Tuesday, April 19, 1910. pace rvrtt Ask your doctor bov often he prescribes an alcoholic stimulant for children. He will probably say, " Very, very rarely." Ask MOST BRILLIANT WEDDING OF THE YEAR IN NEW YORK Your him how often he prescribes a tonic for them. OF ens AS FUEL ;w NodcoMhdU. A,k He will probably answer, "Very, very fre JftsttmMiftS. m IU quentlv... Ayer., sarsaparilla is a strong SX-k tonic, entirely free from alcohol. THE ASHEVTLLE GAZETTE NEWS S octal r r Happenings Tuesday. Personal Mention, News of the Societies Meeting?, Etc. BlKiimre School Exorcises. The following Invitations have been received: The Faculty and Students of South Blltmore Graded School reouest vour presence at the following Public Exercises: Anrll 19th, 8 p. m. at Meth odist Church Educational Address. President Dean, Weavervllle College. Thursday, April 21st. at 8 p. m. at Baptist Church. Sermon Kev. W. M. Vines, D. D. Ashevllle, N. C. Closing Exercises South Blltmore Graded School, April 18th and 21st, Nlneteen-ten. Ionian Itlgbv. A wedding beautiful and Impressive In Its simplicity will take place tomor row evening at 7 o'clock on West Chestnut street when Miss Sarah Rhett Roman will be united in mar riage to Fred Chllds BIgby of Colum bia. The house will be decorated with flowers appropriate to the occasion, with the color scheme of pink and white prevailing. Miss Roman, dress ed simply in a white lingerie gown, wll carry bride's roses, and will be un attended. Her brother, Rhett Roman, who arrives this afternoon rrom Vir ginia, will give the bride away. The Episcopal service will be used, Rev. Saumenig performing the ceremony, with only the families of bride and groom present. Immediately after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Bigby leave for Colum bia where they will make their future home. M X Itaracn and Phltathea Straw Ride. The Junior Phllathoas and the Junior llaracas of the Ora Street Presbyterian Sunday school enjoyed a very pleasant evening yesterday, on a straw ride out to Weavervllle. The party was chaperoned by J. C. Black wood, and Kev. E. Lysander Grau, the pastor. Among those In the crowd were Misses Mamie Swayngim, Thel ma Michael. Emily Blackwood, Grace Schooler, Daisy Winslow, Freda Isaac, Montez Willis, Dora Willis, Rita May, Flossie Hunt, Jessie Polls. Ohla Mis enhelmer. Susie Mlaenhelmer, Cordie Bailey, Christine Blair and Estelle Blair : Cray Hunter, Oscar Steele, Henry Blair, Leslie McNamara, Frank Willis, Bascombe James, Clifford Mis- nhelmer, Will Molxun, Will Keener, wan- Blair and Rudolph Monk. When the crowd were nearly to Weavervllle they got out of the wa gon and were served with a delight ful lunch, which had been prepared by the girls. st Donald Jar man. Tomorrow will occur the marriage ; a rwpular Mobile girl who has fre- quei 'h pent the summer In Ashe Mile, Miiw Dorothy Donald, whose en diigement to Lieutenant Sanderford Jarman of the United States coast ar tlllery wus recently announced. Miss Donald la the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gordon Donald and Is an especial favorite In Mobile. The cere mony will be perofrmed at Christ church. The Ben Greet company will give an out of door performance for the benefit of the United Daughters of the t onfederacy, on May In Ashevllle, A committee will select a place with suitable setting for the Shakespearian Play, the name of which will be an nounred later. As It Is a popular company, playing for a popular cause. a great deal of Interest Is being manl Tested In this performance. St St The Ashevllle chapter of the Amer ican Woman's league held an Interest ing meeting yesterday at the home of Mrs. E. E. Heston on French Broad avenue. Many matters of Inter est were discussed by the members and It was decided to Include The 'aiette-News among the publications of class A. st Mrs. J. G. stikeleather left today fr a visit of a fortnight with relatives near Statesville. st st Mlu Georgia Belknap, accompanied by her niece, little Miss Eleanor Wad dell, li visiting relatives In Louisville, Ky. st F. Flaxlngton Harker is on a busi ness trip to New Tork. st Mrs. c. iioch Is spending a few days In Charleston, 8. C. st st Mrs. Gertrude Grant of Rlrtp:wf,y, pa . Is ln the city. St The executive committee of the National Casket company meeting at Battery Park a composed of the pres ident, Will D. Hamilton of Alleghany. a.: the vice president and general manager. Leo Stein of New Tork city; Pleasantly Demonstrated by Mrs. Armstrong, While Sue Prepares Dainty Dishes. the second vice president, J. T. Rich ards of Chicago; John Tuttle of Syr acuse, and S. C. Guthrie of Nashville, Tenn. t Miss Leah Browning of Old Fort Is at Battery Park. St Mr. and Mrs. Morgan of Washing ton are visiting Mrs. Stevenson at Galxy cottage ln Albemarle park. St It Frank Carter will return tomorrow from a business trip to Busbee. I It Mr. and Mrs. James T. Wright of Norfolk are spending a few days in the city. SI 3 Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Richards of Chi cagn are visiting In the city. st st Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Hampton and three children will return to Ashe vllle in a few days after Bpend'ing a week with their sister, Mrs. C. J. Bell, in Miami. Mrs. W. C. Stradley will visit two weeks in Greenville and Spartanburg before returning to Ashe vllle. st Thomas B. Caldwell of Memphis, a former Bingham school Btudent, is here from the University of Tennessee for a few days' visit to friends, st st Mrs. J. G. Stikeleather, nurse and little daughter, went to Iredell county today, to visit Capt. and Mrs. J. A. Stikeleather at Olln. Gen. and Mrs. T. F. Davidson left this afternoon for a stay at the Moun tain Park hotel, oHt Springs, N. C. t t Among the Waynesvllle people in the city yesterday were D. U Boyd, J. McD. Mlchal, and Hugh A. Love. St St D. J. Kerr of Canton was In the city yesterday. st st C. M. Hlckerson of Andrews Is here for a short stay. M 9 Mrs. M. L Simmons and daughter of Camden, S. C, are guests lat the Hotel Berkeley. St st Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whitfield Wagner, who were recently married in Salisbury, are spending their honey moon in Ashevllle. Mrs. Wagner was Miss Maggie Belle Shaver of Salis bury, and Mr. Wagner Is one of the most popular conductors on the Southern. They will make their home in Ashevllle. Mrs. T. E. Lynn and daughter, Mar garet, and Mrs. Arthur M. Field will attend the May Musical festival In Cincinnati. ANOTHER CONVENTION'S ADDED TO YEAR S LIST In the presence of more than half a hundred ladies of the town, with one or two colored cooks in attend ance, Mrs. Helen Armstrong, expert cook and demonstrator of national reputation, entertainingly and In gracious manner prepared and served a number of dainty and substantial dishes and evidenced the superiority of gas us a fuel over either wood or coal yesterday afternoon at the Y. M. C. A. The lecture was the first ln the cooking demonstration series which Mrs. Armstrong Is conducting this week under the auspices of the gas department of the Ashevllle Electric company, and notwithstanding the in clement weather the attendance indi cated the interest that Asheville housewives are taking ln cooking and the popularity of gas as a fuel. It was evident from the outset of the lecture that Mrs. Armstrong is in full possession of the fine points in cookery; she worked rapidly in mix lnir the ingredients for the several dishes on the menu and at the same time talked Interestingly and ln en tertaining manner about her work answering questions that were asked and inviting her audience to ask any other questions that might suggeBt themselves anent the art of cookery and the use of gas. She does not ef fect the stiffness of a lecturer but car ries on a running, good-humored, cheerful conversation and with deft ness and like a magician puts togeth er some flour, a pinch of butter; an egg or two; milk, sugar and numer ous other things; all the time explain ing and answering questions. She then slips the concoction into the oven, explaining Just how long the gas should be lighted before the oven is ready; how it is a waste of fuel to run the blaze too long before the dish In preparation Is ready, and likewise n waste of ens to run the blaze after the dish is cooked. Shortly sne nas another dish prepared and in the oven or over the blazo.nnd then an other and another. Presently the dishes are all ready for serving: the gas la turned out: there is no soot: no flushed face from leanlns over a coal-heated stove; the atmosphere is cool and above all the cost necessary to prepare the meal Is the minimum. The dishes prepared yesterday after noon and served were delicious. There was a peach pudding that made one yearn for more; there were meat turn-overs and tomato sauce; pop overs that were delicious, and raisin brown bread. It was an interesting demonstration and the ladles of Ashe ville who fall to take advantage of Mrs. Armstrong's presence here this week will miss a treat and miss gain ing much valuable Information. The housewives' cooks are also invited to attend the lectures. Tomorrow afternoon an oven din ner will be prepared and served con sisting of roast beef, smothered pota toes, sweet pickles, spring salad, apri cot roll. n issssm- hi in 1 1 1 . HWHIIsB Ml i 1 ' i ii 1 4 $1.00 to $5.00 I Ji Beatrice Claflin, a daughter of Mr anl Mrs. Arthur B. Claflin; Miss Elsie Mcoll, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Ben Jamin Nlcoll, and Miss Marjorie Cur tis, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Hot brook Curtis. Little Miss Edith Gould; a vounger sister of the bride, and Miss Ellltl Markny. the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mackay, walked directly in advance of the bride and carried baskets of white blossoms. The bride, who was escorted by her father, wore a superbly built gown of cream satin, with bodice and sleeves heavily embroidered In silk and fin ished in ; fall of point lace. The bridesmaids wore trained gowns of white silk mull and hats of white 'ullo trimmed in green foliage. Their bouquets were of white carnations and lilies of th valley. St Bartholomew jCHimcH. MADISON. AVE &4-rBtt, Epworth League of W. N. C. Conference Will Meet Here From May 10 to 13. Another convention added to Ashe vllle's list for the summer Is that of the Epworth league of the Western North Carolina conference of the Methodist Episcopal church. This convention comes during the second week of the General conference and the sessions will be held in the audi torium of Central Methodist church, from May 10 to 13. This la Intended as a great Inspirational meeting and the body will be addressed by such well known men as Dr. H. M. Dubosc of Nashville. Bishop Candler of At lanta and Bishop Wilson of Baltlmcro. The headquarters of the convention will be at the Oaks hotel, now being put Into first class condition. An attendance of from 100 to 800 delegates Is expected. This will per haps be the largest meeting that the league has ever held on account of the unusual opportunities offered on ac count of the session of the general conference. During the entire three weeks, there will be sermons, lectures and addresses each night at the Audi torium. MARRIAGE LICENSES. O. M. Sawyer to Fabltta Holcombe of Buncombe; white., IM)NT FORGET THE DATE. Iver Johnson Bicycle lSi.00 model, together with three other prises to be given away on the last day of this month at 8 o'clock p. m. Remember every 28c purchase entitles you to a coupon which gives you one draw at prises. 9. M HEARN CO.. Battery Park Place. Phone Arthur M. Field Company Have just received from a large manu facturer, with instructions to close out, a few heavy sterling silver belt buckles and pins, which can be seen in their show window a tew days. Prices $ 1 .40 to $3. There are also a few artistic plated lorgnette chains, set with imitation stones : amethyst, Pari.tok5z,takis,etc Prices Jl to $625 each WORKMEN OVERWHELMED BY SLIDE; 25 ARE BURIED Three Dead and a Number of Injured Removed Slide Oevurrcd on New Canadian Hallway. Quebec, April 19. A dispatch from La Tuoue, Quebec, the nearest tele graph point to the scene of yesterday's Kakoucache landslide on the new trans-continental railway, which over whelmed 25 workmen. says three dead, and a number of Injured have been removed from the wreckage. The ace;ldent occurred on the track at the edge of a deep lake. Will Not Again Me a Candidate. Dixon, Ills., April 19. Congress man Frank (). l,owden announces that he will not be a candidate for re-election. George M. Pullman was his father-in-law. ItooKcvclt'H Part) ' Movements. New York, April 19. The most brilliant wedding of the year took place this afternoon at St. Bartholo mew's Protestant Episcopal church In Madison avenue, when Miss Marjorie Gould, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George J. (Inuld, was married to Anthony J. Drexel. Jr., in the presence of a distinguish'! company, which In cluded eminent representatives of so ciety In London. New York, Philadel phia and other cities. Following the ceremony at the church, for which several thousand invitations were is sued, there was a reception at the Gould family residence In Fifth ave nue. St. Bartholomew's, which lends it self to a beautiful Moral decoration, was profusely adorned with white azalias, bride roses, and white lilacs, Tan Oxfords Tans will be worn for sum mer shoes. Have you got yours? We've nifty patterns in Oxfords, Ties and Pumps. Both heavy and light soles. Then we have the same in blaek, whatever your shoe wants are, we can supply them for little cash money. Price, $2.50, $3.00, $4.00. Nichols Shoe Co. Cash Shoeists. On the Sq. The "Japana" For arranging cut flowers with stems of any length naturally in open howls of glass, china, silver, brass, etc. with masses of delicate ferns and the choicest tropical greens massed about the pulpit platform and rising almost to the arched ceilings. The ushers who seated the company were William Rhlnelander Stewart, a cousin of the bridegroom; John Fell, a son of Mrs. Alexander Van Renssel aer by a former marriage; Craig Hid dle. another cousin of the bridegroom; vlngdon and Jay Oonld. brothers of the bride; Newell Griltith of London, Julian W. Noyes of New York, and Viscount Maidstone, who Is soon to marrv Miss Marguareua Drexel, sister of the bridegroom. The bride's attendants Were Miss Drexel. a sister ol the bridegroom; Miss Vivian Gould, a sister of the bride; Mist. Hope Hamilton, a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton, and a cousin of the bride; Miss Doro thy Randolph, a daughter of Philip S. P. Randolph of Philadelphia; Miss Kodak Work Bring your films to us to be developed and printed. We employ an expert, the best kodak man who ever struck Aasheville. All wc ask is a trial order to secure a permanent customer. Hackney Moale Co. Leading Stationers. On the Square. Call and See Them n . -j .it There is nothing that takes their place. J. H. LAW, 35 PATTON AVENUE. Rudapest. April 19. Col. Roosevelt and party left here at 10 o'clock this morning on a special train for Bab olna, where they will spend the day as the guests of Count Serenyl, minis ter of agriculture. If yon want a good Breakfast, Dinner or Supper or a Light Lunch, drop In at THE CENTRAL CAFE on Pack Square. For LADIES AND GKNTLFMKN. Regular Meals, 9&c each. $1.1S Meal Tickets for $1.00; $2.30 for 12.00; $1.60 for $1.00. Phone Its. "KinOPRACTIC DOCTORS" Have you awakened to the fact that CHIROPRACTIC is fast succeeding all other methods in the healing art? You will certainly be surprised to see the results obtained by our method. It will pay you to investigate. OUR SPECIALTY IS CHRONIC CASES. Lady Attendant. Tours for HEALTH, Phone 621. DBS. DEAN AND WHTTMORK, N. W. cor. Pack 8q. Lange Building. Daily papers and magazines, pens that won't rust, and line quality paper j 35c a pound. Mountain City Stiticnery Co. I 23 Patton Ave. 3. Howard Case. Tube Rose Bulbs We can supply the Excelsior Fearl, the most popular va riety, at 25c per doz. Tuberoses should be planted when the ground gets warm. May Is early enough. Give plenty of water. "Everything in Drugs and Seeds." GRANT'S PHARMACY, "Agency for Wood's Seeds. MISS CRUISE'S SHOP, 2." liny wood Street. We do up-to-date work In Sham pooing, Scalp Treatment, Hair Dress ing, Manicuring, Chiropody, Facial and llndy Massage. WE STAKE OUR CLAIM that we have the most desirable rial estate bargains In Ashevllle and offer some of the choicest building lot.) and homes In Ashevllle at real bar gain prices, lor either Investment or possession. Why pay rent when we will sell you a home on such easv terms and low prices as will not lie much differ, nee In your paying rent? LaBarbe, Moale and Chiles, Real Estate and Insurance. 23 Patton Ave. Phone 661. A Some j I People j mi Do Not j l Wear i Pumps W$M$' Dixie Coffee Makes a cup of coffee that will please you us to flavor and strength. One Pound, 2o cents. Five rounds, ft. 10. YATES & McGUIRE, 23 Haywood St. Phone 221, 970. but wunt 2 and 3-eye Ties. We have some very neat styles In all the new leathers. We would like to show you before we take off our reduction sale. 3.00, $S..V), si no ami $3.00 the pair. Boston Shoe Store See Our Line -of-Hammocks HESTON'S CKF Dot Dairy. mrms. Beautiful French Broad av enue Lot, 75x200 feet, on cor ner ami sttoet car. Paving I mil I. 'IT, i - in unusual value. NATT ATKINSON'S SONS COMPANY, Real Dealart COAL We give our customers coal from which they obtain the greatest number heat units, re sults, GOOD FIRBfl, no WOR- R1E8. Try It Phone 114. 1 Southern Coal Company OAVa 14 North Pack Square. Phone 114. HMIHHMMMMM IIHmMMMMMMtmMMtOMtMIMieiMM'.4 Leading Mechanics Throughout the World concede 1 hat Ladillac Construc tion is the Best. THERE ARE IN THE CADILLAC VITAL URES YOU GET IN NO OTHER CAR. FEAT- X THE 35,000 CADILLACS SOLD DURING THE FAST NINE YEARS HAVE MADE CADILLAC QUALITY AND SERVICE FAMOUS IN EVERY CITY AND TOWN IN AMERICA. They won the DGWAB Trophy in England over all world contestants and against foreign prejudice and it is into renting to know WHY. Call at our place and lot us show you tlio now oars in different stylos. Wo are prepared to furnish everything in tlio lino of X automobile supplies and accessories, and guarantee ab solute satisfaction in REPAIR work. Our garage 0011 tains JO.OOO or mow foot of floor space with abundance of light and cars will not be crowded and scratched fat want of room. Western Carolina Auto Company Cor. Lexington Ave. and Walnut St. Phone 890. Hoosier Cabinet Club Another club is being formed. Don't get left, club mem bers save $.'..")( on eacb cabinet. Entries close April 28. The free cabinet will be given away April .SOth. You may get a Hoosier without its costing you a cent. Burton & Holt Grand Opening Palace Airdome, Patton Avenue, Monday, April 18th. Sin. Relnfellds Ijftriy Minstrels, sn up-to-date minstrel show t.y the fair sex. s..ti thin new and a novelty. Enjoyed by all. Not a dull moment in the whole show. Nothing to offend the most refined. COME ONE! GOME ALL! In case of rain, l.mlv Minstrels in the Palace Theatre. General Admission, IS cents. Reserved chalre, 10 cenu. Try Gazette-News Want Ads

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