried the prescrip tion, we arranged with the D. D. D. Laboratories of Chicago for a special large trial bottle at 25 cents on a spe cial offer now. This first 25 cent bot tle ought to convince every sufferer; perhaps It will affect a complete cure (as it has In some cases); at any rate, It will surely take away the itch at once. T. C. Smith's Drug Store, cor. Pack Sq. and S. Main St., opp. Public Library. SCORE WAS TEN 10 NINE OE Game with Tennessee Military Institute Featured by Heavy Stick Work. Bingham took th tirst game of the series with the Tennessee Military In stitte at Riverside yesterday by a score of 10 to 9. The gam was fast and snappy and intensely interesting. The teams showed up about even, the In stitute having a bit the best of the argument In hits, Bingham securing nine hits during the game and Ten nessee 13. The feature of the game was perhups the heavy hitting by both teams, the boys slugging the ball all over the outer pasture and but for the good fielding the hits would have run high. Schulken pitched eight innings for Bingham and was relieved in th ninth by Wll lett while Zlmowskl and Quinn pitch ed for the Tonnosseeuns. Angler, I Fclmet and IWllett starred for King- I ham while Zimowskl and Smith starr- I ed for the visitors. ncoie oy innings: u. ts. c. Bingham. . . (100 001 111 10 I I T. M. 1. . . . 021 020 1 21 9 12 9 The same trains play at Riverside again this afternoon. Children's Wash Dresses Just received one lot Children's Wash Dresses and Bompera in all sizes and colors, just what you want for every day use during the coming Summer months. Children's Dresses, special 79c. Children's Rompers, special 50c. '! THE STORE. THAT SAVf.S YOU MONEY tyfig.ftaitiQx iidiiit mtxMf r.uciifli ashcvm.l e . HsiHUiiUliSH it! ARE yOU SATISFIED WITH YOUR STOMACH? Do vou want a better one one that won't belch gat, or turn tour, ot feel heavy of make youleel uiucrable? MI-ONA Cures indigestion It r-l,-M rinmu-li r!ictrrti in fivft minntr. It turns old, unsatisfactory, rebellious stomachs into new one, ever ready to digest the tie arti est meaL, Wo guarantee Mi-o-na tab lets to cure stomach disease. Money back if they fail. 50 Cents a Large Box SMITH'S DRUG STORE WHEAT-HEARTS GRIDDLE CAKES (Superior to Buckwheat.) ,ni Infinitely More Digestible. To one cup of WHEAT-HEARTS add one cup of flour, one teaspoon of salt, two teaspoons of baking pow der .one tablespoonful of brown su gar, one well beaten egg, and suffi cient sweet milk to make a thin bat ter. Bake on hot, well greased grid dle, and serve with syrup. The Biggs Sanitarium For the Cure of Chronic Diseases by Natural Methods-NO DRUGS Our methods positively cure stubborn, chronic cases of Paralysis, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Nervous Diseases and other ailments that ordinary methods of treatment fail to benefit. This distinctive system of treatment embraces all that is of value in the different forms of nature: .Massage, Physical Culture, Corrective Gymnastics, every form of Electricity, Hydrotherapy, Diet, and General Hygiene. Complete Sanitarium equipment. References: Mr. T. J. Finch, Trinity, N. C, cured of paralysis; Mrs. T. C. Montgomery, Graham, N. C, cured of insomnia; Dr. T. J. Johnson, Hickory, N. C, cured of rheumatism; Andrew Joyner, Greensboro, N. C, cured of nervous prostration; Mrs. E. J. Lynch, Greensboro, N. C, cured of Dyspepsia; Miss Jennie Coble, Greens boro, N. C, cured of peritonitis: Mr. Eli Cox, Greens boro, N. C, cured of Bright 's disease; Mr. Henry Whar ton, Greensboro, N. C, cured of rheumatism; Mrs. F. G. Porter, Asheville, N. C, cured of paralysis; Mr. John King, Burlington, N. C, dau 'iter cured of facial paral ysis. Patients not wishing to remain at the Sanitarium may take daily office treatment at slight cost. Every patient accepted is allowed one week's trial under positive guarantee of satisfaction; if dissatisfied there is no charge. This has been our policy for ten years. General examination and consultation free. THE BIGGS SANITARIUM 104 Woodfin. PHONE 179. Asheville, N. C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE, EFFECTIVE NOV. 15, 1909. Schedule figures published aa Information and not guaranteed. Eastern Time. DEPARTS FOR 11:20 a.m. No. x for L. Toxaway , 3:20 p. m. 2:10 p.m. No. 10 for Charleston 4:10 p.m. 2:45 p.m. No. 11 for Cincinnati 2:05 p. m. 2:05 p.m. No. 12 for New York 2:25 p.m. 0:15 p.m. No. 14 for Charleston 7:00a.m. No. 17 for Murphy 8:30 a.m. No. 19 for Murphy 2:25 p.m. 8:15 p.m. No. 22 for Goldsboro 8:00 a.m. 2:30 a.m. No. 25 for Memphis 2:40 a.m. ARRIVES FROM No. 7 from L. Toxaway No. 9 from Charleston No. 11 from New York . No. 12 from Cincinnati . No. 13 from Charleston No. 18 from Murphy 6:40 p.m. No. 20 from Murphy 1:20 p. m No. 21 from Goldsboro . No. 35 from Waahlngtn SPORTIHG GOODS Baseball Goods, Fishing Tackle, Pistols and Ammuni tion. Trunks and leather goods is our specialty. Money to loan on diamonds, watches, pistols and anything of value. H. L. FINKELSTE IN ' S PAWN & LOAN OFFICE, 23 South Main St No. 36 from Memphis 6:60 a.m. No. 36 for Washington .... 7:10 a.m. No. 102 from Bristol 10:26 p.m. No. 101 for Hrlstol 7:10 a.m. No. 41 from Jacksonville .. 7:00 a. m. No. 42 for Jacksonville .... 8:50p.m. Through sleeping cars to and from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Jacksonville, Memphis, Chattanooga, Cincinnati, Louisville. Chair cars to and from Ooldsbor o. For further Information, apply t o .1. R, WOO?V Tiivtrbt ''w. rt. STREET CAR SCHEDULE IN EFFECT OCT. 17TH, 1909. ZILLICOA AND RETURN : - m Your tongue In i-oated. Your breath is foul, Headaches come and go. These symptomn show that your stomach is the troubkti To remove the cause Is the flrxt thing, and Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tuhleta will do that. Easy to take and most effective. Sold by all dealers. SOUTH BILTM0RE BAPTIST CHURCH HAS NEW PASTOR Rev. W. W. Man- Arcepta Call En tertainment t lie Given by LaMlles. April M. At a congregation meet lug South Hlltmore Rapttat churop extended a call to Rev. W. W. .Marr to be pastor of the church for the present year, i ml he haa accepted tha rail, s- t vices are held at the church morning and night, every tlret and third Sab bath. The entertainment being arranged by the ladles of the church to raise funds for installing eb utrlc lights, will be given April 26th. la the Parish house, Hlltmore Village; and It la hoped that a vary large audience will cone nut The program of exercises is a good one, including some clever acting and Impersonations, Seed Cora Prize winning at Raleigh 1909. Upland Corn. Best for Mountain Regions. Grown without commercial fertilizer. $2.00 per bushel. R. P. HAYES Asheville. WEAVERV1LLE LINE SCHEDULE. Lv. Park Square A. M. 6:30 9:00 1100 P. M. 1:00 I 00 5:00 Schedules the 8.10 and 1.10 omitted. The big interurban car will run daily on trips leaving Asheville at 3 and 5 p. m. Saturdays and Sundays this oar will run on all trips. L. Weacrvllle A. M. 1:10 10:10 11:10 P. M. 2:10 4:10 6:00 me on Sunday except m. trips are RTVFRSIDE PARK ,; 30 K'"' everv '' minutes until . n,AV" m., then evory hour until 11:00 p. m. MONTFORD AVENUE a- m nd ev9rr 7 minutes T until 11:00 p.m.. except 9:07 TO SANTEE STKEE1 and 10:07 which go to Bco street only DEPOT VIA SOUTHSIDE 6 a. m. and every 15 minutes until L 1:16; then every 7 1-2 minutes until AVENUE 2:30; then every 16 minutes till 11:00 ' lent car DEPOT VIA FRENCH 6 U, 6:20, 7 a. m. and every 16 mln- . . utes until I p. m , then every 30 mln- BROAD AVENUE utes tin ii:oo. , MANOR ' 6 ir'' 45, 7 3n '"" ,I"M1 every 15 minutes till 11 p. m. CHARLOTTE STREET tfthnen,7"y 16 mln 2, TT UII 7:45 p. in. 11:00 o clock car runs TERMINUS through 'a Golf cluh. PATTON AVENUE m- and ver' 16 muutes tin n p. IP. EAST STREET a. m. and every 16 minutes till 1100 p. m. GRACE VIA a. m. and every 30 minutes till 11:00 WVDDTMnH ATrrvrr ,Mt car- 11:10 to 1 p m d from MHiKKimUlN AV&n US t to 7 p. m. a minute schedule will be maintained. BILTlrfOTEi """ 6:lfl a- nnd"TveryTTmTm7tes"TnT 8:20 p. m. then every 20 minutes till 11:00, last BSLT. Sunday schedule differs In the following particulars: Car leav for Depot, both Bouthaida and Krone h Broad, 6:15, 6:20 a. m. Car for Depot via Bouthside 7; 00, 7:29, :00 a. m Noxt rrgul&r car for Depot leaves Square 8:45 both Bouthside and French llroad. First car leaves Square for Charlotte street at 6:48. First car leaves Square for Riverside 8:80, next 1:45. With the above exceptions, Sunday schedule commences at 9 a. an. and continues same aa week days. On evenings when entertainments are In progreat at either Auditorium or Opera House, the last trip on all lines will be f - m entertainment, leaving Square at regular time and holding over at Auditor! nm or Opera House. Car leaves Square to meat No. 11, night train. It minute before sober! ile or announced arrival. . .

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